Disposal Sentence Examples
He insisted on leaving the vehicle at my disposal in case I needed it.
The disposal of the king was now the great question to be decided.
He placed himself at the disposal of the military authorities and was sent to France as a major in the Grenadier Guards.
It had all the modern conveniences – dishwasher, garbage disposal, and even a built-in oven.
He dumped the rest in the garbage disposal and turned it on, returning a few minutes later with the other bottles.
Just as attendants are provided for the dead, so the god receives sacrifices intended to put slaves at his disposal.
He introduced himself simply as Frank and said he was at my disposal.
I depart for the Orient with all the means of success at my disposal.
But the idea of a retreat was intolerable to him, so he determined to march southwards instead of northwards as suggested by his generals, and join his forces with those of the hetman of the Dnieperian Cossacks, Ivan Mazepa, who had 100,000 horsemen and a fresh and fruitful land at his disposal.
The two arms of the police, the Carabinieri and the Publica Sicurezza, are at his disposal.
AdvertisementThe king gave him an annual grant of 1200 gulden (120), considerably enlarging it before the end of the year, and placing a comfortable house in the outskirts of the city at his disposal.
The Silesian army was thus able to escape, and marching northwards combined with Bernadotte at Laon - this reinforcement bringing the forces at Blucher's disposal up to over 10o,000 men.
The municipal council has the disposal of 20% of the annual profits made on produce purchased within the confines of each district.
Ulmanis, confined on the steamer " Saratov " at Libau, had no fighting force at his disposal, and his attempts to call the population to arms were opposed as pro-Bolshevik manoeuvres.
The author had at his disposal two distinct groups of legends about Mary.
AdvertisementThe above constitutes the whole material which the earlier middle age had at its disposal.
In endeavouring, with the aid of the church, to establish his kingship on the Western model Stephen had the immense advantage of building on unencumbered ground, the greater part of the soil of the country being at his The absolute disposal.
Another important reform was the law permitting the free disposal of landed estate, which gave the holders an increased interest in their property, and an inducement to improve it.
They had at their disposal 375,000 men, to which the Magyars could only oppose 160,000.
Having sent his two companions back to Jerusalem, he organized the forces at his disposal, and made arrangements for the government of his province.
AdvertisementThe town has a considerable retail trade, and is a centre for the disposal of agricultural produce.
He had at this time 21 divisions at his disposal, while there were only four British divisions to oppose them at Helles (the last French division left for Salonika during Dec.).
Taxes and land revenue are light; markets for the disposal of produce are constant and prices good; while fresh land is still available in most districts.
Even in the course of a general survey of the legal lore at our disposal, one cannot help being struck by peculiarities in the distribution of legal subjects.
For further details regarding the formation of Sumerian and Babylonian-Assyrian proper names, as well as for an indication of the problems involved and the difficulties still existing, especially in the case of Sumerian names,' see the three excellent works now at our disposal for the Sumerian, the old Babylonian, and the neoBabylonian period respectively, by Huber, Die Personennamen den Keilschrifturkunden aus der Zeit der Konige von Ur and Nisin (Leipzig, 1907); Ranke, Early Babylonian Proper Names (Philadelphia, 1905); and Tallqvist, Neu-Babylonisches Namenbuch (Helsingfors, 1905).
AdvertisementA force of l000 men was placed at the disposal of the podestd and capitano (now both elected by the people) to keep order and oblige the grandi to respect the law.
A circular disposition of the cells facilitates charging by the use of a pipe rotating above them, but it renders the disposal of the hot spent slices somewhat difficult and inconvenient.
His original intention had been after visiting Mecca to find his way across the peninsula to Oman, but the time at his disposal (as an Indian officer on leave) was insufficient for so extended a journey; and his further contributions to Arabian geography were not made until twenty-five years later, when he was deputed by the Egyptian government to examine the reported gold deposits of Midian.
Kuwet was not formally placed under British protection, but it was officially announced by the government on the 5th of May 1903 " that the establishment of a naval base or fortified port in the Persian Gulf by any other power would be regarded as a very grave menace to British interests which would certainly be resisted with all the means at its disposal."
Disputes with the king arose over the disposal of the Scottish prisoners, Percy insisting on his right to hold Douglas as his personal prisoner, and he was summoned to court to explain.
The cavalry of both sides remained inactive, Napoleon's by express order, the enemy's seemingly from mere negligence, since they had 177 squadrons at their disposal.
As a memorial of his work the Duff Hall was erected in the centre of the educational buildings of Calcutta; and a fund of Li 13000 was raised for his disposal, the capital of which was afterwards to be used for invalided missionaries of his own church.
In 1723, through the medium of the king's mistress, the duchess of Kendal, he at last received his pardon, returned to London in June or July, and placed his services at the disposal of Walpole, by whom, however, his offers to procure the accession of several Tories to the administration were received very coldly.
The natural result of all these causes was that a feeling of antipathy rose against Athens in the minds of those to whom autonomy was the breath of life, and the fundamental tendency of the Greeks to disruption was soon to prove more powerful than the forces at the disposal of Athens.
In their withdrawal, by a historic disregard of fair play, the Germans not merely refused to put at the disposal of the Lithuanian authorities the necessary means of defence, but under a military convention allowed the Bolshevist troops to march into evacuated zones at a mean distance of io kilometres.
Moreover, the existence of a written Palestinian Targum at an early date is expressly excluded by the evidence at our disposal.
During his visits to England he was at the disposal of Cardinal Wiseman, who through him, at the time of the Crimean War, was enabled to obtain from the government the concession that for the future Roman Catholic army chaplains should not be regarded as part of the staff of the Protestant chaplain-general.
At last the viceroy of Sicily, who had the Spanish and allied fleets at his disposal, was spurred to action by his council.
By the time war was declared he had at his disposal 50,000 men and 50 warships.
A war broke out between the Calydonians and Curetes (led by Althaea's brothers) about the disposal of the head and skin, which Meleager awarded as a prize to Atalanta, who had inflicted the first wound; the brothers of Althaea lay in wait for Atalanta and robbed her of the spoils, but were slain by Meleager.
Thus in the mountains of the north-west the Karons live by plunder, or by disposal of slaves or bird skins; while their neighbours the Kebars are a peaceful agricultural people.
Thereafter, whatever befell, the allied armies would resolutely press forward towards Paris, affording each other mutual support, and with the tremendous weight of troops at their disposal thrust back Napoleon upon his capital, force him to fight in front of it, and drive him when defeated within its works.
The services, too, of the educated public are often voluntarily placed at the disposal of the local authorities for the census night, with' no desire for remuneration beyond out-of-pocket expenses, and the addition, perhaps, of a personal letter of thanks from the chief official of the district.
The Russians, with the resources of the fleet at their disposal (just as at Sevastopol), used great numbers of machine guns and electric lights, and the available garrison at first was probably, including sailors, 47,000 men.
Whatever misgivings he may have had were, however, removed by Napoleon's victory at Liitzen (May 2, 1813), and the Saxon king and the Saxon army were once more at the disposal of the French.
At the time when the London chamber of arbitration was established, there was considerable dissatisfaction among the mercantile community with the delays that occurred in the disposal of commercial cases before the ordinary tribunals.
In the Empire all churches, and all the property of the Church, were at the disposal of the bishops; in Germanic countries, on the contrary, the territorial nobles were looked upon as the owners of churches built upon their lands, and these became " proprietary churches."
Thus, in the reign of Alexander, the fugitive serfs whom tyranny or idleness had driven into this wilderness (they were subsequently known as Kazaki, or Cossacks, a Tatar word meaning freebooters) were formed into companies (c. 1504) and placed at the disposal of the frontier starostas, or lord marchers, of Kaniev, Kamenets, Czerkask on the Don and other places.
With all the means at her disposal cheerfully placed in the hands of such valiant and capable ministers, it would have been no difficult task for the Republic to have wrested the best part of the Baltic littoral from the Scandinavian powers, and driven the distracted Muscovites beyond the Volga.
