Do-one Sentence Examples
Can we do one more before you leave?
But could you do one favor?
But in jumping a gate, or a flight of rails, as ordinarily situated, there is no width to be covered, and to make a horse go through the exertion of jumping both high and wide when he need only do one is to waste his power, added to which to ride fast at timber, unless very low with a ditch on the landing side, is highly dangerous.
Cameras according to this research only do one job well, revenue generation.
When a person learns to do one job and specializes in that one job, she gets really good at it.
Choose to do one of our multi-day trips, or tick off a classic tour around various islands.
If the new parents simply don't have time to do one of these themselves, you can create a stepping stone to give to them.
You could even do one for each year of your baby's life!
The people who work in these stores do one thing and are trained exceptionally at that job.
Just do one a day and feel intellectually energized for the rest of the day!
AdvertisementIf you just want to do one word search puzzle per day, then go to Game Gnome.
So, if you only do one type of yoga, for example Hatha, why not try Vinyasa for a change?
In fact, if one side of the body seems to do one thing while the other side of the body seems to do another, this can be a sign that the person is conflicted as a result of not telling the truth.
In 2000, Eric got to do one episode of a comedy called Zoe, Duncan, Jack & Jane.
Yes, that takes a lot of time, but it's really better if you rake regularly than if you wait until the trees are bare and then do one marathon raking session.
AdvertisementThere are no complicated rules, no five-button combos to do one thing, but just accumulate points and get the highest score.
If you do one thing several times in a row interrupted (i.e. serve food), you get bonus points.
If you don't know how to do one of these dances, ask an adult or one of your friends if they know it, and they can teach you the dance.
This is an especially good feature in areas where the stores don't double -- so you can do one stop shopping at Walmart!
Beginners can do one leg at a time instead of going into the full Crow Pose.
AdvertisementAlso, very few retail outlets only do one kind of basket, so if you'd like your business to focus on wedding gift baskets, for example, you create a lucrative niche market for your company.
Instead of saving that chore for the end of the week, plan to do one load each day.
To build strength, you should do one set of eight to twelve reps.
This presents a problem for targeted training in that the muscle is a simple creation that can only do one thing, contract and in a fairly straightforward manner.
Alternatively, you can do one of the activities below for an extended time and let that one activity be your entire warm up.
AdvertisementYou do one minute sets of 15 different exercises, with barely a break in between.
However, if you don't want to handwrite that many invitations, just do one and run off the rest on a color printer.
Web host servers are specially made to do one thing and do it well - handle requests for your data and provide it smoothly and constantly.