Distinguish Sentence Examples
She couldn't distinguish whether it was male or female.
Natasha looked in the mirrors and could not distinguish her reflection from the others.
We have to distinguish the part of Ferdinand VII.
How are we to distinguish species from genus ?
It is convenient to distinguish between absorption and transmission dynamometers.
Between the years 1404 and 1408 Aberystwyth Castle was in the hands of Owen Glendower, but finally surrendered to Prince Harry of Monmouth, and shortly of ter this the town was incorporated under the title of Ville de Lampadarn, the ancient name of the place being Llanbadarn Gaerog, or the fortified Llanbadarn, to distinguish it from Llanbadarn Fawr, the village one mile inland.
He was probably the first to attempt a serious prose history and to employ critical method to distinguish myth from historical fact, though he accepts Homer and the other poets as trustworthy authority.
These peculiarities, combined with the striking absence of mineral constituents, distinguish the eupelagic globigerina ooze from the hemipelagic calcareous mud.
In the earlier editions of his works sufficient care was not taken to distinguish between his own writings and those of Wycliffe and others who were associated with him.
Those initiated in the mysteries were taught to distinguish two streams in the lower world, one of memory and one of oblivion.
AdvertisementIn this double-barrelled criticism it is important to distinguish what is really relevant.
This weapon embodied all the essential features which distinguish the ordnance of to-day from the cannon of the middle ages - it was built up of rings of metal shrunk upon an inner steel barrel; it was loaded at the breech; it was rifled; and it threw, not a round ball, but an elongated projectile with ogival head.
The small horns and bluish-grey colour of the adult bulls serve to distinguish the Indian nilgai, Boselaphus tragocamelus, from the other members of the subfamily.
Hence there is confusion on every side; it is difficult to distinguish between various sects and to determine their exact opinions or the circumstances under which they came into being.
For mint use it is necessary that they shall distinguish between " light," " heavy " and " good " coins which do not differ from standard by more than the small weight known as the " remedy " (see above).
AdvertisementIf this be so, it was probably given to the Roman deacons to distinguish them from the other clergy and to mark their special relations to the pope.
Characteristic yellow staining of the skin round the mouth from the formation of xanthoproteic acid serves to distinguish it from poisoning by other acids.
It is not difficult in such compact species to distinguish between superficial cells, whose chief function is assimilation, subjacent cells charged with reserve material, and a core of tissue engaged in the convection of elaborated material from part to part.
By the time they are three months old, babies can distinguish between happy and angry tones.
A bare gland-patch behind the ear serves to distinguish the oribis or ourebis, as typified by Oribia montana of the Cape; lateral hoofs being present and the face-pit large.
AdvertisementBut he lacked business thrift, inherited a disposition to endorse for his friends, and was often unable to distinguish between deserving applicants for aid and adventurers.
As we have found it necessary to distinguish between the original composition by Mark, to whom in the main the work appears to be due, and some enlargement and alteration which it subsequently underwent whereby it reached its present form, these stages must be borne in mind in considering dates that may be assigned in connexion with this Gospel.
He was afterwards known as Columkille, or Columba of the Church, to distinguish him from others of the same name.
Amongst these it is possible to distinguish in the middle of the system four predominant ranges, of which the second from the north is probably the principal range, though the fourth is the highest.
In the dull round of instruction in "grammar" he did not distinguish himself, and was surpassed by his early friend and companion, William Herman, who was Winckel's favourite pupil.
AdvertisementIt is convenient to distinguish two types of polyp by the names hydro polyp and anthopolyp, characteristic of the Hydrozoa and From Gegenbaur's FIG.
It is curious that while in England the burgage-tenure was deemed a species of socage, to distinguish it from the military holdings, in Scotland it was strictly a military holding, by the service of watching and warding for the defence of the burgh.
Certain species of nummulites, which are very common, distinguish the various subdivisions of the Eocene.
In the long familiar Branchipus, Chirocephalus and Streptocephalus the males have frontal appendages, but these are wanting in the " brine-shrimp " Artemia, and the same want helps to distinguish Branchinecta (Verrill, 1869) from the old genus Branchipus.
Here it is necessary to distinguish between the original text of the Old Syriac and the existing MSS.
Their view of the history of the text is that a comparison of the evidence shows that, while we can distinguish more than one type of text, the most clearly discernible of all the varieties is first recognizable in the quotations of Chrysostom, and is preserved in almost all the later MSS.
In considering the flora of the islands it is necessary to distinguish between the rich vegetation of the fertile volcanic islands and the poor vegetation of the coral islands.
Owing to the proximity of two oceans, and the varied configuration of the surface of Costa Rica, an area of a few square miles may exhibit the most striking extremes of climate; but, over the entire country, it is possible to distinguish three climatic zones - tropical, temperate and cold.
There can be little doubt, however, that there it was used to distinguish the Teutonic inhabitants of Britain from the Old Saxons of the continent.
Here there are no monumental data known; and the literary information does not distinguish the closely connected, perhaps identical, units of these lands.
In the barons' war he took the royalist side, but did not distinguish himself by great activity.
Observing for himself (1794-1800) the stratigraphic value of fossils, he began to distinguish the great Mesozoic formations of England (1801).
As instances of such combinations, some of the (probably herbivorous) Eocene monkeys with arboreal limbs have teeth so difficult to distinguish from those of the herbivorous ground-living Eocene horses with cursorial limbs that at first in France and also in America they were both classed with the hoofed animals.
Nature, limited in her resources for adaptation, fashioned so many of these animals in like form that we have learned only recently to distinguish similarities cf analogous habit from the similitudes of real kinship. From whatever order of Mammalia or Reptilia an animal may be derived, prolonged aquatic adaptation will model its outer, and finally its inner, structure according to certain advantageous designs.
But it is difficult in practice to distinguish the two phases of thought and no clear account of animatism can yet be given, largely on the ground that no people has yet been discovered which has not already developed to a greater or less extent an animistic philosophy.
We distinguish between animate and inanimate nature, but this classification has no meaning for the savage.
It is to distinguish them from the grey, or timber, wolves that coyotes have received the name of "prairie-wolves"; the two titles indicating the nature of the respective habitats of the two species.
The idea, therefore, seems to be that as we must distinguish the holy food over which the words " This is my body " have been uttered from common food, so we must separate ourselves before eating it from all that is guilty and impure.
There seems little in the characteristics of these fairies of romance to distinguish them from human beings, except their supernatural knowledge and power.
In 1402 Alexander, lord of the Isles, set fire to the town, but spared the cathedral for a consideration, in memory of which mercy the Little Cross (so named to distinguish it from the Muckle or Market Cross, restored in 1888) was erected.
The United States, nevertheless, insisted that such prohibition was indispensable on the grounds - (t) that pelagic sealing involved the destruction of breeding stock, because it was practically impossible to distinguish between the male and female seal when in the water; (2) that it was unnecessarily wasteful, inasmuch as a large proportion of the seals so killed were lost.
N.B.-A trifling quantity of Californian and Australian wheat was imported in the period in question, but the Board of Trade records do not distinguish the quantities, therefore they cannot be given.
It is therefore necessary to distinguish the different hands which have been at work on the manuscript.
Interpolation is then a voluntary alteration, but in practice it is often hard to distinguish from other changes in which its motive is absent.
By these differences we can do something to distinguish between earlier and later philosophical works; and also vindicate as genuine some works, which have been considered spurious because they do not agree in style or in matter with his most mature philosophy.
Now, from the outset of his Rhetoric Aristotle himself claims to be the first to distinguish between artificial evidences from arguments and other evidences which he regards as mere additions; and he complains that the composers of arts of speaking had neglected the former for the latter.
There are three points about a man's life which both connect him with, and distinguish him from, God.
February Having Then Twenty Nine Days, The 25Th Was The 6Th Of The Calends Of March, Sexto Calendas; The Preceding, Which Was The Additional Or Intercalary Day, Was Called Bis Sexto Calendas, Hence The Term Bissextile, Which Is Still Employed To Distinguish The Year Of 366 Days.
Lucius Cornelius Balbus (called Major to distinguish him from his nephew) was born early in the last century B.C. He is generally considered to have been of Phoenician origin.
The name of Lusatia hitherto confined to Lower Lusatia, was soon applied to both districts, the adjectives Upper and Lower being used to distinguish them.
Here we must distinguish between the reeled silk and the spun or waste silk manufactures.
It was established, we are told, "because simple folks cannot distinguish the spiritual power from the sovereign power, and suppose that a supreme spiritual pastor is a second sovereign, the spiritual authority being regarded as higher and better than the temporal."
Although thus highly poisonous, the bean has nothing in external aspect, taste or smell to distinguish it from any harmless leguminous seed, and very disastrous effects have resulted from its being incautiously left in the way of children.
