Displaced Sentence Examples
Every child feels displaced to some degree when a new sibling arrives.
They crossed Canyon Creek and the site of an avalanche a few years earlier, now evidenced by the rubble of broken, twisted trees and displaced earth.
The place was swarming with police and displaced residents.
The Spartans failed to safeguard Heraclea against the Oetaeans and Thessalians, and for a short time were displaced by the Thebans (420).
In 1815 he became attorney-general, an office which he held, still as a member of the Senate, until 1819, when he was displaced to make room for a Federalist.
You may not intend for your cat to be displaced.
Below, he could see a displaced boulder and disturbed earth before the slope dropped off at an impossible angle into utter blackness.
The Stephenson link motion is used almost universally in England and America, but it has gradually been displaced by the Walschaert gear on the continent of Europe, and to some extent in England by the Joy gear.
As to lighting, the oil lamp has been largely displaced by gas and electricity.
The district system was displaced in 1893 by a township system.
AdvertisementHouse, of Vermont, U.S., and was very successfully worked on some of the American telegraph lines till 1860, after which it was gradually displaced by other forms. Various modifications of the instrument are still employed for stock telegraph purposes.
Whether we should deduce from its common occurrence in Babylonia the existence of an Elamite population there in early times, later displaced by the Sumerians, we do not know.
Yedo, the shOLiterature guns capital, displaced KiOto as the centre of literary of the activity.
Primary batteries have, in the case of all large offices, been displaced by accumulators.
This instrument has almost entirely displaced all other forms of transmitter.
AdvertisementIt is a striking example of the difficulty of getting people to use their own powers of investigation accurately, that this form of the doctrine of evolution should have held its ground so long; for it was thoroughly and completely exploded, not long after its enunciation, by Caspar Frederick Wolff, who in his Theoria generationis, published in 1759, placed the opposite theory of epigenesis upon the secure foundation of fact, from which it has never been displaced.
Stories like these prove even more than the real rise of Hagano and Eadric. In England the nobility of the thegns was to a great extent personally displaced, so to speak, by the results of the Norman Conquest.
That they were not indigenous, but had displaced an earlier Melanesian or Papuan race, the true aborigines, is certain.
The depression westward of the Caspian and Aral basins, and the original connexion of these seas, have also come under the close investigation of Russian scientists, with the result that the theory of an ancient connexion between the Oxus and the Caspian has been displaced by the more recent hypothesis of an extension of the Caspian Sea eastwards into Trans-Caspian territory within the postPleiocene age.
The neo-chivalry of the 14th century, in which a fantastic love of adventure had displaced the finer and more ideal motives of the old chivalry, looked towards the Vistula and Marienburg.
AdvertisementThe atabegs formed a number of dynasties, which displaced the descendants of the Seljukian amirs in their various principalities.
If a small alternating current is passed through one wire, it sags down, the mirror is tilted, and the spot of light on the screen is displaced.
If then the torsion head is twisted, the suspended coil experiences a torque and is displaced through FIG.
If this be the case, however, it is evident that there is no real distinction between the reactions which take place when two elements combine together and when an element in a compound is displaced by another.
At the same time, however, the conception of radicals could not be entirely displaced, for the researches of Liebig and Welder, and those made subsequently by Bunsen, demonstrated beyond all doubt the advantages which would accrue from their correct recognition.
AdvertisementThis symbol is in general use; it is assumed that at each corner there is a CH group which, however, is not always written in; if a hydrogen atom be substituted by another group, then this group is attached to the corner previously occupied by the displaced hydrogen.
Generally if any group be replaced by another group, then the second group enters the nucleus in the position occupied by the displaced group; this means that if we can definitely orientate three di-derivatives of benzene, then any other compound, which can be obtained from or converted into one of our typical derivatives, may be definitely orientated.
The wooden ploughstick, for instance - taking the country as a whole - has never been displaced.
Thus though it insisted on the exclusive canonicity of the 24 books, it claimed the possession of are oral law handed down from ivloses, and just as the apocryphal books overshadowed in certain instances the canonical scriptures, so often the oral law displaced the written in the regard of Judaism.
Aristeas says that the first impulse came from the Arimaspi, who displaced the Issedones, who in turn fell upon the Scyths.
Soon afterwards all the obnoxious aldermen were displaced and others appointed in their room by royal commission.
For if the body is removed, and replaced by the fluid as at first, this fluid is in equilibrium under its own weight and the thrust of the surrounding fluid, which must be equal and opposite, and the surrounding fluid acts in the same manner when the body replaces the displaced fluid again; so that the resultant thrust of the fluid acts vertically upward through the centre of gravity of the fluid displaced, and is equal to the weight.
