Disposable Sentence Examples
She held up a disposable camera.
Diapers weren't called "cloth diapers" until disposable ones came out.
We also bought some disposable bowls.
Carmen pitched the disposable diaper in the trash and hefted Destiny from the changing table.
I'm not disposable, Xander.
You were never disposable.
If anyone could trace a disposable phone, they could.
As he takes N to be strictly the same for all elements the equation has only three disposable constants A, a and b.
He was standing in front of the mirror in his jeans and an athletic undershirt, shaving with a disposable razor.
Charles was disposable to him.
AdvertisementThe constant a has the same value I 2 for crown and flint glass, so that there are only three disposable constants left.
Interesting. You don't realize you're disposable to me.
Xander made love to her like she was the only one in his world of disposable girls.
Racing to the dairy, she jerked out a drawer and removed the book, some disposable gloves, a pair of scissors, some cord and a bottle of iodine.
Buy some floating, disposable animal targets.
AdvertisementWith a disposable cell phone and papers in hand, I caught a cab to the Port Authority bus terminal.
Many disposable diapers today contain artificial chemical absorbents such as sodium polyacrylate.
Cotton is a naturally absorbent material that doesn't need to use the chemical absorbers which are present in disposable diapers.
We also have a range of disposable polythene aprons which are supplied in a convenient dispenser containing 100 aprons.
If you are clearing a large spillage you must also wear a disposable plastic apron.
AdvertisementFree information packs, including a disposable ashtray, will be given to those who attend the day.
Of course, you can always buy one of those disposable tinfoil barbecues.
In a further study researchers have developed a disposable biosensor for ammonia, the cause of a large number of fish mortalities in rivers.
Use a refillable pen instead of disposable biros and avoid disposable razors.
A limited number of films or disposable cameras are available.
AdvertisementHowever, disposable biopsy forceps are difficult to use and are disliked by surgeons.
Collect and dispose of all rubbish including disposable glassware, crockery and cutlery in a safe and hygienic manner.
Install a roller towel at work instead of using disposable paper towels.
The sandwich platter also included cookies, potato chips and disposable dinnerware.
Avoid skin contact, wearing disposable gloves would be advantageous.
Society is too disposable yes new cars may be greener but consider greening what you have and cutting waste.
Disposable helium A disposable tank contains enough helium to inflate 50 x 9 " latex balloons or approximately 25 x 18 " foil balloons.
We will also look at what ' disposable income ' you have.
This could result in a significant increase in your disposable income each month.
Includes four disposable masks (OK to wear until soiled or damaged) and important fitting instructions.
Minimal needling was done using 0.25 by 30mm sterile disposable needles.
Immediately transfer plasma to a labeled glass or plastic tube using a disposable glass pasteur pipette.
Now, of course we have disposable pull-ups that do get wet well that's a success for real diaper campaigners.
The main body of the engine was made from the end of a disposable razor handle.
The company took the opportunity to show its range of 5000 disposable respirators.
Within the field of disposable surgical scalpels, many devices are currently available.
A working oral cavity vapor sampling device incorporating disposable sensors.
The bulb from a disposable bulb syringe may also be used.
The Mooncup is a comfortable, cost effective and enviromentally friendly alternative to disposable tampons.
At the end of the 1970s the richest tenth of the population received 21% of disposable income.
They also provide comforting warmth from a disposable, twenty-hour heat pack.
Jackets made with the fabric are waterproof but not washable, making them multi-use but ultimately disposable.
The first thing you will notice is that the diaper feels a lot wetter than the disposable.
Now, of course we have disposable pull-ups that do get wet well that 's a success for real diaper campaigners.
Price £ 21.27 Disposable Knife Holder Enables the use of safety razor blades for section cutting removing the need for knife sharpening.
Needles, syringes, scalpel blades etc should be disposable items.
The disposable soma theory identifies the likelihood of death from external causes as the primary driver in the evolution of longevity.
Up to 250lb of disposable stores could be carried on two underwing hardpoints.
Disposable Paper Air Filter Pleated wood pulp bonded together.
You can also order a diaper cake which contain a number of diapers -- either disposable or cloth -- along with other cute items like wash cloths or burp cloths.
Instead of diapers, you might want to use disposable training pants that are easy to pull up and down.
You could give them a basket full of disposable cameras to hand out to visitors each time they come over.
Disposable cameras and photo albums can be found in many discount stores such as Target and Wal-Mart.
