Discussions Sentence Examples
Among particular discussions may be named Cheyne, Ency.
For the next week Cynthia listened to - and even found herself instigating - discussions about Mr. Cade.
Critical discussions of the history will be found in Schiller, Gesch.
Beginning with 1620, New England was colonized by English Presbyterians of the two types which developed from the discussions of the Westminster Assembly (1643-1648) into Presbyterianism and Congregationalism.
For the theological discussions whether and in what sense type fourth commandment is binding on Christians, see Decalogue.
But never content to sink into the mere trader, he sought to introduce among those he met on the "road" a higher tone of conversation than usually marks the commercial room, and there were many of his associates who, when he had attained eminence, recalled the discussions on political economy and kindred topics with which he was wont to enliven and elevate the travellers' table.
Whether you own an Airstream and want to network with other Airstream owners or if you are simply interested in learning more about this type of RV, visiting and participating in forum discussions can be very beneficial.
Teenagers are particularly at risk because they are more likely to go online unsupervised and are more likely than younger children to participate in online discussions.
Transition can be eased by including children in discussions and preparations for the stepfamily's future.
Parents need to make a special effort to seek out their opinions in family discussions.
AdvertisementAdults can extend this exposure through discussions about the art works and talking about media or content.
The term "deadbeat dads" is often used in discussions about abandonment because most of the divorced parents who do not contribute financially to support their offspring are fathers.
He understood better the tension between Ne'Rin and nishani after several hesitant stories from Talal of their discussions.
His most important work was 11Epi cuo ew (De natura), of which considerable fragments are extant (chiefly in Simplicius); it is possible that he wrote also Against the Sophists and On the Nature of Man, to which the well-known fragment about the veins would belong; possibly these discussions were subdivisions of his great work.
The object of both was to collect all halakhoth having a practical importance, omitting all those which owing to circumstances no longer possess more than an academic interest, and excluding the discussions on them and all agada.
AdvertisementHe also dealt with the condemnation of Pope Honorius, carried on a controversial correspondence with John Stuart Mill, and took a leading part in the discussions of the Metaphysical Society, founded by Mr James Knowles, of which Tennyson, Huxley and Martineau were also prominent members.
He engaged in set discussions at a reading society formed at Grote's house in 1825, and in set debates at a Speculative Society formed in the same year.
In the course of the next few years he wrote comparatively little, but he continued his reading, and also derived much, benefit from discussions held twice a week at Grote's house in Threadneedle Street.
As a matter of fact, discussions of method and the criticism of hypotheses and assumptions are very rarely found in early economic works.
The partition of Turkey had to be postponed; the financial collapse of England could not be expected now that she framed an alliance with the Spanish patriots and had their markets and those of their colonies opened to her; and the discussions with the tsar Alexander, which had not gone quite smoothly, now took a decidedly unfavourable turn.
AdvertisementOther causes of offence arose, and Napoleon in his last communication to them warned them not to imitate the Greeks of the later Empire, who engaged in subtle discussions when the ram was battering at their gates.
His conversion apparently took place at Ephesus; there, at any rate, he places his decisive interview with the old man, and there he had those discussions with Jews and converts to Judaism, the results of which he in later years set down in his Dialogue.
We cannot do more than refer to Charles for discussions as to how this theory of nature is connected with the metaphysical problems of force and matter, with the logical doctrine of universals, and in general with Bacon's theory of knowledge.
The rabbinical discussions of the book are mentioned in Shabbath, 30b; Megilla, 7a; Eduyoth, v.
He took his part in the theological disputations of the time, at Marburg (1529), the Concordia at Wittenberg (1536), the Convention at Schmalkalden (1537), the discussions at Hagenau and Worms (1540).
AdvertisementIt was only the chronologists and historians of the church who, following Julius Africanus, made use of apocalyptic numbers in their calculations, while court theologians like Eusebius entertained the imperial table with discussions as to whether the dining-hall of the emperor - the second David and Solomon, the beloved of God - might not be the New Jerusalem of John's Apocalypse.
While the translation was still in progress Ficino from time to time submitted its pages to the scholars, Angelo Poliziano, Cristoforo Landino, Demetrios Chalchondylas and others; and since these men were all members of the Platonic Academy, there can be no doubt that the discussions raised upon the text and Latin version greatly served to promote the purpose of Cosimo's foundation.
Discussions of the Roman Institute and Pandects were common in the deliberations of the courts.
