Does-it Sentence Examples
Why does it have to be a boy?
She does it better than me, huh?
This doesn't have anything to do with you fretting about my weight, does it?
What does it pay and what are the hours?
It doesn't sound like a fun life, does it?
But it doesn't really matter does it?
How fast does it go?
Again, why does it matter?
If a woman says no and a man does it anyway, isn't that rape?
What does it mean?
AdvertisementHow does it feel to be a quarter of a century old?
How much testosterone does it take to manage a farm?
What does it take to open your eyes about him?
Gabe, does it ever strike you as odd that Death hasn't found us?
That doesn't take all day, does it?
AdvertisementWhat difference does it make if we wait a few weeks?
I'll be staying here then, so what difference does it make?
A buffalo here, a Longhorn there... what difference does it make?
Probably, but what good does it do me to take the sling off if I can't use the shoulder?
Well, I suppose it doesn't matter much now, does it?
AdvertisementWhy does it matter?
It does not burn, neither does it support combustion.
For example, does the heat generated by friction vary as the friction and the time during which it acts, or is it proportional to the friction and the distance through which the rubbing bodies are displaced - that is, to the work done against friction - or does it involve any other conditions?
The advantages it can offer to its host are, however, infinitesimal when compared with the injury it does it.
So, too, does it appear that ants are entirely immune to the attacks of Ichneumonidae, which destroy hosts of other insects and of spiders by laying their eggs upon their bodies.
AdvertisementIn the more complex gases the specific heat varies considerably with temperature; only in the case of monatomic gases does it remain constant.
It does not liberate iodine from potassium iodide, neither does it decolorize iodine solution.
A minute entosternite having the above-described structure is found in the Crustacean Apus between the bases of the mandibles, and also in the Decapoda in a similar position, but in no Crustacean does it attain to any size or importance.
As the cell fails and shrinks, so does it become more and more unable to make good the waste due to metabolism.
It can be formed independently of cell activity, nor does it require oxygen.
Nor does it appear that he had any settled political ideas.
In the Homeric poems Corinth is a mere dependency of Mycenae; nor does it figure prominently in the tradition of the Dorian migrations.
Nor because the pagans regarded the close meetings of the Christians usually held in private houses as mysteries in which incest and cannibalism were rife, does it follow that the Christians themselves accepted the comparison.
And therefore the definition does not proceed from historical scholarship. Nor yet does it throw light upon " dogma," if dogma is to be distinguished - somehow - from doctrine.
Nor does it even seem to have been his object to give an account of the entire struggle between Greece and Persia.
Still less does it hold good of raw materials, many of which had been really affected by the duties, and were largely imported after their abolition.
Cognition is therefore distinct from emotion and conation; it has no psychological connexion with feelings of pleasure and pain, nor does it tend as such to issue in action.
Nor does it appear to us that the objections to this theory brought by Dr Chase in his excellent article on the epistle in Hastings' Dictionary are really so fatal as he supposes.
In its claws alone does it resemble the giant sloths.
On this account the subordinate civil service of the state is not large compared with that of either the Federal government or of the large municipalities, and only in a few states does it possess any importance.
Neither does it proceed on estimates of the sums needed to maintain the public service, for, in the first place, it does not know what appropriations will be proposed by the spending committees; and in the second place, a primary object of the customs duties has been for many years past, not the raising of revenue, but the protection of American industries by subjecting foreign imports to a very high tariff.
M N Intermixture may take place to any extent, and the more of it there has been the more difficult does it become to trace the transmission of a text.
For what does it matter to metaphysics whether by association sensations suggest ideas, and so give rise to ideas of substance and causation a posteriori, or synthetic unity of consciousness combines sensations by a priori notions of substance and causation into objects which are merely mental phenomena of experience, when it is at once allowed by the followers of Hume and Kant alike that reason in any logical use has no power of inferring things beyond the experience of the reasoner?
Nor does it appear with certainty to which of the twenty satrapies into which, according to Herodotus, the Persian empire was divided, Mesopotamia belonged; probably it was included in 'Abar nahara.
