Dome Sentence Examples
There she entered in at Dorothy's window in the dome and aroused her from her sleep.
She remembered what caused the dome of her underworld to crack.
The dome light went off as he shut the door.
In front of the dome rose two lofty minarets covered with blue tiles.
It contains no building of high architectural merit, except, perhaps, the collegiate church of Santa Maria, with its lofty blue-tiled dome and fine west doorway.
On the whole it is most likely that the Temple was erected by Solomon on the same spot as is now occupied by the Dome of the Rock, commonly known as the Mosque of Omar, and, regard being had to the levels of the ground, it is possible that the Holy of Holies, the most sacred chamber of the Temple, stood over the rock which is still regarded with veneration by the Mahommedans.
In the glow of the dome light he glanced up at her.
The dome and narthex are modern additions.
The quadrangle is larger than that of Shah Abbas; and at the eastern side is an immense blue dome, out of which quantities of grass were growing, the place being too sacred to be disturbed.
The present dome and the drum on which it stands, masterpieces of graceful line and harmonious proportion, were very important alterations from the earlier scheme.
AdvertisementThe construction of the wooden external dome, and the support of the stone lantern by an inner cone of brickwork, quite independent of either the external or internal dome, are wonderful examples of his, constructive ingenuity.
He didn't know what lay inside the dome, but he saw how large of an area it incorporated.
According to this scheme only the old choir was left; the nave and transepts were to be rebuilt after the classical style, with a lofty dome at the crossing - not unlike the plan eventually carried out.
An elevation of small extent is distinguished as a " dome " when it is more than 100 fathoms from the surface, a " bank " when it is nearer the surface than 100 fathoms but deeper than 6 fathoms, and a " shoal " when it comes within 6 fathoms of the surface and so becomes a serious danger to shipping.
Amongst the principal buildings are the beautiful cathedral in the Italian style, with a handsome dome 130 ft.
AdvertisementIt is an octagon, with a dome; in the interior are two arcades one above the other.
The mosaics of the 5th century, in the dome, are the earliest and perhaps the finest at Ravenna for their splendid decorative effect and rich colouring, and are less stiff and conventional than the later mosaics.
In the centre rises a dome, fronted by two smaller cupolas; while a secondary dome, broader and loftier than the central one, springs from the annexe.
Facing the main entrance is a small open shrine, consisting of a cornice and dome upheld by four pillars.
The dome is the leading idea or motif in Byzantine ecclesiastical architecture; the domes are placed over square, not circular apartments, and their bases are brought to a circle by means of pendentives.
AdvertisementThey halted in front of a dome shaped dwelling with a grass cover.
Beyond the golden dome, in striking and beautiful contrast with it, was a smaller dome of bright blue.
Attracted to astronomy by the solar eclipse of the 12th of May 1706, he obtained permission in 1710 to lodge in the dome of the Luxembourg, procured some instruments, and there observed the total eclipse of the 22nd of May 1724.
The visceral hump forms a low conical dome above the subcircular foot, and standing out all round the base of this dome so as completely to overlap the head and foot, is the circular mantle-skirt.
The diameter (on the ground level) of the dome is 116 ft.
AdvertisementThe prayer chamber is a lofty structure, quite unlike those of Egypt and Kairawan, with a dome 75 ft.
The central dome has but a slight elevation outside, but with the numerous cupolas round, and the minarets, it forms a picturesque group which is wanting in the mosques of Kairawan, Cordova, and other examples in North Africa.
The chief public building is the state capitol (built in1868-1888at a cost of about $4,50o,000), in the form of a Greek cross, with porticoes of granite and a dome 361 ft.
The Mosque of the Vizier, on the eastern side of the Tigris, near the pontoon bridge, has a fine dome and a lofty minaret, and the Great Mosque in the square of el Meidan, in the neighbourhood of the serai, is also a noble building.
Close to this stands the so-called tomb of Sitte Zobeide (Zobaida), with its octagonal base and pineapple dome, one of the most conspicuous and curious objects in the neighbourhood of Bagdad.
It forms one of the most decorative features of the synagogue, and of ten takes an architectural design, with columns, arches and a dome.
The view of the three from the south, presenting a continuous river frontage of six miles, the river crowded with shipping and the densely packed houses surmounted by church towers - of which three are higher than the dome of St Paul's in London - is one of great magnificence.
Playfair (1789-1857), but it was not till 1883 that the building was completed by the dome, crowned by the bronze figure of Youth bearing the torch of Knowledge, on the facade in South Bridge Street.
The town itself consists of a mass of one-storeyed stone houses, each surmounted by a little dome, clustering round the market-place with its mosque and minaret.
The corner-stone was laid in 1871, and the building was completed, with the exception of the central tower and dome, in 1904.
It is a square building with Ionic colonnades and a central dome, like an ancient temple, but curiously unlike a Roman villa.
There are perfect cleavages parallel to the dome (oiI).
The dome of the shrine is plated with gold, and within the walls and roof are covered with polished silver, glass and coloured tiles.
In the court before the dome rise two minarets, plated, like the dome, with finely beaten gold from the height of a man and upward.
Hans Makart's painted dome in the natural history museum is the largest pictorial canvas in the world.
Cast iron stills are provided with a hemispherical head or dome, generally attached to the body of the still by bolts, and of sufficient size to allow for any frothing.
The water vaporizes and is led from the dome of the evaporator to the head of the condenser.
It is adorned with a cycle of religious paintings by Heinrich von Hess (1798-1863), and the dome is supported by sixtyfour monoliths of grey Tyrolese marble.
