Done in Sentence Examples
She stayed in the brush beside the trail, as she had done in her dream.
I'll be done in just a few minutes.
It's the worst thing I've done in many lifetimes.
The reality of his stark words made her wonder what he would've done in the same situation.
She began to marvel at the world around her again, something she hadn't done in days.
I had it done in Ireland.
Wiping them away, she padded into the hall, down the stairs, and to her studio, which overflowed with paintings she'd done in the eight days since returning.
Her hair was done in a pug, a style not seen by Dean since his childhood.
Lana scrambled and fought, tears on her face as she realized what she'd done in leaving the Peak.
Evil cannot be done in the name of good.
AdvertisementIt looks like a storm is building and I need to get some work done in the garden.
They'll be done in a few minutes and I can take her home.
Whilst no small amount of observational work has been done in these new branches of atmospheric electricity, the science has still not developed to a considerable extent beyond preliminary stages.
In that body he sat as quietly as he had done in the National Assembly, but on the occasion of the king's trial he had to speak, and then only to give his vote for the death of Louis.
Specially serious damage was done in the immediate neighbourhood of the chapel, but the finely moulded arches and the magnificent tracery of the east window survived in great part.
AdvertisementIndividual ministers are responsible for all acts done in connection with their own dpartments, and the body of ministers collectively is responsible for the general policy of the government.
The enforcement of the first Book of Common Prayer had also been part of his official duties; and the fact that Bonner made no such protest against the burning of heretics as he had done in the former case shows that he found it the more congenial duty.
Also, the work done in raising i lb through 2 ft.
Hence the work done in raising the mass will be represented by mg v 2 /2g, that is, Zmv 2 ergs.
Mayer made an assumption the converse of that of Seguin, asserting that the whole of the work done in compressing the air was converted into heat, and neglecting the possibility of heat being consumed in doing work within the air itself or being produced by the transformation of internal potential energy.
AdvertisementThe inventions of Slaby, Braun and others were put into practice by a German wireless telegraph company, and very much work done in erecting land stations and equipping ships.
Considerable trade is done in agro di limone or lemon extract, which forms the basis of citric acid.
If the available water-power of Italy, already very considerable, be harnessed, converted into electric power (which is already being done in some districts), and further increased by reafforestation, the effect upon the industries of Italy will be incalculable, and the importation of coal will be very materially diminished.
Much has been done in keeping out the insects by fine wire netting placed on the windows and the doors of houses, especially in the railwaymens cottages.
Much has also been, though much remains to be, done in the way of bonificamento, i.e.
AdvertisementCount Hatzfeldt, on behalf of the German Foreign Office, informed the Italian ambassador in Berlin that whatever was done at Vienna would be regarded as having been done in the German capital.
He interceded for her in vain with the king, as he had done in the cases of Fisher, More and the monks of Christchurch.
To establish the exact relationship it is necessary not only to breed but to rear the medusa, which cannot always be done in 1 In some cases hydroids have been reared in aquaria from ova of medusae, but these hydroids have not yet been found in the sea (Browne [Io a]).
Much that had been done by bishops, sine strepitu forensi et figura judicii, is now done in the course of regular judicial procedure.
The nodules from the "blue earth" have to be freed from matrix and divested of their opaque crust, which can be done in revolving barrels containing sand and water.
The society has also established a chemical research laboratory, in which much useful work has been done in connexion with the national pharmacopoeia under the direction of the Pharmacopoeia Committee of the Medical Council.
A great deal of work still remains to be done in this department, which at the present time affords one of the most promising fields of anatomical investigation.
In the present state of knowledge, however, this can only be done in a very meagre fashion; as the effect of habitat factors on plants is but little understood as yet either by physiologists or ecologists.
It is urged that the various parts are, as a matter of fact, organs; and that it is therefore inadmissible to ignore their functions, as is done in the foregoing definitions.
In 1833 he published anonymously England and America, a work primarily intended to develop his own colonial theory, which is done in the appendix entitled "The Art of Colonization."
A majority of the states have railway commissions, but the investigation of railway accidents, with comparatively few exceptions, has not been done in such a way as to make the results useful in promoting improved practice.
Recent reports also show us how much may be done in infected districts.
Much still remains to be done in the exploration of China and eastern Asia; but it is known that many of the special forms of this region extend to the Himalaya, while others clearly indicate a connexion with North America.
The annuli into which segments are externally divided are so deeply incised as to render it impossible to distinguish, as can be readily done in the Oligochaeta as a rule, the limits of an annulus from that of a true segment.
His first literary work, except the bombastic but eloquent Essai sur le despotisme (Neufchatel, 1 775), was a translation of Robert Watson's Philip II., done in Holland with the help of Durival; his Considerations sur l'ordre de Cincinnatus (London, 1788) was based on a pamphlet by Aedanus Burke (1743-1802), of South Carolina, who opposed the aristocratic tendencies of the Society of the Cincinnati, and the notes to it were by Target;, his financial writings were suggested by the Genevese exile, Claviere.
In 1229 the Order began the conquest of Prussia, founding fortresses at each step to rivet its conquests (for instance, at Thorn, named after Toron in Palestine), much as the AngloNormans had done in their conquest of Wales.
This mass of work was done in the time he could spare from his professorial teaching in the university.
What before was done in the light of experience is nowadays done in the light of knowledge.
Before the close of the 18th century, and during the first quarter of the 19th, a good deal had been done in the way of draining the land, either by open ditches or by James Elkington's system of deep covered drains.
Meanwhile much had been done in the organization of agricultural knowledge.
What has thus voluntarily been done in England would in most other countries be left to the state, or would not be attempted at all.
And in the same spirit Mill desired, whilst incorporating all the results arrived at in the special science by Smith's successors, to exhibit purely economic phenomena in relation to the most advanced conceptions of his own time in the general philosophy of society, as Smith had done in reference to the philosophy of his century.
It is true that at present very little work of this kind has been done in England, but innumerable books, many of them about England, have been written by thoroughly competent economists, in French, German and other languages.
During all this time little had been done in studying the internal structure of birds; 3 but the foundations of the science of embryology had been laid by the investigations into the development of the chick by the great Harvey.
This is devoted to the very distinct and not nearly-allied groups of hornbills and of birds which for want of a better name we must call " Chatterers," and is illustrated, like those works of which a notice immediately follows, by coloured plates, done in what was then considered to be the highest style of art and by the best draughtsmen procurable.
Previously there had not been enough business done in cotton to make it worth any person's while to devote himself to the buying and selling on commission of cotton only.
Nevertheless, of the death of a man, and of a maihem done in great ships, being and hovering in the main stream of great rivers, only beneath the [[[bridges]]] of the same rivers [nigh] to the sea, and in none other places of the same rivers, the admiral shall have cognizance, and also to arrest ships in the great flotes for the great voyages of the king and of the realm; saving always to the king all manner of forfeitures and profits thereof coming; and he shall have also jurisdiction upon the said flotes, during the said voyages only; saving always to the lords, cities, and boroughs, their liberties and franchises."
As he had done in Bavaria, he organized the east Frankish church into four bishoprics, Erfurt, Wurzburg, Buraburg and Eichstadt, and set over them his own monks.
To interdict the importation of the drug altogether, as is done in Japan, was the step advocated by Japanese public opinion.
The same combination is possible if hills engraved in the ordinary manner are printed in colours, as is done in an edition of the i-inch ordnance map, with contours in red and hills hachured in brown.
Practically nothing has yet been done in the study of native grasses and the introduction of exotic species.
There was ostensible government regulation of rates after 1877, but the roads were guaranteed outright against any loss of revenue, and in fact practically nothing was ever done in the way of reform in the Spanish period.
His work is unhappily for the greater part in the Persian language; the excellence of what he has done in Turkish makes us regret that he did so little.
