Doomed Sentence Examples
He was doomed any way he looked at things.
I don't dispute the cliché, "Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it."
He knew without looking the remaining guards were doomed or dead.
She was doomed to fall for men unable to commit to her!
I realize now my venture was doomed to failure from the start as my target was far better protected than I sensed.
It needs hardly to be pointed out why such a purely mechanical scheme was doomed to Jiletapatag.
How could she forget the experience that had effectively doomed her, branded her as his forever?
I guess I'm doomed.
By the time it was over Poland was irretrievably doomed.
The Hebrew state was doomed and even its temple was to be destroyed.
AdvertisementGod being what He is, at once moral and all-powerful, the immoral life is doomed to overthrow, whether the immorality consist in grasping rapacity, proud self-aggrandizement, cruel exaction, exulting triumph or senseless idolatry.
But although silenced the prophet was doomed, and the folly of his disciples precipitated his fate.
Never again are they doomed to live forever period.
But his efforts were already doomed to certain failure.
Five times king and emperor as he was, Frederick, placed under the ban of the church, led henceforth a doomed existence.
AdvertisementThe complicated plot is constructed with greater skill than is usual with this dramatist, and the pathos of particular situations, and of the entire character of Penthea - a woman doomed to hopeless misery, but capable of seeking to obtain for her brother a happiness which his cruelty has condemned her to forego - has an intensity and a depth which are all Ford's own.
Surrounded and attacked on all sides, this, the remnant of the invading army, was doomed.
Prisoners of war were mostly doomed to sacrifice, but other classes of slaves were mildly treated, retaining civil rights, and their children were born free.
The war was from the first doomed to disaster.
Otherwise we'd be doomed to spinstership.
AdvertisementMaybe it was poetic justice that her soul was doomed.
For the first time this week, she didn't feel entirely doomed.
He wondered what hers was, and if it was the same gift of treachery that had doomed Lilith.
I know I'm doomed. What about Katie?
She leaned forward restlessly, seeking to recall what little he had taught her of strategy and why it looked very much like her kingdom was already doomed.
AdvertisementThe last of the dukes of Norfolk had left a child heir, Anne Mowbray, married to the infant duke of York, the younger of the princes doomed by Richard in the Tower.
Accustomed freely and fearlessly to investigate whatever came before him, and swayed by a scrupulous dread of insincerity, he was doomed to long and anxious hesitation concerning some of the fundamental points of theology before arriving at a firm conviction of the truth of Christianity.
Clearly, then, the Directory was doomed.
When a power arose in Mosul, about 1130, which was able to unify Syria - when, again, in the hands of Saladin, unified Syria was in turn united to Egypt - the cause of Latin Christianity in the East was doomed.
The Turks continued their progress; in 1363 they captured Philippopolis, and in 1365 they entered Adrianople; the whole Balkan peninsula was threatened, and even Hungary itself seemed doomed.
The philosophic endeavour to cognize the whole system of things by referring all events to their causes appears to him to be from the outset doomed to failure.
He maintained that the future of European Turkey was in the hands of the Christian population, and that it would have been wiser for England to ally herself with them rather than with the doomed and decaying Mahommedan power.
A Venetian merchant is known to have bid 22,000 gold florins for the doomed vanities, but the scandalized authorities not only rejected his offer but added his portrait to the pile.
The old enceinte (which includes Cormontaingne's forts - Moselle and Bellevroix) is doomed to demolition, and has in part been already removed.
And so the prophet was compelled to teach that the immediate future of Israel was a blank, that the state as a state was doomed.
This, however, was denied him, and he found that he was doomed to remain an officer of foederati.
From the beginning the negotiations were indeed doomed to failure, for what Bismarck appears to have aimed at was to detach Bennigsen from the rest of his party and win his support for an anti-Liberal policy.
For that very reason his schemes were doomed to end in disaster, since the time was come for a new departure.
In 1513 Dr West, an envoy of Henry VIII., found James in the state of " a fey man," doomed, distracted, agitated and boastful.
