Dogs Sentence Examples
Dogs are good at surviving on their own.
Two wise old dogs lay down unleashed.
Mom used to say that children and dogs weren't fooled by people.
Maybe the wild dogs were back.
Shall we have hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill?
The fineness of the hair may perhaps be ascribed to some peculiarity in the atmosphere, for it is remarkable that the cats, dogs and other animals of the country are to 'a certain extent affected in the same way, and that they all lose much of their distinctive beauty when taken from their native districts.
I dreamed that I was walking in the dark and was suddenly surrounded by dogs, but I went on undismayed.
We're not dogs, said the ex-captain of police, and looking round he noticed Alpatych.
But their dogs, where are they?
When they had gone a little less than a mile, five more riders with dogs appeared out of the mist, approaching the Rostovs.
AdvertisementThat instant, when Nicholas saw the wolf struggling in the gully with the dogs, while from under them could be seen her gray hair and outstretched hind leg and her frightened choking head, with her ears laid back (Karay was pinning her by the throat), was the happiest moment of his life.
The wolf paused, turned its heavy forehead toward the dogs awkwardly, like a man suffering from the quinsy, and, still slightly swaying from side to side, gave a couple of leaps and with a swish of its tail disappeared into the skirt of the wood.
She tugged again and one of the dogs moved closer, baring his teeth.
I knew no human saw me that night and yet the dogs of police received information on me and began snapping at my heels!
The way he had rescued her from the dogs, and from the fox in the chicken house - yes, there were a lot of wonderful memories on this farm.
AdvertisementDogs must be leashed in the climber only area and are not allowed at the bottom of the gorge.
If she ran to the house to call for help, the dogs would attack Brutus again.
Three of the dogs ignored the feast, intent on her progress toward the barn.
Her one thought was to plug the hole so the dogs couldn't get through.
Guard dogs trotted forward to sniff him and his men while a doctor in a blue government jumpsuit approached them, eyes pinned to the injured man carried between two others.
AdvertisementSurely if wild dogs had attacked the deer, they would have left tracks.
This was where he had trailed the wild dogs that had attacked her and the dairy herd so long ago.
Another big success was scored, and the National Dog Show Society was established for the purpose of holding a show of sporting dogs in Birmingham every winter.
Sosens monkeys and badgers constitute the one possible exception, but the horses, oxen, deer, tigers, dogs, bears, foxes and even cats of the best Japanese artists were ill drawn and badly modelled.
It is of smaller size than the preceding, and causes more injury to animals, such as sheep, dogs, &c. than to man.
AdvertisementPit Bull dogs have small pointy ears, and a large black nose.
Besides the family, there were eight borzoi kennelmen and more than forty borzois, so that, with the borzois on the leash belonging to members of the family, there were about a hundred and thirty dogs and twenty horsemen.
By the way the hunt approached and receded, by the cries of the dogs whose notes were familiar to him, by the way the voices of the huntsmen approached, receded, and rose, he realized what was happening at the copse.
Two huntsmen galloped up to the dogs; one in a red cap, the other, a stranger, in a green coat.
It would be nice to see Uncle Sam's grasping dogs coaxed to bay at the wrong tree as well.
Surely such sleuthing and cleverness deserves more reward than hiding in the bushes and watching the dogs of law ineptly do their duty.
Or bring him with you; I like dogs.
After somewhat blackened hot dogs and some canned beans simmered nearby, we returned to the house and left the backyard to the emerging mosquitos.
That's what dogs do—and bears.
They continued up the hill, past the place where the wild dogs had broken through so long ago, and on toward the spring.
The wild dogs were gathering around the circle of light now, and two of them boldly began to devour Penny.
Dogs were held in considerable veneration by the Egyptians, from whose tyranny the Israelites had just escaped; figures of them appeared on the friezes of most of the temples, and they were regarded as emblems of the divine being.
In the early periods of their history the Greeks depended too much on their nets to capture game, and it was not until later times that they pursued their prey with dogs, and then not with greyhounds, which run by sight, but with beagles, the dwarf hound which is still very popular.
It is not improbable that all dogs sprang from one common source, but climate, food and cross-breeding caused variations of form which suggested particular uses, and these being either designedly or accidentally perpetuated, the various breeds of dogs arose, and became numerous in proportion to the progress of civilization.
Among the ruder or savage tribes they possess but one form; but the ingenuity of man has devised many inventions to increase his comforts; he has varied and multiplied the characters and kinds of domestic animals for the same purpose, and hence the various breeds of horses, cattle and dogs.
To this class belong most of the useful dogs, such as the spaniel, the setter, the pointer and the sheepdog.
This condition was elegantly defined by Carlyle as "sitting on a dungheap among innumerable dead dogs."
Painstakingly, the men and women visited each and every building in an incredibly wide area while dogs sniffed the surrounding woodland for bodies or a recent grave.
Maybe you think the British ban on fox hunting with dogs is ridiculous.
It was evident to the dogs, the hunters, and to the wolf herself that all was now over.
The huntsmen assembled with their booty and their stories, and all came to look at the wolf, which, with her broad-browed head hanging down and the bitten stick between her jaws, gazed with great glassy eyes at this crowd of dogs and men surrounding her.
Their horses, bridled and with high saddles, stood near them and there too the dogs were lying.
Wild dogs (Cyon) are common, but neither foxes nor wolves occur in the forest area.
Within thirty years of the invasions, Authari took the imperial title of Flavius, even while his bands were leading Italian captives in leash like dogs under the walls of Rome, and under the eyes of Pope Gregory; and it was retained by his successors.
Pigs, cats, dogs and rats have been imported.
The commissioners of Inland Revenue pay into the Bank of England, to an account called " the local taxation account," the sums ascertained to be the proceeds of the duties collected by them in each county on what are called local taxation licences, which include licences for the sale of intoxicating liquor, licences on dogs, guns, establishment licences, &c. The amount so ascertained to have been collected in each county is paid under direction of the Local Government Board to the council of that county.
A Welsh variant is the Cwn Annwn, or " dogs of hell."
