Disguised Sentence Examples
The Athenian empire again was a thinly disguised autocracy.
Pilate came up to Jerusalem and dispersed the petitioners by means of disguised soldiers armed with clubs.
The very names of the islands indicate their nature, for the terminal a or ay is the Norse ey, meaning "island," which is scarcely disguised even in the words Pomona and Hoy.
My bet is she disguised herself as you—that's why Shipton said your name to Jake Weller!
There also exists in two manuscripts a short poem, La Folie Tristan, relating how Tristan, disguised as a fool, visits the court of King Mark.
Smearing with gypsum (Tiravos, titanos) had a similar purifying effect, and it has been suggested that the Titans were no more than old-world votaries who had so disguised themselves.
One of her riders urged his horse into a canter and approached, while she halted her horse, disguised among the men.
On leaving Egypt he travelled by land to the Persian Gulf, disguised as a Mameluke, visiting Damascus, and entering the great mosque undetected.
The root appears more or less disguised in a vast number of river names all over the Celtic area in Europe.
We parallel it with the Arthurian story, and hold that, just as there was probably a real Arthur, however different from the hero of the trouveres, so there was a real Hood, however now enlarged and disguised by the accretions of legend.
AdvertisementIn 1859, however, he entered the city disguised as a carter, and, through the influence of Humboldt with the king, got permission to stay there.
Disguised as a groom, he started on the 18th of August with only two gentlemen to make his way to the Highlands.
The large powers granted to the king under the new constitution displeased the Liberals, who saw in its provision only a disguised form of personal government.
The voice sounded nervous to Dean, and perhaps disguised.
Mrs. M`Donnell - who was but sixteen - escaped to the British fleet disguised as a midshipman, carrying a basket of vegetables in which her baby was hidden.
AdvertisementThe present structure, which dates from 1347, has its Gothic character disguised by a classical facade with Ionic pillars and much tasteless modernization.
In the subsequent years Mantineia still found opportunity to give the Athenians covert help, and during the Corinthian War (394387) scarcely disguised its sympathy with the anti-Spartan league.
In 1773 (Dec. 16) a party of citizens, disguised as Indians and instigated by popular meetings, boarded some tea-ships in the harbour of Boston, and to prevent the landing of their taxable cargoes threw them into the sea; this incident is known in history as the " Boston tea-party."
On the 12th of December 1859 the M`Lean-Juarez treaty was concluded, which gave the United States a sort of disguised protectorate over Mexico, with certain rights of way for railroads over the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and between the Rio Grande and Pacific. The American Senate, however, did not ratify the treaty, and a motion for its reconsideration late in 1860 came to nothing, owing to the approach of the War of Secession.
Once ordained bishop of Edessa, with the connivance of Theodora, James, disguised as a ragged beggar (whence his name Baradaeus, Syriac Burdeana, Arabic alBar adia), traversed these regions preaching, teaching and ordaining new clergy to the number, it is said, of 80,000.
AdvertisementMany of my stories are set in thinly disguised London locations.
At a later period he tried to abdicate again, and his wife had to keep him in a species of disguised confinement.
Marryat's first attempt was somewhat severely criticized from an artistic point of view, and he was accused of gratifying private grudges by introducing real personages too thinly disguised; and as he attributed some of his own adventures to Frank Mildmay he was rather shocked to learn that readers identified him with that disagreeable character.
The first article declared that " The high contracting parties engage to take such measures as shall constitute an absolute and complete guarantee that no open or disguised bounty shall be granted on the manufacture or exportation of sugar."
There is a tradition that on one occasion the abbot of Beverley, anxious to investigate the case for himself, visited Mother Shipton's cottage disguised, and that no sooner had he knocked than the old woman called out "Come in, Mr Abbot, for you are not so much disguised but the fox may be seen through the sheep's skin."
AdvertisementIt was published in 1670, anonymously, printer and place of publication being likewise disguised (Hamburgi apud Heinricum Kiinraht).
Many of the rioters were disguised as women and were on horseback; each band was led by a captain called "Rebecca," his followers being, known as "her daughters."
Even then he set forth as his own his brother's solutionpurposely disguised.
The object of Charles's indulgence was disguised; the object of James's indulgence was patent.
Though he disguised himeif, he was detected by his old enemy and imprisoned.
This was a cleverly disguised swimming pool area with dry ice giving a very nice effect.
Children are often most receptive to education when it is disguised as a hands-on game.
Cynthia gave a not-too-well disguised harrumph and left the kitchen for the dining room with a plate full of breakfast.
All of the weapons controllers had been taken from their positions all over the world and placed here, disguised as lesser systems.