Nor does it appear that any well-defined compound of argon has yet been prepared.
But in neither portion does it in any sense mark a new legislative departure, unless in so far as it marks the beginning of the era of written charters for towns.
But in no case does it appear that the modifications in shape and colour, which contribute to bring about a mimetic resemblance, are greater and more elaborate than those which result in the simpler examples of ordinary protective resemblance.
In this case the carbonaceous beds-coal-seams-naturally appealed most strongly to the imagination, and the name is a good one, notwithstanding the fact that coal-seams occupy but a small fraction of the total thickness of the Carboniferous system; and although subsequent investigations have demonstrated the existence of coal in other geological formations, in none of these does it play so prominent a part.
Now how does it come about that the distribution of the carbon between these very unlike states determines the strength, hardness and many other valuable properties of the metal as a whole?
In so far as man can be shown to be the product of, and a link in, a long chain of causal development, so far does it become impossible to regard him as self-determined.
Nor does it occur in any of the charters granted to the dukes of Austria by the emperors; though in that creating the first duke of Austria the archiduces palatii, i.e.
Not only does it relieve the spasm, but it lessens the amount of secretion - often dangerously excessive - which is often associated with it.
Nothing can exceed the fulness and variety of invention, or the searching force and precision of detail in this picture; nor does it leave so much to desire as several of the master's other paintings in point of colour-harmony and pleasurable general effect.
What is inference, how does it proceed by combining judgments as premises to cause judgments as conclusions, and what are its various kinds?
How does it by the aid of identification convert probable into necessary conclusions, which become necessary principles of demonstration?
It does not, with the former, regard logic as purely formal in the sense of abstracting thought from being, nor does it follow the latter in amalgamating metaphysics with logic by identifying being with thought.
External evidence is against this, nor does it seem demanded by the context; in fact xv.
And what exactly does it say?
Neither does it appear that this class of variations are very frequent.
It is absent, however, from the great elevated plateau of Central Asia, nor does it inhabit Ceylon, Borneo or the other islands of the Indo-Malay Archipelago, except those named.
Scripture deals, he maintains, in none but the simplest precepts, nor does it aim at anything beyond the obedient mind; it tells nought of the divine nature but what men may profitably apply to their lives.
The tableland varies greatly in elevation, but nowhere does it fall below 1500 ft., and in places it reaches an average of 5000 ft.
It is often only clear in the light of inscriptions, so closely does it keep to the sources.
Why does it so slowly reveal the Right of the middle ages (as in slavery for instance) to be the Wrong to-day?
But marriage is not permitted subsequent to ordination, nor does it any longer usually precede it.
It is true that some specialized forms, such as the Brisingidae among starfish, A strophiura and Ophioteresis among ophiurans, contravene the usual diagnoses; but this neither obscures their systematic position, nor does it alter the fact that since early Palaeozoic times these two great groups of stellate echinoderms have evolved along separate lines.
Nor does it ever suffer from lack of thoroughness.
Firstly, if virtue is knowledge, does it follow that vice is involuntary?
For the third no convincing evidence has been adduced, nor does it seem likely that any can be.
What does it pay and what are the hours.
But wouldn't it be something if a bevy of psychiatrists tried everything in their books to get that boy to speak, and a little girl does it by tickling him!
What does it mean to the client when their boss talks to them in a manner to disparage them?
That still doesn't explain how a human can evolve from an ape-like ancestor, does it?
How long does it take to allocate an assessor?
That is, after a backdoor connection starts, how long does it take for the monitor to detect the backdoor?
Released on 28 July 2004 The mobile bandstand does it again!
How does it help a player's form to constantly barrack him?
Have a good week becks x If you swallow a burp does it turn into a fart?
How long does it actually take to hear the blackbird sing or feel the sunlight?
This number does not include animal burials, nor does it include the possible prehistoric quadruple horse burial.
If you swallow a burp does it turn into a fart?
