Doctor Sentence Examples
The doctor called today to see if my condition had improved with the medication.
The doctor seemed tired and in a hurry.
The doctor says he is better.
Helen had a letter this morning from her uncle, Doctor Keller.
His health was better in the winter, but last spring his wound reopened and the doctor said he ought to go away for a cure.
Doctor gave her medicine to make her well, but poor Florence did not get well.
The doctor glanced at his watch.
When the doctor arrived, he had more bad news.
The doctor came every day, felt her pulse, looked at her tongue, and regardless of her grief-stricken face joked with her.
My father was a doctor.
AdvertisementThe doctor advised him to apply direct to Kutuzov.
The doctor thought I could not live.
He was evidently vexed and impatient for the talkative doctor to go.
When a new one comes he is done for in a week, said the doctor with evident satisfaction.
Her husband, the doctor, lay asleep behind her.
AdvertisementThey all glanced up expectantly as the doctor strode toward them and quietly gave them the bad news.
There was great rejoicing in the family that morning, but no one, not even the doctor, knew that I should never see or hear again.
Where did doctor find Guy and Prince?
He says he thinks he has a cold, but the doctor told me he could get pneumonia real easy.
It's a blog this doctor guy keeps.
AdvertisementAnother agonizing hour passed before a doctor finally came out to talk to them.
The doctor says I can go home tomorrow.
The doctor looked uncomfortable.
The doctor said they could find no reason for him to stay in a coma, except the possibility of brain damage from lack of oxygen or blood loss.
At Rostov's suggestion it was agreed that whoever became "King" should have the right to kiss Mary Hendrikhovna's hand, and that the "Booby" should go to refill and reheat the samovar for the doctor when the latter awoke.
AdvertisementHe sure wouldn't go to the doctor then.
The doctor shifted uncomfortably and glanced at Adrienne.
Something wasn't right, yet the doctor insisted he was doing fine.
The doctor says he should recover completely, though.
The doctor says her mind is too active; but how are we to keep her from thinking?
The doctor came out with an agitated face and said she could not enter.
Are you next of kin? a doctor asked, knocking on the door.
Never thought I'd say this, but I think I need a doctor.
Why didn't you just go to the doctor?
This was the celebrated Petersburg doctor, Lorrain.
The German doctor went up to Lorrain.
Captain Tushin, having given orders to his company, sent a soldier to find a dressing station or a doctor for the cadet, and sat down by a bonfire the soldiers had kindled on the road.
What evil and error are there in it, if people were dying of disease without help while material assistance could so easily be rendered, and I supplied them with a doctor, a hospital, and an asylum for the aged?
And hiding her face in her hands, Princess Mary sank into the arms of the doctor, who held her up.
The doctor went into the passage to wash his hands.
The doctor says it is angina pectoris.
If your Dad is feeling bad enough to warrant medical attention, he needs to see a doctor, not a nurse.
The doctor would learn he or she was treating the so-called psychic tipster but nothing else about the person's identity.
I so informed Mr. Cooms and between us, a patient doctor relationship was arranged for Howie.
For the first time, she noticed he wasn't wearing a doctor's white coat.
Maybe some miner lost his finger and when they rushed him to a doctor the severed piece was lost.
There's nothing else on the planet that forces you to really see and accept who you are as the day the doctor says you're dying.
The doctor said a sign she was deteriorating would be hallucinations.
The doctor smiled knowingly.
Finally, as Fourth Doctor of the Latin Church, Gregory claims the attention of theologians.
In 386 Siricius had protested against the attitude of Bishop Ithacius, the accuser of Priscillian, and this protest he resolutely maintained, although he disapproved of the doctrines taught by the Spanish doctor.
The French doctor held no taper; he was leaning against one of the columns in a respectful attitude implying that he, a foreigner, in spite of all differences of faith, understood the full importance of the rite now being performed and even approved of it.
In 1811 there was living in Moscow a French doctor--Metivier--who had rapidly become the fashion.
The doctor tried to stop her.
Pierre got out and talked to the doctor, explaining his intention of taking part in a battle.
Pierre stepped out of his carriage and, passing the toiling militiamen, ascended the knoll from which, according to the doctor, the battlefield could be seen.
When he had finished with the Tartar, whom they covered with an overcoat, the spectacled doctor came up to Prince Andrew, wiping his hands.
The doctor bent down over the wound, felt it, and sighed deeply.
Another man--Timokhin--was lying in a corner on the benches beneath the icons, and two others--the doctor and a valet--lay on the floor.
They were accompanied by a doctor, Prince Andrew's valet, his coachman, and two orderlies.
She had fallen ill unexpectedly a few days previously, had missed several gatherings of which she was usually ornament, and was said to be receiving no one, and instead of the celebrated Petersburg doctors who usually attended her had entrusted herself to some Italian doctor who was treating her in some new and unusual way.
He cried like a child when the doctor told him the case was dangerous.
She was supposed to call today about her doctor visit.
We're in a complicated situation, and we need a doctor.
I'm upset because you didn't go to the doctor.
The doctor says late December.
We're still waiting on the doctor to tell us if they're going to keep you overnight.
Urquiza at this juncture resigned the presidency, and Doctor Santiago Derqui was elected president of the fourteen provinces with the seat of government at Parana; while Urquiza became once more governor of Entre Rios, and Mitre was appointed governor of Buenos Aires.
He would never consent to become a "doctor," because he thought the title carried with it responsibilities to which he felt himself unequal.
Cynthia was staying at her mother's apartment with plans to visit the hospital first thing in the morning where she could speak with the doctor and learn more of her mother's condition.
Guard dogs trotted forward to sniff him and his men while a doctor in a blue government jumpsuit approached them, eyes pinned to the injured man carried between two others.
And bring you back, if I feel like it, the doctor said, stepping away.
The man who couldn't speak above a whisper pushed her down, silently concurring with the doctor.
Their gear was strung across three other beds, much to the doctor's irritation.
Harrigan was out interviewing Byrne's doctor and Rita's printed version of Mayer's interview was on Dean's desk when he returned.
The doctor had taken his sweet time seeing him, but had finally confirmed that Byrne was in excellent health.
The doctor suggested as much exercise could be gained by walking without the added risk of injury.
Couldn't he have gone to the doctor or the dentist or someplace?
If you're late enough to be concerned about pregnancy, you need to see the doctor.
Most of all, I don't want you to avoid the doctor when there could be something wrong.
Going to the doctor turned out to be unnecessary.
She sat in the doctor's office waiting for the results of the test, and when he came in smiling, she relaxed.
It was hard to believe the little nodule on the screen was actually a baby, but the doctor was certain.
I've been to the doctor and they even did an ultrasound.
Do you honestly think I haven't asked for more than one doctor's opinion?
I even went to another doctor just before we got married.
Maybe you should see another doctor.
I'm sure, but I'll go see another doctor if it will make you feel any better.
Why don't you go see the doctor again?
Once he saw the doctor, the entire issue would be settled.
Had he been to see the doctor yet?
And what if the doctor still insisted it was impossible?
Had he been to see the doctor, then?
Alex never said anything about seeing the doctor, and she was reluctant to ask.
I don't care what the doctor said about it.
Did you ever go to the doctor?