Disposable bibs and high chair tray covers-Keep a couple of boxes of these in your car, and you're ready to eat out anytime.
Disposable place mats-Another great item to keep in your car is a disposable place mat.
Off Brand Diapers-If you simply don't want to use cloth diapers, why not switch to an off brand or store brand disposable diapers?
Pull Ups are actually the brand name of a type of disposable training pants.
They are disposable and create the same problems at landfills as disposable diapers.
Many parents prefer to begin potty training their children by using disposable training pants.
The debate over cloth versus disposable diapers continues to rage among manufacturers and parents.
If you've talked to proponents of either cloth or disposable diapers, you might have discovered that they are emphatically in one corner or the other.
Choosing cloth over disposable or vice versa continues to be an ongoing debate, and new parents may choose their baby's diapers without ever considering the alternatives.
Disposable diapers can put a dent in your weekly budget.
It's true, however, that disposable diapers don't decompose easily.
There are cons, and those who favor disposable diapers are quick to point the negatives out!
For many parents, disposable diapers are an essential baby supply that they simply can't live without.
During the post-World War II era, a young mother named Marion Donovan used a shower curtain to create a diaper cover, and her disposable diapers evolved from that invention.
She combined her diaper cover, called a Boater, with absorbent material to create the first disposable.
Stanley Mason took Donovan's design and adapted it into the first curved disposable in 1949.
There are some disadvantages of using disposable diapers.
Overflowing Landfills-Obviously, all of those disposable diapers have to go somewhere, so landfills sometimes may seem overrun with disposables.
Potty Training Deterrents-Some parents argue that it is harder to potty train a toddler that is wearing disposable diapers simply because they can't feel the wetness as much as if they were wearing cloth diapers.
For years, disposable diaper advocates stated that children who wear disposables have a lesser instance of diaper rash.
Today, most pediatricians agree that there isn't any one diaper, disposable or cloth, that can prevent diaper rash.
Change your baby's diaper often and keep the diaper area clean, whether you use cloth or disposable.
Some brands have also created diapers that are specifically designed for overnight use, and there may also be disposable training pants, such as Pull Ups, available too.
Diaper Treats-Line a small disposable diaper with blue or pink tissue paper, and fill it with individually wrapped candies.
Use disposable beverage containers for the drinks you have while you wait to clear security.
Because disposable diapers can take several hundred years to decompose, many people are turning to cloth diapers.
Approximately 80,000 pounds of plastic and over 200,000 trees a year are used to manufacture these disposable diapers for babies in the United States.
The argument for some disposable diapers is that they are considered biodegradable.
While some might argue that the additional water and electricity usage due to an increased amount of washing will balance out the expense of disposable diapers, others don't agree.
However, the average family spends anywhere from $50 to $80 a month on disposable diapers, and this can be a sizeable addition to any grocery budget.
For many parents, the choice to use disposable diapers is all about convenience.
If you received various brands of disposable diapers from friends and family, it will provide the perfect opportunity to decide which brand is right for you.
Fill a basket with wipes, diaper creams, etc. then surround it with disposable diapers.
Better yet, fill a basket with gift certificates for disposable diapers or a diaper service.
Back before the advent of disposable diapers, parents were motivated to have their children potty trained at an early age.
When disposable diapers came on the market, it made life easier although more expensive, but for most parents the convenience of doing away with washing and drying cloth diapers was worth it.
About the same time disposable diapers became readily available, diaper services also sprang up for those who still wanted to use cloth but who didn't want to deal with the drudgery of all that laundry.
You're looking forward to the day when you never have to buy another cloth or disposable diaper again.
The term diaper rash describes any type of skin irritation that appears in the diaper region and occurs with the use of both cloth diapers and disposable diapers.
Diapers-Whether you choose cloth or disposable, diapers are an essential baby care item.
Throw away the disposable diaper or place the soiled cloth diaper in a diaper pail.
Folding cloth diapers may seem like an incredibly complicated job; however, with a little practice, it's just as simple as putting on disposable diapers.
The outer diaper (the cover) can look like a cloth version of a disposable diaper, or it can look like rubber/plastic training pants that simply pull up from the feet to the waist.
Cloth diapers now come in handy all-in-one diapers, which are put on and taken off very much like a disposable diaper.
Now simply place this folded liner into the outer diaper, and put it on your baby the same way that you would a disposable diaper.
