Doing Sentence Examples
You're doing a great job.
They should be doing an ultrasound in a couple of weeks.
God, he's probably never heard anyone doing that!
What are you doing up at this hour?
Maybe she thinks I'm the only thing keeping you from doing that.
She was doing enough of it for herself.
What were you doing all day today?
As for sitting around doing nothing, I'm going to do something about that.
The minute we do, the people doing those jobs should become operators of the new machines—and get big raises because their productivity just shot way up.
Alex was doing everything in his power to provide her with all the experiences of a natural mother.
AdvertisementIf he was trying to prevent her from escaping, he was doing a poor job of it.
I mean, not doing this.
She caught him alone in the hallway after supper, while Julia and Rachel were in the kitchen doing dishes.
By doing this, we will come to understand those conditions better and perhaps prevent them.
So, what part are you doing for the bride?
AdvertisementI don't know what he's doing, but I think it's something illegal.
I can't believe you're doing this to me.
Are you down here taking inventory or doing a lot of thinking?
I would never stop you from going to college or doing anything else you wanted to do.
How's your mother doing these days?
AdvertisementWhat would the cavalry be doing out here?
No, I simply think there is a proper way to do things, and humans have a habit of doing what pleases them at the moment, not what is best for the future.
Think of the good we might be doing!
He had no idea what he was doing wrong.
Anyway, I was doing my best not to let things get out of control.
AdvertisementWhat are you still doing here?
I'm doing this on my own.
When Augustine finally asked, "What are you doing?," Ambrose replied that he was reading.
And he fell back into that artificial realm of imaginary greatness, and again--as a horse walking a treadmill thinks it is doing something for itself--he submissively fulfilled the cruel, sad, gloomy, and inhuman role predestined for him.
Well, he has a home office and he goes there pretty often, but I can't figure out what he's doing.
You seemed to be doing well enough on your own.
What do you two think you're doing out here in the dark?
We had no right to play god any more than we were already doing.
You're not doing it for money.
Mark my words, what you are doing will not remain unnoticed.
What we're doing together blows my imagination so I'll devote as much time and energy as I can possible muster to optimizing our results.
How're you doing, Tommy?
They're only doing a job.
I have no intention of doing so.
At the base they checked in with Fred and Donnie, who were doing fine without them, so they moved to even more challenging terrain.
I've already warned him that you're still mine, and I have no intention of doing anything more than lending you to him.
The people were doing whatever it took to survive outside the walls, and they'd run across more men in Western uniforms.
What is someone like this doing out here?
He said he had a granddaughter who was special and he didn't want her to get stuck doing some sort of manual labor.
He looked past her into the kitchen to see what she'd been doing.
There was no way to see what she'd been doing.
Usually, he was the one doing it, so she'd listened to him.
My little one hasn't been doing so well on his treatment.
Now, she couldn't even talk to him without doing worse.
Lana looked up curiously, wondering if the military was doing maneuvers.
He'd wanted to ask about Angel but feared doing so.
You're doing exactly what Kris wants you to, Rhyn, going to your death like a lamb.
What are you doing? Did you do what Kris said?
If I'm doing the hunting, you're eating demons.
What're you doing here in Hell?
What're you doing in Hell?
Even if it could, only Ully knew what Ully was doing in the lab, Kris said in frustration.
And leave Darkyn here to do whatever else he's doing?
If we find her, we can stop her before she takes Katie. We don't know what the demons are doing, but we know Death is looking for Katie.
Was this what Death meant about doing evil for the greater good?
I'm doing this on my own...
We know how to power a clock with this energy but haven't yet cracked the code on doing it at scale.
We only have people doing this work because we have not yet developed the technology to get machines to do it.
Have I convinced you that replacing people with machines frees people from the bondage of doing machine work?
And that meant, for too many of us, ditching what we loved to do and doing the work of a machine.
It turns out that, even when doing what you love, both passion and profit matter—but that particular piece of wisdom came later with age.
I was only doing as the Canadians do, while I was in their country, and besides I honor England's good queen.
When I asked her what she was doing, she replied, "I am a very funny camel."
Even voting for the right is doing nothing for it.
It was as if all the powers of his soul were concentrated on passing the commander in the best possible manner, and feeling that he was doing it well he was happy.
He sighed and, doing so, groaned involuntarily.