You see it is not combustible, nor does it support combustion.
But, does this happen at IBM or does it make for dinner table conversation?
Why does it then use the license fee to promote uneducated - indeed sometimes crass - ' pop '?
Doesn't seem like a very difficult decision does it?
It is not directional, nor does it work all of the time, or on a persons individual scent.
Clearing worked for me says Alexis Jenny finds a new direction...despite exam disappointment How does it feel to be a larger person?
What is the north/south divide, where does it start?
The Great Seal of the United States is not a Masonic emblem, nor does it contain hidden Masonic symbols.
How many electrical engineers does it take to change a light bulb?
How many TV evangelists does it take to change a light bulb?
Because not only does it cut everything in sight, but virtually everything in sight, but virtually everything out of sight too.
If its genomic position is known how many exons does it have, what are the flanking markers and the genomic environment.
Has fe already got all of this - or does it simply not want to learn from others in lifelong learning?
How long does it take for a fractured femur to heal?
Don't let flattery persuade you to stay, but consider the offer seriously - does it overcome your reasons for leaving?
Bavaria 32 The popular 32 Sport is back with an interior makeover and an optional hardtop - but does it improve on the original?
If you play back a wav file recorded using the headpiece does it sound OK?
Is the bar a place of conviviality or does it merely heighten, rather than lighten, the encircling gloom of the street outside?
What does it mean to keep the Sabbath holy?
What does it mean to say that some diseases are ' genetically inherited '?
Why is this particular target chosen, and why does it inspire so much ire so much ire?
Happy Birthday dear Tea Bag... But does it make a cuppa quite as good as good old loose leaf?
That sounds rather lofty work, does it not?
The Great Seal of the United States is not a Masonic emblem, nor does it contain hidden Masonic emblem, nor does it contain hidden Masonic symbols.
If a cat is cloned in a box and no-one is around to see it, does it still meow?
What does it mean to be a donor offspring?
The ' hierarchy of optics ' from quantum optics down to paraxial geometrical optics - how does it all fit together?
Back to top h ow much time does it take up?
Elsewhere ' shed light on this mysterious personage, or does it further obscure him?
It might all sound a bit petty, after all does it really make that much difference and after all we all make mistakes.
Why is the preliminary 1 test defined as " Scales of Training " and how does it differ from other prelim tests?
The problem is that this natural fabric usually comes with a high price tag - or does it?
New College seems prosperous; why does it need help?
Why did you chose that particular pseudonym, does it have any great personal significance?
How does it feel hearing your lyrics being recited after all these years, by older and younger ravers?
Stress - Does it cause MS or trigger a relapse?
Innovation Does it do anything new, or simply retread old ground?
Why does it take six months to train a ringer?
But unlike other savants, who can perform similar feats, Tammet can describe how he does it.
Nor does it imply a belief that people are inherently selfish and that their votes can be bought by tax-cutting bribery.
People will no longer have to exercise self-restraint or act responsibly - the drug does it for you.
Is it the same or does it attract higher or lower spenders?
When you let go of the squeezed sponge, how high does it float?
It is called stereotypy when I do it, and relaxing her neck when she does it.
We can only hope that the great British summertime does it justice.
Why does it have to be so threadbare going on gimcrack, recycling motoring and travel shows against rather desultory newscasts?
The sheer thrill of speed always does it for me.
Anyway, the experts at English Heritage agree with me. so it doesn't matter tuppence what anybody else thinks. does it?
Gardiner, however, undoubtedly did his best to persuade them to save themselves by a course which he conscientiously followed himself; nor does it appear that, when placed on a commission along with a number of other bishops to administer a severe law, he could very well have acted otherwise than he did.
What good does it do?
Yesterday I thought for the first time what a beautiful thing motion was, and it seemed to me that everything was trying to get near to God, does it seem that way to you?
It seems almost too good to be true, does it not?
The knowledge doesn't make life any sweeter or happier, does it?
She knows with unerring instinct what is right, and does it joyously.
Where is this division of labor to end? and what object does it finally serve?