The sacrifice of the Passover of the flock and the herd shall be done in the place where God shall cause His name to dwell.
No work is done in separating the parts of the molecules from each other.
There are numerous markets in which a considerable trade is done in native products and articles of European manufacture.
The closed figure a c d e a is variously called a hysteresis curve or diagram or loop. The area f HdB enclosed by it represents the work done in carrying a cubic centimetre of the iron through the corresponding magnetic cycle; expressed in ergs this work is I HdB.
The second has a very small area, showing that the work done in reversing the magnetization is small; the metal is therefore adapted for use in alternating current trans formers.
When the specimen rotates, the magnet is deflected from its upright position by an amount which depends upon the work done in a single complete rotation, and therefore upon the hysteresis.
Perhaps the best educational work in Brazil is done in these private schools.
The most active are the geographical societies, but very little has been done in the direction of scientific exploration.
In the first place, much would be done in practical administration by persons who held no definite position formally assigned to them, although they wielded great influence on account of their age, talents and character.
Nothing further was done in Natal up to the establishment of the Union of South Africa, when all questions specially or differentially affecting Asiatics were withdrawn from the competence of the provincial authorities.
There is, however, no difficulty in supposing that such a thing was done in some sections of the Jewish Church, and it is probable that we must look for an explanation of the peculiarity not to the time but to the place where the second collection was formed.
Instead of reducing chaos to order and concentrating his attention, as Brand had done in the Free State, on establishing security and promoting industry, he took up, with all its entanglements, the policy of intrigues with native chiefs beyond the border and the dream of indefinite expansion.
The first clinical laboratory seems to have been that of Von Ziemssen (1829-1902) at Munich, founded in 1885; and, although his example has not yet been followed as it ought to have been, enough has been done in this way, at Johns Hopkins University and elsewhere, to prove the vital importance of the system to the progress of modern medicine.
This can be done in inclined deposits, it can often be done by the aid of mechanical appliances, though sometimes at an expense not warranted in the saving in the labour of loading.
This method of mining and filling can be used when the work is done in horizontal floors or in transverse chambers.
Much work was done in organizing the area and its communications and landing places, but the tactical situation at Helles remained stationary for the rest of the month.
The carving is done in teak wood when it is meant for fixtures, but teak has a coarse grain, and otherwise yamane dogwood, said to be a species of gmelina, is preferred.
To give an idea of what can be done in this way, it may be stated that gold can be beaten out to leaf of the thickness of - j g - mm.; and that platinum, by judicious work, can be drawn into wire 2?o o mm.
This is easily done in liming or measuring tanks of known capacity, into which the juice is run from the mill.
The use of multiple-effect evaporation made it possible to raise the steam for all the work required to be done in a well-equipped factory, making crystals, under skilful management, by means of the bagasse alone proceeding from the.
Another method of enabling more work to be done in a given time in a given cistern is the use of a bag twice the ordinary length, open at both ends.
This was done in 1612 by Christoph Scheiner, who fully described his method of solar observation in the Rosa Ursina (1630), demonstrating very clearly and practically the advantages and disadvantages of using the camera, without a lens, with a single convex lens, and with a telescopic combination of convex object-glass and concave enlarging lens, the last arrangement being mounted with an adjustable screen or tablet on an equatorial stand.
Most of the earlier astronomical work was done in a darkened room, but here we first find the dark chamber constructed of wooden rods covered with cloth or paper, and used separately to screen the observing-tablet.
Considerable trade is done in cotton and oil-seeds, and weaving of cotton.
Frankfort has long been famous as one of the principal banking centres of Europe, and is now only second to Berlin, in this respect, among German cities, and it is remarkable for the large business that is done in government stock.
In the case of this pair of metals, or indeed of any metallic alloy, we cannot see the crystals forming, nor can we easily filter them off and examine them apart from the liquid, although this has been done in a few cases.
One great work had still to be done in prose - a retrospect of the past history of the state from an idealizing and romanticizing point of view.
We may define the term potential difference otherwise by saying that it is the work done in carrying a small conductor charged with one unit of electricity from one point to the other in a direction opposite to that in which it would move under the electric forces if left to itself.
An electrified conductor is a store of energy, and from the definition of potential it is clear that the work done in increasing the charge q of a conductor whose potential is v by a small amount dq, is vdq, and since this added charge increases in turn the potential, it is easy to prove that the work done in charging a conductor with Q units to a potential V units is z QV units of work.
Since the potential of a conductor is defined to be the work required to move a unit of positive electricity from the surface of the earth or from an infinite distance from all electricity to the surface of the conductor, it follows that the work done in putting a small charge dq into a conductor at a potential v is v dq.
Applying the above equation to a gas obeying the law pv=RT, for which the work done in isothermal expansion from a volume i to a volume r is W=RT loger, whence dW=R log e rdt, he deduced the expression for the heat absorbed by a gas in isothermal expansion H=R log er/F'(t).
Combining this with the first law, for a Carnot cycle of finite range, if H is the heat taken in at 0', and H" is the heat rejected at 0", the work W done in the cycle is equal to the difference H' - H", and we have the simple relations, W/(0' - o") =H'/o' =H" o".
Then by relations (2) the heat, H, absorbed in the isothermal change BC, is to the work, W, done in the cycle ABCD in the ratio of o to (o' - o").
The increment of this area (or the decrement of the negative area E--04) at constant temperature represents the external work obtainable from the substance in isothermal expansion, in the same way that the decrement of the intrinsic energy represents the work done in adiabatic expansion.
But more work had to be done in the Balkan highlands.
This may be done in several ways, e.g.
The industries are chiefly those of agricultural-implement making, rope-making, brewing and distilling, but a considerable business is done in the export of potatoes.
It is evidently impossible to arrive at a final decision until much more spade work has been done in the investigation of early Eastern creeds.
Some excellent survey work was done in Bhutan by a native surveyor during the progress of the Tibetan Expedition in 1904.
There have been several instances of this being done in the fiery pits in the Barnsley district, notably at the great explosion at the Oaks colliery in 1866, when 360 lives were lost.
The treaty of London, signed on the 11th of May 1867, decided that the Prussian garrison must be withdrawn and the fortress dismantled, which was done in 1872.
The reports of work done in this province for several years past form a library of text and illustration.
Besides the breadth of its scope, in which the American census stands unrivalled, the most important American contribution to census work has been the application of electricity to the tabulation of the results, as was first done in 1890.
This difference is due in part to the greater scope and complexity of the American census, and in part to the fact that in the United States the field work is done by well-paid enumerators, while in England it is done in most cases by the heads of families, who are not paid.
This is still done in the case of many foreign coins.
There are post and telegraph offices, and a great export trade is done in pistachios and almonds, the latter being of the kind called Kaghazi (" of paper") with very thin shells, famous throughout the country.
Tea, oni the contrary, is prepared and packed on the estates; but there is a considerable amount of work still done in the Colombo stores in sorting, blending and repacking such teas as are sold at the local public sales; also in dealing with cacao, cardainoms, cinchona bark and the remnant still left of the coffee indiustry.
The volume of his letters and his writings in books, articles for the press and speeches and official messages, is enormous, and yet this work was done in the midst of the executive labours of a long political career.
Little, however, was done in the science of botany, properly so called, until the 16th century of the Christian era, when the revival of learning dispelled the darkness which had long hung over Europe.
He proposed to supply the lack by the theory that justification is a real work done in the individual by the same Christ who died so many centuries ago.
Some good critical work has been done in the leading reviews by Swietochowski and others.
The collection is not usually very rich in species, but there have been great and long-continued successes in the breeding of large animals such as hippopotamuses, lions and antelopes, and a very large business is done in domesticated birds, water-fowl and cage birds.