Among newer churches the most noticeable are the Evangelical church of St Luke, a Transitional building, with an imposing dome, finished in 1896, and the Gothic parochial church of the Giesing suburb, with a tower 312 ft.
Others were "Elijah in the Wilderness" (1879), "Elisha raising the Son of the Shunammite" (1881) and a design intended for the decoration of the dome of St Paul's Cathedral, "And the Sea gave up the Dead which were in it" (1892), now in the Tate Gallery, and the terrible "Rizpah" of 1893.
The dome is an unsuitable addition of 1731 by the Sicilian architect Filippo Juvara (1685-1735), and its baroque decorations spoil the effect of the fine Gothic interior.
It is a fine Romanesque building in grey stone, built in the form of a Greek cross, with a dodecagonal dome over the centre slightly altered by Margaritone d'Arezzo in 1270.
To the north-west, beyond the Tal-i-Bangi, the magnificent outlines of the Mosalla filled a wide space with the glorious curves of dome and gateway and the stately grace of tapering minars, but the impressive beauty of this, by far the finest architectural structure in all Afghanistan, could not be permitted to weigh against the fact that the position occupied by this pile of solid buildings was fatal to the interests of effective defence.
Near the central quadrangle of the city is a vast reservoir of water, the dome of which is of bold and excellent proportions.
The frescoes in the dome, of the same date, are by Cesare Mariani.
The afternoon sermon, which fell to the lot of the canon in residence, had usually been delivered in the choir, but soon after Liddon's appointment it became necessary to preach the sermon under the dome, where from 3000 to 4000 persons used to gather to hear the preacher.
Particularly steep slopes are found in the case of submarine domes, usually incomplete volcanic cones, and there have been cases in which after such a dome has been discovered by the soundings of a surveying ship it could not be found again as its whole area was so small and the deep floor of the ocean from which it rose so flat that an error of 2 or 3 m.
Amongst these are the dome, an isolated elevation rising steeply but not coming within too fathoms of the surface; the bank, an elevation coming nearer the surface than too fathoms, but not so near as 6 fathoms; and finally the shoal or reef, which comes within 6 fathoms of the surface, and so may constitute a danger to shipping.
The crystals are orthorhombic, with angles similar to those of marcasite; they are often prismatic in habit, and the prism M is usually terminated by the deeply striated faces of an obtuse dome r.
The most important feature of the town is the great shrine of Hosain, containing the tomb of the martyr, with its golden dome and triple minarets, two of which are gilded.
This is a remarkably perfect structure with a central dome, columns and mosaics of classical fashion.
This is a solid dome of stone, about 103 ft.
The campanile, Sicilian in style, was completed in 1234, while the dome, which betrays similar motives, is even later.
The dome of Knocklayd, capped by an outlier of chalk and basalt, consists mostly of this far more ancient series.
The dome has a small aperture in the top which remains open to preclude accumulation of pressure.
The salt volatilizes (mostly in the form of a mixed vapour of the two components, which reunite on cooling), and condenses in the dome in the form of a characteristically fibrous and tough crust.
The Capitol,' dedicated in 1906, was erected to replace one burned in 1897; it is a fine building, with a dome modelled after St Peter's at Rome.
The great shanb (cupola or dome) and other buildings erected by Ghazan have also disappeared.
This church, by Giuliano da Sangallo (1485-1491), is a Greek cross, with barrel vaults over the arms, and a dome; it is a fine work, and the decoration of the exterior in marble of different colours (unfinished) is of a noble simplicity.
On the western hill are the law courts, a fine block of buildings in classic style surmounted by a central dome.
The Exhibition Buildings are situated on a hill in Carlton Gardens; they consist of a large cruciform hall surmounted by a dome and flanked by two annexes.
The highest peak on the Carter-Moriah range is Carter Dome, 4860 ft., but seven others exceed 4000 ft.
The centre is crowned by a dome, surmounted by a statue of Hope.
The half dome of the central apse has a colossal halflength figure of Christ, with a seated Virgin and Child below; the other apses have full-length colossal figures of St Peter and St Paul.
The Dominican church, a Gothic building of the 13th century, but practically rebuilt after a fire in 1850; the Franciscan church, also of the 13th century, also much modernized; the church of St Florian of the 12th century, rebuilt in 1768, which contains the late-Gothic altar by Veit Stoss, executed in 1518, during his last sojourn in Cracow; the church of St Peter, with a colossal dome, built in 1597, after the model of that of St Peter at Rome, and the beautiful Augustinian church in the suburb of Kazimierz, are all worth mentioning.
In front of the church stands a marble fountain (F), covered by a dome supported on columns.
Giusto, has a central dome.
Other churches of some note are San Filippo Neri (1672-1772), the dome of which fell in just as it was approaching completion under the hands of Guarini and was restored by Juvara, and La Gran Madre de Dio, erected to commemorate the return of the royal family in 1814.
It is a square edifice with a large dome and lofty spire, the dome being raised upon a hall with three galleries, one above the other, so that from the floor to the top of the dome is over 300 ft.
He passed away on the 1 4th of September 1852, and was buried under the dome of St Paul's, in a manner worthy both of the nation and of the man.
The most noteworthy church is the Candelaria church, in the commercial district, whose twin towers and graceful dome form one of the most conspicuous landmarks of the city.
Vaughan's Dome is 40 ft.
The grandest place of all is the Colossal Dome, which used to be entered only from the apex by windlass and a rope reaching 135 ft.
The dome walls arise in a series of richly tinted rings, each 8 or io ft.
In the number and height of its vertical falls and in the massive grandeur of El Capitan and Half Dome rocks Yosemite is unrivalled.
