Do-you-know Sentence Examples
How do you know all this?
How do you know her anyway?
How do you know she wished she hadn't sent it?
How do you know that?
What do you know about those two piles of dump?
With the acting thing you just can't be afraid of making a jackass out of yourself, do you know what I mean?
How do you know what costume is right for your youngster?
You may have heard about Cinco de Mayo parties and celebrations, but do you know the significance of these parties?
How do you know what a viewer is going to expect a 23rd century transportation device to sound like?
But do you know what happens to girls who are untruthful?
AdvertisementHow do you know about that?
How do you know this?
So, do you know him?
How do you know who I am?
How do you know he has a gun?
AdvertisementHow do you know about her?
What do you know about Annie from your end?
Probably not, but you will keep our secret, and do you know why?
How do you know him?
Then how do you know if you're breaking them?
AdvertisementHow do you know it belonged to Mr. Cleary?
How do you know it's not polluted?
How do you know your well water isn't polluted?
How do you know this stuff?
The word Mary in Greek is Miriam, and do you know what the root meaning is?
AdvertisementYes No Do you know how to use a bidet?
How do you know whether you are a genuine, bona fide Casson?
But how do you know when to double the consonant and when not to?
The traffic cop asked him " do you know how fast you were going?
Asked about Rickets 28, What causes of leg length discrepancy do you know?
Who else do you know with a pink diamond eternity ring?
How do you know cod filet fish fingers really contain cod and not other fish?
Gentoo runlevels at boot « The Fluffy Hippy Guide To Deadlines · Tim, do you know where your towel is?
How many people do you know who say they hate ironing?
How do you know orange juice hasn't had sugars or water added?
But do you know what " made mo " is?
For example, how do you know that the entry ' dangling participle ' will have the answer to your question?
And do you know the Liberal Democrat policy on repeat rapists?
Or do you know somebody who has memories of living, working or playing on or by the river who could tell their story?
You may not have heard of her, but do you know the tongue twister that was written about her?
How many people do you know who say their job stretches them to their maximum potential?
How do you know that isn't doing the trick?
And do you know how he crossed the grains?
And do you know he has fallen in love with Sonya?
I myself thought like that, and do you know what saved me?
But do you know who rescued her?
No; I mean do you know Natasha Rostova?
Oh, do you know?
How many people do you know or know of who have been in train crashes?
How much demographic information do you know about your university?
How do you know if your son is ready to potty train?
How do you know if your baby boy is ready to begin potty training?
With so many formulas on the market, how do you know which is best for you baby?
Just what causes it, and how do you know if your baby's rash needs treatment?
With so many infant formulas on the market, how do you know which one is the best for your infant?
You want your baby's nursery to be perfect, but how do you know what themes and decorations to choose?
While there are certainly used baby cribs that are perfectly safe, how do you know if they are safe or not?
Buying Christmas pajamas after the holiday season can mean lots of savings for you, but how do you know what size to buy?
How do you know what foods to give to your baby?
Still, do you know the history of the Gerber Baby Contest?
A sleeping baby is joy to watch, but do you know how to get a baby to sleep?
How do you know which computer games are appropriate for your infant?
How do you know if the vehicle you're purchasing is one that can stand up to a serious accident?
How do you know which flowers to send or which florists serve your recipient's area?
How do you know if a laptop is right for you?
There's so many features, how do you know what could benefit you?
So how do you know if your water is hard or not?
So how do you know the right kind of processor you need?
How do you know where to go to find the best price?
It's fairly normal for a cat to toss up the occasional hairball, but how do you know if your pet's vomiting is a sign of a serious illness?
How do you know which card is best for your needs?
How do you know if your Discover card will be accepted for purchases with a particular merchant?
For all the pluses offered by home décor catalogs, there is one major drawback - there are so many catalogs out there, how do you know which ones suit your tastes?
How much do you know about your historic home?
How do you know which shade will look best on you?
You know your goals, but how do you know if an online writing class is for you?
It's a great big World Wide Web out there, how do you know where to shop or who to trust?
If you're selling rare books, do you know how to tell the difference between a first and second edition?
Many translation sites offer to translate words or phrases for you, but how do you know which one is the best?
Are you or do you know someone who is learning English as a second language?
A ski lift transports skiers up and down the mountain, but do you know how it does this?
The holidays are quickly approaching; do you know the signs of holiday stress?
How do you know whether you are teenage model material or not?
What do you know about your family's background?
But do you know what teens in general like?
You know they are delicious and nutritious and even worth a sojourn into the underworld, but do you know how to eat a pomegranate?
How do you know what an antique ring is worth?
More importantly, how do you know if a ring is considered an antique?
If not, do you know anyone who can get you the use of a hall, restaurant backroom, or other location for a deep discount?
How do you know if you suffer from caffeine addiction?