It holds two sessions every year, and the discussions are entirely in the Eskimo language.
He was created a member of the Senate in 1860, and continued for some years to take an active part in its discussions.
In the scholastic discussions of the 12th century the question came to the front again, for the doctrine as framed by Alcuin was not universally accepted.
Fuller discussions of the gerousia will be found in Aristotle, Politics, ii.
Saldanha Marinho, whose discussions in 1874-1876 of the relations between church and state prepared the way for their separation.
Sharp discussions and angry words passed between the Brazilian and Portuguese deputies, the news of which excited great discontent in Brazil.
But his brilliant ability and restless activity made him the central figure in the dialectical as in the other discussions of his time.
His treatise De anima, on which Haureau lays particular stress, is interesting as showing the greater scope now given to psychological discussions.
But in the month of March there were discussions in the House of Commons on the alleged necessity of constructing large defensive works in Canada.
Their informal discussions laid the basis for more serious negotiations between Trumbic and Signor Torre, representing an influential committee of Italian deputies and senators.
A good deal of confusion has arisen in the discussions of this latter topic, owing to defective nomenclature.
As regards the dates and historical interpretation of the Psalms, all older discussions, even those of Ewald, are in great measure antiquated by recent progress in Pentateuch criticism and the history of the canon, and an entirely fresh treatment of the Psalter by a sober critical commentator is urgently needed.
It had always been assumed during previous discussions on the question that warships adventuring the passage would try a rush, that they would endeavour to steam by the, batteries and drive the `defending gunners from their guns by concentrated fire.
In his Principes de la theorie des richesses (1863) he abandoned the mathematical method, though advocating the use of mathematical symbols in economic discussions, as being of service in facilitating exposition.
These thoughtful and learned lectures established his reputation and did much to clear the ground for subsequent discussions on the subject.
When the king began to hint at the recall of Piero de' Medici, whose envoys had gained his ear, the signory ordered the citizens to be ready to fly to arms. The proposal was dropped, but Charles demanded an immense sum of money before he would leave the city; long discussions followed, and when at last he presented an insolent ultimatum the syndics refused to accept it.
In Rome, as at home, Gamaliel often had occasion to defend Judaism in polemical discussions with pagans, and also with professed Christians.
He was also interested in literature and philosophical discussions.
His formal lectures were supplemented by discussions amongst his pupils.
These criticisms mean that his most elaborate discussions came forty years too late, for they were concerned with problems which agitated the middle rather than the end of the 19th century.
He narrates spiritedly enough the dissensions and discussions in the winter camp of Zara and at Corfu, but is evidently much more at ease when the voyage was again resumed, and, after a fair passage round Greece, the crusaders at last saw before them the great city of Constantinople which they had it in mind to attack.
Ussher's recognition of the fact that this profession of faith by Marcellus was the creed of Rome, not of Ancyra, is the starting-point of modern discussions of the history of the creeds.
In the 16th century a spirit of universal questioning was rife, and it is this utter unsettlement of opinion which is reflected in the discussions of doubts on matters only remotely connected with " the faith once for all delivered unto the saints " (Jude 3).
After discussions lasting for two years it was debated in parliament, finished on the 22nd of March 1648, and was adopted by the Scottish parliament in the following year.
But while abstaining from irrelevant historical discussions, Hallam dealt with statesmen and policies with the calm and fearless impartiality of a judge.
He set the example of the unending discussions in committee and boundless minute writing which finally choked the Spanish administration.
Hamilton (Discussions, p. 197) allows greater sagacity to Collier than to Berkeley, on the ground that he did not vainly attempt to enlist men's natural belief against the hypothetical realism of the philosophers.
To this journal Bain contributed many important articles and discussions; and in fact he bore the whole expenses of it till Robertson, owing to ill-health, resigned the editorship in 1891, when it passed into other hands.
Yet the discussions he aroused, the attacks he made upon the institutions of the medieval Church, and especially the position he assigned to the Scriptures as the exclusive source of revealed truth, serve to make the development of Protestantism under Henry VIII.
Discussions of the approximate calculation of definite integrals will be found in works on the infinitesimal calculus; see e.g.
Macdonald took the leading part in all these discussions, and he thus naturally became the first premier of the Dominion.
His position in the Blaine campaign, his attitude in tariff discussions and legislation, his relations with United States senators, congressional representatives, and other party leaders, his methods in making official appointments, were entirely consistent with his constantly reiterated conviction that in politics permanent good is achieved not by guerilla warfare, but by working through and within the party.
