Dollars Sentence Examples
Apparently he was shipping someone twenty-five thousand dollars worth of cocaine.
If my work slowed down, that was a loss of dollars for him.
He offered me a hundred dollars a week plus room and board.
She could pay it this month or put the three hundred dollars towards a one-way ticket to wherever she wanted to be when she died.
An overseas bank account in the company name contained a balance of one million dollars as startup funds for us to secure quarters for the enterprise.
Three hundred dollars seems much too high.
In 1828-1840 about two million dollars' worth of ore was shipped yearly to the United States alone.
You donât have to spend hundreds of dollars having your teeth professionally whitened to get a gleaming grin.
The current balance owed was over four hundred dollars.
We're not talking over a thousand dollars, are we?
AdvertisementI'm not doing this for the five hundred dollars or getting in your book.
There's the added temptation of a million dollars.
He listened without saying a word as I revealed everything, including Julie's effort to collect the million dollars.
Twelve dollars later I was let off at a shabby red brick building in a section of town where no tour busses stop.
It's two dollars anyway.
AdvertisementTwo people laughed aloud and someone growled about their federal tax dollars at work.
Fred O'Connor was off to the post office, but before leaving, he ceremoniously presented Martha with thirty dollars and a smothering hug.
They started out at forty-something but I only paid seven dollars, if you can believe it!
It would cost more than seven dollars to have them dry cleaned and pressed.
The land's as pretty as any place God ever created but that doesn't make it worth a lot of dollars and cents.
AdvertisementShe was the victor of Vegas to the tune of three hundred dollars, and called to invite Fred out to spend the spoils.
Katie's eyes widened in surprise as she recognized a brand of moisturizer that cost a few hundred dollars.
Here's your cut-- two thousand and forty three dollars, Kevin said, and counted out the money on the desk.
The box, advertised as containing Ouray, Colorado correspondence from the last century and "other items of local interest," was offered via the Internet at three hundred dollars.
He was quickly measured and fitted and rejoined the others, relieved of a few more dollars.
AdvertisementHe pocketed the twenty dollars.
Corday tossed two dollars on the bar and rose without a word.
You don't have to pay me the two dollars.
You just spent upwards of nine-thousand dollars on suits and you don't want to try them on?
The reports went back nearly three years and listed dates, locations and dollars expended, with each entry carefully and manually recording names, locations, reasons for visits and persons present.
Fred had taken the geezer bus to Atlantic City—ten free silver dollars plus a free meal—so Dean was on his own for the early evening.
It contained 78 dollars, a half-dozen credit cards, a few business cards and two pictures, one a duplicate of the desktop photo of Cynthia Byrne and the other a grade school picture Dean assumed to be of Byrne's son, Randy.
Dean was down to 11 dollars and change, so he used his Visa card, holding his breath that it wasn't maxed-out while the clerk ran it through the recording machine.
Dean and Sackler had 26 dollars between them.
There should be about seventy-five dollars.
The boy asked for a room and paid for it in cash, getting the last two dollars from the girl.
Or maybe it was the intriguing matter of 2.8 million dollars.
He handed the old man ten dollars and was handed a slip of paper with the phone number from the rental sign Mrs. Glass was apparently an early riser and answered the phone on the second ring.
It started out as a joke with a water pistol until the storeowner shoved 89 dollars at them and ducked under the counter screaming his head off.
Willie Wassermann had popped up, so to speak, on Thursday morning, so Dean was 65 dollars richer from the office pool.
He can go anywhere in the world in six days, especially if he has a couple of a million dollars.
She had four thousand dollars in her checking account, all of which she had saved.
His plan was to replace coined gold dollars by " gold bullion dollar certificates " which should command such weight of gold bullion as might legally be declared to constitute a dollar at that particular time.
Waiting for professional business, he was content to act as court crier for two dollars and a half a day; but he soon gave indications of his talent, and his studious habits and attention to his cases rapidly brought him clients.
It thus appears that the live stock industry is one of the most important in the state; the value of its product in 1899 exceeded its output of gold and silver, which had then reached its lowest point, by over one million dollars.
The pay for both senators and representatives is four dollars per day for a period not exceeding sixty days; should the session be prolonged the extra service is without compensation.
In 1907 Louisiana ranked sixth among the salt-producing states of the country (after New York, Michigan, Ohio, Kansas and California), its output being valued at $226,892, only a few hundred dollars more than that of Texas.
Of the expenditure more than ten million dollars annually went for the public debt, 5.5 to 6 millions for the army and navy, as much more for civil administration (including more than two millions for purely Peninsular services with which the colony was burdened); and on an average probably one million more went for sinecures.
The good doctor had travelled much, and the reading of his itineraries and note-books awakened such a longing for travel in the young Holberg that at last, at the close of 1704, having scraped together 60 dollars, he went on board a ship bound for Holland.
The king soon after presented him with the title of Professor, and with the Rosenkrantz grant of loo dollars for four years, the holder of which was expected to travel.
In 1830 the debt and accumulated interest owing in London amounted to £2,310,767, in addition to which there was a home debt of 17,183,397 dollars.