Augustus attempted to indemnify himself for his failure to obtain Livonia, his covenanted share of the Swedish plunder, by offering Frederick William of Prussia Courland, Polish Prussia and even part of Great Poland, provided that he were allowed a free hand in the disposal of the rest of the country.
Prussia, emboldened by Russia's difficulties, now went so far as to invite Poland also to forsake the Russian alliance, and placed an army corps of 40,000 men at her disposal.
He held open courts for the receipt of petitioners and the dispensation of justice; and in the disposal of business he was indefatigable.
With the feeble resources at his disposal Clausel undertook an expedition against Bu-Meyrag, the bey of Titeri, took from him Blida and Medea, dismissed him, replaced him by a successor devoted to France, and returned to Algiers after having left a garrison in Medea.
In dealing, therefore, with the textual criticism of the Old Testament it is necessary to determine the period at which the text assumed its present fixed form before considering the means at our disposal for 'controlling the text when it was, so to speak, in a less settled condition.
In the following parts of this article the chronological character of each successive period of the Old Testament history will be considered and explained as far as the limits of space at the writer's disposal permit.
McClellan had at his disposal 32 brigades and 67 batteries organized in five corps each of two or three divisions.
The prophets not only consoled and exhorted by the recital of what God had done and by predictions of the future, but they uttered extempore thanksgivings in the congregational assemblies, and delivered special directions, which might extend to the most minute details, as, for example, the disposal of the church funds.
He had well employed the short time at his disposal for training his men, and on the first field of Bull Run they won for themselves and their brigadier, by their rigid steadiness at the critical moment of the battle, the historic name of "Stonewall."
On the other hand, it is by no means impossible that the distinction drawn by Bede was based solely on the names Essex (East Seaxan), East Anglia, &c. We need not doubt that the Angli and the Saxons were different nations originally; but from the evidence at our disposal it seems likely that they had practically coalesced in very early times, perhaps even before the invasion.
He further declared that even exceptional qualities and endowments in a cere valuable in ving him the absolute disposal of all members of the Society in every place and for every purpose.
The former of these measures effectually stopped any drain of the best members away from the society and limited their hopes within its bounds, by putting them more freely at the general's disposal, especially as it was provided that the final vows could not be annulled, nor could a professed member be dismissed, save by the joint action of the general and the pope.
Maximilian of Austria, brother of the Emperor Francis Joseph, and should he refuse, left its disposal to Napoleon III.
The critical resources at the disposal of scholars in 1611 were very meagre, and the few early manuscripts with which they were acquainted failed to receive the attention they deserved.
With the knowledge at our disposal, it is impossible to reach an assured conclusion between these two views.
The naval force at the disposal of the admirals commanding on the station, who until Lord Howe took up the command on the 12th of July 1776 were Samuel Graves and Molyneux Shuldham, was insufficient to patrol the long line of coast.
As yet, however, he had little knowledge of, and less inclination for, astronomy; and it was with extreme reluctance that he turned aside from the more promising career of the ministry to accept, early in 1594, the vacant chair of that science at Gratz, placed at the disposal of the Tubingen professors by the Lutheran states of Styria.
Bishop Strachan also raised once more the question of the disposal of the Clergy Reserves.
Notwithstanding the rude character of the apparatus at his disposal, Horrocks was enabled by his observation of it to introduce some important corrections into the elements of the planet's, orbit, and to reduce to its exact value the received estimate of its apparent diameter.
All that criticism has succeeded in establishing is the fact that the author had some reliquiae Paulinae at his disposal, notes written either before or during his last imprisonment in Rome, 4 and that these have been worked up into the present letter by one who rightly believed that his master would stoutly oppose the current errors of the age.
The chairman in particular is generally reappointed, and is often, in a populous area, a person of great and perhaps autocratic power, who has large funds at his disposal and a regular army of workers under his orders.
But his name is most familiar in connexion with his work in practical hygiene, as an apostle of good water, fresh air and proper sewage disposal.
Lecoq de Boisbaudran has applied this method with considerable success, and it is to be recommended whenever only small electric power is at the disposal of the observer.
He finds a remarkable agreement between the theoretical and experimental values, which it would be important to confirm with the more suitable instruments which are now at our disposal, as we might in this way get an estimate of the energy of translatory motion of the luminous molecules.
This view, however, seems to involve the existence of a greater feeling for constitutionalism than is warranted by the information at our disposal.
The thegn was expected to fight for his lord, and generally to place his services at his disposal in both war and peace.
The evidence at our disposal, however, gives little justification for such a view.
So far as the limited information at our disposal enables us to form an opinion, the responsibility both for the internal peace of the village, and for its obligations to the outside world, seems to have lain with the lord or his steward (gerefa, villicus) from the beginning.
In the Kentish laws marriage is represented as hardly more than a matter of purchase; but whether this was the case in the other kingdoms also the evidence at our disposal is insufficient to decide.
In 1823 a fund was raised on his behalf, and he was sent to board with the clerk of the guardians, having his time at his own disposal, and the privilege of making use of a public library.
He had at his disposal from 19,000 to 25,000 men, and at first gained some successes; but on the 27th of August 1626 he was utterly routed by Tilly at Lutter-am-Barenberge, and in the summer of 1627 both Tilly and Wallenstein, ravaging and burning, occupied the duchies and the whole peninsula of Jutland.
In this way funds for war were placed at the free disposal of sovereigns, and, although the feudatories and their retainers still formed the most considerable portion of their armies, the conditions under which they served were altogether changed.
He helped William of Orange to make his descent on England; added various places, including the principality of Neuchatel, to his lands; and exercised some influence on the course of European politics by placing his large and efficient army at the disposal of the emperor and his allies (see Brandenburg).
When the charge was shifted to the question of her intrigues with Spain, she took her stand resolutely on her own right to convey whatever right she possessed, though now no kingdom was left her for disposal, to whomsoever she might choose.
A place in the school may be put at their disposal where the children may receive religious instruction," at hours other than those set apart for regular education.
The great majority of the people were excluded as Roman Catholics from the franchise; two-thirds of the members of the House of Commons were returned by small boroughs at the absolute disposal of single patrons, whose support was bought by a lavish distribution of peerages and pensions.
Almost immediately afterwards Jacqueline fulfilled her purpose of joining Port Royal - a proceeding which led to some soreness, finally healed, between herself and her brother and sister as to the disposal of her property.
His earnestness attracted the attention of Sir Henry Rawlinson, who permitted him the use of his room at the museum and placed the many casts and squeezes of the inscriptions at his disposal.
When British engineers first undertook the management of Egyptian irrigation many representations were made to them of the advantage of storing the Nile water; but they consistently maintained that before entering on that subject it was their duty to utilize every drop of the water at their disposal.
Until the time of the interregnum the territories of a prince were rarely divided among his descendants, the reason being that, although the private fiefs of the nobles were Divisions hereditary, their officesmargrave, count and the like of the were in theory at the disposal of the king.
Moreover Alcibiades lost the confidence of the Spartans and passed over to Tissaphernes, at whose disposal he placed his great powers of diplomacy, at the same time scheming for his restoration to Athens.
Scientific research might prosper, just as poetry withered, under the patronage of kings, and such research had now a vast amount of new material at its disposal and could profit by the old Babylonian and Egyptian traditions.
Of the three funds this last-named was the only one at the absolute disposal of the government.
The main effect was to give to the Egyptian government a free hand in the disposal of its own resources so long as the punctual payment of interest on the debt was assured.
The Conversion Economies Fund was also placed at the free disposal of the Egyptian government- The General Reserve Fund ceased to exist, but for the better security of the bondholders a reserve fund of Li,8oo,ooo was constituted and left in the hands of the Caisse to be used in the highly improbable event of the land tax being insufficient to meet the debt charges.
In a long despatch penn, of the 6th of March he discussed the general situation, aDo and pointed out that although the force at his disposal military was amply sufficient for raising the siege of Khartum Situation at end of and defeating the mahch, the conditions were changed operatloas.
It must, however, be admitted that the evidence at our disposal is, in some cases, capable of more than one interpretation.