The chief modern' buildings, such as the Athenaeum, with its Ionic facade and Byzantine dome, are principally on the quays and boulevards, and are constructed of stone.
It was restored, but collapsed again in 1573, and a great part of it had to be reconstructed, including the dome (1574-1591).
The choir, crossing, and beautiful sixteen-sided dome, with the elegant external decorations in terra-cotta and marble, are by Bramante (c. 1492).
These papillae form pallial sense-organs, I containing nerve-end bulbs, covered by a dome of cuticle, and innervated from the pallial nervecords.
The edifice was not carried up to the height originally intended, but the magnificent dome, which recalls the finest examples in Italy, is conspicuous far and wide.
There are four main streets crossing each other nearly at right angles, the central "chouk" being covered with a dome.
Two others are proclamations commemorating visits paid by the king, one to the dome erected over the ashes of Konagamana, the Buddha, another to the birthplace of Gotama, the Buddha.
This experiment was made by himself in a tower at Paris, and was carried out on a grand scale under his instructions by his brother-in-law Florin Perier on the Puy de Dome in Auvergne.
The earlier churches of Genoa show a mixture of French Romanesque and the Pisan style - they are mostly basilicas with transepts, and as a rule a small dome; the pillars are sometimes ancient columns, and sometimes formed of alternate layers of black and white marble.
It is a cruciform structure, with a dome, and the central nave is supported by fourteen Corinthian columns of white marble.
The State Capitol (1840) is surmounted by a dome and modelled to some extent after the Parthenon and other buildings of ancient Greece; the first Capitol (begun in 1794) was burned in 1831.
The dome and the two slender minarets of this mosque form one of the most picturesque features of Cairo, and are visible from a great distance.
In the centre of the court is a fountain for ablutions, often surmounted by a dome, and in the prayerchamber a pulpit and a desk for readers.
Sixtus set no limit to his plans; and what he achieved in his short pontificate is almost incredible; the completion of the dome of St Peter's; the loggia of Sixtus in the Lateran; the chapel of the Praesepe in Sta Maria Maggiore; additions.
In the first it is a biconvex lens, from which segments are continually cut off parallel to the posterior surface; and in the second an elongated dome, from which segments are cut off by a transverse wall.
This room is a perfect square, with a lofty dome and trellised windows at its base.
There is a fountain in the middle of this hall, and the roof - a dome honeycombed with tiny cells, all different, and said to number 5000 - is a magnificent example of the so-called " stalactite vaulting " of the Moors.
The Capella Palatina, at Palermo, the most wonderful of Roger's churches, with Norman doors, Saracenic arches, Byzantine dome, and roof adorned with Arabic scripts, is perhaps the most striking product of the brilliant and mixed civilization over which the grandson of the Norman Trancred ruled.
Contemporary documents prove that the interior was begun in 1508 by Cola Matteuccio da Caprarola, and the exterior completed in1516-1524by Ambrogio da Milano and Francesco di Vito Lombardo; the slender dome was not added till .1606; its plan is a Greek cross.
Among its notable public buildings and institutions are the old government palace in Santo Antonio built upon the foundations of the official residence of Prince Maurice of Nassau, with a pretty garden attached; a theatre facing upon the Praga da Republica, dating from the second empire; the palace of the Provincial Assembly in Boa Vista, built in 1860-66, surmounted by a high dome; the municipal palace, or prefecture, on Rua do Imperador, with the public library (Biblioteca Publica) occupying its third floor and containing about 30,000 volumes; the Gymnasium, a large plain building of two floors standing near the legislative palace; the Pedro II.
One of the most attractive churches is that of Nossa Senhora da Penha, surmounted by two slender spires and a dome.
The most magnificent church in Pest is the Leopoldstadt Basilica, a Romanesque building with a dome 315 ft.
In Buda, near the Kaiserbad, and not far from the Margaret bridge, is a small octagonal Turkish mosque, with a dome 25 ft.
Antisana is crowned with a double dome, and is described as an extinct volcano, though Humboldt saw smoke issuing from it in 1802.
Swelled by torrents from the mountains of Dore and Dome, it unites with the river Dore at its entrance to the department to which it gives its name.
The cathedral (1589-1604) is a late Renaissance building with a modern dome and early Renaissance choir-stalls, puplit, &c. In the Cappella Sistina, to the north, stands the simple, finely carved tomb erected by Sixtus IV.
For the great refractor more recently erected at Potsdam, Messrs Repsold arranged a large platform mounted on a framework which is moved in azimuth by the dome, so that the observer on the platform is always opposite the dome-opening.
The rotation of the dome, and p _z with it the platform-framework, is accomplished s by means of electric motors, as also is the raising and lowering of the platform on its = =_ framework.
Other water engines, similarly connected, with keys at the observer's hands, rotate the dome and perform the quick motions in right ascension and declination.
Only the ground plan and the lower part of the western towers belong to the original building consecrated in IIIo; the remainder was mostly finished by 1181, but the west choir and the vaulting were built in the 13th century, the elaborate south portal was added in the 14th century, and the central dome has been rebuilt.
The churches include a Lutheran, an English, in the Norman style of architecture, and a Russian, with beautiful frescoes; while on the Michaelsberg is the Greek chapel, with a gilded dome, which was erected over the tomb of a son of the Rumanian prince Michel Stourdza, who died here in 1863.
At the beginning of his reign Abdalmalik had replaced the humble mosque built by Omar on the site of the temple at Jerusalem by a magnificent dome, which was completed in the year 691.
The higher, Great Ararat, is "a huge broad-shouldered mass, more of a dome than a cone"; the lower, Little Ararat, 12,840 ft.
