Disks Sentence Examples
The planets were shown to have visible disks, and to be attended by satellites whose distance and position angle relative to the planet it was desirable to measure.
The disks and granules constitute a very powerful microphone.
What you should look for is a system operating and recovery disks.
Scanning protection includes all internal hard drives, emails, email attachments and boot scanning; and removable media including floppies, CDs Optical disks and external hard drives.
Save costs by buying a dumbbell bar and separate weighted disks to customize your dumbbell workout.
The hiking trail is marked with red disks and is also open to bikers and dogs.
The imaginal disks make their appearance (that is, have been first detected) at very different epochs in the life; their absolute origin has been but little investigated.
Hence we are inclined to look on the imaginal disks as cellular areas that possess in a latent condition the powers of growth and development that exist in the embryo, powers that only become evident in certain special conditions of the organism.
The change from an exopterygote to an endopterygote development could, therefore, be brought about by the gradual postponement to a later and later instar of the appearance of the wing-rudiments outside the body, and their correlated growth inwards as imaginal disks.
Whether in the Metanemertines, where the blood fluid is often provided with haemoglobiniferous disks, the chief functions of the side organs may not rather be a sensory one needs further investigation.
AdvertisementIf the angular interval between the components of a double star were equal to twice that expressed in equation (15) above, the central disks of the diffraction patterns would be just in contact.
The diminution of the star disks with increasing aperture was observed by Sir William Herschel, and in 1823 Fraunhofer formulated the law of inverse proportionality.
At other parts of the field the effect is the same, in accordance with the principle known as Babinet's, whether the imaginary screen in front of the object-glass is generally transparent but studded with a number of opaque circular disks, or is generally opaque but perforated with corresponding apertures.
In his experiments upon this subject Fraunhofer employed plates of glass dusted over with lycopodium, or studded with small metallic disks of uniform size; and he found that the diameters of the rings were proportional to the length of the waves and inversely as the diameter of the disks.
Fraunhofer; the latter ultimately attained considerable success and produced telescope disks up to 28 centimetres (II in.) diameter.
AdvertisementIn 1848 Bontemps was obliged to leave France for political reasons and came to England, where he initiated the optical glass manufacture at Chance's glass works near Birmingham, and this firm ultimately attained a considerable reputation in the production of optical glass, especially of large disks for telescope objectives.
From the large masses great lenses and mirrors may be produced, while the smaller pieces are used for the production of the disks and slabs of moderate size, in which the optical glass of commerce is usually supplied.
The price, however, rapidly increases with the total bulk of perfect glass required in one piece, so that large disks of glass suitable for telescope objectives of wide aperture, or blocks for large prisms, become exceedingly costly.
It is also recorded that pierced silver disks were suspended by chains and supported glass lamps " wrought by fire."
Normandy glass was made from glass circles or disks.
AdvertisementRound disks made of these substances were placed in a closely fitting cylindrical cavity drilled in a block of steel, the cavity having a circular aperture of two or four centimetres below.
By an hydraulic press a pressure of 100,000 kilos was made to act upon the disks, when the metal was seen to "flow" out of the hole like a viscid liquid.
Slicers used to be constructed with iron disks about 33 to 40 in.
Instead of the small slicers, machines made on the same principle, but with disks 7 ft.
The "rod-and-disk" form of Sidney Young is a series of disks mounted on a central spindle and surrounded by a slightly wider tube.
AdvertisementGold can be readily welded cold; the finely divided metal, in the state in which it is precipitated from solution, may be compressed between dies into disks or medals.
The transparency of sea-water has frequently been measured at sea by the simple expedient of sinking white-painted disks and noting the depth at which they become invisible as the measure of the transparency of the water.
Of the Mexican and Central American sculpture and architecture a competent judge says that Yucatan and the southern states of Mexico are not rich in sculptures, apart from architecture; but in the valley of Mexico the human figure, animal forms, fanciful life motives in endless variety, were embodied in masks, yokes, tablets, calendars, cylinders, disks, boxes, vases and ornaments.
