Divorced Sentence Examples
She could only be divorced on the same conditions as a wife.
Moreover, the land was purified when it became divorced from the practices of a luxurious court and lost many of its worst inhabitants.
Even on the population returns certain answers, such as the number of the divorced or the number unable to read and write, may be open to question.
There is probably no other branch of art in which orthodox tradition is so entirely divorced from the historical sense, and the history, when studied at all, so little illuminated by the permanent artistic significance of its subjects.
Mysticism is often the expression of a revolt against authority, but in Luria's case mysticism was not divorced from respect for tradition.
We must suppose that his wife Pomponia was either dead or divorced.
Her cult-titles -rrapeivos (or 7rais), TEXela and Xr7pa the "maiden," "wife," and "widow" (or "divorced") have been interpreted as symbolical of the earth in spring, summer, and winter; but they may well express the different conditions in the lives of her human worshippers.
The Book of Esther, in the Bible, relates how a Jewish maiden, Esther, cousin and foster-daughter of Mordecai, was made his queen by the Persian king Ahasuerus (Xerxes) after he had divorced Vashti; next, how Esther and Mordecai frustrated Haman's endeavour to extirpate the Jews; how Haman, the grand-vizier, fell, and Mordecai succeeded him; how Esther obtained the king's permission for the Jews to destroy all who might attack them on the day which Haman had appointed by lot for their destruction; and lastly, how the feast of Purim (Lots ?) was instituted to commemorate their deliverance.
The Sabbath did not share the same fate, but with the abolition of local sacrifices it became for most Israelites an institution of humanity divorced from ritual.
A colony with Latin rights was founded on Pontiae in 313 B.C. Nero, Germanicus's eldest son, and the sisters of Caligula, were confined upon it; while Pandateria was the place of banishment of Julia, daughter of Augustus, of her daughter Agrippina the elder, and of Octavia, the divorced wife of Nero.
AdvertisementIn order to strengthen this compact, he arranged a marriage between the daughter of the king of Bavaria and Eugene Beauharnais; and he united the daughter of the Elector of Wurttemberg in marriage to Jerome Bonaparte, who had now divorced his wife, formerly Miss Paterson of Baltimore, at his brother's behests.
His mother, Lady Randolph Churchill, divorced her second husband, George Cornwallis-West, in 1913; and married in 1918, as her third husband, Montague Phippen Porch, formerly a Government official in Nigeria.
Law's mystic tendencies divorced him from the practical minded Wesley, but in spite of occasional wild fancies the books are worth reading.
But after the beginning of the r 5th century Scholasticism was divorced from the spirit of the time, and it is useless to follow its history further.
She was then divorced and consigned to the remote monastery of Ladoga.
AdvertisementThe desire of numerous divorced persons for a change in the law which prevented their remarriage was manifested in repeated demonstrations before Parliament; especially in that of Dec. 1911, in which it was asserted that the lives of half a million divorced wives were affected.
The extreme divergence in doctrinal position is fostered by the fact that the theology taught in the universities is in a great measure divorced from the practical religious life of the people, and the theological opinions uttered in the theological literature of the country cannot be held to express the thoughts of the members of the churches.
Even this dubious advantage only lasted three years until her mother was beheaded, and by a much more serious freak on Henry's part "divorced."
Her mother was not "divorced" for her alleged adultery, because that crime was no ground for divorce by Roman or English canon law.
In July, Cromwell was attainted, Anne of Cleves was divorced and Barnes was burnt (30th July 1540).
AdvertisementIn 1152 by a marriage with Eleanor of Aquitaine, the divorced wife of the French king Louis VII., he acquired Poitou, Guienne and Gascony; but in doing so incurred the ill-will of his suzerain from which he suffered not a little in the future.
His second wife was Margaret, widow of Sir John Logie, whom he divorced in 1369; but he left no children, and was succeeded by his nephew, Robert II.
Born about 316 B.C., she married Lysimachus, king of Thrace, who made over to her the territories of his divorced wife, Amastris.
Jacqueline, countess of Hainaut, the divorced wife of the duke of Brabant and the heiress of Holland and Zeeland, had married the duke of Gloucester, who attempted to take forcible possession of his wife's territories.