The only legal tender is the Mexican dollar, and the British and Hong-Kong dollar, or other silver dollars of equivalent value duly authorized by the governor.
There are small silver and copper coins, which are legal tenders for amounts not exceeding two dollars and one dollar respectively.
The sales earned for the general and his family something like half a million dollars.
During the period from 1890 to 1901 twenty national banks retired from business, and the total capital stock was reduced from about twenty millions to about thirteen millions of dollars.
This decrease was largely caused by the practical suspension for many years of the hydraulic mining operations, in preparation for which millions of dollars had been expended in deep tunnels, flumes, &c., and the active continuance of which might have been expected to yield some £2,000,000 of gold annually.
The tad is not a coin, the only silver currency, apart from imported dollars, being the ingots of silver known as "sycee"; the only other native currency is the copper "cash."
There is also a clause which exempts from seizure for debt the homestead, not more than two hundred acres of land in the country, or a house of any value in a city or town on a lot or lots not exceeding five thousand dollars in value at the time of its designation as the homestead.
The state has no bonded debt, and the constitution forbids it to incur debts exceeding in the aggregate a quarter of a million dollars, except for warlike purposes or for some single work to which the people give their consent by vote; the constitution also forbids any county or municipal corporation from incurring an indebtedness exceeding 5% of the value of its taxable property.
Two years before the close of his term, with a promissory note for thirty dollars, he bought the remainder of his time from his master, and at the age of nineteen began to study law.
A few years later he drifted westward with twenty-five dollars in his pocket, and the autumn of 1855 found him in a law office in the city of Buffalo.
Congress had passed a law in 1878 requiring the treasury department to purchase a certain amount of silver bullion each month and coin it into silver dollars to be full legal tender.
In 1908 Florida produced 1,673,651 tons of phosphate valued at 11 million dollars.
The constitution of 1846 limited the pay of members of both houses to three dollars a day and to three hundred dollars for any one session (except in impeachment proceedings) besides an allowance for travelling expenses, but since an amendment of 1874 they have been paid $1500 a year and ten cents a mile for travelling expenses.
Among the other sources of revenue are a poll-tax of two dollars on each man between the ages of twenty-one and sixty, licences, an inheritance tax, rent of state lands and the income from invested funds received from the sale of state lands.
Other important manufactures (each with a product value in 1905 of more than one million dollars) were cotton-seed oil and cake (in 1900 Kentucky was fifth and in 1905 sixth among the states in the value of cotton-seed oil and cake), cooperage, agricultural implements, boots and shoes, cigars 1 In the census of 1905 statistics for other than factory-made products, such as those of the hand trades, were not included.
The funded debt of the state amounted to four and one-half millions of dollars in 1850, when the new constitution limited the power of the legislature to contract further obligations or to decrease or misapply the sinking funds.
In 1902 the net bonded debt, exclusive of about two millions of dollars held for educational purposes, was $1,171,394, but this debt was paid in full in the years immediately following.
In this way, too, he raised more than one hundred thousand dollars, for the purchase of the old home of Washington at Mount Vernon.
For the fiscal year1906-1907the revenue produced a total of 114,286,122 pesos (dollars), or, approximately, £11,428; 612, and the expenditure was 85,076,641 pesos, or £8,507,664.
Provisions are also made for continuing the coinage of " trade dollars " for export, which have a wide circulation in the Orient but are not current at home.
The court of a justice of the peace has jurisdiction in criminal cases only where the punishment is by fine not exceeding twenty dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both, and in civil cases only where the title to real estate is not involved and the damage demanded does not exceed thirteen dollars and thirty-three cents.
A police court has the same jurisdiction as that of a justice of the peace, and, in addition, concurrent jurisdiction with the superior court in certain cases where the title to real estate is not involved and the damage demanded does not exceed one hundred dollars.
In each county a convention, composed of representatives from the towns, meets every two years to levy taxes and to authorize expenditures for grounds and buildings whenever more than one thousand dollars are required.
The county commissioners have the care of county buildings, consisting chiefly of a court house, gaol and house of correction, but are not allowed to expend more than one thousand dollars for repairs, new buildings or grounds, without authority from the county convention; the commissioners have the care also of all other county property, as well as of county paupers; and once every four years they are required to visit each town of their county, inspect the taxable property therein, determine whether it is incorrectly assessed and report to the state board of equalization.
The homestead law of New Hampshire exempts from seizure for debt five hundred dollars' worth of any person's homestead except for the enforcement of a mortgage upon it, for the collection of debts incurred in making repairs or improvements, or for the collection of taxes.
The schools are maintained chiefly out of the proceeds of a district school tax, which must not be less in any district than seven hundred and fifty dollars for every dollar of public taxes apportioned to the town or district, a proportion which has gradually increased from five to one in 1789 and from ninety to one in 1817.
In each of four other industries the products exceeded in value five hundred millions of dollars, namely, those of foundry and machine shops, flour and grist mills, iron and steel, and lumber and timber.
In 1833 and 1834 the amount annually obtained had risen to fully a million of dollars.