She'd better go to the doctor.
The doctor will be in to talk to you in a little while.
After all, a veterinarian was a doctor.
The doctor walked into the room and Alex looked relieved.
The doctor nodded and stepped into the hallway for a moment.
The doctor's voice droned on.
She returned her gaze back to the doctor.
The doctor turned red at her acidic tone and glanced at his chart.
Alex glanced at the doctor and then nodded.
Good. Have you seen a doctor?
Probably so, but you need to contact your doctor and let him know about this.
He was probably a doctor.
Sofi needs a doctor.
The doctor says I can take it out of the sling when I'm resting.
I'm taking him to the doctor.
Aaron told me he was taking him to the doctor because he had a broken nose.
She'll need to see a doctor in a couple of days for follow up shots, and you need to watch the bite wounds for signs of an infection.
It's like going to the doctor's office.
The technical high school, which since 1899 has possessed the right to confer the degree of doctor of engineering, practically enjoys academic status and so do the veterinary high school and the school of art.
But with a strange want of delicacy, to use the mildest term, she made love at the same time to a young Venetian doctor whom she had called in, by name Pagello.
On the 11th of May 1820 he took his doctor's degree; in the same year he qualified as Privatdozent at the university of Erlangen.
He took his doctor's degree in 1843, and almost immediately received an appointment as assistant-surgeon at the Charite Hospital, becoming pro-rector three years later.
He was, according to his enemies, the son of an apothecary, his father being in fact a doctor of medicine of respectable family, who kept a small drug store as part of the necessary outfit of a country practitioner.
In 1257, along with his friend Bonaventura, he was created doctor of theology, and began to give courses of lectures upon this subject in Paris, and also in Rome and other towns in Italy.
After a period of instruction in medicine by a doctor who also, according to Lucian, was an impostor, he succeeded in establishing an oracle of Aesculapius at his native town.
After being professor of philosophy at several provincial universities, he received the degree of doctor, and came to Paris in 1858 as master of conferences at the Ecole Normale.
In 1760 he renewed his political pamphleteering; and having obtained a pardon from George III., he proceeded to Dublin, where he received a popular welcome and a Doctor's degree from Trinity College.
The province of Buenos Aires was recognized as an independent state, and under the enlightened administration of Doctor Obligado made rapid strides in commercial prosperity.
The faculties of letters and sciences, besides granting the Baccalaurat de lenseignement secondaire, confer the degrees of licentiate and doctor (la Licence, le Doctoral).
The faculties of medicine confer the degree of doctor of medicine.
After attending the Cologne gymnasium, he entered the university of Berlin in 1844, and took his doctor's degree there three years later.
They appear in a document dating from 1341, where they are called "the Auschowitzer springs belonging to the abbey of Tepl;" but it was only through the efforts of Dr Josef Nehr, the doctor of the abbey, who from 1779 until his death in 1820 worked hard to demonstrate the curative properties of the springs, that the waters began to be used for medicinal purposes.
In 1853 he was appointed assistant, and in the following year won a doctor's degree with his treatise Nova elementa Thetidis.
His master clothed and fed him, paid his doctor's fees, but took all compensation paid for injury done to him.
If the assault only led to injury and was unintentional, the assailant in a quarrel had to pay the doctor's fees.
In 1872 he was elected master of conferences at the Ecole Normale, and was made doctor of philosophy in recognition of his two treatises, Platonis Hippias Minor sive Socratica contra liberum arbitrium argumenta and La Liberte et le determinisme.
He was ordained in 1523, and soon after he took his doctor's degree in divinity.
In Russia a prescription containing any of the poisons indicated in the schedules A and B in the Russian pharmacopoeia may not be repeated, except by order of the doctor.
A much more important work in the history of geographical method is the Geographia generalis of Bernhard Varenius, a German medical doctor of Leiden, who died at the age of twentyeight in 1650, the year of the publication of his book.
In the convent, his modesty was so great that he refused to accept the doctor's degree in theology, which is the highest prized honour in the order.
After taking orders he went (1770) to Rome, where he obtained the degree of doctor of theology and common law, and devoted himself enthusiastically to the study of the fine arts, especially of architecture and painting.
Probably in 1304 he went to Paris, in 1307 he received his doctor's degree from the university, and in the same year was appointed regent of the theological school.
It may be presumed that he took his degree, as he uses the title of "Syr" in his translation of Sallust, and in his will he is called doctor of divinity.
After his return he filled various educational offices, and took his doctor's degree with two theses, Quid Vestae cultus in institutis veterum privatis publicisque valuerit and Polybe, ou la Grece conquise par les Romains (1858).
Eight Red Cross ambulances, each with a doctor and attendant, were sent into the most malarious parts of the Campagna in 1900.
When nineteen he became the pupil of a doctor in Shrewsbury, also acting as dresser in the infirmary there.
He became a licentiate of arts in 1367, procurator of the French "nation" in 1372, bachelor of theology in 1372, and licentiate and doctor in that faculty in 1381.
His father, Jacob Stephen Hawker, was at that time a doctor, but afterwards curate and vicar of Stratton, Cornwall.
After obtaining the degree of doctor he returned to Ghent, and is said to have been the first to lecture there publicly on philosophy and theology.
He took the degree of doctor of theology, and seems to have received the complimentary title of doctor mirabilis.
In 1843 he became doctor of philosophy at Munich Observatory, where he was made professor in 1859.
After some hesitation between music and philosophy, he decided to make the latter the serious work of his life, and in 1867 the university of Rostock conferred on him the degree of doctor of philosophy.
In the Macarthy roller gin, the lint, drawn by a roller covered with leather (preferably walrus hide), is drawn between a metal plate called the " doctor " (fixed tangentially to the roller and very close to it) and a blade called the " beater " or knife, which rapidly moves up and down immediately behind, and parallel to, the fixed plate.
He studied theology, and won his doctor's degree by an edition of thirty-four chapters of Genesis from the Arabic version of the Samaritan Pentateuch.
In 1899 the university of Jena gave him the honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy for his work on Hegel.
After a brilliant college career, which made him doctor of laws and a qualified barrister at nineteen, he was appointed counsel to the Breton estates and in 1775 professor of ecclesiastical law at Rennes.
From Boniface he received the degree of doctor.
After serving an apprenticeship of six years with a doctor in Philadelphia, he went for two years to Edinburgh, where he attached himself chiefly to William Cullen.
He studied law at Pavia, and took the degree of doctor in 1831.
Weak health, consequent on over-study, prevented him from obtaining the highest academical honours, but he graduated as doctor in theology at the age of twenty-two, and then entered the Accademia dei Nobili ecclesiastici, a college in which clergy of aristocratic birth are trained for the diplomatic service of the Roman Church.
After receiving his early education at the Caroline academy of Stuttgart, he entered the university of Tubingen, where he received the degree of doctor of medicine.
In 1813 he became repetent at Göttingen, and in 1814 he received the degree of doctor in philosophy from Halle; in 1816 he removed to Berlin, where he became licentiate in theology, and qualified as privatdocent.
The Danish residents may include, besides a coloni-bestyrer and his assistant, a missionair or clergyman, at a few places also a doctor, and perhaps a carpenter and a schoolmaster.