But in the progress of his physical work, which taught him, as he thought, to distinguish between what we see and what we mentally supply, he soon passed from this noumenalism to a " universal physical phenomenology."
By the alchemists the word was used principally to distinguish various highly volatile, mobile and inflammable liquids, such as the ethers, sulphuric ether and acetic ether having been known respectively as naphtha sulphurici and naphtha aceti.
Instead, we may distinguish four main groups of roads radiating from London, and a fifth which runs obliquely.
This ethical value is perceived by reason or understanding (which, unlike Kant, he does not distinguish), which intuitively recognizes fitness or congruity between actions, agents and total circumstances.
Until 1904 Calabar was generally, and officially, known as Old Calabar, to distinguish it from New Calabar, the name of a river and port about 100 m.
In Chinese history we are told how, in the sixty-fourth year of the reign of Hwang-ti (2634 B.C.), the emperor Hivan-yuan, or Hwang-ti, attacked one Tchi-yeou, on the plains of Tchou-lou, and finding his army embarrassed by a thick fog raised by the enemy, constructed a chariot (Tchi-nan) for indicating the south, so as to distinguish the four cardinal points, and was thus enabled to pursue Tchi-yeou, and take him prisoner.
This test involves only changes of velocity, and so does not distinguish between two bases, each of which moves relatively to the other with uniform velocity without rotation.
It would be difficult in any attempt to estimate the volume of British home trade to distinguish what may be called the effective movements of goods.
It is usual to distinguish further between "law" and "equity" (q.v.).
Remusat rather dubiously suggested, while Schmidt and Schiefner maintained, that the silent letters were a device of grammarians to distinguish in writing words which were not distinguished in speech.
It is often very difficult to distinguish between a chemical compound, for example, and the case of solid solution represented by fig.
Here it is only necessary to distinguish halos from coronae.
Thus the bill becomes a most delicate organ of sensation, and by its means the bird, while probing for food, is at once able to distinguish the nature of the objects it encounters, though these are wholly out of sight.
In order to avoid the uncertainty arising from the lack of vowels to distinguish forms consisting of the same consonants (for the vowel-points were not yet invented), the aramaising use of the reflexive conjugations (Hithpa`el, Nithpa`el) for the internal passives (Pu'al, Hoph`al) became common; particles were used to express the genitive and other relations, and in general there was an endeavour to avoid the obscurities of a purely consonantal writing.
But the likeness probably goes deeper than superficial resemblance that appeals to the eye, for spiders which distinguish flies from bees by touch and not by sight, treat drone-flies after touching them, not in the fearless way they evince towards bluebottles (Calliphora), but in the cautious manner they display towards bees and wasps, warily refraining from coming to close quarters until their prey is securely enswathed in silk.
So alike in form, colour and mode of flight are those Lepidoptera that when on the wing it is almost or quite impossible to distinguish one from the other, and the resemblance between members belonging to different sub-families cannot be assigned to affinity.
We can distinguish this class of forms as lichens with a homoiomerous thallus, i.e.
In dealing with the individual eschatology we must carefully distinguish the popular ideas regarding death and the hereafter which Israel shared with the other Semitic peoples, from the intuitions, inferences, aspirations evoked in the pious by the divine revelation itself.
His most important achievement was to define "salts" - a term formerly used in the most loose and indeterminate way - as the compounds formed by the union of acids and bases, and further to distinguish between neutral, basic and acid salts.
He is known as Rouelle the elder, to distinguish him from his younger brother and assistant, Hilaire Marin (1718-1779), who, on his resignation in 1768, succeeded him as demonstrator at the Jardin du Roi.
The assertion preserved by Stobaeus that Thales recognized, together with the material element " water," " mind," which penetrates it and sets it in motion, is refuted by the precise testimony of Aristotle, who declares that the early physicists did not distinguish the moving cause from the material cause, and that before Hermotimus and Anaxagoras no one postulated a creative intelligence.
But for the sake of practical convenience it has long been usual to select certain of the best marked of these passes to serve as limits within the range, whether to distinguish several great divisions from each other, or to further break up each of these great divisions into smaller groups.
Assuming these three main divisions, we must now consider in detail the 18 sub-divisions which we distinguish; the first 5 forming the Western Alps, the next 7 the Central Alps, and the rest the Eastern Alps, the heights throughout being, of course, given in English feet and representing the latest measurements.
Polybius and the authors who copy him regard the Bastarnae as Galatae; Strabo, having learned of the Romans to distinguish Celts and Germans, first allows a German element; Tacitus expressly declares their German origin but says that the race was degraded by intermarriage with Sarmatians.
The compound FeS 2 is dimorphous, and the modern practice is to distinguish the cubic forms as pyrites and the orthorhombic as marcasite (q.v.).
In some cases the two forms of iron disulphide occur in intimate association and are difficult to distinguish.
The term Eumycetes is sometimes applied to this group to distinguish them from the Phycomycetes, but as the same name is also applied to the fungi as a whole to differentiate them from the Mycetozoa and Bacteria, the term had best be dropped.
The careful investigations of recent years have shown that in several groups of fungi we cannot be content to distinguish as units morphologically different species, but we are compelled to go deeper and analyse further the species.
In order to make perfectly clear the full significance of the principle which Hume applied to the solution of the chief philosophical questions, it is necessary to render somewhat more precise and complete the statement of the psychological view Theory which lies at the foundation of the empirical theory, and to distinguish from it the problem of the theory of knowledge upon which it was brought to bear.
The earliest Flemish Beghard communities were associations mainly of artisans who earned ' In the year 1287 the council of Liege decreed that "all Beguinae desiring to enjoy the Beguine privileges shall enter a Beguinage, and we order that all who remain outside the Beguinage shall wear a dress to distinguish them from the Beguinae."
Beginning with the Belgae and the Gallia Belgica of the Romans, the use of the adjective to distinguish the inhabitants of the south Netherlands can be traced through all stages of subsequent history.
As to man's power of attaining truth his scepticism is decided; and he plainly declares that none of our faculties enable us to distinguish truth from error.
In measuring conduction of heat in fluids, it is possible to some extent to eliminate the effects of molar convection or mixing, but it would not be possible to distinguish between diffusion, or internal radiation, and conduction.
Wesel is occasionally spoken of as Unterwesel, to distinguish.
In this system we distinguish not only the asceticism of Pythagoras and the later mysticism of Plato, but also the influence of the Orphic mysteries.
It has now become impossible to distinguish the two races; Henna and Herbessus are now the fellows of Camarina and Leontini.
That later generations might not so easily distinguish the " abrogated " from the " abrogating " did not occur to Mahomet, whose vision, naturally enough, seldom extended to the future of his religious community.
Be that as it may, it is impossible now to distinguish in the present form of the book what belongs to the first redaction from what is due to the second.
The invention of vowel-signs of diacritic points to distinguish similarly formed consonants, and of other orthographic signs, soon put a stop to arbitrary conjectures on the part of the readers.
The meaning of many words may be still unknown, and many constructions are still obscure; but at least he can distinguish fairly between a correct text and a corrupt text.
Further, Irenaeus himself in one passage fails to distinguish between Cerinthian and Valentinian doctrines.
To test it is to try to distinguish between truth and falsity, and to answer the question - What renders the claim of a judgment to be true, really true?
We can distinguish portions of an historical narrative which speaks of Elisha in connexion with events of public interest, without making him the central figure, and a series of anecdotes of properly biographical character..
It is still equally hard to distinguish Greek work from Etruscan art inspired by Greek models.
It appears to be necessary to distinguish between the production of species and the production of adaptation.
We have still to admit with Darwin that it is difficult or impossible to assign utility to all the characters that distinguish species, and particularly to those characters by which systematists identify species.
They are at the same time its distinctive doctrines; that is to say, the doctrines that distinguish it from all previous teaching in India.
Thanks to a manuscript copy of the play in its earliest form - discovered as recently as 1887 - we are now able to distinguish how much of this tragedy was the immediate product of the Sturm and Drang, and to understand the intentions with which the young poet began his masterpiece.
Secure of his position, Herod began to build temples and palaces and whole cities up and down Palestine as visible embodiments of the Greek civilization which was to distinguish the Roman Empire from barbarian lands.
That Plato was not careful to distinguish the Megarians and the Cynics from the eristical sophists, and that the disputants of the 4th century affected some of the mannerisms of the greatest disputant of the 5th century, he willingly concedes.
It is now no longer possible to distinguish these families by their turbans as was formerly the case.
Caste and sect marks also distinguish Hindus from each other.
True education lies in learning to wish things to be as they actually are; it lies in learning to distinguish what is our own from what does not belong to us.