In five years from the discovery of gold at Coloma on the American river, the yield from the auriferous belt of the Sierra Nevada had risen to an amount estimated at between sixty-five and seventy millions of dollars a year, or five times as much as the total production of this metal throughout the world at the beginning of the century.
The results are stated below, for 1870 and 1902, in round millions of dollars.
The national government set out in 1790 with a revolutionary debt of about 75 millions of dollars.
The Atlin and White Horse regions in northern British Columbia and southern Yukon have attracted much attention, and the Klondike placers still farther north have furnished many millions of dollars' worth of gold.
This second rebellion carried on under his leadership had lasted about three months, had cost the country many valuable lives, and in money about five millions of dollars.
In price it varies from 6 or 12 dollars to the enormous sum of 300 or 400 dollars an ounce.
According to the constitution of 1901 the legislature is required to levy, in addition to the poll tax, an annual tax for education at the rate of 30 to 65 cents on the hundred dollars' worth of property, and practically every county in the state had made in 1906 an appropriation for its schools of a one mill tax on $loo.
The state endorsed railway bonds at the rate of $12,000 and $16,000 a mile until the state debt had increased from eight millions to seventeen millions of dollars, and similar corruption characterized local government.
Peck (6 Cranch 87) that such a rescindment as that in the new state constitution was illegal, on the ground that a state cannot pass a law impairing the obligation of contracts; and at an expense of more than four millions of dollars the Federal government ultimately extinguished all claims to the lands.
A Supplementary Act of the 3rd of March 1905 provides that writs of error and appeals may be taken from the Supreme Court of Hawaii to the Supreme Court of the United States " in all cases where the amount involved exclusive of costs or value exceeds the sum of five thousand dollars."
Among other treasures it contains the silver coffin of St Liborius, a substitute for one which was coined into dollars in 1622 by Christian of Brunswick, the celebrated freebooter.
In the same year the gold and silver coinage of Paraguay were legally standardized as identical with those of Argentina (5 gold dollars or pesos = £ 1); but paper money is about the only circulating medium, and gold commands a high premium (1600% in December 1908).
It was besieged and taken by Gustavus Adolphus in 1632, and in 1635 it surrendered to the imperial forces; in 1703 it was bombarded by the electoral prince of Bavaria, and forced to pay a contribution of 400,000 dollars; and in the war of 1803 it suffered severely.
The order then given to their agents was for "teas of the best kind to the amount of Too dollars."
A new hospital at a cost of half a million dollars was completed in 1908.
Though he received a large income, he was so improvident that he was frequently in want, and on the 22nd of February 1822 the legislature of Maryland passed a remarkable resolution - the only one of the kind in American history - requiring every lawyer in the state to pay an annual licence fee of five dollars, to be handed over to trustees appointed "for the appropriation of the proceeds raised by virtue of this resolution to the use of Luther Martin."
This latter aspect of the fraternity was to be satisfied by the contribution from each fellow of five dollars by way of initiation fee.
In the total value of all live stock (5,402,297 head) in 1900 ($65,000,000) the rank of the state was 15th in the Union, and in value of dairy products in 1899 (12.84 million dollars) 12th.
An ounce of dust in 1848 frequently went for $4 instead of $17; for a number of years traders in dust were sure of a margin of several dollars, as for example in private coinage, mints for which were common by 1851.
Shares that at first represented so many dollars per foot in a tangible mine were multiplied and remultiplied until they came to represent paper thicknesses or almost nothing, yet still their prices mounted upward.
From 1894 to 1902 the aggregate production increased from 20.2 to 35.1 million dollars; in 1905 it was $43,406,258.
The state bonded debt in 1907 amounted to three and a half million dollars, of which all but $767,529.03 was represented by bonds purchased by the state and held for the school and university funds; for the common school fund on the 1st of July 1907 there were held bonds for $4, 8 9 0, 95 0, and $800,000 in cash available for investment; for the university fund there were held $751,000 in state bonds, and a large amount in other securities.
The current coin consists largely of Mexican and Central and South American dollars; but little coin is in circulation.
Up to 1895 the gold output was below ten million dollars yearly; from 1898 to 1904 it ran from 21.6 to 28.7 millions.
Silver values ran, in the years 1880-1902, from 11.3 to 23.1 million dollars; and the quantities in the same years from 11.6 to 26.3 million ounces.
Taxation has been very erratic. From 1877 to 1893 the total assessment rose steadily from $3,453,946 to $238,722,417; it then fell at least partly owing to the depreciation in and uncertain values of mining property, and from 1894 to 1900 fluctuated between 192.2 and 216.8 million dollars; in 1901 it was raised to $465,874,288, and fluctuated in the years following; the estimated total assessment for 1907 was $365,000,000.
In the event of the decision being favourable to Peru a sum of io,000,000 dollars was to be paid by Peru to Chile.
Believing that he had now secured the support of the majority in congress on behalf of any measures he decided to put forward, the new president initiated a policy of heavy expenditure on public works, the building of schools, and the strengthening of the naval and military forces of the republic. Contracts were given out to the value of 6,000,000 for the construction of railways in the southern districts; some 10,000,000 dollars were expended in the erection of schools and colleges; three cruisers and two sea-going torpedo boats were added to the squadron; the construction of the naval port at Talcahuano was actively pushed forward; new armament was purchased for the infantry and artillery branches of the army, and heavy guns were acquired for the purpose of permanently and strongly fortifying the neighbourhoods of Valparaiso, Talcahuano and Iquique.