How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
Why does it not encourage its citizens to be on the alert to point out its faults, and do better than it would have them?
What does it all mean? screamed the doctor's wife.
What does it all mean? thought he.
She, if she loves anyone, does it for life, but I don't understand that, I forget quickly.
My dear, what does it mean?... she asked, turning to Princess Mary.
What does it mean? she suddenly exclaimed.
It's 'Dolokhov the Persian' that does it!
When an apple has ripened and falls, why does it fall?
What does it matter to you whether our homes are ruined or not?
Never mind, never mind, what does it matter?
Mamma, what does it matter what we take away?
What does it matter whether it is St. Nicholas or St. Blasius?
How does it hurt him? thought Natasha.
That's the way he was brought up, and everybody does it.
Not only does it occur at every step, but the universal historians' accounts are all made up of a chain of such contradictions.
Secondly, tell me more about this Cow Grrl training - does it include how to simulate having 3 more stomachs than you do?
How many slalom paddlers does it take to change a light bulb?
Top spaceman 5. how does it feel to be awake?
Or does it provide a working model for other traumatized nations?
Anyway, the experts at English Heritage agree with me. so it does n't matter tuppence what anybody else thinks. does it?
A mega-rich American tycoon called Rockefeller was asked ' how much does it take to satisfy a man?
Such ubiquity forces us to ask questions including, ' What good does it do?
Nor does it create unreadable web pages by trying to exactly replicate a printed page layout.
That 's my question to Bush yanks behaving badly How long does it take to search an entire country for weapons of mass destruction?
Is it current, and does it meet all of the standards set by your state?
When you hold your hand out does it cower or show interest?
How does it taste in your mouth, as you swallow and after tasting?
Be aware of the full extent of the warranty; does it cover the entire machine, or just the motor?
When you wonder how to buy a scanner, does it scare you to think of all the techno-terms and different features that come with it?
A United States savings bond is a popular items to give to students to pay off college loans, to save for retirement, and to invest in for the future-but how much does it cost to buy US savings bond?
While all of this may sound complicated, answering how much does it cost to buy US savings bonds is actually much simpler when broken down.
Before you can ask "how much does it cost to buy US savings bond," you must understand what it is that you are purchasing.
How many shares does it usually trade per day?
Does it remain dark grey or black, or does it reflect that the computer is actually loading its components?
If so, does it look like it was professionally repaired or patched over?
If you just want a laptop that does it all, then you are probably a power user.
When he does it in the sink the water goes flying.
How much does it cost, and where does one go for the surgery?
The company makes no claims about this, nor does it list the chemicals it uses anywhere on the label or its website.Many pet owners have become increasingly concerned about chemicals and additives in pet foods.
Even if the titer count is high, it is not indicative that the cat is going to develop FIP, nor does it mean that the cat will be protected from the virus in the future.
Not only does it save you time, but it also makes you look like you really know your stuff.
What kind of operating system does it need, if it has to be installed on your PC or on your own server?
How easily does it integrate with your merchant accounts?
What does it mean to be a Christian lender?
For example, instead of, does it say as part of the address?
Renewable energy does not harm the environment nor does it damage the health of humans and animals.
What is geothermal energy and where does it come form?
Electric only drive or, does it use only electric power even though gas and electric engines and motors are combined?
Conserving water does not have to be difficult nor does it need to result in any kind of hardship.
It's commonly blamed on big industries and is believed to be the number one cause of global warming, but what is air pollution and how does it really affect us?
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) explains that a solar energy system neither produces emissions, nor does it generate any solid waste.
It produces no emission nor does it generate solid waste, making it an all-around viable energy solution.
What causes gray hair and does it only come with age?
Creating the country cottage look isn't difficult, nor does it have to be expensive.
Not only does it provide overhead illumination, the heads can be positioned so that they're aimed at a mirror, or other area where more light is desired.
In a lip plumper review, the critical question is… does it really work?
The 70s was all about pearlescent shadows, and if you're looking for a subtle eye shimmer then no one does it better than Paul & Joe.
