Dispose of Sentence Examples
The shell heaps found on the coasts and elsewhere dispose of the theory that New Zealand was uninhabited or practically so six centuries back.
Already events had shown that the feudatories, quite devoid of business experience, were not unlikely to dispose of these bonds and devote the proceeds to unsound enterprises.
This seems to dispose of his being sent to Pignerol on the 19th.
But this did not conclude the ceremony, even as far as the victim was concerned; it remained to dispose of the corpse.
That the son of a Corsican notary should have been able to dispose of the Spanish Bourbons in this contemptuously easy way is one of the marvels of history.
In the first place, the Crusades represent the attempt of a feudal system, bound under the law of primogeniture to dispose of its younger sons.
The Persian monarchy was strong in its size, in the mere amount of men and treasure it could dispose of under a single hand; the Greek state was strong in its morale, in the energy and discipline of its soldiery.
He joined Livingston in Paris on the 12th of April, after the negotiations were well under way; and the two ministers, on finding Napoleon willing to dispose of the entire province of Louisiana, decided to exceed their instructions and effect its purchase.
Care was taken that the natives enjoyed security of land tenure - though ownership remained with the State - and the right to dispose of their own labour freely.
And though Spencer's general position - that it is absurd to suppose that organisms after being modified by their life should give birth to offspring showing no traces of such modifications - seems the more philosophic, yet it does not dispose of the facts which go to show that most of the evidence for the direct transmission of adaptations is illusory, and that beings are organised to minimize the effects of life on the reproductive tissues, so that the transmission of the effects of use and disuse, if it occurs, must be both difficult and rare - far more so than is convenient for Spencer's psychology.
AdvertisementThey would also have conceded the pope the right to play the role of a secular ruler in his own lands, as did the German bishops, and to dispose of such fiefs as reverted to him.
There is a considerable trade in grain; but the commercial prosperity of Karshi is mainly due to its being a meeting-point for the roads from Samarkand, Bokhara, Hissar, Balkh and Maimana, and serves as the market where the Turkomans and Uzbegs dispose of their carpets, knives and firearms. Its coppersmiths turn out excellent work.
As the Poles could no longer dispose of an army, they were unable to assail Russia as openly as in 1830.
Though in favour of selling a portion of these lands to provide a fund for the existing needs of the Church, he secured the defeat of the proposal then before the government to dispose of the Clergy Reserves to the Canada Company.
There was an annual conference with full legislative power, and ability to hold and dispose of property, composed of an equal number of lay and ministerial representatives meeting together.
AdvertisementDuring the Protectorate, in 1649, an ordinance was passed for " the promoting and propagating of the gospel of Jesus Christ in New England " by the erection of a corporation, to be called by the name of the President and Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England, to receive and dispose of moneys for the purpose, and a general collection was ordered to be made in all the parishes of England and Wales; and Cromwell himself devised a scheme for setting up a council for the Protestant religion, which should rival the Roman Propaganda, and consist of seven councillors and four secretaries for different provinces.'
Finally an examination took place at the end of the year of office, when each archon had to answer for his actions with person and possessions; till then he could not leave the country, be adopted into another family, dispose of his property, nor receive any " crown of honour."
Ward's colleague, the more famous John Wallis, Savilian professor of geometry from 1649, had been privy to the challenge thrown out in 1654, and it was arranged that they should critically dispose of the De corpore between them.
Wild shrewdly realized that it was safer, and in most cases more profitable, to dispose of such property by returning it to its legitimate owners than to sell it, with the attendant risks, in the open market, and he thus built up an immense business, posing as a recoverer of stolen goods, the thieves receiving a commission on the price paid for recovery.
Here it is not enough to regulate the flow of streams. The object of the government is to dispose of the land to settlers who will build homes upon it.
AdvertisementInstead of acknowledging its inferiority as in former times it had claimed to be the higher power; it had eyen attempted to dispose of the imperial crown as if the Empire were a papal fief; and it had found out that it could at any time tamper, and perhaps paralyse, the imperial authority by exciting internal strife in Germany.