They possessed a fine gorilla, keeping it alive for a longer period than has been done in any other zoological collection.
This is done in the presence of the court; Tristan is pardoned, formally declares his errand, and receives the hand of Iseult for his uncle King Mark.
Each committee is independent and responsible so far as regards the local work to be done in connection with the election in its own area, but is subordinate to the party committees above it as respects work, to be done in its own locality for the general purposes of the party.
Along the north coast of Africa are areas which, if properly irrigated, as was done in the days of Carthage, could produce enough wheat to feed half of the Caucasian race.
We have now to see that, in writing the Categories, on the one hand he carried his differences from his master further than he had done in his early criticisms by insisting that individual substances are not only real, but are the very things which sustain the universal; but on the other hand, he clung to further relics of the Platonic theory, and it is those which differentiate the Categories and the Metaphysics.
Remains of fine villas have been found about half a mile to the east of the modern town, and also the remains of a temple to the genius of Stabiae, which no doubt occupied the same site as it had done in Oscan times.
Subsequently Daniel de la Rivardiere was sent to report on the place, and was then commissioned by the French crown to found a colony on the island; this was done in 1612.
There are several great breweries; corn trade is carried on, and an extensive business is done in books and objects of art.
This is done in the hope that some theoretical foundation may then be found for the equation.
The oven consists of a hole in the ground in which a fire is lighted and stones made hot; and the fire having been removed, the food is wrapped up in leaves and placed in the hole beside the hot stones and covered up until ready; or else, as is now more common, the cooking is done in an old kerosene-oil can over a fire.
It would seem, moreover, that they were credited with the power of helping their friends (and likewise of injuring other people) very much in the same way as they had done in life.
Similar work has been done in Scotland by a fund established in 1878.
In Spain was produced a fairly strong itself, as it had done in the East, around the religious centralization around the Visigothic king and the metropolitan of Toledo.
All that could be done in that cause, during this stormy epoch, was done by Eugenius.
The large business done in yarns with the continent of Europe is in some respects an extension of the British home trade, though certain countries have their own specialities.
Some of Poole's best work was done in his articles for the Ency.
This can be done in two ways, either by rotating the optical train inside the main tube, or, as is more usually the case, rotating the whole periscope.
Olives and other fruit are grown, and a brisk trade is done in olive oil.
Devoted, however, as were the labours of Boniface and his disciples, all that he and they and the emperor Charlemagne after them achieved for the fierce untutored world of the 8th century seemed to have been done in vain when, in the 9th " on the north and north-west the pagan Scandinavians were hanging about every coast, and pouring in at every inlet; when on the east the pagan Hungarians were swarming like locusts and devastating Europe from the Baltic to the Alps; when on the south and south-east the Saracens were pressing on and on with their victorious hosts.
It was by the members of these clubs (and a few others) that the minute exploration (now all but complete) of the High Alps was carried out, while much has been done in the way of building club huts, organizing and training guides, &c., to smooth the way for later corners, who benefit too by the detailed information published in the periodicals (the first dates from 1863 only) issued by these clubs.
On the same principle the use of small pots to confine the roots, root-pruning and lifting the roots, and exposing them to the sun, as is done in the case of the vine in some countries, are resorted to.
All grafting of this kind is done in the propagating house, at any season when grafts are obtainable in a fit state - the plants when operated on being placed in close frames warmed to a suitable temperature.
In the propagating house budding may be done at any season when the sap is in motion; but for fruit trees, roses, &c., in the open air, it is usually done in July or August, when the buds destined for the following year are completely formed in the axils of the leaves, and when the bark separates freely from the wood it covers.
Standard trees, however, are budded on a sturdy young shoot close to the top. In either case the stocks should have been carefully planted at least the previous November when the work is to be done in the open air the following July or August.
With all the difficult and slow-growing plants of the hard-wooded section, all the pruning must be done in this gradual way in the young wood as the plant progresses.
Watering, which, except during the resting period, should generally be copious, is best done in the forenoon; while syringing should be done early in the morning before the sun becomes too powerful, and late in the afternoon to admit of the foliage drying moderately before night.
Transplant herbaceous plants in light soils, if not done in autumn; also deciduous trees, shrubs and hedges.
But little can be done in the northern states except to prepare manure, and get sashes, tools, &c., in working order; but in sections of the country where there is little or no frost the hardier kinds of seeds and plants may be sown and planted, such as asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, leek, lettuce, onion, parsnip, peas, spinach, turnip, &c. In any section where these seeds can be sown in open ground, it is an indication that hotbeds may be started for the sowing of such tender vegetables as tomatoes, egg and pepper plants, &c.; though, unless in the extreme southern states, hotbeds should not be started before the beginning or middle of February.
But little can be done in most of the northern states as yet, and in sections where there is no frost in the ground it is likely to be too wet to work; but in many southern states this will be the best month for planting fruit trees and plants of all kinds, particularly strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, pear and apple trees, while grape vines will do, though they will also do well quite a month later.
Hardier kinds of annuals may be sown; it is best done in shallow boxes, say 2 in.
Little can be done in the flower garden, except to clean off all dead stalks, and straw up tender roses, vines, &c., and, wherever there is time, to dig up and rake the borders, as it will greatly facilitate spring work.
The squeezing is usually done in the way shown in fig.
The normal use of the Kjellin induction furnace is to do the work usually done in the crucible process, i.e.
Much is done in contending against malaria by the Italian Red Cross Society.
Similar work is done in Russia on almost as extensive a scale, but neither the dressing nor the work is so good as the German.
The whole of the work is done in loyal subordination to the diocesan and parochial organization of the Church of England.
There is a large lithographic establishment, and a considerable trade is done in wine and fruit, the wines of Esslingen being very famous.
Where a river crosses a desert at a level near that of the general surface, irrigation can be carried on with extremely profitable results, as has been done in the valley of the Nile and in parts of the Great Basin of North America; in cases, however, where the river has cut deeply and flows far below the general surface, irrigation is too expensive.
Much has been done in parts of Australia by means of artesian wells.
To some extent this was done in 1879; a resident governor or Statthalter was appointed, and a local representative assembly, which was consulted as to new laws.
Much has also been done in Prussia, in Brandenburg, in Bavaria, in Hanover, in Wurttemberg and in Baden, and collections of authorities have been made by competent scholars, of which the Geschichtsquellen der Provinz Sachsen und angrenzender Gebiete (Halle, 1870, f 01.), which extends to forty volumes, the smaller Scrip/ores rerum Prussicarum (Leipzig, 1861-1874), and the seventy-seven volumes of the Publikationen aus den koniglichen preussischen Slaatsarchiven, veranlasst und unterstutzt durch die konigliche Archivverwaltung (Leipzig, 1878, fol.), may be cited as examples.
In 1836 an Urkundenbuchof Frankfort was published, and this example has been widely followed, the work done in Cologne, in Bremen and in Mainzbeingperhaps specially noticeable.
Bonar was a prolific writer of religious literature, and edited several journals, including the Christian Treasury, the Presbyterian Review and the Quarterly Journal of Prophecy; but his best work was done in hymnology, and he published three series of Hymns of Faith and Hope between 1857 and 1866 (new ed., 1886).
This was done in September 1879, an agreement with Turkey having specified the numbers and position of the garrison.
Universal military service has been introduced, and all this has been done in the presence of difficulties greater than existed in any other civilized country.
This was done in the teeth of the expressed wish of Russia; it roused the helpless resentment of Servia, whose economic dependence upon the Dual Monarchy was emphasized by the outcome of the war of tariffs into which she had plunged in 1906, and who saw in this scheme another link in the chain forged for her by the Habsburg empire; it 1 Alois, Count Lexa von Aerenthal, was born on the 27th of September 1854 at Gross-Skal in Bohemia, studied at Bonn and Prague, was attache at Paris (1877) and afterwards at St Petersburg, envoy extraordinary at Bucharest (1895) and ambassador at St Petersburg (1896).