Not only does it look stunning on a vanity, it also makes a beautiful gift for an avid perfume collector.
What I have found helps me pick the right color for women I work with is to look very close for the true "undertone" of the lip color, does it have a bluish red undertone or an orangish red undertone as a base for the lip color?
If there is any downside, it's that the lip brush is not retractable, nor does it feature a proper cap.
Does it look flattering, or does it seem to "pull" your face down a bit?
Smileys War - A rather simplistic choice that literally requires you to blow the smile off someone else's face before he does it to you.
To be clear, PayPal doesn't require a coupon code, nor does it have coupon codes, if you just want to send and receive money.
Not only does it feature a revolutionary system of waterproof seals and gaskets, which keeps the camera's guts protected, it can also survive five-foot falls onto concrete.
What are some of the activities teens do during their stay and how does it help them?
Nor does it mean that you need to give up your rocker chic look in favor of colored bindis.
What does it take for these schools to get to where they are in football and what does it take to stay there?
Not only does it let you be creative, but you get to figure out which parts of you that you'd like to project to the world.
Not only does it help your bridesmaids be able to afford to participate in the festivities, it also is a smart move if you are funding the bridal party dresses yourself.
Unfortunately, it's impossible to tell if someone is always lying, especially if he does it a lot.
Not only does it serve to liven things up, it also adds contrast to simple décors.
What advantages does it have over other duvets?
That said, what does it say about her career when not only is the Roman Catholic Church ready to bring back witch trials but her own daughter is her biggest critic?
What does it say about a country that has spent decades to fight for equal rights for women, only to require its newscasters to live up to the model-thin images that it expects from its entertainers?
Unfortunately for the heiress, the bracelet is not diamond encrusted, nor does it allow her to leave her palatial Los Angeles, California, home.
This has become a popular show for the music network -- not only does it provide an inside look at the homes of the rich and famous, but fans also get a personal tour from the owner.
Oh Kendra, does it surprise you that 19-year old twins sharing an 82-year-old "boyfriend" (meal ticket?) aren't at all thankful?
What does it mean for a distance learning program to be regionally accredited?
Not only does it boast miles of sun-drenched beaches, volcanoes and tropical forests, but the Caribbean also possesses a rich history and unique cultural diversity.
Now how much fuel does it take to move one these massive vessels?
Is Innotek safe for your pet, and does it stop excessive barking?
How long does it take for a dog to have puppies?
That is the real answer to the question of how long does it take for a dog to have puppies.
The true plant has been grown outside for many years in the Rhododendron dell at Kew, and it has never been injured by frost, nor does it ever fail to set abundance of bloom.
How long does it take for the initial piercing to heal?
If the item is dirty, does it look like it can be cleaned properly without damaging it?
Nor does it have to be just a wedding or evening garment.
Not only does it list tips and advice for getting started, it also tells you how to avoid scams.
The trouble most often lies in trying to determine if a dressy dress is appropriate or expected for a particular event or function, and if so, just how dressy does it need to be?.
Not only does it boast a versatile color, it's also guaranteed to add some spice to your look!
Not only does it provide a practical solution to staying comfortable in crisp weather, it also serves as an alternative to basic cardigans.
Not only does it wick moisture, but it dries quickly as well, thus maintaining maximum comfort.
Is it strictly an institutional or does it offer touches of home?
If you can't get out to bowl, play tennis or even rope a cow, this interactive game does it all.
How much does it vary from product to product?
Is the warranty available pretty consistent throughout all the collections of Live Eyewear or does it vary depending on whether you get EyeArmor or EyeSights glasses, for example?
Not only does it show clearly what each style looks like, it explains the features available in each collection.
Though no date has yet been set to reopen Son of Beast, when it does it will be a "new" ride for guests to enjoy.
Just because you're looking for cheat codes for Xbox games doesn't make you a cheater, does it?
It doesn't completely capture the series' style, nor does it come close to matching the impressive cell-shaded characters found in the Budokai games, but it is effective considering the game's platform and genre.