Owing to the destruction of the primeval forests for the formation of sugar plantations, the indigenous flora is only seen in parts of the interior plains, in the river valleys and on the hills; and it is not now easy to distinguish between what is native and what has come from abroad.
When Herod the Great received the territory from Augustus, 20 B.C., he erected here a temple in honour of his patron; but the re-foundation of the town is due to his son, Philip the Tetrarch, who here erected a city which he named Caesarea in honour of Tiberius, adding Philippi to immortalize his own name and to distinguish his city from the similarly-named city founded by his father on the sea-coast.
Alphonso continued to distinguish himself by his exploits against the Moors, from whom he wrested Santarem in 1146 and Lisbon in 1147.
Many varieties are cultivated by the Chinese, who distinguish them by the shape and size of their fruits, which are not only much valued as dessert fruit in China, but are also occasionally exported to England.
Thus each cluster seems to consist of two kinds of stars, which we may distinguish as bright and faint; the bright stars are all approximately of one standard size, and the faint stars of another standard size and brightness.
We may conveniently distinguish the two drifts as the slow-moving and fast-moving drifts respectively; but it should be remembered that, since these motions are measured relatively to the sun, this distinction is not physically significant.
Baur, however, soon came to attach more importance to personality, and to distinguish more carefully between religion and philosophy.
If this be "imprisonment," so called to distinguish it from "penal servitude," although both mean deprivation of liberty and are closely akin, it is undergone in one of the "local" prisons - the prisons till 1878 under local jurisdiction, but now entirely controlled by the state through the home secretary and the commissioners of prisons.
The official history of the Omayyads, as it has been handed down to us, is coloured by Abbasid feeling to such an extent that we can scarcely distinguish the true from the false.
Motawakkil, in 850, formulated an edict by which these sectaries were compelled to wear a distinctive dress and to distinguish their houses by a figure of the devil nailed to the door, excluding them at the same time from all public employments, and forbidding them to send their children to Moslem schools.
Thus we distinguish in the divine system beginning, middle and end; but these three are in essence one - the difference is only the consequence of our finite comprehension.
Before Aristotle Logic needs as its presuppositions that thought should distinguish itself from things and from sense, that the problem of validity should be seen to be raised in the field of thought itself, and that analysis of the structure of physical thought should be recognized as the one way of solution.
The view of inference with which he complements it is only less satisfactory because of a failure to distinguish the principle of nexus in syllogism from its traditional formulation and rules, and because he is hampered by the intractability which he finds in certain forms of relational construction.
It is necessary to distinguish between the John of Nepomuk of history and the legendary one.
This, however, would be insufficient to distinguish theosophy from those systems of philosophy which are sometimes called "speculative" and "absolute," and which also in many cases proceed deductively from the idea of God.
He now proceeded to distinguish three moments in God, the first of which is the pure indifference which, in a sense, precedes all existence - the primal basis or abyss, as he calls it, in agreement with Boehme.
He sat in parliament four years, but did not distinguish himself as a debater.
Thus the suggestion preserved by Stobaeus that he conceived water to be endowed with mind is discredited by the specific statement of Aristotle that the earlier physicists (physiologi) did not distinguish the material from the moving cause, and that before Anaxagoras no one postulated creative intelligence.
The word "confederation," as distinct from "federation" has been sometimes, though not universally, used to distinguish from such a federal state (Bundesstaat) a mere union of states (Staatenbund) for mutual aid, and the promotion of interests common to all (see Confederation).
By the help of these inscriptions it is possible to trace the development of the modern Arabic where so many of the forms of the letters have become similar that diacritic points are essential to distinguish them, the original causes of confusion being the continuous development of cursive writing and the adoption of ligatures.
From their common feature of a substructure of brushwood and logs built up from the bottom, the crannogs have been classed as fascine-dwellings, to distinguish them from the typical piledwellings of the earlier periods in Switzerland, whose platforms are supported by piles driven into the bed of the lake.
It is convenient to distinguish the two senses in which rotation may take place about an axis OA by opposite signs.
If, however, as is the view of some of Fick's followers, the transposition took place several centuries earlier, before species of literature had appropriated particular dialects, then the linguistic facts upon which Fick relied to distinguish the " Aeolic " and " Ionic " elements in Homer disappear.
His use of the " obelus " to distinguish spurious verses, which made so large a part of his fame in antiquity, has rather told against him with modern scholars.'
The manner in which this subject is worked out will appear from the following summary in which we distinguish (I) the plot, i.e.
The present purpose being merely to illustrate the variation of distribution amongst a few representative countries, it is unnecessary to enter into more detail than such as will serve to distinguish the proportions of the population in main divisions of life.
Yet if the history of Europe in the 16th century of our era came to be written with the brevity with which we write the history of Europe in the 6th century B.C., it would be difficult at the distance of time implied by that supposition to distinguish the Italian movement of the Renaissance in its origin from the German movement of the Reformation.
In some cases it is very difficult to distinguish niello from black enamel.; but the black substance differs from true enamel in being metallic, not vitreous.
He took up the greatest happiness principle not as an attractive philosopheme, but as a criterion to distinguish good laws from bad.
Although the name (which apparently had its origin in Britannia Major, the name given to the island to distinguish it from Britannia Minor or Brittany) had, in earlier times, been often used both by English and by foreign writers, especially for rhetorical and poetical purposes, it was not till after the accession of James I.
Without entering into technicalities, it may be said generally that an attempt was made to distinguish between usury, in the modern sense of unjust exaction, and interest on capital.
Henry Phillips (1775-1838), in his Flora historica, remarks that Turner (1568) "calls it gelouer, to which he adds the word stock, as we would say gelouers that grow on a stem or stock, to distinguish them from the clove-gelouers and the wall-gelouers.
Swedish geologists distinguish between bottengrus (bottom gravel, bottom moraine) and ordinary krossgrus (terminal and side moraine).
In considering the oyster-culture in France it is necessary to distinguish the centres of production from the centres of rearing or fattening.
It is sometimes not easy to distinguish the epistle from the elegy and from the dedication.
In solution, barium salts may be detected by the immediate precipitate they give on the addition of calcium sulphate (this serves to distinguish barium salts from calcium salts), and by the yellow precipitate of barium chromate formed on the addition of potassium chromate.
The means of passive and active defence are sometimes so closely associated that it is difficult to distinguish between them.
What originality it had - at first sight it would seem not much - belongs to these thinkers; but the loss of all their works except the hymn of Cleanthes, and the inconsistencies in such scraps of information as can be gleaned from unintelligent witnesses, for the most part of many centuries later, have rendered it a peculiarly difficult task to distinguish with certainty the work of each of the three.
Like all materialists, the Stoics can only distinguish the sensible from the intelligible as Degrees of thinking when the external object is present (alrOfivEr6at) and thinking when it is absent The product of the latter kind includes memory (though this is, upon a strict analysis, something intermediate), and conceptions or general notions, under which were confusedly classed the products of the imaginative faculty.
As early as 1505 one of Almeida's ships contained a crew of rustics unable to distinguish between port and starboard; soon afterwards it became necessary to recruit convicts and slaves, and in 1538 a royal pardon was granted to all prisoners who would serve in India, except criminals under sentence for treason and canonical offences.
A preponderance of reflection and foreign influences distinguish the poets now to be mentioned.
It is generally called Abila of Lysanias, to distinguish it from (2) below.
He tried also, as far as he could, to distinguish between the certain, the probable, the doubtful and the untrue.
If the liquid is in contact with another liquid, let us distinguish quantities belonging to the two liquids by suffixes.
Lord Kelvin proposed to distinguish the latter kind of waves by the name of ripples.
It is to be noted that in the case of bacteria we can only judge of organisms being of different species by the stability of the characters which distinguish them, and numerous examples might be given where their characters become modified by comparatively slight change in their environment.
He soon began to distinguish himself as an orator, and the three patriotic sermons he delivered at Bahia (1638-40) are remarkable for their imaginative power and dignity of language.
The building afterwards became known as the New Abbey, to distinguish it from the older foundation at Dundrennan, which had been erected in 1142 by Fergus of Galloway.
The manna of the Biblical narrative, notwithstanding the miraculous circumstances which distinguish it from anything now known, answers in its description very closely to the tamarisk manna.
Many of these differ widely from the parent race, but all the Melanesian peoples have certain common characteristics which distinguish them sharply from the inhabitants of Polynesia and Micronesia.
A Roman colony was established at Sena, called Sena Gallica to distinguish it from Sena Julia (Siena) in Etruria.
Its large size, aquatic habits, partially webbed hind-toes, and the smooth, broad, orange-coloured incisors, are sufficient to distinguish this rodent from the other members of the family Capromyidae.
Petrarch did not distinguish himself by love-poetry alone in the Italian language.
Some are accompanied by occupation, in which case it is difficult to distinguish them from annexation.