A table had been placed in the middle, and Jonathan sat at it, disguised as a man with graying hair.
Toy compares Barnebo, "son of Nebo," of which he regards Barnabas as a slightly disguised form (Jewish Encyclopaedia).
This lady, after many romantic adventures disguised in male attire, married a man called O'Gallagher and died in poverty on the continent.
Justice is executed, and taboos, feasts, taxes, &c., arranged by a mysterious disguised figure, the duk-duk.
My bet is she disguised herself as you—that's why Shipton said your name to Jake Weller!
Robert Fortune disguised himself as an Asian to evade capture and brought back Pom pom chrysanthemums.
What set them apart was the harsh edge that barely disguised accents brought.
At its most fanatical this was outright xenophobia disguised under a sheen of scientific legitimacy.
The wonderful thing is that the waterer is disguised as a present, and we have several different designs that match any home décor or Christmas decorating theme.
Shakespeare's women often disguised themselves as men, allowing for some costume creativity.
Learning must be disguised in clever, interactive kids PC games.
Midir, using his magic, disguised the two of them as swans and flew away with Etain.
But the Abbe Huc states that William Moorcroft, an Englishman who made a journey into Tibet in the neighbourhood of Lake Manasarowar in 1812, and another into Kashgar in 1824, lived in Lhasa for twelve years disguised as a Mussulman.
Disguised in female attire and aided by a passport obtained by the devoted Flora Macdonald, he passed through Skye and parted from his gallant conductress at Portree.
The old initiative and self-reliance of the nation, already shaken by years of disaster, were now completely undermined, and the people submitted without show of resistance to a theocracy disguised as absolute monarchy.
Their primitive beauty is not marred by any attempt to force them into an historical mould, or disguised beneath an accumulation of the insipid inventions of later times.
The latter offers a cannibal-meal to the disguised God, who turns him into a wolf for his sins; and the later Arcadian ritual in honour of this God betrays a hint of lycanthropy; some one who partook of the sacrifice or who swam across a certain lake was supposed to be transformed into a wolf for a certain time.4 Robertson Smith 5 was the first to propose that we have here the traces of an ancient totemistic sacrifice of a wolf-clan, who offered the " theanthropic " animal " the man-wolf " to the wolf-God.
In 1296, by the bull Clericis laicos, the pope forbade the levying of taxes, however disguised, on the clergy without his consent.
In the Comus, sive Phagesiposia Cimmeria; Somnium (1608, and at Oxford, 1634), a moral allegory by a Dutch author, Hendrik van der Putten, or Erycius Puteanus, the conception is more nearly akin to Milton's, and Comus is a being whose enticements are more disguised and delicate than those of Jonson's deity.
She is said to have persuaded him of the divine character of her commission by discovering him though disguised in the crowd of his courtiers, and by reassuring him regarding his secret doubts as to his legitimacy.
His posthumous History of the Interdict was printed at Venice the year after his death, with the disguised imprint of Lyons.
But except on rare occasions he allowed his power to be disguised under the old machinery of the medieval monarchy, and made no parade of his autocracy.
But it cannot be disguised that Burke had thoroughly persuaded himself that it was indispensable in the interests of English freedom to strengthen the party hostile to the court.
She escaped on the 3rd of June 161 disguised in man's clothing, and succeeded in getting on board a ship bound for Calais.
In the Peloponnesian legends, another suitor of Daphne, Leucippus, son of Oenomaiis of Pisa, disguised himself as a girl and joined her companions.
These Christian communities, disguised under the legally authorized name of burial societies, gradually formed a vast secret cosmopolitan association, superimposed upon Roman society but incompatible with the Empire.
In the Angevin Vendee the incapable leaders let themselves be beaten at Aubiers, Beauprau and Thouars, at a time when Cathelineau was taking possession of Saumur and threatening Nantes, the capture of which would have permitted the insurgents in La Vende to join those of Brittany and receive provisions from England; Meanwhile, the remnants of the Girondin federalists were overcome by the disguised royalists, who had aroused the whole of the Rhne valley from Lyons to Marseilles, had called in the Sardinians, and handed over the fleet and the arsenal at Toulon to the English, whilst Paoli left Corsica at their disposal.
Any tendency to listen to liberal counsels was denounced by them as weakness and met by demands for the restoration of the Inquisition and by the organization of absolutist demonstrations, and even revolts, such as that which broke out in Catalonia in 1828, organized by the supreme junta set up at Manresa, with the object of freeing the king from the disguised Liberals who swayed him.
In the council of Five Hundred, Bourdon belonged to the party of "Clichyens," composed of disguised royalists, against whom the directors made the coup d'etat of the 18th Fructidor.
