Distributing Sentence Examples
The city is a distributing point for the neighbouring mining region.
It is a distributing point for the Clearfield coal region to the northward.
Jacksonville is the most important distributing centre in Florida, and is a port of entry.
Open hostilities were interrupted for a few years by the Peace of Ryswick and for a longer period by the Peace of Utrecht (1713), but French priests continued to dwell among the Iroquois, teaching them and distributing presents, and of the success of this diplomacy the English were ever in danger.
It is also an important distributing centre for neighbouring districts.
The industry in comparison with former times, when the town had so considerable a manufacture in muslin as to give its name to that fabric, is very unimportant; trade also, which is almost exclusively in the hands of native merchants, has fallen off greatly, although the town remains the collecting and distributing centre for the north Mesopotamian desert and Kurdistan.
A third experiment took the form of distributing over many backs a burden too heavy for one.
The position of Rhodes as a distributing centre of Levantine and especially of Phoenician goods is well attested by archaeological finds.
The importance of the Malay Peninsula, as has been noted, consisted in the privilege which its locality conferred upon it of being the distributing centre of the spices brought thither from the Moluccas en route for India and Europe.
Aerial distribution from distributing poles is a method frequently adopted.
AdvertisementUntil then the Venetians held the carrying trade of India, which was brought by the Persian Gulf and Red sea into Syria and Egypt, the Venetians receiving the products of the East at Alexandria and Beirut and distributing them over Europe.
Guanajay has always been important as a distributing point in the commerce of the western end of the island.
It is the distributing point for the gold mines of the district, and during the summer months steamboat communication is maintained on the lake.
The town is also the chief distributing agency for the islands, and carries on some business in knitted woollen goods.
Apart from collisions and derailments, a large proportion of all accidents is found to be due primarily to want of care on the part of the victims. Accidents to workmen in marshalling, shunting, distributing and running trains, engines and cars, may be taken as the most important class, after train accidents, because this work is necessary and important and yet involves considerable hazard.
AdvertisementMafeking is thus an important trading and distributing centre for Bechuanaland and the western Transvaal.
Another reform was the substitution for the corvee of a tax in money levied on the whole province, the construction of roads being handed over to contractors, by which means Turgot was able to leave his province with a good system of roads, while distributing more justly the expense of their construction.
Under such conditions of supply, however, the root-crops, gross feeders as they are, and distributing a very large extent of fibrous feeding root within the soil, avail themselves of a much larger quantity of the nitrogen supplied than the cereal crops would do in similar circumstances.
Commercially, New Haven is primarily a distributing point for the Atlantic seaboard, but the city is a port of entry, and foreign commerce (almost exclusively importing) is carried on to some extent, the imports in 1909 being valued at $404,805.
Since about 1875 the Russians have fostered the industry, introducing American Upland varieties, distributing seed free, importing gins, providing instruction, and guaranteeing the purchase of the crops.
AdvertisementThe surrounding country abounds in coal, iron ore, oil, clay, stone and timber, for which the city is a distributing centre.
He sought to mediate, though with no success, between the pope and the emperor; he descended to a whimsical piety, and took his courtiers by guile in distributing to them, at Christmas, clothing on which a cross had been secretly stitched.
During the golden age she remained among men distributing blessings, but when the iron (or bronze) age came on, she was forced to withdraw, being the last of the goddesses to quit the earth.
The prosperity of Syra, formerly an important distributing centre for the whole Levant, has been declining for several years.
These parsissoks, elected at the rate of about one representative to 120 voters, wear a cap with a badge (a bear rampant), and aid the European members of the council in distributing the surplus profit apportioned to each district, and generally in advising as, to the welfare of that part of Greenland under their partial control.
AdvertisementBeing a port of the first class, Callao is an important distributing centre for the coasting trade, in which a large number of small vessels are engaged.
Its commerce is, ho wever, almost entirely of the nature of transit trade, for it is not the chief distributing centre for the middle of Europe of the products of all other parts of the world, but is also the chief outlet for German, Austrian, and even to some extent Russian (Polish) raw products and manufactures.