When the body is floating freely like a ship, the equilibrium of this liquid thrust with the weight of the ship requires that the weight of water displaced is equal to the weight of the ship and the two centres of gravity are in the same vertical line.
So also a balloon begins to rise when the weight of air displaced is greater than the weight of the balloon, and it is in equilibrium when the weights are equal.
It is used to determine the density of a body experimentally; for if W is the weight of a body weighed in a balance in air (strictly in vacuo), and if W' is the weight required to balance when the body is suspended in water, then the upward thrust of the liquid (I) (2) "F r an Minim ' 'i n or weight of liquid displaced is W-W, so that the specific gravity (S.G.), defined as the ratio of the weight of a body to the weight of an equal volume of water, is W/(W-W').
In addition to satisfying these conditions of equilibrium, a ship must fulfil the further condition of stability, so as to keep upright; if displaced slightly from this position, the forces called into play must be such as to restore the ship to the upright again.
But the presence of the medium makes the effective inertia depend on the direction of motion with respect to the external shape of the body, and on W' the weight of fluid medium displaced.
A small pipe entering below the false bottom allows the air in the cistern to escape as it is displaced by the water or syrup. In some refineries this pipe, which is carried up to a higher level than the top of the cistern, is fitted with a whistle which sounds as long as the air escapes.
The name Bar Harbor, which displaced East Eden, was suggested by the bar which appears at low water between it and Bar Island.
While in most towns the name and the old organization of the gild merchant thus disappeared and the institution was displaced by the aggregate of the crafts towards the close of the middle ages, in some places it survived long after the 15th century either as a religious fraternity, shorn of its old functions, or as a periodical feast, or as a vague term applied to the whole municipal corporation.
In the absence of any precise evidence on the point it is impossible to give more than a rough estimate as to the period at which Hebrew, as a spoken language, was finally displaced by Aramaic. It is, however, certain that the latter language was firmly established in Palestine in the 1st century A.D.
In prehistoric times one of these colonies displaced previous inhabitants of Libyan origin.
He was notoriously no friend to the Loevenstein party then prevalent in Holland, and was displaced, his place being taken by Cornelius de Witt and Michiel Adriaanzoon de Ruyter.
Sandwich was displaced, and his command was transferred to Monk, with whom was associated the king's cousin, Prince Rupert.
It is readily seen that W+W i - W 2 is the weight of the liquid displaced by the solid, and therefore is the weight of an equal volume of liquid; hence the relative density is W/(W+Wi - W2).
If W be the weight in air, and W, the weight in water, then W, is always less than W, the difference W - W1 representing the weight of the water displaced, i.e.
For this purpose the position angle of the eye-piece micrometer is set to that of the head, and the eye-piece is displaced from the axis of the tube (in the direction of the movable segment) by an amount equal to half the angle under measurement.
The eye-piece is fixed in the axis, and the segments are symmetrically displaced from the axis each by an amount equal to half the angle measured.
The chief objections to the method are that, as one star is in the axis of the telescope and the other displaced from it, the images are not both in focus of the eye-piece,3 and the rays from the two stars do not make the same angle with the optical axis of each segment.
As a term of International Law, it has been displaced by that of "prisoner of war."
During this period he established no fewer than 120 schools; moreover he brought back the Italian language which had been displaced by the French in the services of the Vaudois church, and in 1849 built a church for them in Turin.
The movement of the slide now pushes another coin forward, and the weighed coin is displaced by it and falls down the shoot, through one of the slots.
Let the particle which was at M originally be at m at the given instant, being displaced to the left or backwards.
Let N be displaced forward to n.
At A the air occupies its original position, while at H it is displaced towards the right or away from A since HP is above the axis.
At J the displacement is forward, but since the curve at Q is parallel to the axis the displacement is approximately the same for all the points close to J, and the air is neither extended nor compressed, but merely displaced bodily a distance represented by JQ.
When we get back to (I) each train has been displaced through A and the period is A/U.
When the displacement is represented by Ahbkc the particles on each side of B are displaced towards it 6 7 ?.
When the displacement is represented by AH'BK'C the particles on each side of B are displaced from it, giving an extension, and since the slope is again the steepest, the extension is a maximum.
The tangent to the displacement curve is always parallel to the axis, that is, for a small distance the successive particles are always equally displaced, and therefore always occupy the same volume.
Most of the representatives on mission were recalled, and many office-holders were displaced.
Another concern is the relocation of the people to be displaced by the dam.
Or how Google displaced Alta Vista.