However, changing cloth diapers is no more difficult than changing disposable ones; it's the process of washing and making sure you always have enough clean diapers that can be frustrating.
While a pre-fold diaper has to be properly folded and correctly inserted inside the diaper cover in order to function well, an all-in-one diaper is essentially a cloth version of a disposable diaper.
Regardless of the type of cloth diaper you choose, know that by choosing cloth over disposable you are making a considerable contribution to the good of the environment.
The cloth diaper that is easiest to use is actually very similar to a disposable diaper and is all one piece.
For expectant parents, or new parents, figuring out how many covers and inserts to buy can be enough of a puzzle to steer you back towards disposable diapers.
All in all, cloth diapers are better for the wallet and for the environment than disposable diapers, but some careful planning, and shopping for discount cloth diapers can increase your savings even more.
The invention of disposable diapers made pinning cloth diapers nearly a thing of the past.
Disposable diapers create a very real burden on landfills, not only because of their volume, but also because of the time it takes them to break down.
Not only do disposable diapers create untold amounts of waste, they also require a lot more manufacturing and transportation work than cloth diapers.
For all of these reasons, cloth diapers have a very clear and very considerable advantage over disposable diapers.
Many people think that both from the standpoint of diapering, as well as the standpoint of washing dirty diapers, that cloth is much more difficult to use than disposable diapers.
The all-in-one variant is much like putting a disposable diaper on a baby; the only difference is that you throw it in the washer when it's dirty and not in the garbage.
Using an all-in-one diaper is a process exactly identical to a disposable diaper.
Carefully place the liner inside the cover (for covers that go on like disposable diapers).
Proceed with the cover and liner as one piece, as though you were putting on a disposable diaper.
Even if you buy the most expensive cloth diapers (all-in-ones), which cost about $20 per diaper, you will still spend less than buying the equivalent number of disposable diapers.
You'll spend a small fortune on disposable diapers.
The following is a list of supplies you'll need, although not all may apply depending upon whether you choose disposable or cloth.
Even after disposable diapers were invented, many moms chose to use cloth diapers because they believed they were better for their babies.
Curity also put out a latex-free disposable diaper version, as well as night training pants and pull-up style diapers, which are available for purchase online.
Diaper supplies - Fill a wicker basket with diaper supplies, including several packs of diapers, wipes, diaper cream, disposable changing pads and extra washable cloths.
Many green parenting experts promote the use of cloth diapers over disposable versions, so throw in some of those as well.
Other basket items might include picture frames with spaces for each month of the baby's first year and a disposable or digital camera, depending on your overall budget.
Disposable diapers are often associated with fewer diaper rashes among babies because they contain materials that wick moisture away from the skin.
Disposable diapers are popular for several reasons, the main one being that you can dispose of the diaper and the mess very easily.
Disposable diapers can even be changed and disposed of in public.
Unfortunately, disposable diapers are expensive, as they constantly must be replaced.
They are also a factor in environmental problems, though you can now buy disposable diapers made from sustainable materials and with a minimum of chemical processing and components.
If you choose disposable diapers, which most people do, you will need to know what size of diaper to buy for your baby.
Disposable diapers can be expensive, so you should always be on the look out for coupons and sales.
While vinyl record albums have become quite disposable, there is a huge international vinyl collectors market in existence.
What's also great about the new breed of colored contact lenses is the daily disposable colors.
For example, FreshLook ONE-DAY are disposable color contacts that you wear once, and then throw away.
The item is disposable and has an adhesive back that sticks to most surfaces.
People have more disposable income and therefore will put more of that money back into the market.
Some consumers spend disposable income on vacations and trips, which helps the travel industry.
That's not to say that those who still have disposable income won't buy frivolities, but the majority of consumers don't fall into that category.
If you plan to dress game in the field, purchase plastic bags, a knife and disposable gloves.
The LitterMaid™ is a fully automated self-cleaning litter box that uses an electronic sensor and raking mechanism to scoop eliminations into a disposable receptacle.
Most units claim to save on the expense of litter since you throw less away, but many models require the purchase of trash bags and replacement disposable drawers, so it probably averages out in the long run.
The toy comes with two disposable heating units, but you can purchase additional ones to meet your needs.
I've replaced it with disposable boxes and fresh litter.
Blot up as much urine as possible using paper towels, old rags or disposable diapers.
Disposable and absorbent puppy pads can come in handy to use in the bottom of a pet carrier if the cat has an accident en route to the vet.
