Domain Sentence Examples
He cannot enter Death's domain or other areas of the Immortal world without invitation.
She gave up her power, her domain, and her entire life for this opportunity.
I even gave up my power, my domain, everything.
Several portals glowed, and he strode across the silent domain toward the portal he needed.
He joined Dean at the kitchen table although Cynthia would have preferred having her private domain to herself.
She can do whatever she wants in her domain.
She hesitated, sensing that entering his domain would somehow seal her to a fate she didn't yet understand.
Gabriel was struggling with his domain.
A former-human running Death's domain?
Gladys had taken over as docent of the domain.
AdvertisementThis subject brings the domain of pathology, however, into touch with that of variation, and we are profoundly ignorant as to the complex of external conditions which would decide in any given case how far a variation in form would be prejudicial or otherwise to the continued existence of a species.
Half of them were formerly serfs (10,447,149 males in 1858) - the remainder being " state peasants " (9,194,891 males in 1858, exclusive of the Archangel government) and " domain peasants " (842,740 males the same year).
The Oracle listed the complete terms, but Gabriel was only able to see the portion concerning his domain.
In return they usually had a house near the episcopal palace, a domain within and without the city, and sometimes the right to levy certain dues on the city.
Rhyn stepped into Death's domain.
AdvertisementDeath will crush us and hopefully, any demons in her domain.
He knew about Death's domain from the angel memories.
The parks are the Domain, with a botanical garden, the Albert Park near the harbour, with a bronze statue of Queen Victoria, the extensive grounds at One Tree.
The forest-clad basin of the Congo, with the coastal districts of the bay of Guinea, seem to form one domain in opposition to the rest.
In the domain of jurisprudence, which consists of discussions of how a state and power might be arranged were it possible for all that to be arranged, it is all very clear; but when applied to history that definition of power needs explanation.
AdvertisementIt made him powerful but drove him beyond madness and nearly destroyed my domain.
You are a deity without a domain or source of power, which means you have nothing I could possibly want, Darkyn said.
Something was broken and for once, it wasn't Death's domain.
Gabe nodded, forced to admit he no longer had any idea how to fix whatever was broken in Death's domain.
As troubling as I find the latest trend of people entering my domain uninvited, I feel able to handle it.
AdvertisementBy the marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine with Henry Plantagenet, the countship passed under the suzerainty of the kings of England, but at the same time it was divided, William VII., called the Young (1145-1168), having been despoiled of a portion of his domain by his uncle William VIII.,called the Old,who was supported by Henry II.
Aello and Ocypete, daughters of Thaumas and Electra, winged goddesses with beautiful locks, swifter than winds and birds in their flight, and their domain is the air.
Their domain comprises the whole of British Somaliland, and probably most of Italian Somaliland.
At that time there was no royal taille, strictly speaking; it was only the seigniorial taille transferred to the crown, but it was one of the first taxes his right to levy which upon all the inhabitants of the domain of the crown, whether serfs or roturiers, was recognized.
Here is a Russian imperial domain of 436 sq.
The business quarter is a limited area lying between Darling Harbour and the Domain.
Second in importance to George Street is Pitt Street, which runs parallel to it from the Circular Quay to the railway station; Macquarie Street runs alongside the Domain and contains a number of public buildings, including the treasury, the office of public works, the houses of parliament and the mint.
Government House, the residence of the governor-general, an excellent Tudor building erected in 1837, and several times enlarged, is delightfully situated in the Domain, overlooking Farm Cove.
Adjoining are two smaller parks, Cook Park and Philip Park, while north of these stretches the Domain and the botanical gardens.
The Domain embraces 138 acres, extending along one side of Woolloomooloo Bay and surrounding Farm Cove, in which the warships belonging to the Australian station are usually anchored; in this charming expanse of park land are the governor's residence and the National Art Gallery, which houses a splendid collection of pictures by modern artists, statuary, pottery and other objects of art.
For the conflicts which accompanied the first intrusion of philosophy into the theological domain more profound and cautious thinkers with a far ampler apparatus of knowledge had substituted a harmony.
Thus, out of respect for the wishes of the nation, the king had voluntarily thrown open to public discussion the hitherto strictly closed and jealously guarded domain of the army.
United with Lorraine to France in 1634, Barrois remained, except for short intervals, part of the royal domain.
Darwin's introduction of thremmatology into the domain of scientific biology was accompanied by a new and special development of a branch of study which had previously been known as teleology, the study of the adaptation of organic structures to the service of the organisms in which they occur.
Thus mysticism was finally banished from the domain of biology, and zoology became one of the physical sciences - the science which seeks to arrange and discuss the phenqmena of animal life and form, as the outcome of the operation of the laws of physics and chemistry.
The 1911 Britannica is in public domain now.
The domain of this countship, at first very limited in extent, continued steadily to increase in size, and about 1140 Count Gerald III.
Something like taxation occasionally occurred, though the government was usually sustained by the scanty feudal payments, by the proceeds of justice and by the income of domain manors.
Their domain then began to be encroached upon from the east by the Blemmyes, who have been identified with the present Beja of the Nubian desert.
Though these objects only become visible in the atmosphere they are extra-terrestrial planetary bodies, and properly belong to the domain of astronomy.
In 1817 it was given, with the duchy of Leuchtenberg, as a mediatized domain under the Bavarian crown, by the king of Bavaria to his son-in-law Eugene de Beauharnais, ex-viceroy of Italy, henceforth styled duke of Leuchtenberg.
They confine themselves at present to decorating plaques, boxes and cases for cigars or cigarettes, and an occasional tea or coffee service; but the whole domain of salvers, dessert-services, race-cups and so on remains virtually unexplored.