The retreat was admirably conducted; Lord George and Cluny fought a gallant and successful rear guard at Clifton; they escaped from Cumberland across the border, but Charles, against advice, left a doomed garrison in Carlisle.
Even among the Israelites, the visitation of certain cult-centres prevailed from remote antiquity; but, when the restriction of Yahwehworship to Jerusalem had doomed the old shrines, the Jewish pilgrimages were directed solely to the sanctuary on Mt Moria.
Goethe's classic principles, when applied to the swift, direct art of the theatre, were doomed to failure, and Die natiirliche Tochter, notwithstanding its good theoretic intention, remains the most lifeless and shadowy of all his dramas.
Moreover his theory of the cold earth at rest and the hot sun in motion was doomed to disproof at the hands of Copernicus.
In 532 the insurrection known as the Nika broke out in Constantinople, when for some hours the throne of Justinian seemed doomed to overthrow.
He recalls the mourning in the doomed city; the children dying of hunger in the streets; the prophets deluding the people with vain hopes.
Mahmud seized on the Armenian suburb of Julfa, and invested the doomed city; but Tahmasp, son of the shah, had previously escaped into the mountains of Mazandaran.
On his death, however, the brief period of comparative prosperity which his architectural works attest was tragically interrupted, and it seemed for a time that Walachia was doomed to Turkish sink into a Turkish pashalic. The Turkish commander, Mahmud Bey, became treacherously possessed of Neagoe's young son and successor, and, sending him a prisoner to Stambul, proceeded to nominate Turkish governors in the towns and villages of Walachia.
It is quite consistent with his whole career that it was love and pity for others - otherwise, as it seemed to him, helplessly doomed and lost - which at last overcame every other consideration, and made Gotama resolve to announce his doctrine to the world.
In 1856, at the very time when " border ruffians " were drawing their lines closer about the doomed town of Lawrence, Kansas, Sumner in the Senate (May 19-20) laid bare the Crime against Kansas."
We are not accurately informed how Whiston obtained possession of this work; but it is stated by one of the editors of the English edition " that Mr Whiston, thinking it a pity that so noble and useful a work should be doomed to a college confinement, obtained leave to make it public."
Governor Walker stood firmly against this iniquitous scheme; he saw that slavery was, otherwise, doomed, but he thought Kansas could be saved to the Democratic party though lost to slavery.
The marrorial system was already doomed, and the rent-paying tenant farmers, who had begun to appear after the Black Death, gradually superseded the villeins as the normal type of peasantry during the two generations that followed the outbreak that is generally known as Wat Tylers rebellion.
Now he was doomed, and both Campeggio and Cardinal du Bellay were able to send their governments accurate outlines of the future policy of Henry VIII.
The alliance, or understanding, between the Whigs and the Irish was increasing the distrust of the English people in the ministry, and Lord Melbournes government, in the first half of 1837, seemed doomed to perish.
It they threw in their lot with Gladstone, Lord Salisburys government was evidently doomed.
But in the same year which witnessed his triumph, he was doomed to fall.
But the second coalition, like the first, was doomed to failure by the narrow views and conflicting interests of its members.
We have a curious relic of this in the later times of ecclesiastical persecution, when the heretic was doomed to the stake that he might be punished in some manner " short of bloodshed."
Not finding him there, the rioters rushed to his house, which they wrecked, and seizing the doomed minister,.
World Cup Side - Russia had some talented players but were doomed to have a largely anonymous campaign.
It needn't be a time for self neglect or to become ' the invisible woman ' doomed to wear beige for ever more.
Then, during the dotcom boom, he had an inside track on several doomed businesses.
The story rarely deviates from the torture of the two doomed lovers.
The evening started with a rather doomed set from Fury of the Headteachers, Sorry, I've got laryngitis.
Acclaimed mezzo-soprano Anne Mason and soprano Sarah Rhodes will portray Scotland's doomed queen and her royal rival, Elizabeth I respectively.