A divorce is rendered obligatory by the simple words Thou art divorced.
AdvertisementRepudiation may take place twice without being final, but if the husband repeats thrice Thou art divorced the separation is absolute.
By the statute of Six Articles (1539) he took his stand on Catholic doctrine; and when the Lutherans had rejected his alliance, and Cromwell's nominee, Anne of Cleves, had proved both distasteful on personal grounds and unnecessary because Charles and Francis were not really projecting a Catholic crusade against England, Anne was divorced and Cromwell beheaded.
The princess Mary was divorced from her Boyd husband and married Lord Hamilton.
Divorce was an easy matter, and of frequent occurrence; but, as a rule, a divorced wife would not marry again without the consent of her former husband.
He led, separated from his family, an erratic life for some years; was divorced from his consort in 1812; and finally settled at St Gall in Switzerland in great loneliness and indigence.
When Ptolemy died (247 B.C.), Antiochus' divorced wife Laodice was restored to favour, and Antiochus died suddenly in order that she might regain her power.
In 46, his patience giving way, he divorced Terentia, and married his young and wealthy ward Publilia.
Amastris, who had divorced herself from him, returned to Heraclea.
As a boy he had been married and divorced twice - but these were merely nominal unions.
An important consequence of thus giving the study of primitive religion the wide scope of a comparative hierology is that magic is no longer divorced from religion, since the sacred will now be found to be coextensive with the magicoreligious, that largely undifferentiated plasm out of which religion and magic slowly take separate shape as society comes more and more to contrast legitimate with illicit modes of dealing with the sacred.
The situation was regulated by the reception of Martha into the Orthodox Church, when she was rechristened under the name of Catherine Alekseyevna, the tsarevich Alexius being her godfather, by the bestowal upon her of the title Gosudaruinya or sovereign (1710), and, finally (17 i i), by her public marriage to the tsar, who divorced the tsaritsa Eudoxia to make room for her.
A similar position was attained by Seleucusthe only one of the diadochi, who had not divorced his Persian wife, Apamain Babylonia, which he governed from 319 to 316 and regained in the autumn of 312.
The essential point is that the East is completely divorced from the Mediterranean and the Hellenic world, that it can derive no fresh powers from that quarter, and that, consequently, the influence of the Oriental elements must steadily increase.
After his accession he had divorced his virtuous and ill-favoured queen, Joan, and had married, in 1499, Anne of Brittany, the widow of Charles VIII.
No idle gratification of curiosity, as Aristotle fabled of his life intellectual (which would be but a disguise for refined pleasure), no theory divorced from practice, no phy pursuit of science for its own sake, but knowledge so far forth as it can be realized in virtuous action, the learning of virtue by exercise and effort and training.
Twins are considered unlucky, the mother is divorced by her husband and her family must refund part of the marriage-price.
He divorced his first wife Blanche of Navarre in 1453 on the ground of "mutual impotence."
It is not true, however, as has often been said, that he had divorced his wife before her death.
The God I plead for is neither the deity of Pantheism, nor the absolute unity of the Eleatics, a being divorced from all possibility of creation or plurality, a mere metaphysical abstraction.
Ere he had been many months on the throne he divorced his wife, Isabella of Gloucester, alleging that their marriage had been illegal because they were within the prohibited degrees.
He drove Cenwalh of Wessex, who had divorced his sister, from his throne.
What has not been adequately realized is that the metaphysical basis of his system of ethics - the argument, for example, contained in the introduction to the Prolegomena - is unfairly treated if divorced from his treatment of morals as a whole, and that it can be justly estimated only if interpreted as much as the conclusion as the starting-point of moral theory.
But if a person charged with bigamy in England can prove that he has been legally divorced by the law of the country where the divorced parties were domiciled at the time (even though the ground on which the divorce was granted was not one that would justify a divorce in England) it will be good defence to the charge.
Maelmorda was restored to his kingdom, Sigtrygg received Brian's daughter in marriage, whilst Brian took to himself the Dublin king's mother, the notorious Gormflaith, who had already been divorced by Maelsechlainn.