This man, Vereshchagin, is the scoundrel by whose doing Moscow is perishing.
It isn't your doing... or your responsibility to change it.
Alex had raced to her rescue because he knew she was too naïve to realize what his father was doing.
As for buying a child - was it so different from what they were doing?
How is Destiny doing?
Does her husband know what she's doing?
She didn't know anything about what he was doing.
If you absolutely insist on doing this, at least leave me instructions on how to get there... and a phone number where you can be reached.
Is it all right if I call Lisa now and then to see how she's doing?
What are you doing?
What do you think you're doing?
She didn't want to believe he was doing something like that, but it was fresh on her mind that the unthinkable actually does happen.
Was that what he was doing?
Shutting her out was exactly what Brandon was doing.
More important, what had they been doing?
Cade answered the door and ushered his sister into the family room where Cynthia was doing some last minute dusting.
So, how's scruffy doing?
It gets tedious, but I get a kick out of doing it that way.
He reiterated his concern about anyone outside our group learning of what we were doing.
Howie asked about my job and confessed he was spending far too much time doing nothing.
That's what you guys are doing to me.
You're doing this so the bees will be more interested in certain flowers?
Howie continued to look to us for direction while remaining adamant we exclude so much as mention of what we were doing to anyone outside our group.
Then he started feeling guilty, as if he was doing something wrong.
All I'm trying to do is get a handle on why his brain is doing this to him.
I'm doing this once but never again.
If doing this would be too painful...
The others, even Quinn, didn't disagree, but added, "And protect ourselves in doing so."
Contrary to the others, my employment wasn't a career and frankly, I didn't enjoy what I was doing.
You all contribute to what we're doing.
I don't know how you're doing what you do but I got a strong feeling if I keep an open mind, good things will happen.
We're not doing this for the FBI in any sense.
What we're accomplishing with Howie is vital; we can't stop doing it.
The director tried to question me but I cut him off, saying we possessed no ambitions beyond what we were doing.
They'll maintain a public web site you might peruse occasionally but they'll know nothing of your group or what you're doing.
If the word normal could in any manner describe what we were doing, we slowly slipped into a somewhat normal routine.
If one of us is identified as being part of what we're doing, we're all in trouble.
I can't believe Howie's doing this.
He's totally committed to what we're doing.
What you're doing is monumental.
I'm not doing this for the five hundred dollars or getting in your book.
The tipster is doing a wonderful service for the country.
Weekends were private time for all of us and we weren't sure if Howie would adopt the usual routine of doing our own thing.
Not if it screws up what we're doing... what we should be doing right now, instead of talking about my love life.
I don't want to lose her and there's no way I'll endanger what we're doing.
She certainly is adapting her career to documenting his or her works and doing a good job of it as far as I can see.
There are mixed feelings about doing so.
I wouldn't deny one's right to fulfill love, but doing so will have serious consequences on an untold number of lives, even those you're saving.
I truly believe he may be interested in doing the same to you.
Yes. They just got started but they're doing good work.
It's incomprehensible, but the tipster keeps doing it.
Are you going to insist that Howie admit to her what we're doing at Econ Scrutiny all day; not just counting sheep births and soy bean crops?
What else are you doing to fill in all your spare time?
But what about the work we're doing here?
I considered telling her the tipster was ill and out of service for a few days but common sense dictated that doing so might encourage someone to commit a crime in the tipster's absence.
His mother wasn't doing well and from what we could gather from his vague conversations, she wasn't expected to recover.
Sure, I knew what I was considering was contemptible but I figured all I was doing was identifying him; not stopping the good stuff he was doing... what all you guys, were doing up here.
There's no question he'll walk away from what he's doing if it becomes public.
I gently woke her, but in doing so frightened her.
Do you seriously think you're doing Howie a favor by lying to him and letting him marry her after what she's done?
I'm not doing it for Howie either.
I'm doing it because of what you said; think of all the children he could be saving.
You go if you're so set on doing it.
She was seriously disturbed at keeping secretes from Howie; perhaps more so than he was, doing the same thing.
Whether her being in the picture will blow everything we're doing; I just don't know.
Just look at what Julie is doing in its name.
Quinn sits around knowing what we're doing, and the world is treating him like some minor failed unemployed scientist.
What in hell are you doing in my house?