The considered policy of the British Government was embodied in 1903 in Lord Lansdowne's declaration in the House of Lords that " we should regard the establishment of a naval base or a fortified port in the Persian Gulf by any other Power as a very grave menace to British interests, and we should certainly resist it by all the means at our disposal."
Moreover, though they both accepted the general scheme of St Mark's narrative, each of them was obliged to omit many incidents in order to find room for other material which was at their disposal, by which they were able to supplement the deficiencies of the earlier book.
In it is held a large market, chiefly for the disposal of live stock, camels, cattle, &c. The port is a regular calling-place and also a coaling station for the steamers of the Messageries Maritimes, and there is a local service to Aden.
When the World War broke out, he was one of the first Opposition leaders to place his services at the disposal of the Government.
From his autobiography, it is clear that his keen critical faculty was developed in great measure by the slender means of culture at his disposal.
There is a fort, built about 1850, and a small military force is at the disposal of the Portuguese resident.
Defence is entrusted to a corps of colonial troops, partly Italian and partly native; to a militia (milizia mobile) formed by natives who have already served in the colonial corps; and to the chitet or general levy which, in time of war, places all male able-bodied inhabitants under arms. The regional commissioners and political residents have at their disposal some hundreds of irregular paid soldiers under native chiefs.
General Blanco had extremely few European troops at his disposal, and it was doubtful how far native troops could be trusted.
From 180 9 onwards Stewart lived mainly at Kinneil House, Linlithgowshire, which was placed at his disposal by the duke of Hamilton.
After the sale and disposal of the surplus military stores and equipment, the port, with the remaining equipment and the fleet of ferries and barges, was sold by the Disposal Board for £1,407,000 (plus the cost up to £40,000 of acquiring the land by the Government) to the Queenborough Development Co., who thus acquired 1, 500 ac. of land including 250 ac. that were reclaimed from the swampy foreshore.
Thenard, who had no battery at their disposal, to search for a chemical method of obtaining those metals, and by the action of red-hot iron on fused potash - a method of which Davy admitted the advantages - they succeeded in 1808 in preparing potassium, going on to make a full study of its properties and to use it, as Davy also did, for the reduction of boron from boracic acid in 1809.
It became necessary therefore to find some other means for their disposal.
Ali's defeat was a foregone conclusion, once religious enthusiasm had failed him; the secular resources at the disposal of his adversaries were far superior.
The latter made it a condition of surrender that he should have the free disposal of the funds in the treasury of Basra.
Mohallab, who at the time of the battle of Bajomaira was in the field against the Azraqites (Kharijites), and had put himself at the disposal of the caliph, had orders to carry on the war.
All who desired to co-operate in this holy purpose must pledge themselves to unlimited obedience to the Imam, and place their lives and property at his disposal.
With the troops at his disposal he could not afford this extension, and he made his effort between Rovereto and the Val Sugana (Upper Brenta).
Army command, whose initial requests were granted at once, the transference of two brigades to the Isonzo front being countermanded, and four additional brigades being placed at Brusati's disposal.
On April 2 Brusati sent a further report upon the concentration of enemy troops in the Trentino, and stated that he had taken the steps which he considered to be most opportune in relation to the means at his disposal.
In all Pecori-Giraldi had at his immediate disposal 130 regular battalions, even battalions of Customs Guards and 45 battalions of territorial Militia, the latter at very low strength and of small fighting value.
The tactical direction of the attack was entrusted to Dankl, who had at his disposal some 180 battalions.
He was cast out of the Society of Jesus and suspended, and during this time Cardinal Manning put his purse at Curci's disposal.
These building plots were given as free property or, more frequently, at a merely nominal rent (Wurtzins) with the right of free disposal, the only obligation being that of building a house.
The necessary land was placed at the disposal of new settlers, either by the members of the older agricultural community, or by the various churches.
In the first place, a cyhindroid can be constructed so as to have its axis coincident with the common perpendicular to the axes of the two given screws and to satisfy thi-ee other conditions, for the position of the centre, the parameter, and the orientation about the axis are still at our disposal.
If the range of the independent variable or variables is unlimited, the value of in is at our disposal, and the solution gives us the laws of wave-propagation (see WAVE).
Yet he did not hesitate to place his powers at the disposal of the most vicious members of that house for the enslavement of Florence.
The confederacy of Delos made provision for the collection of a revenue (46pos) from the members of the league, which was employed at first for defence against Persian aggression, but afterwards was at the disposal of Athens as the ruling state.
In addition to these 6 divisions, there are "army troops" at the disposal of the commander-in-chief, consisting of two mixed "mounted brigades" (cavalry, mounted infantry, and horse artillery) serving as the "protective cavalry," and of various technical troops, such as balloon companies and bridging train.
The beggars' depots are "exclusively devoted to the confinement of persons whom the j udicial authority shall place at the disposal of the government" for that purpose, and these are classified as (a) able-bodied persons who, instead of working for their living, depend upon charity as the Romans, as is shown by an abundance of objects unearthed by excavation, amongst which may be mentioned a fine statue of an athlete (the Diadumenos) in the British Museum.
These two treaties were, in effect, the corner-stones of a fresh coalition against Napoleon, and were confirmed on the outbreak of the FrancoRussian War by a conference between Alexander and Charles John at Abo on the 30th of August 1812, when the tsar undertook to place an army corps of 35,000 men at the disposal of the Swedish crown prince for the conquest of Norway.
Least of all does the historical evidence at our disposal justify the inference that the civilization of north Galatia, during the 1st century A.D., was Romano-Gallic rather than Hellenic; for, as the coins and inscriptions indicate, the Anatolian culture which predominated throughout the province did not exclude the infusion either of Greek religious conceptions or of the Greek language.
A more definite date cannot be deduced from the evidence at our disposal, but his era may safely be placed as far back as 1000 B.C.
The causes of this astonishing success, which, in the brief space of a single generation, raised a previously obscure and secluded tribe to the mastery of the whole Orient, can only be Arms and partially discerned from the evidence at our disposal.
Side by side, however, with these wars, we can read, even in the scanty tradition at our disposal, a consistent effort to further the great civilizing mission imposed on the empire.
It is said that as many as 16,000 were at his disposal.
Hasan Au, farman-farma, or commander-in-chief, and his brother and abettor, had an army at their disposal in Fars.
Prince Henry placed at the disposal of his captains the vast resources of the Order of Christ, the best information and the most accurate instruments and maps which could be obtained.
The balance of the Serbian forces (about 3 divisions) were at the free disposal of their Government, and in fact were intended for the conquest of the Sanjak of Novibazar.
In 1792 he placed 12,000 livres at the disposal of the Republic - "for the arming of forty or fifty fighters in the sacred cause of man against tyrants."
Some modern writers have included in the same class the Burgundians, a nation which had apparently come from the basin of the Oder, but the evidence at our disposal on the whole hardly justifies the supposition that their language retained a close affinity with Gothic.
The Bronze Age is also characterized by the fact that cremation was the mode of disposal of the dead, whereas in the Stone Age burial was the rule.
Galvanic phenomena had already engaged his attention before he left Bristol, but in London he had at his disposal a large battery which gave him much greater opportunities.
About 1846 the project of writing a history of Holland had begun to take shape in his mind, and he had already done a large amount of work on this subject when, finding the materials at his disposal in the United States inadequate, he went to Europe in 1851.
Hooper did his best in the time at his disposal; but in less than a year the bishopric of Gloucester was reduced to an archdeaconry and added to Worcester, of which Hooper was made bishop in succession to Nicholas Heath.
The king, also, ceased to hold as a private owner,' but he had full power of disposal by grant of the crown lands, which were increased from time to time by confiscation, escheat, forfeiture, &c. The history of the crown lands to the reign of William III.
In theory, also, state lands in the British colonies are supposed to be vested in the crown, and they are called crown lands; actually, however, the various colonial legislatures have full control over them and power of disposal.
By the mechanism now at his disposal the scientific explorer can read more history from the dust-heaps of Abydos than the greatest traveller of antiquity could gather from the priests of Sans.
In this respect they are in the same position as all other local authorities, with respect to whom it has been laid down that they may without any express power in that behalf use the funds at their disposal for protecting themselves against any attack made upon their existence as a corporate body or upon any of their powers or privileges.
