Documented Sentence Examples
The very well documented corn dole of ancient Rome is one of many cases.
Everything was documented, every visit, every doctor-scrawled record, every prescription she'd ever taken.
It was an extraordinary achievement, documented in a highly eloquent way.
Binding to bile acids In vitro binding of bile acids by certain components of dietary fiber has been well documented.
Antifungal prophylaxis with absorbable agents might have an impact on the rate of documented bacteremia in febrile neutropenia.
The processes were developed down to the sub-process or procedure level and documented to a standard suitable for ISO9000 certification.
The notion that individuals can radiate coherence in the environment is a documented phenomenon.
Also ' walking with children ' is well documented, sometimes as a real detective story or treasure hunt.
When someone generates docs, the -link option generates links to documentation for any API referenced by the API being documented.
Seasonal variation in fatal pulmonary embolism has been well documented by at least 23 reports comprising nearly 11 000 cases.
AdvertisementThat event is well documented, and is certainly in the style of the Marquis, who was a notorious hooligan.
While the benefits of GM crops remain illusory, the success and benefits of ecological, natural farming systems are well documented.
In a searing indictment in her fifth report, Smith documented the degree to which the original plan had been changed by the GMC.
The final decision to instruct an inhibition or not, should be fully documented on a CSA 550.
Annually upgrades the " lab model " - a documented method of setting up central and departmental PC labs.
AdvertisementDocumented in the the other daydenied on certain specified the amsterdammer marcel.
Pearlman also had a bitter parting with the group O-Town that was documented on the ABC show Making the Band.
I discovered and documented locations for apparent underground transmitters of polarized magnetic photon beams out into space.
It's clever writing, bound together with genuine historical facts about an 18th century political polemicist, Junius, whose writings are documented.
The benefits of hydrotherapy pools for special needs clients is well documented.
AdvertisementAre our officers ' negotiations with operators about concessions well documented and sufficiently transparent for us to demonstrate probity?
Animal experiments have documented the ability of these organisms to cause acute pyelonephritis by the ascending route of infection against urine flow.
In the case of tire pyrolysis the number of used tires produced each year is well documented.
Over 3,500 cases of severe reactions have been documented.
The few cases that are better documented can be explained by recourse to the mechanisms of everyday physics.
AdvertisementIn the former soviet republic of Georgia, several attempts to steal or smuggle nuclear material have been documented.
A number of draughting rifts (1903, 1904 and 1905) were also documented below this entrance.
No one has ever had rigor mortis on DNP or even severe cramping that has ever been documented.
Current status The first documented case of glyphosate resistance was reported in 1996 involving rigid ryegrass in Australia.
In the UK, the anti-vivisection policies of fascist groups have been documented by the internationally-respected anti-fascist journal searchlight (2 ).
Are all the relevant error messages documented in a logical sequence?
It's well documented that Michael Yardy was selling sportswear at Gatwick Airport two years ago.
Some of his achievements in the field of power generation using steam turbines are documented in our 125th anniversary site.
The risks to health from smoking tobacco are well documented.
The presence or absence of expression of these splice variants is being documented in normal tissues and a spectrum of brain tumors.
I cannot imagine how the system worked but it is well documented; were African wildcats so compliant?
The principal authorities for Montrose's career are Wishart's Res gestae, eec. (Amsterdam, 5647); Patrick Gordon's Short Abridgment of Britane's Distemper (Spalding Club); and the comprehensive work of Napier, Memorials of Montrose, is abundantly documented, containing Montrose's poetry, in which is included his celebrated lyric "My dear and only love."
In the former Soviet republic of Georgia, several attempts to steal or smuggle nuclear material have been documented.
In the UK, the anti-vivisection policies of fascist groups have been documented by the internationally-respected anti-fascist journal Searchlight (2).
March 2000 Changes to the child support scheme The shortcomings of the current child support system are well documented.