The forcedmigrationof the displaced people from their home country was unethical and tragic.
Suppose the two notes to correspond to 200 and 203 vibrations per second; at some instant of time, the air particles, through which the waves are passing, will be similarly displaced by both, and consequently the joint effect will be a sound of some intensity.
Lexington succeeded Sibley as the eastern terminus of the Santa Fe trade, and was in turn displaced by Independence; it long owed its prosperity to the freighting trade up the Missouri, and at the opening of the Civil War it was the most important river town between St Louis and St Joseph and commanded the approach by water to Fort Leavenworth.
But Herrera was displaced in the last days of 1845 by a pronunciamiento in favour of Paredes, who undertook to uphold the national rights against the United States, and who was elected president on the 3rd of January 1846.
The trochus forms the powerful currents for locomotion, and for the supply of food material, while the cingulum produces a local current round the upper rim of the corona to bring the food particles direct to the mouth, which is displaced through a postero-ventral gap in the trochus to lie behind the disk, just as occurs in the more specialized Ciliata.
In Canterbury cathedral and Westminster Abbey it has definitely displaced the older Version.
Many lakes of moderate size and irregular outline have been formed where drift deposits formed barriers across former river courses; the lake outlets are more or less displaced from former river paths.
Some of the chief valleys are not cut in the floors of the old valleys of the former cycle, because the rivers were displaced from their former courses by lava flows, which now stand up as table mountains.
The Pacific ranges, standing transverse to the course of the prevailing westerlies near the Pacific Ocean, are of the greatest importance in this respect; it is largely by reason of the barrier that they form that the tempering effects of the Pacific winds are felt for so short a distance inland in winter, and that the heat centre is displaced in summer so far towards the western coast.
Some cities also provide in their charters that an official, including the mayor or a member of the council, may be displaced from office if, at a special election held on the demand of a prescribed number of the city voters, he does not receive the largest number of votes cast.
The next copyist may easily overlook this sign and thus the passage may be permanently displaced.
Accordingly, in the end the old ideal of gentlemanliness is displaced by the new ideal of the speculative and practical life.
In the latter case, the densities of the fluids will be inversely proportional to the volumes thus displaced.
These two operations are not quite equivalent, since a weight added to the interior does not affect the volume of liquid displaced when the instrument is immersed up to a given division of the scale, while the addition of weights to the exterior increases the displacement.
Clarke's hydrometer, however, remained the standard instrument for excise purposes from 1787 until it was displaced by that of Sikes.
The volume of the displaced liquid being then always the same, its density will be proportional to the whole weight supported, that is, to the weight of the instrument together with the weights required to be placed in the scale pan.
This weight will exceed w in consequence of the water displaced by the solid, and the weight of the water thus displaced will be wi-w, which is therefore the weight of a volume of water equal to that of the solid.
Aberration Of Light This astronomical phenomenon may be defined as an apparent motion of the heavenly bodies; the stars describing annually orbits more or less elliptical, according to the latitude of the star; consequently at any moment the star appears to be displaced from its true position.
It is found that the lines of the same element do not all show the same shift, thus the calcium line at 4223 is displaced by 0.4 A by ioo atmospheres pressure, while the H and K lines are only displaced through about half that amount.
Stark discovered that in the case of the series spectrum of hydrogen and of other similar spectra the lines were displaced indicating high velocities; in other cases no displacements could be observed.
As the atomic weight of the haloid increases the spectrum is displaced towards the red.
Kundt,' who initiated this line of investigation, came to the conclusion that the absorption spectra of certain organic substances like cyanin and fuchsin were displaced towards the red by the solvent, and that the displacement was the greater the greater the dispersive power of the solvent.
In this connexion a statement in terms of force is apt to be displaced by more direct and more comprehensive methods, and the attention of physicists is directed to the intervention of the ether.
Among the Aramaic-speaking people the revolution which displaced the Arabian court of Damascus in favour of a cosmopolitan world centred at the Babylonian seat of the civilizations dealt with in the preceding paragraphs naturally gave an impulse to the wider scholarship. Translations were made from Greek, as, e.g.
Then at the beginning of the 8th century B.C. the colonial power of Tyre began to decline; on the mainland and in Cyprus the Assyrians gained the Upper hand; in the Greek islands the Phoenicians had already been displaced to a great extent by the advancing tide of Dorian colonization.
The first church in New Jersey, at Bergen, in 1661, was quickly followed by others at Hackensack and Passaic. After English rule in 1664 displaced Dutch in New York, the relations of the Dutch churches there were much less close with the state Church of Holland; and in 1679 (on the request of the English governor of New York, to whom the people of New Castle appealed) a classis was constituted for the ordination of a pastor for the church in New Castle, Delaware.