He settled at Göttingen, where in 1764 he had been made professor extraordinarius, and doctor honoris causa in 1766, and in 1769 he was promoted to an ordinary professorship. In 1804 he was ennobled by the emperor Alexander I.
His daughter Dorothea, born on the 10th of August 1770, was one of the most beautiful and learned women of her time, and received in 1787 the degree of doctor.
Large metallic surfaces (especially external surfaces) are sometimes plated by means of a "doctor," which, in its simplest form, is a brush constantly wetted with the electrolyte, with a wire anode buried amid the hairs or bristles; this brush is painted slowly over the surface of the metal to be coated, which must be connected to the negative terminal of the electrical generator.
In 1838 he received the degree of doctor, and became professor of philosophy at Rennes.
As early as 1655 the university of Angers had distinguished him with an honorary degree of doctor of laws.
Quite in the great doctor's spirit is Cicero's counsel to his son, to hear what the philosophers had to say, but to decide for himself as a man of the world.
Late in the same year, accordingly, he entered the medical school of Padua, where he remained until 1505, having taken meanwhile a doctor's degree in canon law at Ferrara on the 31st of May 1503.
In 1850 he returned to Göttingen and began to prepare his doctor's dissertation, busying himself meanwhile with "Naturphilosophic" and experimental physics.
But, if his truculent character was thus early displayed, his abilities were no less conspicuous; and, though still in his teens, he became lecturer on the Humanities at Tournai, whence, after but a short stay, he returned to Paris, to take his degree of doctor of canon law, and become regent of the college of Navarre.
After studying law at the university of Budapest he graduated doctor juris.
In 1844, having graduated as doctor of medicine and doctor of science, he was appointed to organize the new faculty of science at Besancon, where he acted as dean and professor of chemistry from 1845 to 1851.
Its graduates also give lectures on the various branches of medicine and science requisite for the degree of doctor of medicine, and those extra-academical courses are recognized, under certain restrictions, by the University Court, as qualifying for the degree.
Hayes in 1877, and Varina Anne (1864-1898), better known as "Winnie" Davis, the "daughter of the Confederacy," who was the author of several books, including A Sketch of the Life of Robert Emmet (1888), a novel, The Veiled Doctor (1895), and A Romance of Summer Seas (1898).
The good doctor had travelled much, and the reading of his itineraries and note-books awakened such a longing for travel in the young Holberg that at last, at the close of 1704, having scraped together 60 dollars, he went on board a ship bound for Holland.
The name doctor scholasticus was applied originally to any teacher in such an ecclesiastical gymnasium, but gradually the study of dialectic or logic overshadowed the more elementary disciplines, and the general acceptation of " doctor " came to be one who occupied himself with the teaching of logic. The philosophy of the later Scholastics is more extended in its scope; but to the end of the medieval period philosophy centres in the discussion of the same logical problems which began to agitate the teachers of the 9th and 1 oth centuries.
So great, however, did his achievement seem that he was honoured with the titles of Doctor irrefragabilis and Theologorum monarcha.
On this account he was called " the Universal Doctor."
The chief characteristic of this criticism is well expressed in the name bestowed on Duns by his contemporaries - Doctor subtilis.
But the name with which the Nominalism of the 14th century is historically associated is that of the " Invincible Doctor," William of Occam William of who, (q.v.),, as the, author of a doctrine which came occam to be almost universally accepted, received from his followers the title Venerabilis inceptor.
Fay's singular powers in this direction were well shown by his Jdvor orvos es Bakator Ambrus szolgdja (Doctor Javor and his servant Ambrose Bakator), brought out at Pest in 1855.
For Geber, in Syriac, is a name applied to men, and is sometimes a term of honour, as master or doctor among us.
Doctor Drinkovic, leader of the Dalmatian clericals, openly declared that " in the Balkan sun we see the dawn of our day!"
Doctor Tresic-Pavicic, the DalmatianCroat deputy, was informed by one of the judges who examined him that over 5,000 had been imprisoned in Dalmatia, Istria and Carniola.
In the single internment camp of Arad there were 3,400 deaths among the victims from Bosnia alone; and Father Nikolic, a Catholic priest from Istria, testified to having himself buried over 2,000 Istrian victims, and Doctor Martinovic to a knowledge of 8,000 fatal cases in the Styrian camps.
The growing self-confidence of the Austrian Sla y s was shown by the bluntness of their refusal to cooperate with the new Premier, Doctor von Seidler, whose offer of portfolios to their leaders drew from Count Tisza a strong protest in the Hungarian Parliament.
He studied at Erfurt and in Italy, where he took his degree of doctor utriusque juris at Ferrara and devoted himself more especially to the study of Greek.
In any case the doctor had expected more help from a professed patron of literature, and wrote the earl the famous letter in defence of men of letters.
The candidate whose work is notified as tres bien is admitted to the examinations at Hue, which qualify for the title of doctor and the holding of administrative offices.
Ibrahim and the doctor Abdullah developed into the conquering empire of the Murabits, or, as Christian writers call them, the Almoravides, and there still, among the Berbers, the marabouts enjoy extraordinary influence, being esteemed as living saints and mediators.
The wound was trifling and would probably have been cured with ease if he had been allowed to employ an English doctor whom he trusted.
Jerome says that Apollos was so dissatisfied with the division at Corinth, that he retired into Crete with Zenas, a doctor of the law; and that the schism having been healed by Paul's letter to the Corinthians, Apollos returned to the city, and became its bishop. Less probable traditions assign to him the bishopric of Duras, or of Iconium in Phrygia, or of Caesarea.
For his degree as doctor he presented a thesis on the Histoire poetique de Charlemagne (1865).
He was educated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, and afterwards studied at the university of Paris, where in the year 1581 he was made a doctor of the civil law.
Two years later he was admitted to the same degree at Oxford, and also became doctor of the canon law.
The polytechnic institute (Technische Hochschule) in 1899 acquired the privilege of conferring the degree of doctor of technical science.
This area is divided into four sections, each having a doctor and a superintendent attached to it.
In 1732 he was named one of a committee for establishing a colony in Georgia, and the next year he received the degree of doctor of divinity from Oxford.
He continued his studies, and after obtaining the doctor's degree at the Sorbonne, he was appointed teacher of German in the Ecole militaire at St Cyr, and shortly afterwards, professor of foreign literatures at Douai.
He studied for the priesthood, but abandoned the idea before ordination, and took the diploma of doctor of letters (1860).
He qualified as a doctor of medicine in London in 1827.
Thus it is applied in connexion with casuistry for the view that the layman in difficult matters of conscience may safely follow a doctrine inculcated by a recognized doctor of the church.
He studied at Basel and at Neuchatel, and when thirteen years of age took the degree of doctor in philosophy.
With a view to a change he took the degree of doctor of theology in Wittenberg in August 1812.
He entered the order of the Dominicans at the age of sixteen, and ten years later became doctor of theology at Padua, where he was subsequently professor of metaphysics.
In 1759, for his literary and more particularly his scientific attainments, he received the freedom of the city of Edinburgh and the degree of doctor of laws from the university of St Andrews.
In 1751 the university of Tubingen conferred upon him the degree of doctor of divinity.