It is at best an unfruitful assumption; and the tendency of students of sociology is to treat discussions as to sovereignty much as modern physiologists treat discussions as to "vital force" or "vital principle."
No later than the end of the 2nd century Bishop Victor made an attempt to establish this position during the discussions regarding the date of the Easter festival.
In 1866 he expressed himself favourable to the making of household suffrage the basis of representation, an expression of opinion which probably influenced the Reform Bill of the following year - in the discussions on which Palmer took a prominent part, and especially in opposition to the so-called "fancy franchises" originally proposed by its authors.
As a fellow of Magdalen College, he had been desirous of changes which he felt himself bound by his oath from advocating; and he had taken part in the discussions on the abolition of tests in the old universities.'
He also presided over the negotiations which led to the treaty of Luneville with Austria (February 9, 1801); and he and Maret represented France in the lengthy discussions with the British envoy, Lord Cornwallis, which resulted in the signature of the treaty of Amiens (March 25, 1802).
Ravaisson-Mollien has discovered a number of fragments by him, among which the most important is the De Essentia Dei et de Substantia Dei; a Liber Sententiarum, consisting of discussions on ethics and Scriptural interpretation, is also ascribed to Champeaux.
For purposes of theoretical discussions relating to moving radiators and reflectors, it is important to remember that the dynamics of all this theory of electrons involves the neglect of terms of the order (v/c) 2, not merely in the value of K but throughout.
This is shown by the searching discussions to which the Adoptionist controversy gave rise.
But the controversy about predestination, which, in the 9th century, Hincmar and Hrabanus fought out with the monk Gottschalk of Fulda, as well as the discussions that arose from the definition of the doctrine of transubstantiation of Radbert, enable us to gauge the intellectual energy with which theological problems were once more being handled.
The annual conference of the English churches of the denomination has no legislative standing, and is meant for social and spiritual intercourse and discussions.
The philosophical works, occupying the first six and the last of the twenty-one volumes, are generally divided according to the Aristotelian scheme of the sciences, and consist of interpretations and condensations of Aristotle's relative works, with supplementary discussions depending on the questions then agitated, and occasionally divergences from the opinions of the master.
Discussions on set subjects were held, select passages from the classics learned by heart, while written exercises in prose and verse were founded on the best ancient models.
In December 1903, a year before the most important of the public discussions at Cambridge, the Classical AssociaAssociation was founded in London.
The discussions on the budget entirely monopolized public attention for the year, and while the measure was defended by Mr Lloyd George in parliament with much suavity, and by Mr Asquith, Sir Edward Grey and Mr Haldane outside the House of Commons with tact and moderation, the feelings of its opponents were exasperated by a series of inflammatory public speeches at Limehouse and elsewhere from the chancellor of the exchequer, who took these opportunities to rouse the passions of the working-classes against the landed classes and the peers.
These first two books contain Smith's general economic scheme; and we have stated it as fully as was consistent with the brevity here necessary, because from this formulation of doctrine the English classical school set out, and round it the discussions of more modern times in different countries have in a great measure revolved.
He joined the sect of the "Orphans," and had a prominent part in the discussions and conferences of the ten years from 1420 to 1430.
On the basis of the above-mentioned agreements, as well as of minor discussions as to purgatory and the Eucharist, the decree of union was drawn up in Latin and in Greek, and signed on the 5th of July by the pope and the Greek emperor, and all the members of the synod save Eugenikos and one Greek bishop who had fled; and on the following day it was solemnly published in the cathedral of Florence.
For several years he took an active part in the discussions of the Institution of Civil Engineers, of which he was elected an honorary member in 1851.
After prolonged discussions the company agreed to surrender to the crown, in consideration of a payment of £300,000, the rights and interests in the north-west guaranteed by its charter, with the exception of a reservation of one-twentieth part of the fertile belt, and 45,00 0 acres of land adjacent to the trading posts of the company.
The commission assembled at the American capital in February 1871, and after discussions extending over several weeks signed what is known as the treaty of Washington.
The sessions continued in Quebec at intervals until the 10th of October, when the commission adjourned to meet in Washington on the 1st of November, where the discussions were renewed for some weeks.
While at Montreal he had joined the Institut Canadien, a literary and scientific society which, owing to its liberal discussions and the fact that certain books upon its shelves were on the Index expurgatorius, was finally condemned by the Roman Catholic authorities.