Zirconia, when heated to whiteness, remains unfused, and radiates a fine white light, which suggested its utilization for making incandescent gas mantles; and, in the form of disks, as a substitute for the lime-cylinders ordinarily employed in "limelight."
Square pieces of metal were also cut from cast bars, converted into round disks by hammering and then struck between dies.
Olivier introduced screw presses for striking coins, together with rolls for reducing the cast bars and machines for punching-out round disks from flattened sheets of metal, in Paris in 1553.
When the fillet FF is brought above the holes, the cutters descend and force disks of metal through the holes.
The disks fall down the tube G to a receptacle on the floor.
From Phoenicia this naturally became the main Punic unit; a bronze weight from Iol (18), marked 100, gives a drachma of 56 or 57 (224-228); and a Punic inscription (18) names 28 drachmae = 25 Attic, and therefore 57 to 59 grains (228-236); while a probably later series of 8 marble disks from Carthage (44) show 208, but vary from 197 to 234.
But the last-mentioned type varies greatly, from rude and almost plain disks of bronze to magnificent gold specimens studded with gems. No.
The first experiment which he has recorded was the construction of a voltaic pile with seven halfpence, seven disks of sheet zinc, and six pieces of paper moistened with salt water.
The lofty brick campanile (789-824) is among the earliest in Italy, and is decorated with coloured majolica disks.
Let A and C be two fixed disks, and B a disk which can be brought at will within a very short distance of either A or C. Let us suppose all the plates to be equal, and let the capacities of A and C in presence of B be each equal to p, and the coefficient of induction between A and B, or C and B, be q.
Let us also suppose that the plates A and C are so distant from each other that there is no mutual influence, and that p' is the capacity of one of the disks when it stands alone.
If the distance between the disks could be made infinitely small each time, then the multiplier r would be 2, and the charge would be doubled each time.
Varley also constructed a multiple form of influence machine having six rotating disks, each having a number of carriers and rotating between field plates.
These glass disks carry on them a certain number (not less than 16 or 20) tin-foil carriers which may or may not have brass buttons upon them.
As therefore the disks revolve, these carriers travel in opposite directions, coming at intervals in opposition to each other.
Each upright bearing carrying the shafts of the revolving disks also carries a neutralizing conductor or wire ending in a little brush of gilt thread.
After a few revolutions of the disks half the studs on the front plate at any moment are charged negatively and half positively and the same on the back plate, the neutralizing wires forming the boundary between the positively and negatively charged studs.
The electromotive force is practically constant no matter what the velocity of the disks, but according to some observers the internal resistance decreases as the velocity increases.
For rock drills, and revolving saws for stone cutting, either diamond, bort or carbonado is employed, set in steel tubes, disks or bands.
The disks were 10 cms. in diam., and nearly 2 cms. thick, plated with copper to a thickness of 2 mm.
The design of these entrance gateways is extremely simple and massive, depending for their effect on the fine ashlar masonry in which they are built, the decoration being more or less confined to ornamental disks.
The large weights of ounces and pounds are disks or cuboid blocks; they are dated from 720 to 785 for the lesser, and to A.D.
In Polysiphonia they cover the joints of the so-called leaves; in Chondria they arise on flattened disks; in the more massive forms they arise in patches on the ordinary surface; in a few cases (Gracilaria, Corallina, Galaxaura) they line the walls of conceptacle-like depressions.
The leaf-cutter bees (Megachile) - which differ from Andrena and Halictus and agree with Osmia, Apis and Bombus in having elongate tongues - cut neat circular disks from leaves, using them for lining the cells of their underground nests.
The reflecting telescope became the only available tool of the astronomer when great light grasp was requisite, as the difficulty of procuring disks of glass (especially of flint glass) of suitable purity and homogeneity limited the dimensions of the achromatic telescope.
It was in vain that the French Academy of Sciences offered prizes for perfect disks of optical flint glass.