At the same time he extended his influence in other directions, and expelled from the throne of Wessex Coenwalh, who had divorced his sister.
He did the math—married seven years, divorced ten years— depending on her age when she married, she might be a young-looking forty.
The divorced father acquiescedin the removal of the children.
Is it possible to avoid such acrimony when you get divorced?
Beaux Artsx-Arts example provided this framework by focusing on ' pure ' design skills divorced from the practical aspects of architecture.
She had divorced her first husband to marry her husband's brother.
Whether you are a single mom, divorced dad or just a bored housewife, you will find a date.
Ray Ferrier (Tom Cruise) is a divorced dockworker and less-than-perfect father.
He's divorced and has a daughter from whom he is somewhat estranged.
Avril is a divorced maths lecturer whose ex-husband used to beat her up.
And under futon cover sewing pattern color divorced he moved.
Roberts went on to marry country singer Lyle Lovett in 1993, but divorced him less than two years later.
The unconventional marriage of Porter (Kline) to divorced socialite Linda Lee Thomas (Judd) provides the film's emotional core.
If you are separated but not legally divorced, intestacy gives your estranged spouse a full entitlement.
If the funds had passed to the estate of the divorced spouse, the ultimate inheritance tax liability could have been 40 per cent.
It was the existing ceremonial observance divorced from the ethical piety that they denounced.
He divorced his first wife, a daughter of James MacDonnell, and treated his second, a sister of Calvagh O'Donnell, with gross cruelty in revenge for her brother's hostility; Calvagh himself, when Shane's prisoner, he subjected to continual torture; and Calvagh's wife, whom he made his mistress, and by whom he had several children, endured ill-usage at the hands of her drunken captor, who is said to have married her in 1565.
He shortly afterwards divorced Publilia, who had been jealous of Tullia's influence and proved unsympathetic. To solace his troubles he devoted himself wholly to literature.
Divorced from this they are fairly stigmatized as mental figments or branded as ghostly entities that can but block the path.
The civil parish has become more or less divorced in relationship from the Ecclesiastical Parish (a division which probably served in early times for administrative purposes also), owing to successive independent alterations in the boundaries of both (see Parish).
Why is it only described as a mechanical device divorced from any purpose?
Also a divorced woman was shunned by society and treated as an outcast.
The unconventional marriage of Porter (Kline) to divorced socialite Linda Lee Thomas (Judd) provides the film 's emotional core.
After her mother divorced and then remarried, Sandra took her stepfather 's surname of Gleeson.
If you are divorced, hopefully, you aren't having to parent completely on your own.
Whether they've divorced or never married, there are many compelling reasons behind single people adopting.
Checker's 12-year-old mother Heidi used to live with me too, but she went to live at my mother's when my parents divorced.
If common law marriage is not legal in the state where the couple resides, the couple cannot officially get divorced.
With a Do it Yourself Divorce, it's essential to remember that the entire process of getting divorced can be simple only if there are not going to be any irresolvable arguments about the aforementioned items.
However, if you are getting divorced and have minor children from your marriage, it's important to select an attorney with experience in family law.
If you're in the process of getting divorced, allow plenty of time to choose the attorney that's right for you.
Ask for referrals from friends, family, and acquaintances who have recently been divorced.
It's not uncommon for people who wish to get divorced to be concerned about expensive legal fees.
In every state, except Nevada, before a divorced person can re-marry, they must present a copy of their divorce decree.
For instance, a divorced women with custody of her children is more likely to live below the poverty line.
Through the support of a therapist, the separated or divorced person can start to move forward and build a new life as an individual.
If the couple were married in a country that automatically converts a separation of a certain length to a divorce, then a couple may be considered divorced after the specified amount of time has passed.
If you know someone who has been divorced, you could ask them for a referral to an attorney (assuming they were happy with the service they received).
You can search for divorce decrees and other divorce records by contacting the clerk of court of the jurisdiction in which you think the individual was divorced.
You may use the state where the individual currently lives, was divorced or ever lived in their lives.
Many times, finding out whether someone is divorced can be as simple as asking his or her friends or family.
People who are under the age of 25 are more likely to get divorced.
