Dissect Sentence Examples
Human sciences dissect everything to comprehend it, and kill everything to examine it.
When we come to dissect it, we find several striking characteristics.
Take your favorite flower and really dissect the color placement.
He at least claims to have been the first to dissect the procedure of the debate-game, and the larger claim may be and Aristotle who was inferior as a metaphysician to neither.
Particularly is this so as regards the question of authorship. As Harnack observes (Lukas der Arzt, p. 24), the" miraculous " or supernormal ele ment is hardly, if at all, less marked in the " we " sections, which are substantially the witness of a companion of Paul (and where efforts to dissect out the miracles are fruitless), than in the rest of the work.
He worked enthusiastically at dissection, though, the liberty of the Alexandrian schools no longer existing, he could dissect only animals, not the human body.
A portion of this province in which weak rocks predominate gives an unusually broad valley region, known as the Valley of Virginia, drained by the Shenandoah river, and the headwaters of the James, Roanoke, New, and Holston rivers, which dissect the broad valley floor into gently rolling low hills.
We have used laser microsurgery to dissect single cells to gain access to the plasma membrane for patch clamp recording.
We have started to dissect the JA signal pathway through the isolation and characterisation of Arabidopsis mutants.
We have implemented a genetic approach to dissect cell cycle control of spindle morphogenesis using S. cerevisiae.
AdvertisementThe most portable alternative is to use a recursive template to dissect the string.
The IFUs dissect the field into individual elements, which are then re-arranged to form part of the spectrograph entrance slit.
Leo isn't limited to just the fire and air signs for compatible mates; certainly the overall natal chart must be examined and studied to dissect all the nuances and aspects two charts can share.
The fire signs of Sagittarius, Aries and Leo tend to overheat Virgo's circuits, while the air signs of Libra, Gemini and Aquarius simply baffle Virgo with their need to understand and dissect emotions.
Little tidbits of information about what's to come act as teasers for fans, who will dissect interview spoilers and scoops to try and figure out what will happen on the show.
AdvertisementJust as Nitzsch had laboured under the disadvantage of never having any example of the abnormal Passeres of the New World to dissect, and, therefore, was wholly ignorant of their abnormality, so Muller never succeeded in getting hold of an example of the genus Pitta for the same purpose, and yet, acting on the clue furnished by Keyserling and Blasius, he did not hesitate to predict that it would be found to fill one of the gaps he had to leave, and this to some extent it has been since proved to do.
Dry watercourses, locally called tugs, dissect the mountainous region.
Historians and costumers have worked together to dissect the suits of the time and re-create them for stage, screen and historical settings.
You might have to dissect a work schedule or determine a pattern.
Named after the fictional vampire groupies in True Blood, Fangbangers brings together a number of fans of the show to discuss and dissect each week's new episodes.
AdvertisementNeed to brush up on your Coldplay lyrics so you're ready to sing along at the next show, or want to see the lyrics all set out so you can dissect them for deeper meaning?
Galen himself couldn't dissect human cadavers, because Romans were even more appalled by the notion than the Greeks.
Dissect 50% of what is printed and then dissect 50% of what is printed and then dissect that by the same amount was the advice given.
Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion but do n't dissect the team or the performance quite yet.
A chemical approach may, however, be used to dissect many of the seemingly intractable problems which have been posed.
AdvertisementWhoever lived here had nothing personal to show, no pieces of his personality for her to dissect before she faced him.
It is astonishing how many good observers it requires to dissect and draw and record over and over again the structure of an animal before an approximately correct account of it is obtained.