Martha wasn't doing well staying alone so she asked a bottle of Beefeater to keep her company.
Was he maybe doing time?
Molly remained enthralled with the baby and paid no attention to what the rest of us were doing.
How about doing it?
She sounded subdued and whispered as she asked how Molly was doing.
Howie and Quinn are doing whatever they do.
Howie is kind of tired and the old lady, his mother, isn't doing well.
It's not a solution but it will help a lot more than doing nothing while this guy may be getting closer.
I'd like to think we were doing something worthwhile instead of wasting our time on pointless errands.
I know the good we're doing.
What are you doing here?
In any event, someone is permanently finished doing anything.
We've got to stop what we're doing.
He may have been doing his dirty deeds twenty years or more.
He served his time for the crime they convicted him of doing; apparently it was not the murder and definitely not the murder of Annie Abbott.
He started talking about going back... you know, doing that thing he does.
Anyone who even identified him would immediately attain national prominence just by doing so.
I've been doing a lot of fishing, of both kinds this week.
I wasn't the only one in that area doing what I did at the time.
I moved to the want ads, speculating on what I'd be doing with my time in the future but nothing caught my eye.
This is all a new fishing hole and that's all these government guys are doing.
I stepped away as he conversed with his eastern counterpart but I was too hyper to stand idly by, doing nothing.
Was he truly the only person capable of doing those wondrous deeds?
It killed me, knowing we might remain here, doing nothing, and not knowing what was happening to Betsy and Molly.
I turned on the equipment, though without Howie hooked up to it, there was no absolutely no point in doing so.
Then I caught on to what he was doing and forced him to stop.
Now, I'm sure you see the necessity of doing exactly what I say.
He's normally really loud and stupid about what he's doing.
And yet, she couldn't forget what she'd seen him doing-- drinking another woman's blood as Talon did hers!
I feel like I should be doing more.
Of all the coddling he'd accused Sofi and Bianca of doing, he'd been working hard to protect Darian from anything that might force him to grow into his powers.
You know what I've been doing for the past few months?
Pacing in her room, she tried hard not to think of what her father was capable of doing to someone he thought was a threat to her.
And how did she stomach the thought of her father doing such a thing to someone?
I think I'm doing pretty damn good, considering I would've been able to kill him if you hadn't shot and run me over, he replied in irritation.
She couldn't tell if he were doing it on purpose or simply had no control.
I know what you're doing here, Guardian.
I understand what I'm doing, but I don't understand why.
Sean died well, doing his duty.
I don't even know what I'm doing.
You know what you're doing?
He didn't know if he understood what he was doing.
I mourn him, but he died doing what he was trained to do.
What am I supposed to be doing?
There were many things he thought of doing to her.
What the hell are you doing?
Is Sofia doing any oracl-ing yet?
I'm doing this for you!
What was Damian doing?
Strange. You seem to know what you're doing.
Then stop doing that!
Whatever he was going through, he was doing his best to block her.
He was good at throwing them back at her, too, like he was doing now.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
I am doing my best.
She waited for Darkyn to return but was too scared of what he was capable of doing to open the door and see the damage.
Which means this could be your doing, Gabriel pointed out.
If he was half as creative at torturing people and planning his battles as he was in bed, he was more than capable of doing it.
What I plan on doing to you would kill a demon ten times over.
Nervous about proposing a deal, she also feared doing it wrong.
In doing so, she drove Gabriel away.
How is my little fruit bat doing?
Instead, she wondered if those people she lived with would punish her if they knew what she was doing.
According to the brief phone call, the ten-year-old girl's natural mother, another loser like faux foster mother Janet, had been recently discharged to a halfway house after doing hard time in the state's Cañon City facility.
I suppose everyone asks you, but why are you doing it?
Then in Jersey I made up a cardboard sign saying I was doing it for the homeless.
I wasn't even doing sixty.
Have you been doing this long?
She acts like you should spank her and force her admit to doing something she considers really bad.
I guess that shows they at least believed what they were doing was right—not just whacking you on the spur of the moment because they were mad as hell, taking their anger out on your backside.
Now the boys are out there doing the same damn thing—more maps!
What's she doing in a mine in the first place?
I believe what she said and I promised her I'd follow up on it and that's what I'm doing.
