Dodgers Sentence Examples
Along with their hated rivals the Brooklyn Dodgers (who became the Los Angeles Dodgers), the Giants' moved west in 1957 as major league baseball became a coast-to-coast industry.
The first two are free, but they lack many of the advanced functions and tools available in Photoshop, such as customizable brushes, magic wands, sharpeners and dodgers, not to mention multi-layer access.
Nexus is pro-active in the battle against fare evasion on the Metro and regular blitzes to catch the fare dodgers.
Plus I got rid of some of my foodstuffs (i.e. ate three jammy dodgers) whilst in there.
Only the boroughs of Brent and Newham had more license dodgers, maintaining the top-three positions from 2005.
Trouble is, what I actually saw was somebody blowing down a stick of wood to a bunch of coffin dodgers.
A blitz on Metro fare dodgers netted 266 people riding the system without tickets in a three day period.
More... BW tackles unlicensed boats British Waterways has been taking a firm stand with license dodgers.
It is ironic that the same country known for harboring U.S. draft dodgers provides a haven for celebrity political outcasts.
These have included voice work in the animated film Duck Dodgers, and a direct-to-video movie called Dragonquest.