Thus a joint sewerage board would generally be invested by the order with all the powers of a district council relating to the provision and control of sewers and the disposal of sewage.
For the purpose of sewage disposal a district council may construct any works and contract for the use or purchase or lease of any land, buildings, engines, materials or apparatus, and contract to supply for a period not exceeding twenty-five years any person with sewage.
The scanty resources at the disposal of the state imposed a policy of restraint on the officers who were brought into relations with 1 The formal proclamation of sovereignty was made at Boma on the 1st of July 1885.
It may reasonably be supposed, not only that they constructed the external framework of many chapters, and also made some additions of their own - a necessary process in order to weld their motley collection of fragments into a new and coherent book - but also that they fabricated anew many formulae and imitative passages on the model of the materials at their disposal.
There is a general agreement that if a man like Gillespie or Nicholson had been in command of the station, the strong force at his disposal would have enabled him to strike such a deadly blow at the fleeing mutineers as might have stamped out the Mutiny.
His course was rendered easier by the fact that his own sons had died; consequently, having an inheritance at his disposal, he was able to offer it to whichever of his nephews he wished.
The Rumanian government made a platonic protest against the crossing of the frontier, and the Rumanian troops fell back as the Russians advanced; provisions and stores of all kinds were supplied to the invading army against cash payments in gold, and the railways and telegraphs were freely placed at its disposal.
Aphrodite, charmed by his beauty, hid the infant in a box and handed him over to the care of Persephone, who afterwards refused to give him up. On an appeal being made to Zeus, he decided that Adonis should spend a third of the year with Persephone and a third with Aphrodite, the remaining third being at his own disposal.
Material arguments were no longer at the pope's disposal.
The waterworks and the sewage disposal plant are owned and operated by the municipality.
General control of the media of commerce, economic co-operation, tax reform, banking reforms, legislation against monopolies, disposal of state lands, legislation in aid of the farmer and labourer, have been issues of one party or another.
This great war fleet he left as a legacy to his son, but he himself in his later campaigns had only its first beginnings at his disposal.
He had, moreover, at his disposal plunder almost as valuable as that which he had divided up in 146,the estates of the great Neville clan and their adherents.
Instead of allowing the income tax to expire, he induced parliament to continue it for a further period, and with the resources which were thus placed at his disposal he purged the tariff of various small duties which produced little revenue, and had been imposed for purposes of protection.
The people, he contended, were no worse off under the old monarchy than they will be in the long run under assemblies that are bound by the necessity of feeding one part of the community at the grievous charge of other parts, as necessitous as those who are so fed; that are obliged to flatter those who have their lives at their disposal by tolerating acts of doubtful influence on commerce and agriculture, and for the sake of precarious relief to sow the seeds of lasting want; that will be driven to be the instruments of the violence of others from a sense of their own weakness, and, by want of authority to assess equal and proportioned charges upon all, will be compelled to lay a strong hand upon the possessions of a part.
In 39 B.C. Herod returned to Palestine and, when the presence of Antony put the reluctant Roman troops entirely at his disposal, he was able to lay siege to Jerusalem two years later.
In November the Assembly enacted church that they should be at the disposal of the nation, which property.
The Girondins had no organized force at their disposal.
In those cases due to Shiga's bacillus the ideal treatment has been put at our disposal by the preparation of a specific antitoxin; this has been given a trial in several grave epidemics of late, and may be said to be the most satisfactory treatment and offer the greatest hope of recovery.
Having at his disposal a large fortune he succeeded in organizing a Serbo-Hungarian expedition against the Turks in 1444.
Struve had at his disposal, in 1887, no less than 2800.
He accepted the charge of a corvette, the "Anacreon," placed at his disposal by the French government, in which, accompanied by a few leading United Irishmen, and supplied with a small force of men and a considerable quantity of arms and ammunition for distribution in Ireland, he sailed from Dunkirk and arrived at the isle of Aran, off the coast of Donegal, on the 16th of September 1798.
It is evident from the material at our disposal that the Shamash cults at Sippara and Larsa so overshadowed local sun-deities elsewhere as to lead to an absorption of the minor deities by the predominating one.
Certain moneys (exceeding 180,000 per annum) were placed by the act at the disposal of the department, provisions were made for their application, and it was enacted that local authorities might contribute funds.
A considerable sum of money was placed at its disposal for carrying out the objects for which it was created.
O'Dogherty having been killed and O'Hanlon and others being implicated, the whole of northern Ulster was at the disposal of the government.
In 1878 the French consul, Laborde, died, and a dispute arose as to the disposal of his property.
To discuss these myths as far as they can be considered apart from divine and explanatory tales would demand more space than we have at our disposal.
Clovis aforetime, hesitated to put himself at the disposal of the priest.
He gave up his personal right of distributing the fiefs and honors which were the price of adherence, and thus lost for the Carolingians the free disposal of the immense territories they had gradually usurped; they retained the over-lordship, it is true, but this over-lordship, without usufruct and without choice of tenant, was but a barren possession.
The corpse of Louis XIV., left to servants for disposal, and saluted all along the road to Saint Denis by the curses of a noisy crowd sitting in the cabarets, celebrating his death by drinking more than their fill as a compensation for having suffered too much from hunger during his lifetimesuch was the coarse but sincere epitaph which popular opinion placed on the tomb of the Grand Monarque.
In the Angevin Vendee the incapable leaders let themselves be beaten at Aubiers, Beauprau and Thouars, at a time when Cathelineau was taking possession of Saumur and threatening Nantes, the capture of which would have permitted the insurgents in La Vende to join those of Brittany and receive provisions from England; Meanwhile, the remnants of the Girondin federalists were overcome by the disguised royalists, who had aroused the whole of the Rhne valley from Lyons to Marseilles, had called in the Sardinians, and handed over the fleet and the arsenal at Toulon to the English, whilst Paoli left Corsica at their disposal.
Though the vague plan for an invasion of England fell to the ground Ulm and Austerlitz obliterated Trafalgar, and the camp at Boulogne put the best military resources he had ever commanded at Napoleons disposal.
While the author presumably had some written sources at his disposal,' his narrative is probably for the most part founded upon personal knowledge and recollection of the events recorded, and upon such first-hand information as, living in the second 1 Eap/31 7 9 Ea f3avaaX (Sarbeth Sabanaiel).
Directly the Carlist War was over, the government used part of the large army at its disposal to reinforce the troops which The Cuban had been fighting the Cuban insurgents since 1869.
Spain was so far relaxed as to permit the re-establishment of the orders of St Vincent de Paul, St Philip Neri and one other among those approved by the Holy See, so that throughout the country the bishops might have at their disposal a sufficient number of ministers and preachers for the purpose of missions in the villages of their dioceses, &c. In practice the phrase one other was interpreted by the bishops, not as one for the whole of Spain, but as one in each diocese, and at the request of the bishops congregations of all kinds established themselves in Spain, the number greatly increasing after the loss of the colonies and as a result of the measures of secularization in France.i The result was what is usual in such cases.
On the 13th of March 1890, on the occasion of the revision of the Indigenat Act, he resigned office, but continued, as deputy for Nagyvarad to place his vast political experience at the disposal of the house.
This mode of colonization was especially favourable to the peasantry, who seem in Brandenburg to have retained the disposal of their persons and property at a time when villenage or serfdom was the ordinary status of their class elsewhere.
Only on the 12th of September did the elector of Saxony, alarmed for the safety of his own states, now invaded by the emperor, place himself absolutely at the disposal of Gustavus; and, five days later, at the head of the combined Swedish-Saxon army, though the Swedes did all the fighting, Gustavus routed Tilly at the famous battle of Breitenfeld, north of Leipzig.
Betsy picked up a case of a body dump in Illinois and, as it was a slow day, we tried to bracket the unknown time of the corpse's disposal.
I imagine you decided early on that anyone who possess this ability has unbounded power at their disposal and you decided to seize it.
You have infinite immortals at your disposal.
It had all the modern conveniences – dishwasher, garbage disposal, and even a built-in oven.