It was long believed by the Armenian monks that no one was permitted to reach the "secret top" of Ararat with its sacred remains, but on the 27th of September 1829, Dr. Johann Jacob Parrot (1792-1840) of Dorpat, a German in the employment of Russia, set foot on the "dome of eternal ice."
The Boston Mountains are substantially a continuation of the Ozark dome of Missouri.
The king of the forest is the tapan, which, rising to a great height without fork or branch, culminates in a splendid dome of foliage.
The dome is octagonal.
The cathedral church of San Martino is a Renaissance building begun in 1488 by Cristoforo Rocchi; it is a vast "central" structure, finely designed, with four arms, which remained for centuries unfinished until the dome (only surpassed by those of St Peter at Rome and the cathedral at Florence) and façade were completed in 1898 according to Rocchi's still extant model; adjoining the church is the massive Torre Maggiore, 258 ft.
Maria di Canepanova with its small dome was designed by Bramante.
However the influence of the Early Renaissance had meanwhile become supreme throughout Italy, and the rest of the church with its external arcaded galleries and lofty pinnacles (including the fine dome) and the cloisters were executed in the new style under Guiniforte Solari (1453-1481) with details in terra-cotta of great beauty and richness.
The object of the thimbleshaped dome was to keep moisture from the stem from which the pith balls were supported, so that the apparatus could be used in the open air even in the rainy weather.
The Capitol faces east, and on this side is a richly sculptured 3 portico with Corinthian columns leading to the rotunda under the dome, a sculptured Corinthian portico leading to the Senate Chamber in the north wing, and a plain Corinthian portico leading to the Hall of Representatives in the south wing; there is also a portico at each end and on the west side of each wing.
The Red Sea is formed by a line of fracture, probably dating from Pliocene times, crossing the centre of a dome of Archean rocks, on both flanks of which, in Egypt and Arabia., rest Secondary and Tertiary deposits.
The granite rocks forming the core of the dome appear at the surface on the Red Sea coast, at the western end of the transverse line of heights crossing Nejd.
Among the principal public buildings are the town hall (1880), in the French Renaissance style; the county hall (1898), a handsome structure with octagonal tower and dome over the principal entrance; the large corn exchange (1837, enlarged 1862), including a concert-room; the market house, the sessions house, the county offices (1896) and the prison for the West Riding; the mechanics' institution with large library, church institute and library, and the fine art institution.
Every year some thousands of poor patients are treated free of cost; and the hospital was enlarged for their accommodation, a dome being added which is of greater circumference than any other in Europe.
Others admire more the Mammoth Dome, at the termination of Spark's Avenue, where a cataract falls from a height of iso ft.
The Egyptian Temple, which is a continuation of the Mammoth Dome, contains six massive columns, two of them quite perfect and 80 ft.
Lucy's Dome, one of the group of Jessup Domes, is supposed to be the loftiest of all these vertical shafts.
A pit called the "Maelstrom," in Croghan's Hall, is the spot most remote from the mouth of Gerta's Grotto Creighton's Dome Index Hovey's Cathedral 0' Martel Nelson's Domes p a e t a j-?l . ?Einbigler Dome Edna's Dome Galloway's Dome Chief City Violet.
Dome Route min.., Copyright 1907 by Horace C.Hovey 76 The "short route" requires about four hours, and the "long route" nine.
The Gothic Avenue contains numerous large stalactites and stalagmites, and an interesting place called the Chapel, and ends in a double dome and cascade.
This includes Gorin's Dome, which is viewed from a point midway in its side, and also from its top, the cave.
C. Hovey, in 1907, was led by expert guides into still wilder recesses, where a series of five domes were found, that opened into each other by tall gateways; each dome being 60 ft.
The building is built of white marble throughout, crowned with a great white dome in the centre, and with a smaller dome at each of its four corners.
Its tribal deity, the god of the mountain, the Puy de Dome, rechristened in Roman phrase Mercurius Dumias, was famous far beyond its territory.
The cathedral, a vast basilica built of brick and white stone, with a central dome and two lofty spires above the north entrance, was founded in 1866 and consecrated in 1882.
It is a clumsy, though somewhat imposing edifice of sandstone in Italian Renaissance style, and has a dome rising, with the lantern, to a height of 380 ft.
This palace, standing in the very heart of the city, is a huge quadrangular building, with four courts, and is surmounted by a dome 220 ft.
This edifice, in the Italian baroque style, surmounted by a dome, possesses but little architectural merit, and its position is so confined that great ingenuity had to be employed in its internal arrangements to meet the demands of space, but its collection of pictures is one of the finest in Europe.
Above, rises the mausoleum, also a square, with a great dome of white marble in the centre.
When first built the dome was covered by gold leaf, and the outer walls were adorned with stucco work picked out in gold and blue, but to-day there are very few traces of this ornamentation.
The Haugerstifts church, with two towers and a lofty dome, was built in the Italian Renaissance style in 1670-1691.
Most interesting among these are the Henry Mountains, formed by the intrusion of molten igneous rock between the layers of sediments, causing the overlying layers to arch up into dome mountains.
San Francesco di Paolo, opposite the royal palace, is an imitation of the Pantheon at Rome by Pietro Bianchi di Lugano (1815-1837), and its dome is one of the boldest in Europe.
The Galleria Vittoria, opened in 1907, is a circular building with handsome dome, situated near the main entrance of the Villa Communale.
The Masjid Sabz, with its green-tiled dome, is said to be the tomb of a Khwaja, Abu' Narsi Parsar.