It does not follow, however, that the attempt to distinguish special races should be given up, for there at least exist several definable types, each of which so far prevails in a certain population as to be taken as its standard.
In the growth of systematic civilization, the art of writing has had an influence so intense, that of all tests to distinguish the barbaric from the civilized state, none is so generally effective as this, whether they have but the failing link with the past which mere memory furnishes, or can have recourse to written records of past history and written constitutions of present order.
The same characters will distinguish grasses from the other glumiferous orders, Restiaceae, and Eriocaulonaceae, which are besides further removed by their capsular fruit and pendulous ovules.
Allen, who attempts to " distinguish what he (Edwards) meant to affirm from what he actually teaches."
But, because time had not yet made the matter clear, Locke suffered himself to digress in his second book into the psychological question of the origin of our ideas; and his theory of knowledge is ruined by the failure to distinguish between the epistemological sense of "idea" as significant content and the psychological sense in which it is applied to a fact or process in the individual mind.
There are a few well-marked types of wood which serve as convenient standards of comparison, but these cannot be used except in a few cases to distinguish individual genera.
The faces s are striated parallel to their edge of intersection with r; this serves to distinguish r and z, and thus, in the absence of x faces, to distinguish leftor right-handed crystals.
A similar distribution of electric charges is produced when a crystal is subjected to pressure; quartz being thus also piezo-electric. Etched figures, both natural and artificial (in the latter case produced by the action of hydrofluoric acid), on the faces of the crystals are in accordance with the symmetry, and may serve to distinguish leftand righthanded crystals.
But the title of emperor was also used in the middle ages, and is still used, in a loose and vague sense, without any ecclesiastical connotation or hint of connexion with Rome (the two attributes which should properly distinguish an emperor), and merely in order to designate a non-European ruler with a large extent of territory.
We can distinguish therefore in the body of a polyp the column, circular or oval in section, forming the trunk, resting on a base or foot and surmounted by the crown of tentacles, which enclose an area termed the peristome, in the centre of which again is the mouth.
The two chief chains, to distinguish them from the inner chain already described, may be called the coast and central chains.
Considerable burns on the face or body may result from the application of sulphuric acid in the practice known as "vitriol-throwing," a brownish black eschar serving to distinguish the burns produced by this acid from those of other corrosive fluids.
Having made this remark, we must distinguish between the countries which are still subject to the system of concordats and other countries.
In " Truth," starting from the formula " the Ent (or existent) is, the Nonent (or non-existent) is not," Parmenides attempted to distinguish between the unity or universal element of nature and its variety or particularity, insisting upon the reality of its unity, which is therefore the object of knowledge, and upon the unreality of its variety, which is therefore the object, not of knowledge, but of opinion.
Hence, whereas his predecessors had confounded that which is universally existent with that which is not universally existent, he proposed to distinguish carefully between that which is universally existent and that which is not universally existent, between dv and /lien,.
The essential features which distinguish this from other systems are (I) the limitation of the number of different symbols, only ten being used, however large the number to be represented may be; (2) the use of the zero to indicate the absence of number; and (3) the principle of local value, by which a symbol in effect represents different numbers, according to its position.
Under certain conditions it is less; thus IIII, the old Roman notation for four, is difficult to distinguish from III, and this may have been the main reason for replacing it by IV (§ 15).
Where this is not the case, difficulties are apt to arise, which are mainly due to failure to distinguish between the two kinds of division.
He taught him to distinguish in all cognitions, and especially in the simplest facts of consciousness, the fact of voluntary activity, that activity in which our personality is truly revealed.
But I distinguish the two finite causes self and not-self Panther ism.
If then we place these groups in a single class, it is not on account of a few anomalous genera, but because the characters set forth above sharply distinguish them from all other echinoderms, and because we have good reason to believe that the ophiurans did not arise independently but have descended from primitive starfish.
To take the Echinoidea now living, and to divide them into Endocyclica and Exocyclica, Branchiate and Abranchiate, Gnathostomata and Atelostomata, is easy and convenient; or again to distinguish as Palechinoidea those pre-Jurassic genera which do not conform to the fixed type of twenty vertical columns found in the later Euechinoidea, is to express an interesting fact; but all such divisions obscure the true relationships, and the corresponding terms should be recognized as descriptive rather than classificatory.
The problem remains to sort out the older from the later, to distinguish between the earlier form of the faith and its subsequent developments, and to collect the numerous data for the general, social, industrial, religious and political history of India.
A four-chambered heart, with a complete double circulation, and warm blood (less markedly so in the lowest group than in the rest of the class), distinguish mammals from existing reptiles, although not from birds.
It is now used uniformly by scholars to indicate the Eastern branch as a whole, a compound, Indo-Aryan, being employed for that part of the Eastern branch which settled in India to distinguish them from the Iranians (Iran is of the same origin), who remained in Bactria and Persia, while Aryo-Indian is sometimes employed to distinguish the Indian people of this stock from the Dravidian and other stocks which also inhabit parts of the Indian peninsula.
But here we distinguish between fluids according as they are gases or liquids.
It is necessary to distinguish between a gas and a "vapour."
It is necessary in the first place to distinguish clearly between outflowing and inflowing waters; in practice this is easily done, as the outflowing water always contains less than 30 parts pro male of salt, and the inflowing water more than 32 pro male.
Properly speaking, however, there is nothing to distinguish Shamanism from the religions of other peoples in a similar stage of culture.
German Protestant writers, again, following their catechisms, often distinguish three articles - of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
We may distinguish m."
We distinguish this position from the new emphasis on Christology, whether churchly or radical.
It is the task of the morphology of speech to distinguish the various ways in which languages differ from each other as regards their inner form, and to classify and arrange them accordingly.
It is situated on the left bank of the Eden, in the middle of the Howe (Hollow) of Fife, and is sometimes written Cupar-Fife to distinguish it from Coupar-Angus in Perthshire.
We sharply distinguish that freedom which is the prerogative of human action from the necessary causation discoverable in nature.
It is usual to distinguish them according to the district of the coast which they frequent, as Murman (Murmanski) and Terian (Terski) Lapps.
The unreflective moral consciousness never finds it difficult to distinguish between a man's power of willing and all the forces of circumstance, heredity and the like, which combine to form the temptations to which he may yield or bid defiance; and such facts as " remorse " and " penitence " are a continual testimony to man's sense of freedom.
It is only when we come to Democritus, a contemporary of Socrates, the last of the original thinkers whom we distinguish as pre-Socratic, that we find anything which we can call an ethical system.
The first stage at which we can distinguish Plato's ethical view from that of Socrates is presented in the Protagoras, where he makes a serious, though clearly tentative effort to define the object of that knowledge which he with his master regards as the essence of all virtue.
Aristotle no doubt faithfully represents the common sense of Greece in considering that, in so far as virtue is in itself good to the virtuous agent, it belongs to that species of good which we distinguish as beautiful.
In the classification of particular virtues and vices we can distinguish very clearly the elements supplied by the different teachings which Aquinas has imbibed.
We have, however, to distinguish in the case of the gospel between (1) absolute commands and (2) " counsels," which latter recommend, without positively ordering the monastic life of poverty, celibacy and obedience as the best method of effectively turning the will from earthly to heavenly things.
This, at any rate, is Hobbes's cardinal doctrine in moral psychology, that each man's appetites or desires are naturally directed either to the preservation of his life, or to that heightening of it which he feels as pleasure.2 Hobbes does not distinguish instinctive from deliberate pleasureseeking; and he confidently resolves the most apparently unselfish emotions into phases of self-regard.
This theory had already been advanced by Cumberland and others, but Shaftesbury was the first to make it the cardinal point in his system; no one had yet definitely transferred the centre of ethical interest from the Reason, conceived as apprehending either abstract moral distinctions or laws of divine legislation, for the emotional impulses that prompt to social duty; no one had undertaken to distinguish clearly, by analysis of experience, the disinterested and self-regarding elements of our appetitive nature, or to prove inductively their perfect harmony.
We have, in fact, to distinguish self-love, the " general desire that every man hath of his own happiness " or pleasure, from the particular affections, passions, and appetites directed towards objects other than pleasure, in the satisfaction of which pleasure consists.
Here a more complex phenomenon presents itself for analysis; we have to distinguish in the sense of merit - (1) a direct sympathy with the sentiments of the agent, and (2) an indirect sympathy with the gratitude of those who receive the benefit of his actions.
We must first distinguish three meanings in which " freedom " is attributed to the will or " inner self " of a human being, viz.
Many reactions serve to distinguish these three types of alcohols.
Among the stars our sun is to be included, as it has no properties which distinguish it from the great mass of stars except our proximity to it.
In treating so comprehensive a subject we may naturally distinguish between what we know of the universe and the methods and processes by which that knowledge is acquired.