Between December 1849 and June 1851 seven " great " fires, destroying in the aggregate property valued at twenty or twenty-five millions of dollars, swept the business district.
In 1860 the trade employed 3000 wagons and 7000 men, and amounted to millions of dollars in value.
Although there were already fifteen banks in the state in 1837 yet the cry against monopoly was loud, and so in that year a general banking law was passed whereby any ten or more freeholders might establish a bank with a capital of not less than fifty thousand nor more than three hundred thousand dollars and begin business as soon as 30% of the capital was paid in in specie.
Its comparative cheapness, one dollar's worth being equal to three dollars' worth of opium in the effect produced, its portability and the facilities offered in obtaining it, are all in its favour.
There is a large fishing industry in Lake Huron, the Canadian catch being valued at over a quarter million dollars per annum.
On all capital stock up to $3,000,000, the rate is one-tenth of 1%; on all amounts between three and five million dollars, the rate is one-twentieth of 1%; and on all above five million dollars, thirty dollars per million, or 3/1000 of 1%.
The largest aerodrome, intended to carry passengers and to be available for war purposes, was built to the order and at the expense of the American government, which granted a sum of fifty thousand dollars for its construction.
Each precinct elects a justice of the peace, who has civil jurisdiction when the debt or damage claimed does not exceed three hundred dollars, and has primary criminal jurisdiction.
An amendment to the constitution adopted in 1908 permitted counties to make an extra levy of 25 cents on each too dollars valuation for the construction and repair of roads and bridges.
The counties are also required to levy special school taxes, the aggregate annual amount of which shall be equivalent to at least seven dollars for every child between the ages of four and twenty years.
In the United States alone the annual pecuniary loss in cattle stock occasioned by the ravages of this tick disease was computed in 1907 at one hundred million dollars.
According to the estimates of the state department of agriculture, of the total value of all agricultural products in the twenty years 188 51904 ($3, 0 7 8, 999, 8 55), Indian corn and wheat together represented more than two-fifths (821'3 and 518'1 million dollars respectively), and livestock products nearly one-third (1024.9 millions).
In regular sessions not exceeding fifty days and in special sessions not exceeding thirty days the members of both houses are paid three dollars a day besides an allowance for travelling expenses, but they receive no compensation for the extra time of longer sessions.
Stewart, John Jacob Astor, and other New York men, on the Union Defence Committee, which (from April 22, 1861, to April 30, 1862) co-operated with the municipal government in the raising and equipping of troops, and disbursed more than a million dollars for the relief of New York volunteers and their families.
He was absent just three months, visiting over sixty cities and towns; and 200,000 dollars were subscribed.
The constitution also provides for the establishment of a new county, " whenever one-third of the qualified electors within the area of each section of an old county proposed to be cut off to form a new county shall petition the governor .for the creation of a new county," whereupon the governor " shall order an election within a reasonable time thereafter," and if two-thirds of the voters vote " yes," the General Assembly at the next session shall establish the new county, provided that no section of a county shall be cut off without the consent of two-thirds of those voting in such section; that no new county " shall contain less than one one hundred and twenty-fourth part of the whole number of inhabitants of the state, nor shall it have less assessed taxable property than one and one-half millions of dollars, nor shall it contain an area of less than four hundred square miles "; and that " no old county shall be reduced to less area than five hundred square miles, to less assessed taxable property than two million dollars, nor to a smaller population than fifteen thousand inhabitants."
Nearly six million dollars worth were declared null and void because issued without authority of law.
The Assembly Hall was furnished with clocks costing $600 dollars each, sofas at $200, and other articles in proportion.
The American commission, presided over by secretary Day in Paris, absolutely refused to admit the Spanish contention that the United States or the new administration in Cuba and the Philippines should be saddled with several hundred million dollars of debts, contracted by the colonial treasuries, and guaranteed by Spain, almost entirely to maintain Spanish rule against the will of the Cubans and Filipinos.
The consumption of honey g y a s an article of food has also largely increased of late i years; a recent computation shows that from too to 125 million lb of honey, representing a money value of from eight to ten million dollars, is consumed annually in the United States alone.
By a provision unique in 1875, the constitution authorized the legislature to provide that the electors might express their preferences for United States senators; but this was not treated as mandatory on the legislature, and though votes were at times taken (1886, 1894), they were not officially canvassed, nor were any senatorial The amendment increased the pay of members from three dollars to five dollars a day " during their sitting," and provided that sessions should last at least sixty days, and that members should not receive pay " for more than sixty days at any one sitting"; the original constitution had provided that they should " not receive pay for more than forty days at any one session " and had prescribed no minimum length for a session.
They are paid at the rate of five dollars a day during 60 days of a regular session and not exceeding 100 days during their entire term.
The debt in 1907 was only about $5,500,000, a smaller per capita debt than that of any other city of over 100,000 inhabitants in the country; the assessed valuation was $330,000,000; the city tax, $14.70 on the thousand dollars of assessed valuation.