There remains, too, a wide domain in which the Chinese developed high skill, whereas the Japanese can scarcely be said to have entered it at all; namely, the domain of monochromes and polychromes, striking every note of color from the richest to the most delicate; the domain of truit and fiamb glazes, of yO-pien-yao (transmutation ware), and of egg-shell with incised or translucid decoration.
The budget is voted in either duchy for four years, a distinction being made between domain revenue and state revenue.
But a profound change was' coming over him, which led him to leave the domain of physical research for that of psychical and spiritual inquiry.
His influence soon extended into the domain of the state.
Catalan.This domain now embraces, on the mainland, the Spanish provinces of Gerona.
The theory of the transference of the collective will of the people to historic persons may perhaps explain much in the domain of jurisprudence and be essential for its purposes, but in its application to history, as soon as revolutions, conquests, or civil wars occur--that is, as soon as history begins--that theory explains nothing.
The Hawiya domain comprises the Ogaden plateau and the region generally between the Nogal and Webi-Shebeli rivers.
They paid a fixed proportion of the produce (pars agraria) to the owner of the estate, and gave a determinate amount of labour (operae) on the portion of the domain which he kept in his own hands (mansus dominicus).
He could not marry out of the domain; if he took for wife a colona of another proprietor, she was restored to her original locality, and the offspring of the union were divided between the estates.
The chemistry of the albumins is one of the most complicated and difficult in the whole domain of organic chemistry.
While the persevering policy of the Capets, which aimed at reuniting the great fiefs, duchies, countships, baronies, &c., to the domain of the crown, gradually reconstructed for their benefit a territorial sovereignty over France, the institution of the appanage periodically subtracted large portions from it.
Engler's Versuch einer Entwickelungsgeschichte der Pflanzenwelt (Leipzig, 1879-1882), we should have in Siberia (a) the arctic region; (b) the sub-arctic or coniferous region - north Siberian province; (c) the Central-Asian domain - Altai and Daurian mountainous regions; and (d) the east Chinese, intruding into the basin of the Amur.
It forms a separate imperial domain of about 250 sq.
He was one of the first to publish his speeches and thus to bring them into the domain of literature.
In the time of Domitian the whole lake belonged to the imperial domain.
They sent their own ambassadors to foreign powers, transacted business with the cities of the Florentine domain, and controlled the military establishment of the commonwealth.
It was useless to attempt to avenge this disaster, which occurred on the 15th of August 778, for the enemy disappeared as quickly as he came; the incident has passed from the domain of history into that of legend and romance, being associated by tradition with the pass of Roncesvalles.
This vast domain has been utilized to provide homes for settlers, to encourage education, to subsidize railways, and to build the state capitol.
However that may be, on the death of the latter (loth of July 1480) he again added Anjou to the royal domain.
Francis died on the 10th of June 1584, and the vacant appanage definitively became part of the royal domain.
Krenkel (Josephus and Lucas, Leipzig, 18 94, p. 97) is that Josephus does not mean to imply that Abila was the only possession of Lysanias, and that he calls it the tetrarchy or kingdom of Lysanias because it was the last remnant of the domain of Lysanias which remained under direct Roman administration until the time of Agrippa.
As discovery revealed the existence of another vast domain to the north, the name spread to the whole of the pair of continents by customary use, in spite of the protests of the Spaniards, by whom it was not officially used of North America till the 18th century.
The exact date of the abandonment of the town itself and the incorporation of its territory with that of Lavinium is uncertain, but it may be placed in the latter part of the republic. Under the empire a portion of it must have been imperial domain and forest.
By the Angevines Potenza was made a domain of the San Severino family; in the beginning of the 15th century it was held by Francesco Sforza, and in 1435 it passed to the Guevara family; the Loffredi, who succeeded by marriage, continued in possession till the abolition of the great fiefs.
But in working out the consequences of this view Say is not free from obscurities and inconsistencies; and by his comprehension of these immaterial products within the domain of economics he is confirmed in the error of regarding that science as filling the whole sphere which really belongs to sociology.
His special domain was medieval German history, and he rarely travelled beyond it.
In the domain of the Knights the gentry, parochial clergy and townsmen, who, beneath its protection, had attained to a high degree of wealth and civilization, for long remained without the slightest political influence, though they bore nearly the whole burden of taxation.
Matters were complicated by the curious political intricacies of this long-coveted domain, where the grand-master, the archbishop of Riga, and the estates of Livonia possessed concurrent and generally conflicting jurisdictions.
His successful wars with Alba, Fidenae and Veii shadow forth the earlier conquests of Latian territory and the first extension of the Roman domain beyond the walls of Rome.
But ultimately, the results not being satisfactory, the precedent of Australia was followed, and by a law of 1860 domain lands were sold publicly at a fixed price.
This domain carried with it the right to one of the twelve peerages of Hainaut.
The earlier governors had their country residence near the town, but the domain is now a public park in the hands of the municipality.
The residence of the governor of the colony is in South Melbourne, and is surrounded by an extensive domain.
Invulnerable in exact anatomical description and comparison, he failed in all his philosophical generalizations, even in those strictly within the domain of anatomy.
We have shown that the direct observation of the origin of new characters in palaeontology brings them within that domain of natural law and order to which the evolution of the physical universe conforms. The nature of this law, which, upon the whole, appears to be purposive or teleological in its operations, is altogether a mystery which may or may not be illumined by future research.
He first brought the revolutions of our satellite within the domain of Kepler's laws, pointing out that her apparent irregularities could be completely accounted for by supposing her to move in an ellipse with a variable eccentricity and directly rotatory major axis, of which the earth occupied one focus.
Beck maintains that the real meaning of Kant's theory is idealism; that of objects outside the domain of consciousness, knowledge is impossible, and hence that nothing positive remains when we have removed the subjective element.
The geyser district is held as a national domain, the Yellowstone Park.
Though not included in the definition of " eminent domain," the necessity for compensation is recognized as incidental to that power.
