Disowned Sentence Examples
My father disowned me and cast out my mother and me.
Thus it was either not mentioned or disowned by Cyril of Jerusalem, Chrysostom, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Theodoret and Amphilochus of Iconium.
His patron, Lord Oxford, disowned him, and the poet, whose health was failing, retired to Bath.
Amos and his successors accepted the old ideal of prophecy if they disowned the class which pretended to embody it.
But the Sicilians, with Frederick at their head, disowned the agreement, and in 1296 Frederick was crowned king.
He quarrelled with and was disowned by his family.
There he disowned the sermons of the pardonsellers, let it be seen that he did not approve of the action of the Legate, and so prevailed with Luther that the latter promised to write a submissive letter to the pope, to exhort people to reverence the Roman See, to say that Indulgences were useful to remit canonical penances, and to promise to write no more on the matter unless he happened to be attacked.
After three years' tenure of office Jason was supplanted by the Benjamite Menelaus, who disowned Judaism entirely.
The nihilism of Gorgias from the Eleatic point of view of bare identity, and the speechlessness of Cratylus from the Heraclitean ground of absolute difference, are alike disowned.
I heard they disowned mom after she married Dad.
AdvertisementHe was also publicly disowned by SLP president Arthur Scargill.
Good team solidarity was shown by Ben, Simon and Sam who immediately disowned Little Chris.
The story was that Beth had been seduced by a family friend, who had then disowned her and gone back to his wife.
The girl eventually repays his kindness by looking after him when he falls ill and is promptly disowned by his employers.
Inayat Bunglawala, media spokesperson for the MCB, has disowned the MCB's advisor on equality issues, Muhammed Aziz.
AdvertisementInayat Bunglawala, media spokesperson for the MCB, has disowned the MCB 's advisor on equality issues, Muhammed Aziz.
Perls believed that dreams were reflecting the rejected, disowned parts of the dreamer.
Born to a wealthy merchant family, she'd been disowned when it became known what kind of deformed child she bore.
He received the rudiments of his education at the monastery of Caltagirone in Sicily, but was expelled from it for misconduct and disowned by his relations.
The club disowned Danton and Desmoulins and attacked Robespierre for his "moderation," but the new insurrection which it attempted failed, and its leaders were guillotined on the 24th of March 1794, from which date nothing is known of the club.
AdvertisementA document was published in London purporting to be a "Declaration of Mr Alexander Henderson made upon his Death-bed "; and, although this paper was disowned, denounced and shown to be false in the General Assembly of August 1648, the document was used by Clarendon as giving the impression that Henderson had recanted.
He is the father of the church's science; he is the founder of a theology which was brought to perfection in the 4th and 5th centuries, and which still retained the stamp of his genius when in the 6th century it disowned its author.
He is therefore a Chasid of the ancient type, and glorifies the ideals which were cherished by the old Pharisaic party, but which were now being fast disowned in favour of a more active role in the political life of the nation.
Hope Smith, the governor of Cape Coast, disowned the treaty, as betraying the interests of the natives under British protection.
He disowned his legates, who had shown a tendency to yield, again excommunicated Photius, and thus aroused the open hostility which has never been appeased to this day.
AdvertisementIt is probable that the name was given to the followers of Wycliffe because they resembled those offshoots from the great Franciscan movement which had disowned the pope's authority and set before themselves the ideal of Evangelical poverty.
They were eventually disowned by the more reputable Jansenists, and were severely repressed by the police.
This threw the whole church party on to the side of Matilda; even Henry, bishop of Winchester, the kings own brother, disowned him and passed over to the other side.