Whether or not the merger works better without Mr. Green, the method of his disposal is a dangerous precedent.
The gross proceeds were $6.3M with a loss on disposal of $3.5M, of which $2.8M was written off at the half-year.
Given that there are only two licensed abattoirs operating in the country, disposal options are extremely limited.
All liners are not absorbent, they are intended to hold the poo away from the diaper for easy disposal.
Scientists have modified a plant in the mustard family to remove arsenic from contaminated soils and store it in its leaves for easy disposal.
Obtain optimum value The aim on disposal of heritage assets should be to obtain optimum value, rather than the highest price.
For safe disposal, unused vials should be reconstituted with a small amount of water then autoclaved.
The disposal of the De Vere Dormy for residential development is progressing and it is anticipated that proceeds will exceed book value.
Carcass disposal In the unusual event of an equine fatality at a Horse Trials, it is the hunt that removes the carcass disposal In the unusual event of an equine fatality at a Horse Trials, it is the hunt that removes the carcass.
Return to DIAGRAM Disposal of iron residues The waste product from the ion exchange was ferric chloride.
With royal coffers at his disposal, Robert Vertue could ornament with a lavish hand.
Flowers Ordering, receiving, handling, listing and methods of disposal following committal.
The installation of a waste compactor saved £ 4000 per year in waste disposal costs.
The cash consideration for this disposal is £ 4.0 million compared to the net book value of £ 0.5 million.
In the Great Stour catchment, 26 sites of waste disposal have been identified by the Environment Agency as potential groundwater contaminants.
We have at our disposal a fully equipped darkroom which ensures that control is retained over the quality of all finished work.
The increased dumping is partly due to scrap dealers charging for the disposal of old vehicles because of increased recycling costs.
Bomb disposal experts then detonated this device the following day.
Army bomb disposal experts, who said that the mine was still capable of killing, safely detonated it during the night.
Purchase a ' Green Cone ' food digester for disposal of food waste.
On 11th December she was laid up at Kames Bay, Isle of Bute pending disposal.
The purpose of a negligible value claim, to crystallize a loss from the deemed disposal, would be frustrated.
The plants incase the waste in glass blocks for eventual disposal either in the UK or in one of BNF's customer countries.
This is a terribly short-sighted solution, notwithstanding the problem of radioactive waste disposal.
Smell was no worse in the summer than what we used to get with ordinary rubbish disposal.
Clearly identifiable amnesty bins will be available for the safe disposal of illegal drugs.
Please note that some charges may apply for hazardous waste disposal.
The improper disposal of waste is a blight on many communities and is a priority.
A large waste disposal depot is beside the canal about half way down with a useful refuse skip nearby.
The inset for Consall Forge in the 2000 edition shows a pub, water and sewage disposal points.
The government, in short, has no concrete garbage disposal policy.
By 20 September 1940 there were Naval bomb disposal teams at 27 shore establishments.
What is the potential pollution from landfill waste disposal?
The disposal of foul drainage should be to the public foul sewerage system.
Dumpsite versus landfill dumpsite versus landfill Dumpsite and landfill are two means of waste disposal used in both Thailand and Sri Lanka.
The Committee considered options for disposal of animal excreta from experimentally infected cattle.
Those criminals possessing familiarity with computers now have powerful resources at their disposal.
The SAI does not have any role on the disposal or the action taken on the audit findings.
Firstly rather than your bare fists, you have a weapon, or pair of weapons, at your disposal.
Like Wilfred, the patron of All Saints used every means at his disposal to evoke the grandeur of his imperial predecessors.
There is no change to the disposal of waste gypsum products in July 2004.
By reducing the number of diapers going to landfill, local authorities can save hundreds of thousands of pounds on disposal costs.
Each tub holds up to 28 diapers at a time, saving endless trips to the bin and making diaper disposal hygienic and convenient.
Once built, they are a structural impediment to significantly reduced levels of waste disposal.
In addition to these products, copper ingots were also stored at these warehouses for local disposal.
Chemical waste disposal comes within environmental protection legislation so appropriate steps must be taken to render waste innocuous before disposal.
It established a waste management hierarchy, which stressed the interdependence of approaches to waste disposal.
If you have a resource like this at your disposal it is absolutely invaluable.
Standard leaching tests are largely not capable of evaluating the long term leaching behavior of AFBC residues at disposal sites.
Disposal Ask advice about the quantities to prevent leftovers.
This has enabled every home owner to re-mortgage, often raising significant levels of equity to use at their disposal.
Peter must use all the powers at his disposal to try to stop this diabolical madman in his octagonal tracks.
This field sales role will involve selling the companies dry waste and hazardous waste disposal services throughout a sales territory covering the west midlands.
Working or disposal of mines and minerals vested in the Ministry Power of Ministry to work mines and minerals vested in the Ministry Power of Ministry to work mines and minerals.
There are few drugs at clinicians ' disposal to help patients with chronic lung disease who also produce excess mucus.
Proceeds of disposal will be passed to a charity nominated by the current Mayor.
She sought to purify, beautify, and internationalize Taoyuan County, once notorious for problems of waste disposal and money politics.
Rethinking of resource flows is required, with the now outmoded concept of ' disposal ' replaced by one of resource and value recovery.
The scheme uses minimal packaging; disposal sacks are made from recycled plastic.
Approximately 36 tons of Russian plutonium is scheduled for disposal in FY2003.
Baby's diapers account for a large proportion of waste sent for disposal.
There came the realization that we are all doing the best we can at all times with the resources we have at our disposal.
Rubbish should be stored in covered receptacles and suitable arrangements should be made for its proper disposal.
The service is designed to comply with legal requirements covering the disposal of such waste.
Where the control of Japanese Knotweed is not feasible in situ the present lack of appropriate facilities will make disposal extremely restrictive to developers.
With limited resources, tiny funds and no sleep at my disposal, I cheated and tried to attend as many revues as possible.
The open quarries were used for the disposal of refuse, which probably attracted the scavengers.
Within or near to particularly sensitive areas waste disposal site may not be justifiable.
The disposal of foul sewage shall be by means approved by the Local Planning Authority.
The disposal of foul sewerage shall be via the existing connection out to the public sewer located within the highway.
Fortunately, you have a slew of weapons at your disposal.
For example, the assets of a waste disposal company can be seized by a court in the case of a toxic spill.
The RFID tag would, rather, emit a generic recycling or waste disposal message.
Termite task force tackles trash A Ugandan scientist has discovered a potentially useful role for the soldier termite task force tackles trash A Ugandan scientist has discovered a potentially useful role for the soldier termite - waste disposal.
We have a huge amount of customer testimonials at are disposal, for various aspects of our business.
This is repeated in step three, waste disposal, which recommends the construction of a composting toilet.
Even with today's computer trickery at our disposal, the additional drum part could not be realistically faked.
The EU Landfill Directive will require an increasing proportion of biodegradable waste to be diverted to other disposal methods.
The sums at the disposal of the United Nations are vast, and the way it spends them often hugely wasteful.
However, a delightfully whimsical Brother put himself at our disposal.
Such, in brief, are the methods devised by that brilliant investigator Hansen; and these methods have not only been the basis on which our modern knowledge of the Saccharomycetes is founded, but are the only means of attack which the present-day observer has at his disposal.
His data for the thermal conductivity of various metals were for long the most trustworthy at the disposal of physicists, and his determination of the ohm in terms of the specific resistance of mercury showed remarkable skill in quantitative research.
The instrumental equipment of that observatory was somewhat antiquated, his largest telescope being a small refractor of 73 lines aperture, but he selected a line of work to suit the instruments at his disposal, observing nebulae and variable stars and keeping a watch on comets and new planets.
Though controlling all phenomena of which we have any experience, the principle of the dissipation of energy rests on a very different foundation from that of the conservation of energy; for while we may conceive of no means of circumventing the latter principle, it seems that the actions of intelligent beings are subject to the former only in consequence of the rudeness of the machinery which they have at their disposal for controlling the behaviour of those ultimate portions of matter, in virtue of the motions or positions of which the energy with which they have to deal exists.