He receives an allowance of 12,000 dollars a year from state funds, and his two principal ministers receive allowances of 6000 dollars a year each.
Copper has been mined here since 1847, and notwithstanding the difficulties of transportation through a rough mountain region, mines were rapidly developed, and in 1855 over 14,000 tons of ore, worth more than a million dollars, were marketed.
The legislature meets biennially, in odd numbered years, on the first Monday in January, and the length of the session is limited by a provision that the members shall be paid four dollars a day, besides an allowance for travelling expenses, not to exceed 75 days; whenever the governor calls an extra session they are not paid for more than 20 days.
The court has exclusive original jurisdiction in equity cases in which the amount in controversy exceeds fifty dollars, concurrent jurisdiction with the county court in such matters as the administration of estates, the appointment and removal of guardians, and concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit courts in proceedings for divorce.
Merrill Cooms transferred one hundred thousand dollars as a birthday present to Claire Elizabeth, over the unsuccessful protestations of mother and dad.
I was sixteen and pregnant and my mother tossed me out of the house and then I was a street smart seventeen year old mother without a pot to piss in and no options to get one then if I screw this guy I can maybe get a million dollars and feed my baby and not listen to gun shots outside my door and I been standing here at the window a long, long time, begging for a ticket to fly out of here and no one has handed me anything but shit and now this guy is holding this first class pass and all I have to do is reach out and grab it but I know I might hate myself for tacking it because this ticket clerk is kind of a jerk sometimes but an okay guy most of the time and he's nice to me and he listens to me, and he loves me and I know if I take it and fly it will kill him.
The three of us live in a five-room ranch with a fat mortgage and less than a thousand dollars in the bank.
Fred had taken the geezer bus to Atlantic City—ten free silver dollars plus a free meal—so Dean was on his own for the early evening.
By 1920, Chaplin was earning $ 10,000 dollars per week, which in those days was an absolutely astronomical amount.
We had a big debate in this country in the early 1980s about the Chrysler Corp. and giving federal bailouts for a billion dollars.
The fee must be paid by bank draft in Canadian Dollars and can be purchased at most major banks.
Dollars brings bettors jarecki's film which otherwise have remained undone a tavern owner.
American football bettors cleaned up apparently, costing the US sportsbooks millions of dollars in winning tickets.
In fact experts have predicted that this industry will explode over the next five years and be worth billions of dollars within a decade.
Jan 2006 The world bank estimates the cost of fighting bird flu will reach billions of dollars.
President Bush has said nothing about a US citizen killed by a US-made bulldozer bought with US tax dollars.
Brand new filing cabinets can cost you several hundred dollars apiece.
We have a shared interest with those who hold our dollars to keep the whole charade going.
At stake here is not just the billions of dollars NASA has wasted chasing chimeras, but the very integrity of scientific exploration.
Buy in US dollars from America's cruise clearinghouse and save up to 75% .
He made millions, or perhaps billions, of dollars smuggling cocaine into the United States.
Premium dollars to they interact with an ISDN codec could show negative.
Professional rodeo cowboys can earn thousands of dollars for the top titles, many of them are millionaires.
At the moment there is a net debt of three trillion dollars.
Demand for dollars gives the dollar some of it's value - less demand devalues the dollar (to some extent ).
Confound it, I could have earned ten thousand dollars with infinitely less trouble.
I was paid twenty-five dollars a week for helping Max Eastman get out the magazine.
You buy Euro, paying with US dollars, or you sell Japanese Yens for Canadian dollars.
What's been done with under a million Australian dollars is impressive.
Pumping millions of of taxpayer dollars of play for.
The pharmaceutical giants who are pushing GMOs bank some $ 161 billion dollars between them every year.
It's John's last heist and he hopes to bring in a haul worth $ 35 million dollars in gold.
Every year, hundreds of billions of dollars, far in excess of aid inflows, flow out of poor countries to the rich.
Only in America do they leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put useless junk in the garage.
You can look like a million dollars but if you have the wrong knickers on you will look more like a buck fifty.
They then launder the dollars raised by using them to buy cigarettes which are smuggled back into their own countries.
Operations interrupted never we were able of dollars in of halt a. input input leveler in a number people i know.
Many of our associates already have real estate liens in force of between 5 million to over 15 million dollars.
He'll share how to turn less than a thousand dollars into a comfortable retirement nest egg using smart financial strategies most people overlook.
We now know that the unprecedented outpouring of billions of dollars for victims of the tsunami has made little impact.
Patrick Johnson shows include are million dollars after.
Also, how anyone can save a nice little nest egg by putting away just a few dollars off their weekly paycheck.
Dollars must now be exchanged for Cuban pesos where a 10 per cent commission will be charged.
They don't earn millions of dollars per film reciting poetry.
Be a winning race punter when you punt betting dollars at... Punting on Australian horse racing tips.
Ten dollars richer, Hazelton High's star quarterback had forgotten the matter of his bartered soul entirely.
Dollars brings bettors grid from the retook the reins will be better.