This serves to distinguish flints which have been fashioned by human agencies from those which have been split merely by the action of frost and the weather.
The old inhabitants of Ulster are usually termed Ulidians to distinguish them from the Milesian peoples who overran the province.
Among them were At this period it is extremely difficult to distinguish between Norwegians and Danes on account of the close connexion between the ruling families of both countries.
With some help from Father Mathew he kept the monster meetings in order, and his constant denunciations of lawless violence distinguish him from his imitators.
The whole country between the Drave and Save, thus including a large part of modern Croatia, was called in Latin Slavonia, in German Windisches Land, and in Hungarian Totorszdg, to distinguish it from the territories in which the Croats were racially supreme (Horvatorszdg).
But an infinite distance (which Zeno fails to distinguish from a finite distance infinitely divided) cannot be traversed in a finite time.
If he had originally an elemental character, it is now difficult to distinguish, though interpreters connect him with the wind.
It is, however, still possible to distinguish some traces of this formation towards the east, where atmospheric denudation has been less active.
On this point Catalan is more hesitating than Provenal; it does not distinguish so clearly the pronunciation of e according to its origin; while e (1) is capable of yielding an open e, the is often pronounced close, and the poets have no difficulty in making words in e close and in e open rhyme together, which is not the case in.
In it we must distinguish (1) Portuguese (Portuguez, perhaps a contraction from the old Porlugalez = Portugalensis), the language of the kingdom of Portugal and its colonies in Africa, Asia and America (Brazil); (2) Galician (Gallego), or the language of the old kingdom of Galicia (the modern provinces of Pontevedra, La Coruna, Orense, and Lugo) and of a portion of the old kingdom of Leon (the territory of Vierzo in the province of Leon).
Galician.Almost all the phonetic feattires which distinguish Portuguese from Castilian are possessed by Gallego also.
To distinguish him from Ajax, son of 011eus, he was called the "great" or Telamonian Ajax.
Flying or Devonshire Childers, so called to distinguish him from other horses of the same name, was a bay horse of entirely Eastern blood, with a blaze in his face and four white feet, foaled in 1715.
It was then found necessary to distinguish clearly between horses and ponies, and, accordingly, all animals measuring 14 hands or under were designated " ponies," and registered in a separate part of the (Hackney) Stud-Book.
In studying the causes of the phenomenon we must clearly distinguish between the apparent form as seen from the earth, and the real form of the lenticular-shaped cloud.
But the observations do not extend continuously throughout the year, and do not include a sufficient length of the central line on each evening to enable us to distinguish certainly the heliocentric latitude of the central line, as distinct from its apparent geocentric position.
In observing with strong systems it is therefore necessary cautiously to distinguish between spectral and real marks.
Another term, anthela, has been used to distinguish such forms as occur in several species of Luzula and FIG.
At the outset there was little to distinguish the biretum from the pileus or pileolus (skull-cap), a non-liturgical cap worn by dignitaries of the Church under the mitre and even under the biretta.
It is by no means easy in dealing with fossil ferns to distinguish between certain Polypodiaceae - such as species of Davallia - and members of the Cyatheaceae.
H represents Westcott and Hort's Neutral and Alexandrian texts between which von Soden does not distinguish.
The dispute has now lost its interest, for physicists have learned to distinguish accurately the two quantities which are vaguely included under the expression amount of force, and consequently have been able to show in what each party was correct and in what it was in error.
The systematic application of the doctrine that conscious experience consists only of isolated objects of knowledge, impressions or ideas, leads Hume to distinguish between truths reached by analysis and truths which involve real connexion of the objects of knowledge.
In phenomena we distinguish matter, which is given by sense, and form, which is the law of the order of sensations.
But in all those languages the word has a more extended meaning than in English, as it covers every variety of heating apparatus; while here, in addition to furnaces proper, we distinguish other varieties as ovens, stoves and kilns.
Such furnaces are known by the general name of reverberatory or reverbatory furnaces, also as air or wind furnaces, to distinguish them from those worked with compressed air or blast.
The data shall finally be statistically evaluated with the goal to quantitatively distinguish between traffic and wood burning aerosols.
It couldn't distinguish between a weak acid with a pH of 5 or a strong alkali with a pH of 14.
The 1920s marked the era in which Lincoln would distinguish itself as the premier American luxury automobile.
It is I consider unrealistic to distinguish between soiled clothes and soiled bedclothes.
Know how to distinguish alkenes (as unsaturated hydrocarbons) from alkanes (as saturated hydrocarbons) using addition reactions with aqueous bromine.
The ELISA was able to distinguish vaccinated cattle from infected ones.
However, governments in Western Europe have been slow to meet these requirements, making it difficult to distinguish between legal and illegal caviar.
Certainly he did not sharply distinguish between literature and philosophy.
The ST family The new front fairings of the 2004 ST models quickly distinguish them from their predecessors.
Apart from the vile filth put out by the BNP it must be hard to distinguish sometimes.
To distinguish them apart in the morning sleep haze, I threaded white laces into the scruffy pair.
It can also be called the long hundredweight to distinguish it from what the Americans call the short hundredweight, which is 100 lbs.
Most non-complement infinitives are purpose infinitives, but we do not further distinguish types.
To distinguish groups we compute invariants of the given groups.
For example, we tried to distinguish masters, those employing others, from employed journeyman.
Looking for something to distinguish themselves from other leftists, they seized upon the ballot question.
These are not the only tar lichens present on the shore and they are difficult to distinguish from each other.
Detail on the Bedford seal is hard to distinguish but both ships clearly had a square rigged mainmast and a lateen mizzen.
To be sure it is not always easy to distinguish between legal moralism and moral paternalism.
Observe pupils ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects.
Did not distinguish analysis we focus second-order interactions par.
Although a few languages distinguish between dental and alveolar plosives, most do not.
Use of the restriction enzyme Eco RI was used to distinguish between sheep and goat pox isolates.
In order to avoid infinite recursions, we must distinguish between the two different types of mappings.
I shall try to distinguish in Matt 27,3-8 between pre-Matthean traditional materials and Matthean redaction.
There are souls that think that snide remarks merely distinguish the factions who are complacent in these perilous times.
As a result, it is possible to distinguish, for example, between sand ripples and boulder fields.
Our ears choose to distinguish pitch variation to the division approximately of what we in the west call the semitone.
Her apparently senseless activity becomes harder to distinguish from the focused and purposeful traffic of the businessmen and women who brush past her.
How do we distinguish single malts from one another?
To further distinguish the new scooter, an electronic sticker replaced the ink splat / checkered flag on the leg shields.
They have two long tail streamers - shorter on the female - which help to distinguish them from House Martins.
In most cases the raw data do not distinguish between records for different subspecies.
Usually it is possible to distinguish such attacks from the history, but occasionally seizures of temporal lobe origin may have similar symptomatology.
You must distinguish the crooks, opportunists and lechers involved in religious Taoism from the Taoist sages.
Since the specimens have become dry, it is rather more easy to distinguish the decomposed igneous rocks from the sedimentary tuffs.
Suppose a man becomes perfectly unselfish under the personalistic system, how are we to distinguish him from the perfected ones in other systems?
As a countermeasure, Swiss vintners are creating rare wines will distinguish their product from high volume imports from the New World.
The phase vocoder is so called to distinguish it from the more familiar ' channel ' vocoder.
A trained male walrus was rewarded to distinguish between triangular and circular shapes on a flat and a heterogenous substrate.
The symmetry also requires that the intensity of the scattered light should vanish for the ray which would be propagated along the axis; for there is nothing to distinguish one direction transverse to the ray from another.
The result was the reduction of punishment both in quantity and in severity, the improvement of the prison system, and the first attempts to study the psychology of crime and to distinguish between classes of criminals with a view to their improvement (see Crime; Prison; Children'S Courts; Juvenile Offenders).
To Napier seems to be due the first use of the decimal point in arithmetic. Decimal fractions were first introduced by Stevinus in his tract La Disme, published in 1585, but he used cumbrous exponents (numbers enclosed in circles) to distinguish the different denominations, primes, seconds, thirds, &c. Thus, for example, he would have written 123.456 as 123@4050603.
This single instance of the use of the decimal point in the midst of an arithmetical process, if it stood alone, would not suffice to establish a claim for its introduction, as the real introducer of the decimal point is the person who first saw that a point or line as separator was all that was required to distinguish between the integers and fractions, and used it as a permanent notation and not merely in the course of performing an arithmetical operation.
Here again we must distinguish between the week as such and the astrological week, i.e.