As it is, she has an oeuvre mostly doomed to waste its sweetness on the desert air of the video store.
She was marooned in a remote outpost of life, doomed only to be a distant watcher.
But does this mean all the work of artists on the cultural or geographical periphery is doomed to be critically provincial and irrelevant?
Their doomed romance is part of Tintagel's story.
He is still a great seducer but simply cannot play the romantic writer doomed to inevitable tragedy.
It is owing to his information, again, that we can cause the doomed spy to carry false tidings to the enemy.
Some ghettos (as in Moravia) were actually not founded till the 18th century, but the careful observer can perceive clearly that at that period the ghetto was a doomed institution.
Constantine Palaeologus, the last occupant of the imperial throne, took every measure that the courage of despair could devise for the defence of the doomed city; but his appeal to the pope for the aid of Western Christendom was frustrated through the bigoted, anti-Catholic spirit of the Greeks.
His was one of those natures whose faculty of deep feeling is unhappily doomed to be inarticulate, and to pass away without the magic power of transmitting itself.
It was with these elements - fiercely antagonistic because so closely allied in character - that the battle of Christianity was really fought, and though, after its official adoption, the old religion lingered on as "paganism" and died hard at the end, it was really doomed from the moment when the Augustan revival had taken its irrecoverable bias in the direction of the emperorworship.
If, therefore, a logic fails to employ the pragmatic test, it is doomed to remain purely formal, and the possibility of applying its doctrines to actual knowing, and their real validity, remain in doubt.
From the idea of evil as degraded, contemptible and doomed to failure, the term is applied to persons in evil plight, or of slight consideration.
It is pessimism that says, "We are doomed."
Their doomed romance is part of Tintagel 's story.
The story of a love affair doomed to failure is a veiled, romanticized version of their relationship.
Any strategy which does not recognize these self-evident truths is doomed to failure.
They were doomed to the downward spiral into oblivion as surely as the unreformed alcoholic.
The romance was doomed to fail and her tormented spirit haunts the site of her death.
See classic film clips featuring undead zombies doomed to exist on the edge of death.
Any vain hope to take on a third road is doomed to failure.
Rocky handled all types of emergencies, including the evacuation of doomed planets and the uncovering of villainous plots against the United Worlds.
Kirkwall 's whitefish fleet looks doomed with news of another vessel likely to succumb to decommissioning.
A girl trapped by her roots yearns to escape back to Majorca to rekindle a doomed holiday romance.
He was a great poet, but since his work was never published his poems are doomed to oblivion.
Other investments in new technology were unsuccessful, including the doomed Paige Compositor, a typesetting machine quickly outpaced by the lithograph.
Ice cupcakes with a thin layer of buttercream, making a small doomed shape as you frost.
Although Hollywood relationships seemed doomed from the beginning, there are some that go the distance.
While some celebrity couples appear to be doomed from the start, many shocking celebrity breakups take fans by surprise.
After a stint as an interior designer, MacGraw hit it big with a role in Goodbye, Columbus and in the 1970 film Love Story, in which she portrayed Jennifer Cavelleri, the doomed female half of the couple in the movie.
Area 51 for the PC was doomed simply because of its timing, which is a circumstance for which I hold little pity.
Hunted by a mysterious and violent race called the Ing, she must explore the doomed planet on the light and dark to discover its secrets and stop the chaos.
Your children won't be doomed to academic failure if you let them watch cartoons instead of teaching them the Spanish alphabet.
Most dating experts agree, if your core values don't match, a relationship is doomed to fail.
Which is why, when the same couple discovers the areas, views, opinions and ideas that they don't have in common, their immediate reaction is to fear that the relationship may be doomed.
It doesn't mean that one out of five relationships is doomed.
However, love isn't doomed for an Aquarius interested in one of the other astrological signs.
Although Leos do not necessarily mesh well with other Leos, the match isn't necessarily doomed.