Such facts as that dogs " hunt in dreams," make it likely that their minds are not only sensible to actual events, present and past, but can, like our minds, combine revived sensations into ideal scenes in which they are actors, - that is to say, they have the faculty of imagination.
Ignorant of agriculture, with no dwellings but rough huts or breakwinds of sticks and bark, without dogs or other domestic animals, these savages, until the coming of civilized man, roamed after food within their tribal bounds.
Many accidental experiments on telegony are made annually with dogs.
The Poles avoided an encounter in the open field, but harried the Germans so successfully around Breslau that the plain was covered with corpses, which Henry had to leave to the dogs on his disastrous retreat; hence the scene of the action was known as "the field of dogs."
Of the domestic animals, sheep, cattle and dogs were possessed by the natives when the country was discovered by Europeans.
Mr. Law's first budget, that of 1917, coming as it did after the great increases which Mr. McKenna had made in taxation, only raised the excess profits tax from 60 to 80%, and increased the taxes on entertainments, tobacco and dogs.
Thus we hear of abbots going out to sport, with their men carrying bows and arrows; keeping horses, dogs and huntsmen; and special mention is made of an abbot of Leicester, c. 1360, who was the most skilled of all the nobility in harehunting.
Tertullian replies that " We must beware of giving the holy thing to dogs and of casting pearls before swine."
They are a shy, harmless, simple folk, living chiefly by hunting; they lime birds, catch fish by poisoning the water, and are skilled in getting wild honey; they have bows with iron-pointed arrows and breed hunting dogs.
According to the story told by Hesychius of Miletus, during the siege of Byzantium by Philip of Macedon the moon suddenly appeared, the dogs began to bark and aroused the inhabitants, who were thus enabled to frustrate the enemy's scheme of undermining the walls.
The common sheep-tick (Ixodes vicinus) of England, for example, infects cattle and dogs as well as sheep; and the pathogenetic Ixodidae above mentioned occur parasitically upon other mammals than those to which they convey the diseases specified.
It has been suggested that the above-mentioned callosities or " chestnuts " on the limbs of horses are vestigial scent-glands; and it is noteworthy that scrapings or shavings from their surface have a powerful attraction for other horses, and are also used by poachers and burglars to keep dogs silent.
From the conspicuous development of such teeth in the Carnivora, especially the dogs, they have received the name of " canines."
Life lasted till the emaciation had proceeded to six-tenths of the animal's weight, as in Chossat's experiments, extending to the fourteenth day, instead of ending on the tenth day, as was the case with other dogs which were not bled.
The souls of the virtuous pass after death into ever new incarnations of greater perfection, till at last they reach a point at which they can be re-absorbed into the Deity itself; those of the wicked may be degraded to the level of camels or dogs.
Otherwise the chief articles of Constantinople's export trade consist of refuse and waste materials, sheep's wool (called Kassab bashi) and skins from the slaughter-houses (in 1903 about 3,coo,000 skins were exported, mostly to America), horns, hoofs, goat and horse hair, guts, bones, rags, bran, old iron, &c., and finally dogs' excrements, called in trade ` pure,' a Constantinople speciality, which is used in preparing leather for ladies' gloves.
He describes various kinds of game, methods of hunting, the best breeds of horses and dogs.
The Papuan varies his vegetable diet with the flesh of the wild pig, wallabi and other small animals, which are hunted with dogs.
The kima, a great mussel weighing (without shell) 20 to 30 Ib, and other shellfish, are eaten, as are also dogs, flying foxes, lizards, beetles and all kinds of insects.
With his head encircled by a coronet of dogs teeth, and covered with a network cap or piece of bark-cloth, the septum of the nose transfixed by a pencil of bone or shell, and perhaps a shell or fibre armlet or two, the Papuan is in complete everyday attire.
On the north coast the houses are not built on piles; the walls, of bamboo or palm branches, are very low, and the projecting roof nearly reaches the ground; a barrier at the entrance keeps out pigs and dogs.
For this purpose they bred dogs of great swiftness, strength and sagacity, which were much admired by the Romans.
However the distribution of this singular myth may be explained, its origin can scarcely be sought in the imagination of races higher in culture than the Tinneh and Tacullies, among whom dogs and beavers are the theriomorphic form of Purusha or Ymir.
Thus Rome allowed the wolves to mingle with the dogs in watching over the flock, just at a time when the civil wars of the 4th century had denuded the Rhenish frontier of troops, whose numbers had already been diminished by Constantine.
Other historic industries of Lincolnshire are the breeding of horses and dogs and rabbitsnaring; the Witham was noted for its pike; and ironstone was worked in the south, now chiefly in the north and west.
Each flock consists of about 10,000 sheep, under the command of a mayoral, and is divided into sections containing about 1000 each, each section tinder the charge of an overseer (capataz), who is assisted by a number of shepherds (pastores) attended by dogs.
When attacked by dogs, the males use their sharp canine teeth, which inflict deep and even dangerous wounds.
Almost all that remain are black bears, foxes, coyotes (prairie wolves), mink, musk-rats, raccoons and prairie dogs (or gophers).
The land fauna however is very poor; there are few mammals with the exception of dogs, rats and pigs; and amphibia and insects are also generally scarce.
In 1676 Wepfer and Conrad Brunner demonstrated on dogs the tetanizing action of nux vomica, and similar rough experiments were repeated from time to time with other substances by later investigators.
Men are much more affected by it than birds, rabbits, dogs and most other animals.
His memory has been preserved by his capture of the Treasure Galleons, which had never been taken so far, but he is also the traditional representative of the Dutch "sea dogs" of the 17th century.
He didn't want to hear about her moral ethics - especially since she had thrown them all to the dogs anyway.
She fortified me to move forward, however and so I am continuing my quest for knowledge of her, of tipster fame, who dogs me.
The foolish woman thinks if I use her cell phone the dogs of law will trace the call and gallop a riding to her rescue.
You mean cats and dogs could be used to turn their masters into vamps?
We have dogs now, too.
That's what dogs do—and bears.
Four dogs were trotting across the low bluff on the other side of the fence.
Let's get out of this here kennel and let the hound dogs scrap for themselves.
Even her loyal defense of Brutus against the wild dogs had included a needless risk to her life.