Pyrites is largely worked for sake of the sulphur which it contains, and in many cases it has displaced brimstone in the manufacture of sulphuric acid.
In Menangkabo, for instance, the Arabic alphabet displaced the Kavi (ancient Javanese) character previously employed.
Thus we have reasons enough why the blast-furnace has displaced all competing processes, without taking into account its further advantage in lending itself easily to working on an enormous scale and with trifling consumption of labour, still further lessened by the general practice of transferring the molten cast iron in enormous ladles into the vessels in which its conversion into steel takes place.
In 1883 a revolution displaced that monarch, who was succeeded by Kwaka Dua II.
It was supposed that Moab, having expelled the aboriginal giants, was in turn displaced by the Amorite king Sihon, who forced Moab south of the Arnon (Wadi MOjib, a natural boundary) and drove Ammon beyond the Jabbok.
Where the line of elevated land runs east and west, as in Asia, the desert belt tends to be displaced into higher latitudes, and where the line runs north and south, as in Africa, America and Australia, the desert zone is cut through on the windward side of the elevation and the arid conditions intensified on the lee side.
This route has displaced much of the protracted caravan business through Manchuria and Mongolia.
He displaced Berengar, and was so fascinated by Queen Adelaide that within a few weeks he was married to her at Pavia.
The island thus received another Italian infusion; but, as elsewhere, Latin in no way displaced Greek; it was simply set up alongside of it for certain purposes.
Now imagine this system to be suddenly displaced so that a moves to a' and d moves to d'.
By the end of the 18th century British enterprise had almost entirely displaced that of other nations on the Niger coast.
The Arabic dialects, which gradually displaced Coptic as Mahominedanism supplanted Christianity, adopted but few words 3f the old native stock.
He had himself served under the governor of Egypt, Takin, whose son he displaced, in various capacities, and had afterwards held various governorships in Syria.
In accordance with the custom of his predecessors he left the throne to a son still in his minority, A bul-Mahdsin Vusuf, who took the title Malik al-Aziz, but as usual after a few months he was displaced by the regent Jakmak, who on the 9th of September 1438 was proclaimed sultan with the title Malik al-Zhir.
His reign lasted only one hundred days, when he was displaced by Kansflh al-Ghri (April 20th, 1501).
Later the Portiuncula church at Assisi displaced all other religious resorts, with the exception of Rome; but in the 15th century it was overshadowed in turn by the "Holy House" at Loretto on the Adriatic. According to an extravagant legend, the house of Joseph and Mary in Nazareth was transported by angels, on the night of the 9th - 10th of May 1291 to Dalmatia, then brought to the Italian coast opposite (Dec. 10, 1294), till, on the 7th of September 1295 it found rest on its present site.
Buddhism eventually spread widely over the Oxus countries, and almost entirely displaced the religion of Zoroaster in its very cradle.
Hand-riveting on large contracts has been wholly displaced by power-riveting machines.
Though Arabic has to a considerable extent displaced the Berber language, the latter is still spoken by millions of people from Egypt to the Atlantic and from the Mediterranean to the Sudan.
The British government repudiated these sales as having been made by a government which the British government had already displaced.
If both the bodies are luminous, especially if they do not differ much in brilliancy, the motion of revolution is shown by a periodic doubling of the lines of the spectrum; when one body is moving towards us and the other away their spectral lines are displaced (according to Doppler's principle) in opposite directions, so that all the lines strong enough to appear in both spectra appear double; when the two bodies are in conjunction, and therefore moving transversely, their spectra are merged into one and show nothing unusual.
It is naturally fairly close to the apex of the faster drift, but is displaced from it in the direction of the apex of the other drift.
All other inhabitants of French Guinea are regarded as comparatively late arrivals from the interior who have displaced the aborigines.'
A friend of Harley, the duke of Shrewsbury, was first appointed to office, and subsequently the great body of the Whigs were displaced by Tories, Harley being made chancellor of the exchequer and Henry St John secretary of state.
But in 1815 the Germanic confederation (Deutscher Bund) was established by the congress of Vienna, which in its turn has been displaced by the present German empire.
The chief difficulty with this form of instrument is that it is very sensitive to changes of temperature, for such changes not only alter M but also in general cause the centre of gravity of the system to be displaced with reference to the knife-edge.
Sedgwick attacked the problem in the Snowdon district, where the rocks are highly altered and displaced and where fossils are comparatively difficult to obtain; Murchison, on the other hand, began to work at the upper end of the series where the stratigraphy is simple and the fossils are abundant.