The question is, does it have the chops to compete with more modern offerings in the role-playing genre?
How does it stack up against today's contenders?
The followup, NFL Street 2 take what the original was trying to do, and does it better, faster, and with more outrageous moves.
If he does it correctly, touch the training icon and say "laying jump".
Not only does it perfectly replace the pack-in plastic stylus, it offers enormous durability, better stylus control, and adds just a touch of style to your gaming.
All it really does it look cool, plus you can throw it to kill enemies with a bar of gold.
The camera does not follow you from behind nor does it adjust itself to your turning.
Life does not revolve around Halo…or does it?
Not only does it setup your shots for you, it also makes it impossible to scratch.
What, you might ask, is the purpose of a sleeping bag cover and why does it need to be breathable?
But does it also give them more space per person?
Unlike many other service providers in Canada, Fido does not charge a System Access Fee, nor does it charge an E911 fee.
It's a term that's being thrown around more and more these days, but what exactly does it mean to have a cell phone that is unlocked?
What does it mean to have an unlocked phone?
How does it stack up against the competition?
Is the hypotonia always the same or does it seem worse at certain times?
Parents should not worry about the infant's style; getting mobile is more important than how the baby does it.
Contact dermatitis usually does not spread from one person to another, nor does it spread beyond the area exposed to the irritant unless affected skin comes into contact with another part of the body.
For example, the Cordillera from the northern Philippines contains movements representing such everyday tasks as carrying water - but does it in a way that makes it graceful and balanced.
It's not something you want to rush because not only does it pay tribute your lost loved one, it helps you and other mourners through the grieving process.
Nor does it truly indicate the source of collection.
Eyebrow waxing does not necessarily have to be an overly painful experience, nor does it have to involve hot wax.
How it does it is a little different from your average metal or-these days-ceramic curling iron.
More versatile than the straightening iron, the Sedu styling iron seemingly does it all.
Not only does it straighten hair easily and quickly in just a few strokes, it also creates waves and curls.
Home laser hair removal is touted as a great way to remove unwanted hair from your legs, underarms, and just about anywhere else you would use a standard razor on; but how well does it really work?
Looking for a curriculum that does it all for you?
What does it take to land a job in these top paying fields?
While it is a federal program, the U.S. government does not back it, nor does it receive funding from the government.
Kirigami does not have to be simplistic, nor does it have to be something you do to learn.
Not only does it keep your children occupied with the actual folding techniques, they can later use their "gun" to annihilate intergalactic evil forces.
However, the article makes no mention of a pregnancy, nor does it suggest that she even looks pregnant.
If you get a very light line on pregnancy test results, what does it mean?
The answer to the question 'how many months does it take to get pregnant?' is that it varies widely.
Age is one of the biggest factors affecting the answer to the question 'how many months does it take to get pregnant?'
No matter what this star does, we must admit that she does it in her own unique style, and that style extends to her swim wardrobe as well.
What does it take to model for college swimsuit calendars?
Do you actively seek out inspiration or does it just "come" to you?
What does it take to strut your stuff with other G string beach girls?
What does it take to strut your stuff in a micro?
So what does it take to prepare the human canvass for a painted swimsuit?
Facing forward to get air is an ineffective method; not only does it create more resistance, thus slowing you down, it may also lead to neck strain.
What type of family values does it convey?
Not only does it have a beautiful design, it also has safety features to help new riders build their confidence.
Where did this company come from, and how does it stack up against the competition in such a fierce field as health and sports supplements?
Not only does it suit every occasion, it also flatters every figure.
Pay attention to the way the dress skims your curves; does it feel tight around wide hips, does it accentuate large thighs, does it highlight a bulging belly?
Simplicity in clothing can take on whatever definition works best for you, but at no point does it have to mean something is plain or dull.
Not only does it add a little leverage to your ensemble, it also keeps you warm.