If we get into mammals, the biggest killer of humans is dogs – and horses.
When he finally found a print, it made the hair on the back of his neck stand up – dogs.
Top of Page HOW WOMEN ARE BETTER THAN DOGS It is socially acceptable to have sexual relations with a woman.
Dogs for better mental health Dogs are extremely affectionate creatures.
In ancient Egypt, cats and dogs were mummified because they were believed to have an afterlife, and Egyptian Gods had animal heads.
Figures 2 and 3 suggest that the referral rate of fear aggression toward other dogs has steadily increased over the years.
Fortunately most dogs that are aggressive toward other dogs are not aggressive toward people.
Sometimes cats and dogs escape from carriers that have been damaged in transit and become lost inside airplanes or airplane hangars.
Who so angelic as my two dogs, who are curled up beside me on the carpets as I write!
Dogs like aniseed, so you could include some aniseed in a dog cushion.
A white oral suspension of fenbendazole as a ready to administer oral anthelmintic for domestic dogs, cats, puppies and kittens.
Bathing with a ' natural ' and very mildly antiseptic coat care lotion can also keep down your dogs ' chance of flea infestations.
Always a lover of dogs, Bennett could do anything with them; no dog, however fierce, resented his approach.
Dogs cats and rabbits suffered from effects including ataxia, hypotension and seizures.
It appears the prevailing attitude in South Australia, therefore, was to labor on regardless, and to let sleeping dogs lie.
Hares were chased by beagles or basset hounds and killed by the dogs.
Two respondents stated the actual strain of beagle used, four omitted to confirm that the dogs used were in fact beagle used, four omitted to confirm that the dogs used were in fact beagles.
You should have no trouble placing bets on dogs running in open races.
Evidently, stray dogs are being used as mobile billboards by rival shops in a Russian city.
The judgment did not refer to the whole phrase ' dogs bollocks ' .
Cancer screening for dogs makes a wow bow in Bedfordshire An innovative cancer screen for dogs has made a wow bow in Bedfordshire.
It is common for dogs to cost more to ensure than cats, with extra charges for pedigree breeds or big animals.
What all of these dogs seem to have in common is that they burn so bright before they suddenely become sick.
Domestic animals include buffalo, which are used as draft animals, fowl, pigs, goats, cats, and dogs.
Sniffer dog Quint helps to save the bumblebee Some sniffer dogs sniff out drugs.
Dogs and cats on the other hand have well developed canines reflecting their natural food in the wild - live prey.
Group three called the canines includes the dogs we know today.
That was to identify whether single dogs in a household tend to be more overweight than dogs that share their home with other canines.
In addition to cats, dogs, and humans, many animals are attacked by cat fleas and dog fleas.
Cats tend to develop cataracts at an older age than dogs.
All proceeds from the song are to go to Specsavers nominated charity, Guide Dogs.
Many breeders of larger dogs no longer feed puppy chow.
The result is a great movie which, like Reservoir Dogs, shows how a single vision can lead to some seriously classy drama.
Terriers are described by the commentator as « working dogs with character », but today the only criterion of judgment is beauty.
The prognosis for return to function is again somewhat guarded for dogs with osteochondrosis of the humeral condyle.
Heart surgery for dogs will only be appropriate for the relatively small number of dogs that have very specific, usually congenital heart problems.
This isn't a popularity contest, I just save dogs ' lives.
Dogs are spayed/castrated, micro-chipped, kennel cough vaccinated, wormed and inoculated before leaving us.
Unless there are mitigating circumstances, all dogs are spayed/neutered, micro-chipped, kennel cough vaccinated, wormed and inoculated before leaving us.
The Act governs hunting wild mammals with dogs in England and Wales, and bans all hare coursing.
Affected dogs have high blood creatine kinase concentrations and bizarre high frequency discharges on electromyographic examination.
With smaller dogs or puppies, slide a leg forward; a step could end up with a smaller critter under your foot.
Twelve week old crossbreed, Turkey, was abandoned in a cardboard box outside Dogs Trust Newbury on Boxing Day last year.
Dogs can survive happily on an almost vegetarian diet which would make your cat very ill.
Dogs are essential to retrieve game and ensure its humane dispatch.
Up to 2 well behaved dogs welcome (please note, this property is close to owner's working hill farm ).
The council must keep all stray dogs for 7 days during which time the owner may reclaim them.
Kitty wins a year's supply of hot dogs.
We also welcome both Guide dogs and hearing dogs.
Rodents including ground and rock squirrels and prairie dogs are the natural hosts.
But then he found he had to slaughter three or four lambs every day to feed the guard dogs.
A number of pedigree dogs are also more expensive to ensure, .
Confusion often arises over the use of the term " corneal dystrophy " in dogs.
The only performance-enhancing drugs he might have taken were hot dogs and beer; but he also played against an opposition enfeebled by racism.
Hope do not place dogs in homes where there are already entire dogs.
Trevor Cooper told OUR DOGS The newspaper reports are somewhat exaggerated.
No dogs as animal excrement presents a health risk especially to childen.
Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
Dogs can perform remarkable feats to reach a female in heat.
Dogs can become infected by eating an infected dogs feces and by eating another animal that is infected.
Can anyone give me the name of the disease caused by a parasite from a dogs feces, or the name of the parasite?
As dogs age, it is common for their joints to become less flexible which impacts their mobility and quality of life.
Total employment in hunting foxes with dogs is therefore 214 FTEs.
The number of stray dogs whom the police will catch cannot be estimated from the returns which are very fragmentary.
In upland areas up to 25% of the stoats killed by gamekeepers are hunted with dogs.
Dogs are stupid, they will never evolve past their immediate gratification.
The island's famous had passengers of hot dogs hamburgers different age groups.
The enamel carried a scene of hunting dogs chasing a hare.
Going onto land without permission to kill hares with dogs is poaching which has always been illegal.
Australian Cattle Dogs Australian Cattle Dogs are also known as Australian heelers, and are sturdy, working dogs.
People are going out with their dogs, injecting heroin, children are going there to play.
Stuart has indicated that there may be an issue with the 3-4 bend as 3 dogs had suffered broken hocks on this bend.