It 's well documented that Michael Yardy was selling sportswear at Gatwick Airport two years ago.
This dichotomy of views on taxidermy display strategy is well documented in the literature.
Lashing out at them is a tongue-in-cheek reference to Campbell 's widely documented temper tantrums.
Episodic growth of local fold structures is documented by significant changes in the thickness of turbidite systems.
Many private and state-owned mines have been documented as flagrantly violating China 's rather lax safety regulations.
They provided a 100-page report of carefully documented examples of human rights violations committed by Burmese military over the past twelve months alone.
But the reality is that if the planet continues to warm at the rate that has been documented in the last few decades, there could be very dire consequences.
Other effects such as increases in hurricanes and other extreme weather events have been documented for middle areas within the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.
Plastic bags in the ocean is a well documented water pollutant.
The health benefits of cayenne pepper have been documented for years.
The health benefits of cayenne pepper when used to treat cardio-vascular problems have been well documented for years.
In one, documented in the medical journal Diabetes Care, published in 2003, 60 people with Type 2 diabetes consumed one, three or six grams of cinnamon each day.
One documented case reported in Australia resulted in liver failure requiring a liver transplant.
This isn't the only wicker historically documented.
For example, the color red has been documented as causing an elevation in blood pressure, respiration and heart rate in test subjects.
Consider how stories and anecdotes that are common knowledge to your family should be documented through your scrapbook album.
In fact, the first documented accounts of skiing in Colorado date back to 1859, when Rupert Spalding and his group of 30 prospectors first discovered gold in Breckenridge.
Since then, according to, more than 600 studies have documented the benefits of this meditation program.
Whether you choose to mediate or draw, the benefits of these activities are well documented.
Or can this increase in teen pregnancy be attributed to the documented scientific findings that girls are maturing at a rapid pace?
Student attendance is tabulated automatically online, but offline work will need to be documented by students and confirmed by parents.
His oft documented love for the Big Mac is a testament to that, and even when Clinton cleaned up his diet, he did not give up meat.
Basically, they must be living when they enter the body, they must have been documented as having some kind of health benefit, and they must be consumed in amounts that could conceivably offer those benefits.
Her struggles with relationships, her children, and her personal well-being have been well documented, but Britney Spears continues to churn out high-quality pop music that her fans adore.
Osmond has been in the spotlight for most of her life as an entertainer and her marriages and breakups have been well documented in the media.
Celebrities are constantly in the media spotlight, which means that weight fluctuations are documented and shared with a eager public.
Monster Garage aired from 2002 to 2006, and documented James and his crew as they built custom motorcycles.
For celebrities, life in the public eye means that every potential scandal will be photographed, documented, and displayed for all to see.
The American Association of Candy Technologists awards an annual $5,000 scholarship to a college student with a documented or demonstrated interest in the field of confectionary technology.
It is a thoroughly researched and documented work that is presented to a panel of academics and professionals chosen by your program.
At the graduate level, research is exacting and must be documented.
It's well documented that Welsh Terriers were bred to be hunting companions.
The study, which documents animal attacks in the United States from 1982 to 2009, cites that of the 2257 documented cases of attacks that resulted in bodily harm, 1451, or 65 percent, were commited by Pitbulls.
Isolated examples have been documented in Japan and among the Inuit and Eskimo American Indians.
In 2008, they released a live album called Arde el Cielo that documented the highlights of their award winning world tour.
Its flame resistance is so well documented that the USDA reports the military is using wool uniforms and other items to protect U.S. service men and women as well as researching its flame resistance for use in new ways.
There are many documented benefits of tea itself, including lower risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure.
And there are documented studies about the positive effect of pet therapy on seniors.
Experts have documented common Alzheimer's stages, outlining progression signs that can be identified by family or medical professionals.
Dr. Alzheimer documented the damage of brain tissue caused by the then unknown disease.
Four documented major outbreaks of sleeping sickness have been recorded in 1896, 1920, 1970 and the most recent in 2008.