Some of the best chemists and most enterprising glass-manufacturers exerted their utmost efforts without succeeding in producing perfect disks of more than 31 in.
All the large disks were crossed by striae, or were otherwise deficient in the necessary homogeneity and purity.
Consequently, for a certain focal length, much deeper curves must be resorted to if the new glasses are to be employed; this means not only greater difficulties in workmanship, but also greater thickness of glass, which militates against the chance of obtaining large disks quite free from striae and perfect in their state of annealing.
The use of disks of majolica may be noted in the decoration of the exterior.
Any other convenient figure may be assumed for the path of contact, and the corresponding forms of the teeth found by determining what curves a point T, moving along the assumed path of contact, will trace on two disks rotating round the centres of the wheels with angular velocities bearing that relation to the component velocity of T along TI, which is given by Principle II.
A wheel thus formed resembles in shape a series of equal and similar toothed disks placed side by s de, with the teeth of each a little behind those of the preceding isk.
Ci, C1 are the axes of the two parallel shafts; Di, D2 two disks facing each other, fixed on the ends of the two shafts FIG.
Cavendish measured the capacity of disks and condensers of various forms, and proved that the capacity of a Leyden pane is proportional to the surface of the tinfoil and inversely as the thickness of the glass.
Volta showed, however, that if a series of bodies of the first class, such as disks of various metals, are placed in contact, the potential difference between the first and the last is just the same as if they are immediately in contact.
If, however, pairs of metallic disks, made, say, of zinc and copper, are alternated with disks of cloth wetted with a conductor of the second class, such, for instance, as dilute acid or any electrolyte, then the effect of the feeble potential difference between one pair of copper and zinc disks is added to that of the potential difference between the next pair, and thus by a sufficiently long series of pairs any required difference of potential can be accumulated.
Ultimately they sink to the bottom and fix themselves to shells, stones or other objects, and rapidly take on the appearance of minute oysters, forming white disks 2 o in.
He then, by means of rings of iron-wire, disks and other contrivances, altered the form of certain parts of the,surface of the oil.
Now consider a portion of a cylindric film of length x terminated by two equal disks of radius r and containing a certain volume of air.
Let one of these disks be made to approach the other by a small quantity dx.
The film will swell out into the convex part of an unduloid, having its largest section midway between the disks, and we have to determine whether the internal pressure will be greater or less than before.
If A 1, C 1 are the disks, so that the distance between them is less than irr, the curve must be produced beyond the disks before it is at its mean distance from the axis.
If, on the other hand, the disks are at A2 and C2, so that the distance between them is greater than 7rr, the curve will reach its mean distance from the axis before it reaches the disks.
Hence if one of the disks be made to approach the other, the internal pressure will be increased if the distance between the disks is less than half the circumference of either, and the pressure will be diminished if the distance is greater than this quantity.
In the same way we may show that if the distance between the disks is increased, the pressure will be diminished or increased according as the distance is less or more than half the circumference of either.
Now let us consider a cylindric film contained between two equal fixed disks A and B, and let a third disk, C, be placed midway between.
If, however, the circular ends of the catenoid are closed with solid disks, so that the volume of air contained between these disks and the film is determinate, the film will be in stable equilibrium however large a portion of the catenary it may consist of.
It was remodelled in 1488, and has a facade decorated with disks of majolica.
They practise tattooing, and show Papuan influence by distending the ear-lobes by the insertion of wooden disks.
The energy which the sun pours out into space is, so far as we know, and except for the minute fraction intercepted by the disks of the planets (ii?oooo") absolutely lost for the pur.
Certain American forms, however, which are preserved as stellate groups, have been interpreted as complex umbrella-shaped colonial stocks, individuals of a still higher order (synrhabdosomes), composed of a number of biserial polyparies (each having a sicula at its outer extremity) attached by their nemacauli to a common centre of origin, which is provided with two disks, a swimming bladder and a ring of capsules.
