Dissimilar Sentence Examples
Two more dissimilar pears hardly exist.
The shows are both similar and dissimilar from each other.
There is comparatively little in the political institutions of Iowa dissimilar to those of other states of the Union; they show in recent years a tendency toward greater centralization - in boards, however, rather than in individual officers.
He has put forward a most interesting business proposal, not entirely dissimilar in nature to your own.
As a scientific explanation of the myths the theory is of no value, but it affords fine scope for the exercise of Bacon's unrivalled power of detecting analogies in things apparently most dissimilar.
The episodes introduced in the course of the story are for the most part dissimilar.
This can apply even where two posts look apparently dissimilar.
Euclides 7 found no difficulty in fixing Antisthenes' mode of illustrating his simple elements by comparison, and therewith perhaps the " induction " of Socrates, with the dilemma; so far as the example is dissimilar, the comparison is invalid; so far as it is similar, it is useless.
A successful application to the EU 5th framework program will continue this work, applied to welding of dissimilar light alloys.
The process that these companies follow is not dissimilar to that of a private investigator, except they already have access to a comprehensive cell phone directory.
AdvertisementAlthough pain syndromes may be dissimilar, the common factor is a sensory pathway from the affected organ to the brain.
With a name generating tool, it will be easy to find dissimilar names that are still unique and fit your character.
Celsus and Porphyry are the two early literary opponents of Christianity who have most claim to consideration, and it is worth noticing that, while they agree alike in high aims, in skilful address and in devoted toil, their religious standpoints are widely dissimilar.
In pleasing contrast to such pests are the butterflies of all sizes and colours, beetles of an inconceivable variety of size, shape and colouration, and ants of widely dissimilar appearance and habits.
In a few species a sexual process is described, consisting in the conjugation of similar cells (Zygochytrium) or the union of two dissimilar ones (Polyphagus).
AdvertisementIt is to be noted that the Gulf of Guayaquil separates the humid, forestcovered coastal plain of Ecuador from the arid, barren coast of Peru, the two regions being widely dissimilar.
As regards correspondence with the standard distribution, it will be noted that Finland, the next country to Sweden geographically, comes after Japan, far detached from northern Europe by both race and distance, and is followed by Portugal, where the conditions are also very dissimilar.
Two dissimilar types are noticeable among the Rumans.
Who it sounds like Crystal has a powerful voice not dissimilar to Whitney Houston at times.
The quartet sound taps into the root of modern pop punk to create something not dissimilar to Fall Out Boy and New Found Glory.
AdvertisementThe 1974 album is a very fine soul offering, at times sounding not too dissimilar to the Reverend Al Green in parts.
The dull design is the site's biggest weakness, with it not looking dissimilar to a school text book in places.
Geography The geography of the New Land seems not dissimilar to our own civilized world.
Where the premises are situated in a shopping area but are structurally dissimilar to a shop, different considerations may arise.
It is not wholly dissimilar in tone to Christina Rossetti's ' Goblin Market ' of 1862.
AdvertisementThe track eventually develops into something not too dissimilar to ' Dayvan Cowboy ', with similar madcap drumming toward the end.
Its grammatical structure is not dissimilar to German and it is also completely phonetic.
The second and third cases showed convincing positivity, however, the pattern of staining was dissimilar from that seen in cases of vCJD.
Each genetic pathway metabolizes glucose and produces succinate via dissimilar chemical reactions.
A thermopile is a number of dissimilar junction thermocouples connected in series to increase the voltage for very small heat rise.
The simplicity of the zonal distribution of solar energy on the earth's surface, which would characterize a uniform globe, is entirely destroyed by the dissimilar action of land and water with regard to radiant heat, and by the influence of crust-forms on the direction of the resulting circulation.
The doctrine of heredity in disease thus took a larger aspect; the view of morbid series was no longer bounded even by the life of the individual; and the propagation of taints, and of morbid varieties of man, from generation to generation proved to be no mere repetition of fixed features but, even more frequently, to be modes of development or of dissolution betraying themselves often in widely dissimilar forms, in series often extending over many lives, the terms of which at first sight had seemed wholly disparate.
The conclusion is that the sum of homogenous parts, which may be similar or dissimilar in external form according to their similarity or diversity of function, and the recognition of former similarities of adaptation (see below) are the true bases for the critical determination of kinship and phylogeny.
Reflexa are beautiful evergreens, which are not very dissimilar in general aspect, and which without long dry scientific descriptions it would be impossible to distinguish.
Attention has been called to the fact that the bare rocks and steep gradients which are common in the Western Division allow of the heavy rainfall running off the surface rapidly, while the flat and often clayey lands of the Eastern Division retain the scantier rainfall in the soil for a longer time, so that for agricultural purposes the effect of the rainfall is not very dissimilar throughout the country.
The two ends of the loch are wholly dissimilar in character, the scenery of the upper extremity being majestic, while that of the lower half is pastoral and tame.
On extending his inquiry to other aelotropic crystals he observed a similar variation, and was thus led, in 1825, to the discovery that aelotropic crystals, when heated, expand unequally in the direction of dissimilar axes.