What negative impact does a disposable grocery bag have on the environment?
When you have access to fresh, filtered water on demand, you'll be able to eliminate the use of disposable plastic water bottles in your home.
At work, use a metal or ceramic mug instead of plastic or anything that is otherwise disposable.
As more and more disposable items became available, landfills filled up.
According to afn.org, Americans throw away 18 billion disposable diapers a year.
Although salads are such a popular and versatile dish, they are often packed in disposable plastic containers, meaning that while the salad is good for us, the container is bad for the environment.
Disposable salad containers take many forms.
The down side of disposable salad containers, however, is the fact that they do not decompose.
Avoid the temptation to purchase disposable products that contribute to landfill crowding.
Even with more hybrid car options from both domestic and foreign automakers along with reduced prices, disposable income has played a role in hybrid car sales.
Instead of investing money into new hybrid vehicles, more and more people are using their disposable income for household bills and other needed items.
Consider using fabric grocery bags that can be used time and time again, unlike disposable plastic or paper bags that end up in the waste system.
Being careful not to purchase items that are disposable or that have a lot of packaging is also important as this reduces the amount of waste that is produced.
Use a recyclable, reusable water bottle instead of buying disposable plastic water bottles.
Buy rechargeable batteries to replace disposable ones.
The disposable vs cloth diapers debate is complex.
The decision as to whether to use disposable or cloth diapers is a very personal one.
The disposable vs cloth diapers debate has been going on for many years.
This combines a cloth diaper with a disposable liner.
Also, biodegradable disposable diapers have been developed which counter some of the environmental concerns.
Inconvenience - cloth diapers can be more inconvenient to use than disposable diapers.
Convenience - disposable nappies are quick and easy to use.
Throw away - just as the name suggests, disposable diapers are designed to be thrown away after use.
Absorbent - many disposable diapers are highly absorbent and are designed not to leak.
Environmental impact - disposable diapers are one of the major contributors to landfill.
Some parents report that disposable diapers are more likely to cause diaper rash.
Cost - the cost of disposable diapers adds up over time.
When considering disposable or cloth diapers for your baby, you need to consider all the above factors and weigh them against what is important to you, both now and in the long term.
Many parents find that a combination of cloth and disposable diapers works well for them, using cloth diapers while at home and using disposable diapers when traveling.
The disposable vs cloth diapers debate is likely to go on for many years, however the new developments ensure that there are plenty of options available.
These offer the convenience of disposable packaging while being easy to compost.
As more items are treated as disposable, so does our need increase for ways to dispose of them.
Moreover, the water station can help reduce environmental waste, saving up to 3,000 disposable plastic bottles per year from ending up in landfills.
To better understand the risk of disposable bags, consider the figures for the generation and discarding of paper and plastic bags.
Biodegradable bags are touted as necessary to complement recycling and reduce the environmental harm from disposable, non-biodegradable bags.
With over half of the households in America having access to curbside recycling, this may offer the best solution for dealing with waste from disposable bags.
Another area that presents problems for conservation and recycling is paper disposable, such ascups, plates and flatware.
This tool is a disposable, one-time use piece which is composed of a sturdy handle and a needle.
Some products are applied in color-changing formulas so that you can see the visible areas that need application or blending, while others include application tools and products like exfoliants and disposable gloves.
Amateur photographers looking to capture their underwater adventures during diving vacations might consider sticking with disposable underwater cameras.
They function in the same manner as traditional disposable cameras, but are designed to withstand underwater conditions.
Sure, there are some magical photos taken with a disposable 35mm or with a point-and-shoot digital, but those are more random luck than the product of a skilled photographer expertly manipulating the shots.
Put disposable cameras on every table instead of paying the professional photographer to stay through the reception.
Allow guests to "order" their own candies, which the bartenders then place in a keepsake wineglass wedding favor or disposable shot glass.
Paint two stripes of food coloring down the inside of a disposable pastry bag before filling with buttercream frosting.
The mobile groomer must also be sure to carry extra fuses and a very long hose in case refills are needed, as well as all the necessary disposable grooming supplies, such as shampoo and conditioner.
Disposable pads are often the best choice to use during the actual whelping.
This clean up method disturbs your bitch far less than needing to remove all of the whelping box material and reline it for her.There are different kinds of disposable pads.
Prices for disposable pads usually start around $12.00 per dozen.