From its bracing qualities this wind, which blows in the summer, is known as the "Cape Doctor."
Robert Waring Darwin (1766-1848), his third son by his first marriage, a doctor at Shrewsbury, was the father of the famous Charles Darwin; and Violetta, his eldest daughter by his second marriage, was the mother of Francis Galton.
He studied at Berlin University, where he obtained the degree of doctor of philosophy in 1825, his thesis being an analytical discussion of the theory of fractions.
His services to education in Scotland were now recognized by the conferment of the honorary degree of doctor of laws by the university of Edinburgh in 1871.
By the middle of the r3th century many lawyers took the degree of doctor of both laws (J.U.D.), civil and canon, and practised both.
After working as a vine-dresser and then as a goldsmith he became a travelling doctor, and displayed great skill in disputations on medical subjects; but his controversial power soon found a wider field for its exercise in the great theological question of the time.
In 1594 he was appointed professor of theology at Leiden, and before going thither received from the university of Heidelberg the degree of doctor.
He had a great reception in England in 1907, when he went over to receive from Oxford the degree of Doctor of Literature.
In 1744 he graduated as a doctor of medicine; he became physician in ordinary to the king, and afterwards his first consulting physician, and was installed in the palace of Versailles.
Late in life, in 1518, he began the study of jurisprudence at the university of Basel, and in 1519 took the degree of doctor juris.
Entering the Cistercian cloister Bolbonne, and graduating doctor of theology at Paris, he became in 1311 abbot of Fontfroide, in 1317 bishop of Pamiers and in 1326 of Mirepoix.
Marat was soon in great request as a court doctor among the aristocracy; and even Brissot, in his Memoires, admits his influence in the scientific world of Paris.
He received the honorary degree of doctor of divinity from Glasgow University in 1885.
He returned to Erfurt in 1514 or 1515, was ordained priest, and in 1518 was promoted doctor in both faculties and appointed to a wellendowed canonry in the church of St Severus, to which a profes sorship of law was attached.
He then took his doctor's degree, and in 1826 became professor of theology at Munich, where he spent the rest of his life.
Dellinger was almost unanimously elected rector-magnificus of the university of Munich, and Oxford, Edinburgh and Marburg universities conferred upon him the honorary degree of doctor of laws and Vienna that of philosophy.
In 1808 he obtained the degree of doctor in divinity, which was given him as a reward for his theological writings.
In 1762 the senatus academicus of Glasgow conferred on him the honorary degree of doctor of laws.
Now Mark Napier found in the library of the university of Edinburgh a mathematical work bearing a sentence in Latin which he translates, " To Doctor John Craig of Edinburgh, in Scotland, a most illustrious man, highly gifted with various and excellent learning, professor of medicine, and exceedingly skilled in the mathematics, Tycho Brahe bath sent this gift, and with his own hand written this at Uraniburg, 2d November 1588."
Against such a destiny D'Israeli's mind strongly revolted; and he carried his poem, with a letter earnestly appealing for advice and assistance, to Samuel Johnson; but when he called again a week after to receive an answer, the packet was returned unopened - the great Doctor was on his.
He took up medical studies by the advice of the anatomist Felix Vicq d'Azyr (1748-1794), and after many difficulties caused by lack of means finally in 1780 obtained his doctor's diploma.
He graduated as bachelor of canon law at Valencia in 1591, and in 1598 took his degree as doctor of canon law; in the latter year he was appointed co-examiner in canon law at Valencia University, and held the post for six years.
Henry Vaughan, the Silurist, at one time practised here as a doctor of medicine.
He was given the degree of Doctor of Letters in the university of Calcutta and accepted a knighthood in 1915, but addressed a letter to the Viceroy in 1919, resigning the title as a protest against the methods adopted for the repression of disturbances in the Punjab.
If he marries, it is to have children who may celebrate them after his death; if he has no children, he lies under the strongest obligation to adopt them from another family, ` with a view,' writes the Hindu doctor, ` to the funeral cake, the water and the solemn sacrifice.'" "May there be born in our lineage," so the Indian Manes are supposed to say, "a man to offer to us, on the thirteenth day of the moon, rice boiled in milk, honey and ghee."
The fourth and last school - the "laxists" - carried this principle a step farther, and held that a practice must be unobjectionable, if it could prove that any one "grave Doctor" had defended it; even if dancing on Sunday had hitherto lain under the ban of the church, a single casuist could legitimate it by one stroke of his pen.
He entered the Franciscan order at Verneuil about 1300, and studied at Paris, where, becoming a doctor some time before 1309, he taught for many years.
The young son of a doctor from the colonies proved too fond of this world to, stomach his Athenian master's philosophy of the supernatural..
On his return to Rome, about 1622, he took his degree as Doctor utriusque juris, and then became captain of infantry in the regiment of Colonna, which took part in the war in the Valtelline.
In 1539, as representative to the chapter-general of his order he visited Rome; here he was made doctor of theology, and while he mixed with the liberal circle associated with Juan de Valdes, he had also the confidence of Paul III.
His ability earned for him the titles of Doctor Facundus and Doctor Abundans.
He was in 1762 ordained minister of the church of Kirkcudbright, a position which he soon resigned; in 1767 the degree of doctor in divinity was conferred on him by Marischal College, Aberdeen.
In 1849 he took the degree of doctor of letters with two theses, one of which, Wala et Louis le Debonnaire (published in Paris in 1849), placed him in the front rank of French scholars in the province of Carolingian history.
The educational institutions are numerous and of a high order, including a technical high school (with about 1100 students), which enjoys the privilege of conferring the degrees of doctor of engineering, doctor of technical sciences, &c., a veterinary college, a political-economic institution (Gehestiftung), with library, a school of architects, a royal and four municipal gymnasia, numerous lower grade and popular schools, the royal conservatorium for music and drama, and a celebrated academy of painting.
He graduated in law (bachelor, 1665, doctor, 1670), but made medicine his profession, and "became noted for his practice therein, especially in the summer time, in the city of Bath."
He studied at Leiden university, and graduated in 1823 both as doctor of literature and LL.D.
He took the degree of doctor of law at Leiden, and entered on practice as an advocate.
After a course of legal studies he spent several years in theological study at Strassburg, where he graduated doctor in theology in 1843, and was ordained.
Two kinds of degrees are conferred, namely, the ordinary (candidaats) and the " doctor's " degrees.
He consulted the older and graver Laurentius Andreae, who told him how "Doctor Martinus had clipped the wings of the pope, the cardinals and the big bishops," which could not fail to be pleasing intelligence to a monarch who was never an admirer of episcopacy, while the rich revenues of the church, accumulated in the course of centuries, were a tempting object to the impecunious ruler of an impoverished people.
He received the degree of doctor of laws from the university of La 'Sapienza, but archaeology gradually absorbed his attention, and with the view of obtaining better opportunities for his researches in 1798 he took orders.
He was educated at Merton College, Oxford, where he took the degree of doctor of divinity, and acquired the reputation of a profound scholar, a skilful mathematician and an able divine.
An old quack doctor named Levett, who had a wide practice, but among the very poorest class, poured out Johnson's tea in the morning and completed this strange menagerie.