This school is very dissimilar from the half-romantic school of Jonas Hallgrimsson; it is nearer the national Icelandic school represented by Pall Olafsson and porsteinn Erlingsson, but differs from those writers by introducing foreign elements hitherto unknown in Icelandic literature, and - especially in the case of the prose-writers - by imitating closely the style and manner of some of the great Norwegian novelists.
Four dissimilar individuals, tied to a damaged being known only to one of us who at one time hated him for the loss of her friend.
Thrombosis is an accident of not dissimilar character, whereby a vessel is blocked not by a travelling particle, but by a clotting of the blood in situ, probably on the occasion of some harm to the epithelial lining of the vessel.
The great central plateau and its bordering lowlands form an intermediate territory in which these dissimilar types are found side by side, the tropical species extending northward along the coast to the United States, while the northern species have found their way to the southern limits of the plateau.
The dissimilar races that compose the population of Mexico have not been sufficiently fused to give a representative type, which, it may be assumed, will ultimately be that of the mestizos.
The men who design and work in metals have to take account of these vital differences and characteristics, and must be careful not to apply treatment suitable to one kind to another of a dissimilar character.
The planula has its two extremities dissimilar (Bipolaria-larva).
To Brewster is due the merit of suggesting the use of lenses for the purpose of uniting the dissimilar pictures; and accordingly the lenticular stereoscope may fairly be said to be his invention.
The lord of the manor with his officials and retainers, the peasantry bound to him by ties of personal dependence and mutual rights and obligations, constituted a little world, in which we can watch the play of motives and passions not so dissimilar as we are sometimes led to believe from those of the great modern world.
In practice, however, it cannot be thrown down electrolytically with a dissimilar anode so as to win the metal, and certain difficulties are still met with in the analogous operation of plating by means of a similar anode.
The laws and regulations were generally very concise revelations, but most of them have been amalgamated with other pieces of similar or dissimilar import, and are now found in very long suras.
They may be regarded as the anhydrides of the alcohols, being formed by elimination of one molecule of water from two molecules of the alcohols; those in which the two hydrocarbon radicals are similar are known as simple ethers, and those in which they are dissimilar as mixed ethers.
The various spoken dialects, though apparently very unlike each other, are not more dissimilar than are Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian, and their differences are doubtless attributable to the lack of a literary standard.
During the middle ages the wealthy free towns of Flanders flourished under conditions not The dissimilar to those of the Italian republics.
As far as the constituents of its flora are concerned Portugal is not very dissimilar from Spain, but their distribution is peculiar.
The modern untutored native has a not dissimilar undeveloped and childlike attitude towards the divine, a naive theology and a simple cultus.
Where the operation is simply one of fusion, as in the ironfounder's cupola, in which there is no very great change in volume in the materials on their descent to the tuyeres, the stack is nearly or quite straight-sided; but when, as is the case with the smelting of iron ores with limestone flux, a large proportion of volatile matter has to be removed in the process, a wall of varying inclination is used, so that the body of the furnace is formed of two dissimilar truncated cones, joined by their bases, the lower one passing downwards into a short, nearly cylindrical, position.
Here we were, caught up in the euphoria of our accomplishments, like a group of dissimilar workers sharing a winning power ball ticket, and thinking that success made us friends for ever.
We five hirelings, as dissimilar as snowflakes, are tripping over one another in an effort to display mutual accommodation.
In ordinary cells the difference is secured by using two dissimilar metals, but an electromotive force exists if two plates of the same metal are placed in solutions of different substances, or of the same substance at different concentrations.
He is definitely anti-Platonic, and his language sometimes takes even a nominalistic tone, as when he declares that the species is nothing more than a thought or conception gathered from the substantial similarity of a number of dissimilar individuals.
But the character being ideographic, the words which express them are dissimilar in the two languages, and official text is read in Chinese by a Chinese, in Annamese by an Annamese.
His care for the common people was sincere and constant, but his beneficial efforts in this direction were thwarted by the curious interaction of two totally dissimilar social factors, feudalism and Hussitism.
The circumstances and surroundings of Zwingli's early life were thus dissimilar from those of his contemporary, Martin Luther.
Asplanchnaceae; trochus circular; foot absent or minute; trophi incudate; stomach blind; males frequent, not very dissimilar to females.
Experiments which will be discussed in § to seem to show that there is a difference in this respect between the impacts of similar and those of dissimilar molecules.
The king's active and curious mind welcomed the learned; he maintained a complete toleration for the several creeds, races and languages of his realm; he was served by men of nationality so dissimilar as the Englishman Thomas Brun, a kaid of the Curia, and, in the fleet, by the renegade Moslem Christodoulos, and the Antiochene George, whom he made in 1132 "amiratus amiratorum," in effect prime vizier.
The sexes are distinct but dissimilar in size, the female being usually much larger than the male.
The average energy of a medium containing a mixture of dissimilar elements possesses in this respect only a very secondary interest.