Perhaps the most infamous part of the seemingly doomed production was the continuous failure of "Bruce", the mechanical shark cast in the title role.
You might after two destined lovers meet on the doomed ship.
When they actually did die, as a result of being buried, many speculate that this caused the spirits of those unfortunate people to become doomed to wander the cemetery in confusion.
On one message board, a fan rated Direct TV's pick up of Passions as the best spoiler of all time, because it promised future storylines for the doomed soap opera.
Former model turned surgeon Izzie Stevens captured hearts when she fell in love with doomed patient Denny.
The doomed love story of Jenny and Greg left fans mourning when a bomb meant for Greg ended Jenny's life.
Were Bianca and Reese doomed from the start?
If you store your emails on your PC or laptop, you are doomed to being separated from your email at times when you need it.
Opting for the less expensive option does not mean that the meal is doomed.
While union suits were convenient for their time, having a back flap that allowed one to eliminate without undressing, the development of the two-piece long johns promptly doomed the union suit.
A couple of the dates were doomed from the start, including one in which the woman talked incessantly about finding a husband and settling down.
These shows, however, were doomed from the start.
Work has begun on a new Death Star, and the rebels know they must destroy it before it is completed or their rebellion is doomed.
I played the doomed Rosalyn Stone, the catalyst in many ways for the hero's 'fall'.
All seemed lost and Japan appeared doomed as Godzilla continued on his path of destruction.
Was this a possible way to salvage our operation that otherwise was doomed to wreckage?
Her words fell heavily, as if she knew she was already doomed to her fate in the underworld. Rhyn said nothing for a long moment.
Her triumph warred with the instinct that warned her she was doomed if she agreed.
To the last he believed that the attacking force would at least have spared his house, which contained official records of priceless value, but he was doomed to see his faith falsified.
This hope, however, was doomed to.
His military genius was displayed in the Social War and the campaigns against Mithradates; while his constitutional reforms, although doomed to failure from the lack of successors to carry them out, were a triumph of organization.
He himself was attainted and was lying a prisoner in the Tower, doomed to die in the morning, on the night of the death of Henry VIII.
These were hard-headed men of affairs - men who would not lightly embark on joyous ventures, or seek for an ideal San Grail; nor were the popes, doomed to the Babylonian captivity for seventy long years at Avignon, able to call down the spark from on high which should consume all earthly ambitions in one great act of sacrifice.
The vast myth of the Ring is related in full several times in each of the three main dramas, with ruthless disregard for the otherwise magnificent dramatic effect of the whole; hosts of original dramatic and ethical ideas, with which Wagner's brain was even more fertile than his voluminous prose works would indicate, assert themselves at all points, only to be thwarted by repeated attempts to allegorize the philosophy of Schopenhauer; all efforts to read a consistent scheme, ethical or philosophical, into the result are doomed to failure; but all this matters little, so long as we have Wagner's unfailing later resources in those higher dramatic verities which present to us emotions and actions, human and divine, as things essentially complex and conflicting, inevitable as natural laws, incalculable as natural phenomena.
From this moment the revolution in Baden was doomed, and with it the revolution in all Germany.
The attempt also of the daring highwayman Maternus to seize the empire was betrayed; but at last Eclectus the emperor's chamberlain, Laetus the praefect of the praetorians, and his mistress Marcia, finding their names on the list of those doomed to death, united to destroy him.
His passage of the river and upward march along the left bank, the reinforcement he provided for his grandson Pir Mahommed (who was invested in Multan), the capture of towns or villages accompanied, it might be, with destruction of the houses and the massacre of the inhabitants, the battle before Delhi and the easy victory, the triumphal entry into the doomed city, with its outcome of horrors-all these circumstances belong to the annals of India.
The rejection of this budget in December by the House of Lords led to d desperate struggle at the polls in January 1910, but the confident hopes of the Unionists were doomed to disappointment.
Both popes attempted to foil the disaffected cardinals by convening councils of their own; but their efforts were doomed to failure.