One scribbler abused Johnson for being blear-eyed, another for being a pensioner; a third informed the world that one of the doctor's uncles had been convicted of felony in Scotland, and had found that there was in that country one tree capable of supportin the weight of an Englishman.
After a time, however, he resumed his studies, and in 1559 he took his doctor's degree.
He was educated at the university of Turin, where he qualified as an engineer and became a doctor of mathematics.
The publication of Doctor Akakia, which brought down upon the president of the Academy a storm of ridicule, finally alienated Frederick; while Voltaire's wrongs culminated in the famous arrest at Frankfort, the most disagreeable elements of which were due to the misunderstanding of an order by a subordinate official.
But in 1831 for the Doctor's degree the faculty substituted, following British custom, the degree of Master of Arts.
The college now grants the degrees of "Bachelor of Arts," "Cultural Bachelor of Science" and "Vocational Bachelor of Science"; the Department of Graduate Studies, the degrees of "Graduate in a School," "Master of Arts," "Master of Science" and "Doctor of Philosophy"; the Department of Law, the degree of "Bachelor of Laws"; the Department of Medicine, the degree of "Doctor of Medicine"; the Department of Engineering, the degrees of "Civil Engineer," "Mechanical Engineer," "Electrical Engineer," "Mining Engineer" and "Chemical Engineer"; and the Department of Agriculture, the degree of "Bachelor of Science in Agriculture."
John, whom he was still helping, was trying unsuccessfully to set up as a doctor in London; and Alexander's farming failed.
He was educated at the University of Halle, and was made doctor of philosophy in recognition of his thesis De Xenophane, Zenone et Gorgia.
For some time he edited the Hyp Doctor, a weekly paper established in opposition to the Craftsman, and for this service he enjoyed a pension of 100 a year from Sir Robert Walpole.
He received the degree of doctor of civil law in 1520, and of canon law in the following year.
In 1659 he was called to Steinfurt to fill the chair of dogmatics and ecclesiastical history, and in the same year he became doctor of theology of Heidelberg.
The candidate first took an " oath that he had complied with all the statutable conditions, that he would give no more than the statutable fees or entertainments to the rector himself, the doctor or his fellow-students, and that he would obey the rector."
On the morning of the examination, after attending mass, he was assigned by one of the doctors of the assembled college two passages (puncta) in the civil or canon law, which he retired to his house to study, possibly with the assistance of the presenting doctor.
The student desiring to proceed to the doctorate is free from examinations thereafter until he presents his thesis for the doctor's degree,' when, if it is accepted, he is submitted to a public oral examination not only in his principal subject (Haupt f ach), but also as a rule in two or more collateral subjects (Nebenfeicher).
The doctor's degree does not give the right to teach in a faculty (venia legendi).
For the doctor's degree (where this is not an honorary distinction) a thesis or dissertation is generally, though not in.
Kaotsung (650-683, the devout patron also of the Buddhist traveller and doctor, Hstlan Ts'ang), it is added, continued to favour the new faith.
In his youth he was employed in the service of Count Ulrich of Manderscheid, who, seeing in him evidence of exceptional ability, sent him to study at the school of the Brothers of the Common Life at Deventer, and afterwards at the university of Padua, where he took his doctor's degree in law in his twenty-third year.
He became Doctor of Divinity and pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church at Beesd in 1863, and in 1870 moved to Amsterdam, where he became in 1876 leader of the anti-Revolutionary party which aimed at the restoration of strictly Calvinistic doctrine in the guidance of State affairs.
From 1839 to 1845 Wolfgang studied law at Bonn, Jena, Heidelberg and Berlin, taking his degree of doctor juris at Heidelberg in 1845.
He graduated as Doctor of the Holy Scripture, took the Wittenberg doctor's oath to defend the evangelical truth vigorously (viriliter), became a member of the Wittenberg Senate, and three weeks later succeeded Staupitz as professor of theology.
From Gottingen he proceeded to Berlin, where he graduated in 1833 as doctor with the thesis De tabulis Eugubinis.
He had meanwhile obtained the degree of doctor of theology from Erlangen, and was clever enough to persuade the Erfurt authorities to appoint him professor designate of theology.
The doctor, in turn, sold it to Sir John Wynn, of Glynllifon and Bodfean Hall, Carnarvonshire.
He studied mathematics and physics in his native town, Groningen, where in 1879 he took his doctor's degree on presenting a dissertation entitled New Proofs of the Earth's Rotation.
He graduated as doctor of theology at Lerida in 1374, and his sermons in the cathedral of Valencia from 1385 onwards soon became famous.
On his return from a journey to Dalmatia, for the purpose of selecting and fortifying the port of Trieste, he was nominated, November 1703, Savilian professor of geometry at Oxford, and received an honorary degree of doctor of laws in 1710.
In 1756 he graduated as doctor in theology, and began authorship with a theological treatise.
It has some unimportant manufactures; the chief industry is in wine, of which Berncastler Doctor enjoys great repute.
He was then sent to Europe to complete his studies, first in Madrid, where he became a doctor of medicine, and later in Germany, where he received the degree of Ph.D.
A strange mystification was practised by the last named, a scholar of singular brilliancy, who claimed to have a mutilated MS. which he called his Decurtatus, bought from a common soldier who had obtained it from a sacked monastery; also to have been furnished by a friend, Pierre de Crouzeil, a doctor of Limoges, with variants taken from an old MS. found at Noyon, and entered in the margin of a copy of the Lyons edition.
The probability is that Abdarrahman was ill when returning from the frontier, that Moawiya sent him his own medical man, the Christian doctor Ibn Othal, and that the rumour arose that the doctor had poisoned him.
In 1415 he accompanied the general of his order to the Council of Constance, whence he proceeded to Paris for study, and took his doctor's degree in 1423.
Boghurst, a contemporary doctor, notices that it crept down Holborn and took six months to travel from the western suburbs (St Giles) to the eastern (Stepney) through the city.
The traveller's history, not least in China, singularly illustrates the free masonry of Islam, and its power of carrying a Moslem doctor over the known world of Asia and Africa.
He began as a doctor in one of the poorest districts of Paris, but soon abandoned medicine for scientific research.
He continued his studies at Berlin and Bonn, and, having graduated doctor juris, attended lectures at the Ecole de Droit in Paris.
There are a large American Mission with schools, orphanage and a resident doctor, a French (Dominican) Mission with schools, and also a branch of the archbishop of Canterbury's Mission to the Nestorian Christians who live in the mountains to the south.
Whatever a grave doctor said must have some solid reasons behind it - aliqua niti probabilitate - and humble lay-folk could act upon it without a twinge of conscience.
The town possesses a technical high school, having (since 1900) power to confer the degree of doctor of engineering, and attended by about 2000 students, two gymnasia, a school of agriculture, an artisans' school and a botanical garden.
The doctor is a teacher in school or university; he is an elder and assists in the work of government.
He studied the civil law first of all under Cinus at Perugia, and afterwards under Oldradus and Jacobus de Belvisio at Bologna, where he was promoted to the degree of doctor of civil law in 1334.
That a person might be used as a valet who was not really a valet is shown by Louvois having told Saint-Mars in 1666 (June 4) that Fouquet's old doctor, Pecquet, was not to be allowed to serve him "soit dans sa profession, soit dans le mestier d'un simple valet."