He began distributing tracts and visiting the poor, joined the lay preachers' association, and gave his first sermon at Teversham, near Cambridge.
It is the distributing centre for the surrounding district, and exports railway carriages, engines, boilers, stoves, &c.
Politically it increased the power of the nobility at the expense of the crown, every competing pretender naturally endeavouring to win adherents by distributing largesse in the shape of crown-lands.
Gainesville is a trading centre and market for the surrounding country, in which cotton, grains, garden truck, fruit and alfalfa are grown and live-stock is raised; and a wholesale distributing point for the neighbouring region in Texas and Oklahoma.
Animal haulage is employed chiefly in collieries and large metal mines; sometimes for main haulage lines, but oftener for distributing empty cars and making up trains for mechanical haulage.
Albany is an important railway and commercial centre, particularly as a distributing point for New England markets, as a lumber market and - though to a much less extent than formerly - as a depot for transhipment to the south and west.
Distilling however prospers, and the town is important not only as regards its shipping and the deep-sea fishery, but also as a distributing centre for the islands and the seat of the superior law courts.
It is near the great mineral deposits of Virginia, Tennessee, West Virginia, Kentucky and North Carolina; an important distributing point for iron, coal and coke; and has tanneries and lumber mills, iron furnaces, tobacco factories, furniture factories and packing houses.
The water is brought from a ditch on the high ground, and through a line of pipes to the distributing box, whence the branch pipes supplying the jets diverge.
Pliny also asks for a decision on the status and maintenance of deserted children (65), and on the custom of distributing public doles on the occasion of interesting events in the life of a private citizen.
The vast increase of the foreign trade of Belfast marks its development, like Liverpool, as a great distributing port.
In June she followed the king to England (after distributing all her effects in Edinburgh among her ladies) with the prince and the coffin containing the body of her dead infant, and reached Windsor on the 2nd of July, where amidst other forms of good fortune she entered into the possession of Queen Elizabeth's 6000 dresses.
But since the energetic development of Peiraeus, Syra has ceased to be the chief commercial entrepOt and distributing centre of this part of the Levant, and consequently its trade has seriously declined.
In this the filling material, preferably sand, is sent down from the surface through a vertical steel pipe mixed with sufficient water to allow it to flow freely through distributing pipes in the levels commanding the excavations to be filled; these are closed at the bottom by screens of boards sufficiently close to retain the packing material while allowing the water to pass by the lower level to the pumping-engine which returns it to the surface.
The distributing network extended to more than 30 m.
The industries include distilling, the making of aerated waters, and woollen manufactures, and the town is important as a market and distributing centre.
Alexandria is a distributing and jobbing centre for the north-east counties of Virginia.
For the purpose of measuring resistances up to a few thousand ohms, the most convenient appliance is a Wheatstone's Bridge (q.v), but when the resistance of the conductor to be measured is several hundred thousand ohms, or if it is the resistance of a so-called insulator, such as the insulating covering of the copper wires employed for distributing electric current in houses and buildings for electric lighting, then the ohmmeter is more convenient.
It is one of the largest distributing centres in the country for coal, which is received by lake, and stored in enormous coal docks for transshipment by rail throughout the west and north-west.
Barbacena was formerly a principal distributing centre for the mining districts of Minas Geraes, but this distinction was lost when the railways were extended beyond that point.
It is a flourishing distributing centre and has an important corn market and auction marts.
Beverly is connected by a regular line of oil-steamers with Port Arthur, Texas, and is the main distributing point for the Texas oil fields.
Moreover usage varies slightly as regards the limits of the three main divisions, but the accompanying table shows the most usual classification, naming the principal groups within each, and distributing them according to the powers to which they are subject.
The city does a large wholesale and distributing business.
Protestant missionary societies have engaged energetically in the task not only of translating, but of printing, publishing and distributing the Scriptures.