This type of pad is terrific for keeping the pups warm after delivery, but it's best to use it in conjunction with a disposable pad on top to keep it from being soiled.
An old pedestal sink can create a mood that harkens back to a time when craftsmanship was truly valued and products weren't made to be disposable in ten years.
Furthermore, wool diaper covers are 100 percent natural and contain none of the chemicals and toxins of plastic disposable diapers and even some other synthetic cloth diapers.
Consider using disposable paper towels or rags.
These lenses are disposable and have UV protection built in.
This daily disposable lens comes in a 30 pack and is recommended for those using computers.
Specifically, Clear Care can be used with disposable contacts, as well as with other types of silicone hydrogel lenses.
Cibavision provides daily disposable contacts, weekly disposable contacts, monthly disposable contacts, contacts designed for astigmatism, cosmetic contacts, bifocal contact lenses, and specialty lenses.
You could be better served by daily disposable lenses.
Most of these lenses are disposable and the wearing time is often limited to one day, a week or even a month.
There are different types of disposable lenses, which can be worn for one day, two weeks or even for a month.
Disposable daily wear lenses are worn daily then get replaced every two weeks.
Disposable extended wear are available for overnight wear and can be worn for an extended period of time then are simply discarded.
Many brands of soft lenses are disposable and can be thrown away after a short amount of use.
Opt for disposable, waterproof cameras to capture all the fun.
And economically, do families have the disposable income?
Small, disposable coupon codes, such as the kind from Play-Asia, can usually be found in forums posted by users who won't use the coupon before it expires.
Armed with that knowledge, you will need to consider your budget, keeping in mind if the person loves one of those tough-to-get collectibles, say a Dalla Valle Maya, you can expect to considerably crimp your disposable income.
More women now have their own incomes, and most families have some disposable income.
It comes outfitted for use with a one-pound disposable propane can, but can easily be adapted to work with your standard propane bottle using a bulk tank hose adapter accessory.
Since prepaid phones are typically quite inexpensive, the criminal element can view the devices as largely disposable.
It may seem rare in this age of disposable technology, but there are actually still some people who specialize in the repair of devices like iPods, PDAs, and cell phones.
Mothers can tell if the baby is getting enough milk by checking diapers; a baby who is wetting between four to six disposable diapers (six to eight cloth) and who has three or four bowel movements in 24 hours is getting enough milk.
Extended-wear disposable lenses are soft lenses worn continually for up to six days and then discarded, with no need for cleaning.
Diaper rashes occur equally with cloth diapers and disposable diapers.
Some cloth-like disposable diapers promote better air circulation than plastic-type diapers.
If disposable diapers are used, it helps to punch holes in them to let in air.
Some children will get a rash from certain brands of disposable diapers or from sensitivity to some soaps used in cloth diapers.
Diapering. There are two choices, cloth or disposable.
If possible, use latex or other disposable gloves to handle contaminated items and throw them away immediately afterwards.
Separate towels or disposable paper towels should be used to dry hands.
If you opt for disposable razors, plan on tossing them after every two to three shaves at the most.
For those who rely on replacement blades, blades tend to last a bit longer than a disposable razor, so use your best judgment and toss them when you see even the slightest wear or dulling of the blade.
If you opt for disposable razors, replace them after several uses.
Illness resulting in a reduction in disposable income due to high medical expenses can also cause lowered income levels.
The kit comes with a disposable urine cup so the stick can be dipped into the cup for the five seconds.
Occasionally a disposable thong is provided, but you shouldn't bank on that!
Swim diapers are generally made from machine washable polyurethane, and available from most supermarkets, although the disposable style is far more convenient.
You can certainly buy disposable swim diapers, but for a little extra money, you can get something cute that also goes a bit toward helping the environment.
It's a word often used to describe so-called "disposable" clothes - those that are worn once or twice and then tossed, either due to poor construction and inability to hold up or simply to losing their trendy status.
Unlike most of the previous eras, more people had, or thought they had, disposable income, so there was much more turnover in clothes.
It is sealed similarly to the way a disposable creamer cup is, so it remains fresh until it is added to the machine.
When first developed, electric shavers had been powered directly by electric house current, but as the product was enhanced, later models were run by a small DC motor powered by disposable batteries.
Because of the ease of use of Philips Norelco electric shavers, the versatility of many products, and the sturdy construction, electric shavers are a sensible alternative to disposable plastic razors.