Hitherto all business had been done in Italian, the language of a small minority living in the seaport towns.
A steamer leaves Naples every night for Palermo, and vice versa, the journey (208 m.) being done in I I hours, while the journey by rail (438 m.), including the crossing of the Straits of Messina takes 191 hours; and the weekly steamer from Naples to Messina (216 m.) takes 12 hours, while the journey by rail and ferry boat (292 m.) takes 14 hours.
Howe was director, and the life and soul of the school; he opened a printing-office and organized a fund for printing for the blind - the first done in America; and he was unwearied in calling public attention to the work.
At the same time we must beware of carrying this sifting operation too far, - as NOldeke now believes himself to have done in his earlier works, and as Sprenger also sometimes seems to do.
The following account of the legislation carried into force up to 1907 shows in effect what was done in that direction.
The aim of the artist-scribe was to arrange his variously aped characters into square groups, and this could be done in great measure by taking advantage of the different ways in which many words could be spelt.
All these matters were carefully looked into by Frederick himself, who, while acting as generously as his circumstances would allow, insisted on everything being done in the most efficient manner at the least possible cost.
This, however, has not been done in all cases; and as late as 1890 it was taken by the metropolitan of Sydney at his consecration.
The evidences of this travel (which are really incontestable, though a small minority of critics still decline to admit them) consist of (1) some fine drawings, three of them dated 1494 and others undated, but plainly of the same time, in which Diirer has copied, or rather boldly translated into his own Gothic and German style, two famous engravings by Mantegna, a number of the "Tarocchi" prints of single figures which pass erroneously under that master's name, and one by yet another minor master of the North-Italian school; with another drawing dated 1495 and plainly copied from a lost original by Antonio Pollaiuolo, and yet another of an infant Christ copied in 1495 from Lorenzo di Credi, from whom also Diirer took a motive for the composition of one of his earliest Madonnas; (2) several landscape drawings done in the passes of Tirol and the Trentino, which technically will not fit in with any other period of his work, and furnish a clear record of his having crossed the Alps about this date; (3) two or three drawings of the costumes of Venetian courtesans, which he could not have made anywhere but in Venice itself, and one of which is used in his great woodcut Apocalypse series of 1498 (4) a general preoccupation which he shows for some years from this date with the problems of the female nude, treated in a manner for which Italy only could have set him the example; and (5) the clear implication contained in a letter written from Venice in 1506 that he had been there already eleven years before; when things, he says, pleased him much which at the time of writing please him no more.
A mythology reminiscent of Italy is the "Hercules and the Stymphalian Birds" in the Germanic Museum at Nuremberg, founded directly upon the "Hercules and Centaur Nessus" of Pollaiuolo, now at New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. Of portraits, besides that of his father already mentioned as done in 1497, there is his own of 1498 at Madrid.
The most satisfying of Darer's paintings done in Venice are the admirable portrait of a young man at Hampton Court (the same sitter reappears in the "Feast of Rose Garlands"), and two small pieces, one the head of a brown Italian girl modelled and painted with real breadth and simplicity, formerly in the collection of Mr Reginald Cholmondeley and now at Berlin, and the small and very striking little "Christ Crucified" with the figure relieved against the night sky, which is preserved in the Dresden Gallery and has served as model and inspiration to numberless later treatments of the theme.
An interesting, rather fantastic, portrait of a blonde girl wearing a wide cap, now in the Berlin museum, is dated 1507 and may have been done in the early months of that year at Venice.
Considerable work was done in Thasos by the French School in 1910 and later.
Very little was done in 1913-4; the " temple of Apollo Clarius " was found to be an exedra and a propylaea, and an oracular grotto of the god was discovered in the hills.
But Douglas, to the disgust of the French, refused battle, and allowed the English to do what mischief could be done in a thrice stripped country.
The main work continued to be done in Latin, and to better purpose by Hector Boece (q.v.), John Major and George Buchanan (q.v.) than by the earlier annalists Fordun (q.v.) and Bower (q.v.).
He justified the most arbitrary and extravagant measures by the authority of visions from heaven, as others have done in similar circumstances.
Both Morris and Burne-Jones had come to Oxford with the intention of taking holy orders, but as they felt their way they both came to the conclusion that there was more to be done in the direction of social reform than of ecclesiastical work, and that their energies would be best employed outside the priesthood.
They were wilfully blind, and they would rather not see good done than see it done in a way that contradicted their teachings and undermined their influence.
But Proverbs seems not to go the length of identifying righteousness with almsgiving, as is done in Dan.
He never again lost touch with literature as he had done in the years which preceded his friendship with Schiller; but he stood in no active or immediate connexion with the literary movement of his day.
A great deal of work is done in this way, though this sphere has also been invaded by the draw presses, whose output would seem incredible to those not familiar with the work.
Short, sharp bends which are readily made in thin sheets cannot be done in thick plates, as the metal would be stressed too much in the outer layers.
In all work done in thick plates the dimensions marked out must have reference to the final shape of the article.
This is done in a tall iron cylinder, say 9 ft.
If, however, the action of the chlorine on the sodium hydrate is prevented, which can be done in various ways, they can both be collected in the isolated state and utilized as has been previously described, viz.
Precisely the same can be done in the electrolysis of potassium chloride.
Tait was a Churchman by conviction; but although the work of his life was all done in England, he remained a Scotsman to the end.
This the Repsolds have done in the Pulkovo telescope by means of two platforms, as shown in fig.
A considerable trade is also done in salt from the sebkha of'Ijil, in the north-west.
His great work was done in connexion with the Baptist Missionary Society, formed at Kettering in 1792, of which he was secretary until his death on the 7th of May 1815.
The next revolt broke out in 464, when a severe earthquake destroyed Sparta and caused great loss of life; the insurgents defended themselves for some years on the rock-citadel of Ithome, as they had done in the first war; but eventually they had to leave the Peloponnese and were settled by the Athenians at Naupactus in the territory of the Locri Ozolae.
Anything done in excess of those powers is null and void.
A considerable business is done in tortoise-shell.
In the famous typhoon of the 10th of October 1882, the vortex of which passed over Manila, an immense amount of damage was done in the city.
The bishops at first resented these attempts at self-management, as they had done in the case of the town council, and imperial legislation in their interests was obtained.
A large trade is done in cattle and grain, many markets being held here.
Much survey work was also done in Banks I., Victoria I.
He thus fixes the date at the same period as Isaac Taylor had done in his Greeks and Goths and The Alphabet.
It is also evident that the total work done in two or more successive infinitely small displacements is equal to the work done in the resultant displacement.
In Aristarchus ancient philology culminated, as philosophy had done in Socrates.
The middle period may conveniently be extended to sixty and subdivided at forty, as is done in Table IV.
The internal variations of the rate in a single community, however, can be fairly indicated in this way, as is done in Table VI., which, it is to be noted, refers to those born alive only and excludes the still-born, statistics regarding whom are incomplete.
It had been done in the interest of ship and cargo, and there was no evidence of any other motive.
It may well be that that operation must be regarded as done in the interest simply of the bullion itself, but that the subsequent operations of lightening the ship and floating her can only be properly regarded as undertaken in the common interest of ship, hemp, grain and freight.
It stimulated the curiosity of latent sensibilities, provoked fresh inquisition into the groundwork of existence, and strengthened man's self-esteem by knowledge of what men had thought and felt and done in ages when Christianity was not.
There is no doubt that much remains still to be done in illustrating human morality by the facts and principles of biology and natural history.
Architecture has restored many of the larger churches from their disfigurement by partition walls and galleries - though much still remains to be done in this way - and has erected new churches of a style favourable to devotion.