His overlord claimed to dispose of his crown, and hawked it about among the princes of the West.
For example, a dispute between master and slave may be found by the cadi to turn on the general question, "Has Zaid, the master of `Amr, S the absolute right to dispose of his slave's earnings ?"
The chief or recognized head of the clan or section alone can properly dispose of it or assign its use for a time to an outsider; and even he is expected to obtain the consent of the heads of families before he alienates the property.
This was one of the bargains in the " Compromise Measures of 1850 " that were intended to dispose of the question of slavery in the Territories.
AdvertisementAn act of 1851 forbade servants from leaving masters to whom they were indebted, and in 1853 sheriffs were authorized in some instances to dispose of the debtor's labour to the highest bidder.
The resources of Balmaceda were running short on account of the heavy military expenses, and he determined to dispose of the reserve of silver bullion accumulated in the vaults of the Casa de Moneda in accordance with the terms of the law for the conversion of the note issue.
The first political act of national importance of the new government was the grant of control to the municipalities, which hitherto had possessed little power to direct local affairs, and were not even permitted to dispose of the municipal revenues to any important amount without first obtaining the co,nsent of the central government.
About three-fifths of this number belong to the diocese of Azerbaijan, with a bishop at Tabriz, and reside in the cities of Tabriz, KhoI, Selmas, Urmia and Maragha, and in about thirty villages close to the north-western frontier; the other two-fifths, under the diocese of Isfahan, with a bishop in Julfa, reside in Teheran, Hamadan, Julfa, Shiraz, Bushire, Resht, Enzeli and other towns, and in some villages in the districts of Chahar Mahal, Feridan, Barbarud, Kamareh, Kazaz, Kharakan, &c. Many Persian Armenians are engaged in trade and commerce, and some of their merchants dispose of much capital, but the bulk live on the proceeds of agriculture and are poor.
Under this treaty Lobengula bound himself not to make a treaty with any other foreign power, nor to sell or in any other way dispose of any portion of his country without the sanction of the high commissioner.
Miguel, who was able to dispose of the vast wealth of Carlota Joaquina; Great Britain and France remained neutral.
Disputes arose for the first time between the crown of England and the see of Rome in the reign of William Rufus, the pope claiming to dispose of the English bishoprics; and ultimately King John, by his charter Ut liberae sent electiones totius Angliae (1214), granted that the bishops should be elected freely by the deans and chapters of the cathedral churches, provided the royal permission was first asked, and the royal assent was required after the election.
The lay abbot took his recognized rank in the feudal hierarchy, and was free to dispose of his fief as in the case of any other.
In the same parcel you will receive 40 more, which having no acquaintance in Cambridge, I must entreat you to put into the hands of one or more of your ablest booksellers to dispose of them.
Bright (1812-1875), who on the 5th of February 1862 was expelled from the United States Senate for writing a letter addressed to Jefferson Davis, as President of the Confederacy, in which he recommended a friend who had an improvement in fire-arms to dispose of.
For a time the question how to dispose of the king diverted the thoughts of all parties.
They are regularly spoken of as having or owning Lapps, whom they dispose of as any other piece of property.
A married woman may hold, acquire and dispose of property as if she were single, and the descent of the estate of a husband dying intestate is the same as that of a wife dying intestate, the survivor being entitled to onethird of the estate if there are one or more children, and to one-half of the estate if there are no children or other lineal descendants.
The consequent struggle between the popes, who claimed the inheritance, and the emperors, who maintained that the countess had no right to dispose of imperial fiefs, enabled the principal cities of Tuscany gradually to assert their independence.
The next step was to dispose of his rival kindred.
Different places, different states, different ways to dispose of my little treasures; they'll never realize it's the same person!
They advised customers who had bought products from J&H Cairns to dispose of them.
Here let us dispose of a difficulty, which is not serious, but which some people find rather alarming.
An involuntary bailee must not wrongfully dispose of the chattels or take any positive steps to damage or destroy them.