From the morphological point of view it is more important to distinguish the associations of forms, such as the mountain mass or group of mountains radiating from a centre, with the valleys furrowing their flanks spreading towards every direction; the mountain chain or line of heights, forming a long narrow ridge or series of ridges separated by parallel valleys; the dissected plateau or highland, divided into mountains of circumdenudation by a system of deeply-cut valleys; and the isolated peak, usually a volcanic cone or a hard rock mass left projecting after the softer strata which embedded it have been worn away (Monadnock of Professor Davis).
It remains to add that throughout we must carefully distinguish in theory, however hard this may be to do in practice, between legitimate ritual understood as such, whether integral to prayer, such as its verbal forms, or accessory, such as gestures, postures, incense, oil or what not, and the formalism of religious decay, such as generally betrays itself by its meaninglessness, by its gibberish phrases, sing-song intonation and so forth.
For, in spite ofthe important controversies to which it has given birth, no one has been at the pains to distinguish between (i.) the theories which have been from time to time put forth by eminent writers, and which, though they have in some cases ultimately won a general acceptance, have for a long period remained as merely individual opinions, and (ii.) the current beliefs of the great body of Christians which are expressed in recognized formularies.
The arid nature of the trans-Caspian deserts has proved an insuperable obstacle to those rigorous methods of geodetic survey which distinguish Russian methods in Europe, so that Russian geography in central Asia is dependent on other means than that of direct measurement for the co-ordinate values in latitude and longitude for any given point.
Reason, as judging of things self-evident, is called common sense to distinguish it from ratiocination or reasoning.
It might be well to term these structures, mostly serving as gonad ducts, which have an undoubted resemblance to nephridia, and for the most part an undoubted connexion with nephridia, "Nephro dinia," to distinguish them from another category of "ducts" which are communications between the coelom and the exterior,.
Some Opisthobranchia are striking examples of degeneration (some Nudibranchia), having none of those regions or processes of the body developed which distinguish the archaic Mollusca from such flat-worms as the Dendrocoel Planarians.
In common with physics it includes the determination of properties or characters which serve to distinguish one substance from another, but while the physicist is concerned with properties possessed by all substances and with processes in which the molecules remain intact, the chemist is restricted to those processes in which the molecules undergo some change.
The right of the army to confer the royal power was still symbolized in the popular acclamation required on the accession of a new king, and at Alexandria in troubled times we hear of " the people " making its will effective in filling the throne, although it is here hard to distinguish mobrule from the exercise of a legitimate function.
We must distinguish from the later slavery at Rome what Mommsen calls " the old, in some measure innocent slavery, under which the farmer tilled the land along with his slave, or, if he possessed more land than he could manage, placed the slave - either as a steward, or as a sort of lessee obliged to render up a portion of the produce - over a detached farm.
Lipsius shows that in the present form of the book there is side by side a strange " admixture of intimate knowledge and gross ignorance of Jewish thought and custom," and that accordingly we must " distinguish between an original Jewish Christian writing and a Gnostic recast of it."
Not seldom it is difficult to distinguish between the true spiral garment and a dress with parallel horizontal stripes, and, i?iiii iiu?i u?i?!N???iiii?
Mannite on oxidation yields an aldose, mannose, C6H12061 which 3 To distinguish the isomerides of opposite optical activity, it is usual to prefix the letters d- and 1-, but these are used only to indicate the genetic relationship, and not the character of the optical activity; ordinary fructose, for example, being represented as d-fructosealthough it exercises a laevorotatory power - because it is derived from d-glucose.
The original inhabitants of Ariana were no doubt of the Aryan family, and immediately cognate with the Persian race, but they were probably intermixed at a very early period with the Sacae and Massagetae, who seem to have held the mountains from Kabul to Herat from the first dawn of history, and to whom must be ascribed - rather than to an infusion of Turco-Tartaric blood introduced by the armies of Jenghiz and Timur - the peculiar broad features and flattish countenance which distinguish the inhabitants of Herat, Seistan and the eastern provinces of Persia from their countrymen farther to the west.
But he failed to perceive that such a ruffian as Micheletto could not inspire the troops of Florence with that devotion to their country and that healthy moral tone which should distinguish a patriot army.
There is no notion that may not deceive us; it is impossible to distinguish between false and true impressions; therefore the Stoic 4avravia KaTaMprrud7 (see Stoics) must be given up. There is no criterion of truth.
Robert Smith (Harmonics, 2nd ed., 1 759, p. 95) states that Sauveur " inferred that octaves and other simple concords, whose vibrations coincide very often, are agreeable and pleasant because their beats are too quick to be distinguished, be the pitch of the sounds ever so low; and on the contrary, that the more complex consonances whose vibrations coincide seldom are disagreeable because we can distinguish their slow beats; which displease the ear, says he, by reason of the inequality of the sound.
In such cases as these one can readily perceive the different forms which the same material elements have assumed, and one may distinguish the unreliable accretions which are clearly later and secondary.
In general we find an analogy between the development of groups and of organs; we discover that each phyletic branch of certain organisms traverses a geologic career comparable to the life of an individual, that we may often distinguish, especially among invertebrates, a phase of youth, a phase of maturity, a phase of senility or degeneration foreshadowing the extinction of a type.
The children masquerade, and their parents are enjoined to drink wine until they cannot distinguish between blessing Mordecai and cursing Haman.
It is a common terminology to call premature labour of an accidental type a "miscarriage," in order to distinguish "abortion" as a deliberately induced act, whether as a medical necessity by the accoucheur, or as a criminal proceeding (see Medical Jurisprudence); otherwise the term "abortion" would ordinarily be used when occurring before the eighth month of gestation, and "premature labour" subsequently.
To Johnson, however, whose passions were strong, whose eyesight was too weak to distinguish rouge from natural bloom, and who had seldom or never been in the same room with a woman of real fashion, his, Tetty, as he called her, was the most beautiful, graceful and accomplished of her sex.
The legal piastre is called the piastre tariff (P.T.), to distinguish it from the 1/2 piastre, which in local usage in Cairo and Alexandria is called a piastre.
We may distinguish broadly two ways by which such selective elimination of individuals from the number of those who contribute to the next generation may occur, viz.
This connexion is something of an afterthought to distinguish from the potential contingency of the objectively possible the real contingency of the actual, for which the " cause or reason " of Spinoza 6 could not account.
The animal vigour and carnal enjoyment of Rubens, the refined Italianizing beauty of Vandyck, the mystery of light and gloom on Rembrandt's panels, the love of nature in Ruysdael, Cuyp and Van Hooghe, with their luminously misty skies, silvery daylight and broad expanse of landscape, the interest in common life displayed by Ter Borch, Van Steen, Douw, Ostade and Teniers, the instinct for the beauty of animals in Potter, the vast sea spaces of Vanderveldt, the grasp on reality, the acute intuition into character in portraits, the scientific study of the world and man, the robust sympathy with natural appetites, which distinguish the whole art of the Low Countries, are a direct emanation from the Renaissance.
To appreciate it, we must distinguish the lower mythologic aspect of him, in which he appears as an amorous and capricious deity lacking often in dignity and real power, and the higher religious aspect, in which he is conceived as the All-Father, the Father of Gods and men in a spiritual or moral sense, as a God omnipotent in heaven and earth, the sea and the realms below, as a God of righteousness and justice and mercy, who regards the sanctity of the oath and hears the voice of the suppliant and sinner, and in whom the pious and the lowly trust.
It must be allowed that Paley's application of this argument is somewhat loosely reasoned, and does not sufficiently distinguish the consequence of a single act of beneficent manslaughter from the consequences of a general permission to commit such acts.
Harting, in his and De Mosenthal's Ostriches and Ostrich Farming, from which the woodcut here introduced is by permission copied, gives (pp. 67-72) some portentous statistics of the destruction of rheas for the sake of their feathers, which, he says, are known in the trade as "Vautour" to distinguish them from those of the African bird.
Of this process, this self-generation of God, we may distinguish two aspects - the immanent or esoteric, and the emanent or exoteric. God has reality only in so far as He is absolute spirit, and only in so far as the primitive will is conscious of itself can it become spirit at all.
Half-shade analysers depend upon the facility with which the eye can distinguish slight differences in the intensities of two streams seen in juxtaposition, when the illumination is not too bright.
These grammarians carefully distinguish the vulgar speech, or pla Catald, from the refined Irobar idiom, which originally is a modified form of Provenal.
We distinguish, therefore, between a real Christian and a person who merely professes the Christian religion.
Indeed, for some of the case authors, the scholarship of teaching is hard to distinguish from teaching itself.
To distinguish the different types of metal and shiny plastics using magnets and a scrunch test.
We can see how we might almost have expected Gödel 's theorem to distinguish self-conscious beings from inanimate objects.
This will make it easier to distinguish between your original storyboard movie and the exported AVI file.
It is hoped that the seismic data will also allow us to distinguish between submarine volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occurring along subduction fault lines.