This passage shows that if Beethoven had had the modern trumpet at his disposal, while he would no doubt freely have used its resources, he would nevertheless have maintained its character as an instrument founded on the natural scale, and would have agreed with Brahms that the nobility and purity of its tone depends upon its faithful adherence, at least within symphonic limits, to types of melody suggestive of that scale.
As the result, no less than 8000 lunar observations were rescued from oblivion, and were, 1846, placed at the disposal of astronomers in such a form that they could be used directly for comparison with the theory and for the improvement of the tables of the moon's motion.
The conquest of north and central Italy also placed great naval resources at the disposal of France, Venice alone providing nine sail of the line and twelve frigates (see Bonaparte's letter of the 15th of November 1797), Genoa, Spezzia, Leghorn, Civita Vecchia and Ancona also supplied their quota in warships, transports, stores and sailors, with the result that the armada was ready for sea by the middle of May 1798.
He effected a material and moral improvement in the conditions of service and mode of life, but in other respects he does not appear to have introduced any important military reforms. During his reign an advance was made in the direction of creating an organized body of servants at the disposal of the emperor by the appointment of equites to important administrative posts, without their having performed the militiae equestres (see Equites).
Even Hecataeus of Miletus (549-472 B.C.), the author of a Periodos or description of the earth, of whom Herodotus borrowed the terse saying that Egypt was the gift of the Nile, retained this circular shape and circumfluent ocean when producing his map of the world, although he had at his disposal the results of the voyage of Scylax of Caryanda from the Indus to the Red Sea, of Darius' campaign in Scythia (513), the information to be gathered among the merchants from all parts of the world who frequented an emporium like Miletus, and what he had learned in the course of his own extensive travels.
The Porte strove by every means at its disposal to thwart their activity; but elsewhere they were regarded as a body of academic enthusiasts, more noisy than dangerous, who devoted their scanty funds to the publication of seditious matter in Paris or Geneva, and sought to achieve the impossible by importing western institutions into a country fit only to be ruled by the sheriat and the sword.
Ignorance of a matter of fact may in general be alleged in avoidance of the consequences of acts and agreements, but such ignorance cannot be pleaded where it is the duty of a person to know, or where, having the means of knowledge at his disposal, he wilfully or negligently fails to avail himself of it (see Contract).
The property of the Army in the United Kingdom is held by the General for the time being, for the benefit of the Army exclusively, he being constituted the sole trustee of the property, in the disposal of which and in the appointment of his successor he is placed under the government of a deed poll, executed by Booth while the body was still known as "The Christian Mission," and enrolled in the Court of Chancery in August 1878.
The accounts in Sozomen are mainly based on Jerome's Vita; but Otto Zocker has shown that Sozomen also had at his disposal authentic local traditions (see "Hilarion von Gaza" in the Neue Jahrbiicher fiir deutsche Theologie, 1894), the most important study on Hilarion, which is written against the hypercritical school of Weingarten and shows that Hilarion must be accepted as an historical personage and the Vita as a substantially correct account of his career.
In the registers of these popes, which are now being actively investigated and published, dispensations (licences to violate the laws of the Church); indulgences; imposts levied with increasing regularity on universal Christendom and, in particular, on the clerks; the settlement of questions relating to church debts; the granting of lucrative benefices to Roman functionaries; the divers processes by which the Curia acquired the immediate disposal of monastic, capitulary and episcopal revenues - in short, all financial matters are of the first importance.
The stadholder gave to Heinsius his fullest confidence, and the pensionary on his part loyally supported William's policy and placed his services ungrudgingly at his disposal (see Heinsius).
They settled at Claremont, placed at their disposal by Queen Victoria, under the incognito of count and countess of Neuilly.
Without any Re-estab- efficient means of self-protection and coercion at its lishment disposal, it had to interfere with the power, privileges and perquisites of a class which had long misgoverned the country.
The modern tendency for a more complete and detailed separation of individual forms into specific and sub-specific groups, and the immensely larger range of material at the disposal of systematic experts, have combined to make it increasingly difficult to imagine conditions of the environment under which the species of systematists would have been produced by selection.
The enormous extension of surface also facilitates the absorption of energy from the environment, and, to take one case only, it is impossible to doubt that some source of radiant energy must be at the disposal of those prototrophic forms which decompose carbonates and assimilate carbonic acid in the dark and oxidize nitrogen in dry rocky regions where no organic materials are at their disposal, even could they utilize them.
He found in Tycho's ample legacy of first-class data precisely what enabled him to try, by the touchstone of fact, the successive hypotheses that he imagined; and his untiring patience in comparing and calculating the observations at his disposal was rewarded by a series of unique discoveries.
Namyawaza, for instance, whom Itakkama (see above) accuses of disloyalty, writes thus to the Pharaoh, " Behold, I and my warriors and my chariots, together with my brethren and my SA-GAS, and my Suti 10 are at the disposal of the (royal) troops, to go whithersoever the king, my lord, commands."
To describe ending hunger in the future, I have only these tarnished terms of the present at my disposal.
Only let me report this gentleman's business, and I shall be at your disposal.
Most stores have recycling bins for bag disposal.
There is frequently a disposal fee involved, but the hazards of leaving these items in a waste management facility far outweigh these costs.
When they're past their prime, I use them in the refrigerator or ground up in the garbage disposal to freshen the kitchen.
With this question, you want to get a handle on the energy sources the manufacturer uses, their commitment to environmentally sound disposal practices of any waster generated, and just how much waste IS actually generated.
If you plan to install a sink on your kitchen island you should plan space for a garbage disposal and dishwasher too.
Be smart and save your money while conducting research by using the free information at your disposal.
These stores often have trade-in deals or a disposal system for customers who buy computers from the store.
Add to that the many retailers who simply cater to women who prefer to spend a little less on their wedding attire, and you'll find that there are thousands of discounted shoes at your disposal.
Fortunately, fans of Egyptian god and goddess lore have a wealth of mythology at their disposal.
Whether you choose a Leo tattoo because of its astrological significance, the lion symbolization, or the cool glyphs associated with the star sign, you'll enjoy having a large amount of design diversity at your disposal.
With 660 feet of water resistant diving depth at your disposal, there's almost no place you can't go with this timepiece on your wrist.
With so many options at your disposal, make sure to select items that provide a wide range of tactile sensations.
Yet, a considerable number of these "conventional" used car buyers have found a myriad of ways to harness the power of the ever expanding online automotive resources and tools at their disposal to make informed buying decisions.
These are just a few examples of the many financial reports at your disposal.
For example, when you know that you could have an extra $11 million at your disposal with just a neat accounting trick, is it moral and ethical to do so?
Use posters, the PA system, flyers and everything else at your disposal to get your message across.
Find out if your community has a battery recycling or disposal policy.
Choose a cup with a lid if you'll need to bring your dirty water home for disposal.
Because overall health incorporates your diet as well as activity, using all available tools at your disposal will only benefit you.
With all these tools at your disposal, your translations can be of a high quality without taking you too much time to complete.
Over at NatureSounds.ca, you have a huge range of relaxing music and nature sounds at your disposal.
Coordinating set up and take down efforts before and after the event, including proper trash disposal.
A quick stroll through the skin care section at your local drugstore or Sephora is more than enough to assure you of the products you have at your disposal.
Whether you choose a subtle plan of attack or a forceful, all-guns-blazing sort of assault on your acne, you have many options at your disposal.
If you're realistic in your quest to find a result based wrinkle cream for eyes, you should find that you'll have unlimited quality products available at your disposal.
With so many choices, women have a nearly endless - and often confusing - supply of skincare products at their disposal.
With all the tools at your disposal, you can put together a basic layout in no time even if you're a beginner.
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For all of these reasons, RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is one of the most powerful tools that webmasters have at their disposal to beef up regular Internet traffic to their site.
When these guys want something, they work real hard to get it and they have lots of toys at their disposal.
Stop overlooking the resources you have at your disposal.
Haras or stallion stables containing in all over 3000 horses are established in twentytwo central towns, and annually send stallions, which are at the disposal of private individuals in return for a small fee, to various stations throughout the country.