You can safely dispose of the toner cassette by putting it in the rubbish bin.
You can also use a food digester to dispose of your food waste.
See Cleaning & maintenance to find out how to safely dispose of anti fouling paint residues during boat wash down.
The Bank may transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of this Agreement without notice to the Customer.
Collect and dispose of all rubbish including disposable glassware, crockery and cutlery in a safe and hygienic manner.
The team has to lock the parks each night, dispose of needles and carry out playground inspections in 43 parks and open spaces.
The average hunt kennel might dispose of 100 to 200 tons of such waste per annum.
To dispose of ultimate residual waste by using landfill.
Farmers in Dumfries and Galloway are using the mart on a regular weekly basis to dispose of cattle onto the OTMS.
Advice is available should you experience any problems or need to dispose of spilled mercury.
The United States plans to use two technologies to dispose of surplus weapons-grade plutonium.
Over the life of the program, the US will dispose of enough surplus plutonium for thousands of nuclear weapons.
And don't forget - you can dispose of your bulky rubbish at the Port Solent Household Waste Recycling Center for free!
Take care of sparklers, wear gloves to hold them and dispose of sparklers in a bucket of water when they are finished.
Across the Group, Arriva aims to dispose of all waste using environmentally sympathetic means.
It is a misdemeanour to expose a naked corpse to public view, to prevent the burial of a dead body, or to disinter it without authority; also to bury or otherwise dispose of a dead body on which an inquest ought to be held, without giving notice to a coroner.
Again and again, during his absence on the public service, the barons and prelates would assemble to compass his ruin or dispose of his crown, when, suddenly, " like a tempest," from the depths of Silesia or of Bosnia, he would himself appear among them, confounding and scattering them, often without resistance, always without bloodshed.
At Rotterdam he lived, he says in a letter to his steward Wheelock, at the rate of less than £200 a year, and yet had much "to dispose of and spend beyond convenient living."
Either husband or wife may hold, manage and dispose of his or her separate property independent of the other, but property which they hold in common is under the management and control of the husband except that he cannot devise by will more than one-half of the community real or personal property, or convey, mortgage or encumber any of the community real estate unless his wife joins him.
He sees well enough, said Prince Vasili rapidly, in a deep voice and with a slight cough--the voice and cough with which he was wont to dispose of all difficulties.
It will not propose to remove the restrictions on museums ' powers to dispose of objects in their collection in any other regard.
It is usual to dispose of residuary gifts by means of a single gift.
And do n't forget - you can dispose of your bulky rubbish at the Port Solent Household Waste Recycling Center for free !
I can assure you that we share your concerns about the need to dispose of material resulting from warhead dismantlement.
Finally, if you have determined the crib you are using isn't safe, take it apart and dispose of it.
Disposable diapers are popular for several reasons, the main one being that you can dispose of the diaper and the mess very easily.
American landfills are already chock full of non-biodegradable cat litters, but with the pine variety, you can flush or dispose of these substances guilt free.
An automatic litter box scoops your cat's waste and either stores it until you are ready to dispose of it or treats and disposes of it for you.
Start a compost pile to dispose of food waste.
This is a useful way to dispose of you unwanted goods and make a few pennies or dollars (although when selling old goods, do make sure your descriptions are accurate to avoid disappointment).
If you do determine that an item must be replaced, be sure to dispose of your outdated materials in a way that ensures that they will be reused or recycled.
Go to the Web site Earth 911 to learn about what items can be recycled and how to dispose of hazardous materials.
Once you know what type of cell phone battery you own, the easier it will be to learn how to dispose of it.
This article will take a look at why it is important to dispose of this waste in a responsible manner and will then give you some advice on how to go about doing just that.
Recycle - wise recycling helps to reduce the waste that is produced and the energy that is used to dispose of it.
As more items are treated as disposable, so does our need increase for ways to dispose of them.
A PC recycle program will help you to dispose of your computer in an environmentally friendly manner.