Dreams are fine as long as they're responsible, but acting stupid and doing the smart thing are miles apart!
That's what they've been doing for the past three years.
What are you doing wasting a dime calling from the coast?
At least we're taking some action, and we're doing it together—that makes me feel more secure.
While Cynthia didn't answer, her eyes told him if he did poke around, he'd better not get himself in deep do-do doing it.
If he was going to be serious about full time law enforcement, he should commit to doing it right.
What play were they doing?
Cynthia was on the office phone to New Jersey, doing "wedding things," as she described them.
Or, papa got an answer to his newspaper ad and saved a shotgun shell by doing the bashing himself.
Is that what you're doing, too—putting a move on me?
She turned, doing a pirouette—a full circle, hand shading her eyes like an Indian scout.
He's been up in Fort Collins doing an estate auction.
So what were you doing up here?
In town doing traffic control, I guess.
He'd recently employed a deputy who was doing a top notch job.
Speeding on our highways— Mr. Dean knows about that first-hand—my competent deputy arrested him for doing just that a few days ago.
What do you suppose Paulette was doing up there by herself?
Doing research, mostly on-line with my computer and the library for a while, but it's closed until Monday.
What are you people doing?
We're doing everything to get them back.
You're doing a pretty good imitation.
What in hell are they doing there?
This wasn't my doing.
Now we're still doing the same thing.
Jake, what are you doing in town?
I hear you're doing pretty well in spite of getting your head knocked off at the debate.
Most of the lodgers were about their daily activities, with Fred off to the post office, Maria doing her duties with her usual exuberance, and the Deans hovering close by.
Ralph warned me, but when I insisted, he figured if we stuck together Blackie wouldn't get away with doing anything—wouldn't have a chance before we left the next day.
You're doing everything you can.
He wasn't certain how to prove to them he was their leader, aside from doing his job.
I plan on returning to see what my brother is doing with all those histories he's not sharing.
Did it matter, if doing as they said cost her Gabriel?
He looked around to make sure he hadn't missed anything else that might give him a sign as to what Darkyn was doing by killing off an Ancient Immortal.
Darkyn would be doing me a favor if he took out that jackass.
It struck her that his way of doing business was strange.
Gabriel asked, unaware of the Dark One doing anyone favors for free.
He had done it every day he served her as her lead assassin and he was doing it now as Death.
Which means this could be your doing.
I thought I was doing right.
And that was all muscle from doing things you should have left for me.
I didn't say you were – and I didn't say what I was doing with that man, either.
And you'd be upset too if I was doing this to you.
If not, she could do a lot more damage by accusing him of something he wasn't doing.
She put down the last plate and turned around to see what he was doing.
How wonderful it must feel to be so sure of what he was doing.
They stayed in remote contact with someone while they worked, attaching an IV and doing something with the knife wound.
She had been doing that several times a day every since he went to the hospital.
We thought you were doing well.
Still, she needed to be careful doing the chores – especially after dark.
Something wasn't right, yet the doctor insisted he was doing fine.
A few hours later Alex and Jonathan were out doing chores and Carmen was in the kitchen fixing supper.
She tried posing in several places, but felt silly doing it.
What were you doing out here so early?
It rang earlier when you were doing the chores and I missed it.
He could forgive her for what the man did – that was his doing, but not for what Lori intended to do to Carmen.
He followed all the rules in the Code, but he couldn't help thinking he was doing something …wrong.
I didn't mean … you're really trying … um, and doing your best.
We're trying to figure out what Darkyn is doing planting a shape-shifter demon on the mortal realm, Rhyn said, referring to the demon lord who wanted both their heads on pikes.
Your face may be blue and your hair pink, but I don't see you doing anything messy, like taking a shotgun to the head.
Would the deity shed light on what Gabriel was doing wrong?
I'm doing something wrong, aren't I?
Just doing my job.
That's what the man, Gabriel, had been doing in this spot last night.
What was Logan doing with a disassembled skeleton in the bath tub?
She felt hurt, knowing she didn't deserve to feel upset at him after doing the same thing.
Doing the right thing never felt as dissatisfactory as it did this night.
But if he hadn't killed Logan that night, what was he doing hanging around a dead body?
What're you doing here?
What were they doing in a lake?
You don't tell someone you'll never be able to care for them and think you're doing anything other than hurting them.