The state also makes appropriations for the payment of a portion of the tuition in high schools and academies distributing it among the districts in proportion to the rate of school tax in each, appropriations for paying a portion of the salary of school superintendents where two or more districts unite to form a supervising district, and appropriations for general school purposes to be distributed among the districts according to the number of teachers trained in normal schools and to average school attendance.
Watertown is situated in a fertile agricultural and dairying region, of which it is a distributing centre, and it ships large quantities of farm produce and dairy products (especially cheese).
It is a shipping centre for a large wheat, fruit and cotton-raising region, and the principal jobbing market for northern Texas, Oklahoma and part of Louisiana, and the biggest distributing point for agricultural machinery in the South-west.
In the earliest age of Christian monasticism the ascetics were accustomed to live singly, independent of one another, at no great distance from some village, supporting themselves by the labour of their own hands, and distributing the surplus after the supply of their own scanty wants to the poor.
The government promotes the extension of markets for farm products; it maintains officers in the United Kingdom who make reports from time to time on the condition in which Canadian goods are delivered from the steamships, and also on what they can learn from importing and distributing merchants regarding the preferences of the market for different qualities of farm goods and different sorts of packages.
The station is fitted with an extensive suite of offices for the interchange of postal traffic, the chief mails to and from Ireland and Scotland being stopped here and arranged for various distributing centres.
The subdivision of the day (q.v.) into twenty-four parts, or hours, has prevailed since the remotest ages, though different nations have not agreed either with respect to the epoch of its commencement or the manner of distributing the hours.
There are three other distributing reservoirs in different parts of the city, and the supply, which has been augmented since the works were inaugurated in 1885, is good and ample.
Rio is also a distributing centre in the coasting trade, and many imported products, such as jerked beef (came secca), hay, flour, wines, &c., appear among the coastwise exports, as well as domestic manufactures.
It is as a distributing centre for the manufactured products of the East to the West, and for the raw products of the West to the East, and for the trans-shipment from lake to rail and vice versa, that Buffalo occupies a position of greatest importance.
The measures by which the government of India chiefly endeavours to reduce the liability of the country to famine are the promotion of railways; the extension of canal and well irrigation; the reclamation of waste lands, with the establishment of fuel and fodder reserves; the introduction of agricultural improvements; the multiplication of industries; emigration; and finally the improvement where necessary of the revenue and rent systems. In times of famine the function of the railways in distributing the grain is just as important as the function of the irrigation-canals in increasing the amount grown.
The only sense in which we might be justified in using the word temperature here is by taking account of the energy set free in each discharge and distributing it between the amount of matter to which the energy is supplied.
In 1890-1892 he was United States minister to Russia, and during that period had charge of distributing among the Russian famine sufferers more than $ioo,000 in money, and five shiploads of food.
Newton is a supply and distributing point for the surrounding agricultural and stock-raising region, and has various manufactures.
The chief distributing centre of cotton made-up goods is London, though a considerable trade is done through wholesale houses in Manchester and elsewhere.
The city is a wholesale distributing centre for all northern Vermont and New Hampshire, and is one of the principal lumber markets in the east, most of the lumber being imported from Canada.
The city is a distributing centre for a beautiful farming region, the trade in grain being especially large.
Kumasi is the distributing centre for the whole of Ashanti and the hinterland.
Manila is important chiefly for its commerce, and to make it the chief distributing point for American goods consigned to Eastern markets the American government undertook the harbour improvements, and abolished the tonnage dues levied under Spanish rule.
For this monsoon irrigation there is always abundance of water, and so long as the canals and sluices are kept in repair, there is little trouble in distributing it over the fields.
They carried on the agitation as best they could, chiefly by distributing reports of speeches made in the Reichstag.
He visited all the neighbouring parishes where the contagion raged, distributing money, providing accommodation for the sick, and punishing those, especially the clergy, who were remiss in discharging their duties.
Ardmore is the market-town and distributing point for the surrounding agricultural region, which is the home of a large part of the Chickasaw and Choctaw nations.