He was educated at the Maronite college in Rome, and, after taking his doctor's degree in theology and philosophy, returned for a time to his native land.
On the morning of the 21st September he rose and sat down alone to breakfast; shortly afterwards his doctor called and found him dead in his chair.
He was a member of the Old Testament Revision Committee (1876-1884) and examining chaplain to the bishop of Southwell (1884-1904); received the honorary degrees of doctor of literature of Dublin (1892),(1892), doctor of divinity of Glasgow (1901), doctor of literature of Cambridge (1905); and was elected a fellow of the British Academy in 1902.
The courses are long, ranging from six to nine years; and the degrees are those of candidate, licentiate and doctor.
Under the third minister (1289-1291), a Jewish doctor named Sad addaula (ed-Dowleh), religious troubles arose owing to his persecution.
At the Sorbonne he acquired a great reputation for ability in discussion, and was known as the Doctor Illuminatus and Magister Acutus.
His academic career was so rapidly successful that at the age of twenty-four he was already doctor and professor of theology.
He received the degree of doctor of law in 1836, and in 1838 that of doctor of letters with a thesis on Dante, which was the beginning of one of his best-known books.
The Lady Dufferin hospital is under the charge of an English lady doctor, with two female assistants.
In 1826 he graduated as doctor of medicine with a dissertation on the Rhamnaceae; but the career which he adopted was botanical, not medical.
He continued to study history in London, and at Berlin and Gottingen, graduating as doctor of laws at Gottingen in 1816.
In 1848 he began to study law in Madrid, but soon elected to compete for admittance at the school of philosophy and letters, where he took the degree of doctor in 1853.
He graduated as a doctor of medicine in Vienna, and became in 1854 professor of botany and natural history at the medical and surgical military academy in that city.
In 1828 the first volume of Hengstenberg's Christologie des Alten Testaments passed through the press; in the autumn of that year he became professor ordinarius in theology, and in 1829 doctor of theology.
He became more and more attracted to the study of Plato and Aristotle, and his doctor's dissertation (1826) was an attempt to reach through Aristotle's criticisms a more accurate knowledge of the Platonic philosophy (Platonis de ideis et numeris doctrina ex Aristotele illustrate).
The list of his works of fiction includes The Stolen Bacillus and other Stories (1895), The Wonderful Visit (1895), The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896), The Plattner Story and Others (1897), When the Sleeper Wakes (1899), The First Men in the Moon (1901), The Food of the Gods (1904), In the Days of the Comet (1906), The War in the Air (1908), Anne Veronica (1909), The History of Mr Polly (191 0).
Besides these mystical persons there are in the Tibetan church other ranks and degrees, corresponding to the deacon, full priest, dean and doctor of divinity in the West.
In 1649 he obtained the degree of doctor of physic, and was soon after elected a fellow of Brasenose College.
In 1537 he took his doctor's degree at Montpellier, lectured on the Greek text of Hippocrates, and next year made a public anatomical demonstration.
Criticism of a scattered kind on Rabelais in English is abundant, that of Coleridge being the most important, while the constant evidence of his influence in Southey's Doctor is also noteworthy.
At Louvain he pursued philosophy, theology and canon law, becoming a doctor of theology (1491), dean of St Peter's and vice-chancellor of the university.
Giacomo della Chiesa was educated in the seminary and at the university of Genoa, where he took his degree as Doctor of Law in 1875.
He went, like most of the scholars of his day, to study at Paris, where he took the degree of doctor and became celebrated as a teacher.
He refused, however, to renounce his degree of doctor, and was the first of his order who continued to bear that title after initiation.
The first is a very graceful poem presented together with a distaff to Theugenis, wife of Nicias, a doctor of Miletus, on the occasion of a voyage thither undertaken by the poet.
The chief agents in their dispersal were the Doctor Orazio Melzi who possessed them in the last quarter of the 16th century; the members of a Milanese family called Mazzenta, into whose hands they passed in Orazio Melzi's lifetime; and the sculptor Pompeo Leoni, who at one time entertained the design of procuring their presentation to Philip II.
He became aspirant repetiteur at the lycee of Rheims in 1853, and after holding several intermediate positions was appointed in 1862 to the professorship of chemistry in Sens lycee, where he prepared the thesis on electromotive force which gained him his doctor's degree at Paris in the following year.
For a short time he practised as a doctor in ' Wales, but gave up his profession in order to continue his philosophical studies in Germany and France.
As the land becomes higher, the dwellings improve; but, despite the presence of a doctor in each commune, disease is everywhere rife.
He also studied at Poitiers, at Toulouse and at Paris, where he was made doctor of laws in 1553.
The doctor got worse and worse, and in the middle of April he had unwillingly to submit to be carried in a rude litter.
By the Arab slavers whom he opposed he was also greatly admired, and was by them styled "the very great doctor."
He was a Jubilee Doctor of Upsala, 1877, and received the Danish order of the Dannebrog in 1885.
The latter process, which was known to Basil Valentine, was commercially applied by the quack doctor, Joshua Ward (1685-1761), of Twickenham, England, to the manufacture of the acid, which was known as "oil of vitriol made by the bell" or per campanum.
On Franklin's recommendation he was made a doctor of divinity by the university of Edinburgh in 1765; he had received a master's degree at Harvard in 1754, and was made doctor of divinity in 1780 by Dartmouth and in 1784 by the college of New Jersey (now Princeton University) .
In 1784 he was appointed professor of Oriental languages and hermeneutics in the university of Lemberg, when he took the degree of doctor of divinity; and shortly afterwards he was released from his monastic vows on the intervention of the emperor.
In 1872 he had been given the honorary degree of doctor of philosophy by Munich University; in 1888 Cambridge gave him the honorary degree of LL.D., and in 1889 Oxford the D.C.L.; and in 1890 he was made a fellow of All Souls.
Since Wydiffe was, above all things, the enemy of the political clergy of high estate, and since those clergy were precisely the leaders of the attack upon John of Gaunt, it came to pass that hatred of a common, foe drew the duke and the doctor together for a space.
He was also the author of a translation of The Confessions of the Incomparable Doctor St Augustine, which led him into controversy.
He studied at Tubingen, where he became doctor of philosophy in 1840 and Privatdozent in 1848.
Having obtained the degree of doctor of letters in 1877 with a Latin thesis upon C. Asinius Pollion and a French one upon Giacomo Leopardi (whose works he subsequently translated into French), he made a study of parliamentary oratory during the French Revolution, and published two volumes upon Les Orateurs de la constituante (1882) and upon Les Orateurs de la legislative et de la convention (1885).
Nevertheless, although known among his friends as " Doctor Locke," he never graduated in medicine.
Four years later he received the degree of doctor of theology at Avignon, and in 1617 he took holy orders.
He entered the university of Leipzig in 1841 as a student of theology, but graduated as doctor philosophiae, and from 1847 devoted himself entirely to journalism and literature.
In London, where he had taken up his abode, together with Arese, Fialin (says Persigny), Doctor Conneau and Vaudrey, he was at first well received in society, being on friendly terms with Count d'Orsay and Disraeli, and frequenting the salon of Lady Blessington.