Dogs and cats often carry hookworms (Ancylostoma species ).
The hunting with dogs ban has not stopped foxes being killed and has increased violence against hunt sabatours and the police look away.
Do you think the police will be able to enforce the new law banning hunting with dogs?
Cocker spaniels may develop glandular hypertrophy and German Shepherd Dogs are reported to have an increased predisposition.
It was shown that the energy imparted by the hammer blows had been insufficient to render the dogs insensible.
Once here, they were quickly recognized for their intelligence and retrieving instincts and were put to work as gun dogs and retrievers.
I had a short walk, but was somewhat intimidated by the hostile dogs which reside in sheds and the like.
In these cases the dogs suddenly become extremely itchy over a small area.
Dogs can become very jealous with the arrival of a new baby.
She does karate She likes to party, The dogs all run her family, They all live together happily!
This is a dog kibble designed to support chronic renal failure in dogs.
Police, horses, dogs, helmets, body armor - even the horses had kneepads.
Some dogs are sent on a one-way trip to the vivisection laboratory.
The Gold Medal winner was Kandy, a yellow Labrador trained by Dogs For The Disabled.
On a lighter note, it seems that dogs now will have a place to enjoy night-time leisure.
Dogs can contract leptospirosis if they drink or swim in rivers or canals that are inhabited by infected rats.
A dog lover, Liza has owned two lurchers â one from Battersea Dogs Home and one rescued from a rubbish dump.
Well, the bill is intended to'Make Provision about hunting wild mammals with dogs.
Demodectic mange is generally seen in dogs less than two years of age.
For example, regular grooming keeps dogs and cats from dropping hairs everywhere and also prevents their fur from getting matted.
We will measure these metabolites while dogs are at rest and after they have been walking, running or playing.
In addition to foxes, dogs are used to hunt mink, hares and rabbits in Scotland.
It was not long until the dogs uncovered the minstrel on the banks of the Tyne and tore him to pieces.
Owners will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed not falsely advertize dogs nor mislead any person regarding the quality of the dog.
He was typical of the many Jerry Green stray dogs picked up daily wandering and lonely often mistreated and hungry.
Sometimes other dogs can be funny with a dog wearing a muzzle.
In contrast to adult dogs, juvenile dogs appeared to be more sensitive to peripheral nerve lesions as compared to skeletal myopathy.
Malfunction of the orexin system causes narcolepsy in mice, rats, dogs and humans.
Stuart from English Dogs and Shaun from the Varukers were there and said what a great nite it was.
Dogs left alone to bark for long periods may be a noise nuisance to people living nearby.
Old age older dogs often becomes less active and may use up less energy - be careful about reducing its food intake too much.
Firstly, not all dogs with elbow or hip osteoarthritis need a joint replacement.
Canine Spirit Canine Spirit is the leading outfitter for dogs and their owners who love interacting together!
There were only two English champions this year which I think is less than usual and some of the dogs looked a bit overawed.
They had about 20 cars, a few riot vans, sniffer dogs and a Police helicopter hovering overhead.
Many pet owners also argue that their dogs find organic food more palatable.
They removed the pancreas from dogs which then developed diabetes.
Cheyletiella mites (frequently harbored by dogs and cats) Intensely itchy papules appear where the mites have fed on skin.
Territory sharing by the Caribbean striped parrotfish The hunting success of wild dogs Issue 3.
Locked in their small, barren pens the dogs would turn on each other.
Bred to follow vermin into the rock piles, they are very athletic dogs.
Ms Botting initially pleaded not guilty to 1871 Dogs Act charges by police.
Brief exposure to citronella immediately distracts dogs but does not cause them distress and even smells pleasant to humans.
Fraser is one the smallest hearing dogs the Charity has ever trained, being a cross between a Yorkshire terrier and a toy poodle.
Dog walkers are reminded to clean up after their dogs by placing dog poop in the red bins provided.
Town surrounded by be something to a comedy movie hot dogs popcorn.
He might be able to live with other dogs but Jack can be a little toy possessive.
Apart from being slightly possessive about her bed she is good with other dogs.
Others come from families of dogs genetically prone to anxiety.
The tuck up is quite pronounced, especially in young dogs.
Well known for being good mothers and can be fiercely protective with calves at foot, particularly toward dogs.
Please leave dogs at home as the show will involve pyrotechnics.
We had a pumpkin carving competition and grand raffle, as well as hot dogs and toffee apples to eat.
However, there was some respite as one area was free from dogs because it was enclosed by railings.
They had no supper but coffee, and the dogs were so ravenous that they were almost devouring each other.
Dog forums | Agility forums | Obedience Forums Dog forums related to dogs and dog related activities such as agility, obedience and more.
Spring loaded track dogs automatically reposition the push bar for the next drive.
Handcuffed hippies were led away, crying children separated from their parents, lost dogs and vehicles abandoned by the roadside.
Cats and dogs can become infected this way, or if they eat an infected rodent.
The unseen eggs remain where dogs carrying the toxocara roundworm have defecated, long after the feces have disappeared.
Toxocara canis is the common roundworm of dogs, which is occasionally found in humans.
Indeed, it seems as if the wily animals employed this ruse to attract the dogs, and make them their prey.
Scotty dogs makes us smile now even.
Just a dirty old shack, Where the hound dogs bark, That we called our home.
This organism has been isolated occasionally from young dogs with clinical signs of colitis.
Reservoir Dogs actor Michael Madsen wants to play the legendary singer in Irvine based Director Joey Martin's £ 2million film.
Please click here to view the found dogs web site.
Also the dog sledding is great fun, I know the guy who runs it & most of his dogs.
Using neither dogs or ponies, the men man hauled the sledges for the entire journey.
A good team of 9 dogs would travel 30 miles in a day pulling a sledge with a load of over 1000lbs.
Dogs are much used in these cold countries, in drawing the sledges.
Socialist Party members were not put off by savage dogs and heavy sleet and snow!
In winter, the dogs put all their force into pulling sleighs.
Either by having well socialized dogs that can use aggression calming signals, or by an instructor who can read them.
Injuries occur to the dogs as well as the quarry species.
Hunting with dogs does not result in pain or suffering for the prey species.