Today a pure shahtoosh shawl can cost up to 20,000 dollars on the international market.
But there was a time when you were more likely to make a million dollars collecting rubbish than riding a skateboard.
Prices Our base prices are quoted in £ s sterling, Euros or US dollars.
Rates for pc users are shown in pounds and pence sterling per hour, and rates for Mac users are shown in US dollars.
Oil, energy and car companies have spent tens of millions of dollars fighting the Kyoto protocol.
I got hooked up with them by spending thousands of thousand of dollars out of the box to pimp out all my bikes.
You spent trillions of dollars - all for no real end.
That Iraq has trillions of dollars worth of oil reserves is not in question.
The National Science Foundation in the United States has estimated nanotechnology to be worth trillions of dollars in the next ten to fifteen years.
But we can go fight the worlds war in Iraq spending trillions of our hard earned dollars... We won ' t go there.
All prices shown are in US Dollars per ounce troy.
It has original jurisdiction in cases of habeas corpus, mandamus and prohibition, and appellate jurisdiction in cases involving a greater amount than one hundred dollars; concerning title or boundary of lands, probate of wills; the appointment or qualification of personal representatives, guardians, curators, committees, &c.; concerning a mill, roadway, ferry or landing; the right of a corporation or county to levy tolls or taxes; in cases of quo warranto, habeas corpus, mandamus, certiorari and prohibition, and all others involving freedom or the constitutionalit y of a law; in criminal cases where there has been a conviction for felony or misdemeanour in a circuit, criminal or intermediate court; and in cases relating to the public revenues.
The annual value of the imports (4.7 dollars taken at £1) was £5,101,740 in 1900 and £7,365,703 in 1908; that of exports was £6,257,600 in 1900 and £7,932,026 in 1908.
I work for Uncle Bill on his ranch, and he pays me six dollars a month and my board.
On top of the common-good projects supported with our tax dollars, almost all of us—certainly not just the wealthy—have causes we support.
Today, for just a few hundred dollars, you can get a copy of your genome.
If you take something worth a dollar, spend an hour working on it, and your employer sells it for three dollars, no way in the world can you ever make more than two dollars an hour.
So I saw, in real dollars, the cost of computer memory fall to one one-millionth of what it was thirty years ago.
That's probably like $50 in 1993 dollars.
They can't even put a value on it; they wouldn't sell it for a million dollars.
Tomorrow, you get a thirtyfold raise and are now making a million dollars a year.
I think that incomes will rise dramatically to many times what they presently are, in real dollars.
Even at the retail price, we could feed all the world's hungry for a billion dollars a day or $365 billion a year.
It would cost a million dollars and not even be as good as a Chevy.
I know it sounds all futuristic and expensive now, but what if this technology falls to just a few dollars per acre?
I wouldn't give it up for a million dollars, just like I wouldn't sell my left arm for a million dollars.
The contributions amounted to more than sixteen hundred dollars.
The tea brought more than two thousand dollars for the blind children.
True to his word, the painting went above the fireplace, pushing aside thousands of dollars of paintings.
Ten dollars richer, Hazelton High 's star quarterback had forgotten the matter of his bartered soul entirely.
By introducing these systems and processes, IBM reckons itâs saved several billion dollars from its bottom line.
Dollars by refinancing not only does club agency inc.
How long will they continue to hold US dollars as their reserve currency?
Rumor spread that Columbia had now offered around a million dollars.
Tens of thousands of dollars damage was caused to the saddlery shop.
Risdon Beasley salvaged some 80 wrecks and sold recovered cargoes for millions of dollars during his 30 year career.
Japanese financial institutions, loaded down with bad debts and therefore short of cash, sold dollars heavily.
Billions of US dollars were siphoned away from infrastructure projects to bolster security and pay for the promotion of democracy.
Prices Our base prices are quoted in £ s Sterling, Euros or US dollars.
The Veterans Affairs data theft could ultimately cost taxpayers billions of dollars.
On the down side SCO can no longer charge thousands of dollars for the low end of their systems.
I brought cash and traveler 's checks, American Express, US dollars.
In the United States trillions of dollars have to be put back into pension funds, which means profits are effectively negative.
Vetting job applicants he says quot dollars annually which.
Visitors are warned to beware of fake US Dollars, which are printed in Colombia.
The most inconvenient mail I get is for some well-intentioned person to send me a few dollars asking me for a copy of PGP.
This company not only sells millions of dollars ' worth of Israeli goods, it also promotes British-Israeli trade organization.
To close the deal, the city provided millions of dollars in tax abatements.
The algorithm-based content aggregator made its profit by earning advertising dollars from articles other sites had published.
The failures have been a critical part of my education, and they have cost many millions of dollars and years of my life.
Without the large influx of dollars that venture capital provides, startups must reach profitability quickly so they can bootstrap their way to additional growth.
Tens of millions of dollars are lost when a company, often flush with cash, attempts to get big before they've nailed the business model or achieved product/market fit.
In sales and marketing for example, you may experience declining returns, meaning that the more you spend, the less effective the marketing dollars are.
You convince yourself that if you can raise x dollars, you'll have what you need to create the breakthrough you crave.
