Doodle Sentence Examples
You can also just doodle away, the same way you would with a regular notepad.
One player attempts to doodle a particular phrase while the other players must guess what that phrase is.
The winning doodle is to be displayed on Google's UK home page.
Doodle a funny face, write your name, or use rubber stamps to make a scene.
Make a quick sketch, import a photo or map, or just have a little doodle.
With each photo, he adds a unique caption and many times an unfitting doodle on the image itself.
Small businesses with truly unique designs such as Doodle Duds Depot are worth a visit when you're looking for a shirt that is out of the ordinary.
Dooney & Bourke just can't let go of multicolor patterns, which is why its Spring Doodle collection boasts a candy-colored string of "Dooneys" and "Bourkes" against the classic white or black backgrounds.
Dora and Diego Doodle World-Combine an Aquadoodle with popular characters Dora and Diego, and you've got the makings of a hit toy!
For example, you can give a person who seems to doodle a lot a piece of paper to sketch on while you ask her the questions verbally or read the questions to a spatial learner while on a long walk.
AdvertisementCreate customized bath soap crayons that let kids doodle in the tub.
Many Barney songs that have been featured on the show are set to the tune of popular children's songs, such as Barney's theme song, Barney is a Dinosaur, which is set to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy.
He began to doodle, listing the names she was calling not only him, but the entire, inept, Parkside police force.
A further 300 celebrities supported us by drawing doodles for National Doodle Day.
Without the eerie drone of the song and the marriage of word and music, the lyric seems a mere doodle.
AdvertisementForgo the tablecloth and drape the table with butcher's paper or a large sheet of colored paper so they can doodle while the adults blabber.
Doodle on the clip art flower with markers or colored pencils.
Flip the frame over and draw, paint, or doodle on the backside to give it a funky appearance that's great for a teen scrapbook layout.
Scrapbook Doodle sells premade scrapbook pages in addition to other scrapbooking supplies.