It is at the disposal of the minister of war, who can decree the recall of all men discharged to the reserve the previous year and all those whose time of service has for any reason been shortened.
The smoother we make the pulley the more nearly does the amount of useful work which the weight is capable of doing approach ro foot-pounds, and if we take into account the work done against the friction of the pulley, we may say that the work done by the descending weight is ro foot-pounds, and hence when the weight is in its elevated position we have at disposal r o foot-pounds more energy than when it is in the lower position.
The latter had the privilege of exemption from state dues and absolute disposal of her property.
The state helps to improve the breeds by placing choice stallions at the disposal of private breeders at a low tariff.
As in 1869-1870, it therefore became a matter of the highest importance for Austria to retain full disposal of all her troops by assuring herself against Italian aggression.
In November she visited him at Dunbar, and in December took place the conference at Craigmillar at which both were present, and at which the disposal of Darnley was arranged, Bothwell with some others subsequently signing the bond to accomplish his murder.
That conviction he put into practice with extreme rigour during the thirty years of his reign (1825-55), endeavouring by every means at his disposal to prevent revolutionary ideas from germinating spontaneously among his subjects and from being imported from abroad.
But isolated examples of high speeds do not give the traveller much information as to the train service at his disposal, for on the whole he is better off with a large number of trains all maintaining a good average of speed than with a service mostly consisting of poor trains, but leavened with one or two exceptionally fast ones.
The text at his disposal, especially in the Queste section, must have been closely akin to that used by the Dutch translator and the compiler of Lenoire, 1533.
A further act was passed in 1906 (the Agricultural Holdings Act 1906) which improved the tenant's position in respect of freedom of cropping, disposal of produce and compensation for disturbance.
The death of Archdeacon Lucien Bonaparte, the recognized head of the family, having placed property at the disposal of the sons, they bought a house, which became the rendezvous of the democrats and of a band of volunteers whom they raised.
This very remarkable treatise forms the groundwork of almost all later or recent researches in the comparative anatomy and consequent arrangement of the Passeres, and, though it is certainly not free from inperfections, many of them, it must be said, arise from want of material, notwithstanding that its author had command of a much more abundant supply than was at the disposal of Nitzsch.
The Agricultural Holdings Act 1906 conferred upon every tenant (with slight exceptions) entire freedom of cropping and of disposal of produce, notwithstanding any custom of the county or explicit agreement to the contrary.
The information at the disposal of dealers has steadily enlarged in volume and improved in trustworthiness, though some of it is not yet invariably above suspicion, and the time elapsing between an event and the knowledge of it becoming common property has been reduced to a fraction of what it used to be, in consequence chiefly of the telegraph and cables.
Finding it impossible to keep this part of their vow, the fathers met at Vicenza, where Ignatius was staying in a ruined monastery; and here after deliberation it was determined that he, Laynez and Faber should go to Rome to place the little band at the disposal of the pope.
The value of this ringed structure was readily perceived, but objections were raised with respect to Kekule's disposal of the fourth valencies.
It was a trained regular army in his pay and consequently at his disposal that he wanted.
If the asymmetric system adjoining the COH group, which is that introduced in synthesizing the hexose from the pentose, be eliminated, the formulae at disposal for the two pentoses are CH 2 (OH) - - - COH CH 2 (OH)+-- COH.
Wagidi had already a great library at his disposal.
Only a few problems can be discussed of the many which are raised by the insufficient and conflicting evidence at our disposal.
His biographical and historical works are numerous, and those dealing with contemporary events are valuable, owing to the sources at his disposal.
Let measurements along the beam be represented according to any convenient scale, so that calling L 1 and 1 1 the lengths to be drawn on paper, we have L = aL i; now let r1, r 2, r 3 be a series of radii such that r 1 = R i /ab, r 2 = R 2 /ab, &c., where b is any convenient constant chosen of such magnitude as will allow arcs with the radii, r 1, &c., to be drawn with the means at the draughtsman's disposal.
The Hungarian Government could claim the right to take independent economic measures for her own territory in war-time; a joint arrangement was only possible for the territories of the Dual Monarchy - which were united for tariff purposes - by agreements between the Austrian and Hungarian Governments; and since neither Government was exclusively concerned to carry out an adjustment of economic conditions solely in accordance with what was necessary for waging war and holding out with the supplies at their disposal, but each had also to champion the interests of one half of the monarchy against the other, the negotiations between the two Governments were often attended with the greatest difficulties, and constantly ended unsatisfactorily.
At first this organization acted as agent of the newlyestablished approvisionment departments; it was only later that it received the monopoly of the right to import certain articles, the Government at the same time placing at its disposal certain wares with which to pay for them.
The suspension of cash payment by the Austro-Hungarian Bank was continued, but the bank was bound to provide, by every means at its disposal, that the value of its notes as quoted on foreign bourses should be permanently secured in proportion to the parity of the legal mint standard of the krone currency.
Even if Erasmus had had at his disposal the MSS.
The means at his disposal were inadequate, his excavations were incomplete and also unscientific in that his prime object was the discovery of inscriptions and museum objects; but he was wonderfully successful in achieving the results at which he aimed, and the numerous statues, monuments, inscribed stones, bronze objects and the like found by him in the ruins of Calah are among the most precious possessions of the British Museum.
Long-term sewage treatment and disposal options are currently under consideration by WOSWA, including the option of pumping sewage to Stevenston.
The £ 30 is the money West Sussex County Council saves on disposal costs.
He spoke at a public meeting, objecting to a new sewage disposal plan, for 11 minutes instead of the allotted five.
The four investigated sludge disposal routes We choose four different disposal routes on which to perform our case study.
Guests have at their disposal a large solarium on the roof.
A recycling facility would improve sorbent utilization and disposal of the by-product is the norm.
Using a squeegee or similar, scrape the maximum amount of debris out into containers for disposal.
Increasingly stringent regulations govern the disposal of confidential patient files.
There are no other significant possibilities for sale of surplus assets or asset disposal.
So why does RWMAC consider that eventual deep disposal is the only tenable solution within the context of sustainable development?
Termite task force tackles trash A Ugandan scientist has discovered a potentially useful role for the soldier termite - waste disposal.
You do n't need to worry about disposal or the trade-in price.
Even with today 's computer trickery at our disposal, the additional drum part could not be realistically faked.
His agenda to cut wastage of resources from the Council, started with the disposal of the Civic limousine.
In addition a QI control system will be installed for a new wastewater disposal station just opened at the city.
Ha ha - Hang on, you 've got a wig department at your disposal?
Today parents have tools at their disposal to easily chart their child's growth from infancy through childhood.
Diaper disposal unit-Popular brands include Diaper Genie II, Diaper Dekor, and The First Years Diaper Disposal.
Another idea for a baby care basket theme is a diaper basket full of different sizes of diapers, diaper cream and a diaper disposal system.
Today, if you want to learn how to buy movie tickets without the hassle and long wait times, you have a wide range of solutions at your disposal.
Stainless steel can be dropped, scraped and washed repeated and still look good, though it can be damaged by excessive force such as bending or becoming stuck in a trash disposal.
The major decision when considering diapers is whether to go with cloth or disposal types.
The PS2 can also play older PlayStation One games, giving owners an enormous library at their disposal.
Metal can also amplify sounds, such as running water, the garbage disposal, or even a sink full of dishes rattling around.
A double bowl is fairly common, but single bowls are still available, and some sinks even come with a smaller third bowl to be used for the garbage disposal or to provide extra space in a busy kitchen.
To clean a room, you simply hook the vacuum attachment into the hose plug, and the dirt and dust is concealed in a canister for disposal later.
Whichever type of lawn tractor you purchase, consideration for the disposal of the grass in important.
When you want to get legal advice but don't have a lot of money at your disposal, you still have some options available to you.
Minimize the use of garbage disposals - A disposal requires a lot of water to complete the liquefaction process.
Many local authorities will have a policy for the recycling or disposal of solvents.
While many companies may offer disposal of the old refrigerator as a courtesy, often these refrigerators end up in landfills.
