Dlc Sentence Examples
Linton had made a didgeridoo from a plastic drain pipe, DLC is still trying to play it.
Within the games themselves, there may be additional downloadable content (DLC) that comes at an added cost.
This online store, accessible directly through the PS3's on-screen interface, can be used to buy additional content (downloadable content, or "DLC") for existing games.
Generally speaking, the downloadable content (DLC) for Guitar Hero 5 on the Xbox 360 will be mirrored over to the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3 and the Wii Shop for the Nintendo Wii.
Unlike some earlier incarnations where you had to look into something like the Guitar Hero Explorer, Guitar Hero World Tour is fully compatible with downloadable content (DLC) across all platforms.
There is also the possible additional fees for downloadable content (DLC), online play, and gaming memberships.
This does not include the available downloadable content (DLC), as those songs are not saved on the game disc itself.