Dismal Sentence Examples
Cultivation does not begin till the limits of this dismal region are passed.
The proposed rising was a dismal failure, but the Habeas Corpus Act was suspended and Thistlewood and Watson were seized, although upon being tried they were acquitted.
The last six or seven weeks have been truly dismal.
The weather here was pretty dismal - the photos are not fit for display!
Dismal Swamp, on the border of North Carolina and Virginia, is the largest example.
The name of the former convent of St Ursula has earned a dismal reputation far beyond the Spanish frontier.
Despite the dismal outlook for children of divorce, there is hope.
On the Coastal Plain the cypress grows in the Dismal Swamp, river birch along the streams, and sweet gum and black gum in swampy woods.
Unfortunately, the dismal economy forced the end of overnight cruising on the Mississippi in 2008.
Some of these were well made and exciting to play, while others were dismal failures and a waste of money.
AdvertisementMarshy soils are found along the lowest portions of the Coastal Plain, and are exceedingly productive wherever reclaimed by draining, as in portions of the Dismal Swamp. Other portions of the Coastal Plain afford more valuable soils, sandy loams overlying sandy clays.
In his rebellion against the sweetness of Swedish convention he proved himself somewhat indifferent to beauty of form, returned to " early national " types of versification, and concentrated his attention on dismal and distressing conditions of life.
Despite the dismal surroundings Cy's band drew an enormous following from, initially, art school students with a distinctly Bohemian bent.
Needless to say the reaction to most of the material played from this album is rather dismal.
However, a quiz on history or geography would yield equally dismal results among the general population.
AdvertisementAnd he will not have seen a great deal to worry him in what was fairly dismal spectacle.
I had intended paying into our joint mortgage, as the value of stocks and shares is so dismal.
I would appreciate any replies or advice as things seem very dismal at this time.
The redcoats were cut down and their bodies fell into the dismal swamp on either side of the narrow gangplank.
So we only groped through the dismal labyrinth of St. Callixtus, under the Church of St. Sebastian.
AdvertisementSaints dismal form continues as they lost two nil to Rangers at McDiarmid Park on Wednesday evening.
The morale in this far reaching outpost of the empire was dismal.
After last week's dismal showing against Doncaster, outfield changes are inevitable.
He glanced to windward where the squall already whitened the near sea and heralded its coming with a singular and dismal sound.
In 1856 she published Dred; a Tale of the Dismal Swamp, in which she threw the weight of her argument on the deterioration of a society resting on a slave basis.
AdvertisementOn the other hand, Thorold Rogers, not to speak of earlier objectors, described the law as a " dismal and absurd theorem."
In the prose romance Les Prouesses et vaillances du preux Hercule (Paris, 1500), the hero's labours are represented as having been performed in honour of a Boeotian princess; Pluto is a king dwelling in a dismal castle; the Fates are duennas watching Proserpine; the entrance to Pluto's castle is watched by the giant Cerberus.
The more dismal, the more savage, the more hopeless a spot appeared, the more did it please their rigid mood.
It is served by the Norfolk & Southern, and the Suffolk & Carolina railways, and is on the Dismal Swamp and Albemarle & Chesapeake canals.
The consequent loosening of the ties between the individual provinces of the Church and the Apostolic See, combined with the capricious policy of the court at Avignon, which often regarded nothing but personal .and family interests, accelerated the decay of the ecclesiastical organism, and justified the most dismal forebodings for the future.
In the S.E., where the low, flat Coastal Plain is poorly drained, is the Great Dismal Swamp, a fresh-water marsh covering 700 sq.
The six years at Berlin were a dismal period in the life of Schopenhauer.
After last week 's dismal showing against Doncaster, outfield changes are inevitable.
After her arrests, her 2007 I Know Who Killed Me grossed a dismal $3.5 million in its opening weekend.
The reaction to the machine was dismal as it lacked exposure and widespread marketing.
They decorated with evergreen branches to remind themselves that life continued even during the dismal winter months.
While most of the media dismissed the show as a dismal failure due to its ridiculous concept, many viewers felt that it was all in good fun.
Settings remain mostly the same in Prisoner of Azkaban, the dismal Dursley home, the enchanting castle and grounds of Hogwarts, but a few new places have been placed to act as symbols of the growth of the story.
From the Elizabeth river on which Norfolk is situated lead the Albemarle & Chesapeake Canal and the Dismal Swamp Canal, which connect with the waters of Albemarle Sound.
The first campaign, however, which he conducted in person was a dismal failure; the Turks followed the Austrian army, disorganized by disease, across the Danube, and though the transference of the command to the veteran marshal Loudon somewhat retrieved the initial disasters, his successes were more than counterbalanced by the alliance, concluded on the 3 1st of January 1790, between Prussia and Turkey.
The Japanese, much as I think they are dismal, depressed little geeks, are not thoughtless, rapacious idiots.
Garrick practically ceased to act in 1766, but he continued the management of Drury Lane, and in 1769 organized the Shakespeare celebrations at Stratford-on-Avon, an undertaking which ended in dismal failure, though he composed an " Ode upon dedicating a building and erecting a Statue to Shakespeare " on the occasion.
Forest reserves were established on the Dismal river in 1902 and millions of seedlings had been grown by 1906 for transplantation in Nebraska and other states t.
The weakness of the government in dealing with the strike riots caused a feeling of profound dissatisfaction, and the so-called experiment of liberty, conducted with the object of conciliating the extreme parties, proved a dismal failure.
When railways were first started in England dismal prophecies were made that the end of hunting would speedily be brought about.
This the present writer is inclined to doubt, considering that he has received examples of the normal Amblystoma tigrinum from various parts of Mexico, and that Alfred Duges has described an Amblystoma from mountains near Mexico City; at the same time he feels very suspicious of the various statements to that effect which have appeared in so many works, and rather disposed to make light of the ingenious theories launched by biological speculators who have never set foot in Mexico, especially Weismann's picture of the dismal condition of the salt-incrusted surroundings which were supposed to have hemmed in the axolotl - the brackish Lago de Texcoco, the largest of the lakes near Mexico, being evidently in the philosopher's mind.
Those in which the foundations of modern Europe were laid, which produced parliaments, cathedrals, cities, Dante and Chaucer, were grouped alike on one dismal level and christened the middle ages.
Projecting into these sounds and between the estuaries of rivers flowing into them are extensive tracts of swamp land - the best known of these is Dismal Swamp, which lies mostly in Virginia and is about 3 o m.
They are, however, though antique and interesting, somewhat dismal and unsavoury.
The story of the next few years is but a dismal record of aggression and of reprisals leading to fresh aggression.
The revolution of July in the same year was a terrible blow to him, and filled him with the most dismal anticipations of the future of Europe.
Thus, with the succession uncertain, with the Turk at the very door, with the prospect, dismal at the best, of a long minority, the political outlook was both embarrassing and perilous.
Two streams, the Katli and Ghaggar, attempt to flow through this dismal region, but are lost in its sands.
According to Pindar, she imitated on the flute the dismal wail of the two surviving Gorgons after the death of Medusa.