The city is supplied with water drawn from the Missouri river above the mouth of the Kansas or Kaw (which is used as a sewer by Kansas City, Kan.); the main pumping station and settling basins being at Quindaro, several miles up the river in Kansas; whence the water is carried beneath the Kansas, through a tunnel, to a high-pressure distributing station in the west bottoms. The waterworks (direct pressure system) were acquired by the city in 1895.
He considered it necessary to hold Dongola, and he reported that he was distributing this army along the left bank of the Nile, on the open reach of water between the Hannek cataract and Abu Dom, opposite Merawi.
It began by distributing prizes for the best literary productions of the year, then it started the collection and publication of the Hungarian folklore, and lastly undertook the translation into the Hungarian language of the masterpieces of foreign literatures.
Lastly, the medieval Brethren were engaged in printing and distributing tracts, mystical, anti-clerical, sometimes socialist.
In 1656 George Fox the Quaker was imprisoned in the north-east tower for disturbing the peace at St Ives by distributing tracts.
About the same time a law passed Congress for distributing among the states some $35,000,000 balance belonging to the United States, the public debt having all been paid.
Soon afterwards he was elected consul with Pompey, and (70) displayed his wealth by entertaining the populace at Io,000 tables, and distributing sufficient corn to last each family three months.
In balancing the mechanism of a steam engine it is often sufficiently accurate to consider the motion of the pistons as simple harmonic, and the effect on the framework of the acceleration of the connecting rod may be approximately allowed for by distributing the weight of the rod between the crank pin and the piston inversely as the centre of gravity of the rod divides the distance between the centre of the cross head pin and the centre of the crank pin.
He soon became prominent as one of the leaders of the Democratic party in the state, and for many years was a member of the so-called "Albany Regency," a group of Democrats who between about 1820 and 1850 exercised a virtual control over their party in New York, dictating nominations and appointments and distributing patronage.
Near the end of his life he rendered great public service by distributing provisions in the city during a famine.
A second vibrating composition roller conveys the ink from this drum to the distributing table or ink slab, on which other rollers, called distributors, still further thin out the ink.
Diurnal currents of wind, which are established from the plains to the mountains during the day, and from the hills to the plains during the night, are impqrtant agents in distributing the rainfall.
Supposing this could be established, the question would still remain whether the same result could not be obtained at far less expense by dispensing with the hatching operations and distributing the eggs directly after fertilization.
Muller knew several important forms in 1773, while Ehrenberg in 1830 had advanced to the commencement of a scientific separation and grouping of them, and in 1838 had proposed at least sixteen species, distributing them into four genera.
Formerly Shasi was a great distributing centre, but the opening of Ich`ang to foreign trade diverted much of the traffic to the last-named port.
The place is still, however, a large distributing centre for native trade, and is the seat of an extensive manufacture of native cotton cloth.
The Turkish government encourage the development of the industry by remitting the tithes on opium and poppy-seed for one year on lands sown for the first time, and by distributing printed instructions for cultivating the poppy and preparing the opium.
Those who received them fully during Swedenborg's lifetime were few and scattered, but courageously undertook the task of dissemination, and gave themselves to translating and distributing their master's writings.
The principle adopted in distributing the representation is that of equal electoral districts, modified in practice by a preference given to the distant and rural constituencies at the cost of the metropolitan electorates.
The prosperity of the mining towns of the interior is dependent on the fickle fortune of the gold-fields, for which they are the distributing points.
From London he went his circuit through the country, animating the zeal of his brethren, collecting and distributing alms and making up quarrels.
The city is an important distributing centre, has a large wholesale trade (especially in groceries, hardware, boots and shoes, and dry goods), and in 1904 in the value of its factory products ($10,403,508, 20.2% more than in 1 9 00) it ranked fifth among the cities of the state.
On the introduction of the Waterworks Clauses Act 1847, an impetus was given to high-pressure supplies, and the same systems of distributing mains were frequently employed for the purpose; but with few exceptions the water continued to be supplied intermittently, and cisterns or tanks were necessary to store it for use during the periods of intermission.