At the Conquest it was part of the domain granted to Roger of Poitou, but reverted to the crown in 1102.
We must look for ethics to supply the corner-stone of metaphysics, and psychology is a necessary propaedeutic. The System der Philosophie (1899; 3rd ed., 1907) contained the results of Wundt's work up to that date, both in the domain of science and in the more strictly philosophic field.
This is a body of international lawyers, consisting of sixty members and sixty associates recruited by election - the members from those who " have rendered services to international law in the domain of theory or practice," and associates from those " whose knowledge may be useful to the Institute."
Its mode of operation is to work out the matters it deals with during the intervals between the sessions, in permanent commissions, among which the whole domain of international law is divided up. The commissions, under the direction of their rapporteurs or conveners, prepare reports and proposals, which are printed and distributed among the members some time before the plenary sittings at which they are to be discussed.
The discovery of the aberration of light in 1725, due to James Bradley, is one of the most important in the whole domain of astronomy.
In the vicinity is the domain of Studley Royal, the seat of the marquess of Ripon, which contains the celebrated ruins of Fountains Abbey.
Melbourne Hall, a building of the time of William III., surrounded by formal Dutch gardens, stands in a domain owned at an early date by the bishops of Carlisle, whose tithe barn remains near the church.
Wade of Ohio, who had piloted the bill through the Senate, in issuing the so-called "WadeDavis Manifesto," which violently denounced President Lincoln for encroaching on the domain of Congress and insinuated that the presidential policy would leave slavery unimpaired in the reconstructed states.
Rome, together with such of the Byzantine territories as still subsisted in her neighbourhood, was considered as a domain sacred to the apostle Peter, and entrusted to the administration of his successor, the pope.
Nicholas, again, lent the protection and encouragement of his powerful arm to science as well as art, till the papal court became a veritable domain of the Muses.
But this does not exhaust his significance; he was, at the same time, the renewer of the papal Maecenate in the domain of art.
Aram-Damascus, which means, the Damascus portion of the Aramaic domain; and har-Ephraim, which means, the Ephraim portion of the (Israelitish) highlands - EV "Mount Ephraim."
Functionally, Mesopotamia is the domain that lies between Babylonia and the related trans-Tigris districts on the one hand, and the west Asian districts of Maritime Syria and Asia Minor on the other.
Colchis was celebrated in Greek mythology as the destination of the Argonauts, the home of Medea and the special domain of sorcery.
Most of his work, however, lay in the domain of inorganic chemistry.
He restored to the royal domain the lands that had been usurped by the great nobles and by the church; he maintained at Paris a luxurious, though, from the example he himself set, a disorderly court; he was a patron of the arts, and delighted in the exquisite craftsmanship of his treasurer, the goldsmith St Eloi.
The king also sought as much as possible to remove from the domain of politics every irritating question, believing that a union of the different parties was most for the advantage of the state.
The construction was, of course, utterly premature, even supposing it were inherently possible; but it is Hobbes's distinction, in his century, to have conceived it, and he is thereby lifted from among the scientific workers with whom he associated to the rank of those philosophical thinkers who have sought to order the whole domain of human knowledge.
The central authority in the United States, formerly almost unheard of by the average citizen, now touches him in many of the activities of life and sometimes intrudes even into the domain of local self-government.
By the peace of Luneville (February 5805), the next duke, Louis Engelbert, lost the greater part of his ancestral domain, but received in compensation Meppen and Recklinghausen.
His feudal domain in Germany covers an area of over 1100 sq.
Just as the Macedonian conquest, whilst increasing the domain of Greek culture, had straitened Greek liberty, so Rome, whilst bringing Hellenism finally into secure possession of the nearer East, extinguished Greek freedom altogether.
The Nabataeans and the Jews above all had encroached upon the Hellenistic domain; in the south the Jewish raids had spread desolation and left many cities practically in ruins.
This with a large area around he dedicated to Aton in the sixth year, while splendid temples, palaces, houses and tombs for his god, for himself and for his courtiers were rising around him; apparently also this son of Aton swore an oath never to pass beyond the boundaries of Atons special domain.
He treated it as a part of his personal domain, free from any interference by the senate.
Egyptian lands were divided in it into four classesthe sultans domain, fiefs, land for the maintenance of the army, and lands settled on religious foundations.
In this poem, which was written 593 A.H., at the request of Nur-uddin Arslan of Mosul, the son and successor of the abovementioned `Izz-uddin, Nizami returned once more from his excursion into the field of heroic deeds to his old favourite domain of romantic fiction, and added a fresh leaf to the laurel crown of immortal fame with which the unanimous consent of Eastern and Western critics has adorned his venerable head.
In the neighbourhood is the splendid domain of Hawkstone.
The English domain comprised, roughly speaking, the modern counties of Selkirkshire, Peeblesshire, Berwickshire, Roxburghshire and most of the Lothians, while south of Tweed it contained Northumberland, Durham and Yorkshire to the Humber.
Under Goethe's stimulus he won fresh laurels in that domain of philosophical lyric which he had opened with Die Kiinstler; and in Das Ideal and das Leben, Die Macht des Gesanges, Wiirde der Frauen, and Der Spaziergang, he produced masterpieces of reflective poetry which have not their equal in German literature.
Wilhelm Tell was an attempt to win for the German drama a new field, to widen the domain of dramatic poetry.
The constitution declares that the state's rights of eminent domain shall never be so abridged as to prevent the legislature from taking the property and franchises of incorporated companies and subjecting them to the public necessity in a way similar to the treatment of individuals.
In 1679 the explorer La Salle, desiring to find the mouth of the Mississippi and to extend the domain of France in America, ascended the St Joseph river, crossed the portage separating it from the Kankakee, which he descended to the Illinois, and built in the neighbourhood of Lake Peoria a fort which he called Fort Crevecceur.
