Displeased Sentence Examples
If any part of it displeased him, he was able to cancel it.
There again Lucien displeased his brother.
If you're so displeased with Josh, why don't you shop around some?
Indeed, she was much displeased because I could not find her name in the book.
He was satisfied with the form in which he had expressed his thoughts, but displeased that Boris had overheard it.
Nicholas, for the first time, felt that his mother was displeased with him and that, despite her love for him, she would not give way.
He said a few words to Prince Andrew and Chernyshev about the present war, with the air of a man who knows beforehand that all will go wrong, and who is not displeased that it should be so.
This policy found much favour with the people generally, but displeased many of the Republican politicians, because it loosened the hold of the Republican party upon the Southern States.
It is evident that something has displeased his Majesty but I cannot imagine what it can be.
Andrew did not speak; he was both pleased and displeased that his father understood him.
AdvertisementIf the displeased look on his face was any indication, he must have heard Josh.
When he came home to supper and found peach pie, baked chicken and all the trimmings, he might have been pleased, but his expression was more displeased when he saw her in a sundress.
The most remarkable military events of this period were (1) the siege and destruction of the oasis of Zaatcha, where the inhabitants, displeased by an alteration in the tax on palms, rose at the voice of a fanatic named Bu-Zian; (2) the ineffectual campaign of Marshal Saint Arnaud in Little Kabylia, where the tribes rose at the instigation of Bu-Magla (" the mule man ") in 1851.
The aide-de-camp replied that probably the Emperor would not be displeased at this excess of zeal.
His conduct of affairs having displeased the French king, he was recalled from his post by Oldenbarneveldt in 1616.
AdvertisementThe distance of this capital from Paris displeased Caroline; her relations with Napoleon became strained, and she associated herself with the equivocal movements of her husband in 1814-1815.
The repeal of the Stamp Act, followed as it was by the Townshend scheme of indirect taxation, displeased Virginia quite as much as had the former more direct system of taxation.
Senac went in 1792 to Russia, where he hoped to become imperial historiographer, but his manners displeased Catherine, who contented herself with dismissing him with a pension.
Count Rostov was displeased to see that the company consisted almost entirely of men and women known for the freedom of their conduct.
In passing over these matters Monroe and Pinkney had disregarded their instructions, and Jefferson was so displeased with the treaty that he refused to present it to the senate for ratification, and returned it to England for revision.
AdvertisementBut Benjamin's management of the paper, and particularly his free-thinking, displeased the authorities; the relations of the two brothers gradually grew unfriendly, possibly, as Benjamin thought, because of his brother's jealousy of his superior ability; and Benjamin determined to quit his brother's employ and to leave New England.
This extreme reaction displeased Theramenes, who in return began to agitate for the calling of the 5000 into real existence.
He was now to extend his ecclesiastical system to Scotland, where 'during his visits the appearance of the churches had greatly displeased him.
This crime is regarded by Oriental authors as the reason of the premature death of the sultan (in 1204); but it is more probable that he was murdered because he displeased the Mahommedan clergy, who accused him of atheism.
In particular, the words "I will come back to dinner," evidently displeased both reader and audience.
AdvertisementThe customer was displeased with her meal, hence the chef prepared a replacement.
His expression was clearly displeased.
His acceptance displeased some of his former political associates, and he was accused of "deserting his party."
Acting on the queen's explicit instructions, Essex, after some ill-managed operations, had a meeting with Tyrone at a ford on the Lagan on th 7th of September 1599, when a truce was arranged; but Elizabeth was displeased by the favourable conditions allowed to the O'Neill and by Essex's treatment of him as an equal.
The large powers granted to the king under the new constitution displeased the Liberals, who saw in its provision only a disguised form of personal government.
His attitude toward the war and especially his vote for George Ashmun's amendment to the supply bill at this session, declaring that the Mexican War was "unnecessarily and unconstitutionally commenced by the President," greatly displeased his constituents.
They suffered, not only from the regular taxes, which were seldom remitted even after bad seasons, but also from monopolies; and Procopius goes so far as to allege that the emperor made a practice of further recruiting his treasury by confiscating on slight or fictitious pretexts the property of persons who had displeased Theodora or himself.
He disarmed Gloucester by making a close alliance with his elder uncle John of Gaunt, who had been absent in Spain during the troubles of 1387-1388, and was displeased at the violent doings of his brother.
Displeased with the action of the regent Orleans in degrading the illegitimate children of Louis XIV.
It is no "fugitive and cloistered virtue" that Aurelius seeks to encourage; on the contrary, man must lead the "life of the social animal," must "live as on a mountain"; and "he is an abscess on the universe who withdraws and separates himself from the reason of our common nature through being displeased with the things which happen."