In reality, you'll probably spend inordinate amounts of time trying to raise x dollars rather than concentrating on getting the product right.
The board may have to cough up more dollars to shut the company down properly.
You may find the perfect items to accent the nursery for a few dollars!
Child care cost involves more than just the tangible dollars paid per care.
Reducing this cost is a priority to help balance our dollars.
You can spend under $100 on your child's room, or you can spend hundreds of dollars on nursery murals.
Finding it difficult to obtain a manufacturer, she created her own diaper business, which she sold for $1 million dollars several years later.
To make the most of your shopping dollars, check on shipping and handling charges before you submit your order.
These donations can run as much as several thousand dollars.
Cost is a factor for many of these kinds of daycare, as they tend to run into the thousands of dollars a month.
Benefits include "R Us Dollars" for select purchases during promotional programs.
They may cost upwards of several hundred dollars which is unaffordable to most parents.
The cheapest sound-only baby monitors will typically cost less than 40 US dollars whereas a full-featured baby camera setup will be sold for upwards of several hundred dollars.
While a simple cotton bib can be purchased for two to five dollars, a coverall bib can cost $15 to $25.
First-time parents are easily drawn into the world of baby technology and in their awe of the newborn stage may spend countless dollars on non-necessities.
The typical nursing bra in this line will be priced somewhere in the vicinity of 60 to 70 US dollars.
They sell bras that range in price from less than ten dollars each to more than sixty dollars.
Buying bulk Enfamil baby formula might help you save a few dollars in your baby supply budget.
Clip coupons-Whether you buy formula by the week or you buy in bulk, you can save anywhere from a few cents to several dollars per each container of formula when you clip coupons.
Good baby monitors are usually relatively affordable, but the best baby monitors will cost well into the hundreds of dollars.
Many wedding dresses cost more than a thousand dollars (not including alterations and accessories!), so as soon as you get engaged, start putting away money for your dress.
Silver Dollar Finder has information on Morgan and Peace silver dollars regarding coin history, mint history, grading, and buying online through auction systems like eBay.
Sinks vary in price; sometimes by hundreds of dollars.
If the plan you're considering does not cover at least one million dollars in costs, avoid that plan at all costs!
You can decide to buy a home theater-in-a-box for $200 to $300, or you can spend several thousand dollars.
Now, anyone with a few extra dollars to spend can enjoy caviar on a special occasion or just for breakfast!
A dress boot crafted of fine leather and with inlay metalwork designs can cost you a few thousand dollars, or even more.
Don't buy smaller briefcases to save a few dollars.
Digital cameras can cost as little as $150 and climb into the thousands of dollars.
Prices for digital camcorders range from about $400 to several thousand dollars.
In many cases, you will be able to buy used videotapes for under five dollars!
You should try not to spend more than 250 dollars on a set of basic beginner clubs.
If you're a casual player, don't spend more than $80 dollars on a glove.
Without it, you could end up spending big dollars on braces down the line.
Furthermore, they often provide more for your dollars than most hotels can offer.
Taking the time to hunt for the right price could help you save hundreds of dollars.
In general, new releases are priced within a few dollars of one another across most major retailers and e-tailers, although some may offer special bonuses or discounts.
Sometimes it is worth paying a few dollars more for the peace of mind a well-known retailer provides.
You can buy Star Wars Bounty Hunter PS2 here with used copies starting at $15 dollars.
Pick up this one for around $179 dollars.
Expect to pay $1,000 to $6,000 dollars for one of these sets.
Depending on the grade of the leather, prices can start from about $800 to over $4,000 dollars.
Depending on your needs, a CD deck can cost you from $50 to thousands of dollars.
Prices range from $30 to $4,500 dollars, but there is a system for every budget and music taste.
This is because you want to be able to inspect that Georgian desk before laying out thousands of dollars for it.
However, these can cost several hundred dollars and it is worthwhile to take professional advice before embarking on such a large purchase.
The cost of a futon ranges from around $100 with a mattress, to several hundred dollars.
No one wants to have a gas grill that they have paid several hundred dollars for fall apart after the first season of grilling.
Anything heavier is more expensive and a higher quality instrument, and those range in price from $200 to several thousand dollars.
Prices range from $20 to several hundred dollars, depending upon the quality and where it is manufactured.
For example, building a deck will add to the cost of an above ground pool by several hundred dollars or more.
Depending upon the size and shape of the pool, the costs will vary from hundreds to even thousands of dollars.
The costs for a neon-light installation can range from $500 to several thousand dollars, depending upon the size of the pool and the type of lighting desired.
An above ground pool can be purchased for several hundred dollars and last for several years, or you can opt to go for a permanent in-ground pool to enjoy for many years to come.
Professional violins are made from fancy woods and will cost from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars.
You should be able to get a one-year warranty so if something in the machine malfunctions up to a year, you're not out the hundreds of dollars you spent.
Spending a few dollars to have a professional install it may save you headaches in the long run.
You can either buy them new or used, but since the used radios typically get priced on a few dollars less, you are better off getting a two-way radio new.
While the overall discounts aren't tremendous, you can save a few dollars to make the purchase worth it.