How can he distinguish veridical experience from welcome illusion?
This glare distorts the true color of objects and makes them harder to distinguish.
Litter cabinets can be made from such high quality materials and with such an excellent design that it becomes nearly impossible to distinguish them from ordinary furniture.
While "Schnookem" and "Dookem" sound different to you, will two little kittens be able to distinguish which name belongs to each of them?
If you plan to keep the bottle yourself, there's no need to decorate it unless you want to in order to distinguish it from the rest of your condiments.
This means the Internal Revenue Service does not distinguish these types of businesses any differently from individuals for tax purposes.
This will help to distinguish the business from the personal debt of both partners.
You can use lighting, color, or textures to either unite or distinguish each room.
Once installed and painted, it was difficult to distinguish between a tin ceiling and the more expensive plasterwork.
A bold color can also help distinguish the window, encouraging the occupants of the log cabin to take a look at the view.
Learn to distinguish between different periods in retro interior design, which range from clean and modern to psychedelic!
Finally, the eye-catching stripes designed to confuse predators, making them unable to distinguish one animal from the next, would add the right balance of contrast and design to an eclectic style room.
It's very important to have children distinguish the difference.
Ranging from zero to sixty-three the results of the Beck Anxiety Inventory scoring system helps to distinguish the symptoms of depression from anxiety.
Being aware of the signs and symptoms of an anxiety disorder helps you to distinguish between normal anxiety and the variuous types of anxiety disorders.
Barlow, the body is not able to distinguish between a real danger or threat and one that is false.
Since the term "veganism" was coined, many people have wondered how to distinguish between vegetarians and vegans.
There are several characteristics, however, that distinguish this dress type from a more formal gown.
To distinguish between real and artificial sea glass, the North American Sea Glass Association offers a guide to genuine versus artificial sea glass.
Heart shaped cakes distinguish themselves from traditional round cakes with their striking appearance, but they can be every bit as elegant and refined.
On the other hand, since this drug is designed to quell anxiety, it may be difficult to distinguish the difference between addictive behavior and an anxiety disorder.
It's rare than you can distinguish that the valance is separate from the panel, so don't let the one-piece construction be off-putting.
It's easy to distinguish between a down comforter and a feather one.
This is a great way to distinguish your cake from the many shamrock shaped novelty cake designs found during the holiday.
Clothing for adult women had grown simpler and girls' daywear was also comparatively unadorned, but the layers that had used to distinguish undergarments could now be seen in abbreviated form on dresses for little girls.
So, what will distinguish your toddler from amongst a pack of perfectly poised prima donnas?
Whereas autumn themes are characterized by pumpkins and browning leaves, Christmas icons aren't difficult to distinguish.
When you sign up for your children's catalog at the official company site, be sure to distinguish between the adult Garnet Hill catalog and the children's version.
With so many dress makers on the market, what exactly helps to distinguish Biscotti dresses from the throng of its competitors?
Bookstores distinguish used books from new books with a sticker on the spine, typically yellow.
In some cases, it can be tough to figure out what the major factors are that distinguish one program from another, in which case it's helpful to contact the institution and ask to speak to an admissions representative.
Though there are a glut of opportunities available in the distance learning field for prospective and current businesspeople, those that are a cut above the rest distinguish themselves by their practical applications and immediate value.
Purely print-based distance learning courses have a number of factors that distinguish them from their more traditional online counterparts.
Though many people use the two words interchangeably, there are several key differences that distinguish the two types of institutions.
To have the best chance of winning a scholarship, it's wise to distinguish yourself from other applicants in a positive way.
Understanding the difference in dog health symptoms can help you distinguish when your pet is "in the pink" and when he's feeling under the weather.
You can add a bit of food coloring to the homemade dog treats to distinguish the different flavors or just for the fun of it.
The handsomest of the first kinds are known by the name of "alpines," to distinguish them from the florists varieties, and are the hardiest of all.
Reflexa are beautiful evergreens, which are not very dissimilar in general aspect, and which without long dry scientific descriptions it would be impossible to distinguish.
Its leaves are very stiff and leathery, and distinguish the variety by their more or less obovate outline.
In every branch of human effort the mania for hairsplitting and classification is harmful and even impossible, as in the attempt to distinguish between practice and science!
Their greater brilliance, as well as their greater size, at this season help to distinguish the plant from Coignets Vine.
Flowering quince was called Japonica by old-timers to distinguish it from fruit-bearing quince plants.
Smaller decorative doors and a narrower opening often distinguish the walk-in linen closet from other doorways in the bathroom.
Because the color goes through the entire tile rather than just a top coating, accidental chips are much harder to distinguish.
Multi-tone bracelets that use silver, bronze, gold, and other metals to distinguish different parts of the design.
Take rain as an opportunity to distinguish yourself.
Again, the changes were not drastic in and of themselves - they certainly could not compare with the outlandish flapper dresses that women sported - but they were certainly easy to distinguish from previous years' styles.
It is important when diagnosing geriatric depression that those around the depressed person are able to distinguish what depression truly is, while ensuring it does not become a misdiagnosis of dementia.
Sometimes it's hard to distinguish normal changes in the elderly from changes due to abuse.
Knowing what is normal for the person, especially in terms of movement and cognitive abilities, can help you distinguish signs of abuse from other manifestations of illness or aging.
In addition to the demographers, the media and sociologists also distinguish Baby Boomers as people being born between, and including, the years 1946 and 1964.
Many fakes so resemble the original that is hard to distinguish between the two just by looks alone.
Also, if two objects have the same level of heat, it makes it hard to distinguish between the two (so you may not be able to tell a friend from a foe).
Some replicas look almost identical to the originals and it can be hard to distinguish between the two.
These experts claim that these lenses are not satisfactory for some sports, like downhill skiing, because they do not provide enough of the contrast needed by the eye to distinguish between patches of ice and snow.
That means you can more clearly distinguish fish from other objects under the surface of the water.
Some stores don't distinguish between the two, but there is a difference based on when they were made (and a few style modifications).
It has gotten to a point where a gamer may actually need to distinguish whether or not the game they are playing is the original version or a modified one.
It is also hard to distinguish the enemy's leader, making it difficult to focus on them and try to take them out of the picture.
This makes them easier to distinguish and gives them a big spark of personality.
Some areas of the game can get a little too dark though, making it hard to distinguish ledges, platforms or puzzle triggers.
There's a rising number of mainstream media reports where children play video games and are unable to distinguish the game from real life.
Individual characters are not always easy to distinguish, especially when switching characters frequently.
There is perpetual confusion in trying to distinguish between the Stags' Leap Winery and Stag's Leap Wine Cellars.
An echocardiogram, or echo (cardiac ultrasound) may be used to distinguish an innocent murmur from a pathologic one.
The early symptoms of the childhood vasculitides are often difficult to distinguish from those of other illnesses.
The doctor may also order skin, muscle, lung, or sinus biopsies in order to distinguish among the various childhood vasculitides.
Autoimmune disorder-One of a group of disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus, in which the immune system is overactive and has lost the ability to distinguish between self and non-self.
The WBC differential helps to distinguish many of these causes.
By six to seven months, strong feelings of attachment enable the infant to distinguish between caregivers and strangers.
The dermatoscope, which can be used to distinguish between benign moles and melanomas, is an instrument that resembles an ophthalmoscope used to look at the eye.
The doctor will also need to distinguish between anorexia and other psychiatric disorders, including depression, schizophrenia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and body dysmorphic disorder.
After staining to make the various blood cells easier to see and distinguish, a laboratory technician views the smear through a light microscope.
During the middle to late grade school years, children begin to distinguish "regular" friends from "best" friends.
A positive smear cannot distinguish between varicella zoster virus and HSV-1, and a negative smear does not rule out HSV infection.
Teaching a child to distinguish right from wrong and to behave accordingly is a goal of parenting.
For example, Christian children will distinguish between God and Jesus and the disciples or saints.
Dermatologists distinguish different forms of psoriasis according to what part of the body is affected, how severe symptoms are, how long they last, and the pattern formed by the scales.
Blood tests can distinguish psoriatic arthritis from other types of arthritis.
In some cases, however, it may be difficult to distinguish between an interest in these fads and the first indications of a disorder.
In states that do not distinguish between physical and legal custody, the term "custody" implies both types of responsibilities.
It is useful to be able to distinguish them by their appearance and causes.
A physician can distinguish poison ivy, oak, or sumac from other allergic contact dermatitis through a brief patient interview.
Researchers suggest the difference may occur because the high scoring fantasy players were unable to distinguish imagined popularity from actual peer acceptance.
Well-liked children can distinguish subtleties in emotions.
For example, they can distinguish between anger directed toward them and anger directed toward a parent.
In young children it may be very difficult to distinguish between a late talker and a developmental expressive disorder.
