Dodo Sentence Examples
We know the dodo is extinct, but w. ... .
If we all wanted a pet dodo the Market would supply us.
In common with the other Mascarene islands, it was the home of the dodo (Didus ineptus); there were also A phanapteryx, a species of rail, and a shortwinged heron (Ardea megacephala), which probably seldom flew.
Unlike many of the drawings and paintings of the dodo, this model shows the dodo as being quite a slim bird.
As much as for the extinct dodo, or for the fate of the elephant now going.
Bones will reveal life of dodo - 26/06/2006 Well-preserved bones of the extinct flightless dodo bird are uncovered in Mauritius.
Dodo images This is a model of a dodo images This is a model of a dodo on display in the Museum.
Having been isolated by its island location from contact with humanity, the dodo greeted the new visitors with a child-like innocence.
Considerable quantities of the bones of the dodo and other extinct birds - a rail (A phanapteryx), and a shortwinged heron - have been discovered in the beds of some of the ancient lakes (see DoDo).
Finding board game rules for games that have long since fizzled and gone the way of the dodo bird is not difficult at all.
AdvertisementOf the extremely limited Samoan fauna, consisting mainly of an indigenous rat, four species of snakes and a few birds, the most interesting member is the Didunculus strigirostris, a ground pigeon of iridescent greenish-black and bright chestnut plumage, which forms a link between the extinct dodo and the living African Treroninae.
I can hardly bear to tell the story of the Oxford dodo, the last dodo stuffed in England.
If the universe was formed from a giant dodo egg, where did the dodo egg, where did the dodo egg come from?
Mauritius had the dodo, Lophopsittacus and Aphanapteryx.