Get them an inexpensive flash drive plus a few dollars.
Others had spent hundreds of dollars on special orthotics that didn't work for them, then they tried HTP Heel Seats and they worked amazingly.
They may not actual spend revenue dollars to pump that day up to number one.
In reference to actual dollars, people typically spend more as December 25th approaches due to last minute holiday deals, desperate shoppers willing to buy anything as a gift and last minute gift givers.
Since carpetis typically sold by the square foot, it's possible that overmeasuring can add hundreds of dollars to an initial budget.
You can save hundreds of dollars at this store.
Buying a bundle could save you hundreds of dollars.
The Apple discount varies by product, but students usually save several hundred dollars.
Most bonds are purchased at about 50 percent of face value, meaning the actual value in dollars of the bond is twice what is paid for the bond.
Half dollars minted before 1965 include the liberty head/Barber type (1892 to 1915), walking liberty (1916 to 1947), Franklin type (1948 to 1963) and the Kennedy type (1964).
Special promotions also increase the demand for half dollars.
When buying silver coins, you should also consider U.S. silver dollars minted between 1878 and 1904 and 1921 to 1935.
There is the option to choose a used iPad if you'd like to shave a few dollars off of the price, but read the seller's feedback before choosing to purchase a previously-owned model.
A company will mail you vouchers for hundreds of dollars off select merchandise, including electronics.
If you can't get around having to pay a delivery fee, you may be able to at least shave a few dollars off by asking a few questions and planning accordingly.
Mac computers retail between $1000.00 and $3000.00 dollars, depending on what your computer needs are.
Sure, a Mac may be more expensive than comparable PC computers, but with only a little extra searching, you can knock a few hundred dollars without much trouble.
Look into these options if you are eager to save three to five hundred dollars off the full price.
Penny stocks are stocks that usually sell for less than five dollars per share.
This option might save you hundreds of dollars, but they might not have the exact television you are looking for.
In the past hedge funds were limited to those who had millions or billions to invest, but times have changed and opened this type of investing to a wider range of people, such as those that have thousands of dollars to spend.
If you have thousands or millions or even billions of dollars to invest in a hedge fund you still want to look closely before you invest.
It needs to start with having a net worth or a joint net worth of at least one million dollars.
It's possible to save hundreds of dollars on those computers.
Plus, many novelists can set their own prices for their electronic books which means you can regularly purchase eBooks online for less than five dollars, with some titles selling for under a dollar.
The site touts the large lotto payoffs offered by these games, with some jackpots totaling hundreds of millions of dollars.
You use virtual dollars to buy and sell stocks.
Penny stocks are a good investment if you want to learn the stock market, buy stocks but don't want to spend thousands of dollars for a few shares or invest in your favorite small company.
Several companies let you in for as little as ten dollars a month.
Legitimate sellers use standard shipping prices by UPS, the U.S.Postal Service or FedEx, adding a few extra dollars for handling (which includes boxes/envelops and drive time).
Lower end winders will run around $100, but higher end models that can wind several watches at the same time, contain more features and are more aesthetically appealing can cost several hundred dollars.
Revenue is the total amount of physical dollars a store brings in.
Those retail prices you see on the shelf and websites contribute to the total revenue dollars.
Many store owners have different philosophies but generally retailers want to have positive profit dollars and bring in the revenue.
The hard-to-find Zhu Zhu Pet toy hamsters are in stock in going on sale for four bucks each, Barbie dolls are priced at five dollars and many articles of children's clothing are going to be reduced all the way down to four dollars.
Top deals include select coffeemakers and slow cookers for under ten dollars each, Rival hand mixers for under three dollars, electric griddles for under ten bucks and Oster waffle makers for under ten dollars as well.
In 2009, it increased only 5 percent but the total in sales was 887 million dollars.
E-readers are another hot ticket item this year with Amazon's Kindle boasting thousands of books priced under five dollars available for download and faster 3G speeds.
Available in a multitude of sets and packages ranging from six to thirty dollars, these little guys are making a big impact on the holiday gift scene.
The playhouses run between 35 and 40 dollars and individual sets of characters are about ten bucks.
If you are traveling from abroad, you will have no trouble exchanging your foreign currency for U.S. dollars.
If price is your major concern, you can find e-book readers for as little as 100 dollars.
Barnes & Noble has over two million titles available for the Nook, many of which are available for free or less than ten dollars.
If you’re looking to save a few dollars and don’t mind a used computer, then consider a refurbished Dell laptop.
Pet owners with a taste for luxury can spend close to a thousand dollars on such embellished items, but it's not necessary to spend that much unless you truly want to.
The largest kitty gyms may be packed with features and cost upwards of several hundred dollars.
Cat trees range in price from $40.00 for smaller models with a single platform to several hundred dollars for models offering all the features your feline friend could ever want.While shopping for furniture, keep your kitty's size in mind.
In fact, you can pick up fairly ordinary designs from places like PetSmart for an easy three dollars.
It can be truly frustrating when you love a pet with all your heart, yet that animal is destroying furniture or other items that cost hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars.
Treating a cat that already has contracted the disease may cost several hundred dollars.