The character of the early employees of the mills, later largely displaced by French Canadians and Irish, and by immigrants from various parts of Europe, is clearly seen in the periodical, The Lowell Offering, written and published by them in 1840-1845.
As a special case A the three points A, B, C may be in a straight line; J is then at infinity and the displacement is equivalent to FIG 10 a pure translation, since every point of the lamina is now displaced parallel to AB through a space equal to AB.
For example, in the case of a particle lying on a smooth curve, or on a smooth surface, if it be displaced along the curve, or on the surface, the virtual work of the normal component of the pressure may be ignored, since it is of the second order.
This expression is the same as if the whole mass were concentrated at the centre of gravity, and displaced with this point.
In practice they quickly displaced those of 1877; and in 1892, at a conference of the same Association held at Genoa, it was formally declared that the onlyinternational rules of general average having the sanction and authority of the association were the York-Antwerp Rules as revised in 1890, and that the original rules were rescinded.
Furthermore, they undertook the charge of private education, opening schools which displaced the medieval system of instruction, and taking engagements as tutors in the families of despots, noblemen and wealthy merchants.
To say that it displaced the centre of gravity in politics and commerce, substituting the ocean for the Mediterranean, dethroning Italy from her seat of central importance in traffic, depressing the eastern and elevating the western powers of Europe, opening a path for Anglo-Saxon expansiveness, forcing philosophers and statesmen to regard the Occidental nations as a single group in counterpoise to other groups of nations, the European community as one unit correlated to other units of humanity upon this planet, is truth enough to vindicate the vast significance of these discoveries.
The result has been that the domestic wines have now very largely displaced the foreign product for ordinary beverage purposes.
At the same time, there is no reason to believe that the finer European wines will be entirely displaced, inasmuch as these are characterized by qualities of delicacy and breed which cannot be reproduced at will.
Finally, at Coventry, in October, the Yorkist officials were displaced.
If the two quadrants are at different potentials, the needle moves from one quadrant towards the other, and the image of a spot of light on the scale is therefore displaced.
In 1726 the duke of Bourbon was displaced by the king's tutor, Bishop (afterwards Cardinal) Fleury, who exercised almost absolute power, for the king took little interest in affairs of state.
Hence if a film in the form of the catenoid which is nearest the axis is ever so slightly displaced from the axis it will move farther from the axis till it reaches the other catenoid.
Hence if a film in the form of the catenoid which is nearest the axis be displaced towards the axis, it will tend to move farther towards the axis and will collapse.
Sources of information include local authorities, local civilians, and displaced civilians.
On deeper horizons noise sources are displaced under a chain of cinder cones by wide strip.
Find out about the work of international aid agencies who support those displaced by conflict.
Hundreds of thousands dead - millions displaced - desperate for aid and in fear for their lives.
Refugees, along with internally displaced people, rank among the most vulnerable people in our world.
Because more than 90% of scapula fractures are minimally displaced, this noninvasive approach is effective for most.
Forcibly displaced civilians often went to the urban centers for protection.
For clarity, the different plots are displayed on vertically displaced graphs which share the same X axis.
As of early 2003, 135,000 internally displaced persons live in tented camps, makeshift huts, uncompleted buildings and railroad wagons.
Traditional food crops have been displaced by RR soya monoculture, leaving food insecurity in its wake.
The lower canine can then occlude lateral to the displaced lip and cause excoriation or punctures.
Graham Wood is Head of Policy at Ockenden International, the charity promoting self-reliance for displaced peoples.
Temporary units for those displaced by the tsunami are still being assembled.
But the spectroscopes that can be employed for stellar spectroP graphs are not sufficiently powerful to separate fully lines which are very closely adjacent, and therefore a line, assumed to be of a known wave-length, may be apparently displaced by the near neighbourhood of an unknown line.
Although the " ink-writer " is still in use it is practically an obsolete instrument, and has been displaced by the " sounder."
The callingdrop of the magneto system was displaced by a relay and a small electric incandescent lamp, and whereas in the older system the calling-drop and the answering jack with which it was associated were some distance apart, the calling-lamp and the answering jack of the newer system were placed in juxtaposition.
Some light has been thrown on the connexion between the Tibetan race and certain tribes of central India, the Bhils and Kols; and it seems more probable that these tribes are the remnants of a Mongolian race which first displaced a yet earlier Negroid population, and was then itself shouldered out by a Caucasian irruption, than that they entered India by any of the northern passages within historic times.