You may be wondering why you should use a PC recycle program to dispose of your computer.
If you do use toxic chemicals, such as paints, stains or cleaning supplies, dispose of them properly.
Clean up the residue and dispose of the used oils properly.
Keep them near the food preparation area so you can easily dispose of waste.
In addition, it is important to pick up dog droppings in your yard and dispose of them to prevent other animals from coming into contact with them.
Find an area or dig a small ditch where you can continually dispose of the stools.
It is very important in today's overflowing world of non-biodegradable plastics to find another way to dispose of dog stools, so consider trying the tips listed above.
You may need to cut off and dispose of infested foliage.
Knock any beetles and larvae you find into a can of soapy water to dispose of them.
Pull the freed strings out of the guitar through the bridge and dispose of them.
Have a designated place for the items you are getting rid of and a plan to dispose of them.
You cannot remove these tiles yourself, and must call in a hazardous waste expert to remove and dispose of them properly.
Finally, don't be in a hurry to dispose of a cardigan once a hole appears in the elbow.
Homeowners should mulch or rake up fallen leaves and dispose of them according to local bylaws.
Be sure to check with the manufacturer for more information about when to dispose of your contacts.
Just be sure to wear the lenses for the appropriate amount of time and dispose of them properly after that.
You will also need to know when to dispose of them-after a month of daily use, after a year, and so forth.
Contra - One of the defining side-scrolling shooter series in early video game history, Contra featured fast action and a plethora of weapons to dispose of invading aliens.
Perform a full-body "tick check" after outdoor activities and use tweezers to gently remove and dispose of ticks.
Place the tick in a closed container (for species identification later, should symptoms develop) or dispose of it by flushing or by placing the tick between scotch tape.
If you removed a trash bag from a trash can, dispose of it in an outside receptacle as soon as you can.
Those choosing replacement blade varieties should dispose of the blades at the first sign of dullness or wear.
Usually, the doctor or midwife will simply dispose of the placenta and cord.
If you smoke or accidentally drop a bottle or glass in the sand, please pick it up and dispose of it properly.
To dispose of the wax, pour it into a paper cup and discard.
If you've paid a fair amount of money for a reed diffuser that perfectly coordinates with your home décor, it's only natural that you won't want to simply dispose of it when the fragrance is gone.
There are also no worries about having to dispose of batteries in an environmentally friendly way.
If the man does not wish the ring to be returned, the woman may keep it or dispose of it as she sees fit.
Finally, either burn the board or dispose of it in the trash.
Keep the rental car reasonably clean and dispose of any wrappers or other trash before you return it to avoid excessive cleaning charges.
Cleaning your mat regularly, using the method recommended by the manufacturer, can help you enjoy your mat for years to come so that you only have to dispose of it after many years of usage, which is a further benefit to the environment.
If you have items that are past their useful life, it's best to dispose of them rather than donating them.
If there's no trashcan nearby, a plastic bag will allow you to dispose of your rubbish at a later date.
On the album, Eminem raps about going to dispose of his wife's body with his daughter and urges a character in another song to murder his girlfriend and the person she is cheating with.
He'd have no reason to remove her body and dispose of it somewhere else.
The duke of Dorset's reappointment to the lord-lieutenancy in 1751, with his son Lord George Sackville as secretary of state for Ireland, strengthened the primate's position and enabled him to triumph over the popular party on the constitutional question as to the right of the Irish House of Commons to dispose of surplus Irish revenue, which the government maintained was the property of the Crown.
The object of settlers, however, in a great many, perhaps in the majority of instances, is to dispose of their holdings as soon as possible after the requirements of the law have been complied with, and to avoid permanent settlement.
As yet the Cassa Ecclesiastica had no right to dispose of the property thus entrusted to it; but in 1862 an act was passed by which it transferred all its real property to the national domain, and was credited with a corresponding amount by the exchequer.
Charles Albert could dispose of 90,000 men, including some 30,000 from central Italy, but he took the field with only half his force.