According to the World Health Organization, the major epidemics of African sleeping sickness were documented primarily in the sub-Saharan portions of Africa.
Now that the damage of UV radiation is so well documented in the scientific community, it also stands to reason that we must protect the delicate eyes and skin of both babies and children.
Written evidence of the use of lenses to alter vision dates back to the first century A.D., in which a tutor of Emperor Nero documented the use of glass and water to magnify writing.
There are more than 350 documented grapes authorized by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
With the Industrial Revolution came mass production of cookie cutters with the first documented catalog offering cookie cutters dating from 1869.
If the item belonged to some important person or if it was involved in an important event (and that can be documented) then it can be worth more than a similar item with a less celebrated past.
A bed that belonged to Thomas Jefferson will be more valuable than a bed from the same era that has no documented past.
The provenance of an antique, if documented, increases its value.
This added security can give you some extra piece of mind, as well as having everything documented for later review.
It has been documented in several places that Apple tends to protect its own property by not allowing direct competition to its pre-installed applications and utilities.
This problem has been documented in several YouTube videos, among other locations around the web.
These drugs should not be given to infants and are not well documented for use in older children.
As a result, there were 39 documented heat-related deaths in athletes between 1964 and 1973.
As a result, documented heat-related deaths declined substantially in the 1980s.
Nut allergies and shellfish, however, seem to be the most documented triggers for anaphylaxis.
Although no evidence has documented an effective alternative treatment for hyperhidrosis, acupuncture, homeopathy, and/or herbal preparations are used by some individuals with hyperhidrosis.
Fever of unknown origin (FUO) refers to the presence of a documented elevation in body temperature for a specified time, for which a cause has not been found after basic medical evaluation.
In documented hypoglycemia, blood glucose tests are used along with measurements of insulin and C-peptide (a fragment of proinsulin) to differentiate between fasting and postprandial (after a meal) causes.
An ongoing evaluation is continued during resuscitation and documented again at five minutes.
The rate of SCID is not perfectly documented.
Manganese toxicity in miners has been documented in Chile, India, Japan, Mexico, and elsewhere.
Studies have documented dramatic changes in childhood food consumption from the 1970s to 2004.
Various abnormalities in the autistic brain have been documented.
Indications for these treatments in children have not been documented.
Because the value of guaifenesin is uncertain, while the adverse effects have been documented, parents should consider using alternatives to guaifenesin-containing cough remedies for children.
Many studies have documented a very low incidence of injury in the total spectrum of youth sporting endeavors, according to the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM).
The occurrence of injury in the pre-puberty athlete has been documented as being much lower than in the post-puberty athlete, and lower in post-puberty than in the young adult.
Pica is most often diagnosed when a report of such behaviors can be provided by an individual or documented by another person.
Meditation, yoga, and reiki healing have been recommended for process addictions; however, the success of these programs has not been well documented through controlled studies.
Homosexuality in Asian, especially Japanese and Chinese, cultures has been documented since at least 600 B.C.
Symptoms of adult botulism appear about 18-36 hours after the contaminated food is eaten, although times of onset have been documented ranging from four hours to eight days.
Blood-borne infection has been documented but is rare in the United States.
A slight male preponderance has also been documented.
The birth of a premature infant is documented to be a time of stress and crisis for parents and infants.
First documented in 1902, AD/HD has been called minimal brain dysfunction, hyperkinetic reaction, and attention-deficit disorder (ADD).
Psychostimulants and their effects have been studied in approximately 6,000 children and the positive results of their use have been documented.
When choosing a treatment option, it is important to investigate authoritative sources that provide a basis through documented studies for the validity of the treatment.
The far roots of Celtic dancing come from the celebrations by warriors in the highlands, and as such are not well documented.
At the same time, it is also a competition dance form, so the "official" dance steps have to be not only thoroughly documented but also able to be graded by judges in areas of technique and expression.