Doing the right thing was painful.
She wished she had a moment to talk to Gabriel, the deity charged with protecting the dead, to make sure she wasn't doing something wrong.
Was that what no one was willing to risk doing?
It was of her running and Darkyn tearing out her throat, after doing much more horrible things to her.
And what in the name of everything holy are you doing with a sword?
Still have an idea of what Kiki and Tamer are doing but no idea what Erik is doing.
He was doing something to her.
What's that freak doing?
She moved to the bars at the front of her cell, aware of the beast across the hall doing the same with a growl.
What're you doing here, Lunchmeat?
She skulked and imagined him doing the same in the back of the cave.
The men of his time had been harsh with them, and he thought he was doing well by tolerating her.
Katie had proved herself to him by doing what even his blood-brothers never would.
What in the name of everything holy was she doing?
Rhyn probably saved humanity by doing so but was sent to Hell and nearly lost his mind.
Katie clicked the phone off and looked at the five-year-old doing wind sprints across her apartment. you doing out here? you doing here, Sasha? been my lover for ages, and I am doing you a favor.
Hannah never traveled light, and there was no way of knowing what Kris was doing. you doing up here?
He was doing Kris.s next lover a favor.
She didn.t know what he was doing there, but he couldn.t be trusted. you doing?
I.m doing what Kris won.t.
Technically, this was Sasha.s doing, for he had dragged the coffin out of the protected crypt and left the Immortals exposed.
I don.t know what he.s doing. you doing here?
I only ask one thing of you, Kris, in exchange for doing your dirty work.
I plan on doing it anyway.
I.m doing something right for once, he replied, glancing at Darkyn as the demon shifted.
He despised her video game playing and art, instead saying she needed a man capable of keeping her feet on the ground long enough for her to focus on doing something real with her life.
She was doing what she thought was best for her friend, and Kiera would hate that.
They will not dishonor you or me by doing anything without coming to me first.
What did it matter if she decided to leave and went about doing it her own way?
On his planet, he'd have no qualms about following through with his threat to lock her in the bathroom if he found out what she was doing.
You were doing well.
You were doing so well, she said.
Kiera hefted it and relaxed, cheered to be doing something other than thinking or pacing.
She needed a workout; maybe she could learn to use a sword instead of kickboxing, which she'd been doing regularly for years.
If you aren't going to train me and are just going to stare at me, I'm doing something else with my time.
She touched her bruised cheekbone and realized doing so exposed her black and blue arm.
He's been doing it for many years.
He added, "When you're doing all those double Lutzes and triple Saulchows and stuff...just like on TV."
Four letters mentioned Rev. Martin and the wonderful work he and Annie were doing with 'the poor mistaken souls.'
Donnie sat close to his mother doing a Denver Post crossword puzzle.
She's so vulnerable and practically incapable of doing anything on her own about her problems.
With all the writing I'm doing, I need more paper!
If you don't have anyone to tell you how smart you are, it's about time you start doing it yourself.
Let's start by doing some serious work on the notebook.
There goes any chance of Mr. and Mrs. Dean doing any hugging and squirming tonight, Dean thought.
And Shipton is the only one who's doing the talking.
I'll bet you a night of unbridled ecstasy against a week of doing dishes that they end up in the sack.
She writes so differently than what you'd expect, given her circumstances—where she is and what she's doing.
I just strolled around town, trying to imagine Annie doing the same thing, a hundred years ago.
I been casting my ballot that way since Roosevelt and I'll keep doing so—even if you do cancel out my vote every dang election.
Too busy doing her work, she added.
His whole life on the brink of destruction if it were recognized what he was doing.
Plan it, but not believe in what you were doing?
Believing in it and doing it are two different things.
I'd know I was doing wrong.
And I'd accept whatever the consequences were and never be the same for the rest of my life, but I'm not sure knowing all that would still stop me from going ahead and doing it.
You know you're doing wrong, but you sort of admit to your own imperfections.
She's always doing something melodramatic—a real nut case.
He'd coerced Fred into doing the dishes.
While she wasn't crying, she was biting her lip against doing so, and kept blinking her reddened eyes.
Nine times out of ten, in these here capers, it's the she who's doing the deed.
Dean knew from his prior life the pair were just doing their job but that didn't mean he had to like being watched like a street felon.