Docs Sentence Examples
Thanks again to your docs for showing us how to use them.
You both need to see the docs.
If you need to update the docs, edit the HTML version and then regenerate the text ones.
The application includes the means to use Gmail, Google Sync, Google Maps, as well as linking up to Picasa, Google Docs, Google Reader and Web Search.
The 23-year-old was told she would never have children, but defied docs by having a baby... swiftly followed by triplets!
Docs can look good with long skirts, such as the peasant style pieces which were so popular last summer.
You need to have a Google Account, which entitles you to a free Gmail account, 10 GB of storage, and other services such as iGoogle, Google Docs, and Google Talk.
The docs put you in a coma for over a week in order to transplant half your organs.
I'm not even going to read the docs.
With free applications like Google Docs, it is easy to share documents.
AdvertisementGoogle Docs - Google Docs is a powerful online word processor that allows writers to create and share documents easily.
Google Docs is completely free and as easy to use as an e-mail program.
This particular manual discusses how to research your area on the Internet, how to create many different kinds of guides and how to create technical docs for both presentations and online.
It resembled a studio apartment with a real bed and dresser, a restroom cordoned off by opaque curtains in one corner, a small study where he kept his war docs, a kitchenette, rugs, and a small living area.
The docs are serious.
AdvertisementBut the Sharm docs should well know that a fit, well controlled diabetic is allowed to dive.
When someone generates docs, the -link option generates links to documentation for any API referenced by the API being documented.
If you do want to wear jeans with your Docs, choose a loose, baggy style rather than the skinny jeans that have been so popular this season; they'll make you look like you have oversized feet!
Insert the phrase "Business Cards" into Google Docs search page and you will come up with this long list of free templates from which to choose.
I'll take you to the docs.