The interior is decorated with 18th-century frescoes, to which period the dome also belongs.
He collected Rumanian popular songs and Alec- ballads (Dome, 1844) (Llicramioare, 1853).
The larger streams of the Ozark dome are of decided interest to the physiographer.
Maria Maggiore di Siponto, built in 1117 in the Romanesque style, with a dome and crypt.
The majority of acid makers, however, prefer retorts made entirely of platinum, preferably provided by the Heraeus process with a dense, closely adherent coating of gold, including the top or "dome."
The pilgrimage church of the Madonna dei Miracoli, begun in 1498 by Vincenzo dell' Orto, has a dome of rich architecture externally; the campanile dates from 1516, the rest of the church is later.
The city hall, completed in 1875, in the Renaissance style, consists of a centre structure of four storeys surmounted by an iron dome 260 ft.
Among the churches may be mentioned the Roman Catholic cathedral, surmounted by a dome 125 ft.
There is a large city and county building (1894), built of rough grey sandstone from Utah county; it has a dome on the top of which is a statue of Columbia; over its entrances are statues of Commerce, Liberty and Justice; its balconies command views of the neighbouring country and of the Great Salt Lake; the interior is decorated with Utah onyx.
Again, the most convenient site for oil wells is the crest of an anticline or "dome," where an impervious stratum imprisons the gas and oil in a subjacent saturated layer under pressure.
The blood and refuse were discharged through a drain into the brook Kedron; this drain probably still remains, in the Bir el-Arwah, under the "Dome of the Rock" in the mosque which covers the site of the temple.
What remains of Walter's building is a rich example of the Christian-Saracen style, disfigured, unfortunately, by the addition of a totally unsuitable dome by Ferinando Fuga in 1781-1801.
The original dome fell in 558, as the result of an earthquake, and among the improvements introduced in the course of restoration, the dome was raised 25 ft.
On a large scale, and in magnificent style, it combines the attractive features of a basilica, with all the glory of an edifice crowned by a dome.
Another great change in the general aspect of the city has been produced by the erection of stately mosques in the most commanding situations, where dome and minarets and huge rectangular buildings present a combination of mass and slenderness, of rounded lines and soaring pinnacles, which gives to Constantinople an air of unique dignity and grace, and at the same time invests it with the glamour of the oriental world.
The architects of the mosques have made a skilful use of the semi-dome in the support of the main dome of the building, and in the consequent extension of the arched canopy that spreads over the worshipper.
At the same time, when viewed from the exterior, the main dome rises large, bold and commanding, with nothing of the squat appearance that mars the dome of St Sophia, with nothing of the petty prettiness of the little domes perched on the drums of the later Byzantine churches.
Among these subjects were the transit of Mercury, the Aurora Borealis, the figure of the earth, the observation of the fixed stars, the inequalities in terrestrial gravitation, the application of mathematics to the theory of the telescope, the limits of certainty in astronomical observations, the solid of greatest attraction, the cycloid, the logistic curve, the theory of comets, the tides, the law of continuity, the double refraction micrometer, various problems of spherical trigonometry, &c. In 1742 he was consulted, with other men of science, by the pope, Benedict XIV., as to the best means of securing the stability of the dome of St Peter's, Rome, in which a crack had been discovered.
The most remarkable remains are the palace of the Safawid shahs and the mosque with its large blue dome.
The landgrave built at Cassel in 1561 the first observatory with a revolving dome, and worked for some years at a star-catalogue finally left incomplete.
The Slieve Bloom Mountains are thus formed of a dome of Old Red Sandstone folded on a core of unconformable Silurian strata; while in several cases the domes are worn through, leaving rings of Old Red Sandstone hills, scarping inwards towards broad exposures of Silurian shales.
It bears an imposing dome, 225 ft.
On an elevation near the centre of the city stands the state house (the corner stone of which was laid in 1772), with its lofty white dome (200 ft.) and pillared portico.
A larger and more massive and stately building than the city hall is the county court house, facing Cadillac Square, with a lofty tower surmounted by a gilded dome.
The fine sculptures of the façade, with its beautiful windows, as also the octagonal dome, all belong to this period; Meliorantius, the sculptor of the portal of the cathedral (after 1155), took his inspiration hence.
The dome cracked and the demons came through.
The stars of the show did acrobatics in the air right in the middle of the dome.
In the half dome the winged figure of Victory steps from a boat through the central archway of a Roman temple.
About 60 million cubic meters of dome and crater wall traveled to the south as a debris avalanche and pyroclastic density currents.
This shape is called a buckyball after Richard Buckminster Fuller, who invented the geodesic dome.
Mafic inclusions form a minor but ubiquitous part of the andesitic lavas that compose the bulk of the dome material.
A woman pauses by a display of Islamic calligraphy, some with pictures of the Dome of the Rock, in.. .
Enjoy a panoramic view of the city where the cathedral dome dominates the cityscape.
Very grand proposals were were produced a main block with a vast dome, a portico and attached curved colonnades leading to symmetrical pavilions.
The dome of this temple which has marble columns with Corinthian capitals was restored very recently.
Two 50 watt amplifiers and electronic crossover are matched to a 25mm soft dome tweeter and a 165mm long-throw bass unit.
Firstly there are the latest drawings and documentation celebrating a culmination of his famous " Ash Dome " project.
Of course, the golden cupola of the Dome of the Rock is the most famous landmark in the city.
R2D2 behind them has a huge dent clearly visible on his dome.
What is needed is some method of determining the direction of dome failure based on continuous near-real-time data.
It was circular, surmounted by a dome giving off flashes of green light.
