Dissemination Sentence Examples
This simple service promoted the secret dissemination of their doctrines.
You once mentioned considering the dissemination of miss information.
He further induced the government to print his observations annually, thereby securing the prompt dissemination of a large mass of data inestimable from their continuity and accuracy.
The dissemination of plant parasites is favored by many circumstances not always obvious, whence an air of mystery regarding epidemics was easily created in earlier times.
But the greater part of the empire continued to exist under new masters, the Seleucids, as a Hellenistic power which was of great importance for the dissemination of Greek culture in the East.
In both cases no doubt remains that the all-important means of dissemination is human intercourse.
Astonishment has been frequently expressed at the powerful activities of bacteria - their rapid growth and dissemination, of the extensive and profound decompositions and Activity bacteria.
There is no evidence that merchandise and foodstuffs are means of dissemination, but a great deal of evidence against such a theory.
The need of an organ for the dissemination of information, and the quickening of interest in the missionary and educational enterprises of the Triennial Convention, led Rice to establish the Latter Day Luminary (1816) and the Columbian Star, a weekly journal (1822).
Under modern conditions there is little danger from such a dissemination of the forces, as each fraction of each army corps is within less than two hours' march of its concentration post.
AdvertisementThose who received them fully during Swedenborg's lifetime were few and scattered, but courageously undertook the task of dissemination, and gave themselves to translating and distributing their master's writings.
The first of these is the comparative absence of natural barriers in the interior, owing to which intercommunication between tribes, the dissemination of culture and tribal migration have been considerably facilitated.
The Bill will make it an offense to tackle dissemination of radical written material by extremist bookshops.
During this meeting, the clear and pressing need appeared for a study on the worldwide dissemination of Portuguese faience.
Develop teaching materials which will include an on-line resource - with a potential for broader dissemination.
AdvertisementRationale To reduce uncertainties in the realization and dissemination of the ITS-90 using non-contact thermometry, the existing facilities will be extended and upgraded.
The seed is set free from the parent plant and serves as the means of dissemination (see FLOWER; POLLINATION; FRUIT, and SEED).
The part played by certain blood-sucking Diptera in the dissemination of disease is now well known (see Mosquito and Tsetse-Fly), and under the term myiasis medical literature includes a lengthy recital of instances of the presence of Dipterous larvae in various parts of the living human body, and the injuries caused thereby.
If the aim was the dissemination of ideas, the printing press could have accomplished that much better than warfare.
Should they contain a full account of the evidence or should they be more selective in terms of dissemination?
AdvertisementOn-line material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work.
Thanks to the dissemination of energy conservation facts and federal mandates, modern refrigerators now use moderate amounts of energy.
Harassment could take several forms, from sending threatening or sexually explicit emails to the dissemination of erroneous information on websites such as MySpace.
These alliances can help the dissemination of information and form strong relationships that can further the insurance industry.
Many people fail to realize the potential consequences associated with such widespread dissemination of personal information, including identity theft, fraud, and personal safety issues.
AdvertisementOthers, such as StumbleUpon plug-ins, make it so that users can easily tag information for dissemination through a social network.
The seed is set free from the parent plant and serves as the means of dissemination.
The Peninsular War called for large forces of the old Grande Arsnee and for a brief period Napoleon directed operations in person; and the Austrians took advantage of the dissemination and weakness of the French forces in Germany to push forward their own preparations with renewed energy.
Although it had long been suspected that these insects were in some way connected with malaria and other diseases, while that the species now called Stegomyia calopus was the carrier of yellow fever had been asserted by Finlay as early as 1881, it was not until the closing years of the 19th century that the brilliant researches of Ross in India, and of Grassi and others in Italy, directed the attention of the whole civilized world to mosquitoes as the exclusive agents in the dissemination of malarial fever.
In addition, the great majority have also another method of reproduction, for increasing the number of the parasites in any individual host; this is distinguished as multiplicative or endogenous reproduction, from the propagative or exogenous method (by means of the resistant spores), which serves for the infection of fresh hosts and secures the dissemination and survival of the species.
The freedom he claimed for the Church was freedom to manage her affairs without the interference of the state; the champions of the papal monarchy, and notably the Jesuits, desired freedom in order to put a stop to the dissemination of modern ideas.
In Italy, by a departure from the traditional policy of the Roman Church, the newly formed "Pious Society of St Jerome for the Dissemination of the Holy Gospels" issued in 1901 from the Vatican press a new Italian version of the Four Gospels and Acts.
The Historiated Bible, the Letter from Heaven, the Wanderings through Heaven and Hell, the numerous Adam and Cross legends, the religious poems of the "Kaleki perehozhie" and other similar productions owe their dissemination to a large extent to the activity of the Bogomils of Bulgaria, and their successors in other lands.
Their function is the twofold one of protecting the embryo and of aiding in dissemination; they may also directly promote germination.
If the fruit is a dehiscent one and the seed is therefore soon exposed, the seed-coat has to provide for the protection of the embryo and may also have to secure dissemination.
Their fortuitous dissemination does not always bring seeds upon a suitable nidus for germination, the primary essential of which is a sufficiency of moisture, and the duration of vitality of the embryo is a point of interest.
The request does not affect the dissemination of news concerning ordinary routine movements or training on the part of the Navy or the Army; its object is to prevent the appearance of anything concerning steps of an exceptional kind which may be rendered necessary by the existing state of affairs.
Cable and Postal Censorship. - In addition to the Press Bureau, censorships of incoming and outgoing cables, letters and parcels, were established by the War Office at the commencement of the war with the three-fold object of preventing information of military value from reaching the enemy, of acquiring similar information for British purposes and of checking the dissemination of information likely to be useful to the enemy or prejudicial to the Allies.
If it be possible to assign to some of the monuments discovered in Arabia by Glaser a date not later than 1500 B.C., the origin of the alphabet and its dissemination are carried back to a much earlier period than had hitherto been supposed.
In fact dissemination seems to have taken place, as usual, by the conversion of one house after another into a focus of disease, a process favoured by the fatal custom of shutting up infected houses with all their inmates, which was not only almost equivalent to a sentence of death on all therein, but caused a dangerous concentration of the poison.
The sick are a source of danger and one means of dissemination, and, since the illness may be so slight as to pass unrecognized, an obviously insidious one.
They also contaminate clothing, which thus becomes another means of dissemination capable of acting at a distance.
That of Rio de Janeiro is widely celebrated for its avenues of royal palms, but it has also rendered an important service to the country in the dissemination of exotic plants.