If the bands be displaced towards the violet, involving a regression through the colours mentioned above, the group is said to be " hypsochromic "; if the reverse occurs the group is " bathochromic."
With liquid of density p, this gives rise to a kinetic reaction to acceleration dU/dt, given by 7rp b 2 a 2 b l b d J = a 2 +b2 M' dU, if M' denotes the mass of liquid displaced by unit length of the cylinder r =b.
According to Frazer's view, " as time goes on the fallacy of magic becomes more and more apparent and is slowly displaced by religion; in other words the magician gives way to the priest.
When the earth is at A, in consequence of aberration, the star is displaced to a point a, its displacement sa being parallel to the earth's motion at A; when the earth is at B, the star appears at b; and so on throughout an orbital revolution of the earth.
During the great migrations (see Dorians) the population was largely displaced, and the old inhabitants long remained in a backward condition.
The restriction of the basic Bessemer process to pig iron containing at least i 80% of phosphorus has prevented it from getting a foothold in the United States; the restriction of the acid Bessemer process to pig iron very low in phosphorus, usually to that containing less than o ro% of that element, has almost driven it out of Germany, has of late retarded, indeed almost stopped, the growth of its use in the United States, and has even caused it to be displaced at the great Duquesne works of the Carnegie Steel Company by the omnivorous basic open-hearth.
When the frame of this arrangement is rapidly displaced through a small horizontal range to the right and left of the direction in which the rod points, the weight b by its inertia tends to remain at rest, and the motion of the frame, which is that of the earth, is magnified in the ration op to bp. This apparatus, of which there are many types, was first introduced into seismometry by Professor Ewing.
Thus if a point of the body be displaced from A to B, whilst the point which was at B is displaced to C, and that which was at C to D, the four points A, B, C, D lie on a helix whose axis is the common perpendicular to the bisectors of the angles ABC, BCD.
At the time of their conquest by the Romans (35 B.C.) both these divisions were occupied by the Pannonians, who in Slavonia had displaced an older population, the Scordisci; and both were included in the Roman province of Pannonia Inferior, although Slavonia had the distinctive name of Pannonia Savia (see Pannonia).
Later on, Amurru became the Assyrian term for the interior of south as well as north Palestine, and at a still more recent period the term " the land of Hatti " (conventionally = Hittites) displaced " Amurru " so far as north Palestine is concerned (see Hittites).
It took a decade or two for the new medium to be seen in light of itself, not just in terms of what it displaced.
As we envision a world where machines do more and more work that people used to do, our minds naturally turn to those who would be displaced by technological advance.
The head is violently displaced followed by reflex contraction in the opposite direction.
Water must be displaced from saturated soils in order to reduce the volume of the voids.
The aim of Ockenden is to promote self-reliance for refugees and displaced people.
It is a well planned but shabby town surrounded by the shanty dwellings of displaced desert nomads.
The war has displaced an estimated 1.6 million people in northern Uganda, obliging them to seek refuge in 135 overcrowded and unsanitary camps.
Ground water that is displaced from pocket spaces may also cause issues with resettling compaction and that cannot be undone.
There have been no large studies that look at how the BDI II works for minorities or other sub-populations such as homeless youth or displaced employees.
Rescue organizations and the people connected with them act as the advocates for these displaced, unwanted and abandoned dogs.
Fortunately, Rottweiler rescues are available to help displaced Rotties find a loving, forever home.
Steel-cut flour has no danger of stone particles being chipped and displaced in the flour.
If the child's nose is hit from the side, the bones and cartilage are displaced to the side, but if hit from the front, they are splayed out.
Fractures can be further subdivided by the positions of bony fragments and are described as comminuted, non-displaced, impacted, overriding, angulated, displaced, avulsed, and segmental.
A displaced bony fragment occurs from disruption of normal bone alignment with deformity of these segments separate from one another.
A wisdom tooth may rotate, tilt, or be displaced as it attempts to emerge, and it can become impacted (partially buried) in the gums.
The most common dental trauma is a broken or displaced tooth.
For example, the septum (the cartilage which separates the two nasal cavities from each other) may be slightly displaced (a deviated septum).
Not only does a new baby increase the number children that must share parental attention, newborns are inordinately time consuming, leaving older children to feel they have been displaced and abandoned.
For reasons that are unclear as of 2004, part of the cerebellum is displaced downward into the spinal column.
The exact cause is unknown; however, it is suspected that, at some point during embryonic development, an increased pressure in the brain may cause brain structures to be displaced or moved into the spinal canal.
Children who steal are often expressing displaced feelings of anxiety, rage, or alienation resulting from a disruption in their life, such as a parent's divorce or remarriage.