The citadel atop the hill at the center of the city was clearly visible, light reflecting off of it's gilded dome.
Aerial photography taken on 21 July revealed than an external lava dome was not visible at the bottom of the crater.
Of on-line gaming planetarium dome a the marina district.
I'll build a mini millenium dome in my garden!
Stone Arthur is out of sight below the curve of the summit dome.
Millenium events are not just happening in the Dome, but can be found on everyone's doorstep, " he said.
A new orchestra elevator provides the Dome with greater flexibility than ever before.
I've arrived at the rather fearsome looking crags at the southwestern edge of Narnain's summit dome.
In addition, using a dome shaped air filter creates the same effect and efficiency as a larger funnel.
I begin to realize that they are acrobats aiming at loftier heights than those of the dome.
Directly overhead was a circular hole in the dome.
The intact dome has characteristic vegetation and structural features, including hummock and lawn complexes and small shallow pools.
With its distinctive dome and needle-like minaret, the mosque was built by the Ottoman Turks in 1816.
The skull is rather large and high in the dome, with a prominent occiput and a gradual stop.
The dome of the edifice rests on eight stone columns which form an octagon.
The center gatehouse is a domed octagon, the dome being pierced by small quatrefoiled windows.
During weight-bearing, 80 to 90% of the load is transmitted through the tibial plafond to the dome of the talus.
There is a central stationary dome or turret with a circular porthole.
The bulb partially protruded from the two dome reflectors, and only the light from the very edges was diverted downwards.
Further east and slightly behind is the Victorian dome that houses the 28-inch refractor, the observatory's largest instrument.
On the far right-hand side of Queen Square is the dome of the Hippodrome.
A dome roof light can be inserted in the flat roof to give extra light to the stair well.
The head has good width between the ears and a gently rounded dome.
Any dome supported by circular arches, as is the dome of St. Mark's, must have spandrels for structural reasons.
The buttons carry light collecting prisms attached to optical fibers in a 10m cable that directly feeds a spectrograph on the dome floor.
The conventional dome design has been given a wider splay making it extremely sturdy in high winds.
A partly subterranean dome about 10 meters in diameter, similar to the hogan of the Navajo, was the uniform shelter.
The small tesserae found in the filling would have related to the mosaic decoration of the dome.
It has dual pivoting dome tweeters; each tweeter producing the left or right channel.
The standard two-way design features a 150mm polypropylene mid/bass driver and 25mm metal dome tweeter, both designed in the UK.
It utilizes an identical 1 " silk dome tweeter mounted within a floating aluminum double chamber and aligned vertically with 3.5 midrange driver.
After performing about a zillion tests, we found a 1-inch alloy dome tweeter that has unusually smooth response along with excellent power handling.
The thin velour upholstery covering the dome has begun to sag in places.
In addition people saw millions squandered by an incompetent Government or the biggest white elephant ever the Dome.
This new version has pivoting dome tweeters at an angle; each tweeter producing the left or right channel, and a pivoting woofer.
The detached building, formerly the stables, is converted into a fine concert hall; it is lighted by a vast glazed dome approaching that of St Paul's cathedral, London, in dimensions.
In plan it is an immense rotunda surrounded by a wide aisle, and approached by a double portico; the rotunda is covered with a dome taken from that of the Pantheon in Rome; on this a second dome stands, set on a lofty drum, and this second dome is crowned by a tall spire.
The increase of the visceral dome, its spiral twisting, and the gradual closure of the space overhung by the mantle-skirt so as to v / FIG.
In plan (see the article Architecture) St Mark's is a Greek cross of equal arms, covered by a dome in the centre, 42 ft.
Of the interior decorations it is enough to mention the altars of the nave, said to be after designs by Michelangelo, and the mosaics in the dome and the apse, which were among the latest designs of Cimabue.
In some domes, for instance in a dome at the university of Birmingham, a sound from one end of a diameter is heard very much more loudly quite close to the other end of the diameter than elsewhere, but in St Paul's Lord Rayleigh found that " the abnormal loudness with which a whisper is heard is not confined to the position diametrically opposite to that occupied by the whisperer, and therefore, it would appear, does not depend materially upon the symmetry of the dome.
In 1647 he published his Nouvelles experiences sur le vide, and in the next year the famous experiment with the barometer on the Puy de Dome was carried out for him by his brother-in-law Perier, and repeated on a smaller scale by himself at Paris, to which place by the end of 1647 he and his sister Jacqueline had removed, to be followed shortly by their father.
When a mosque is also the founder's tomb, it has a richly ornamented sepulchral chamber always covered by a dome (see further Mosque, which contains plans of the mosques of Amr and sultan Hasan, and of the tomb mosque of Kait Bey).
He desired to augment the splendours of Islam and its sovereign, as Abdalmalik had already done by building the dome of Jerusalem.
The cathedral church of San Martino is a Renaissance building begun in 1488 by Cristoforo Rocchi; it is a vast "central" structure, finely designed, with four arms, which remained for centuries unfinished until the dome (only surpassed by those of St Peter at Rome and the cathedral at Florence) and façade were completed in 1898 according to Rocchi's still extant model; adjoining the church is the massive Torre Maggiore, 258 ft.
Michele in respect of its facade (though it has not the elaborate sculptures), dome and mosaic pavements.
The Ozark region is substantially a low dome, with local faulting and minor undulations, dominated by a ridge - or, more exactly, a relatively even belt of highland - that runs from near the Mississippi about Ste Genevieve county to Barry county on the Arkansas border; the contour levels falling with decided regularity in all directions below this crest.
Occasionally, as in the case of Laleli Jamissi, where the dome rests upon an octagon inscribed in a square, the influence of SS.