He became a Cistercian at the monastery of Paradiz in Poland, and was sent by the abbot to the university of Cracow, where he became master in philosophy and doctor of theology.
A generation back the astrologer would not have been hidden behind a curtain, but have taken precedence of the doctor.
His opinions exposed him to a prosecution, and with the help of Bishop Atterbury, then in exile in Paris, he took refuge in England, where he was presented by the university of Oxford with a doctor's degree.
He studied anatomy and medicine at the university of Pisa, where he took his doctor's degree in 1551, and in 1555 became professor of materia medica and director of the botanical garden.
In 1502 he became prebendary of Salisbury, in 1505 prebendary of St Paul's, and immediately afterwards dean of the same cathedral, having previously taken the degree of doctor of divinity.
In 1845 he published his Prolegomena zur Theologie des Allen Testaments, accepted an invitation to Breslau and received the degree of doctor from Bonn.
His fiction includes Mr Blake's Walking Stick (1869), for children; The Hoosier Schoolmaster (1871); The End of the World (1872); The Mystery of Metropolisville (1873); The Circuit Rider (1874); Rosy (1878); The Hoosier Schoolboy (1883); The Book of Queer Stories (1884), for children; The Graysons (1888), an excellent novel; The Faith Doctor (1891); and Duf f els (1893), short stories.
He gave early proofs of rare talent, and after studying at the university of Pavia he passed as doctor of law in 1789.
In 1852 his book on Averroes had brought him not only his doctor's degree, but his first reputation as a thinker.
By the kindness of a friend named Richter, he was enabled to resume his university career, and in the autumn of that year he graduated as doctor and qualified as privatdocent.
He was also given the degrees of doctor of divinity of Edinburgh and Yale, and doctor of laws of Aberdeen.
He studied at the university of Halle, where he took his doctor's degree in 1826 and became extraordinary professor of physics in 5828.
Laughter from the lobby roused him from the deep thought trance he had been in since the phone call from the doctor.
He did that sometimes when another doctor was available.
The doctor called today.
The doctor hasn't told us yet.
Pneumonia, the doctor said, confirming Alex's fears.
The doctor said they tried unsuccessfully to stop labor, but the babies are healthy and big enough.
Two weeks was hardly long enough for the media to forget the arrest of a prominent doctor's son for selling drugs.
I'll try to locate an appropriate doctor if you wish.
While I hadn't known Howie's doctor was a female, I was quite sure she understood far more than naive Howie.
He spent half the afternoon on the phone with his psychiatrist doctor.
A doctor emerged soon after, hesitating as his gaze swept over the room full of massive, bristling men, until Linda came forward.
The doctor said that he thought it might be psychological and Carmen asked if it was possible that he would recover faster at home.
I am curious, doctor, did you know she would come to you or did you stumble upon her?
In fact, if she'd stayed away from the beach this weekend altogether and had dinner with her doctor instead of causing her boyfriend to be eaten by a demon, she wouldn't be facing an Immortal mood beast or teaching Immortal children not to feed humans rocks.
His hands traveled up her legs with the expertise and gentleness of a doctor, all the while spreading the soft coolness through her.
Major Brady was staring hard at the doctor, as if ready to pounce if he raised the adrenaline charge gun again.
Dean finished the interview by obtaining the names of Jeffrey Byrne's doctor and insurance agent although, according to his wife, Byrne seldom visited a doctor and the only life insurance he carried was whatever his employer provided.
The doctor told Dean his stepfather was too ornery to suffer any lasting effects from his ordeal.
If god meant for them to have children, they would – no matter what the doctor said.
If god doesn't want us to have children, we won't – and not because some doctor said we can't.
Grudgingly, she set up an appointment with the doctor.
The cardiology team at Ealing Hospital has been awarded the prestigious accolade of Cardiology Team of the Year 2013 by Hospital Doctor Magazine.
So many drugs the doctor can give you can have harmful side effects considering a natural alternative is often a better and popular option.
The doctor said it was beneficial bacteria.
There was a conscientious objection clause for medical staff, with a provision for the patient to be referred to another doctor.
If anything looks abnormal inside your bladder, your doctor will want to take tissue samples.
But when a BNP website mistakenly accused him of being that very same doctor, his horror turned to fury.
In some sense too rigid adherence to the " own doctor " principal may not be good.
The doctor will measure the blood cortisol which is a hormone produced by the adrenals.
She had gone back to the doctor and had an amniocentesis done.
If you become pregnant while taking amoxicillin, call your doctor.
See your doctor when you first get angina symptoms, or if the angina symptoms, or if the angina becomes worse or occurs more often.
Show your yellow book to any new Hospital Doctor or to your Dentist to remind them you take anticoagulants.
In temporal arteritis your doctor may need to take a biopsy of a blood vessel in your scalp for diagnosis.
The doctor will use a small telescope (called an arthroscope) to look inside your knee.
As such, he follows in the wake of several other aspirants, including Doctor Frankenstein and Hawthorne's various alchemists.
I had a dish my doctor says I should eat frequently, grilled aubergines stuffed with tomatoes.
Finally last august, my new doctor told me that I did have lupus.
During an angioplasty procedure, a doctor inserts a catheter with a deflated balloon at its tip into the blockage in the artery.
To think about the roles involved, we use the metaphor of a barefoot statistician, itself based on the " barefoot statistician, itself based on the " barefoot doctor " .
The part near the end where The Doctor is walking through the spinning blades, it's wonderful.
Therefore, the use of potassium supplements for lowering blood pressure should only be done under the care of a doctor.
In addition her blood pressure had so improved that her doctor could consider reducing her blood pressure medication.
Further blood tests Your doctor will arrange routine blood tests to check your general health.
In winter three scientists and five support personnel, including a boatman, doctor and base commander will staff the station.
The episode also provides a rather good alien spacecraft which certainly bodes well for the return of Doctor Who in 2005.
Talk to your doctor about any side effect that seems unusual or that is especially bothersome.
If these symptoms persist or become bothersome, inform your doctor.
Bronchoscopy A tube called a bronchoscope is put into the airway and, using an eyepiece, the doctor can see into the airways.
This is a cracking story about a New Zealand doctor who is opening a brothel in his old medical center.
A young brunette goes into the doctor's office and says that her body hurts wherever she touches it.
I was informed that it is better for a daughter to marry a businessman than a doctor or lawyer.
But new evidence from a Finnish doctor shows that statins don't lower ce from a Finnish doctor shows that statins don't lower cholesterol which, in any c...
The doctor is normally the person responsible for inserting an intravenous cannula.
The doctor aims the laser exactly onto the posterior lens capsule in order to cut away a small circle shaped area.
A young child absolutely captivated by the magic of Doctor Who.
Doctor, is it right that taking an aspirin a day prevents cataracts?
The doctor was sworn one of the king's chaplains by the Earl of Manchester, Lord Chamberlain, who truly honored him.
So before using chitosan, Ron should consult his doctor.
Sir James Simpson was an Edinburgh doctor who discovered chloroform.
Constant craving According to naturopathic doctor Joseph Mercola, some people find that chromium may also help control sugar and carbohydrate cravings.
While you are having lomustine, do not take cimetidine without telling your doctor first.