In a situation where both spouses have a family history of parents divorcing, their chance of being divorced jumps to a whopping 189 percent.
Child support is a legal requirement whether the parents are getting divorced, splitting up after cohabitating or never lived together.
If the couple is getting divorced in a community property state, the marital property is divided equally between them.
Help for divorced women isn't difficult to find if you take the time to look.
You have two options when it comes to finding help for divorced women in the form of interactive emotional support.
If you don't see a support group for divorced women, you might want to consider starting one of your own and placing the information about where your group will meet in that section.
If you would rather speak to other women who are going through what you are right now, you can contact counseling agencies to ask if they have a list of resources for divorced women.
Millions of divorced couples across America have expressed remorse over having gone into divorce proceedings too soon and smothered the still-smoldering coals of their relationships.
When trying to figure out how to cope with divorce, accept that both of you were probably at fault in one way or another and now it is time to move on as a divorced couple.
If you know someone who has been divorced, you can approach him or her to find out about their experience dealing with their attorney and whether they would recommend that person.
In addition to the normal angst that troubles the world's youth, many children of divorced families must also deal with increased emotional problems.
These issues affect the lives of divorced kids long after they leave childhood behind and can even play a role in their very survival.
Some experts in child care believe children of divorced families between five and 12 suffer the most side effects of a family split.
Fortunately, we live in an enlightened modern world that has come to understand some of the deeper issues surrounding children of divorced families.
Getting the right help for children with divorced parents is one of the most important aspects of dividing a family.
The best approach to supporting children with divorced parents starts in the home.
For these situations, the best help for children with divorced parents may come in the form of professional organizations like the ones discussed in this section.
No matter what type of help for children with divorced parents turn to, it must always be a family-based endeavor.
The most common reported divorce rate statistics discuss how the age of the spouses, the number of previous marriages and the presence of children in the marriage affect a couple's chances of getting divorced.
According to DivorceRate.org, women married at 20 years old and younger are approximately 440% more likely to be divorced than women who married when they were 35 or older.
However, men who married at age 20 or younger are only 80% more likely to be divorced that men who married when 35 years of age or older.
Elizabeth Benedict of the Huffington Post writes, "Whatever you do, don't get divorced in Massachusetts - and don't be living there if your spouse decides to divorce you, especially if you're the higher earner.
Many divorced alimony payers are unable to re-marry, as future spouses don't want to be on the hook for alimony payments.
Alimony reform for Massachusetts has been a hot topic for quite a while, creating many issues for residents already divorced, and creating undue stress for couples seeking a divorce.
Under state law, a judge has the power to order the level of alimony payments for a separated or divorced couple.
In addition, most of today's television families are made up of divorced, separated, estranged or unmarried couples with blurred parenting roles and children with a wide range of emotional and psychological challenges.
There are huge stressors, for example, changing jobs, getting divorced, or facing imminent danger, and there are everyday stressors, for example, paying the bills, meeting deadlines and picking up the kids from school.
If you're divorced, you need to know the date and year of your divorce, but do not need to bring the decree.
If there is any sign of bitterness, than divorced parents should never be seated together, create separate "family tables."
My parents were divorced and we lived with my father.
Adults who were children of alcoholics and children of divorced or separated parents are welcome to attend.
That way the object is never divorced from who made it.
When he was 11, his mother and father divorced.
After his parents divorced Tom became estranged from his father, whom Cruise later characterized in a Parade magazine article as antisocial, inconsistent, and unpredictable.
Mary-Kate and Ashley Fuller Olsen were born in Sherman Oaks, California to David Olsen and his wife Jarnette Fuller, who divorced in 1995.
While Jolie was still an infant, Voight and Bertrand divorced due to Voight's affair with actress Stacey Pickren, whom he lived with for several years afterward.
Reynolds divorced his wife Scarlett Johansson in 2011, making him one of the most eligible bachelors in Hollywood.
According to the snarky Perez Hilton, Kathy Griffin and her husband Matt are getting divorced.
This photogenic couple couldn't make it work, and they went from together to separated to divorced in record time.
They divorced in 1995, and he went on to marry actress Jada Pinkett in 1997.
She is divorced from singer Pete Wentz, and has one daughter.