The payment of blackmail, disguised as presents er ransoms, did not always secure safety with these faithless barbarians.
What little talent he'd possessed, he disguised in hard work and determination until he'd risen to his zenith—mediocrity.
She disguised her beauty as an old man, a ragged peasant, and no one paid heed as she carefully moved up the narrow pathway until she finally reached the edge of the cliff and sighted the spot where Jership the Terrible had secured his line.
What is disguised as patriotism is nothing more than racial bigotry and arrogance and unfortunately the English are the worst offenders.
Aspirin Cufflinks Perfect also for television playboys to slip fizzy knockout powder into an archenemy's drink while badly disguised as a waiter... .
Robert Fortune disguised himself as an Asian to evade capture and brought back pom Pom pom chrysanthemums.
I can equally say that misguided attempts to elevate risk to disguised trade protectionism cut no ice with me.
With cleverly disguised serving, Tony followed up with fast attacking topspin from both flanks and Peter looked to be beaten.
Be warned, however, that road surfaces are variable and potentially treacherous after heavy rain when potholes may be disguised.
An escaped lunatic disguised -even from the audience - begins to take his unsuspecting victims, one by one.
In their war dances, which were only rehearsals, they disguised themselves as animals, and the pantomime was a mimic hunt.
The Lombard chronicler tells a romantic tale of the way in which Authari sought his bride from Garibald, duke of the Bavarians, how he went incognito in the embassy to judge of her attractions, and how she recognized her disguised suitor.
Where vandalism to new trees is likely, it may be best to start by planting willow pegs, disguised among uncut grass.
Many people find that that bubble-dome type cameras are the most anesthetically pleasing for their purposes, while others prefer "spy"-type cameras that are disguised as other objects.
There's a chance the popup message isn't a legit system query at all, but rather works like a cleverly disguised ad that interprets any click as approval to install something malicious on your system.
Often disguised as drawers, the trundle bed slides easily out from under the daybed and back in again, saving a lot of space while providing extra sleeping space for guests or children.
For example, if you have to find a bowl or a spear, having a visual of exactly what that bowl or spear looks like makes finding the cleverly disguised items easier as they blend into a detailed background scene.
Bynes also starred in the 2006 comedy She's the Man, where she disguised herself as a boy to play on a soccer team.
The hair loss may be disguised by wearing wigs, hats, scarves or hair clips, or by applying make-up or even by tattooing.
There are other loans that are similar to equity loans, or are equity loans disguised as creative mortgage financing.
Playing up your best assets and being secure in the idea that the things you like least about your body are disguised will instantly give you confidence and boost your sex appeal.
From the early poetry fragments of Sappho, an ancient poet from the isle of Lesbos, stories about love between lesbians has always been present somewhere, even if marginalized, disguised, or ignored.
You don't have to be the parent of a struggling student to appreciate the usefulness of math games; even kids who do well in the subject will find something they enjoy in these drills disguised as fun.
Of course, all of these learning experiences are cleverly disguised as hands-on play areas designed to stretch the child's thinking.
Klaatu is disturbed by the warlike nature of the humans and escapes the hospital disguised as Major Carpenter.
Further, if the Sabbaths fell on each 7th day through the year, any indication by dated documents of a falling off in the number of transactions on the 7th day of the month must obviously be completely disguised.
The Tea Act of 1773 was defied by the emptying into the harbour of three cargoes of tea on the 16th of December 1773, by a party of citizens disguised as Indians, after the people in town-meeting had exhausted every effort, through a period of weeks, to procure the return of the tea-ships to England.
In 1686 his famous allegory of Rome and Geneva, slightly disguised as the rival princesses Mreo and Eenegu, in the Relation de file de Borneo, gave proof of his daring in religious matters.
It was natural that Francis, who from a very early age had been in the habit of writing occasionally to the newspapers, should be eager to take an active part in the discussion, though his position as a government official made it necessary that his intervention should be carefully disguised.
To prevent his going to the siege of Troy, Thetis disguised him in female apparel, and hid him among the maidens at the court of King Lycomedes in Scyros; but Odysseus, coming to.the island in the disguise of a pedlar, spread his wares, including a spear and shield, before the king's daughters, among whom was Achilles.
The American trading vessels of that period were supposed to be excluded by the navigation laws from commerce with the British West Indian Islands, though with the concealed or very slightly disguised assistance of the planters, they engaged in a good deal of contraband commerce.
But in that year Lombe of Derby, disguised as a common workman, and obtaining entrance as such into one of the Italian throwing mills, made drawings of the machinery used for this process.
