Disjunction Sentence Examples
Where there has been a union or disjunction and erection of parishes the evidence of the boundaries is the relative statute, order in council, or decree of commission or of court of teinds.
The process is to take as far as possible the form of a continuous disjunction of contraries.
Seats, seat rents, pews, the union and disjunction of parishes and formation of district parishes are of secular jurisdiction.
The dialectical doctrine of judgment as the declaration of one member of a disjunction by contradiction, which is later so important, is struggling with one of its initial difficulties, 2 viz.
The institutional culture and the relationship between problem-based learning and other components of the curriculum affected the extent to which disabling disjunction occurred.
This act, which applied to the disjunction and erection of parishes, introduced a simpler form of procedure, and to some extent dispensed with the consent of the heritors, which had been required under the earlier statute.
But taking the equivalent step of using just the common defining features to represent a disjunction is not valid.
Right panel shows a disjunction for two categories having adjacent ranges for two different dimensions.
Awareness of radical disjunction sometimes surfaces spontaneously and unlooked for.
No sublittoral populations became bleached and there was often a clear disjunction between littoral bleached and sublittoral unbleached plants.
AdvertisementThe first point Carey makes, is the complete disjunction of the art world from that of day-to-day life.
He alone is capable of truth in the due conjunction or disjunction of names in propositions.