However, after a quick cutaway to the Doctor and Ace, the wall has vanished completely by the next shot.
The women were then examined by a doctor to determine the presence of genital cutting.
If you are taking cyclosporine, speak to your doctor before taking XENICAL.
Your doctor will then arrange for you to have a cystoscopy.
The doctor's unraveling of the voting man's motives highlights his own internal deconstruction.
Unfortunately the others were sadly deluded over the best Doctor Who - it's Jon Pertwee, clearly.
The doctor returned and found the man looking very depressed.
Are you a doctor or physiotherapist with an interest in swimming, or know of anyone who fits this description?
The doctor or diabetes educator can advise you how to treat diabetes during illness.
For more specific advice ask your doctor to refer you to a state registered dietitian.
For further advice ask your Christie doctor or GP to refer you to your local dietitian.
And prohibited differential are interactions between doctor outside the.
Building up the courage to visit a doctor You may feel very diffident or even scared at the prospect of going to a doctor.
Your doctor may use a dipstick straight away to check for signs of blood, glucose (sugar) or protein in your urine.
Your doctor will give you medication through a vein to help you relax and better tolerate any discomfort.
Your doctor will also be able to talk to you about how to deal with any emotional distress you've suffered.
The head doctor, a most sensitive man, was visibly distressed by what he had to do.
My doctor prescribed a diuretic, then later added a potassium pill.
There is no corresponding provision in the dispensing doctor 's Terms of Service.
The prescribing doctor will consider all these factors before deciding exactly what to do.
This is a training practice and each year we have a fully qualified doctor attached to us to gain experience in general practice.
Explain your condition and ask the doctor to visit you.
Taking your medication Whatever drug(s) you take, it needs to be taken daily exactly as prescribed by the doctor.
Doing 96-hour weeks as a junior hospital doctor turned me off the NHS!
You, a medical doctor who has the same technology in your body?
The researchers will then contact either your hospital doctor or GP from time to time to find out how you are getting on.
Ideally the on-call doctor should be a member of the Center, and this is possible when the complement of doctors is large enough.
Top marks for Biggins who makes a wonderfully droll ' Doctor ' !
Unless your doctor or ear specialist has prescribed eardrops, or you are using earplugs, you should never put anything in your ears.
Doctor, Doctor I think I'm an electric eel.
When at the hospital, the doctor takes the patient's medical history, examines the patient and will record an electrocardiogram.
Her doctor, Dr. Green, diagnosed herpes simplex encephalitis.
Once you are very relaxed, the doctor will gently insert the flexible endoscope.
After the test, the doctor will remove the endoscope.
Special warnings about this medication If you have ever had liver disease, consult your doctor before taking erythromycin.
Well, your doctor has nitrite and leucocyte esterase dipstick tests for night, weekend or emergency use.
Medical power and knowledge is underpinned by the ethos that the doctor knows best.
They return to their doctor, who is becoming increasingly exasperated.
A week ago the doctor entered my room with the marks of great exhilaration contending with pitiful bodily weakness.
Please discuss your travel health requirements with your regular family doctor or practice nurse.
February 2000 former family doctor, Robert Dickson, 74, is investigated over the deaths of two women.
Your doctor will be able to diagnose fibromyalgia based on the symptoms you describe.
The doctor is looking for vitamin B12 and/or folate deficiencies.
He was a very large West Indian doctor who was later to become the first freeman of the Boro of Farnworth.
They also often contain a summary of procedures undertaken and advice for discharge for the patient's general practitioner or family doctor.
If this is indicated, the doctor may choose gently to examine the genitalia, but he will tell the patient first.
This purely geometric subpage is part of Doctor Steffan Weber's Home Page.
The doctor also may find it helpful to examine chalky, sodium urate deposits (tophi) around joints to diagnose gout.
Who decides what the policy means in practice, doctor or prison governor?
If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, did Granny Smith die from a lack of medical attention?
The Doctor is intending to take her back to her own planet where a rather grisly end awaits her.
For example, if you took a tooth out by gas you charged a half guinea and the doctor charged the same.
If you have any changes in your bowel habits, let your doctor know straight away.
The review rightly identifies indefinite suspension as an excessively harsh penalty for a doctor who is sick.
And in the 19th century came reports of a doctor in India using hashish as a cure for epilepsy.
The firm also pays a doctor to visit the site each month and provide free primary healthcare for local children.
Please DO see a doctor before you buy a private hearing aid.
The coastguard helicopter picked up the diver from the vessel Tango for assessment by a diving specialist doctor.
Consider Your Options Your doctor will probably tell you about the two key ways to treat genital herpes.
Tough and funky hip hop in the grand tradition is just what the doctor ordered.
Your doctor may prescribe mild hydrocortisone (steroid) cream which can be applied sparingly to the affected areas.
Also severe suicidal ideation where you feel you may act on the thoughts or impulses you should see a doctor ASAP.
Empire suggests a scene in Patch Adams where terminally ill children turn up at court to save the day for Williams ' comedy doctor.
When I finally went and saw my doctor, I was having almost constant heartburn and acid indigestion.
I just wish my pupils could remember their times tables as well as they can remember info about Doctor Who!
Informed consent informed consent Informed consent must be obtained by a doctor or registered nurse, fully conversant with the procedure.
I visited my doctor who told me I might be suffering from asthma and prescribed an inhaler.
A doctor may prescribe a high dose of a preventer inhaler at first, to quickly " get on top of symptoms " .
Your doctor may tell you to use Humalog Pen as well as a longer-acting insulin.
Were deemed eligible reported public insurance chose the renewal plan doctor internist pediatrician.
Perfect for preschool, kindergarten waiting rooms, and doctor's offices.
The Doctor called, and shouted, and fired signals, and Duk made piteous lamentations; but there was no response.
Colleen suggests Meg should see a doctor about her memory lapses.
If you have noticed accidental leakage from your bladder or bowel, see your doctor.
Currently abortion is only legal if it is performed by a doctor to save the life or health of the woman.
But many have lengthy waits to see a doctor and surgeries often employ staff unaware of the specific needs of an HIV positive patient.
This is a promising beginning however and the new Doctor seems instantly likeable.
All a doctor can do is predict the likelihood of success.
For the doctor who needs the bottom line in a hurry, this book is hard to beat.
Threatened and desperate, the Kro'ka abandons his behind-the-scenes machinations to confront the Doctor directly.
They somehow manage to rescue Johnny but bullets rake the bedroom and the doctor is (I think) killed.
If you are on this class of drugs for underlying epilepsy you should not discontinue this medication without first consulting your doctor.
My doctor's solution was to prescribe a fixed course of anti-depressant medication.
Mrs Hepworth does not recall a doctor attending during the visit, nor anybody administering any medicine to Miss Brown.
Any person involved in an accident that affects the eyes, however minor, must be seen by a doctor.
A health mot with your doctor need not cost the earth.
As he lay there holding her corpse he realized that even a doctor mycelium could not have saved her.
I don't find anything mysterious about a mother's love or a doctor's sense of professional duty.
They should only be used after discussing any risks with your doctor or pharmacist antihistamine nasal sprays and eye drops should be avoided.
The doctor is really a French nobleman with the title of the Marquis de Villon.