A newborn cannot distinguish itself from others and is completely self-absorbed.
During the second stage of bilingual language development, at age four or older, children gradually begin to distinguish between the two languages and use them separately, sometimes depending on where they are.
Since thalassemia trait can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from iron deficiency, tests to evaluate iron levels are important.
It involves more than simple visual acuity (ability to distinguish fine details).
Characteristic changes revealed by this test, and seen in DM, help distinguish it from other muscle diseases.
Most newborns can focus on and follow moving objects, distinguish the pitch and volume of sound, see all colors and distinguish their hue and brightness, and start anticipating events, such as sucking at the sight of a nipple.
They imitate sounds, enjoy hearing their own voice, recognize parents, fear strangers, distinguish between animate and inanimate objects, and base distance on the size of an object.
This change in the appearance of the nasal discharge helps to distinguish rhinitis caused by a viral infection from rhinitis caused by an allergy.
Human leukocyte antigens are genetically determined proteins that allow the body to distinguish between its own cells and those from an outside source.
Even with a muscle biopsy, it may be difficult to distinguish between FSH and another muscle disease, polymyositis.
In general, experts distinguish between those children who are slow in developing spoken language (language delay) and those who have difficulty achieving a milestone of spoken language (language disorders).
This information helps the doctor distinguish between rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis.
It is important to distinguish between an uncomfortable but mild side effect of a drug and an allergic reaction or sensitivity which could be life-threatening.
A child needs to be carefully evaluated when craniosynostosis is present to distinguish between positional plagiocephaly, caused by back sleeping, and other forms of craniosynostosis.
However, since antibody tests do not distinguish between the types of syphilis, specific diagnosis of the type of syphilis depends on the child's history, symptoms, and environment.
By three to four years of age, however, most children can distinguish between the nightmare content and their waking reality.
Bipolar depression may be difficult to distinguish from a unipolar major depressive episode.
This condition is very hard to distinguish from mixed states.
A doctor may need to distinguish between body lice and scabies (a disease caused by skin mites) and between pubic lice and eczema (a skin condition).
As has already been mentioned, it is not always easy for parents to distinguish between a child with a "difficult" temperament whose behaviors are still within the normal range and a child with a psychiatric disorder.
A new mother can distinguish her infant's crying from that of other babies within three days, and some fathers can make this distinction as well.
The top and bottom of stairs should be highlighted with a contrasting color or texture to distinguish them.
As of 2004, research tended to distinguish shyness from introversion.
The essential job of this system is to distinguish self-cells from foreign substances and to recognize and take protective action against any materials that ought not to be in the body, including abnormal and damaged cells.
There are no laboratory tests that can confirm the diagnosis of AD; in some cases, the doctor may need to examine the child more than once in order to distinguish between atopic and seborrheic dermatitis.
Color blindness is an abnormal condition characterized by the inability to clearly distinguish different colors of the spectrum.
Blue color blindness is an inability to distinguish both blue and yellow, which are seen as white or gray.
A total inability to distinguish colors (achromatopsia) is exceedingly rare.
Achromatopsia, the complete inability to distinguish color, is an autosomal recessive disease of the retina.
It is important to note that people with red/green or blue varieties of color blindness use other cues such as color saturation and object shape or location to distinguish colors.
They can often distinguish red or green if they can visually compare the colors.
A color-blind person is not able to distinguish the number.
Some plates distinguish between red/green and blue color blindness.
Achromatopsia-The inability to distinguish any colors.
One of the best ways to distinguish yourself from other job applicants is to send a follow up thank you letter or note to the person who interviewed you.
The paper folding techniques used would help to distinguish the true value of the documents.
If you are Choosing Where to Give Birth, reading birth stories can give you the personal feedback that you may need to distinguish whether Water Birth , Home Birth, Natural Childbirth, Lamaze, or Doulas is the right answer for you.
For women with regular cycles, ovulation is less complicated to distinguish.
Every pregnant woman wants to be able to distinguish between the true signs of labor and the symptoms that go along with false labor.
This high waistline helps distinguish the tanga from a thong or G-string bathing suit, but that is not the only distinguishing feature.
Nevertheless, some suits have their own individual touches that may distinguish them from others.
It's also a great way to add personality to your suit, so that you distinguish yourself from others.
If it's important to you to purchase items made in America, it's usually fairly simple to distinguish scented fragrance oils made in USA from their foreign counterparts.
They may wear the same basic outfit as the shepherds, but have a sash of brightly colored fabric to distinguish them.
What will really distinguish your costume are your companions.
Dating websites are now available for individuals of all walks of life and may distinguish on grounds of wealth, religion, or sexual orientation.
While many engagement rings use more than one stone, three stone rings have very specific characteristics that distinguish them from more traditional settings.
There are several ways to distinguish cubic zirconia from natural diamonds.
Most casual observers cannot distinguish between a .25 and a .33 carat stone, nor can they tell at a glance which stone may have a small flaw or be a slightly less desirable color.
What is there to distinguish a right hand ring from a traditional engagement ring?
Promise styles, however, have several characteristics that distinguish them from true engagement rings.
Consumers should be aware that many ways to distinguish between real and fake stones will not be able to tell the difference between naturally mined stones and man made diamonds.
Many high-end cubic zirconias are hard to distinguish from a real diamond to an untrained eye.
If you fisit this site, it is important for new Curezone members to distinguish between theories and medically documented facts.
When trying to distinguish a wannabe Chloé bag from the real thing, you'll need to examine the hardware, stitching, and coloring.
There are certain characteristics that distinguish a Fossil handbag from other products on the market.
These bags range from simple errand messengers to ergonomic duffels, but most importantly there are a few Kipling characteristics that distinguish this designer from other products on the market.
The easiest way to distinguish an accessory is to give it an eye-catching color!
The incredibly unique design of the Oilily Mermaid backpack will make it easy for your child to distinguish her backpack from that of her peers.
Many Cancers are unable to distinguish the difference between their feelings and those they sense in others.
He must learn to distinguish between his feelings and those of others if he's to live any semblance of a normal and well-adjusted life.
When it comes to child abuse, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between discipline and abuse.
It is important to distinguish an EVP, which can only be heard on recorded media, with a disembodied voice, which can be heard both by the human ear at the time the sound is made and on some kind of recording media.
At times, it is difficult to distinguish what is real and what is urban myth about this creature.
Many empaths have been incorrectly diagnosed as having psychological problems when in fact, they are simply sensitives who haven't been trained to distinguish their emotions from the emotions of others.
With time and practice, the receiver will learn to distinguish between the information received and the way his own mind interprets that info so that it makes sense.
This makes it very difficult to distinguish which emotions are hers and which ones belong to someone else.
This comes witha lot ofpractice and eventually, she will beable to distinguish which emotions are hers and which ones belong to someone else.
Learn to distinguish from wants and needs, then postpone all nonessential expenditures for as long as possible.
Food stamps do not distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods.
This shoe locator allows the buyer to distinguish between dress, casual, and athletic shoes.
Masseys carries a large repertoire of name-brand footwear, but the company has special features that distinguish it from many others.
It's not that hard to locate Crocs with free shipping online, but it is sometimes difficult to distinguish whether or not this alleged free shipping is actually free!
However, with so many replicas around it can be difficult to distinguish between legal replicas and outright counterfeit styles.
It is the design and quality of materials used during manufacturing that serve to distinguish these shoes from the masses.
Gossip sites rarely distinguish between gossip, rumors and news.
In 1590, Edmund Spenser introduced the alternate spelling of fairy - faerie - as a way to distinguish between the fanciful pixie-like "fairy" and the beautiful, serious "faerie".
That makes it harder to distinguish normal from abnormal."
Research your competition so you can distinguish yourself from them.
The classification that comes with the similar titles for the same job is given to simply distinguish one business manager's specific function from the others.
The slim business cards and the square cards are ways for your clients to distinguish your business cards from the standard cards.
We will distinguish Jane's from the competitors by new, upscale signage, a new website reflecting our upscale brand, and direct response marketing to consumers in the area.
The Platinum portion of the vehicle's name is a sub-brand of Cadillac, which will combine the V-Series and distinguish each model as a premium or sporty variant of the main concept of the vehicle.
There are many ways in which cheerleaders might distinguish their letterman jackets.
There are all sorts of cheerleading motions that distinguish cheerleading dance routines and cheers from other forms of dance.
One way in which it tries to distinguish itself is the in-store classes, informational displays and knowledgeable staff who can actually help customers with questions about how to proceed with a craft project.
Some brands even get lighter color during cooking, making it very hard to distinguish whole wheat pasta in your average Italian dish.
In the text Understanding Nutrition (1996), authors Whitney and Rolfes distinguish between athletic protein requirements based on phase of training.