With the vast amounts of blenders available on the market, the Montel Williams version of a blender could be what you are looking for if you want to replace many of your devices since this blender does it all for you.
Not only does it offer top-notch blending capabilities, the Ninja Master Pro also has the functionality of a full-sized food processor.
With a suggested retail price of about $600, this 13,000 BTU unit does it all.
The bottom line with all infomercial products is does it work or not?
What questions does it make you want to ask?
Ask yourself if you're truly enjoying the game having a computer do all the word searching for you and does it make it fair for the other players, who don't know if you getting electronic assistance?
Not only does it give you the opportunity to make your own unique and special candles, but it also could be the opening to a new business opportunity.
Not only does it have an extensive website; MCN also belongs to the networking and news sites.
Not only does it supply the organization with necessary funding, but it also helps the organization to show it is a credible and financially stable agency.
This is a particularly good fundraising idea for children; not only does it put their energy to good use, but it also teaches them the value of helping others.
The garbage bag sitting in the kitchen doesn't walk itself out to the trash by itself, does it?
If a guy has unprotected sex, does it mean he wants a baby?
Chat Avenue doesn't even require registration, nor does it require you to be eighteen to chat there.
What exactly are signs of emotional cheating and what does it mean for your relationship?
As to your question "how long does it take?"
What does it mean when he squints his eyes at me and smiles?
Send care packages regularly to your solider, not only does it help your loved one but it helps you too.
Sometimes a man may simply say your name, look you in the eye, or pass you the salt in the break room, and there is something in the way he does it that sends a special feeling through you.
Is this business recognized by the Better Business Bureau, and how does it rate?
How much does it cost to enter the contest?
Not only does it come in a huge variety of finishes and styles, its durability is almost incomparable.
Not only does it feel incredible, it also provides an excellent contrast to the stiff straw.
Not only does it virtually guarantee you a one-of-a-kind bag, it also cuts down on the cost you would otherwise pay at a major department store or Internet boutique.
Forget worrying about bottles and clear baggies - this set does it all with its included zip-top pouch.
Not only does it stand apart from traditional neutral colors, the wallet itself is excessively functional.
Ecostation will thrill environmentally friendly folks while How Does It Work? will satisfy even the most inquisitive minds.
Not only does it provide some relief for working parents in keeping up the house, but it teaches the children responsibility.
Is the camera intuitively easy to use, or does it require some time to figure out how to use the controls?
What is birth order theory, and does it mean anything?
The company is committed still committed to function, as well as fashion, so you can have a shoe that truly does it all.
Where does it come into play with its meager one-and-a-half inches?
There are several people who have ventured into the world of wearing winter boots with denim cutoffs or skirts, but for obvious reasons, this look simply doesn't work, nor does it flatter.
If the artist does it right, there shouldn't be a lot of blood, but there will usually be some.
Although Goths tend to be stereotyped as depressed people who wear black clothing, this description is not truly accurate, nor does it do Goths justice.
How long does it generally take to apply the paint for what you have in mind?
A body suit does not have to be one specific type or style of tattoo, nor does it require other forms of body modification.
Not only does it provide up-to-date information about the range of watches available, it also has a useful help feature that recommends watches based on certain criteria.
Will you need to wind the watch or does it run on batteries?
How long does it take to complete 200-hour certification?
What does it take to become a certified Pilates and yoga instructor?
What does idiot savant mean and how does it relate to the autism spectrum of disorders?
It's especially useful for de-emphasizing employment gaps, doesn't identify you as a job hopper nor does it call attention to the fact that you've been in one job too long and your resume has gone stale.
Everyone remembers the 'duck-hunting' shoot-'em-up banner ad, but what does it advertise?
Or does it mean you want to reach Christian clients or provide some kind of Christian service?
How does it make the consumer's life better?
If you're in the market for a new or used automobile, you may be wondering, "How much per mile does it cost to drive a car?"
How much per mile does it cost to drive a car?
Sure there is -- losing the spare pounds doesn't require you to be a rocket scientist nor does it have to be a ticket to the poorhouse.