Wheeled carts were also known; the wheels were often probably only solid disks, though spoked wheels were used for chariots.
So long as these bodies could be known to men only as points or disks of light in the sky, no such science was possible.
Some of the species are thoroughly aquatic and have fully webbed toes, others are terrestrial, except during the breeding season, others are adapted for burrowing, by means of the much-enlarged and sharp-edged tubercle at the base of the inner toe, whilst not a few have the tips of the digits dilated into disks by which they are able to climb on trees.
Embolomeri, with the centra and intercentra equally developed disks, of which there are thus two to each neural arch; these disks perforated in the middle for the passage of the notochord.
C. Labyrinthodonta, with simple biconcave vertebral disks, very slightly pierced by a remnant of the notochord and supporting the loosely articulated neural arch.
The twenty-two episodes of season four are fit onto six disks and look absolutely impeccable in their letterbox format.
Many are surrounded by disks from which they still accrete mass.
Finally, if the infalling gas has too much angular momentum it cannot form circumstellar disks and all goes into a circumbinary disk.
This fabulous 1960s bangle is made from seven lemon yellow celluloid disks strung together.
The lifting platforms are supplemented with an extensive range of disks, dumbbells and fixed weight barbells.
We now have 16 additional hard disks to install on the 16 node Beowulf.
Upon inspection of the DVDs, local Police found a number of pornographic disks including bestiality.
The most significant improvement in the sound was the elimination of the low burble you always get with LV disks.
Since high-speed CD-RW disks require a high-speed burner, it's best to be sure about your burner's abilities before buying media.
The Atlantic Sprint features large 260 mm diameter front disks with a triple parallel piston floating caliper and a 220 mm rear disk.
Further more, braking performance was also much improved, by the fitment ventilated front disks and 4-piston brake calipers.
Two 260 mm front disks with floating calipers are assisted by a powerful 240 mm rear disk.
Twin four-piston calipers operate on the front 308mm disks with a single-piston caliper on the rear 220mm disk.
At the front I will use the largest vented disks I can fit with 4 pot alloy calipers.
It is not possible to take requests for compact disks, videos or spoken word cassettes which are not in stock.
It can usefully be applied to cases of suspected spinal cord compression which often results from spinal tumors or from slipped disks.
The young stars may be surrounded by disks of dusty material which might eventually congeal into planets.
Their ears, frightfully distended, held dangling to them disks of wood and plates of gum copal.
The disks were then played back in a broad cross section of DVD players, recorders and DVD-ROM drives from all leading brands.
Many cases, such as slipped disks, are best treated by surgical techniques involving spinal cord decompression.
Blu-ray promises disks with 50GB of storage, which means nine hours of high-definition storage or 23 hours of standard definition storage or 23 hours of standard def.
There are fifteen white disks, fifteen black disks, two dice, two dice shakers and a doubling cube.
Hirofumi Ogawa rewrote chunks of the FAT (DOS/Windows fs) code base and made the larger magneto optical disks work.
Two IDE disks also need to go off for ftp.linux.org.uk.
Current models suggest they are launched centrifugally from the accretion disks that surround these stars.
No longer will the secrets of ' filestores ' and ' zip disks ' remain a mystery!
I've never watched a 3 disk DVD that actually needed 3 disks.
Once you are started, the official documents will guide you to such esoterica as audio, bootable, multisession and hybrid disks.
It featured quick release wheels, floating front disks and a carbon fiber fairing - all very trick.
A stamper can be clearly seen fitted to the top mold in preparation for the production of picture disks.
Copy all the files needed to run your questions onto one or more blank floppy disks.
Other scholars have suggested that they are sun disks, as there was not enough freeboard for shields if the boat was paddled.
Gb of data from the HEASARC website - that's 200,000 floppy disks worth of data!
Several miles away, two brightly gleaming disks were circling at high speed.
Frequent, automatic backups We've all got huge hard disks now with plenty of space for as many backups as anyone could need.