An Aristotelian work often goes on continuously at first, and then becomes disappointing by suddenly introducing discussions which break the connexion or are even inconsistent with the beginning; as in the Posterior Analytics, which, after developing a theory of demonstration from necessary principles, suddenly makes the admission, which is also the main theory of science in the Metaphysics, that demonstration is about either the necessary or the contingent, from principles either necessary or contingent, only not accidental.
It is probable also that the " extraneous discourses " (Oi i wTEpLKoi Aoyoc) sometimes mentioned in them here mean dialectical discussions of a subject from opinions extraneous to its nature, as opposed to scientific deduction from its appropriate principles.
On the whole, the interpretation which best suits all the passages is that extraneous discourses mean any extra-scientific dialectical discussions, oral or written, occurring in dialogues by Plato, or by Aristotle, or by anybody else, or in ordinary conversation, on any subject under the sun.
The restrained sentiments of the council in regard to Hoadly found expression in a war of pamphlets known as the Bangorian Controversy, which, partly from a want of clearness in the statements of Hoadly, partly from the disingenuousness of his opponents and the confusion resulting from exasperated feelings, developed into an intricate and bewildering maze of side discussions in which the main issues of the dispute were concealed almost beyond the possibility of discovery.
Other congresses were held at Frankfurt, again in London, and in 1853 at Manchester, where Richard Cobden and John Bright took part in the discussions.
In More's house you would see that Plato's Academy was revived again, only, whereas in the Academy the discussions turned upon geometry and the power of numbers, the house at Chelsea is a veritable school of Christian religion.
Idealism; Pragmatism; Relativity Of Knowledge, while separate discussions of ancient and medieval philosophers will be found in biographical articles and articles on the chief philosophical schools, e.g.
The session ended in August without any definite action on the fiscal question, but in the cabinet the discussions continued.
The discussions were approved by the pope and the emperor, but had no popular feeling behind them, and though the negotiations were continued for ten years, especially between Molanus on the one side and Bossuet on the other, no agreement was reached, for the Protestants could not accept the Council of Trent as authoritative or surrender the matter of communion under both species.
Stormy discussions at Lucca followed; but they failed to prevent Gregory from nominating four fresh cardinals (May 9, 1408).
Religious discussions and philosophical dissertations alternate with comic episodes.
But as Dhammapala confines himself rigidly either to questions of the meaning of words, or to discussions of the ethical import of his texts, very little can be gathered from his writings of value for the social history of his time.
But (with the possible exception of the first) none of these treatises are of Gregorian authorship. See the discussions in Migne, Lau and Dudden.
The work undoubtedly failed to do what its author expected from it; even the notice, otherwise not unsatisfactory, which it obtained in the History of the Works of the Learned, then the principal critical journal, did not in the least appreciate the true bearing of the Treatise on current discussions.
For practical purposes we may regard the most important discussions in the Treatise as falling under two heads.
He attached no value to mere scholarship; scholastic disputations he utterly ignored and despised - and especially the discussions on medical topics, which turned more upon theories and definitions than upon actual practice.
It was not effected till several years had been spent in long parliamentary discussions, by demonstrations on the part of the supporters of franchise revision and by strikes of a political tendency.
Mr. Adamson took a prominent part in the various trade-union discussions in 1919, 1920 and 1921, particularly in the numerous debates on the coal industry in these years.
But the discussions in Brandenburg were no more successful than those in Berlin; and at last, on the 5th of December, the king dissolved the assembly, granted a constitution about which it had riot been consulted, and gave orders for the election of a representative chamber.
One result of this was that it became increasingly difficult in political discussions to avoid criticizing the words and actions of the emperor.
After the fall of Caprivi the tendency of the German government to revert to a strong Conservative policy in matters of religion, education, and in the treatment of political discussions became very marked.
The problems discussed under this fictitious guise are with rare exceptions fundamental problems for every age; and, whatever may be thought of the positions maintained, the discussions are hardly ever feeble or trivial.
It contained accounts of Peter's teachings and discussions at various points on a route beginning at Caesarea, and extending northwards along the coast-lands of Syria as far as Antioch.
He made powerful onslaughts on the Church in connexion with the Bell and Lancaster controversy, and took a prominent part in the discussions which led to the foundation of London University in 1825.
In 1870 there were discussions preparatory to a formal alliance with France against the North German Confederation, but nothing was signed.'