She and her husband divorced a year later.
Married actress Amelia Warner in July 2001, divorced in November of the same year.
Moore is divorced from actor Bruce Willis whom she has three daughters with.
She wed Ojani Noa in February 1997 and divorced in March 1998.
She married Cris Judd in September 2001 and divorced in June 2002.
He has married and divorced his childhood sweetheart, Kimberly Ann Scott, twice.
Carmen Electra has been married and divorced twice.
Farrah Fawcett was married to Six Million Dollar Man star Lee Majors from 1973 to 1982 but separated in 1979 and divorced in 1980.
Depp's parents, John Christopher Sr. and Betty Sue Palmer, divorced when Johnny was 15.
Thomas and Judith divorced when Black was 10.
Simpson and Lachey divorced in November 2005.
The marriage was shortlived, however, and the couple divorced when Lance was still a toddler.
Three short years later, however, the couple divorced amidst rumors of Parker's infidelity.
Hawk married Cindy Dunbar in April 1990 and the two divorced in 1995.
Hudson is divorced from Black Crowes front man Chris Robinson with whom she had a son.
Her parents divorced in 1973 and her mother married Roy Gruesserdorf, also a salesman.
Letterman married college sweetheart Michelle Cook in 1969, but the two divorced in 1977.
She is divorced from her first husband, Brahms Yaiche, and has no children, but says she comes home to her family -- two cats and three dogs (two German Shepherds and one Pomeranian).
His parents divorced when he was young and LaBeouf was raised by his mother in a poor upbringing.
Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, who starred in Newlyweds, divorced in 2006.
Following his conviction and subsequent jail time (he defrauded PTL supporters of more than $150 million), Bakker and Messner divorced.
Her parents divorced in 1996, and following her graduation from New Canaan High School in 1997, she moved with her mother to Los Angeles, California.
She and Holguin were divorced that same year.
Born to a retired investment banker dad, Kent, and a college professor mom, Nancy, Matt Damon and older brother, Kyle, lived in Newton, Massachusetts until their parents' divorced when Damon was only two.
Unfortunately, the couple lasted a mere three years in wedded bliss and divorced in 2003.
The Wests were officially divorced when Kanye was three.
Her scandalous downhill slide began when she married him, continued when she divorced him and exploded when she fought him for custody of their kids.
If this statement is true, there are a few divorced celebrities that could learn a thing or two from the couple.
Interestingly, the two children were named after the two main characters, Heathcliff and Catherine in the heartbreaking Emily Bronte novel Wuthering Heights.Ledger's parents divorced when he was 11.
Brolin's parents divorced when he was 16.
Mary and Harrison were officially divorced in 1979, ending their 12-year marriage.
This is Mariah's second marriage - she and first husband Tommy Mottola divorced in 1998 - and Nick's first, although he was engaged twice before to Christina Millian and model Selita Ebanks.
Applegate and singer-actress Nancy Lee Priddy, divorced shortly after her birth.
Downey's parents divorced when Robert was 12 and his older sister Allyson left New York to live with her father in Los Angeles while Robert stayed behind with his mother in Greenwich Village.
Ethan and Uma married in 1998, had two children, Maya and Levon, then divorced in 2004 over Hawke's affair with then nanny, Ryan Shawhughes.
After the funny man divorced his wife, the two came out publicly as a couple.
Her parents divorced in 1989 and her mother remarried Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner.
The pair separated and reconciled twice, but in 1985 were divorced.
Several students claimed that he had tried to kiss a few girls, and even told them that he was getting divorced from Kate.
She divorced her previous husband to be with the R & B singer.
Though Depp and Allison divorced only two years into their marriage, she was a big influence on his early acting career.
Her parents divorced when she was young, and she and her older sister were raised by her mother and stepfather.
Paquin went to school in New Zealand until 1995, when her parents divorced and she moved to Los Angeles with her mother.
It was around this time that she and her husband divorced.
His parents divorced in 1974 and Cruise went to live with his mother in various cities across the United States.
Susan was first married to actor Chris Sarandon in 1967, but the two divorced in 1975.
They separated and eventually divorced in 2006, after lengthy court battles and derogatory public statements from both sides.