To this Bacon replied, that " the letters, if they were there, would not blush to be seen for anything contained in them, and that he had spent more time in vain in studying how to make the earl a good servant to the queen than he had done in anything else."
The pulling ought to be done in dry clear weather; and care is to be taken in this, as in all the subsequent operations, to keep the root-ends even and the stalks parallel.
In these, even if time permitted, little can be done in the way of making-ready; nor is it really necessary for newspapers, printed and read one day, and then generally thrown away the next.
Much of this work was done in connexion with the Palestine Exploration Fund.
The ministers of the day used to discuss and arrange all the business to be done with the king beforehand with her, and it was all done in her cabinet and in her presence, but the king in more important matters often chose not to consult her.
He now returned to the Colonial Office filled with the idea of doing for South Africa what had been done in British North America.'
This was done in 1794 (by an act annually renewed until 1801) and again in 1817, as to persons arrested and detained by his majesty for conspiring against his person and government.
To a generation that has been moulded by the philosophy of Kant and Hegel, by the historical criticism of modern theology, and by all that has been done in the field of comparative religion, the argument of the Analogy cannot but appear to lie quite outside the field of controversy.
It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, and the Missouri Pacific railway systems. There are railway car-shops, and a considerable trade is done in grain and cattle.
What is done in material semblance, he then argues, is repeated in the unseen medium of the Spirit.
Useful work has been done in the compilation of statistics of the various conditions affecting the science, such as the rates with which the various classes of society in ancient and modern nations have contributed in civic usefulness to the population at various times, the inheritance of ability, the influences which affect marriage, &c.
The volume of the sphere is V = 3 irr3, and the increment of volume is dV = 4lrr2dr Now if we suppose a quantity of air already at the pressure II+p, the work done in forcing it into the bubble is p dV.
Wolf that at ordinary temperatures the latent heat of extension of the surface of water is dynamically equivalent to about half the mechanical work done in producing the surface-extension.
Of the total product in 1905 the product of the principal industry, the smelting and refining of copper ($22,761,981), represented 81.1%; it was 9.4% of all the smelting and refining of copper done in the United States in that year.
A considerable amount of work has been done in connexion with this subject, and many observers have found that fluids taken from the living body in which the organisms have been growing, contain toxic substances, to which the name of aggressins has been applied.
That an animal possesses natural immunity can only be shown on exposing it to such conditions, this being usually most satisfactorily done in direct experiment.
This is done in the ancient feudal form, surviving elsewhere only in the conferring of the M.A.
It became proverbial " that nothing could be done in the world without the help of God and of the king of Bohemia."
Wattenbach was distinguished by his thorough knowledge of the chronicles and other original documents of the middle ages, and his most valuable work was done in this field.
By the aid of these a certain amount of work has been done in the subject, but it is still largely an unworked field.
Power was given by the act to the Local Government Board to provide, by means of a provisional order, for transferring to county councils any of the powers and duties of the various central authorities which have been already referred to; but although such an order was at one time prepared, it has never been confirmed, and nothing has been done in that direction.
A burial ground, properly so called, has to be divided into consecrated and unconsecrated portions, and the former really takes the place of the parish churchyard; and the incumbent of the parish church, the clerk, and the sexton continue to receive the same fees upon burials in the consecrated portion as they would have done in the parish churchyard.
Staunton, who accompanied him as second commissioner, refused to consent, as Lord Macartney had done in 1793, unless the admission was made that his sovereign was entitled to the same show of reverence from a mandarin of his rank.
No other article of import approaches cotton in importance, but a considerable trade is done in arms and ammunition, rice, sugar, flour and other foods, and a still larger trade in candles and matches (from Sweden), oil, carpets (oriental and European), hats and umbrellas.
The work was probably done in or about 1470, when Leonardo was eighteen years old.
Of many brilliant early drawings by him, the first that can be dated is a study of landscape done in 1473.
A pen-drawing representing a ringleader of the Pazzi conspiracy, Bernardo Baroncelli, hung out of a window of the Bargello after his surrender by the sultan at Constantinople to the emissaries of Florence, can be dated from its subject as done in December 1 479.
Neither is it possible to discriminate with certainty the sketches intended for the Sforza monument from others which Leonardo may have done in view of another and later commission for an equestrian statue, namely, that in honour of Ludovico's great enemy, Gian Giacomo Trivulzio.
Strong claims have also been made on behalf of a fine profile portrait resembling Beatrice d'Este in the Ambrosiana; but this the best judges are agreed in regarding as a work, done in a lucky hour, of Ambrogio de Predis.
Perhaps, however, it was worth while to teach the English ministry that not everything could be done in Ireland.
He in his turn fell, as his father had done in later years, under the influence of Eusebius of Nicomedia, who in the latter half of 339 was transferred to the see of Constantinople, the new seat of the imperial court.
Some good work has been done in ethnography and archaeology by some writers of the colonial period, and by Ezequiel Uricoechea and Ernesto Restrepo.
He wrote a beautiful, distinctive and clear hand, in spite of the thousands of lines of MS. copying he had done in his early life.
This was for the first time successfully done in a well, constructed by the Biggleswade Water Board in 1902, and now supplying water over a large area of North Bedfordshire.
Draining can be carried on at all seasons, but is usually best done in autumn or summer.
These spaces cannot be constructed in any other way than is actually done in the shape of the lead chambers; neither iron nor brickwork can be employed for this purpose, as they would be quickly destroyed by the acid liquids and gases.
Nothing further seems to have been done in the matter until the 28th of January 1675, when Oldenburg informed " the Society that Mr Newton is now in such circumstances that he desires to be excused from the weekly payments."
I have sometimes had thoughts of having the cuts neatly done in wood, so as to stand in the page with the demonstrations.
This can usually be done in a good many ways.
Holding respectively the great earidoms of West Mercia, Wessex and Northumbria, they reigned almost like petty sovereigns in their domains, and there seemed some chance that England might fall apart into semi-independent feudal states, just as France had done in the preceding century.
Nothing so good was done in an English parliament for nearly twenty years to come.
An analogous statement may be made with regard to the sea-cows, or Sirenia, which appear to be derivates from the great herbivorous order of Ungulata, and might consequently be included in that group, as indeed has been already done in Dr Max Weber's classification.
He had intended to go to the bar, but in the October term of 1802 he chanced to hear Charles Simeon speaking of the good done in India by a single missionary, William Carey, and some time afterwards he read the life of David Brainerd, the apostle of the Indians of North America.
A considerable amount of trade is done in the export of wool, hides, cotton, carpets, silks, felts, cereals (wheat, barley, maize, rice), sheep, fruit and vegetables, and in tea, silver, porcelain and opium imported from China, cloth and groceries from India, and cloth, cottons, silks, sugar, matches and leather from West Turkestan and Russia.
The sanitation of the city has been improved, although much remains to be done in that respect.
However, nothing was done in fulfilment of this duty in the first two years from 1874, and early in the third the famous Andrassy atrocities, and the accumulative excitement thereby created in England, reopened the Eastern question with a vengeance.
When the weather is good the seeding upon a 5000-acre farm will be done in twenty or twenty-five days.
Much can be done in this case to clean the seed before sowing by immersing it in hot water or in some solution that will kill the spores without injuring the grain.
A profitable trade is done in coco-nuts, but there are few other exports.
This was done in 1895.
Moreover, she had no share in the expansion of Greek commerce and Greek culture; and, though she bore the reputation of hating tyrants and putting them down where possible, there can be little doubt that this was done in the interests of oligarchy rather than of liberty.
Favored by the war between Justinian, the East Roman emperor, and Theodorics Ostrogoths, the Frankish kings divided Provence among them as they had done in the case of Burgundy.