Two disposable bags are included with the vacuum.
Ladies electric razors offer a shaving alternative for women beyond traditional disposable razors.
This high quality filter will save you money whereas disposable ones must be constantly replaced.
Some are reusable cloth filters and others are disposable.
Our products last and are not disposable.
After all, a good quality electric razor can get you cleaned up much faster than a disposable razor can and because it’s virtually mess-free, you can do it in your car on the way to work.
However at today's American Red Cross and other blood bank donation stations across the country, it is impossible to contract HIV or AIDS through blood donation, as a disposable, non-contaminated needle is used each time.
However, if bringing in pinecones from outdoors, put them on a disposable aluminum tray and bake in the oven at a low heat to get rid of any bugs.
Simple dinners - perhaps a casserole in a disposable pan, a salad in a bag, a loaf of bread, and a plate of brownies or cookies - will be welcome Christmas gifts for teachers.
A disposable camera and a coupon for photo developing is a great gift.
While many women would love to have enough disposable income to carry a new designer bag every month, for most it's just not a reality.
Eliminate the risk of exposure to fungi, dirt and germs by slipping on these convenient, disposable slippers.
Use a proper cleanser, like the company's own disposable wipes for leather, to gently wipe down your wallet from time to time.
If you do not have a lot of disposable income, skip a meal at McDonald's and put it in savings instead.
If you have any of the Easter egg dying containers left over from Easter, those would work well, or you could buy a package of disposable plastic cups.
The Ghost Finders' disposable 35mm camera will add a ghost to every shot.
Wash and reuse plastic sandwich bags or other "disposable" kitchen items.
Don't use paper towels, paper plates, paper napkins, or other disposable products.
In today's disposable society, many of us simply don't think in ways our ancestors did.
Rainbow Sandals was started so consumers could have high quality comfortable sandals that lasted longer than the normal disposable flip flops that need to be replaced every summer.
So it only makes sense that Chanel would bring style to a shoe once only found in disposable styles at drug stores.
Rather than spend a bundle on disposable items, try to invest as much as possible into the machine and the amp since these tools are sure to serve your needs much longer than latex gloves and bottle caps.
The piercing site is cleaned and marked with Gentian violet or a single use, disposable piercing marker.
Mix up a warm saline soak in a clean glass and have plenty of disposable paper towels on hand.
All tools used in a belly button piercing should be single use and disposable or freshly autoclaved to prevent the spread of blood borne illnesses.
Having a small refrigerator, microwave, and cooktop at your disposable will help save big bucks by allowing you to prepare meals in your room.
It's a part of childhood, and for that reason such watches are made to be pretty much disposable and there are never any major losses in this department.
Retiring baby boomers will have plenty of disposable cash for sports, recreation and other retirement-related activities.
There will be less disposable income for purchasing goods and services starting in October.
Because the new bankruptcy law will push many consumers into Chapter 13 repayment plans, rather than file Chapter 7, which wipes the slate clean and allows them to start over, they'll have less disposable income.
China's economy is growing at an accelerating rate and has a growing middle class with increasing disposable income.
Even with interest rates expected to remain low, vehicle availability and unemployment rates are expected to keep the average consumer from purchasing new vehicles due to disposable income levels.
These bags strap on the spare tire, and you line them with a disposable trash bag.
You might want to do this in a disposable bowl or cup and using a craft stick as a stirrer, since it does make a big sticky mess.
Individuals with more disposable income or a history of illness and disease may opt for the more expensive fee for service plans.
If you don't have a camera, buy several disposable cameras from the drug store and have the film developed onto a disk for easy storage.
Low tech works fine - just buy a few disposable cameras, make a list, develop the film to a disk and store the disk with the list away from your home.
All women, at some point in their lives, experience moisture issues "down there" that they want to protect their clothes from, but they may not want to deal with disposable panty liners, either.
Like many women, I found myself gradually, over time, using a daily disposable panty liner to "be safe" and protect my clothing from a variety of moisture issues that all healthy women experience at one time or another.
I found the daily disposable liners to be an inconvenience, and it really bothered me that all those liners were bound for the landfill.
If your daughter is a photographer, disposable cameras are one party favor idea that may come to mind.
Give each attendee a chance to record her memories of the night by providing disposable cameras.
Disposable cameras - Let guests capture their favorite memories from the night with disposable cameras.