They are high spirited, quick to react with a keen sense of hearing, which makes them good guard dogs.
Players role the... £ 19.50 Qty spotty dog Game Let these spotty dogs help children learn how to count.
Comes with a FREE replacement squeaker and we think will make a good friend for small dogs.
A few repeated squirts of water from a good water pistol in the face puts off most dogs.
The dogs rushed to get into the house and the horses stampeded to the far side of the property.
Visitors will be asked to voluntarily surrender any drugs detected by the dogs.
When she starts with her screaming tantrums it gets close to the point where only dogs and bats can hear her!
Fleas can cause a lot of irritation to cats and dogs, making them itch and they also transmit tapeworms.
These fleas are the carrier of the most common tapeworm of dogs and cats, Dipylidium caninum.
Cats need more meat than dogs and they also need taurine, which is not found in dog foods.
He concluded that if mice and rats prove sensitive to a chemical, it does not have to undergo further tests on dogs.
Kennel operators often keep dogs tethered on short ropes or chains or confined to tiny spaces.
Chocolate also contains the chemical theobromine, which is poisonous to dogs.
Hypothyroidism can arise in dogs either as a result of immune mediated thyroiditis or idiopathic thyroid follicular atrophy.
One problem with the test is that dogs may have positive antibody titres following natural subclinical infection, or following vaccination.
Hollie Alexander (aged 8) from Berkshire won the competition to design the 2007 togs for Dogs logo, pictured left.
The name ' togs for Dogs ' derives in part from design activities included in our information packs available for children taking part.
Do not be tempted to use human toothpaste this is not suitable for puppy's or dogs.
Some dogs do well when given mild tranquilizers such as acepromazine at 0.25mg / pound.
It is to William Noel Cunliffe, and his daughter Philae, a splendid piece of 1930s triumphalism, with flanking dogs.
Nowadays dogs are used since they are easier to transport - and less likely to eat the truffles.
There are so many overweight dogs that a fit, lean dog looks underweight.
Creole dogs, he concluded, were not only ugly, but they had also unlearned how to bark.
A cookie or tablet which is a nutritional supplement for dogs with digestive upsets.
So we are now banned from hunting vermin with dogs, but are gleefully destroying valuable food species.
Dogs go mad for garlic tho it can smell vile to us!
Also in memory of the 232 dogs vivisected at the same place during the year 1902.
Sure enough, those salty dogs are back, mighty angry and out to kill whomever they find.
Cancer screening for dogs makes a wow bow in Bedfordshire An innovative cancer screen for dogs has made a wow bow in Bedfordshire An innovative cancer screen for dogs has made a wow bow in Bedfordshire.
Greenwich is connected with Poplar on the north shore by the Greenwich tunnel (1902), for foot-passengers, to the Isle of Dogs (Cubitt Town), and by the Blackwall Tunnel (1897) for street traffic, crossing to a point between the East and West India Docks (see Poplar).
To begin with, Pasteur, in studying the malady in dogs, came to the conclusion that the virus had its seat in the nerve centres, and he proved that the injection of a portion of the matter of the spinal column of a rabid dog into the body of a healthy one produces in the latter with certainty the symptoms of rabies.
In every Mahommedan and Hindu country the most scurrilous epithet bestowed on a European or a Christian is "a dog," and that accounts for the fact that in the whole of the Jewish history there is not a single allusion to hunting with dogs.
At last they either durst not attend the diet, or " sat like dumb dogs " during its session, allowing the king to alter and interpret the statutes at his good pleasure.
Thou hast washed in these running waters wherein dogs and swine have been cast night and day and hast cleansed and wiped the outside skin which also the harlots and flutegirls anoint and wash and wipe and beautify for the lust of men; but within they are full of scorpions and all wickedness.
Many essential parts of the equipment were lost with the sledge, and only six dogs in poor condition were left.
Similar results having been obtained with horses and asses, there is no escape from the conclusion that the telegony tradition is not confirmed by such methodical investigations as were suggested some years ago by Professor Weismann (see Cossar Ewart, The Penycuik Experiments, 1899) Telegony in Dogs.
Experiments with cats, rabbits, mice, with sheep and cattle, with fowls and pigeons, like the experiments with horses and dogs, fail to afford any evidence that offspring inherit any of their characters from previous mates of the dam; i.e.
Bernal Diaz, the old " conquistador," has described the hideous aspect of the idols which Cortes destroyed, " idols in the shape of hideous dragons as big as calves," idols half in the form of men, half of dogs, and serpents which were worshipped as divine.
Seeing Scooby-Doo in cartoons doesn't change our expectations of canine behavior because we have so much experience with real dogs.
Yes, pro football player Michael Vick raised dogs for dogfighting.
Next to his family he loved his dogs and gun.
The men slept in the hall outside our door, and I could feel the deep breathing of the dogs and the hunters as they lay on their improvised beds.
Only such a one can appreciate the eagerness with which I talked to my toys, to stones, trees, birds and dumb animals, or the delight I felt when at my call Mildred ran to me or my dogs obeyed my commands.
One does not need to read "A Boy I Knew" to understand him--the most generous, sweet-natured boy I ever knew, a good friend in all sorts of weather, who traces the footprints of love in the life of dogs as well as in that of his fellowmen.
Among the dogs which received the most attention were the bulldogs.
We had Helen's picture taken with a fuzzy, red-eyed little poodle, who got himself into my lady's good graces by tricks and cunning devices known only to dogs with an instinct for getting what they want.
One morning she was greatly distressed by finding that one of the dogs had a block fastened to her collar.
They have the same sort of worth only as horses and dogs.
Nowhere to hunt with your dogs?
Hacking away at the dogs!
After all we're men, not dogs.
The hares had already half changed their summer coats, the fox cubs were beginning to scatter, and the young wolves were bigger than dogs.
A moment later everyone had drawn up round the crowd of dogs.
The study smelt strongly of tobacco and dogs.
After supper, over their cherry brandy, Rostov and "Uncle" talked of past and future hunts, of Rugay and Ilagin's dogs, while Natasha sat upright on the sofa and listened with sparkling eyes.