Its incompleteness displeased the liberals; only 1,532,527 votes were given for it in the plebiscite, a total less than half of those of the plebiscites of the Consulate.
It displeased Napoleon no doubt that Mme de Stael should show herself recalcitrant to his influence.
His conduct evoked the fiercest denunciations of Luther, but it also displeased more moderate men and especially Erasmus.
The British commissioners, who were practically autocrats in spite of the retention of the native senate and assembly, introduced a strict method of government which brought about a decided improvement in the material prosperity of the island, but by its very strictness displeased the natives.
Though the appeal was without effect on the immediate policy of Henry, he could not have been displeased with its tone, for shortly afterwards he appointed Latimer one of the royal chaplains.
Harun's son Motasim displeased the people by creating a bodyguard of Turks, and therefore transferred his seat to Samarra.
And also among the Englishmen there were certain rascals that went afoot with great knives, and they went in among the men of arms, and slew and murdered many as they lay on the ground, both earls, barons, knights and squires, whereof the king of England was after displeased, for he had rather they had been taken prisoners."
My company was not unacceptable to the young and careless, as well as to the studious and literary; and as I took a particular pleasure in the company of modest women, I had no reason to be displeased with the reception I met with from them.
The dukes of Bavaria, Swabia and Lorraine were displeased at this election, probably because Conrad was likely to prove considerably more powerful than they wished.
Natasha felt offended by the hesitation she had noticed in the anteroom, by her father's nervousness, and by the unnatural manner of the princess who--she thought--was making a favor of receiving her, and so everything displeased her.
He stopped and turned, his expression clearly displeased.
The Oracle was staring at them, displeased.
Generous to his friends, he was miserly to those who displeased him; very skilled in the art of the engineer, catholic in his faith, far-seeing, obstinate in his resolution.
In her behavior to her mother Natasha seemed rough, but she was so sensitive and tactful that however she clasped her mother she always managed to do it without hurting her or making her feel uncomfortable or displeased.
Alex stared at Katie and then at Carmen, his expression obviously displeased.
On his arrival in England, after a second absence of sixteen years, he was not displeased with the reception he met with at court and in the country.
Although the court was displeased with the religious principles and conduct of Ambrose, it respected his great political talents; and when necessity required, his aid was solicited and generously granted.
When Posada Herrera resigned, the Liberals and Sagasta did not seem much displeased at the advent to power of Canovas in 1884, and soon almost all the members of the Dynastic Left joined the Liberal party.
He soon became prominent and was speaker of the Thirtieth Congress (1847-1849), though his conservatism on slavery and kindred questions displeased extremists, North and South, who prevented his re-election as speaker of the Thirty-first Congress.
This kind of behavior by the media " greatly displeased " the court he said.
It was then reported that they had mysteriously been found in Leyland, the miller who owned the land was very displeased.
This minority was so displeased with the elections that it decided to take no part in the rest of the elections.
The minority of the sultan gave full play to the anarchic elements in the state; the soldiery, spahis and janissaries, conscious of their power and reckless through impunity, rose in revolt whenever the whim seized them, demanding privileges and the heads of those who displeased them, not sparing even the sultan's favourites.
His warm reception in France and his enthusiastic Republicanism, however, displeased the Federalists at home; he did nothing, moreover, to reconcile the French to the Jay treaty (see JAY, John), which they regarded as a violation of the French treaty of alliance of 1778 and as a possible casus belli.
Rome, however, had greater dangers to cope with than the indignant reproofs of her friends the monks, and the opposition Growth of of the bishops, who were displeased at the spectacle of their authority waning day by day.
The granting away by William of the private estate of James, amounting to £2 a year, to which Anne had some claim, was made a grievance, and a factious motion brought forward in the House to increase her civil list pension of £30,000, which she enjoyed in addition to £ under her marriage settlement, greatly displeased William and Mary, who regarded it as a plot to make Anne independent and the chief of a separate interest in the state, while their resentment was increased by the refusal of Anne to restrain the action of her friends, and by its success.
King Astyages did not know whether to be pleased or displeased.
While consumer ratings for this food are high, with most customers being very happy with it, there are a few that are displeased.
At the very least, Sony probably isn't displeased about this virus that is putting their system in the news and deterring hacks all at the same time!
He loves good cuisine and is very displeased when served food that he deems is of inferior quality.
While many women love the boldness of some of the colors, they are a bit displeased that practical colors like brown and beige aren't included in the range.
These organizations would most likely be displeased at graphics that indicate a proclivity for drug and alcohol use.