Knee high socks can be easy to find via an online search, but how do you know that you're buying the best?
He also has small lumps underneath his skin so do you know what could be wrong?
How do you know when you're letting your dog go too far, and where do you draw the line?
How do you know the teacher you're working with is right for you?
If the jewelry is a gift, what do you know about the recipient's preference?
How much do you know about the nursing home or assisted living environment you are considering?
How do you know if you have awakened during an NREM stage of sleep or an REM stage of sleep?
After all, how many people do you know with natural violet eyes?
So how do you know if you're cool or warm?
So how do you know if it's worth it to bother with polycarbonate lens repair over just replacing the lenses?
However, how do you know for certain you are getting a great deal?
So, do you know how to unlock 2 player mode at Tekken 6?
So how do you know if the old books you have are worth any money?
It is important to make sure that you are not getting defective merchandise when you purchase it, but how do you know when you are getting a great deal or inferior equipment?
When you've found a group of people you enjoy, whether local or via the Internet, how do you know when you're in a healthy, supportive environment?
If you're choosing among several mathematics curricula for your child, how do you know which one is right for you?
How do you know who is really out to help you, and who is out to simply take your money?
How do you know if you're one of the women who will be affected?
After trying unsuccessfully for several months, many women start to wonder, "How do you know when you are infertile?"
Couples who are wondering "How do you know when you are infertile?" have a number of ways to check their fertility before going to the doctor.
How do you know if you're having a miscarriage?
How do you know if you are at risk for being low in vitamin D?
The Alive product contains abundant vitamins to be sure - yet how do you know if that is the right amount to take?
There's a good chance that when you have a cold you take vitamin C, but do you know why you are doing this?
Probiotic supplements are almost certainly good for health, but how do you know which one to choose?
We all know who Santa is, but do you know who his helpers are?
What do you know that your date doesn't?
Once you've found a site offering tips for online dating, how do you know if it's advice worth taking?
You probably know what a daily horoscope is-you've even read yours occasionally, but do you know what a sign is, your zodiac sign?
So how do you know which concerns are pre-wedding jitters and which are red-run-for-the-hills-flags?
How do you know when someone is attracted to you?
How do you know which online dating agency is best for you?
So how do you know what is silly and what is not?
How do you know you are in love with someone?
Everyone asks these questions of him or herself at one point in time or another, but there are no easy answers to "how do you know you are in love with someone?"
How do you know if a diamond is fake or real?
Being an alert consumer and understanding how do you know if a diamond is fake or real can help you find a good value diamond for your budget.
How do you know what gifts he'll actually enjoy after the first day?
How do you know if you have reincarnated?
How do you know which money saving tips are right for you?
How do you know if a coupon is a store coupon or a manufacturer's coupon?
Ghosts of Walford - Do you know who died where?
You may already know how to set your Casio Watch, but do you know all of the watch's capabilities?
Who do you know that could invest in your business?
What are the best auto detailing prices, and how do you know if you're paying too much?
How do you know which needles are the right ones to use for your project?
Where should you go for which supplies and how do you know you're getting a good deal?
How do you know which beading magazines will help you?
How do you know which ones will be absorbed?
How do you know how many points each particular food has?
With so many dietary supplements on the market, how do you know which ones are right for you?
But with all this information and products, do you know what "low carb" is really all about?
How do you know how many calories per minute?
So how do you know whether or not you are obese?
There's no shortage of fitness training plans to be found online, in magazines and books, but how do you know which one is for you?
With so many health plans out there, how do you know where to start?
How do you know if you actually need to employ an insurance claim attorney?
How do you know how much coverage you should purchase?
Most Americans assume that their money is safe in a bank account, but what do you know about the FDIC insurance limit?
How do you know if your straps are adjusted correctly?
Do they set up and disassemble the equipment, and if not, do you know how to use it?
What do you know about the person for whom you are planning a birthday party?
Do you have a friend who wants to get into the business and needs experience or do you know a company that recently launched?
You're an uncommonly beautiful woman, do you know that?
Then how do you know?
I know the work is hard and the weather is forbidding at times, but do you know how lucky you are?
My wife loves you; do you know that Ben?
How many seventeen year old virgins do you know?
How do you know?
And how do you know this?
What else do you know about this guy, and maybe others we're trying to chase down?
How did the man you were discussing before dinner get caught, do you know?
We had a common goal for once in history... do you know who that bitch with him is?
How do you know Katie will be alive in four days?
Girl, do you know what you're doing?
She went to Gotama; and doing homage to him said, "Lord and master, do you know any medicine that will be good for my child?"
If not, how do you know it and its object which are identical?
How do you know if you are gaining the right amount of weight during your pregnancy and how can you tell if there is a problem?
If you're selling jewelry, do you know your clasps from your carats?
But, how do you know that what you're getting is all natural, especially when there are chemical names in the ingredients list?