Dispensed Sentence Examples
Pulling open a drawer, he dispensed a spoon, fork and knife for each of them.
Again, if the speed is low and the trains infrequent, the signalling arrangements may be of a very simple and inexpensive kind, or even dispensed with altogether.
Only in the first stormy years of her reign did she summon the diet; after 1764 she dispensed with it altogether.
We are also told that he administered rigid and impartial justice and dispensed royal hospitality.
But rhyme was not attempted, and the syllabic metre of Japan was preserved, the alternation of 5 and 7 being, however, dispensed with.
Your scripts will not be returned from April 2004 dispensed prescriptions.
Next day, Carlstadt, who had laid aside his clerical robes, dispensed the Lord's Supper in the " evangelical fashion."
Firing may be entirely dispensed with, though care must still be exercised in ventilating.
The motive assigned for right doing is individualistic utilitarian - the advantage accruing to the man either through the laws of society or through the rewards dispensed by God.
These apparently retrogressive measures simply amounted to a statesmanlike recognition of the fact that the pagan element was still the strongest force in Lithuania, and could not yet be dispensed with in the coming struggle for nationality.
AdvertisementThe medication is dispensed, either continuously or at certain intervals as determined by the doctor, via a tiny motor in the pump that moves the medication from the pump reservoir through the catheter.
Prescriptions are required for ECPs except in Washington State, where they can be dispensed without a prescription by selected pharmacies, doctors' offices, and hospital emergency rooms.
Gashapon are Japanese toys dispensed in vending machines.
For example, for users who prefer a "wet" rather than dry shave, there's the Philips Norelco 8060X model which features a shaving conditioner (NIVEA for Men) that is dispensed directly onto the skin from the shaver.
They will have a system in place to ensure that medications are dispensed appropriately and can take the necessary steps to help make the experience of attending summer camp a positive one for all the participants.
AdvertisementP g g the emperor Maximilian and Sigismund of Poland, might be dispensed with.
The diet, which had the power of the purse, could not be absolutely dispensed with; but it .was summoned as seldom as possible, the king often preferring to forego his subsidies rather than listen to the unanswerable remonstrances of the estates against the illegalities of his government.
It retained the altar, vestments and lights, but explained that they were not essential and might be dispensed with.
The Marriage Act 1898 dispensed with the necessity of the attendance of a registrar at marriages celebrated at a nonconformist place of worship, substituting in place thereof a person duly authorized by the trustees of the place of worship, if the persons intending to be married so desire; but the parties may, if they wish, still require the presence of the registrar.
No part of a text can be considered exempt from this scrutiny, though for a very large part of it it may be dispensed with.
AdvertisementWe Will Now Show In What Manner This Whole Apparatus Of Methods And Tables May Be Dispensed With, And The Gregorian Calendar Reduced To A Few Simple Formulae Of Easy Computation.
We have already seen that the Chinese as late as the end of the 8th century made voyages with compasses on which but little reliance could be placed; and it may perhaps be assumed that the compasses early used in the East were mostly too imperfect to be of much assistance to navigators, and were therefore often dispensed with on customary routes.
It will even be the same in those cases where, with a volatile solute, the presence of a solvent may be dispensed with, and the solute exist in the same volume as a gas.
If it were removed there arose the further question, should a new enceinte be made at the first line of outer forts, or should an enceinte be dispensed with?
With this object in view, the early improvers of hot-house architecture substituted metal for wood in the construction of the roofs, and for the most part dispensed with back walls; but the conducting power of the metal caused a great irregularity of temperature, which it was found difficult to control; and, notwithstanding the elegance of metallic houses, this circumstance, together with their greater cost, has induced most recent authorities to give the preference to wood.
AdvertisementSide pipes are occasionally dispensed with, heat being obtained by means of slots at the back of the beds, communicating with the chambers.
The parts are, however, sometimes so small that the tongue of the graft is dispensed with, and the two stems simply pared smooth and bound together.
Hitherto since 1842 in all primary schools instruction by the clergy in the Catholic faith was obligatory,children belonging School g g law of to other persuasions being dispensed from attendance.
This production permits a considerable export of coal to the west and south of the empire, but the distance from the coal-fields to the German coast is such that the import of British coal cannot yet be dispensed with (1905, over 7,000,000 tons).
He defended the action of Carlstadt, when he dispensed the Eucharist in an "evangelical fashion."
Cargill next excommunicated the king, Dalziel and Mackenzie, and his followers separated themselves from " the ordinances dispensed by any Presbyterian minister."