Organizations such as the Daughters of the American Revolution keep files on those servicemen whose service has been documented by organization members.
In general, the records for the Civil War, especially the Union side, and World War I are well documented.
The largest group of immigrants documented at NARA are the over 600,000 who arrived at New York during the Irish Potato Famine.
For on the job training to be effective, the employee's competence in performing the tasks assigned by the trainer must be documented.
Any deficiencies must be documented and reported.
Insect infestation and the subsequent damage must be documented.
Any signs of inadequate accessibility and trespass must be documented and reported.
Any deterioration in these particular areas must be documented and reported.
Deteriorated roofing conditions such as leakages, breakages, moisture, attic inaccessibility, and worn out roofing painting must be documented and reported.
You may not realize it, but every single home has a documented history of ownership to it which is referred to as its title.
These categories are based on documented risk to benefit ratio.
The calming effect of the color blue has been well documented.
Kara DioGuardi bikini pictures reveal that the thirty-eight year old has plenty of style to go along with her well documented substance!
It's also been documented as aggravating asthma in children.
Currently, there has never been a documented case of biotin toxicity.
Although it is well documented who invented the heat source for modern day toasters, it is not so clear who produced the first modern toaster model.
As with any donation, a thoroughly documented paper trail will protect you and your IRS return.
This means there is no financial benefit to the nonprofit that can be clearly documented for tax purposes.
In this case, you request a documented receipt from the charity about the vehicle, the condition of the vehicle and the use of the vehicle.
If you fisit this site, it is important for new Curezone members to distinguish between theories and medically documented facts.
When looking for symptoms of ADHD in children, six or more of the following symptoms of inattention should have been noticed and documented for at least six months.
When looking for symptoms, six or more of the following symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity should have been noticed and documented for at least six months.
Dr. Greyson documented a case where a 55-year-old truck driver named Al Sullivan had a near death experience during a triple by-pass surgery.
Dr. Raymond Moody is a researcher and writer who documented a number of cases where people involved in NDEs were able to accurately verify items in real life during their experience.
Bigfoot sightings have occurred for centuries and are documented through many myths, legends and pioneer diaries and reports.
One of the major problems with Bigfoot reports is that the sightings themselves are rarely documented with photographs, video tape or even audiotape of the creature's sounds.
If you're curious about what people have documented, many websites offer photos, video and written accounts including sworn testimony of Bigfoot sightings.
An Ontario, Canada sighting is documented here.
The Oregon Bigfoot gallery has over 90 documented sightings, photos and more.
Most of these stories have been documented and shown throughout the media, including movies, television, and books.
Cover areas of interest where previous happenings were documented.
Many of these paranormal happenings have been documented by professional paranormal investigators.
There are thousands of documented hauntings from all over the world.
The Bell Witch ghost is probably the most thoroughly documented case of a haunting in existence.
One of the first documented attacks of these creatures was in 1970 in Moca, Puerto Rico where a number of local horses and other animals were massacred through the draining of blood from two small puncture wounds in the neck.
After these documented reports, Chupacabra sightings spread quickly throughout South America in particular, including Mexico.
As you explore the inn's various documented hauntings, you'll understand why both the Travel Channel and A&E ranked this historical house as one of the most haunted inns in America.
There are many documented cases of people who resemble others from the past.
There have also been documented cases of people returning in a new life bearing the same physical attributes such as scars and birthmarks that they had in a previous life.
Check out the documented evidence available to support the legend.
Although many experts dispute witness sightings, the modern video recordings and sonar recordings, Nessie remains a popular urban legend and the most documented example of cryptozoology.
Since no actual creature has ever been captured and documented, the proof of Nessie is left to the individual.
The following haunted houses represent some of the best documented and most active haunted houses in the country.
Their exploration and research is documented on the reality television show, Ghost Hunters, which airs weekly on the SyFy channel.
Actor vacations and short tenure visits are also documented.