These muscadins and incroyables, led by Frron, Tallien and Barrasformer revolutionists who had become aristocratsprofited by the restored liberty of the press to prepare for days of battle in the salons of the merveilleuses Madame Tallien, Madame de Stael and Madame Rca.mier, as the sans-culottes had formerly done in the clubs.
In the campaign of 1870-71 Bismarck accompanied the headquarters of the army, as he had done in 1866.
He had some thought of going to India as a missionary, but was dissuaded by his friends who saw that there was abundant work to be done in Rome, and that he was the man to do it.
More than one modern historian has argued that if Gustavus had done in 1631 what Napoleon did in 1805 and 1809, there would have been a fifteen instead of a thirty years' war.
The room was tastefully done in a Southwestern motif with R. C. Gorman prints adorning the sand-colored walls.
It was one thing to enjoy his company, but something other than companionship was hammering at the doors of her consciousness - something she didn't want to think about, because his job would be done in three more weeks.
It was done in a circumspect manner.
It was done in a perfunctory fashion.
This is done in the standing position, which is considered abnormal for human beings.
All of this needs to be done in a publicly accountable way.
Now, for some space the revelers stood agape, unable to understand all that had been done in such haste.
What Hoffman has done in " his version " is create the most anodyne and pastoralist interpretation of the play to date.
Keywords DOUBLE Set this keyword to force the computation to be done in double-precision arithmetic.
Although more needed to be done in the Russian Federation, which possessed the largest arsenal, it was now moving ahead.
This should be done in time for HMRC to send out a self assessment tax return for the relevant year.
The violence is all done in a rather cheery way however.
The motion was passed nem. con Some clearance work had been done in the Vicarage Garden by the tenants.
A new loft conversion is to be done in an existing pitched roof of a house.
But a fresh corpse could fetch £ 8, £ 9 or even £ 10, with all the work done in a day.
There was also a large picture in a very handsome frame, done in colored crayons.
Indeed, it is hardly creditable that these deeds were done in the name of Christ.
I considered walking downtown to a movie, something I hadn't done in a couple of years.
It will take a concerted effort to undo the damage done in the last eight years.
This is all done in a quartz glass envelope filled with pure xenon gas.
It was probably the best tour I've done in my life - a really big eye-opener and everyone was like one big family.
All A level work can be done in standard laboratory glassware.
Television is supposed to be done in ten days - even really high-class shows.
It is done in easier circumstances than standing on a windy wet hilltop trying to keep paper clean and dry.. .
Non racing periods procedures This document lists what should be done in order to operate hovercraft at race meetings during the non-racing periods.
Burning is done in the fire room, the high pressure draft sucks pages into the flaming inferno faster than you can count.
I wear blue jeans on stage, which I've never done in my life.
The rest of the traveling was done in a four wheel drive jeep.
Baby changing may be done in the ladies lavatory.
It would be harder to accuse such a body of favoring European businesses, as many American lawmakers have done in the past.
The whole initiative toward personalizing learning has to be done in online environments.
The integration is done in frequency partitions that use the midpoints between adjacent spectral peak frequencies.
All this has been done in dynamic mode for the most part and with delays on several milliseconds at most.
But while that can be true (the 1990s saw a fairly mindless example ), reorganization can be done in more purposeful ways.
The majority of the transfers are done by air, while local visits are done in comfortable air-conditioned minibusses with removable ramps.
A voice-over narration can only be done in the Voice step.
The planting was a successful mixture of native and cottage style planting, all done in a very naturalistic style.
Bankrolled by the Russian oligarch, Chelsea have moved to control the game in England like no club has ever done in the past.
Considerable work has been done in this upgrade to offer yet further improvements in cd playback.
Has been done in experimental animals, including primates.
I shall now recapitulate what the police have done in the matter.
It is the Gospel of Christ because it is about what Jesus has done in accomplishing the salvation of God's people.
Also there are loads of spelling mistakes, you used comic sans, int not done in C++, and has no rss feed.
Excavation was done in short stages along the 30m section to avoid the danger of further slippage.
Much more manufacturing will be done in third world sweatshops.
The play is done in a neoclassical ballet style with motifs and elements of the argentine tango and some jazz and ethno elements.
Unlike Hawaiian taro cultivation which is done in patches flooded with water, Samoans grow taro cultivation which is done in patches flooded with water, Samoans grow taro in unflooded but wet soil.
Before beginning my work I had to have a baseline antibody titer done in case of a possible accident with the polio virus.
The sample preparation and the measurements were done in ultra high vacuum.
The Avalon example would look about as verbose if done in the same way.
Part is high-tech, part is all done in marble, and another area was all wooden.
He paid a second visit to England in 1900, during which he frankly acknowledged the great good the British had done in Egypt, and declared himself ready to follow their advice and to co-operate with the British officials administering Egyptian affairs.
Specially serious damage was done in the immediate neighbourhood of the chapel, the oak-groined roof and rich fittings of the choir were wholly destroyed, but the finely moulded arches and the magnificent tracery of the east window survived in great part.
Now, we may select any definite quantity of work we please as our unit, as, for example, the work done in lifting a pound a foot high from the sea-level in the latitude of London, which is the unit of work generally adopted by British engineers, and is called the "foot-pound."
The chief work done in instrumentation in the 17th century is undoubtedly that of the Italian writers for the violin, who developed the technique of that instrument until it proved not only more resourceful but more artistically organized than that ' of the solo voice, which by the time of Handel had become little better than an acrobatic monstrosity.
When a load is lifted, work has to be done in overcoming the action of gravity and the friction of the mechanism; when it is.
In a sense (see Apologetics) this was done in the middle ages, and possibly repeated by Pascal after the Reformation.
In early inquiries a great point was made of the prevention of putrefaction, and work was done in the way of finding how much of an agent must be added to a given solution, in order that the bacteria accidentally present might not develop. But for various reasons this was an inexact method, and to-day an antiseptic is judged by its effects on pure cultures of definite pathogenic microbes, and on their vegetative and spore forms. Their standardization has been effected in many instances, and a water solution of carbolic acid of a certain fixed 'strength is now taken as the standard with which other antiseptics are compared.
In the hundreds of despatches that he wrote in this capacity, much, no doubt, was done in accordance with established routine, but few statesmen of his generation had a wider experience of the responsible application of the principles of government.
All the pioneer work has been done in America; in fact, until the South-Eastern Agricultural College undertook the elucidation of this subject, little was known of it in England except by a few growers.
But the direct damage done in this and other ways would seem to be less than that produced by the mistrust they inspired for a time among the propertied classes, and the consequent paralysing of enterprise.
Pepys was delighted with the playing of "pretty, witty Nell," but when he saw her as Florimel in Dryden's Secret Love, or the Maiden Queen, he wrote "so great a performance of a comical part was never, I believe, in the world before" and, "so done by Nell her merry part as cannot be better done in nature" (Diary, March 25, 1667).
The work done in expanding to infinity from p tons per sq.
He diagnosed this evil as being due to the absence of personal influence, spiritual oversight, and the want of parochial organizations which had not kept pace in the city, as they had done in rural parishes, with the growing population.
At the 18th session of the council of Trent (26th February 1562), in consideration of the great increase in the number of suspect and pernicious books,.and also of the inefficacy of the many previous "censures" which had proceeded from the provinces and from Rome itself, eighteen fathers with a certain number of theologians were appointed to inquire into these "censures," and to consider what ought to be done in the circumstances.
This was done in large part because the two powers came so close to going to war over the Cuban Missile Crisis.
If it were a person, it still couldn't even order a beer to toast itself for all it has done in such a short time.
To be able to read for one's self what is being willed, thought and done in the world--the world in whose joys and sorrows, failures and successes one feels the keenest interest--that would indeed be a happiness too deep for words.