In view of the scarcely disguised ambitions and intrigues of the Austrian court, Montgelas now believed that the interests of Bavaria lay in a frank alliance with the French republic; he succeeded in overcoming the reluctance of Maximilian Joseph; and, on the 24th of August, a separate treaty of peace and alliance with France was signed at Paris.
He was concealed, disguised as a woman, in the palace of Lycomedes, king of the island, when his mother wished to keep him back from the Trojan War; he was discovered there by Odysseus, and gladly accompanied him to Troy.
Especially is this true as its Greek terminology was translated into Latin, and from Latin came into modern languages - the original meaning being obscured or disguised, and the original issues forgotten.
On the 3rd of November he reached Cawnpore, and on the 12th marched upon Lucknow under the guidance of Thomas Henry Kavanagh, who had made his way from the residency disguised as a native for that purpose.
How do we know it is not our own selfish desires disguised by the unconscious into seemingly altruistic motives?
The educational element is so cunningly disguised in the games and puzzles that the children are unaware how much they are learning.
Also aboard is a heavily disguised Detective-Inspector Coutts who's on the track of a jewel thief named Joe Banks.
Compensation is regarded as morally acceptable, while a bribe, however politely disguised as a cash inducement, is a matter for outrage.
For some weeks he was concealed in the city and in Wapping; but, finding the schemes for a rising hang fire, he went to Harwich, disguised as a Presbyterian minister, and after a week's delay, during which he was in imminent risk of discovery, if indeed, as is probable, his escape was not winked at by the government, he sailed to Holland on the 28th of November 1682, and reached Amsterdam in the beginning of December.
The reader who is not familiar with the eccentricities of the Tubingen school will doubtless be surprised to learn that the Paul who thus quietly slips in at the close of the drama was himself all along the disguised villain of the plot, the very Simon Magus whom he comes to assist Peter in destroying (see below).
The couple's tempestuous marriage is further tested when Adolfo arrives disguised as Manuel's new administrator.
Throughout season one, Tara's aggressive personality disguised a great deal of pain associated with her mother's raging alcoholism.
This is sometimes called the disguised cross, since the cross is hidden within the shape of the anchor.
The main character is a boy named Tip, who discovers, after meeting a plethora of amusing and/or frightening characters, that he is really a girl disguised as a boy through magic and is Ozma the rightful ruler of Oz.
All that churning of sand and dust disguised their trail to some degree, but nothing could hide the trail of five heavy wagons.
After spending six years in Constantinople, where he published a Turkish-German Dictionary and various linguistic works, and where he acquired some twenty Oriental languages and dialects, he visited Teheran; and then, disguised as a dervish, joined a band of pilgrims from Mecca, and spent several months with them in rough and squalid travel through the deserts of Asia.
On the 30th of June 1688 Admiral Herbert, disguised as a bluejacket, set out from England with a letter from seven influential Englishmen, asking William to "bring over an army and secure the infringed liberties" of England.
Sometimes, as she looked at the strange but amusing capers cut by the dancers, who--having decided once for all that being disguised, no one would recognize them--were not at all shy, Pelageya Danilovna hid her face in her handkerchief, and her whole stout body shook with irrepressible, kindly, elderly laughter.
A beautiful woman, it is said, by name Phya, was disguised as Athena and drove into the Agora with Peisistratus at her side, while proclamations were made that the goddess herself was restoring Peisistratus to Athens.
He accompanied Arnold's expedition into Canada in 1775, and on arriving before Quebec he disguised himself as a Catholic priest and made a dangerous journey of 120 m.
However this may be, remnants of their primitive superhuman qualities cling to the Celtic heroes long after they have been transfigured, under the influence of Christianity and chivalry, into the heroes of the medieval Arthurian romance, types - for the most part - of the knightly virtues as these were conceived by the middle ages; while shadowy memories of early myths live on, strangely disguised, in certain of the episodes repeated uncritically by the medieval poets.
Moreover, since the "real" is the object of the "true," and can be distinguished from the "unreal" only by developing superior value in the process of cognition which arrives at it, the notions of "reality" and "fact" also turn out to be disguised forms of value.
This monopoly had been abolished in 1787, and the trade had been declared free to all Danish subjects, but practically the old arrangement was continued under disguised forms. Jon Sigurbsson began a hard struggle against the Danish government to obtain a reform.
In many cases additional condensers or inductance coils are inserted in various places so that the arrangement is somewhat disguised, but by far the larger part of the electric wave wireless telegraphy in 1907 was effected by transmitters having antennae either inductively or directly coupled to a closed condenser circuit containing a spark gap.