Dislikes Sentence Examples
Personal dislikes all kind or a that 's still terrific he said.
It will grow on a dry sandy soil, dislikes much moisture, and needs no shade.
For these are the things that use to raise dislikes abroad.
This will incur the wrath of the MCP, which dislikes him poking around in its memory.
Flynn's hacking incurs the wrath of the MCP, which dislikes him poking around in its memory.
Believe it or not, it doesn't take long for children to develop very specific likes and dislikes.
Your child is going to grow and his or her likes and dislikes will also change.
You should know enough about the people in your wedding party to know their likes and dislikes, but that doesn't make it any easier.
Try not to send themed items if you not sure of the couples likes and dislikes.
By spending time with her, you will learn about her interests, likes and dislikes.
AdvertisementYou can watch your sweetheart look over the items and he or she will be more likely to talk about likes and dislikes.
Girls are special, and they have their own likes and dislikes when it comes to games and fun.
Let your likes, dislikes, eating style, and lifestyle guide you.
When you take the time to live with your kitty or cat, get to know their personality, their likes and dislikes.
First, scary books must have strong characters whom the reader likes or dislikes from the first page.
AdvertisementWill you be able to work closely with them and communicate all of your likes and dislikes effectively?
Sometimes, kids do change their likes and dislikes over the course of a year, so stay on top of their preferences.
Since every teenager has different likes and dislikes, his or her idea of what is fun and what is not fun will be different from other teens.
As you and your fiancée plan your honeymoon destination, you need to consider your likes and dislikes.
Ask the representative why she chose that curriculum for her family, what she likes best, and even what she dislikes.
AdvertisementLearn about his/her likes, dislikes and interests, even if you don't share all of the same views.
Start any future relationship off on the right foot by being completely honest about your likes, dislikes, and interests.
If there is a close relative who dislikes the fiancé, invite the person to the party as a way to extend an olive branch on the condition that she comes without judgement.
He dislikes discord and finds loud boisterous people to be obnoxious and uncouth.
When buying lingerie for your significant other, keep his likes and dislikes in mind.
AdvertisementHave the radio on your spouse's favorite station when he or she gets home, or do a household task you know your partner dislikes.
Couples often have distinct tastes in music that may be different from each other, and they also want to take into consideration the likes and dislikes of their guests.
Even when you know your child's likes and dislikes, you can still be surprised by her choices.
Don't try to purchase something she will not want to wear a week later - instead, embrace all of the options available and find something uniquely appropriate to your child's like and dislikes.
What your daughter likes and dislikes, where you will be spending your day, how much you want to spend on a dress, and where to make your final purchase are all things that you'll need to think about well in advance.
Once you've figured out your child's likes and dislikes (or you at least have an idea of what he or she is looking for), the two of you can set out on your quest for the perfect jeans at the perfect price.
Talk with her about her likes and dislikes before you hit the clothing racks, then have fun shopping together!
It is a rampant grower, and will take care of itself even in arable crops, but it dislikes heavy and cold soils.
It thrives in exposed positions in the rock garden in a moist, free, and sandy loam; dislikes limestone.
It dislikes shade, preferring a warm sunny position, being especially happy when planted by the margin of a lake, pond, or stream, where cooling conditions obtain, but where the roots or crowns are not submerged.
Your likes, dislikes, color choices, time available and interests should guide your own unique garden style.
Therefore the likes and dislikes of the other person needs to be considered when planning the design.
This tendency leaves children developmentally deprived, because imaginative and fantasy play allows children to explore their world and express their innermost thoughts and feelings, hopes and fears, likes and dislikes.
Children in all age groups learn that aggressive behavior is a powerful way to communicate their wishes or deal with their likes and dislikes.
When deciding what type of position to apply for, think about your likes and dislikes and look for a job that matches your interests and preferences.
Try to watch them from the beginning to notice and encourage differences in likes and dislikes.
Like most children, your twins may switch likes and dislikes as they get older.
Knowing the likes and dislikes of a gift recipient can help, but consider buying outside of a child's interests in order to spark kids' creativity.
Keep in mind the child's likes and dislikes, and ask around work or with friends who have kids that age to find out what the "it" items of the moment are.
Instead of focusing on showing your love by spending a certain dollar amount, try to pick presents that show you understand the recipient's likes and dislikes.
Above all, the gift should be chosen with careful consideration of the recipient and their likes, dislikes, and personality, and the gift should be relevant to what they would find funny, not necessarily what makes you chuckle.
Let the talks be open and allow each person to voice their own opinion, their likes and dislikes, sort of like a counseling session for ghouls.
You can begin with match makers by filling out your free profile, basically an outline about your self, your likes and dislikes, and a photo if you choose.
Don't try to fit your relationship and your likes and dislikes into anyone else's idea of what's "romantic."
He takes me anywhere I want to go and does everything for me, but then he says we are just getting the chance to know one another and understanding what each other likes and dislikes.
If all else fails, you could ask her best friends, I am sure they would have some ideas about her likes and dislikes.
So if you say something to a woman and she doesn't respond, it may not mean that she dislikes you in particular, it may just mean that she's not in a flirtatious mood.
In many ways, unusual engagement rings can be even more meaningful because they are often chosen after careful consideration of the recipient's likes and dislikes.
Therefore getting a good idea of likes and dislikes before starting is useful.
Before you put pen to paper, however, spend time researching different types of engagement rings and determining your likes and dislikes.