General announcements, breaking news and comings and goings are all well documented under the Keeping Up With Days section.
It is, however, well documented that the church was an important gathering place for knights in the Middle Ages bound for the crusades.
While not documented, you can get wrist watches on eBay currently with starting bids as high as $15,000.
In addition to her extensive writing about popular yoga, she also documented her trip to India.
There has been some documented success in the use of secretin given orally to children with autism.
Michael Savage is a self-proclaimed explosive talk show host whose fervor for passing judgment is well documented.
Five children in the study had preexisting developmental concerns that were documented.
Keep a wary eye on areas of the world where avian bird flu outbreaks are documented.
If your company is structured as a partnership, corporation or limited liability company (LLC), the decision to shut down must be made and documented in a manner consistent with the organization's bylaws or articles of incorporation.
The only instance where mileage really matters is when an original car with documented low mileage may be valued higher than another original model with more miles on it.
Only reported side effects are documented.
A good account of one such course of therapy is documented in Nancy Goodman's book It Was Food vs. Me ... and I Won.
The health benefits of exercise are thoroughly documented.
It is well documented that men participating in almost any form of exercise, whether it's submaximal bike riding or maximal resistance training, see an acute increase in testosterone in the hours following their workout.
All of the conditions must fall under certain criteria and must also be highly documented before a person is eligible to receive Social Security disability benefits.
Frankie Abernathy, an alum of the San Diego season, died of cystic fibrosis in 2007 after the show closely documented her illness.
The Hills - technically not celebrities until after the show begins, the lives of the cast members are documented as they go about their daily business.
A marriage, a break-up, a baby, and arrests have all been documented by the cameras and have only compelled viewers even more to tune in and watch what happens next with this family.
Four of the children's births have been documented and included in these programs.
Its format is very similar to that of Gene Simmons Family Jewels in that various events are documented as well as ordinary things that happen in the family's daily life.
The ins and outs of Charm City Cakes have been documented on Food Network since 2006.
Pollard's quest to find a mate was well documented on another VH1 dating reality show, Flavor of Love.
The episode documented the transformation of their tiny Wyomissing, Pennsylvania home to accommodate their large brood.
Bill's success in the world of business is well documented on The Little Couple, with numerous episodes featuring him struggling to balance career and family.
A television special was made that documented the designing and building of the home, called The Duggar Dream Home, which aired on TLC.
All of the unusual activity is reported and documented at this time.
Some of the rehab participants go on to enter an after-care facility, which is further documented in the show Sober House.
Sweeney wrote an autobiographical book in 2004 called All the Days of My Life (So Far), which documented her rise to fame, her struggles with her weight, and what it's like to work on a long-running soap opera.
When the series Deadliest Catch began in 2005 on the Discovery Channel, Captain Phil Harris and the Cornelia Marie were among the fishing vessels documented on the show.
A crowned beauty queen, she was featured on the MTV reality show Meet the Barkers which documented her daily activities with her husband Travis Barker.
Many documented cases of such time travel confirm travelers have accurately described events in each timeline visited.
While Gallery2 is well documented in terms of installation, configuration, and maintenance, it is also a relatively advanced level of server administration.
It has been documented that environmental factors such as air pollution can provoke or aggravate asthma symptoms in those who are already asthmatic.
James Arthur (jaa at arfa dot Clara dot net ). Documented the Photoshop-style truecolor blender routines.
However, in certain documented situations, a CAT may pose a danger to the user.
Background The spatial distribution of rice fallows in South Asia was documented using a GIS approach.
The pale green, he explained, was the color reported in the cases of documented green meteors.
Very little history is documented although it is believed the breed is probably descended from old black and tan and wheaten terriers.
That's "documented," not merely reported.
All of this means examples of atrocities by the government or by the mob are increasingly likely to be documented and publicized.
She was unable to pin him down on the cases of ours she'd documented earlier but he practically admitted he was personally responsible for all them and more.