The couple divorced five years later in 2002.A year after her divorce from Pipino, Klum announced she and new boyfriend Flavio Briatore, a man 23 years her senior who had a penchant for being a playboy, were expecting a child.
His parents divorced when he was a child.
The Hoff, as he is nicknamed, has been married and divorced twice, He has two daughters, Taylor Ann and Hayley, with his former wife, actor Pamela Bach.
In 1990, Ledger's parents divorced and eventually found new spouses, giving Heath two half-sisters named Ashleigh and Olivia.
Ultimately, however, the couple divorced in June 2010.
He married in 1967 and had three children with Marguerite Whitley before they divorced in 1979.
Her fourth husband, Mark Spaeth, whom she divorced in 1985, was openly bisexual.
Mel Gibson and his wife divorced in April 2009.
She later divorced and entered a Colombian university to study pre-dentistry, and stayed in the program for the next three years.
He began acting as a child, and after his parents divorced, moved with his mother and sister back to the Cincinnati area where he continued his acting.
The following is a list of actresses to have won the Best Actress Oscar only to get divorced shortly thereafter.
In a long-term relationship with actor Hank Azaria, she married him in 1999, and divorced him one year later.
Considering the number of women who have separated or divorced from their husbands after winning an Oscar, there may indeed be some sort of bad luck associated with the award.
Garnet also attracts wealth and a good marriage by drawing new people into your life, especially if you've recently divorced.
Emme, whose was born Melissa Miller, was raised by her divorced mother in Manhattan until age five when her mother remarried and moved the family to Saudi Arabia.
If the grandparent and grandchild have already established a close relationship, then it is unfair to both of them to deny the grandparent access simply because the child's parents are divorced.
They may have recently been divorced or widowed, which has left them lonely.
Those who are widowed or divorced may miss the company of their former partners, however, and long to connect with another in the same way.
Many seniors are intimidated to enter the world of dating whether they are recently divorced, widowed or never found that special someone.
Although many employers do offer employee assistance programs with substance abuse counseling, child care, and family/marriage counseling, divorced parents, working stepparents, and working live-in partners rarely seek counseling.
Blended family-A family formed by the remarriage of a divorced or widowed parent.
Single-parent families are families with children under age 18 headed by a parent who is widowed or divorced and not remarried, or by a parent who has never married.
Single fathers, however, are much more likely to be divorced than never married and much more likely than single mothers to be sharing a home with an adult to whom they are not married.
Children who are living with a widowed mother will have a home life that is different from children with divorced parents or those whose parents were never married.
Children of divorced parents will have a wide range of relationships with their parents and parents' partners depending on custody arrangements and the commitment of the non-custodial parent to maintaining a relationship with the child.
Avoid behavior that causes the child to feel pressed to choose between divorced parents.
Child custody laws exist to provide a legal structure for relationships between children and their divorced parents.
Ideally, divorced parents should work together to have an amicable relationship and shared custody, but bitterness between divorced spouses and tendencies to involve children in marital and divorce disputes require child custody laws.
States have responded by licensing responsible adults who were not married (even divorced men and women) and reaching out to seniors and children's relatives.
The term "deadbeat dads" is often used in discussions about abandonment because most of the divorced parents who do not contribute financially to support their offspring are fathers.
Gregory Hines was married and divorced twice before becoming engaged to Negrita Jayde in 2003.
You can click on the state your ancestor was divorced in to find more information concerning your state's public record requirements.
I am a divorced mother of two, receiving no spousal support or child support.
However, Brad and Jennifer divorced in October 2005.
Eric entered a treatment program for sex addicts in an attempt to save their troubled union, but the couple divorced in 2004.
Unfortunately, Selena's parents divorced when she was just five years old, but even though her father and mother parted ways, that didn't stop this bubbly actress from perusing and fulfilling some of her larger goals.
Marital - Do you want to find a date who has never been married, or are you open to divorced, widowed, or separated companions?
Users can declare themselves swingers, in a relationship, single, divorced, or married.You should also take note of the reasons a person lists for being on MySpace.
And it doesn't matter how you became a single parent-you can be separated, divorced, widowed or never married.