If you'll allow me to leave my Natasha in your hands for a quarter of an hour, Princess, I'll drive round to see Anna Semenovna, it's quite near in the Dogs' Square, and then I'll come back for her.
Do they think we're dogs? voices in the crowd were heard saying more and more frequently.
However, it is no problem if longer-term puppy socialisers have their own dogs or other animals.
Local dog shows allow you to view a variety of purebred dogs.
Some are very fast running dogs with a big, wide natural quartering pattern - ideal for hunting on big plains or fields.
The serological tests to detect rabies in domestic dogs required care and caution over interpretation of the results.
A pack of randy dogs come more to mind.
Some rabbits recall on rattling the treat tin is far more impressive than most dogs !
Many dogs will spend hours chewing on a rawhide bone, which can be particularly beneficial for your dogs ' teeth.
Seventy-five of the dogs, which had either no murmur or a grade I murmur on screening, were reexamined three years later.
You can deter foxes with strong smells such as the repellents used to deter dogs and cats.
We accept well behaved dogs by prior arrangement in designated " doggy friendly " bedrooms and the residents lounge.
It is considered the highest form of hunting activity with dogs and currently enjoys a resurgent popularity.
The dogs are returned to their rightful owners in Ramsay Street.
Microsporum canis is the most common cause of ringworm in cats and dogs.
The majority of cases of rodenticide poisoning involve young dogs.
Egg of Ascaris lumbricoides e.g. Toxocara canis - Roundworm in dogs.
Periodically drug detection dogs operate and visitors maybe subject to routine screening by a passive drug detection dog.
I have two jack russell dogs, 2 years old and very boistrous !
Color They are solid colored dogs, the color being russet gold.
The more fortunate calves collapse when a huntsman is at hand to shoot it before it is savaged by the dogs.
Just the thought of those dear little scotty dogs makes us smile now even.
When she starts with her screaming tantrums it gets close to the point where only dogs and bats can hear her !
A useful addition to the second edition was a symbol to indicate which pubs welcome dogs.
Setter dogs were originally trained to set, or crouch, in front of game preventing the escape of the quarry.
The samples should be taken from known affected dogs / bitches and their unaffected siblings, parents or close relatives.
Once trained, sled dogs can remain in top form for years.
Borchgrevink brought with him 90 sledge dogs â the first dogs ever used in Antarctic work.
Socialist Party members were not put off by savage dogs and heavy sleet and snow !
Some people like to use a slicker brush which can be very useful on those dogs with thick coats.
He wo n't have the energy to do battle with the slobbering dogs of labor.
These worms live in the small intestine of dogs Toxocara canis worms taken from one dog Breed Occurrence There are no specific breed predispositions.
His party descended upon him like a pack of snarling dogs.
The safety of the dogs and musher was paramount and the safety briefings would cover the use of snub lines onto the vehicles bumpers.
On closer inspection however this idea was shattered by the noisy greetings of some ten or so spaniel type dogs of varying ages.
Robbie is a three and a half year old spaniel cross, and was donated to Hearing Dogs along with his littermates.
Players role the... £ 19.50 Qty Spotty Dog Game Let these spotty dogs help children learn how to count.
It is quite staggering to see the ability of these dogs and how much they enjoy the work.
Get Suicune, Raikou, or Entei Cheats To Get one of the three ledgendary dogs it depends on your starter pokemon.
They have a large number of dogs on site for the display which also forms the live part of their static display.
Cats and Dogs are often very stoical about dental pain.
What happens to stray dogs that are picked up by the Dog Warden?
Dogs must be kept under the control of a responsible adult and must not be allowed to stray onto the public highway.
They are like little dogs barking at the heels of a nation that is striding forward confidently.
Many thanks Jane Fischer Love my floppy dogs bag, big enough for all my junk but stylish enough to look cool.
It can be used for the runt who is being pushed out and for submissive urination and fear of dogs.
The Inquiry similarly confirmed that deer and hares suffer as a result of being hunted and killed by dogs.
Droncit is effective against both immature and mature forms of adult tapeworms in both dogs and cats.
They send terrier dogs down into the sett to corner the badger.
These activities include hunting with dogs, animal circuses, tethering of horses and ponies and giving animal prizes.
The toxicity of chocolate for dogs is due to its theobromine content.
Dense cover or thicket stage plantation requires the use of trained tracker dogs.
Cats and dogs become infected through tick bites or when they hunt or eat infected rabbits, hares or rodents.
Hollie Alexander (aged 8) from Berkshire won the competition to design the 2007 Togs for Dogs logo, pictured left.
The name ' Togs for Dogs ' derives in part from design activities included in our information packs available for children taking part.
Do not be tempted to use human toothpaste this is not suitable for puppy 's or dogs.
The vast majority of people who trespass on the railroad are adults - taking a short cut or walking their dogs, for example.
He maintained that only human beings can reason, that animals are unfeeling machines; and condoned cruel experiments on dogs and cats.
Simply unscrew the barrel, write your contact details on the enclosed paper then attach to your dogs collar.
All dogs and cats must be vaccinated regularly against rabies.
Prevention Vaccination against tetanus is routinely advised for horses and people, but is not advised for cats and dogs.
For lunch, try salads, vegetable soups, jacket potatoes or veggie hot dogs.
Dogs go mad for garlic tho it can smell vile to us !
It is vital to keep in mind that dogs do not have the capacity to intercept human language, behavior or emotions.
Companion dogs and cats have been stolen or fraudulently obtained by licensed animal dealers and sold to vivisection facilities.
We can assist with all-day Parking Vouchers House trained, well-behaved dogs are most welcome.
For without are dogs, and sorcerers and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
The four wolfish dogs were so startled by the whirr, that their spirits were roused to the mischievous point.
Leaving them to rot, for the dogs to wrangle over.
There was a din of yapping dogs and excited children.
Just then the noise of cracking whips and yelping dogs was heard outside.
It was a Sunday night and all of a sudden the dogs came howling and yelping back to their masters.
With youthful vigor in droves, these young pups are intent on teaching the old dogs new tricks.
The heads of dogs or wolves are incorporated in the zoomorphic design still recognizable on the cross-shaft.
