Dismantling Sentence Examples
The dismantling of the forts in question has now been carried out.
That famous city lost all except its religious importance under the Ptolemies; after the dcstruction or dismantling by Lathyrus it formed only a series of villages.
After a long halt there he advanced (August 20), and gaining rapid successes, occupied Kabul (September 15), where Nott, after retaking and dismantling Ghazni, joined him two days later.
Some damage was also inflicted on it in 1813, when Napoleon made it the centre of his operations; one of the buttresses and two arches of the old bridge were then blown up. The dismantling of the fortifications had been begun by the French in, 810, and was gradually completed after 1817, the space occupied by them being appropriated to gardens and promenades.
He mentions the uproar of the victors in the Temple; the dismantling of the walls; the exile of king and princes (verses i-9).
He worked dismantling pipes lagged with asbestos and on land removing asbestos lagging.
Sub-Lieutenant Babington had experimented with the dismantling of all types of bombs and had worked on the first suspended parachute magnetic mines.
Karma Sutra were given the full- on treatment by the customs ie Strip search dismantling the van all in all a 6 hour ordeal!
She is currently conducting research using an upright piano, which she has been dismantling over a period of weeks.
The tardy introduction of representative democracy there by Britain provided an excuse for the dismantling of much of what was formerly in place.
AdvertisementDismantling Ironwork is often fastened together with riveted, or tenoned joints.
This will require more work on your part, as you would be dismantling the phone and possibly voiding the warranty.
You can find easy-to-replace parts or even parts that require the dismantling of the microwave.
Dealerships must make you aware that fifty dollars of the either $3,500 or $4,500 they receive will be utilized towards dismantling or crushing your clunker trade in.
Dean finished dismantling the tree, cleaning up the remaining detritus of the holidays and packing away the delicate figures of a manger scene.
AdvertisementThe dismantling of its fortifications began in 1760, but fragments of the old walls remain.
A body of Catalans, under Roger Florus, established themselves here in 1306, and after the death of their leader massacred almost all the citizens; they were vainly besieged by the allied troops of Venice and the Empire, and withdrew in 1307, after dismantling the fortifications.
They did this by marginalizing the interests of the indigenous poor and dismantling the faltering hegemony of an Anglo-Irish ascendancy.
I began by carefully dismantling the broken case and glued the broken wooden bezel with hidden dowels for strength.
He worked dismantling pipes lagged with asbestos and on land removing asbestos lagged with asbestos and on land removing asbestos lagging.
AdvertisementIt was stipulated that the dismantling should be controlled by a technical commission of three officers of foreign nationality, to be chosen, one by each of the contracting powers and the third by the two officers thus appointed, or, in default of an agreement on their part, by the president of the Swiss Confederation.