In the domain of bronze and imitation bronze statuary the originality of the French is absolutely unrivalled.
With the rise of the ammonia-soda process, for which the economic conditions are nearly as favourable in other countries, the predominance of Great Britain in that domain has become less, but even now that country produces more alkali than any other single country.
Complete or perfect knowledge is confined to the domain of pure thought, to logic and mathematics.
These misunderstandings, frequently wilful, extended often beyond the domain of pure politics.
From the Spanish point of view the islands were on the extreme western verge of the national domain.
Mild attempts, to be sure, to group the chief deities associated with the most important religious and political centres into a regular pantheon were made - notably in Nippur and later in Ur - but such attempts lacked the enduring quality which attaches to Khammurabi's avowed policy to raise Marduk - the patron deity of the future capital, Babylon - to the head of the entire Babylonian pantheon, as 1 Even in the case of the "Semitic" name of the famous Sargon I., whose full name is generally read Sharru-kenu-sha-ali, and interpreted as "the legitimate king of the city," the question has recently been raised whether we ought not to read "` Sharru-kenushar-ri" and interpret as "the legitimate king rules" - an illustration of the vacillation still prevailing in this difficult domain of research.
All the gods, great and small, had their places assigned to them in the heavens, and facts, including such as fell within the domain of political history, were interpreted in terms of astral theology.
The impetus to the purification of the old Semite religion to which the Hebrews for a long time clung in common with their fellows - the various branches of nomadic Arabs - was largely furnished by the remarkable civilization unfolded in the Euphrates valley and in many of the traditions, myths and legends embodied in the Old Testament; traces of direct borrowing from Babylonia may be discerned, while the indirect influences in the domain of the prophetical books, as also in the Psalms and in the so-called "Wisdom Literature," are even more noteworthy.
A year later the governor, Abu`l-Khattar, assigned to his troops for settlement divers countries belonging to the p ublic domain.
His long strip of royal domain was hemmed in by the Angevin Empire on the west and by the kingdom of Arles on the south-east.
He secured an ally against them, and an addition to the royal domain, by marrying, on the 28th of April 1180, Isabella or Elizabeth, daughter of Baldwin V., count of Hainaut, and of Marguerite, sister of Philip of Alsace, the reigning count of Flanders, who ceded Arras, St Omer, Aire and Hesdin, and their districts, as Isabella's dowry, a district afterwards called Artois.
It is true that he suppressed some communes in the newly conquered fiefs, such as Normandy, where John had been prodigal of privileges, but he erected new communes in his own private domain, quite contrary to the custom of other kings.
As the result of his steadiness of aim and patient sagacity, at the end of his reign the Crown was victorious over the feudal nobility and the royal domain extended to the frontiers along with royal authority.
Artois, the Amienois, Valois, Vermandois, the greater part of the Beauvaisis, Normandy, Maine, Anjou, Touraine, and an important part of Poitou and Saintonge, were added to the domain during his reign.
In science the process has been reversed; nature ascends, so to speak, into the region of the supernatural and subdues it to itself; the marvellous or miraculous is brought under the domain of natural law, the canons of physics extend over metaphysics, and religion takes its place as one element in the natural relationship of man to his environment.
In the intellectual domain the situation is more complex.
Faith is defined as " assent upon authority," and the authority is the Church, which maintains its right to supremacy over the whole domain of science and philosophy.
But he was very ambitious, and sought to extend his domain.
These exploits belong to the domain of pure mythology.
This power rested upon his earnest and commanding personality, and also upon the support which he received from the German church, the possession of a valuable private domain, and the care with which he exacted feudal dues from his dependents.
Nor did the emperor's fall by any means entail the fall of his ideas; Count Joseph de Maistre, the great orator of ultramontanism, did little more than transplant them on to the ecclesiastical domain.
Even more successful were the papal incursions on to a more ethereal domain.
In 1812 Marshal Suchet was created duke of Albufera by Napoleon for his conquest of Valencia, and invested with the domain; but the battle of Vittoria in 1813 deprived him of his possession, though he still retained the title.
In the domain of morals, dualism postulates the separate existence of Good and Evil, as principles of existence.
The land added to the irrigated area in the decade was in 1890 largely worthless public domain; its value in 1900 was about $29,000,000.
At all events the corner between the Rio Grande and the Arkansas was Spanish from 1819 to 1845, when it became American territory as a part of the state of Texas; and in 1850, by a boundary arrangement between that state and the federal government, was incorporated in the public domain.
The Council attempted to establish a general government over its entire domain, but the scheme of some of its members for supporting such a government with contributions from each member in return for an allotment of land was a failure, and although Robert Gorges, the second son of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, was sent over as governor-general in 1623, he accomplished nothing and returned in the next year in disgust.
In 1635, when the Dutch were hemming in its domain on the west and the French on the north, the Council made a final allotment of its remaining territory among its members and surrendered its charter.
This done, the home government set to work to organize the royal domain which should be known as New England, or the Dominion of New England, and its plan for this provided for the annulment of the charters of Rhode Island and Connecticut, and the inclusion in the Dominion of these colonies, and New Hampshire, Maine, New York and the Jerseys, thereby restoring to New England all the territory, with the exception of Pennsylvania, that was included in the grant to the New England Council in 1620.
One result of the establishment of the Principate was the consolidation of the public domain.
The great economic changes which depreciated the value of the king's domain contributed towards the result.
This literature is more interesting from the linguistic than from the hagiologic point of view, and comes rather within the domain of the philologist.
Secondly, within the domain of science itself, properly so called, there were two " kind of rovers " who must be dismissed.
It is curious and significant that in the domain of the moral and metaphysical sciences his influence has been perhaps more powerful, and his authority has been more frequently appealed to, than in that of the physical.