At the same time he was in favour of making the creed of the Church as wide as possible - " not narrower than that which is even now the test of its membership, the Apostles' Creed " - and of throwing down all barriers which could be wisely dispensed with to admission to its ministry.
It may be said generally that while Luther insisted on a service in the vernacular, including the singing of German hymns, he considered it best to retain most of the ceremonies, the vestments and the uses of lights on the altar, which had existed in the unreformed church, while he was careful to explain that their retention might be dispensed with if thought necessary.
Great success has also been obtained by " plate-towers " made of stoneware, which allow both the coke-towers and most of the stoneware receivers to be dispensed with.
If the vacuum jacket is silvered inside, radiation also is reduced to such an extent that, if the vacuum is really good, the external ice bath may be dispensed with for the majority of purposes.
This feature, rare in German towns, is due to the fact that Crefeld was always an "open place," and that therefore the circular form of a fortress town could be dispensed with.
The controlling authority, which Octavian himself wielded, could not indeed be safely dispensed with.
More than once at Easter he is said to have had a convenient illness which dispensed him from granting absolution to Louis XIV.
The construction of a second funicular may be dispensed with by the employment of a planimeter, as follows.
Upon this " it was agreed to by the council that he be dispensed with, as several others are."
The rock-salt and cold water circulation can then be dispensed with.
Mill the a priori nature of necessary truth, and by his rules for the construction of conceptions he dispensed with the inductive methods of Mill.
Nevertheless the term, in its dual application of West Turkestan and East or Chinese Turkestan, has long been established, and in default of any better designations cannot very well be dispensed with.
She had always large sums of money to dispose of, and a considerable proportion of this treasure was dispensed in works of charity.
The difference here is that packing is now dispensed with, it being found that bees winter equally well with an outer case giving 12 in.
For the present these names may be dispensed with in favour of their equivalents, the three families Proteolepadidae, Sacculinidae and Lauridae.
This act, which applied to the disjunction and erection of parishes, introduced a simpler form of procedure, and to some extent dispensed with the consent of the heritors, which had been required under the earlier statute.
In the latest constructions of cage presses, the use of bags is entirely dispensed with, a measured-out quantity of seed falling direct into the circular press cage and being separated from the material forming the next cake by a circular plate of sheet iron.
In such cases the evaporation of the ammonia or other refrigerating liquid frequently takes place in the cells themselves, brine being dispensed with.
The final scene became a little farcical toward the end as all matters were dispensed with rather too quickly and the lights dimmed.
By the time we eventually dispensed with our luggage we were all feeling a bit jaded to say the least.
It is then pasteurized to make a sterile product and dispensed into a sealed metal keg.
The product is easily dispensed rather than messing around unscrewing lids.
Under Kemal's presidency, Turkey dispensed with the feudal caliphate structure and embraced secularism as a basic tenet of state policy.
One less concerned with the sell would have dispensed with a largely superfluous chapter on Easter 1916.
The spa waters were and still are available to visitors, dispensed by tap from elaborate marble urns.
The reports which they furnish help to determine the distribution of the moneys dispensed by the state in the form of siibventions to agriculturar l The chief breeds of horses are the Boulonnais (heavy draught).
The serfs were liberated entirely from the arbitrary rule of the landowners and became proprietors of the communal land; the old tribunals which could be justly described as " dens of iniquity and incompetence," were replaced by civil and criminal lawcourts of the French type, in which justice was dispensed by trained jurists according to codified legislation, and from which the traditional bribery and corruption were rigidly excluded; and the administration of local affairs - roads, schools, hospitals, &c. - was entrusted to provincial and district councils freely elected by all classes of the population.
The conversion of the posterior end of the simple individual into a sexual region is dispensed with; but from a preanal budding segment a series of sexual buds are produced.
The disk is dispensed with, and the percussion cap is exploded by the impact of a leaden weight running on a cord.
To secure the greatest possible influx of light, some horticulturists recommend curvilinear roofs; but the superiority of these is largely due to the absence of rafters, which may also be dispensed with in plain roofs.
Under Kemal 's presidency, Turkey dispensed with the feudal caliphate structure and embraced secularism as a basic tenet of state policy.
Coffee specialities can be dispensed from the same machine.
During Use Plastic or polystyrene cups from drinks vending machines usually end-up in the bin within minutes of being dispensed.
The mark III dispensed with the sliding wheelhouse roof but instead provided a forward cockpit with front door to the saloon.
A customer tries to withdraw cash from an ATM but no cash is dispensed.
In the Muslim wedding celebration, what we consider as traditional wedding vows are dispensed with altogether.