Some disposable cameras added to the mix and your guests can take their own pictures or if you have a digital camera and a printer, you can send your guests home with their tropical fantasy pictures.
You can have a supply of disposable cups and saucers, or get a "play" set of more durable plastic that can be used after the party.
Incorporate lots of color into the party by having crepe paper hung using colored disposable tableware and tablecloths.
Even if you plan on having a sit-down, formal meal, it's nice to have some disposable cups, plastic silverware and paper plates on hand that can be used for cake or snacks.
Why not provide the guests with disposable camera to capture special moments from the party.
Make sure disposable plates, napkins, cups and silverware are properly sealed, as you won't be able to wash them before use.
Take a cue from wedding receptions and buy several disposable cameras for guests to take candid shots throughout the party.
Save clean-up time by using disposable plates and silverware; expand the them by choosing items in team colors.
For instance, if a company offers eco-friendly products, don't use disposable products when serving food and drinks.
If you're concerned about the environment, many party favors are disposable and not necessarily eco-friendly.
Of course, if you prefer an easy clean-up to using your "good" dinnerware, using disposable items is perfectly acceptable.
Realistic and colorful, they are also disposable and lightweight.
Roll up a disposable How to Tame Your Dragon table covering after the party is over for easy clean up.
They are despised disposable people, who are stuck all the dangerous jobs.
Many guys find it perfectly acceptable to shave with only water or to even use a disposable razor on dry skin!
You may purchase full size products and provide disposable trays for each person to place products on to apply, or you may want to purchase trial size products and allow each guest to take home the products.
While some might feel this kind of attention isn't needed in a garment that is ultimately disposable, the reviews that come in show that the staff who wear them do feel a difference.
The large nun's habit became replaced with a miniaturized version that eventually became made of disposable paper.
Disposable options come in almost any size and style imaginable.
Another good reason to choose a disposable coat is sanitation.
If a disposable coat gets stained all you do it pitch it out and get a new one.
Disposable coats can also cut down on expenses.
There are several options to consider when planning on purchasing disposable lab coats.
Many medical supply stores also carry disposable lab coats as well.
A popular material used for disposable lab coats is Tyvek.
Disposable lab coats are a great choice for those needing a coat but not wanting to commit to something permanent.
She feared seeing them happy again, knowing she really was nothing more than a disposable stand-in until they were able to be together again.
He should view the temp onboard for a week as disposable, like the women he slept with.
The first of the forms which contains three disposable constants did good service in the hands of their authors, but breaks down in important cases when odd powers of s have to be introduced in addition to the even powers.
The expression 2 is that of the number of the disposable constants in a curve of the order m with nodes and cusps (in fact that there shall be a node is I condition, a cusp 2 conditions) and the equation (9) thus expresses that the curve and its reciprocal contain each of them the same number of disposable constants.
While I used another disposable cell phone, I didn't want to telephone from a public location.
We think they're using disposable cells.
Others say that this represents the greatest advance in patient care since the invention of the disposable bedpan.
At that time, disposable wealth was usually held in the form of gold or silver bullion.
A special process has been created to incorporate camomile into a disposable biodegradable liner.
The organization is spearheading a campaign across Wales to persuade parents to swap disposable diapers for modern cloth diapers.
The boiler suits normally worn by University tradesmen may not be suitable and they should be encouraged to wear impermeable disposable coveralls.
I have worked on 4,000 sets and I have never been offered anything other than a disposable cup.
Eighty percent of the world's babies have never seen a disposable diaper, " he adds.
Wouldn't it be better, Ms. Chairperson, to offer everybody a freely disposable " second income.
Ideally look to providing lots of drinks for the children in an easily disposable way.
The remainder is, of course, not disposable income that can be shifted from one place to another.
This is an eminently disposable relic of his attempt in A Treatise of Human Nature to develop a sort of psychological mechanics.
Dip after washing and drying, using disposable wipes to prevent the passing of infection from cow to cow.
The work recalls holidays as they used to be for many, prior to jet travel and increased disposable incomes.
In two-thirds of Zambian families where the father died, monthly disposable income fell by more than 80% .
I feel confident about the leisure sector â high disposable incomes will surely sustain activity here.
They may last for several years and so may be cheaper than disposable earplugs for regular, long-term use.
Other target market areas are in wearable electronics, smart cards, and disposable medical diagnostic systems.
However, you may have additional costs purchasing disposable cartridges or treatment chemicals, so compare costs carefully.