It may be freely admitted that in the domain of logic there is nothing in the Organum that has not been more instructively analysed either by Aristotle himself or in modern works; at the same time, there is probably no work which is a better and more stimulating introduction to logical study.
At the accession of William Rufus the domain of Gwynedd had been reduced to Anglesea and the Snowdonian district, and that of South Wales, or Deheubarth, to the lands contained in the basins of the rivers Towy and Teifi, known as Ystrad Tywi and Ceredigion.
But his original work was mainly in the domain of organic chemistry.
Persia itself fell partly in the domain of Jagatai and partly in that of the Golden Horde.
The Bechuanas, who occupy by far the largest domain, and preserve the totemic tribal system, were probably the first arrivals from the north or the north-sea coastlands.
The little that is known concerning the doings of the natives before the appearance of the white man belongs to the domain of ethnology rather than of history.
In the domain of finance Goulburn's chief achievements were to reduce the rate of interest on part of the national debt, and to allow any one to sell beer upon payment of a small annual fee, a complete change of policy with regard to the drink traffic. Leaving office with Wellington in November 1830, Goulburn was home secretary under Sir Robert Peel for four months in 1835, and when this statesman returned to office in September 1841 he became chancellor of the exchequer for the second time.
Julio Cesar Machado and Fialho de Almeida made their mark by many humorous publications, and, in the domain of pure literary criticism, mention must be made of Antonio Pedro Lopes de Mendonga, Rebello da Silva, Dr Joaquim de Vasconcellos, Mme Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Silva Pinto, the favourite disciple of Castello Branco, and of Luciano Cordeiro, founder of the Lisbon Geographical Society, whose able monograph, Soror Marianna, vindicated the authenticity of the Letters of a Portuguese Nun and showed Marianna Alcoforado to be their authoress.
Their creation, moreover, was generally dictated by political circumstances, after the incorporation of a province in the domain of the Crown.
Of the neat cattle (7,042,635) almost 98%, and of the sheep (861,761) almost Too %, were in 1900 pastured wholly or in part upon the public domain.
He granted to the abbot of the Sakya monastery in southern Tibet the title of tributary sovereign of the country, head of the Buddhist church, and overlord over the numerous barons and abbots, and in return was officially crowned by the abbot as ruler over the extensive domain of the Mongol empire.
In 584 they chose Authari, the grandson of Alboin, and endowed the royal domain with a half of their possessions.
Authari, "the Longhaired," with his Roman title of Flavius, marks the change from the war king of an invading host to the permanent representative of the unity and law of the nation, and the increased power of the crown, by the possession of a great domain, to enforce its will.
The right of eminent domain over all corporations is reserved to the state; and no corporation may issue stock except for labour, service rendered, or money paid in.
He thus became possessor of so large a domain in the county of Kerry that, according to John Aubrey, he could behold from Mt Mangerton 50,000 acres of his own land.
Of the last, occurring mainly in the north, the chief are the longitudinal valley stretching from near the Herat frontier through Meshed, Kuchan and Shirvan to Bujnurd, the Derrehgez district, which lies on the northern skirt of the outer range projecting into the Akhal Tekkeh domain, now Russian territory, and the districts of Nishapur and Sabzevar which lie south of the Binalud and Jagatai ranges.
The princes of Reuss are very wealthy, their private domain including a great part of the territory over which they rule.
Strictly speaking, a protectorate cannot exist over a domain uninhabited or ruled by no organized state; in such cases the elements of the true protectorates are wanting.
Large areas of the state domain were leased to companies invested with very extensive powers, including the exclusive right to exploit the produce of the so11.3 In other cases, e.g.
To administer this domain, carved out of the state lands and treated as the private property of Leopold II., a Fondation was organized and given a civil personality.
Certain fragments of the domain, including an estate of 155 sq.
Revenue is derived from customs, direct taxes (on Europeans), transport charges, &c., and from the exploitation of the domain lands.
Its territory was united to the domain of the crown of France by Charles VII.
Besides the works already mentioned, he was the author of several theological tracts; of the De villa Noviliaco, concerning the claiming of a domain of his church; and he continued from 861 the Annales Bertiniani, of which the first part was written by Prudentius, bishop of Troyes, the best source for the history of Charles the Bald.
The region was inhospitable, the domain a prey to lawless exaction, the house itself savage and disorderly.
As Sachs says in his history of botany, " no more important discovery was ever made in the domain of comparative morphology and systematic botany."
The lordship of Etampes, in what is now the department of Seine et Oise in France, belonged to the royal domain, but was detached from it on several occasions in favour of princes, or kings' favourites.
In other countries, even at the present time, there is a large public domain yielding revenue.
But it represents the former as the framer of the world, as the power or spirit of God, active alike in the physical, the intellectual, and the ethical domain, and apparently objective to God.
Whatever the cause may be, while Rumanian poetry could well compare with that of any Western nation, in the domain of prose writing, and of novels in particular, one must look to the future to fill up the gap now existing.
The county of Meulan remained in possession of the Beaumont family until 1204, when it was united with the royal domain.
Nor di,d this seem impossible; he owned a far broader and wealthier domain beyond the Channel than did his nominal suzerain King Louis VII., andwhat was of more importancehe far excelled that prince both in vigour and in capacity.
F with Though every town that they held was eager to revolt, and though they were hopelessly outnumbered in every quarter, they kept a tight grip on the greater part of Normandy, and on their old domain in the Bordelais and about Bayonne.
He allied himself with Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain and with Maximilian of Austria, who was ruling the Netherlands in behalf of his young son, Philip, the heir of the Burgundian inheritance, for the purpose of preventing France from annexing Brittany, the last great fief of the crown which had not yet been absorbed into the Valois royal domain.
The question of the nomination of this council at once drew the whole question within the domain of party politics.