You need fast, large hard disks, lots of processing power, and a good motherboard and chipset.
Floppy disks or an external hard disk can be used to back up this data, or to create your own data library.
Can't say I see much point in cable disks, if you're going for fancy brakes might as well get hydraulics.
Other dry powder inhalers will have the medication either in disks or in the device itself.
These disks look very insipid on the Philips player in RGB.
It also contains listings for all our recent compact disks, which can be bought directly from the Choir for just £ 12.
The Iomega Hip Zip uses little floppy disks, about an inch and a half square, and can store 40 megabytes of data.
They started as large disks up to 20 inches in diameter holding just a few megabytes.
Moments later, one of the disks put on a ' burst of speed ' and quickly outdistanced its pursuers.
Place the modified plasmid into a dish containing leaf disks cut from the plant to be modified.
This set presents the complete Psalter in sonic form on twelve compact disks.
He has recorded over thirty disks with other artists and ensembles and made three solo recordings.
Your best choice is to take recourse of the contrast disks.
Newport Pagnell URC presents Desert Island Disks with Castaway Adrian Boynton Thursday 16 November at 7.30 pm in the newly redeveloped Church.
Finally I can hear Pauline's voice saying ' have you got all the disks that you need?
And with three disks full of tracks, where can you begin to pick an standout.
Don't forget to back files up onto floppy disks or a tape streamer.
We investigate the stability of self-gravitating accretion disks using three-dimensional, global, smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) simulations.
Chloroplasts are made up of stacks of thylakoid disks; a stack of thylakoid disks; a stack of thylakoid disks is called a granum.
Disks of different sizes break up the mosaic tiling.
These are followed by the shallow working disks on the X-Press which create a fine surface tilth.
You are then in an almost totally useless shell from where you can trash your disks in a variety of interesting ways.
Pour some shallot sauce around disks and sprinkle with bacon vinaigrette.
A program of wheelset changes to replace worn out brake disks was due to be completed by April 2003.
The purpose of his paper was to show that if the axis, by which the observer imparts motion to the slide on which the travelling web is mounted, is provided with two disks at its extremities, so that the observer can use the thumb and finger of both hands in rotating it, there is no difficulty, after a little practice, in keeping the web constantly bisecting the star in transit, and that with a little practice the mean of the absolute errors in following the star becomes nearly zero.
The movements of the pollen-masses may readily be seen with the naked eye by thrusting the point of a needle into the base of the anther, when the disks adhere to the needle as they would do to the antenna of an insect, and may be withdrawn.
At the end of the annealing process the glass issues in the shape of disks or slabs slightly larger than required by the optician in each case.
The abrasion is effected by pressing the glass against the edge of wheels, or disks, of hard material revolving on horizontal spindles.
These are bronze disks, one side polished to serve as a reflector, and the back ornamented with engraved outline drawings, often of great beauty (see Gerhard, Etruskische Spiegel, 1843-1867).
This led him about 1799 to devise his famous voltaic pile consisting of disks of copper and zinc or other metals with wet cloth placed between the pairs.
It was so light that he could see the moonlight reflected from the metal harness disks and from the eyes of the horses, who looked round in alarm at the noisy party under the shadow of the porch roof.
It is a disk utility used primarily for repartitioning disks.
Finally I can hear Pauline 's voice saying ' have you got all the disks that you need?
Brakes are excellent, being dual circuit and servo assisted with front disks on 1600, and self-adjusting drums at the rear.
Make sure targets do not have any sharp edges to injure players or damage disks.
Shellac disks (78's) should be dried as quickly as possible to avoid the laminate lifting.
Mounted specimens are ground with rotating disks of abrasive paper, for example wet silicon carbide paper.
When viruses started mainly floppy disks (sneaker net) transmitted them !
There has been a spate of thefts of road tax disks from cars in our area.
Cut out 8 disks of the sponge cake using a circular cutter.
Most of the work is done at night, the spreaders fitted with disks specially modified to distribute salt or grit.