I sometimes despair of getting anything quite simple and honest done in this world by the help of men.
In 1809 Count Ilya Rostov was living at Otradnoe just as he had done in former years, that is, entertaining almost the whole province with hunts, theatricals, dinners, and music.
What is to be done in these circumstances?
The tone of the conversation was such as indicated that no one approved of what was being done in the political world.
If anyone gave or asked for personal news, it was done in a whisper and they immediately reverted to general matters.
It is done in all the brothels, and with these words Marya Dmitrievna, turning up her wide sleeves with her usual threatening gesture and glancing sternly round, moved across the room.
Moreover, at this moment Pierre was supported in his design and prevented from renouncing it by what he had already done in that direction.
And he vividly pictured to himself Natasha, not as he had done in the past with nothing but her charms which gave him delight, but for the first time picturing to himself her soul.
But he also knew (or rather felt at the bottom of his heart) that by resigning himself now to the force of circumstances and to those who were guiding him, he was not only doing nothing wrong, but was doing something very important--more important than anything he had ever done in his life.
Denisov, dissatisfied with the government on account of his own disappointments in the service, heard with pleasure of the things done in Petersburg which seemed to him stupid, and made forcible and sharp comments on what Pierre told them.
Playing quarterback was the only thing Mark had not done in his long distinguished career on the football field.
But the gags only work and resonate when done in character and Fellows is content to remain in the shadow of his creation.
The rhythm section was often done in more of a sketch form.
An estimate of the costs of cases of rotavirus infection admitted to hospital in Scotland was done in a similar way by Cowden.
Here is a rundown of important things that should be done in advance.
Water came from the roof and washing was done in a wood fired sauna bath, built in the basement.
Searching for information on the Internet can be done in many ways.
Self-inflicted death done in the privacy of a home usually does n't make the paper.
There was no date on the stone; but official documents shew that said repairs were done in 1545.
The play is done in a neoclassical ballet style with motifs and elements of the Argentine tango and some jazz and ethno elements.
Unlike Hawaiian taro cultivation which is done in patches flooded with water, Samoans grow taro in unflooded but wet soil.
Most can be done in speech or writing or using Internet technologies.
Levin 's experiments were done in a transfection system.
Jay I havent missed anything you 've done in the tri-state area, your the best !
Tree felling and undergrowth clearance is only done in autumn and winter to avoid harming nesting birds.
It would be unwise to underestimate the amount of work which still lies waiting to be done in Northern Ireland.
Both actions, when done in an unworthy manner, can incur God 's wrath and judgment.
Like most neoclassical designs his upholstery fabrics were very often done in vertical stripes of very light, cool colors.
On the whitewashed wall of the cave were stuck some children 's drawings done in colored crayons.
Most winemaking in Italy is done in modern wineries.
How many successful placements have you done in the past year?
A double breast pump will get the job done in a hurry!
No matter the reason, sewing baby diapers can be done in just an afternoon or two, depending upon the number of diapers you need.
The characters are only featured on the fitted crib sheet; the actual quilt and bumper pad are done in solid and striped red, blue, and yellow.
Once the dress arrives, there needs to be several fittings so any final alterations and customizations can be done in time for the wedding.
This site is filled with ornaments from personalized Christmas designs to ones done in themes such as sports, Santa, animal or even food and drink.
It's recommended that you refrain from shopping for clothing online since feeling and guessing sizes is easier done in person.
If a lawyer charges more per hour, but can get the work done in half the time or less than "cheaper" lawyers, you come out ahead.
Jelly cabinets come in a variety of materials; most commonly they are done in wood and can be finished to match your particular décor.
This bunk bed is done in a Mission style and has a solid wood construction.
It's not a complicated job and can easily be done in a couple of hours.
It's not very difficult and can be done in little time for little money.
Often done in leather, office chairs from Broyhill suit both traditional offices and home offices.
Oil recovery, or extraction is done in several stages and while oil is fairly inexpensive its reserves may be more limited than other sources.
However, even though this represents a significant increase, more must be done in order to protect the environment.
These furniture pieces are often done in a slipcover style of upholstery, so that the fabric covers can be easily removed for cleaning.
Whether work is done in a den, spare room, loft or the corner of a living room, it's important to reserve a dedicated space for a home study.
If reading will be done in the study, place suitable reading lamps near reading chairs.
When buying this kind of furniture, it is usually best to look for timeless pieces instead of furniture that is strikingly done in a certain style, as your tastes are likely to change over the years.
Sofas and chairs are made from overstuffed upholstery and accented by lots of throw pillows, usually done in a floral fabric.
Pillows, slipcovers and curtains are often done in the same fabric.
Upholstered pieces of furniture such as sofas, loveseats and chairs are done in overstuffed designs.
Fabric choices are done in floral, plaid and stripes and are usually pastel shades of blue, green and pink.
Luckily bathrooms are no longer done in only shocking pink, frog green and white.
While an entire wall done in a zebra stripe might have you seeing stripes, a simple wall border can add just the right touch of the exotic to your room.
It's a great way to redecorate your bathroom without going to a lot of expense and it can be done in very little time.
For instance, a rustic room done in natural woods, stones, and simple furniture can still be minimalist.
A 1960s-style retro room can also be done in a minimalist way.
Upholstered pieces should be done in simple, pattern-free fabrics (if you feel you must use a patterned fabric make sure it's very simple and subtle).
Include couches and chairs with wooden frames and cushions that are done in rich colors and textured fabrics.
Difficult colors like some reds and magentas that normally require up to seven coats with other paint brands can be done in as little as two or three coats with Premium Plus Ultra.
See what Rachel has done in what she calls her labor of love, to transform vintage furniture and decor into new treasures for the passionate cottage chic collector.
Toss them in your drier, or hang them in direct sunlight; while a traditional area rug may take days to dry out, washable rugs are done in hours.
While these activities can be done in bed, you may prefer to create a small sitting area off to one side with a comfortable chair, ottoman and end table.
While the natural colors for giraffe print are warm tones of dark brown, tan and beige, the giraffe print pattern can also be done in fun neon colors such as lime green, hot pink and purple.
This procedure is done in the cosmetic dentistry office and involves spreading a bleaching gel over the teeth and utilizing a laser to activate the bleach.
Bonding is done in your dentist office and can take up to three hours.
To have a wealthy and powerful woman such as Oprah step out and declare to the world "This is me!" was something that very few, if any, celebrities had done in the past.
You can do this yourself or have it done in a salon.
The Nivea Visage eye makeup remover is an apt choice if you're in the market for an efficient, gentle product that gets the job done in a snap.
Zombies remain a popular choice for Halloween; these costumes can be done in a wide array of looks, while keeping the expense affordable.
Much of the cooking in Korea is done in a clay stewing pot known as a tukbaege.
Meat and poultry processing must be done in a certified plant that is regularly inspected.
Trying to get everything done in one day can be a bit of a trial.
Implementing a philosophy of simple scrapbooking lets you get more pages done in a shorter amount of time.
As long as these coping mechanisms are done in a private place and don't do any damage to property, it's fine to express these feelings and may even provide you with a feeling of release.
The massage strokes are long and are done in a sweeping or gliding motion mixed with kneading strokes.
In deep tissue massage the therapist uses strokes done in patterns combined with deep finger pressure where the muscles are very tight.
Massage is a natural way to relieve stress that can be done in many ways.
Tuning fork therapy can be done in conjunction with a massage or on its own.
Although making a to-do list is an effective time management tool, it is generally ineffective if it is not done in the proper way.
Efficient time management is utilizing your time management skills in a way that gets the most done in the least amount of time.
As you become more productive during the day you will get more done in less time.
This is a great tribute for all the hard work he or she has done in high school; why not award them with a trophy.