The "Burlingame Treaty" recognizes China's right of eminent domain over all her territory, gives China the right to appoint at ports in the United States consuls, "who shall enjoy the same privileges and immunities as those enjoyed by the consuls of Great Britain and Russia"; provides that "citizens of the United States in China of every religious persuasion and Chinese subjects in the United States shall enjoy entire liberty of conscience and shall be exempt from all disability or persecution on account of their religious faith or worship in either country"; and grants certain privileges to citizens of either country residing in the other, the privilege of naturalization, however, being specifically withheld.
Government House, the residence of the governor of Tasmania, a handsome castellated building, stands in its domain on the banks of the Derwent, to the north of the town.
Of the parks and public gardens, the most extensive is the Queen's Domain, covering an area of about 700 acres, while the most central is Franklin Square, adorned with a statue of Sir John Franklin, the famous Arctic explorer, who was governor of Tasmania from 1837 to 1843.
The fauna of Turkestan belongs to the zoo-geographical domain of northern Asia, and is only differentiated by the presence of species which have disappeared from the peripheral parts of the Old World and now find a refuge in the remotest regions of the uninhabited plateau.
The least a city in that situation can claim as its appropriate sphere of influence is the vast domain extending from the Adriatic to the Persian Gulf, and from the Danube to the eastern Mediterranean.
It is not enough merely to repel the incursions of physiological science, armed with hypotheses and theories valid enough in their own sphere, upon the domain of consciousness.
What is opposed to obligation, or at least always distinguished from it, is that very domain of necessity within which determinists would bring the will.
Within the domain of consciousness introspective analysis is unable to discover those chains of necessary sequences which it is the province of science to investigate in the physical world.
By these treaties, negotiated in 1866, the Cherokees gave the United States permission to settle other Indians on what was approximately the western half of their domain; the Seminoles, to whom the Creeks in 1855 had granted as their portion the strip between the Canadian river and its North Fork, ceded all of theirs, and the Creeks, Choctaws and Chickasaws ceded the western half of theirs back to the United States for occupancy by freedmen or other Indians.
Throughout the domain of knowledge the two forms are found in constant mutual relations, another proof of the fundamental unity of thought and being or of the objectivity of knowledge.
He ruled the church with a firm hand; appointed his own supporters, regardless of their individual fitness, to bishoprics and abbeys; and sought by inquiry to restore to the royal domain the estates granted to the church by his predecessors.
In the domain of intellect the advance of the French showed a no less dazzling and a no less universal activity; they sang Intel- as well as they fought, and their epics were worthy Iectual of their swordsmanship, while their cathedrals were develop- hymns in stone as ardent as their soaring flights of inent, devotion.
The old basilica which contains the history of the monarchy sums up the whole of Gothic art to this day, and it was Suger who in the domain of art and politics brought forward once more the conception of unity.
The difference concerning the marquisate of Saluzzo, which the duke of Savoy had seized upon in 1588, profiting by Henry III.s embarrassments, is only worth mentioning because the treaty of Lyons (1601) finally dissipated the Italian mirage, and because, in exchange for the last of Frances possessions beyond the Alps, it added to the royal domain the really French territory of La Bresse, Bugey, Valromey and the district of Gex.
The number of endemic species is exceptionally large, the number of monotypic genera in the Peninsula greater than in any other part of the Mediterranean domain.
He no doubt contrived to induce the Arabs to recognize him as the owner of what had been public domain, and made an excellent bargain.
The Arabs at first were content to take a fifth of the land to constitute the public domain, or khoms, out of which fiefs held on military tenure were provided for the chiefs of the conquering army.
The river Segura, which falls into the Mediterranean in the neighborhood of Orihuela, a little to the north of Murcia, is as nearly as possible the southern boundary of the Catalan domain; westward the boundary coincides pretty exactly with the political frontier, the provinces of New Castile and Aragon not being at all encroached on.
Afterwards, and especially in these parts of the Catalan domain outside of Catalonia which did not acknowledge that they derived their language from that province, Lesnosi received a more extensive signification, so as to mean the literary language in general, whether of verse or of prose.
In the larger portion of the Catalan domain this 1 mouilie has become y.
The article is lo, los (pronounced lu, lus in a portion of the domain), fem.
A curious fact, and one which has arisen since the 15th century, is the addition of a paragogic C to those infinitives which are accentedon the radical; in a portion of the Catalan domain one hears creurer, veurer.
Castiian.This name is the most convenient designation to apply to the linguistic domain which comprises the whole of central Spain and the vast regions of America and Asia colonized from the 16th century onwards by the Spaniards.
We might also indeed call it the Spanish domain, narrowing the essentially geographical meaning of the word Espaflol (derived, like the other old form Espanon, from Hispania), and using it in a purely political sense.
Within the Castilian domain, thus embracing all in Spain that is neither Portuguese nor Catalan, there exist linguistic varieties which it would perhaps be an exaggeration.
Many peculiarities isf pronunciation, however, are commonly called Andalusian which are far from being confined to Andalusia proper, but are met with in the vulgar speech of many parts of the Castilian domain, both in Europe and in America.
Leonese.Proceeding on inadequate indications, the existence of a Leonese dialect has been imprudently admitted in some quarters; but the old kingdom of Leon cannot in any way be considered as constituting a linguistic domain with an individuality of its own.
The researches of Bouche-Leclercq, Cumont and Boll have enabled us to fix with a considerable degree of definiteness the middle of the 4th century B.C. as the period when Babylonian astrology began its triumphal march to the west, invading the domain of Greek and Roman culture and destined to exercise a strong hold on all nations and groups - more particularly in Egypt - that came within the sphere of Greek and Roman influence.
Gedymin inherited a vast domain, comprising Lithuania proper, Samogitia, Red Russia, Polotsk and Minsk; but these possessions were environed by powerful and greedy foes, the most dangerous of them being the Teutonic Knights and the Livonian knights of the Sword.