Leukotriene B4, thromboxane B2 and inflammatory products also have been discovered within herniated human disks after surgery.
Chloroplasts are made up of stacks of thylakoid disks; a stack of thylakoid disks is called a granum.
It is your responsibility to ensure your CD is readable before submission, and unreadable disks will not be marked.
The brakes are ventilated disks with 4 pot calipers and the suspension is double wishbone with coil over shocks.
Try searching for a newer version on the Internet or copying the file from your Workbench disks.
Don't forget soothing compact disks and educational videos or dvd's.
Region 5 includes the former Soviet Union, India and the rest of Africa, *Region 6 disks work in China.
If you have some old programs that are not on CDs, or if you use other computers that use floppy disks and you may need to transfer files between them, consider getting a floppy drive as well.
Disc naming capability - Allows you to name your stored disks into the system so you can filter through your massive CD collection and find the music you would like to listen to.
If you are buying the computer used from a private owner then you should consider asking him or her to provide you with the necessary operating system disks.
Without the disks you will not be able to adequately operate the computer.
While it was more of a video-type camera that could capture still images, the Mavica used CCD technology to save low-resolution images to two-inch floppy disks.
Another way to make edible cake leaves is to melt candy disks.
You may choose to shape your leaves by rolling a dough recipe out and using cookie cutters; or simply melt the disks into candy molds.
The special domed treat disks are inserted into the side of a rubber ring to create a tasty ball that is fun to play with and has a dog pleasing flavor.
Because the format for almost all PC games is the same (CD's or Floppy Disks for really old titles) any computer that is powerful enough can play any title available.
Owners of the original Nintendo DS systems very often had trouble keeping track of their game cartridges because these small square disks were so tiny and easy to misplace.
Vehicles you encounter are small, heavy-duty army trucks to floating disks that take you over poisonous or toxic areas.
Each of those disks can hold up to 50GB of data, giving the game makers a lot more room for bigger, better and more in depth titles for the hardcore gaming crowd.
Four polished, black granite disks, one for each student killed.
A switch on the machine's body activates the blades and disks.
Due to the exposure to computers at a young age, kids as young as five years old are able to turn on computers, put in educational disks, and start the programs on their own.
The space enclosed between the front and rear faces of the box is filled about three-quarters full of finely granulated hard carbon, which therefore lies in contact with the front and rear carbon disks of the apparatus, and also fills up the space lying between the lower edge of these disks and the curved surface of the case.
The current from the battery passes from one of the carbon disks to the other through the particles of granulated carbon which fill the space between them.
Later those pads fuse with the anterior end of the centrum of the vertebra to which they belong; where the vertebral column is rendered inflexible, the disks are ossified with the centra and all trace of them is lost.
The red blood-corpuscles are invariably oval disks, with a central nucleus which causes a slight swelling; hence they are oval and biconvex.
The campanile (850-878) is circular, and has perhaps the earliest example of the use of disks of coloured majolica as a decoration.
In other insects the imaginal disks are less completely disconnected from the superficies of the larval hypodermis, and may indeed be merely patches thereof.
The number of imaginal disks in an individual is large, upwards of sixty having been discovered to take part in the formation of the outer body of a fly.
The imaginal disks for the outer wall of the body, some of them, at any rate, include mesodermal rudiments (from which the muscles are developed) as well as hypodermis.
Two pairs of invaginations of B the skin, which originally are called the prostomial and metastomial disks, grow round the intestine, finally fuse together, and form the skin and mus- cular body-wall of the future Nemertine, which afterwards becomes ciliated, frees itself from the pilidium investment and develops into the adult worm without further metamorphosis.
Nevertheless, disks of optical glass, both crown and flint, have been produced up to 39 in.
You probably have fond memories of your old Walkman that played cassette tapes and compact disks.
System operation disks probably won't be offered because most of the time these disks have been lost.
These centres of renovation are called imaginal disks or folds.