And, those flushing toilets require a great deal of support down the line to handle the disposal of the waste contaminated water, either a sewage system or a septic tank must be in place.
Composting toilets eliminate the need for sewage disposal.
Individuals and businesses must also be wiser and more proactive in their disposal of items.
Storage and disposal of these deadly chemicals are also a problem to the environment mostly because, as simply as its stated above, they are designed to kill and destroy-and they do.
A small handful of states actually have specific laws in place regarding the disposal of cell phones.
Environment, Health and Safety Online - Provides a Battery Disposal Guide.
Some community composting services offer specific advice for the disposal of soiled compostable food packaging which contains food scraps.
Proper disposal keeps these substances out of storm drains, water ways and septic tanks.
Do your part by taking your own trash, other wastes and any you see to a nearby disposal facility.
Actual runway models have the benefit of professional makeup artists at their disposal, along with all the colors in the world to play with.
Having an arsenal of easy makeup tips at your disposal can help the most cosmetic-challenged women put their best face forward every day.
Having a variety of such encyclopedias at your disposal allows you to check facts in one against that of another, ensuring maximum accuracy of information.
Now that you've got an arsenal of recipes at your disposal, what will you make?
If you're trying to predict how much deep powder you can look forward to on your next ski vacation, there are a number of great resources at your disposal.
When shopping for prom, prom dress catalogs are one of the most important tools that you can have at your disposal.
Having a free prom magazine at your disposal can go a long way in helping to mitigate some of that stress.
Male models also have a few areas of modeling at their disposal that women have trouble breaking into.
Find out the minimum number of hours you'll be expected to have the limo at your disposal.
As a result, you'll find numerous tools at your disposal.
Single moms have a number of potential resources at their disposal when it comes to finding money for tuition.
It is always a good idea to travel with your disposal poo bags and a spray odor remover for the occasional accident that may happen in the hotel room.
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Some forms of fluorescent light bulbs, however, pose an environmental dilemma due to the mercury content within the bulb; the disposal of these types of light bulbs is not as easy as dumping the burned-out bulbs into the trash.
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Municipal - We rely on many citywide municipal plumbing systems every day for things like waste disposal, and water reclamation and treatment.
It may be safe to use on your home, but some scientists are concerned about the manufacturing process and disposal of this material.
While it's true that they are made from natural materials and that disposal of them does nothing to harm the environment, the energy required to cure them is excessive.
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These hookups include water, electricity, and sink water disposal.
Frequent hand washing, especially after contact with respiratory secretions, and the correct disposal of used tissues help keep the disease from spreading.
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More education surrounding proper use and disposal is needed.
We may have an impressive array of medical interventions at our disposal today, but premature babies are still at a significantly higher risk of having physical or developmental problems.
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Landing at Nice on the 24th of June 1848, he placed his sword at the disposal of Charles Albert, and, after various difficulties with the Piedmontese war office, formed a volunteer army 3000 strong, but shortly after taking the field was obliged, by the defeat of Custozza, to flee to Switzerland.
But a careful study of the seventh poem of the last book, in which Propertius gives an account of a dream of her which he had after her death, leads us to the belief that they were once more reconciled, and that in her last illness Cynthia left to her former lover the duty of carrying out her wishes with regard to the disposal of her effects and the arrangements of her funeral.
At Ecbatana new masses of treasure were seized, but when once the necessary measures which its disposal and the occupation of the Median capital entailed were taken, Alexander continued the pursuit.
The Italian treasury at once honored all the papal drafts, and thus contributed a first instalment of the 3,225,000 lire per annum afterwards placed by Article 4 of the Law of Guarantees at the disposal of the Holy See.
While leaving intact the general houses of the various confraternities (except that of the Jesuits), the bill abolished the Religious corporate personality of religious orders, handed over Bill, their schools and hospitals to civil administrators, placed their churches at the disposal of the secular clergy, and provided pensions for nuns and monks, those who had families being sent to reside with their relatives, and those who by reason of age or bereavement had no home but their monasteries being allowed to end their days in religious houses specially set apart for the purpose.
Meanwhile Thiers had given place to Marshal Macmahon, who effected a decided improvement in Franco-Italian relations by recalling from Civitavecchia the cruiser Ornoque, which since 1870 had been stationed in that port at the disposal of the pope in case he should desire to quit Rome.
The difference between the highest and lowest price, we may observe, is a very imperfect indication of the range of movement (though, taken in conjunction with the standard deviation, it is the best at our disposal), because either of the extreme prices might be accidental and quite out of relation to all others.
Two large refineries, one on Newtown Creek, Long Island, and another in South Brooklyn, also on Long Island, were in successful operation when the abundant pr oduction of petroleum, which immediately followed the completion of the Drake well, placed at the disposal of the refiner a material which could be worked more profitably than bituminous shale.
They then took the vows of poverty and chastity, and pledged themselves to go to the Holy Land as missionaries or for the purpose of tending the sick; or if this design should prove impracticable, to go to Rome and place themselves at the disposal of the pope for any purpose.
The study of Church history was next encouraged, and in August 1883 the pope addressed a letter to Cardinals de Luca, Pitra and HergenrOther, in which he made the remarkable concession that the Vatican archives and library might be placed at the disposal of persons qualified to compile manuals of history.
In law these slaves were at first absolutely at the disposal of their masters; they had no property in the strict sense of the word, and could be sold to another proprietor and separated from their families.
Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., and the battleship " Messudiyeh " (9100 tons displacement) reconstructed by the firm of Ansaldo (Genoa) in 1902, and re-armed by Vickers, Sons & Maxim, formed the only really effective war-ships at the disposal of Turkey in 1910, although a few armoured ships in addition might still serve for coast defence at a pinch, and a few more for training ships.
Later, without taking into consideration the effective amounts in cash at the disposal of the vilayets, considerable sums were drawn upon them, by means of havales, out of proportion to their capacity.
At this period the state of the Byzantine Empire was such as to render its powers of resistance insignificant; indeed the length of time during which it held out against the Turks is to be attributed rather to the lack of efficacious means at the disposal of its assailants than to any qualities possessed by its defenders.
In 1542 a formal alliance was concluded between Suleiman and Francis I.; the Ottoman fleet was placed at the disposal of the king of France, and in August 1543, the Turks under Barbarossa, and the French under the duke of Enghien, laid siege to Nice.
Even at the end of August Sobieski had but 3000 men at his disposal to oppose to 60,000 Turks.
The fact that Adam Smith, with the meagre materials of the 18th century at his disposal, saw his way to important generalizations which later research has established on a firm basis, may enhance greatly the reputation of Adam Smith, but does not strengthen the generalizations.
The Measurement of Areas is easily effected if the map at our disposal is drawn on an equal area projection.
Fred had phoned a number of places in Rollins and Hays, Kansas the previous day but found no information on the disposal of the motor home.
Piedmont was declared to be a military division at the disposal of France (April 21, r8oi); and on the 21st of September 1802, Bonaparte, then First Consul for life, issued a decree for its definitive incorporation in the French Republic. About that time, too, Elba fell into the hands of Napoleon.
It is to be remarked, however, that the wealth of the Paris Museum, which he enjoyed to the full, placed him in a situation incomparably more favourable for arriving at results than that which was occupied by Merrem, to whom many of the most remarkable forms were wholly unknown, while L'Herminier had at his disposal examples of nearly every type then known to exist.
It seems that this was issued as much with the object of inviting assistance from others in view of future labours, since the materials at his disposal were comparatively scanty, as with that of making known the results to which his researches had already led him.
The great development of photography has been a notable aid to explorers, not only by placing at their disposal a faithful and ready means of recording the features of a country and the types of inhabitants, but by supplying a method of quick and accurate topographical surveying.
I mean nothing untoward by my demand but there are weapons at your disposal I haven't had time to remove.
In the future, every single person will have at his or her disposal the sum total of the life experience of everyone alive.
Jonny was a good kid who had to go bad in order to control the vamps at his disposal and counter the White God's influence.
The vicomte was a nice-looking young man with soft features and polished manners, who evidently considered himself a celebrity but out of politeness modestly placed himself at the disposal of the circle in which he found himself.