Distasteful Sentence Examples
Kiera grimaced at the distasteful wording.
The tariff was to him a distasteful subject, and he was governed in his attitude toward it largely by the wishes of the majority of his constituents.
In the Middle Kingdom these are gradually replaced by small models of the mummy itself, and the belief arose that when their owner was called upon to perform any distasteful work in the nether world, they would answer to his name and do the task for him.
Honey bees are protected from a large number of insect enemies because they sting and are distasteful.
These views were very distasteful to many, who, moreover, felt.
The match was distasteful to Lady Hatton and to her daughter; a violent quarrel was the consequence, and Bacon, who thought the proposed marriage most unsuitable, took Lady Hatton's part.
Llewelyn, utterly humbled, now behaved with such prudence that Edward at last sanctioned his marriage with Eleanor de Montfort (although such an alliance must originally have been highly distasteful to the English king), and the ceremony was performed with much pomp in Worcester Cathedral in 1278.
The idea of leaving England was distasteful, but pecuniary considerations had, in consequence of the failure of his father's firm in 1847, become of vital importance, and he accepted the post.
The union thus brought about between the two Churches was, however, extremely distasteful to the Greeks, and the persecution of his "schismatic" subjects to which the emperor was compelled to resort weakened his power so much that Martin IV.
He loved biography, literary history, the history of manners; but political history was positively distasteful to him.
AdvertisementOn the 4th of March the constitution was published; but it proved all but as distasteful to Czechs and Croats as to the Magyars, and the speedy successes of the Hungarian arms made it, for the while, a dead letter.
Some of these reforms were distasteful to the covenanted service and to the officers of the army, but Lord William was always staunchly supported by the court of directors and by the Whig ministry at home.
In the first place, the policy of Lord Dalhousie, exactly in proportion as it had been dictated by the most honourable considerations, was utterly distasteful to the native mind.
He cared little for the law, regarding it simply as a distasteful means of livelihood, yet his experiments in writing did not encourage him to trust to this for support.
In 1876, when the Eastern question was looming large, he visited Servia and Turkey, and his subsequent speeches on the subject were marked by studious moderation, distasteful to extremists on both sides.
AdvertisementThe bill certainly did not err on the side of severity, but disfranchisement for their supporters in large numbers was more distasteful to the Bond extremists than any stringency towards individuals.
Your teenager may want to buy clothes that you find either ugly or distasteful.
Like the Lambert Kay Boundary Repellent, the product produces a smell that cats find distasteful and helps ensure they will keep away from it.
By itself, parsley has a somewhat bitter herbaceous flavor that many people find distasteful.
Second was his profession; Mr. Hornibrook worked as a saloonkeeper, which was considered to be distasteful.
AdvertisementFemale photography is not all about distasteful shots of half-clothed women in raunchy poses.
Some sites for seniors may contain explicit material and may feature member photos that could be distasteful to some people.
Graphic pictures of genitalia are distasteful to some mothers.
Online content can be graphic and distasteful, however.
While some find it distasteful, there are many younger women who appreciate the idea of a wealthy and attentive man to give them gifts, take them on expensive dates, or even simply take care of all their needs.
AdvertisementThat doesn't mean she'll run away from trouble, just that she finds confrontation as something that's distasteful and rude.
I'm sorry if some of the questions may sound...distasteful.
The work was distasteful, however, and in 1883 he resigned to return to the law.
Under this act the American element has exercised the controlling power, and this has proved distasteful to certain Porto Rican politicians.
The view of mankind on which such generalizations are usually based, taking little account of individual character, was highly distasteful to him.
In what way, it may be asked, are two or more distasteful species of insects, occurring in the same locality, benefited by resembling each other?
This being so, it is evident that if all the distasteful species in a given area are differently coloured, some individuals of all the species will be annually sacrificed to the experimental tasting of inexperienced foes before the numerous lessons have been learnt.
This may, however, be an instance of Miillerian rather than of Batesian mimicry, the beetle being itself inedible; for Shelford has stated his conviction that the Bornean representatives of the sub-family (Clytinae), to which Clytus arietis belongs, are all highly distasteful and are warningly coloured, as are members of this sub-family from other parts of the world.
Amongst the orbweavers of the family Argyopidae there are species belonging to the genera Cyclosa and Cyrtophora which closely resemble small snail-like gastropods as they cling to the underside of leaves with their legs drawn up. Other members of the same family - like Araneus coccinella, and Paraplectana thorntoni- imitate beetles of the family Coccinellidae which are known to be distasteful; and certain genera of the family Salticidae (Homalattus and Rhanis) closely resemble small hard-shelled beetles.
