Dissociates Sentence Examples
It is a yellowish-brown liquid which dissociates rapidly with rise of temperature.
It is a good solvent for sulphur, phosphorus, wax, iodine, &c. It dissociates when heated to a sufficiently high temperature.
As before remarked, there seems no direct connexion between the paschal sacrifice and what appears to be essentially an agricultural festival; the Hebrew tradition, to some extent, dissociates them by making the sacrifice on the 14th of Nisan and beginning the Feast of Unleavened Bread on the 15th.
Perfectly pure distilled sea-water dissociates, to an infinitesimal degree, into hydrogen (H) and hydroxyl (HO) ions, so that one litre of such water contains 1 X 10 7, or 1 part of a gram-molecule of either hydr010,000,000 gen or hydroxyl (a gramme-molecule of hydrogen is 2 grammes, or of hydroxyl 17 grammes).
It dissociates when heated to a high temperature and is not affected by oxygen.
It dissociates at a red heat, and is readily reduced to the metal when heated with carbon or in a current of hydrogen.
It dissociates when heated, and is decomposed by water with production of selenious acid.
It crystallizes in large transparent cubes, but rapidly dissociates into its constituents on exposure.
The carbonic acid is taken from solution and then bicarbonate (usually that of magnesium) dissociates into carbonic acid and normal carbonate, and the process of photosynthesis ceases when there is no more bicarbonate in solution.
A proton readily dissociates from the C that is between N and S in the thiazole ring of TPP.