But even in entirely new distributing systems the network is so extensive, and the number of joints so great, that the aggregate leakage is always considerable; the greatest loss being at the so-called " ferrules " connecting the mains with the house " communication " or " service " pipes, in the lead pipes, and in the household fittings.
As a distributing, centre, Leith occupies a prominent place.
We thus get 2 5 boys eS - 4 I boys' which means that the distribution can be effected by distributing at the rate of 4 apples per boy.
Culiacan (pop. in 1900, 10,380) is the distributing centre for a large district between Guaymas and Mazatlan.
More than 3,000,000 rations, generally cooked, were at one time distributed, but no exertions could altogether avert death in a country where the usual machinery for carrying, distributing and preparing food was almost entirely wanting.
After the abolition of the state dispensary system in 1907 a State Dispensary Commission was created for winding up the business of the dispensary and distributing about $900,000 (of which $ioo,000 was still due) of dispensary funds.
The local administration endeavours to better the quality of live-stock by importing purer breeds, distributing prizes, and other measures; but the native farmers are slow to accept improvements.
The kings, like private individuals and ecclesiastical establishments, made use of the beneficium to reward their servants; till finally their demesne was so reduced by these perpetual grants that they took to distributing among their champions land owning the overlordship of the Church, or granted their own lands for single lives only.
He gave up his personal right of distributing the fiefs and honors which were the price of adherence, and thus lost for the Carolingians the free disposal of the immense territories they had gradually usurped; they retained the over-lordship, it is true, but this over-lordship, without usufruct and without choice of tenant, was but a barren possession.
Instead of weakening this aristocratic agitation by the see-saw policy of Catherine de Medici, Marie could invent no other device than to despoil the royal treasure by distributing places and money to the chiefs of both parties.
Axial aberration is reduced by distributing the refraction between two lenses; and by placing the two lenses farther apart the errors of the pencils of rays proceeding from points lying outside the axis are reduced.
But her love for Sigurd was great as ever, and she determined not to survive him; distributing her wealth to her hand-maidens, she mounted Sigurd's funeral pyre, slew herself with his sword, and was burnt with him.
He laboured assiduously to obtain observations as to the winds and currents by distributing to captains of vessels specially prepared log-books; and in the course of nine years he had collected a sufficient number of logs to make two hundred manuscript volumes, each with about two thousand five hundred days' observations.
The practice of distributing wedding favors began with the European upper classes, who had the wealth to provide elaborate gifts to their guests.
The penalty for distributing such contraband may be the concentration camp; it may be death.
Surveillance revealed that Chinese nationals were possibly using an industrial unit for duplicating and distributing counterfeit DVDs.
In 1975 several PPU members faced a ten-week trial for distributing leaflets telling soldiers disillusioned with Northern Ireland duties how they might leave.
Head office is hoping that branches will play a very active part by distributing cards, setting up petition stalls and collecting signatures door-to-door.
We've been distributing fliers all over the place.
Developing and distributing reagents kits to detect the currently circulating influenza A H5N1 viruses.
That hangs poorly with the fact that NESTA is meant to be distributing public largesse.
In 1995, Boehner raised eyebrows by distributing campaign checks from tobacco lobbyists on the House floor.
Henri Martin was imprisoned in 1950 for five years for distributing pamphlets.
Sprinkle with the toasted pecans and top with the cheese and pomegranate seeds, distributing evenly.
There were a few Respect placards, and I saw bundles of Respect papers, but didn't see anyone distributing them.
Beside by hiring a porter I am distributing my tourist money among the economy... .
This installation developed about 4,000 hp and supplied compressed air for distributing through the streets of Paris to drive various prime movers.
Channel Plus are offers a new system distributing S-Video and composite video with digital or analog stereo audio over Category 5e wiring.
If each distributing flue is connected by means of a mixing valve with a cold-air flue, the warmth of the incoming air can be regulated to a nicety (see Ventilation).
Cajamarca is an important commercial and manufacturing town, being the distributing centre for a large inland region, and having long-established manufactures of woollen and linen goods, and of metal work, leather, etc. It is the seat of one of the seven superior courts of the republic, and is connected with the coast by telegraph and telephone.