A displaced worker is not required to have worked for the same employer for the designated time.
Before filing a claim, displaced workers should fully understand the eligibility qualifications.
Displaced workers can accomplish this task by logging onto the state's unemployment website or scheduling an appointment to speak with a caseworker.
Displaced workers should not expect to receive a check any sooner than two weeks after filing a claim.
The designated state agency processes unemployment benefits to displaced workers.
Should a denial of benefits be determined, the displaced worker has the right to appeal the decision by completing the appropriate form either online or in person at the local unemployment office.
In conjunction with filing a claim for unemployment, a displaced worker must also complete documents with the state job services office.
Displaced workers granted unemployment benefits must adhere to all rules governing the acceptance of an unemployment check or risk discontinuation of funds.
Displaced workers can file for a 13-week extension at the end of 26 weeks if still searching for employment.
Applicant cannot have owned a home in the past three years for certain programs, with possible exceptions for displaced homemakers.
Between 20-25,000 people were displaced by the quake, and forced to live in temporary relief encampments of homes built from nearby redwood trees.
Whether we are running a company or a carpool, when we don't take a breather and focus on our non-parent selves, our joy is too often displaced by feelings of resentment and pointless stress.
Some displaced workers take layoffs in stride, but, without the right mental attitude, job-searching efforts are disappointing.
Consider a support group for displaced workers if necessary.
If, for some reason, you are temporarily displaced from the dwelling you rent, renters coverage from Allstate may cover the cost of temporary housing until you can return to your home.
Furry displaced her stupor.
The history of their decline differs from that of the Murabtis, whom they had displaced.
Rivadavia resigned, and Vicente Lopez, a Federalist, was elected to succeed him, but was speedily displaced by Manuel Dorrego (1827), another representative of the same party.
For example, does the heat generated by friction vary as the friction and the time during which it acts, or is it proportional to the friction and the distance through which the rubbing bodies are displaced - that is, to the work done against friction - or does it involve any other conditions?
For overhead travellers in workshops, and for most of the cranes which fall into our second class, electricity as a motive power has already displaced nearly every other method.
This telegraph required six wires, and was shortly afterwards displaced by the single-needle system, still to a large extent used on railway and other less important circuits.
Without being intolerant, the Turks were a rougher and ruder race than the Arabs of Egypt whom they displaced; while the wars between the Fatimites of Egypt and the Abbasids of Bagdad, whose cause was represented by the Seljuks, made Syria (one of the natural battle-grounds of history) into a troubled and unquiet region.
In manufactures and commerce, also, servile gradually displaced free labour.
Lay the compass upon the cardboard, and observe the rate at which its needle vibrates after being displaced from its position of equilibrium; this will vary greatly in different regions.
Both electric and horse traction are used; the latter, however, has been in great part displaced by the former.
The system of Tournefort was for a long time adopted on the continent, but was ultimately displaced by that of Carl von Linne, or Linnaeus (q.v.; 1707-1778).
The city has a Carnegie library, De Veaux College (Protestant Episcopal, chartered in 1853), and Niagara University, a Roman Catholic institution, founded in 1856 by the priests of the Congregation of the Mission and incorporated in 1863 as the Seminary of Our Lady of Angels, a name still used for the theological department, but displaced, since the charter of the university in 1883, by the present name.
He was presently displaced by a thorough reactionary, General Zuloaga, and expelled from Mexico early in 1858; and for three years Mexico was a prey to civil war between two rival governments - the Republicans at Vera Cruz under Juarez, who, as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, succeeded Comonfort; and the reactionaries at the capital.
To obtain growth of an anaerobic organism on the surface of a medium, in using the plate method, and also for cultures in fluids, the air is displaced by an indifferent gas, usually hydrogen.
Now the only high priests who bore this title were the Maccabean, who appear to have assumed it as reviving the order of Melchizedek when they displaced the Zadokite order of Aaron.
North of the morainic belt the effect of the glaciation is seen in the irregular courses of the streams, the numerous lakes and freshwater marshes and the falls and rapids along those streams displaced by the glaciers from their former courses.
A large region was sunken, enormous fissures were opened in the earth, the surface soil was displaced 3 In 1804, the District of Louisiana, in the administrative system of the Territory of Indiana; in 1805, an independent government, renamed the Territory of Louisiana; in 1812, the Territory of Missouri; in 1816, another grade of territorial government.