Masala Bhangra or Bollywood dance - can be done in the comfort of your own bedroom and it is lots of fun!
Some of the more notable finds is a zebra print belted skirt, tube belted romper and a pair of "shortfalls"; shorts done in the style of overalls.
Announcements for important events like graduations or weddings should still be done in the mail.
Although many schools are working hard to educate young pre-teens and teens by giving them tools to handle bullies or to avoid bullying, there is still much work to be done in this area.
Decorate your nails using neon colors, or go to a nail salon and get them professionally done in a unique design, such as stripes or polka dots.
A short cocktail dress with a sweetheart neckline, sash around the waist and full, tea length skirt screams 1950s, especially when done in pink satin or a polka dot print.
When done in a lightweight cotton, it’s super comfortable and breathable and perfect for just throwing on at a moment’s notice.
This fun announcement is similar to the personal website, only it is done in pictures.
In fact, holiday decorations are inexpensive and readily available; beautifying the church and place of reception for a yuletide wedding can be done in a manner fitting almost any budget.
Writing your own vows doesn't mean blindly following what has been done in the past.
These cakes can be done in a variety of shapes, like ducks, cars, or even frogs for fairytale themed weddings.
Decorating the cake can be done in plain white frosting or with colors.
Get all the details that can be taken care of early done in advance for a less stressful wedding day.
This must be done in person at least 16 days before the ceremony.
If you are really going for non-traditional you can have your cake done in the shape of a haunted house or a coffin.
Everyone expects wedding cakes to be white, but heart cakes done in soft pink, off-white, ivory, or fire-engine red are especially memorable and look great in photographs.
Rapid detox is a fast detoxification done in a clinical setting.
It can be done in either an inpatient/residential treatment facility or on an outpatient basis.
Successful Percocet withdrawal should be done in stages and should always be done under a physician's care.
An intervention should be done in a way that is productive and doesn't evoke immediate anger or distress.
Being completely honest with a person who might be in denial that there is a problem or who doesn't want to change is a difficult situation, which is why interventions should be done in a specific time and place.
Keep in mind that compulsive gamblers might be embarrassed or ashamed about their behavior, so confrontation should be done in a compassionate and concerned manner just like any intervention.
Shopping may be done in secret, or the problem is hidden.
When the cold winds blow and snow begins to come down, how lovely it will be to recall the warmth of the tropics with a master or guest bedroom done in rich tropical colors and patterns.
This was most commonly done in Spanish-style homes, which used tiling to bright and sometimes extreme effect, attempting to create an exotic experience.
Canopy beds are often associated with an old world sort of grandeur, and may conjure up images of Victorian-themed décors or, perhaps more commonly, a young girl's bedroom done in shades of pink and white.
If giving as a gift, choose a thick, white towel and have the personalization done in a matching color, so that the towels fit in well with the décor.
Give yourself enough time to have a job well done in the execution of the personalization.
Kate's wedding dress was a fitted lacy number with a v-neck and long train, done in classic white.
The hair waxing scene in The 40-Year-Old Virgin was done in one take, and is actually Carell getting his chest hair removed.
And if hitting another car wasn't enough for Richie, yet one more day later, while getting her nails done in a Beverly Hills salon, the skinny starlet received a ticket for parking her BMW in a passenger loading zone.
These group outings are generally done in an open-air bus so you can easily take photos.
A decent seamstress can often have a baby's dress done in the space of a day - and there is no fitting required.
However, sailings are not done in massive ocean liners.
Socialization for a young puppy can be done in the safety of his own home during this time.
We use the melt-and-pour method of soap making, which is the least time consuming and can be done in the microwave.
Also, if you apply herbicide to kill broadleaf weeds, that should be done in October.
Pruning should ideally be done in the spring, but you may also prune the tree after planting.
The mechanism itself is relatively straightforward, and some fundamental troubleshooting can be done in a half hour with a screwdriver and possibly a voltage tester.
It's a big job, but with the right preparation it can easily be done in a weekend.
Other painting ideas for spaces with a lot of one color include using an accent wall in a very bold color, with the other walls done in a more neutral shade.
While you will pay more up front for the paint per gallon, you'll need less of it and less time to get the job done in as well.
You have the choice of going with traditional engraving or selecting to have your wording done in black enamel.
Black Enamel and Crystal Flower Pendant with Chain is done in a bold style.
This bracelet is done in sterling silver and has a braided leather strap.
It is done in very limited quantities and once it is sold out, it will no longer be available.
Although the fashions of this era could be a little garish and overdone, when done in a contemporary way, men can easily incorporate some 80s-inspired fashions into their current wardrobes.
Most cocktail attire for men is done in classic looks that never go out of style and can be found in most men's shops as well as in department stores.
Clothing done in colors such as blue, brown and orange.
They are done in a softer leather and often seen in a fitted style.
Wear one with a shirt done in a bold color such as red or purple for a look that screams fashionable.
Scarves are done in a wide range of materials from silk to wool.
Tee shirts with fun graphics done in a fitted style can be seen in almost any store you shop at.
Twill Sport Shirt is done in a wrinkle resistant fabric that looks great without needing to be ironed.
It is done in a classic fit and comes in colors such as burgundy, green, navy and olive.
It comes in navy and olive and is done in a wrinkle resistant cotton fabric.
All shirts are done in a 100% cotton material with non-iron technology making them wrinkle resistant and hassle free.
They were often done in pastel colors as well.
They are no longer done in polyester but are done in materials such as wool or cotton blends.
For example, the Dreams Mens New Grey Lavender Plaid Casual Leisure Suit is done in a timeless look that consists of a lined jacket done in wool blend and matching pants.
Cotton and thermal knit are the most popular fabrics used for these shirts but they can also be done in a blend of cotton and polyester.
Many henleys are done in solid colors, but there are ones done in stripes as well.
Moose Creek Grizzly II Henley Shirt is done in a long sleeved style and made from a midweight cotton.
Most of the clothing in the Polo collection is done in a classic style that will remain timeless season after season.
This sport coat is done in Montana Khaki and is machine washable.
The Maidstone Crested Sport Coat is done in cotton chino, making it durable to wear.
This coat is done in a shorter and leaner style than other Polo sport coats, making it unique.
The Princeton Chambray Sport Coat is done in a lightweight chambray and has slim lapels.
Pronto Uomo Light Tan Fitted Dress Shirt is made from 100% cotton and is done in a non-iron fabric.
Traveler Tailored Fit Spread Collar Dress Shirt is done in a slim fit and is wrinkle free.
These shorts have an elastic side panel waistband and are done in a relaxed fit.
A crisp white shirt works well with a navy pair of dress shorts done in a silky material.
Silk Herringbone Jacquard Stripe Pajamas done in a classic style and available in mahogany red, black, or midnight blue.
Satin Stripe Silk Pajamas are done in 100% woven silk.
They are done in a satin silk jacquard stripe and have silk trim and mother of pearl buttons.
Scouts and hikers have long known the comfort that these shirts provide, but now they have gone mainstream and are done in an updated look perfect for summertime.
Camp shirts are done in solids, plaids and even prints.
They can be solid, plaid, striped or done in a bright, bold print.
Seaspray Camp Shirt is done in a floral print and is made from silk.
There are many styles of shorts done in denim for men to consider.
They are cut off at the knees and done in a super soft denim.
They are done in a cargo style and have elastic inserts on each side of the waist band.
The basic Southpole denim shorts are done in a dark wash.
It is Lee's bestselling jean and is done in a traditional fit with a 5 pocket style.
T shirts done in biker themes come in a wide range of styles.
Many are available in either short or long-sleeved versions and some are even done in a sleeveless tank style.
Leather Up features black T shirts done in either long or short sleeves.
They have been done in a range of colors and designs from those that are lined to those that are plain and from classic styles to the most unique.