Gallatin had always been a consistent opponent of slavery; he felt keenly, therefore, the attempts of the South to extend the slave power and confirm its existence, and the remnant of his strength was devoted in his last days to writing and distributing two able pamphlets against the war with Mexico.
During his tribuneship (232 B.C.), in spite of the determined opposition of the senate and his own father, he carried a measure for distributing among the plebeians the alter Gallicus Picenus, an extensive tract of newly-acquired territory to the south of Ariminum (Cicero, De senectute, 4, Brutus, 14).
In his work De aquaeductibus urbis Romae commentarius, he considers the methods which were at that time employed for ascertaining the quantity of water discharged from ajutages, and the mode of distributing the waters of an aqueduct or a fountain.
He made an attempt to oppose the agrarian law introduced by Caesar for distributing the lands of Campania, but was overpowered and even personally ill-treated by the mob.
The Internet has made distributing music easy and has unleashed an astonishing amount of new material.
The footman, who was distributing leaflets with Kutuzov's cantata, laid one before Pierre as one of the principal guests.
Police and Road Safety Officers visited Barking College over the lunch time period yesterday, distributing cd 's in the refectory area.
Corporations usually have superior supply chains and are adept at distributing products with speed and effectiveness.
Another company that offers this payment option is AC Distributing.
Essentially, they assist consumers with negotiating the total amount of debt owed, combining it into a single, lump sum and distributing the monthly payment on the debt to creditors.
This includes distributing assets and joint financial property as well as deciding who will assume responsibility for each liability.
Federal law requires that before selling or distributing a pesticide in the United States, a person or company must obtain registration, or license, from EPA.
As one of the largest tile, stone and bathroom furniture manufacturing and distributing services in the United States today, Walker Zanger sets the stage for today's interior design trends.
Whoever hosts the shower, whether friend or family, should plan on distributing favors both as an expression of thanks for attending and a memento of the occasion.
Checklist of Required Information-A list of items is found here that should be included in a Notice of Intention to Obtain a Compulsory License for Making and Distributing Phonorecords.
Creating and distributing fancy dresses for girls since 1986, the design company has also started making swimwear, outerwear, and even recently begun making baby clothing for boys.
The organization accepts funds from individuals and organizations who wish to start an endowed named scholarship, then handles the process of screening students and distributing scholarship funds each year.
Since it is so light, picking up and distributing large amounts of the mulch is easy and can be done by hand.
Some wholesale distributing companies also offer unique items to businesses that the ordinary consumer does not have access to.
Generally, wholesale jewelry distributing companies serve retail business customers.
When you are considering making a purchase at a wholesale distributing site, read the terms of service carefully to make sure that you understand the transaction requirements.
Consider designing and distributing surveys to find out which are the most favorite and least favorite playground equipment.
In addition to producing and distributing products to help patients with apneas and hypoapneas, Resmed also invests six percent of their profits into continued research and development of new Resmed CPAP products and therapies.
To help get games to you faster, GottaPlay has multiple distributing centers across the United States.
Keep in mind that we've already heard of Sony digitally distributing PSone games onto the PS2 via the network adapter, and that hasn't come to fruition yet.
A vent or boars hair brush will help tame flyaways while distributing scalp oil for natural texture and separation.
If you are distributing products, you can set up a shopping cart so that your customers can place orders at a time that is convenient for them.
Their duties extend to evaluating the information gathered and distributing what they learned to relevant agencies and to the general public as needed.
It goes on state that the company operates a drug-free workplace and that using, distributing or possessing drugs or controlled substances while engaging in work-related activities is grounds for termination of employment.
Many of these companies are forced out of business only to open up under another company name, sometimes relocating to another state and manufacturing and distributing the exact same appliance under a different brand name.
Placing game cards in their correct position on the game board and distributing game pieces to each player can help a child with problem solving and task completion skills.
By distributing the products among team or organization members and letting them sell the products to their friends and family, your organization will acquire funds to donate to its cause.