Making a scrapbook of your likes and dislikes will help the jeweler better know you and what type of design you hope to create.
It features a magnetic closure, which is a great detail for anyone who dislikes dealing with fussy zippers and going through a whole process to find something in her bag.
The planets that astrologers turn to for romantic matters are Venus and Mars; Mars rules energy, particularly sexual energy, and Venus rules romantic likes and dislikes.
Virgos are typically great at remembering important dates and their partner's likes and dislikes.
A girl as young as three years old may develop strong likes and dislikes when it comes to color, fabric textures, styles, and trims.
Even more impressive, Allysen is fully programmable and actually "remembers" details about her young friend, such as nicknames, hobbies, likes, and dislikes.
As your baby grows and begins to sit up, crawl, and even stand, his likes and dislikes will certainly change.
If your child is in or near this age range, you've probably already discovered her likes and dislikes when it comes to gift ideas for kids.
Of course, age, developmental stage and likes and dislikes should always considered.
Think about your child's likes and dislikes before you begin shopping.
The possibilities for business ideas for kids are endless and truly depend on your child's personality, likes, dislikes, and skills, but here are our top three money making ideas for kids.
Regardless of how many times the commercials say "fun for the whole family!" the fact is that playing is like eating - everybody has their favorites, and their dislikes.
Sometimes, however, it was also her dislikes and texture preferences that challenged me to be more creative, to figure out how to make a vegetable appeal to kids.
Fans can be very passionate in their likes and dislikes, it is important to recognize that characters are either loved or hated and that feelings about a character should not be transferred to the poster.
The members of the SoapZone community are very passionate about their likes and dislikes.
If your child dislikes the clock for any reason, it's better to find an alternative.
There you can also discover how unique people's tastes are, since people compare their likes and dislikes with the food.
Also factor in your individual needs, health, likes, and dislikes before embarking on a plan.
The company also dislikes calling it the "Subway Diet" as they refer to it in their literature as the "Jared Diet".
The generator creates menus for you, based on a combination of the diet rules, your likes and dislikes, and what the program's marketers refer to as "fat burning compatible" foods.
However, if you prefer a diet tailored to your unique likes, dislikes, and medical needs, you should consult a nutritionist.
Whether you join a gym, hire a personal trainer or start a yoga program be sure to take your personal skill levels, likes and dislikes into account.
A plan custom-tailored to your body type, challenges, likes, dislikes and exercise needs can help you in many ways.
Have students write their autobiography telling about their family, their likes, their dislikes and school.
There are plenty of recipes to choose from, and you can adapt the recipes to your own family's tastes, likes and dislikes.
Sure, keep that special someone in your life in mind, but if you buy based on their likes and dislikes and not your own, you may end up spending a bunch of money on something you don't feel comfortable or sexy wearing.
With so many songs released, it may be hard to pin down a set amount of songs to be considered "the best", and since each fan has their own opinion on what songs he or she likes and dislikes, the listings can vary.
In order to plan a 16th birthday party, you have to consider the likes and dislikes of your teen.
Obviously, you don't have to plan the whole evening around these likes and dislikes, but it's always good to attempt to think ahead.
Sabato, Jr.'s mother dislikes Tully and formed an alliance with another contestant, Christi Shake, to try and dig up unflattering information about Tully.
It starts with an original concept and grows into a full-fledged individual with a history, likes, dislikes, flaws and strengths.
Each of these elven races have certain characteristics, behaviors, likes and dislikes that set them apart from other elves.
MySpace enabled users to show the world through personal profiles all of their likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests and preferences.
They are designed to ask questions that will help people learn more about your likes, dislikes and other qualities.
The restaurant staff is extensive in its knowledge of the food and wine and will take the time to speak to you about your likes and dislikes in order to create a meal that is really personalized for you.
The result is a comparative table of likes and dislikes.
He had some odd dislikes, and could find nothing in Aristophanes, Cervantes, Shelley, Scott, Miss Austen, Dickens.
In the main, however, the kings personal likes and dislikes mattered little to the realm, since he had a comparatively small share in its governance.
So Hume insists emphatically on the " reality of moral obligation "; but is found to mean no more by this than the real existence of the likes and dislikes that human beings feel for each other's qualities.
Personal dislikes all kind or a that's still terrific he said.
You know that old Prince Nicholas much dislikes his son's marrying.
I enjoy helping children overcome fears and dislikes so that they no longer abhor many of the fun things in life.
Your toddler is learning to express her likes and dislikes, and she can do this loudly.
Before choosing a preschool for your child, think about your child's personality, needs, insecurities, likes, and dislikes.
You should be able to read a bit about each child though, including favorite hobbies, likes and dislikes, academic ability, and any health or special needs issues.
Gift baskets allow you to customize so that each and every item you place into the basket is geared toward a child's likes, dislikes, wants, needs, and/or desires.
Putting together bits and pieces of information will help you get a better picture of their likes and dislikes.
If your child is naturally curious, has a sense of independence, and dislikes strict rules, she may fail in a strict school environment.
If she's a toddler, your mission will be far easier than it will be for a tween, who has already formed likes and dislikes.
If you or your child dislikes the game, there is no money lost.
These experiments have shown that Arthropods also have their likes and dislikes in the matter of insect-food and frequently refuse to eat insects which are warningly coloured and are distasteful to vertebrated enemies.