This acquisition linked the county of Sens, acquired in 1055, with the rest of the domain round Paris, Melun and Orleans.
His reign is chiefly remarkable for the steady growth of the royal domain.
A large extent of open ground, to the west of the town, finely planted, and traversed by the river, comprises Hagley Park, recreation grounds, the Government Domain and the grounds of the Acclimatization Society, with fish-ponds and a small zoological garden.
His domain extends to the mortal plane.
If he wants access to my domain, he will deal with me directly, not prey on your weaknesses.
While not large, the Immortal underworld was separated by several different domains, two of which – Hell and Death's domain - were contained within shields no one could enter. At least, no normal Immortal or demon could enter. As a creature of both worlds, Rhyn could enter Hell, and he'd found by visiting Gabe that he was able to enter Death's domain, too.
He thought of Hell, and the portal glowed blacker than night. He thought of Kris, and the portal for the Sanctuary lit up. He thought of the Immortal underworld – Death's domain – and the portal turned gray.
He listened as Kiki explained Rhyn's visit, ending with the half-demon's resolve to destroy the boundary between Death's domain and the Immortal underworld in the hopes of getting Katie back. When Kiki finished, Kris poured himself a glass of whiskey while he thought.
You led him here, Rhyn, a sin made worse by the fact my own weakness made my domain vulnerable. But, I'm going to remedy this.
The demon before him looked down but didn't object, understanding his place. Unlike Immortals, demons obeyed their leaders. But maybe, next time, lack of discipline in his enemies would work for Darkyn. He'd failed to takeover Death's domain or to kill her. It would take Gabriel a very long time to learn how to rule over the dead, and Rhyn was a loose cannon as a leader for the Immortals.
My domain is every evil thought and deed.
Further research of the domain name handbook located a glossary of common terms which will explain any domain name jargon or technical terms.
For example, some users do not understand the meaning or the syntax of domain names.
Short, catchy, top level domain names are selling for upwards of $ 5,000 on the domain aftermarket.
You can't have a mail domain alias without a regular domain alias.
Primer Aligner allows the user to align their primer, functional domain, or sequence fragment of interest to the complete genome alignment.
By liberating the books from the offices and putting them in the public domain the Museum is opening up, becoming less arcane.
June/July 2002 Well i've moved to my own domain so its all go atm!
Studies of the domain architecture imply that the gene normally functions as a negative regulator in auxin signaling by damping the positive auxin signals.
The domain model and scenario induce a set of logical axioms.
As noted earlier, the appropriateness of the rigged Hilbert space framework enters by way of the domain axiom.
Second, the dot com bust took some of the wind out of inflated domain name prices.
But to date the evidence released into the public domain has been largely circumstantial.
However, the implementation of agent cognition used in this model does support the explicit introduction of domain knowledge into the representation of cognition.
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Promote a Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition server to a domain controller.
Relate what an ideal mixer does to two signals in the time domain to what happens in the frequency domain, using convolution.
The inverse cosine is defined only in the domain from ` -1 ' to ` 1 ' .
The client will prompt for the logon credentials for your domain once the VPN connection has been established.
The shaman's domain includes dalliances, alliances, exchanges and battles with the spirits of the air, ocean, soil and cosmos.
Click here for a diagram illustrating the doubly wound fold of the first domain of lactate dehydrogenase.
Each binding allocates or uses up one client process socket descriptor; each bound domain costs one socket descriptor.
Disneyland Paris a a domain where says entertainment business.
There is considerable divergence in the other receptor binding domain.
To register the domain of your choice now, contact our support team.
The whole document should be in the public domain without further delay.
RsbU encodes an N-terminal domain of approximately 100 amino acids, with no obvious clue to its function from its sequence.
We are interested in looking at whether the catalytic domain inhibits binding of the SH2 domains to the phosphorylated peptides mentioned above.
Domain registrar services for registering an internet domain registrar services for registering an internet domain name.
If no WHOIS lookup is available for the domain, we will require written confirmation from the domain registry.
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What are the technical requirements for websites using the .MOBI domain name?
The .xxx domain would force pornographers to abide by certain standards, and would make the filtering of unwanted material much easier.
Subjects such as how to transfer domain names to us and how much web space we offer are often mentioned.
When we buy a domain name for you, we register you as the legal owner.
What happens is it fails to resolve the domain name in question totaly.
Write each alias on a seperate line, and DO NOT include the domain name.
Yes you can, we will be pleased to check availability of your preferred domain names and then to register them on your behalf.
We can also register other domain names such, .com, .biz, .org etc. for 2 years.
Domain Name Registration Since 1998 we have provided domain name registration services and easy management facilities for customers with 1 to 1000+ domain name Registration Since 1998 we have provided domain name registration services and easy management facilities for customers with 1 to 1000+ domain names.
The goal is to find visual characteristics of the domain which determine or at least estimate the lowest eigenvalue.
A rule-based workflow advisor gives guidance on building a domain workflow by reasoning over semantically enriched system states [6] .
These services are designed to protect and manage intellectual property through technology escrow and domain name records management.
Today, domain names are considered essential to mark your Internet presence.
During the week that followed, I learned a lot about the domain expiration process.
For the case study we choose a constraint domain C 0 that is sufficiently expressive to encode many policy idioms.
These can be safely ignored if domain wall fermions are not being used.
Using this domain derive a formula for the inverse function.
We can act as a mail forwarder for your domain name and send mail onto whatever mail account you are using now.
He added Kintyre to his domain by having a galley portaged across the isthmus at Tarbert, Loch Fyne.
A technique for calculating the time domain averages of the vibration of the individual planet gears and sun gear in an epicyclic gearbox.
The HIV-1 surface envelope glycoprotein gp120 binds to CD4, leaving its V3 domain available for secondary interactions with raft GSLs.