Another benefit to having more time to raise funds is that you can spread your efforts over time, distributing reminders through newsletters and other events along the way.
The State then determines who is eligible for the specific grant and is responsible for distributing the money or services.
Consider posting it on your website or distributing it to other local churches that need a little boost with their fundraising efforts.
Their sole purpose is distributing grants to organizations who meet their specific guidelines.
Contact the beverage distributing company in your area and ask if they offer discounts to nonprofits that are holding organized fundraisers.
If you don't have the time to participate physically in distributing items, then many of these institutions have online donation programs that can make helping out as easy as a website visit.
If headstands cause neck pain, a yoga head stander will help by distributing your weight through your shoulders and palms.
Agricultural products from most of the Midwest and east coast are shipped to the Port of New Orleans before distributing these materials throughout the U.S. and overseas.
Your plans for promoting your business may include taking out ads in the local newspaper, joining a business owners' association, distributing flyers, or trading links with other web site owners.
The "From" line indicates who is writing and distributing the memo.
Since he was in the business of selling used cars, Les started distributing a list of vehicles that he wanted to buy, along with his estimate of what he believed they were worth.
This adds intensity to the workout, while distributing the work load between the quadriceps and gluteal muscles.
In the case of an annuity, you invest an agreed-upon amount every month (or in a lump sum) until a future time when your payments cease, and the insurance company starts distributing payments back to you.
At the end of the agreed-upon period, the insurance company begins distributing payments back to you.
Apparently the bras cause the breasts to sit directly on the wires, instead of distributing the weight across shoulders, back and chest.
There are a number of bands, record labels and websites devoted to distributing music.
T.I. had been charged and convicted of distributing cocaine and manufacturing and distributing a controlled substance in 1997.
Distributing fliers for a local Houston jewelry when he was a teenager led to the creation of TV Jewelry, Paul's jewelry designing business.
Oink split distribution duties for the release with Soundwaves Records, with Oink distributing the album in the western U.S. and Soundwaves handling business in the east.
In 2001, Lions Gate began distributing a series of digitally designed Barbie films.
Friends of friends link together and serve as effective outlets for distributing content that individual users enjoy, from YouTube videos to news stories to reviews and more.
In 1945 the federal government disbanded the SSB and established the Social Security Administration (SSA) to manage distributing benefits, but left the IRS in charge of collecting the funds.
People were busy distributing or obtaining critical supplies and uniforms were not a top priority.
Zimbabwe was probably the distributing centre for the gold traffic carried on in the middle ages between subjects of the Monomotapa and the Mahommedans of the coast.
To prevent the atmosphere from becoming unduly dry a pan of water is fitted to the stove; this serves to moisten the air before it passes into the distributing flues.
If each distributing flue is connected by means of a mixing valve with a cold-air flue, the warmth of the incoming air can be regulated nicely.
In 1727 he gained the prize given by the Academie des Sciences for his paper "On the best manner of forming and distributing the masts of ships"; and two other prizes, one for his dissertation "On the best method of observing the altitude of stars at sea," the other for his paper "On the best method of observing the variation of the compass at sea."
Manholes are placed at intervals in the line of ducts to facilitate the drawing in and jointing of the cables, and surface boxes are placed in the footways for distributing purposes.
Even insects, as in the case of South African locusts, have been found to be a means of distributing seeds.
While the republics of Italy, and above all the state of Venice, were engaged in distributing the rich products of India and the Far East over the Western world, it was impossible that motives of curiosity, as well as a desire of commercial advantage, should not be awakened to such a degree as to impel some of the merchants to visit those remote lands.
He had also, by virtue of an ancient custom, the power of giving the first dish from the king's table to whatever poor person he pleased, or, instead of it, alms in money, which custom is kept up by the lord high almoner distributing as many silver pennies as the sovereign has years of age to poor men and women on Maundy Thursday.
Johannesburg had the greatest difficulty in smuggling in and distributing the rifles with which the insurgents were to be armed.
Every day, we seem to be getting better at distributing medical resources and information.