Each parliament elected a committee to consider them, and the 'two committees carried on long negotiations by notes supplemented by verbal discussions.
During discussions on the economic arrangement with Hungary in 1877 a large number voted against the duties on coffee and petroleum, which were an essential part of the agreement; they demanded, moreover, that the treaty of Berlin should be laid before the House, and 112 members, led by Herbst, gave a vote hostile to some of its provisions, and in the Delegation refused the supplies necessary for the occupation of Bosnia.
The differences of the clubs appeared, however, in the discussions on franchise reform; the government, not strong enough to have a policy of its own, had referred the matter to a committee; for the question having once been raised, it was impossible not to go on with it.
During his great reform agitation Bright had vigorously supported Cobden in the negotiations for the treaty of commerce with France, and had taken, with his usual vehemence, the side of the North in the discussions in England on the American Civil War.
The discussions of the next few years served to make clearer than before the practical workings of the constitution of the United States as a shield and support of slavery; and Garrison, after a long and painful reflection, came to the conclusion that its pro-slavery clauses were immoral, and that it was therefore wrong to take an oath for its support.
Historical and ethnographical discussions have led to no result; the most that can be said is that, if not a general term, "aborigines" may be the name of an Italian stock, about whom the ancients knew no more than ourselves.
A committee of judicial surveillance watches the working of the courts of first instance and the summary courts, and endeavours, by letters and discussions, to maintain purity and sound law.
Peirce in discussions with William James at Harvard University, and its meaning was expounded by him in an article on "How to make our Ideas clear" in the Popular Science Monthly for January 1878.
During the reaction against Russia which followed the war of 1877 informal discussions were conducted with this object, and it was even suggested that a reformed or constitutional Turkey might find a place in the confederation.
He took rather a prominent part in the discussions at the council, associating himself with Felix Dupanloup and with Georges Darboy, archbishop of Paris, in his opposition to the doctrine of Infallibility, and supporting their arguments from his vast knowledge of ecclesiastical history.
In the preliminary discussions he voted against the promulgation of the dogma.
The natural result of such discussions followed.
As such they supposed the" dying out "must mean the dying out of a" soul "; and endless were the discussions as to whether this meant eternal trance, or absolute annihilation, of the" soul."It is now thirty years since the right interpretation, founded on the canonical texts, has been given, but outside the ranks of Pali scholars the old blunder is still often repeated.
Thus in the story of the good layman Citta, it is an aspiration expressed on the deathbed; 2 in the dialogue on the subject, it is a thought dwelt on during life, 3 in the numerous stories in the Peta and Vimana V atthus it is usually some isolated act, in the discussions in the Dhamma Sangani it is some mental disposition, which is the Karma (doing or action) in the one life determining the position of the individual in the next.
In either case they are excellent evidence of the sort of questions on which discussions among the earliest Buddhists must have turned.
His article "On Recent Discussions of Grimm's Law" in the Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association for 1873 in large part anticipated Verner's law.
Most of the editions and discussions named there cover Sozomen as well (the volume of Hussey's edition containing Sozomen appeared in 1860).
We find him at different periods in Seville, Cordova and Morocco, probably as physician to Yusef al-Mansur, who took pleasure in engaging him in discussions on the theories of philosophy and their bearings on the faith of Islam.
Among the traditions relating to Zenobia may be mentioned that of her discussions with the Archbishop Paul of Samosata on matters of religion.
With the latter may be compared presentday movements like the initiative and referendum, and not a few discussions of national debts.
Now skill in disputation is plainly a valuable accomplishment; and, as the Aristotelian logic grew out of the regulated discussions of the eristics and their pupils, the disputant sophistry of the 4th century deserves more attention and.
It is curious to observe how repeatedly this arsenal was drawn upon in the discussions in America about the "Imperialistic" developments of Igloo.
But all these philosophic discussions, belonging for the most part to an author less than secondary among the Epicureans, fall short of the high expectations excited by the first discovery of the library.
The long fight for the abolition of compulsory church-rates was finally successful in 1868, and then in 1870 Miall was prominent in the discussions aroused by the Education Bill.
During his residence there he took some part in the discussions on university reform, continued his studies, and wrote essays for various periodicals.
He retired from the court of chancery in January 1770, but he continued to take a warm interest in the political affairs and discussions of the time.
On the 27th, the day of Oxford's resignation, the discussions concerning his successor detained the council sitting in the queen's presence till two o'clock in the morning, and on retiring Anne was instantly seized with fatal illness.