The molecule consists of a short triple helix about 105 nm in length with a large globular domain at each end.
This kinase domain shows approximately 84% homology with the insulin receptor.
Where the name for which a prior right is claimed contains a hyphen, the hyphen cannot be omitted from the domain name.
The number one award winning games domain - totally incomparable.
Information in the cognitive domain may be simple or complex, unique or highly interrelated.
In 2004, spammers became more inventive using new obfuscation techniques, rotating domain names and hiding their domain owner information.
The traffic tends to come from seedy places like domain names that have lapsed in payment or commonly misspelled domain entries.
For example, there is a developing phenomenon of deliberately misspelled names being registered either as trademarks or as domain names.
Using the Direct Holidays brand name, brand name misspelling or similar variations in any main domain names or urls.
NetNotes works in conjunction with a specific Web domain, deals with a limited number of Web components, and requires minor server-side modifications.
The motive behind domain hijacking is usually monetary, but it may be personal.
A series of C -terminal deletions of Rx were made at conserved motifs in the ARC domain.
It is the domain of pure dance and of what dance scholar, Jody Bruner, called, the realm of primary narcissism.
I'm still narked I missed domain name by 4 days or so tho ' .
In the past, neuroimaging was almost exclusively the domain of clinical neurology.
The meeting will take the usual format of an overall presentation of each domain with a particularly newsworthy activity highlighted.
The scientific domain is that of publicly observable objects in shared public space.
Named entities are used to automatically enrich a domain ontology in the KMi semantic Web site.
A Linux box named foobar had assumed control of our domain yesterday and temporarily paralyzed our network.
Walk sufficient to Disneyland Paris a a domain where says entertainment business.
Some of the pitfalls of old fashioned domain names are addressed and how you can avoid marketing pitfalls once and for all.
It is shown that in this language family derived voice, i.e. passivization, in fact functions in the domain of discourse pragmatics.
Even before they do, domain name prospectors are sifting through them to find the gold domains among.. .
On expiration, the invention then enters the public domain and is available for others to exploit commercially.
A variable bound by a universal quantifier can be replaced with a name for some individual in the domain.
One can formalize this by using restricted quantifiers, which incorporate a restriction on the domain over which the variable in question ranges.
To contact me use Ralph at website domain name.
Ralph at website domain name.; other genealogical data pertaining to Norfolk is shown on the Links page.
Nominet will then contact the registrant in order to find out whether or not they wish to renew the domain name.
That contract did not intend to confer rights to domain name registrants.
Accordingly, the burden is on the Respondent to show that the Domain Name is not an abusive registration.
Start your Search for a Domain Name today, UK Superweb is a member of Nominet the .uk registry.
The .info registry is an open one which means is the only new unrestricted domain out of the seven new gTLDs approved.
But while businesses can physically relocate in the material world, in cyberspace they depend on their domain name.
Sparta had a communal domain of great extent, the produce of which served in some measure to maintain the public repasts.
The catalytic domain of PP5 is preceded at its N-terminus by a regulatory domain composed of three tandem tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) motifs.
Dark, zoned calcite of domain 4b is intimately associated with dolomite rhombs.
This is suited to the control of autonomous mobile robots in order to learn to navigate around a training domain.
Iron Mountain's domain name client roster includes some of the world's largest companies that outsource their domain name records management functions.
Can you tell me how to configure samba to be the Primary Domain Controller.
Apollo's Domain [18] implements limited protected subsystems.
The Domain feature enables you to confine searches to certain classes of site, indicated by the suffix at the end of the URL.
All domain names must have a top level domain suffix.
This was my domain, or at least the immediately surrounding countryside was.
Acetate is subsequently transferred to a cysteine thiol of the Condensing Enzyme domain.
Q What can I do with the domain management tools?
Table III shows these core domain substitutions together with the backbone torsion angles of the parent structure.
You register a domain name that, unbeknown to you, violates a trademark.
The state, which had already sold not only a considerable part of the domain land, but a large part of the beni ademprivili, continued the process, and the forests of Sardinia were sacrificed; and, as has been said, the necessity of reafforestation, of the regulation of streams, and of irrigation' is urgent.
Yet in 1675 the university of Angers was empowered to repress all Cartesian teaching within its domain, and actually appointed a commission charged to look for such heresies in the theses and the students' note-books of the college of Anjou belonging to the Oratory.
The Christian Church trans- Origin of ferred the notion to the spiritual domain as part of the general idea of a Kingdom of God correlative, on the spiritual side of man upon earth, to the powers, also ordained of God, who had dominion over his temporal estate (see Canon Law).
Indeed, under the homestead law, large portions of the public domain have been given away to settlers (see Homestead and Exemption Laws), while even larger amounts have been alienated in aid of schools, public improvements, &c., so that the portion sold has not been a third of the total amount alienated.
In this domain the first place must be assigned to the splendid achievements of Raphael, whom the pope entrusted with new and comprehensive commissions - the Stanza dell' incendio, the Logge, and the tapestry-cartoons, the originals of the last named being now in London.
The raja of Benares had certain special rights as zamindar, and in 1910 it was arranged to make part of his "family domain" a new native state with an area of 887 sq.
By 886 Mowaffaq found it expedient to grant Khomaruya the possession of Egypt, Syria, and the frontier towns for a period of thirty years, and ere long, owing to the disputes of the provincial governors, Khomgruya found it possible to extend his domain to the Euphrates and even the Tigris.
In the same year he secured the negotiation of the Gadsden Treaty (see Gadsden, James), by which the boundary dispute between Mexico and the United States was adjusted and a large area was added to the Federal domain; and in June 1854 he concluded with Lord Elgin, governor-general of Canada, acting for the British Government, a treaty designed to settle the fisheries question and providing for tariff reciprocity (as regards certain enumerated commodities) between Canada and the United States.