The nave, forming a Greek cross, is surmounted by a hemispherical dome, the 600 sq.
The fine sculptures of the façade, with its beautiful windows, as also the octagonal dome, all belong to this period; Meliorantius, the sculptor of the portal of the cathedral (after 1155), took his inspiration hence.
Further east and slightly behind is the Victorian dome that houses the 28-inch refractor, the observatory 's largest instrument.
The dome and safety valve cover were Gibson parts designed for his GWR 517 class kit.
A further exploration of the Gorleben salt dome cannot contribute to the clarification of these outstanding questions.
Any dome supported by circular arches, as is the dome of St. Mark 's, must have spandrels for structural reasons.
On most Lambretta engines machining a head to the dome of the piston will give a correct squish band for power.
The subclavian vein also lies close to the dome of the pleura, damage to which can cause a pneumothorax.
On the way into Bandar we saw glimpses of the sultan 's palace, with a gold dome glistening through the leafy grounds.
The summit dome is rough and bouldery, devoid of vegetation, and snowbound for much of the year.
An iron dome would fit on top and would be able to swivel round.
The Dome ended up as a tacky show best remembered for the smell of greasy hamburgers.
Of particular note are the illusory trompe d'oeil effects (the most effective being the illusion of the ceiling dome).
In the dramatic Cupola Room his trompe l'oeil fresco gives the effect of a dome although it is only 3.5 inches in depth.
The cathedral has no dome, but inside, a trompe l'oeil painting on its ceiling gives the illusion of a dome.
It utilizes an identical 1 silk dome tweeter mounted within a floating aluminum double chamber and aligned vertically with 3.5 midrange driver.
Subsequent erosion of the chemically weathered granite took place as a generally radial drainage network evolved around the granite dome.
The weather vane on top of the dome was controversial at the time the church was consecrated in 1825.
The BOODA Dome box is made by Aspen and comes in several colors and versions, including one without the steps.
Dome roofs are also used, especially in Greek architecture.
He replaced the west wing, second story portico with an octagon-shaped dome and made an apartment out of it for guests.
Photos of the Capitol are typically from the mall and capture the iconic dome.
The site offers games, a full map of locations to explore with the user's pet, and even a "Battle Dome", which pits pets from all across the site against one another in battles.
Each mood ring contains thermotropic liquid crystals inside a glass dome that measures body temperature changes.
You can expect to pay $15.95, and for an additional $9.95, can walk away with a mesh dome lime and blue sunglass case.
It has a dome top that remains attached by a piece of plastic.
It can be done in a decorative style that has a hinged dome top to secure the contents.
A case with a hinged dome will keep your contacts secure and some are even designed to hold a small bottle of solution as well.
Another hinged dome case is made by Contact Companion.
It is done with a pink hinged dome case that features a strawberry design as well as Hello Kitty.
Percival has a Healing, Lightning and a defense dome that temporarily provides invincibility to any allied troop within the dome.
Don't forget to add accessories like a dome light, license plate brackets, and decals.
They can be an excellent option for family camping adventures, as well as for couples who want to enjoy more space than what is afforded by a-frame and dome tent styles.
The diaphragm is a small round latex or silicone dome that is inserted into the vagina.
The dome covers the opening to the uterus and prevents sperm from entering through the cervix and traveling up to meet the egg.
Perhaps the most exciting attraction is the Academy's new four-story rainforest dome.
The rainforest dome is home to over 1,600 species of live animals.
While the dome is one large tropical bubble, each level represents a different rainforest area, including Borneo, Costa Rica, Madagascar, and the Amazon.
Surfboard and Sleep Dome - Let the Zhu Zhu Pet take a nap in its sleep dome.
The Crayola Glow Dome is something that your kids will come back to frequently.
The Crayola Color Explosion Glow Dome is just another example of Crayola engineers creating a great toy.
The Glow Dome allows your child to create an animated, three-dimensional scene using Crayola Color Explosion markers.
The dome has a center panel that is for your child's main image.
In addition, it has a dome where your child can create a complementary scene to go around the main image.
When your child is finished with his artwork, he turns the Glow Dome on, and the image on the dome spins around the main image, creating an animated effect.
The dome comes with Color Explosion glow markersand two tracing sheets.
Tracing scenes are for getting your child started or for giving examples of what can be done with the spinning dome.
Drawings go directly onto the dome so your child can make as many scenes as he wants and then wipe them off with a damp paper towel.
The real genius in the Crayola Glow Dome is not that it is a glow-in-the-dark art toy; it is that it spins so it makes it appear as if your picture is moving.
On the actual dome, have your child draw something that goes with the background.
A haunted mansion on the center panel, and bats, spiders with cobwebs, or ghosts on the dome for a spooky piece of art.
The possibilities are endless; you can set any scene in the center panel, and then draw the parts you want to see moving on the dome.
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio awarded the Explosion Color Glow Dome the Gold Seal Award.
Not to mention the fact that the Glow Dome encourages creativity and spatial reasoning.
The only drawback (if you can even call it that), is that it is rather difficult to draw and trace on a dome shape.
You can buy the Crayola Glow Dome anywhere that Crayola products are sold.
Protect the dome side from pets and children.
Since the dome side is easier to use than the platform side, a basic bosu program should begin with the dome side up.
Stand on the dome side with your feet separated at hip width apart.
Bosu compressions are simply pedaling motions performed on top of the dome side.
The souls crossed over into mortal lakes, after the dome of her underworld cracked, and she resigned.
It was a sign that her power was weakening, just like the cracking of the sky in the underworld's dome.
