Disinfectant Sentence Examples
The faint smell of disinfectant soap was washed away by expensive cologne.
A solution of the crude salt is used as a disinfectant under the name of "Condy's fluid."
When sulphur is burned in air or oxygen, sulphur dioxide is produced, which is a powerful disinfectant, used to fumigate rooms which have been occupied by persons suffering from some infectious disease.
Its principal action is as an antiseptic and disinfectant.
Corrosive sublimate in an acid solution is the best disinfectant, but sulphuric acid, 1 in 250, is efficient and cheaper.
Use only approved and quality disinfectant solutions.
They produce a whole range from washing up liquid, toilet cleaner, polish, washing powder, to disinfectant.
It is almost insoluble in water, is miscible with absolute alcohol and ether, and dissolves sulphur, phosphorus, resins and caoutchouc. On exposure to the air it dries to a solid resin, and absorbing oxygen gives off ozone - a reaction utilized in the disinfectant called "Sanitas."
Solid waste All contaminated glass or plastic must be soaked in disinfectant for a period of several hours.
Handle, seat, trap should be wiped with a damp cloth soaked in a solution of disinfectant eg.
AdvertisementStep 9 The milker then sprays the cows teats with a mild disinfectant to prevent any germs entering the teats.
Additional Disinfection To prevent recontamination of trays during handling, the use of residual acting disinfectant in the rinse water is recommended eg.
It is an insecticide, disinfectant, germicide, fungicide, deodorant, bactericide and bacteriostatic all-in-one.
Vinegar is safe, works as a disinfectant, and neutralizes urine odors.
Tea tree oil makes a great household cleaner and disinfectant.
AdvertisementSwine flu cleaning procedures involve aggressive use of cleaning solutions and disinfectant on all touchable surfaces.
You will need to bring a suitable disinfectant with you.
In the spring, clean them with a 10 percent bleach solution or other disinfectant before using them in the garden.
Ozone is used therapeutically as a disinfectant and oxidative agent.
There's no need to worry, however, as bromamines are actually a disinfectant in their own right and are capable of killing bacteria.
AdvertisementAll of them deodorize, disinfectant and clean with the help of products that you likely already have around the house.
If you're concerned, check the label on the disinfectant.
Medicated soaps for external use are only employed in cases of skin ailments, as prophylactic washes and as disinfectant soaps.
Header tanks and pipelines need to be regularly cleaned and disinfected with a non-tainting disinfected with a non-tainting disinfectant.
For control select a disinfectant with proven activity against Salmonella.
AdvertisementThen use a soft brush or cloth to apply disinfectant (Virkon S) to all possible areas.
The effect of insufficient disinfection is illustrated, together with the effects of high pH values causing reduced effectiveness of a residual disinfectant.
The hutch should be kept clean and cleaned at least once a week with a mild disinfectant.
A broad spectrum, proven activity disinfectant should be used.
Use a broad-spectrum disinfectant active against viruses, bacteria, fungi and other pathogen organisms (Virkon® S ).
The broad spectrum disinfectant Virkon S meets the needs.
Virkon S may also be used as a skin disinfectant.
All river water was to be filtered and have iodine added as a disinfectant.
Used as a surface disinfectant, Mold and Mildew Control Spray also neutralizes odors, by killing the microorganisms that cause them.
The aura of disinfectant, mingled with the light stench of stale urine wafted through the air.
Oxygen may be applied locally as a disinfectant to foul and diseased surfaces by the use of the peroxide of hydrogen, which readily parts with its oxygen; a solution of hydrogen peroxide therefore forms a valuable spray in diphtheria, tonsillitis, laryngeal tuberculosis and ozaena.
Surprisingly, the results showed that Virkon was the only disinfectant to completely inactivate the parvovirus.
Avoid spraying electric motors, extension leads, circuit breakers etc. - wipe down with a rag soaked in disinfectant.
Clean and disinfect the toilet, toilet flush, taps and door handle regularly with a disinfectant.
Thus it is liable to cause a cutaneous erythema in the course of its excretion by the skin; it has a marked diuretic action; and it is a fairly efficient disinfectant of the urinary passages.
Witch hazel is a natural acne fighter because it acts as a disinfectant to kill acne-causing bacteria without the irritation associated with some traditional acne medications.
The vehicle contained a roll of gauze and Dean bound his own stiffening leg after spreading a disinfectant on the oozing abrasion.
Used externally it is an antiseptic and disinfectant, and is used 5 to 10% in ointments in the treatment of chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema of a sub-acute character.