During the hurricane, it seemed as though the hyperbole, “raining cats and dogs”, was almost accurate.
An idiom to describe heavy rain is, "it's raining cats and dogs!"
Our vetrinarian assured us that a temperature of 102ºF is still afebrile for dogs, although that is not so for humans.
Jaime adores cats, but hates dogs.
Andirons, also known as fire dogs, are often decorated with a canine motif.
Pets, particularly dogs, should never be left alone with infants or very young children.
Face bites are actually more common with smaller dogs.
The risk is also higher for dogs that have not been neutered, as they tend to be more territorial and aggressive.
Dogs and cats will often retreat when they've had enough.
This is another reason why crate training is so valuable; it gives dogs a safe haven and space that is exclusively theirs.
Old dogs can indeed learn new tricks … and so can their owners.
Some animal behaviorists argue that dogs are pack animals, and the "Alpha" of the pack gets the best bed.
Many of these dogs have been abused, neglected, or abandoned and will need patience and time to become secure in your home.
Once you see the puppies, your emotions may overwhelm reason, so you'll want the dogs' genetic background before viewing the litter.
They have a comprehensive section on dogs and breeds.
She will be able to tell you which foods have the highest amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that work best for dogs with certain ailments or problems.
Most dogs do just fine being fed in the morning and again in the evening (usually at around the same time you eat dinner).
Excess vitamins and minerals can actually be fatal for dogs, as some become toxic in dosages that go over the daily allotted amount.
Find everything you need to know about dogs at LoveToKnow Dogs!
Specialized dog beds have built-in heating and cooling units, while others are designed for puppies, large breeds and older dogs with health problems such as an orthopedic bed.
Why should you buy your dog a bed, while other dogs sleeep outside?
Many dog people allow their dogs on their couches and beds.
Dogs always want to be near their pack -- you and your family.
Doctors Foster and Smith bedding for dogs includes bolster, orthopedic, nesting, specialty and travel beds, mats, pads, throws, pillows and bed accessories.
The species have different breeds, just as dogs and cats do, and these have to come into consideration when choosing who you're going to be taking home with you.
If you have an incontinent pooch, the diaper harness for dogs may be the ticket to being able to keep your pet indoors.
Animals that can benefit from the diaper harness include elderly dogs and those that have been injured and can no longer attend to business as before.
If there are picky eaters in your family, they also frequently offer non-Chinese food such as chicken fingers or hot dogs.
Wild animals have stronger responses to stress than domesticated animals like cats and dogs.
Dogs and cats are some of the most popular.
With proper training, dogs make excellent companions.
If you have allergies or you do not care for cats and dogs, you can also consider birds, lizards and small animals like hamsters and guinea pigs.
Cats have special nutritional requirements, which are very different from the needs of dogs and people.
Many cats and dogs can share the same type of bed, which is why pet retailers may not always offer sleepersspecifically labeled ascat beds even though they can serve that function perfectly well.
They are excellent mousers who get along well with children and dogs.
Federal law permits research laboratories to purchase dogs and cats as long as they are not microchipped or tattooed.
However, cats do not enjoy the sounds of dogs barking, elephants trumpeting, or any other animal noises that they might interpret as sounds of nearby danger.
Training cats just isn't the same as training dogs.
Most grooming shops are geared for cats as well as dogs, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding somewhere to take it.
Although they aren't really pack oriented like dogs are, some will respond with a submissive gesture now and then.
This will be my last column for Cats, but I will continue to offer my two minute dog tips at LoveToKnow Dogs.
When it comes to the best cat carriers, most of these products are the same as those used for luxury inclined dogs.
Metaclopramide (Reglan) is given to cats for a variety of problems, such as vomiting or gastrointestinal disorders in both dogs and cats.
Suggestions for Cat Names The following are a few suggestions for naming your new kitten or cat -- I hope you have as much fun as I have had in the past 25 years naming dogs, cats, and horses.
Many lab tests have been conducted, but authorities have yet to reach a firm conclusion about what may have caused acute renal failure-related deaths in both cats and dogs, making this Iams cat food recall a real mystery.
In the past, research has shown that both dogs and rats can handle high doses of melamine in their systems, but this does raise the question why it would ever need to be in their systems in the first place.
Luckily, many items designed for dogs easily double as cat products.
LoveToKnow Cats spoke with "Chief Pet Surpriser" Cindy Pederson to learn more about Surprise A Pet and what they have to offer for both cats and dogs.
The Heated Orthopedic Bed, also from All Pets Considered, is suitable for both cats and dogs.
The PetSafe Wellness Bed for dogs and cats combines heat and vibration for an overall massaging effect.
Burmese have personalities that are quite similar to dogs.
After we moved, some of the neighbor's dogs chased her and our other cat.
It is possible the trauma from the dogs chasing her has caused her to relate moving to a traumatic experience.
It presents as a respiratory infection, rather than as a heart problem like it would in dogs.
Cats tend to be more private than dogs, so I recommend giving your kitten some space to do his duty away from watchful eyes.
I have written a new cookbook, called The Natural Pet Cookbook For Dogs and Cats, which will be released on November 16th, 2007.
The over-the-counter name for this drug is Ovaban, and it is used to prevent or delay dogs and cats from coming into heat.
Have you ever noticed when you get a new pet catalog in the mail that they have 50 pages for dogs and only 10 pages for cats?
Why not, we dress up our dogs, why not our cats?
How often have you gone looking for a recipe for your cat on the Internet to find only recipes for dogs?
Anyone who has watched dogs for any length of time will notice how their tail wags from side to side when they are happy.
Some dogs do this with great gusto, wagging their tail enthusiastically.
Cats don't wag their tail with the same energy as dogs.
A mistake that many new cat owners make, particularly those who are familiar with dogs and their body language, is to think that a cat waving his tail wants to play.
Make sure all cat dishes are off the floor and block off the room where the cat litter boxes are because some dogs can't them.
Cats are independent thinkers, and, unlike dogs, may not choose to love you twenty-four hours a day.
While dogs are typically always ready for affection, a romp in the yard and a pat on the head, cats are more prone to let you know when they will "allow" you to love them.
