Disobeys Sentence Examples
When I give an order, no one disobeys me.
This is the one matter in which she disobeys him.
Go. Remind Jared what happens if he disobeys me.
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When I give an order, no one disobeys me.
This is the one matter in which she disobeys him.
Go. Remind Jared what happens if he disobeys me.
The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com.
An exclamation point is a punctuation mark that shows emphasis or emotion in a written sentence. It looks like a period with a vertical line over it: !
Like periods and question marks, exclamation points are end punctuation marks — they go at the ends of sentences to change the tone of a sentence.
Verbs describe an action. That makes sense, right? Without them, we wouldn't know whether Victoria vanished into the mist or simply vacated through the garden gate. Most verbs take the subject of the sentence (in this case, Victoria) and mobilize it into some form of action. Of course, there are other types of verbs (such as helping and linking verbs) and there's more of that to come. In the meantime, enjoy this voluminous list of verbs that start with "v."