For the first series of Celebrity Fit Club, Marisa Peer served as psychologist while Dr. David Katz dispensed the medical advice.
If you take Trazodone for depression or anxiety, you may know that of all the trazodone side effects, insomnia is not commonly mentioned when the medication is dispensed.
I am also a licensed optician and sold and dispensed eyewear, so the transition was a comfortable move for me.
The original Langstroth hive was single-walled, held ten frames (size 174 by 9 in.), and had a deep roof, made to cover a case of small honey boxes like the sections now in use; but the cumbersome projecting porch and sides, made to support the roof, are now dispensed with, and the number of frames reduced to eight.
Whites store on a refrigerator shelf, and the wine is dispensed through a spigot on the front of the box.
Even she would have had trouble working with something so little, but his big hands dispensed with the job in short order.
With another form of gas stove coke is used in place of the perforated asbestos; the fire is started with the gas, which, when the coke is well alight, may be dispensed with, and the fire kept up with coke in the usual way.
The appointment of cures rested with the bishops and had to be confirmed by the government, but this confirmation is now dispensed with.
Bishops were further dispensed from swearing fealty tc the king, though, except in Rome and suburbs, the choice of bishop1 was limited to ecclesiastics of Italian nationality.
Egyptian inscriptions indicate that the physician-priests sent their prescriptions to be dispensed by the priests of Isis when, accompanied by the chanter of incantations and spells, they visited the sick'.
Where the number of pharmacies is limited by law prescriptions may only be dispensed at these establishments.
In some cases, however, as for example in the ducal palace itself, if the clay appeared sufficiently firm, the piles were dispensed with and the foundations went up directly from the oak platform which rested immediately on the clay.
The last two are sometimes indicated by particles or auxiliary verbs; but these are generally dispensed with if the meaning is sufficiently plain without them.
They, however, had no confidence in the arch, which, as the Hindu says, "never sleeps but is always tending to its own destruction," so that the pointed arch, which had almost become the emblem of the Mahommedan religion, had to be dispensed with for the covered aisles which surrounded the great court, and in the triple entrance gateway the form of an arch only was retained, as it was constructed with horizontal courses of masonry for the haunches, and with long slabs of stone resting one against the other at the top. A similar construction was employed in the great mosque at Ajmere, built A.D.1200-1211at the same time as the Delhi mosque.
These accessories are indispensable if it be proposed to solve the problems usually propounded in books on the " use of the globes," but can be dispensed with if the globe is to serve only as a map of the world.
Yet Matthias never dispensed with the diet.
In observing the bands he received them at first upon a screen of finely ground glass, upon which a magnifying lens was focused; but it soon appeared that the ground glass could be dispensed with, the diffraction pattern being viewed in the same way as the image formed by the object-glass of a telescope is viewed through the eye-piece.
Towards the end of the 17th century appeared an English medical reformer who sided with none of these schools, but may be said in some respects to have surpassed and dispensed with them.
It can be considerably shortened, the two vessels A and B brought more closely together, and the somewhat objectionable india-rubber tube be dispensed with, if we connect the air-space in B with an ordinary air pump, and by means of it do the greater part of the sucking and the whole of the lifting work.
By the adoption of this system in one large plantation in the West Indies, crushing upwards of 1200 tons of canes per day, the labour of sixty-four hands was dispensed with, and was thus made available for employment in the fields.
In later patterns, the sight is automatic pure and simple, the lever is rigidly attached to the rocking-bar, and the range scale and gear for raising the sights dispensed with, much as shown in fig.
The charter of liberties and privileges was approved by the duke, but before the news of this reached its authors the duke became King James II., and in 1686, when a frame of government for New York as a royal province was provided, the assembly was dispensed with.
At first he professed to rule only with the advice of a council formed of the nobles, but when his power became established he dispensed with this show of republican government, and then gave himself the appearance of a legitimate title by protecting an impostor who professed to be the caliph Hisham II.
The lens may then be also dispensed with, and the whole collimator becomes unnecessary if the luminous source is narrow and at a great distance, as for instance in the case of the crescent of the sun near the second and third contact of a total solar eclipse.
In later times the mound itself was frequently dispensed with, and the interments made within the enclosure of a trench, a vallum or a circle of standing stones.
By this method the operation of steeping is entirely dispensed with, and the flax is, immediately after pulling, spread on the grass where it is under the influence of air, sunlight, night-dews and rain.
Enrolment ceased to be obligatory, lasted only for a year, and the limit of age was dispensed with.