Ditty Sentence Examples
As part of the ensemble cast on Saturday Night Live, Sandler debuted his original ditty called The Hanukah Song, which showcased a long list of celebrities who are Jewish.
The catchy ditty became an Internet sensation and took the world by storm.
For example, if he or she is a huge Garth Brooks fan, write a country ditty.
No longer content to ride the coattails of his friend Busta Rhymes, Rampage grabbed Sean Paul and The Neptunes and came up with this infectious little ditty.
Mr. Pearl Jam himself leaves grunge behind for this acoustic, night-time by the bonfire on the beach surf ditty from the soundtrack to A Broke Down Melody.
The cd opens with taxman, george harrison's witty ditty about the state of taxes in britain at the time.
Anyway, worthy of inclusion in our little list only for the little ditty entitled ' The Derby Ram ' .
In a complete change of mood, ' Off The Rails ' is an amusing little ditty with a simplistic guitar accompaniment.
The next time you're banging your head against this particular brick wall you might find the following ditty helpful.
Readers who know this ditty, may like to sing it quietly to themselves to savor the flavor.
AdvertisementThat fact and a nod to Jewel's impressive vocal range make this sour pop ditty almost excusable.
Ditty - Small Midi sequencer for Windows, tested using General Midi and the SoundBlaster Live.
Lydgate certainly possessed extraordinary versatility, which enabled him to turn from elaborate epics to quite popular poems like the Mumming at Hertford, A Ditty of Women's Horns and London Lickpenny.
Rap music lyrics fall into several shades of gray, because while some songs may have questionable content, others are just as safe as any other ditty playing on the radio.
Ditty - Small midi sequencer for Windows, tested using General Midi sequencer for Windows, tested using General Midi and the SoundBlaster Live.