Since many of the insects of the order Hemiptera are distasteful, the mimicry of the bug (Megapetus) is in this case probably Mullerian or synaposematic; the grasshopper (Myrmecophana), on the other hand, is probably edible and the mimicry is Batesian or pseudaposematic. This is a simple case consisting of a small number of component species.
By the statute of Six Articles (1539) he took his stand on Catholic doctrine; and when the Lutherans had rejected his alliance, and Cromwell's nominee, Anne of Cleves, had proved both distasteful on personal grounds and unnecessary because Charles and Francis were not really projecting a Catholic crusade against England, Anne was divorced and Cromwell beheaded.
He had been somewhat inconsistent in his relations with his predecessor Leo, but his election was confirmed by the emperor Otto, and his submissive attitude towards the imperial power was so distasteful to the Romans that they expelled him from the city.
Conspicuous among them was Paetus Thrasea, whose unbending virtue had long made him distasteful to Nero, and who was now suspected, possibly with reason, of sympathy with the conspirators.
A translation into Dutch appears to have been proposed; but Spinoza, who foresaw that sucha step would only increase the commotion which was so distasteful to him, steadily set his face against it.
The advice of the British envoy was dissuasive in this respect, and therefore distasteful.
As it became gradually evident that Williams whole system of government was to be on new and distasteful lines, the English of the Midlands, the North and the West all went into rebellion.
Under any circumstances an indulgence would have been most distasteful to them.
Deprived of authority and in fact a prisoner, Louis had for many months acquiesced in the decrees of the Assembly however of distasteful.
There he became acquainted with the works of Jakob Boehme, and with the ideas of Hume, Hartley and Godwin, which were extremely distasteful to him.
It is significant, therefore, that the narratives in Genesis (apart from P) reflect a certain tolerant attitude; there is much that is contrary to prophetical thought, but even the latest compilers have not obliterated all features that, from a strict standpoint, could appear distasteful.
French ideas had gained some adherents among the Tuscans, but to the majority the new institutions, although they produced much progress, were distasteful as subversive of cherished traditions.
From one of the monks he also received instruction in logic; but the subtleties of the scholastic science were thoroughly distasteful to him.
This was none the less distasteful to the Republicans, who thundered, against personal government, and to the Liberals, who clamoured for the Cortes and the budget.
Thetis, to escape a distasteful union, changed herself into various forms, but at last Peleus, by the instructions of Chiron, seized and held her fast till she resumed her original shape, and was unable to offer further resistance.
The remission of this tax, after all the conviction with which its restoration had been supported a year before,, was very difficult for the party itself to stomach, and on any ground it was a distasteful act, loyally as the party followed their leaders.
Bastion gave Taran a distasteful look before swiftly moving away.
I'm sure others will find the idea equally distasteful.
My affinity for Finchingfield, however tenuous my connection with Spain's Hall, made inspection somehow distasteful.
I mean they're choosing someone who most people would find very distasteful.
Yet, after all, as a friend and companion, I hope never to become quite distasteful to my dear master.
What they see is what you get, however distasteful.
Plus some lawn care at home which involves a rather distasteful job.
There was the extremely distasteful reveling in the poor sod's last minutes.
There were certain aspects of Vise Lord life that he found particularly distasteful.
He was so smooth, so charming, so distasteful.
The commune, however, subsisted, and was on several occasions strong enough tb eject the masters who were distasteful to it.
Of the latter, the Lepidopteron (Tascia homochroa) is distasteful, as also are the beetles of the family Cantharidae (e.g Lytta moesta).
Some, for example, mimic the warning patterns of other distasteful species of butterfly in order to improve their own chance of survival.
For instance, a hypnotherapist may suggest that a smoker finds cigarettes distasteful, or that someone trying to lose weight will easily pursue healthy behaviors.
Whereas in Europe, particularly France and Italy, it's been the norm for women to continue to wear beautiful, sexy lingerie even into dotage, in America it's considered almost distasteful.
As Andrew became more and more sentient and manlike, the 'darky' treatment he was accorded by the humans in his life become more and more unnerving and distasteful.
While he had given them permission to speak to her, he found opportunists distasteful, however loyal they were.
At least somebody else would get the distasteful task of telling a wailing Mrs. Wassermann one of her bouncing baby boys was stretched out on a marble slab in Norfolk, Virginia.