What is soluble fiber, why does it confer such health benefits, and what soluble foods are available?
But does it really work, and is it safe?
It does not address caloric needs, nor does it make suggestions for the exact amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients your body requires for good health.
Not only does it decrease stress, but it also enhances your ability to cope with stress.
What is interval training, and how does it work?
Not only does it get your heart rate up, swimming laps also tones your arms and legs as you work to propel your body through the water.
By covering the basics, we mean, does it provide a sound grammatical footing on which you can begin yours studies?
Doing so will not hurt the meat, nor does it promote the growth of any harmful bacteria.
In many cases, it doesn't matter how old your home is, nor does it matter how old the appliances within it are.
Nor does it cover instances of theft or vandalism.
Western General does that by offering its insurance products to insurers throughout the country, but it also does it by allowing customers more online functionality than some other insurance companies.
The condition of the home - does it need repairs or a new roof?
Not only does it cost more to provide older Americans with health insurance coverage, but the deductible amount they are expected to pay is much higher than for younger people.
Not only does it count the largest insurance companies in the world as its customers, but it also works with insurance providers who are doing business on a regional or local basis.
Do you have recommendations based on cup size or does it just depend on the individual's breast shape and position on the chest?
Show-It lifts more than any other underwear out there and it does it in a way that is soft and comfortable so there is no annoying rub or irritation.
When you read about or see a piece of lingerie, the first thing that comes to mind is, "What does it look like?" or, if you see it right away, you'll form an opinion based on how it looks.
Not only does it create a more pleasing appearance, it cuts down on the development of back, shoulder and neck pain.
Speaking of sassy, no one does it quite like Frederick's of Hollywod.
It's a lingerie masterpiece that does it all.
Not only does it make it easier to slip on a nightgown, but it allows you to customize the neckline by leaving it open or closed.
Every person that works on the house does it out of the goodness of their hearts and is not guaranteed to be on TV.
Just how much does it cost to pull off a dream wedding?
Rare doesn't necessarily mean old, nor does it have to mean expensive.
For people who didn't see a flash forward, does it mean they were dead in the future?
Not only does he learn he is one of the secret Cylons, but this fact also makes his child half Cylon-half human…or does it?
Now that you know how tall Godzilla is - does it matter?
Not only does it exfoliate dead skin cells and eliminate impurities, it also contributes the long term health of the facial skin.
Not only does it leave skin feeling fresh and smooth, it also minimizes imperfections and eliminates dead skin cells.
Amp up your facial skincare routine with a product that does it all!
What makes it different from its previous version and how does it stand out from the other top coats on the market today?
Not only does it stabilize collagen production, it also helps heal wounds, protects the skin from free radical damage and might even lessen the severity and appearance of sun damage when applied topically.
Not only does it help shield the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays, it keeps the skin continually hydrated and helps eliminate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Not only does it not require a trip to the doctor, it's also extremely simple to concoct.
What is a social network and how does it play a role in today's society?
What is blogging and what does it have to do with the social networking boom under way in the world today?
Not only does it serve as a place to display one's paintings, it also provides a venue to discuss the inspiration behind them.
What does it mean to tag your friends on Facebook?
You may resist the newest social networking crazes until they really catch on, and in that case, you could be asking, "What is Twitter and how does it work?"
So what is Twitter and how does it work?
She finds it significant that the first question people tend to ask her is "How does it feel to compete in a bikini?"
Writing code is an art, and everyone does it a little differently.
Not only does it feature many different web design firms, organized by global location, but it also has links to Christian web hosting and other internet services.
Not only does it show the names, it also shows the hexadecimal code, an example of what the color looks like on your screen, as well as links for shads and mixing of the color with other codes.
First, is it a distinct head, or does it look like it is an extension of the body.
What difference does it make?
What does it explain?
In no place does it say a woman shouldn't wear pants.
Doesn't look very sinister, does it?
And why does it smell like the best hamburger earth can make?
What does it mean that I'm your mate?
What the hell does it mean?