But it is difficult and expensive to work up into various forms. Concrete has been avoided for making beams, slabs and thin walls, just because its deficiency in tensile strength doomed it to failure in such structures.
The reports on these subjects in eight volumes, together with a ninth volume giving the proceedings of the conference itself, and a statistical atlas, will for some time be the vade mecum of information on Christian missions, and precludes the need of any attempt at a bibliography here, an attempt which would indeed be doomed to failure.
Both successions were doomed to failure; and the result 7 In likening the earth to a cylinder Anaximander recognized its circular figure in one direction.
The Constitutional Landed Proprietors who had played so large a part in Austrian politics since the 'sixties, and had for a generation held the leadership of the German element in parliament and in the country, saw themselves doomed and the leadership of the Germans given to the Christian Socialists.
His "plan" for defending the city raised expectations doomed to disappointment; the successive sorties made under pressure of public opinion were unsuccessful, and having declared in one of his proclamations that the governor of Paris would never capitulate, when capitulation became inevitable he resigned the governorship of Paris on the 2 2nd of January 1871 to General Vinoy, retaining the presidency of the government until after the armistice in February.
Its hopes, based on a Euphrates valley railway, which was to have started from its port of Suedia (Seleucia), were doomed to disappointment, and it has suffered repeatedly from visitations of cholera; but it has nevertheless grown rapidly and will resume much of its old importance when a railway is made down the lower Orontes valley.
From this time the old order was doomed, for the up-country, the dissenters and the reformers had combined against it.
The machine, however, did not realize the high expectations formed of it, and like all its predecessors it was doomed to failure.
Without these sites we are doomed to play only the oldies.
But in the principalities, where the Vlach peasants regarded the Phanariots as worse oppressors than the Turks, the movement had little chance of success; it was doomed from the moment that the emperor Alexander disavowed Ypsilanti's claim to his support (See Alexander I.).
The second was called for by the preference which the common law gave to a distant collateral over the brother of the half-blood of the first purchaser; the fourth conferred an indefeasible title on adverse possession for twenty years (a term shortened by Lord Cairns in 1875 to twelve years); the fifth reduced the number of witnesses required by law to attest wills, and removed the vexatious distinction which existed in this respect between freeholds and copyholds; the last freed an innocent debtor from imprisonment only before final judgment (or on what was termed mesne process), but the principle stated by Campbell that only fraudulent debtors should be imprisoned was ultimately given effect to for England and Wales in 1869.1 In one of his most cherished objects, however, that of Land Registration, which formed the theme of his maiden speech in parliament, Campbell was doomed to disappointment.
Yet from among these men twenty thousand are doomed to die, and they wonder at my hat!
The world is doomed, until a full-size Godzilla Junior made a theatrical entrance and saved the planet by absorbing the deadly radiation.
I'm better off as demon fodder. I was doomed when I was born a half-demon.
Such an attempt to bind together nations with such different aims and characters was doomed to failure.
His whole kingdom was to be unified; Judaism was an eccentricity and as such doomed to extinction.
But the natives, innocent as they appeared, were doomed to utter destruction.
The deficiencies both in number and in quality of his naval resources doomed him to fail in all three.
Among the Franciscans themselves it has been the occasion of endless strife, and has been kept alive only by dint of successive reforms and fresh starts, each successful for a time, but doomed always, sooner or later, to yield to the inexorable logic of facts.
The progress of heresy, the reported troubles in Germany, the war which had lately broken out between the dukes of Austria and Burgundy, and finally, the small number of fathers who had responded to the summons of Martin V., caused that pontiff's successor, Eugenius IV., to think that the synod of Basel was doomed to certain failure.
The fortifications of the city were doomed to destruction by the law of the 18th of April 1874.
With the incoming of the last decade of the century there seemed to be some justifiable hopes of the dawn of better times, but they were speedily doomed to disappointment.
Would she spend eternity like this, doomed to knowing only the dark secrets of those around her?