From this point, Xander was able to see most of the city, including the white dome of the palace at its center that marked the home of one of the three Gods that ruled the immortal realm.
Xander focused on the dome.
The crossing is surmounted by a dome, and the extremity of the north transept by a fine square tower over 160 ft.
The Golden Temple is so called on account of its copper dome, covered with gold foil, which shines brilliantly in the rays of the Indian sun, and is reflected back from the waters of the lake; but the building as a whole is too squat to have much architectural merit apart from its ornamentation.
Marble terraces and balustrades surround the tank, and a marble causeway leads across the water to the temple, whose gilded walls, roof, dome and cupolas, with vivid touches of red curtains, are reflected in the still water.
A wooden mosque was erected near the site of the Temple, which was replaced by the Mosque of Aksa, built by the amir Abdalmalik (Abd el Malek), who also constructed the Dome of the Rock, known as the Mosque of Omar, in 688.
It contains many mountains volcanic in origin (Plomb du Cantal, Puy de Dome, Mont Dore), fertile valleys such as that of Limagne, vast pasturelands, and numerous medicinal springs.
Thus, in spite of its having been approved by the king, this design was happily abandoned - much to Wren's disgust; and he prepared another scheme with a similar treatment of a dome crowned by a spire, which in 1675 was ordered to be carried out.
The older portion, the capella in palatio, an octagonal building surmounted by a dome, was designed on the model of San Vitale at Ravenna by Udo of Metz, was begun under Charlemagne's auspices in 796 and consecrated by Pope Leo III.
Underneath the dome, according to tradition, was the tomb of Charlemagne, which, on being opened by Otto III.
Over it rose a dome entirely covered with gold, with two minarets at the sides, likewise gilt all over.
The state capitol stands in a square 8 acres in extent, and has a central tower and dome 240 ft.
The Tholos at Epidaurus, built by Polycleitus (c. 400 B.C.), and the Tholos at Olympia, known as the Philippeion, are the most remarkable examples, and in both cases were covered with a sloping roof and not with a dome.
When the shell is taken away (best effected by immersion in hot water) the surface of the visceral dome is found to be covered by a black-coloured epithelium, which may be removed, enabling the observer to note the posi.
This noble pile, with a large and handsome dome, a secondary cupola over the altar, and a striking portal and flight of steps, occupies one of the most conspicuous sites in Venice on the point of land that separates the mouth of the Guidecca from the Grand Canal.
Architecturally, everything is subordinated to a conformity with the style of the original portion; and its gilded dome is a conspicuous landmark.
In the earlier refineries the stills, the capacity of which varied from 25 to 80 barrels, usually consisted of a vertical cylinder, constructed of castor wrought-iron, with a boiler-plate bottom and a cast-iron dome, on which the " goose-neck " was bolted.
At that point the outer wall, if one may so call it, of the solid dome could be traced, and had a diameter of 68 ft.
The dome, therefore, sloped inwards i ft.
They were then more than a third of the height of the dome itself.
The Kubbet-esSakhra, or Dome of the Rock, at Jerusalem, is only a shrine erected over the sacred rock, so that the title often ascribed to it as "the mosque of Omar" is misleading.
Beyond the Mecca wall is the tomb of the founder, covered with an immense dome.
In this case the central court is roofed over, and has an octagon lantern in the centre; the recesses are covered with horizontal ceilings carried on great beams, the whole being elaborately carved, coloured and gilded; the tomb is covered with the later type of dome, built in stone, and elaborately carved outside with delicate conventional patterns in relief.
The dome is 60 ft.
North-east of the Palais de Justice, which like the Sadiki College is built in the Moorish style, rises the great dome, surrounded by smaller cupolas, of the largest mosque in the city, that named after Sidi Mahrez, a renowned saint of the 5th century of the Mahommedan era, whose tomb makes it a sancutary for debtors.
He states that in the whispering gallery in St Paul's, London, " the faintest sound is faithfully conveyed from one side to the other of the dome but is not heard at any intermediate point."
Hence all rays between =0 will be confined in the space between the outer dome and a circle of radius OP cos 0, and the weakening of intensity will be chiefly due to vertical spreading.
Fosca, a church of the 12th century, octagonal outside, with colonnades on five sides and a rectangular interior intended for a dome which was never executed, beyond which is a three-apsed choir.
The dome has fallen in.
The overlying ' dome ' epithelium contains large numbers of intraepithelial lymphocytes.
The 17cm KEVLAR composite cone woofer and 25mm soft dome tweeter deliver a better and more impressive sound offering throughout the full range.
Just then they heard the big voice of Jim the cab-horse calling to them, and going to the doorway leading to the dome they found the Princess and a throng of her people had entered the House of the Sorcerer.
Find the comic on top of a dome shaped building on the west side of the city.
You can purchase additional "special-effects" markers, but the Glow Dome comes with a starter set of markers so you do not have to buy more.
A heat-tempered glass lid dome helps to trap the moisture and keep your food from drying out during the cooking process.
The added benefit to Delonghi's glass dome lids is that you can see the cooking progress of whatever you're grilling.
Weld the floor to the cage so that you have a fully enclosed dome.
This collection was displayed at the Millennium Dome in London, and this exhibit was the first time the diamond was unveiled to the public.
The IMAX DOME, originally billed as the OMNIMAX, is a variation of the standard IMAX theater and is designed for projection or tilted dome screens.
Mumbai, India is home to the largest IMAX DOME theater in the world, with the area of the screen totaling 12,700 sq. ft.
One of the items the psychics were successfully able to draw was a crane used in the construction process, along with a building in the shape of a dome.