Homeward Bound-The Incredible Journey tells the story of two dogs and one cat as they journey together.
Cats and Dogs hilariously explores the secret war between felines and canines in an action-packed adventure.
This book contains a collection of tasty, balanced recipes for both cats and dogs, and there are additional feeding guidelines that clearly explain what your pets need as well as how much to feed them.
While there is a similar virus that causes distemper in dogs, a dog that has the virus cannot give it to a cat.
Allerca - Lifestyle Pets is a company that breeds and sells hypoallergenic dogs and cats.
Much like dogs the gestational period for a cat is approximately 63 to 65 days long, give or take a few days.
Some shelters, like the Oregon Humane Society are running programs that highlight cats (and dogs) that might otherwise be overlooked by potential adopters.
The company uses fresh, local ingredients and is committed to providing high quality, optimal nutrition for dogs and cats.
Many pet owners who have both dogs and cats complain about the dogs getting into the litter box.
Primal Pet Foods is a California-based company that manufactures a variety of raw foods for cats and dogs.
Cats don't often get heartworms, and they are generally considered something that dogs deal with.
Fleas are common parasites which feed on the blood of certain mammals, most notably dogs, cats, and humans.
Cats are smart creatures, and they will often memorize the behavioral patterns of other animals, including birds and neighborhood dogs.
They often infect the ears of cats, dogs and other animals.
Stray cats or dogs carry the disease less often.
Ear mites, which go by the scientific name Otodectes cynotis, are common parasites of cats, but they also affect dogs, foxes and other small mammals.
Cats that spend time outdoors may become ill, get in fights, get hit by a car or be attacked by dogs.
Unlike dogs, cats don't really need to have any time outside, especially if you provide them with a clean litter box.
First and foremost, cats and dogs are profoundly different.
Cats are true carnivores, more so than dogs.
The listing also includes dog and horse foods as well as foods manufactured for use by both dogs and cats.
Like people, obesity has reached epidemic proportions among cats and dogs.
According to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, over 50 percent of American cats and dogs are overweight or obese, with nearly 60 percent of cats overweight.
It is very capable of entertaining itself and adapting to changes in the household, including travel and cat-friendly dogs.
Dogs, wildlife, cars, feral cats with illnesses and other dangers can seriously harm your kitten.
The CFA is also involved with legislation concerning the welfare of cats and dogs.
Whereas dogs may travel in packs and revel in camaraderie, cats enjoy a more isolated existence.
However, Ramo gets killed by a pack of wild dogs and Karana is left alone on the island.
Upon her return, Karana decides to build a house, complete with a fence to keep out the dogs and foxes.
Karana decides to take revenge upon the dogs who killed her brother.
Little is known about her other than the fact she had a dog, and her brother was killed by wild dogs.
Salty Dogs combine gin or vodka with grapefruit juice and are generally served in a glass with a lightly salted rim to cut the grapefruit acidity.
Have dogs or cats suffered any harmful side-effects from the product?
Holistic veterinarians also use Bach flower remedies on pets including horses, dogs and cats.
In her experience, dogs who are afraid of lightning and thunder respond well to a blend of Bach flower essences.
It is often given to animals such as dogs or horses who are high strung, nervous, or frightened with remarkable results.
Celebrate Express offers up Hannah Montana, High School Musical, Backyardigans, Pokemon, Dora the Explorer, dogs and horse wall decorations - perfect for party decorations that can be reused in your child's bedroom when the party's over.
Virtual Puppy is a basic website where you can take care of cute dogs.
These little buggers aren't meant to replace our real life furry friends, but if you are allergic to cats or dogs or just don't have the time to care for one then a cyber pet (also known as a virtual pet) may be your best solution.
On the other hand, you may not want the usual type of pet because dogs and cats can get boring and bats and llamas simply do not agree with you, so mythical pets seem more fun.
The selection includes not only dogs and cats, but also pandas, apes and kangaroos.
Kids can adopt a virtual pet for free from Adopt There are several pets to choose from, including dogs, cats, birds, horses, and more. - Players can adopt their choice of critter, with options including horses, fish, dogs, cats, snakes, and more.
You can choose from dogs, cats, snakes, birds and more.
The animal selection includes standard pets such as cats, dogs and guinea pigs, alongside more exotic animals like sloths and llamas. allows users to manage a virtual kennel by buying, caring for and showing dogs.
With real photographs of dogs used to illustrate the virtual pets, the site offers unique visuals in the often cartoonish world of virtual pets.
For instance, free accounts are limited to five dogs, while subscribers can fill their kennels with up to 30 pooches.
If you are new to the virtual pet adoption practice, then try out Adopt Me. They have a toned down selection of "normal" pets like cats, dogs, horses and fish.
Many of the images created of virtual puppies and kittens are just plain cuter than the equivalent pictures of adult dogs and cats.
You can also try out The Sims 2 Pets mini-game where you can browse through different breeds of cats or dogs, and customize the perfect pet for you.
The animals you can choose to raise are cats, dogs, turtles, horses, snakes, fish and monkeys.
Some sites have animals like dogs and cats, but others may have aliens or specially-created pets that need different care.
This 3D screensaver features an assortment of dogs walking and playing all over your desktop, right on top of the windows that you were working with.
These programs offer one more way that you can express your love of dogs.
Training the dog is usually the next step, which eventually gives way to entering your dog in contests (depending on the game) where you compete with other dogs.
Other tasks in games might include walking the dog and integrating the puppy with other dogs.
For a complete simulation where you raise, play with, train and show virtual puppies and dogs, then go to Furry Paws.
You can adopt various pets such as cows, cats, dogs and even spiders.
You can choose traditional animals to raise (cats, horses, dogs) or pick non-traditional ones (rats, butterfly wolves, 2nd-gen pets) and well as pets created by the webmasters, Malk and Nick.
Just browse the DS section of your local video game store or retailer and you'll find titles dedicated to bunnies, dogs, cats and a host of other games featuring virtual pets.
More advanced cameras also offer pet eye reduction, which stops dogs and cats from getting that vacant white dot in the center of their eye.
This recipe is especially good for those who wish to break from the typical burgers and hot dogs on the grill.