Do-t Sentence Examples
Anyway we got the goths to do some absinthe with us - DONT DO IT!
I dont mind this but I do buy frozen and use that with fresh, ie fresh carrots, frozen broccoli.
I dont think i've changed any settings lately, and i havent a clue of what to do next now.
Do you know why they dont advise soya formulas for young boys?
If you don't understand any of those terms above, dont panic.
We have tried multiple times to sit and talk with them but all they do is shrug thier shoulders and say i dont know.
Dear Sharon, Our 2 daughters are getting married together in a double wedding ceremony.. they would like their bridal shower to be one together. is there a certain way to do this? we dont have any idea how to do a shower for them together.
My diet is ok, I dont eat loads of vegetables although I do eat some and my diet is not particularly fatty.