Dissimilarity Sentence Examples
They exhibit a great dissimilarity in paths, motions and colours.
A wellknown fossil conifer from Triassic strata - Voltzia heterophylly - also illustrates a marked dissimilarity in the leaves of the same shoot.
Moreover, most of the remainder is in a north coast belt which combines low dissimilarity with low or moderate dominance.
In the process, we reduce the dissimilarity between the two circuits, which makes it easier to verify the circuits.
It is instructive, further, to trace among metabolic insects an increase in the degree of this dissimilarity.
Many as the analogies between the processes of grace nature are, here there is none - but a total dissimilarity.
Then dissimilarity between two shots is defined based upon the dissimilarity indices for all image pairs in the two shots.
Further, it is considered that too much weight has been assigned to the characters distinguishing monotremes from other mammals, foetal marsupials showing a monotreme type of coracoid, while it is probable that in the long run it will be found impossible to maintain the essential dissimilarity between the milk-glands of monotremes and other mammals.
The vacillation of tradition and the dissimilarity of the epistle from those of Paul were brought out with great force by Erasmus.
It must be remembered, however, that there are points of striking dissimilarity between the duties of the consuls of these two countries.