Nearly 85 percent are separated or divorced.
I have been divorced for 2 years and I am very miserable alone.
It is also common for those recently divorced or who have ended a long-term relationship to focus on just dating, avoiding entering into another committed relationship.
I have been divorced from an abusive alcoholic for seven years now.
When he went through two treatments and still was drinking we divorced.
As a single divorced mother with a 12 year old living at home with me, I feel that I am cheating my daughter and I out of time well spent at home at least every other weekend, at my home.
If you are dating a divorced man with kids, it is good to understand life after divorce for kids.
I have been living with a man I had affair with, he has been divorced for a year and separated for almost a year.
While you have been divorced for some time and are now ready for a long term committed relationship, dating two men for five months is not considered being in a long term relationship.
Hi, I got divorced one year ago and left the country where my wife and our two kids are residing.
One of my ex's friends (call her J.), who use to work with me as well before I left the country, is divorced too.
Why spend the time and money on a date with someone who openly admits to not liking children and chain smoking when you are the divorced, non-smoking mom of three?
A free divorced Christian online dating site can help people in this demographic have more luck finding exactly the right partner.
Sites such as Meeting Christian Singles and Oasis Church have advice as well as links to resources for divorced Christians.
It's important to be honest on these, especially about being divorced, because for some people that can be a dealbreaker.One problem that Christian Mingle does have is that it is not able to list all of the Christian denominations.
They also are not specifically designed with the needs of divorced singles in mind.
Also include in your profile description if you are divorced, or if you are looking for someone who has been divorced.
It will either list people who are divorced and/or Christian, or it will list people who do not want to date Christians or divorcees and have said so in their profile.
You've effectively created your own free divorced Christian online dating site for yourself.Most importantly, be yourself, and trust that the right person will come at the right time.
If your parents are divorced, you can adjust the wording to accommodate this situation.Ms.
Divorced parents can be found in every church, business, city and town all over the world.
If you are or soon will be a divorced parent, you most certainly have your children's best interests at heart.
As a divorced parent, how can you help your child through the divorce?
Children of divorced parents often struggle with emotions and take a portion of the blame for a failed marriage because of this.
In typical soap opera style, the children of these three families, have married, had children, and divorced - sometimes more than once.
In 2007, Holden and Lily divorced and Holden became involved with Carly Tenney Snyder (his cousin Jack's ex-wife).
Vicki, after many abortive attempts at love, found happiness with Ryan and after Marley and Jake divorced for the final time, he pursued Paulina.
They married and divorced multiple times.
When Palmer divorced her, Chuck and Donna pursued a relationship.
A divorced, single mother at the beginning of the show's sixth season gave Bailey options beyond that of mentor, mother, teacher and reality checker.
Nikki and Victor divorced after Leanna Love published an expose about Victor, his life and his affair with Ashley.
Leanna later married Victor after he divorced Nikki, believing she was behind the book.
In 1997 she married actor Jon Lindstrom (ex-Kevin, General Hospital) and the couple divorced in 2000.
Previously married to Sami, he married and divorced Nicole Walker, then remarried her.
She divorced her husband, appeared nude on the cover of a magazine, and was sent in and out of rehabs.
Marital status - Married drivers have lower insurance rates than unmarried or divorced drivers.
A medical release form may also be advisable if you are divorced or not married to your child's other parent.
Later that same year Spears and Federline divorced, ending up with shared custody of their sons.
Jerry Lee's career never fully recorded from this scandal, despite the fact that he and Myra later divorced.
Patti Boyd divorced Harrison in 1977 and married Clapton in 1979.
But they too divorced in 1989 because of Clapton's extra marital affair and worsening alcoholism.
At the age of seven, Christina's parents divorced and she and her mother moved into Christina's grandparents house in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Hough's parents divorced when she was 10, and to protect her from the divorce proceedings, they sent her and her brother to London with dance coaches Corky and Shirley Ballas.
The pair have married and divorced twice, all under the glare of the media spotlight.
In 1997, Leon left the church and divorced their mother, and the brothers moved to Nashville, Tennessee where Kings of Leon was born.
During the 1960s, her addictions worsened, and she was again married, divorced and remarried.