The lines are broadened (as was already known), the intensity of emission is much increased, but some are weakened and some strengthened, nor is the amount of broadening the same for all lines, nor is it always symmetrical, being sometimes greater on the red side; but besides the effect of unsymmetrical broadening, every line is displaced towards the red; different lines again behave differently, and they may be arranged somewhat roughly in a few groups according to their behaviour; reversals are also effected, and the reversed line does not always correspond with the most intense part of the emission line.
For example, in the iron spectrum three groups about wave-length 4500 are found by Duffield to be displaced respectively 0-17, 0.34, 0.66 tenth-metres, at 100 atmospheres.
By his T inatal (written between October 1854 and April 1855) he laid the foundations for the chronology of Icelandic history, in a series of conclusions that have not been displaced (save by his own additions and corrections), and that justly earned the praise of Jacob Grimm.
It would conceivably take but a small fraction of the period that has in most cases elapsed since such upheavals occurred for the salt water to be thus displaced by fresh water, and for the condition to be attained as regards saturation with fresh water, in which with few exceptions we now find the porous portions of the earth's crust wherever the rainfall exceeds the evaporation.
When the weights which are to be compared are of different metals further complications arise, for the volumes of equal weights of different metals will be different, and therefore the quantity of air displaced by them will be different, and the difference of the weights of air displaced by the two weights must be allowed for.
And the weight of air displaced depends upon the density of the air at the time of weighing, and therefore the barometer reading must be taken.
Then, if we introduce another object anywhere in the series, all those coming after it will be displaced so that each will have the mark formerly attached to the next following; and the last will therefore be 9 instead of 8.
It was admitted that these elements might atrophy, or be displaced, or be otherwise obscured; but their complete and symmetrical disposition was regarded as typical and original.
Meanwhile taxation was heavy, the whole nation was seething with discontent, andwhat was worstno way was visible out of the miserable situation; ministers and councillors were repeatedly displaced, but their successors always proved equally incompetent to find a remedy.
George Grenville, whom the Rockinghams had displaced, and who was bitterly incensed at their formal reversal of his policy, printed a pamphlet to demonstrate his own wisdom and statesmanship. Burke replied in his Observations on a late Publication on the Present State of the Nation (1769), in which he showed for the first time that he had not only as much knowledge of commerce and finance, and as firm a hand, in dealing with figures as Grenville himself, but also a broad, general and luminous way of conceiving and treating politics, in which neither then nor since has he had any rival among English publicists.
The test gas is brought to the stopcock, by means of a fine tube which has been previously filled with water or in which the air has been displaced by running the gas through.
To say "Majuba" and "Gordon" recalls its deepest hurts, but not all of them; and it may be that a pained and angry people, looking back, saw in the man whom they lately displaced more than they had ever seen before.
By comparison with their analogues in the laboratory it can be determined whether, in which direction, and how much, lines of recognized origin are displaced in the spectra of the heavenly bodies.
The law of this motion was such that the phenomena could be represented by supposing the motion to be actually circular and uniform, the apparent variations being explained by the hypothesis that the earth was not situated in the centre of the orbit, but was displaced by an amount about equal to one-twentieth of the radius of the orbit.
Though this process is now largely supplemented, and even displaced, by various rivals, at the time it was brought out it was of enormous industrial importance, since it effected a great cheapening in the price of steel, and led to that material being widely substituted for others which were inferior in almost every respect but that of cost.
The native prairie grasses have been in considerable part displaced by grasses introduced from more humid regions.
He found that as the observer moved to the north or south the axis of the light appeared to be displaced in the direction of the motion, which is the opposite of the effect due to parallax, but in the same sense as the effect of the greater atmospheric absorption of the light on the side nearest the horizon.
Whilst the refracted portion after leaving the plate continues its way in the same direction, displaced a little to one side, the reflected portion is directed into the side tube by a reflectionprism.
When in a compound pistil the style of each carpel is thus displaced, it appears as if the ovary were depressed in the centre, and the style rising from the depression in the midst of the carpels seems to come from the torus.
Hence it is not surprising to find that the early Vascular Cryptograms were, beyond comparison, more varied and more highly organized than their displaced and often degraded successors.
This belief displaced the older one that the nine and a half tribes were still in captivity.
It is written in a peculiar character, .which has displaced, and probably been corrupted from, an old form employed as late as the 17th century.
To this is attached a mirror; hence, if a current goes up one side of a loop and down another, the wires are oppositely displaced in the field.
Our initial euphoria of foiling his ambitions was soon displaced as with passing time reality set in.
Far from being displaced by the digital Panopticon, the ' intellectual commons ' of the Net continues to expand at an exponential rate.
Her features were as soft as her skin, her displaced curls everywhere.