Nothing but Cicero's wish to do a favour to Pompey could have induced him to take up what must have been a distasteful task; indeed, it is hinted that the half-heartedness of the defence materially contributed to Gabinius's condemnation.
This arrangement was very distasteful to all classes.
Finding law as distasteful as theology, he devoted himself entirely to philosophy, of which he was appointed extraordinary professor in the university of Naples.
Now, Coccinellidae (ladybirds) are known to be highly distasteful to most insectivorous mammals and birds, and snails would be quite unfit food for the Pompilid or Ichneumonid larvae, so that the reason for the mimicry in these cases is also perfectly clear.
But the staunch Federalists of the senate, who had begun to draw the party lines rather sharply, found the presence of the young Genevan highly distasteful.
Richard's elevation, not being "general of the army as his father was," was distasteful to the officers, who desired the appointment of a commander-in-chief from among themselves, a request refused by Richard.
It was a favourite idea of his that chemical affinity and capillary attraction would eventually be included under the same law, and it was perhaps because of its recalcitrance to this cherished generalization that the undulatory theory of light was distasteful to him.
The "Day of Dupes," as this famous day was called, was the only time that Louis took so much as a step toward the dismissal of a minister who was personally distasteful to him but who was indispensable.
The repeated efforts made by Pasic to avert so distasteful a decision were held to disqualify him from the leadership of the new united Cabinet, but in order to secure his renunciation it was found necessary to exclude the other party chiefs.
The life and work here, however, proved so distasteful to him that he resigned in 1698, and returned to Quedlinburg.
It is true that he was sometimes forced by conviction or fate or political necessity to be a revolutionist on a large scale; to destroy an established Church; to add two millions of voters to the electorate; to attack the parliamentary union of the kingdoms. But these changes were, in their inception, distasteful to their author.
All pomp was distasteful to him and discarded by him.
His second important work, Critica Sacra, was distasteful from a theological point of view.
Himself a Catholic priest - "the glory of the priesthood and the shame" - the tone of the orthodox clergy was distasteful to him; the ignorant hostility to classical learning which reigned in their colleges and convents disgusted him.
The harmonious relations which subsisted between the two branches of the Wettins were disturbed by the interference of Maurice in Cleves, a proceeding distasteful to the Saxon elector, John Frederick; and a dispute over the bishopric of Meissen having widened the breach, war was only averted by the mediation of Philip of Hesse and Luther.
Law proved distasteful, and at Cseke in Szatmar county he devoted his time to aesthetical study, poetry, criticism, and the defence of the theories of Kazinczy.
Henceforth, except for some brief periods when he was a prisoner at large, Feckenham spent the rest of his life in confinement either in some recognized prison, or in the more distasteful and equally rigorous.
The men are tall, handsome and well-made, and the women are among the most beautiful in Spain; while the dark complexion and hair of both sexes, and their peculiar dialect of Spanish, so distasteful to pure Castilians, are indisputable evidence of Moorish descent.
Finn came to the conclusion that young birds have no instinctive knowledge of the unpalatability of distasteful insects, but that experimental tasting soon teaches them to recognize and avoid species they have previously rejected with dislike, and that having once learnt the lesson they long remember it.
These experiments have shown that Arthropods also have their likes and dislikes in the matter of insect-food and frequently refuse to eat insects which are warningly coloured and are distasteful to vertebrated enemies.
It is clearly possible, therefore, that cuckoos which mimic drongos and hawks may be protected from those enemies which find these birds distasteful.
On the Amazons and in other parts of South America there are butterflies of the group Ithomiinae which are distasteful and have all the characters of specially protected species, being conspicuously coloured, slow of flight, careless of exposure and abundant in individuals.
When an edible species gains protection by mimicking a distasteful one, there is a likelihood of its increasing in numbers until it equals or surpasses its model in this respect.
As successor to the Order, the Crown claimed and eventually established (by the negotiations in Rome of Sir Frederick Hankey, Sir Gerald Strickland and Sir Lintorn Simmons) with regard to the presentation of the bishopric (worth about £4000 a year) the right to veto the appointment of distasteful candidates.
Even such titles as" Excellency," Honourable," Mr "were distasteful to him.
The routine was distasteful; he despised the superficial details which claimed so much of his time.
Latimer, on seeing him enter the church, boldly changed his theme to a portrayal of Christ as the pattern priest and bishop. The points of comparison were, of course, deeply distasteful to the prelate, who, though he professed his " obligations for the good admonition he had received," informed the preacher that he " smelt somewhat of the pan."
That the Danaine and Ithomiine species are distasteful is known.