In the late 80s, the Shropshires divorced.
The marriage quickly proved a sham, the couple divorced and Conger auctioned her ring and other prizes off on eBay.
The reconciliation was short lived and the couple officially divorced in 2006.
She is divorced and currently dating Nikki Sixx from the heavy metal band Motley Crue.
Her parents divorced when she was very young, and both have since remarried.
Many of them had married, divorced, had children, and started on their career paths after finishing college.
Her mom and dad divorced when she was six years old.
He is currently divorced and has three children.
The couple divorced in 1989, and Houghton married Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner.
Her parents divorced in 1989, and a few years later, her mother married Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner.
In 2003, she wed fellow tattoo artist Oliver Peck, however, the couple divorced in 2007.
He was also photographed hitting the party circuit in New York and Las Vegas with Michael Lohan and was said to be shopping the idea of a show about divorced fathers featuring the two.
Probst was married to Shelley Wright for five years, but they divorced in 2001.
The couple had one child and divorced two years later.
Her first husband was Bob Alley, whom she married in 1974 and divorced in 1977.
She has remarried and divorced since inheriting the salon and decided to pour her life - and money - into renovating the Gatsby.
Harris was single at the time of his death, but had been married and divorced twice.
Robyn Jessop - Divorced mother of three Robyn becomes Robyn Brown by the end of the first season.
Kimora and Russell Simmons officially divorced in 2008, about a year after she became involved with actor Djimon Hounsou.
When Buffy relocated to Sunnydale, California with her recently divorced mother she found that her high school really was hell.
Many teenagers resent it when their divorced mom starts dating again, but in Buffy's case, mom's new love interest turned out to be a human-appearing and malfunctioning robot.
Written by Melissa Mathison, the story takes place in 'middle America', mainly in the home of a divorced woman and her kids Eliot (Henry Thomas), Michael (Robert MacNaughton) and Gertie (Drew Barrymore).
In an alternate timeline created by the trouble-making Q, Crusher and Picard have been married and divorced, with Beverly moving on to command a medical ship.
He did the math—married seven years, divorced ten years— depending on her age when she married, she might be a young-looking forty.
Fred had told him the young girl lived between divorced parents, always at odds with one or the other.
I suppose she's divorced and 'Shipton' is her maiden name.
Yes. And how they got divorced, my grandfather four times over.
The Austrian bishops, however, maintain their tribunals for spiritual purposes, and insist that such things as divorced vinculo must be granted by their authority (Aichner, Compendium juris ecclesiastici, pp. 551-553).
The peer - in strictness, the peer in his own person only, not even his children - became the only noble; the ideas of nobility and gentry thus became divorced in a way in which they are not in any other country.
Though Octavia took out troops and money to him (35), he refused to see her and formally divorced her in 32, but she always protected his children, even those by Fulvia and Cleopatra.
Among his prisoners was Therese, the divorced wife of the comte de Fontenay, and daughter of the Spanish banker, Francois Cabarrus, one of the most fascinating women of her time, and Tallien not only spared her life but fell in love with her.
In his own character it produced the somewhat blunted moral sense which led to the few incidents in his career which need moral defence, his performance of the marriage ceremony between his first patron Lord Devonshire and the latter's mistress, the divorced wife of Lord Rich, an act completely at variance with his principles; his strange intimacy with Buckingham; his love of power and place.
Soon after his arrival at Gratz, Kepler contracted an engagement with Barbara von Miihleck, a wealthy Styrian heiress, who, at the age of twenty-three, had already survived one husband and been divorced from another.
Cynegils was succeeded in 642 by his son Cenwalh, who married and subsequently divorced Penda's sister and was on that account expelled by that king.
A judgment is practical, and not to be divorced without improper abstraction from the purpose and will that informs it.
Berenice, daughter of Ptolemy Philadelphus, wife of Antiochus Theos of Syria, who, according to agreement with Ptolemy (249), had divorced his wife Laodice and transferred the succession to Berenice's children.
Or these jobs can be divorced from economic realities, as the struggling painter or actor decides simply to do what he loves and live off the minimum income afforded by this planet-wide prosperity.