In the later part of the same series of discussions (1837), and in his chief work (Die Sagenpoesie der Griechen, 1852), he investigated the structure of the Homeric poems, and their relation to the other epics of the Trojan cycle.
The discussions on the budget in 1831 gave rise to the publication of his famous series of Lettres sur la lisle civile, which in ten years ran through twenty-five editions.
The union of the Burgher and the Antiburgher bodies in 1820 in the United Secession - both having previously come to hold Voluntary principles - added to the influence of these principles in the country, while the political excitement of the period disposed men's minds to such discussions.
In the able statistical discussions in the reports of the United Free Church it is pointed out that in the figures furnished by the churches the numbers of members and the numbers of deaths are not in the same proportion as the population of the country and the general death-rate, and the conclusion is drawn that the number of members is in each case too great.
For special discussions, see Stade, Zeits.
The records are barely full enough to enable us to judge of the share taken by Bacon in these discussions; his name generally appears as the reporter of the committees on special subjects.
Mole, supported by Louis Philippe, held his ground against the general hostility until the beginning of 1839, when, after acrid discussions on the address, the chamber was dissolved.
To those who have no patience with the minutiae of legislation, the prolix discussions are as irksome as the arguments appear arbitrary.
At last, after vain negotiations and discussions, the Swedish government in 1895 gave notice to Norway that the commercial treaty which till then had existed between the two countries and would lapse in July 1897 would, according to a decision in the Riksdag, cease, and as Norway at the time had raised the customs duties, a considerable diminution in the exports of Sweden to Norway took place.
Bilberg (1646-1717), who, in various theses and discussions, defended the new ideas against the scholastic Aristotelianism of the orthodox churchmen.
He became a professor of philosophy, and took part in the discussions on the nature of Universals.
He first properly recognized its scope and problems, and began many of its most important discussions.
He did not appreciate as sufficiently as David Strauss and the Tubingen critics the difficulties which a natural theory has to surmount, nor did he support his conclusions by such elaborate discussions as they deemed necessary.
He was at a disadvantage because, being a layman, he could not directly take part in the discussions of the council.
In addition to this the discussions announced in the opening speech, regarding measures for the reformation of the Church and the protection of her liberties, took place; and a part of the Constitutions found in the Clementinum, published in 1317 by John XXII., were probably enacted by the council.
The discussions were very stormy.
Protracted discussions ensued, and the king finally stated, on the 31st of March, that he could grant no concessions in matters of religion.
The recent literary and historical discussions are chronicled in C. Clemen's Paulus, i.
These and other discussions could have no definite result, but they led to an increase of good feeling and of personal intercourse.
The many special discussions of Eusebius' separate works, particularly of his Church History, and of his character as an historian, cannot be referred to here.
His more important essays were republished under the titles Essays and Reviews (1857), Princeton Theological Essays, and Discussions in Church Polity (1878).
The discussions which from time to time took place in the Belgian parliament on the affairs of the Congo State were greatly embittered by the charges brought against the state administration.
These remains were,referred by their discoverer to an animal intermediate between man and ape, to which he gave the name of Pithecanthropus erectus, but the interesting discussions on the subject have shown divergence of opinion among anatomists.
In the United Kingdom the distinction has been made familiar by free-trade discussions.
He was one of the most celebrated authors of jeux-partis, elaborate discussions between two interlocutors, usually on the subject of love.
It was the scene of many religious discussions, and it was here also that the Bohemian nobles met before the uprising of 1618.
In the sessions and discussions of the council he could take no part; but in unofficial conferences he took sides vigorously, according to his own evidence, against the Arians, and was certainly not without influence.
The details of this chronological question are discussed at length in Professor Rhys Davids' Ancient Coins and Measures of Ceylon (London, 1877), where the previous discussions are referred to.
Political and religious discussions were from the first excluded from the debates of the order.
In this work,, with a true insight into the relative importance of things, he passed over with a few strong broad touches the antiquarian discussions on the origins of the city, on which previous historians.
Hamilton (Discussions, p. 541), one of his most resolute opponents, described Cousin as "A profound and original thinker, a lucid and eloquent writer, a scholar equally at home in ancient and in modern learning, a philosopher superior to all prejudices of age or country, party or profession, and whose lofty eclecticism, seeking truth under every form of opinion, traces its unity even through the most hostile systems."
Indeed, the time was not ripe for such discussions, still less for the tracing of lines of descent and their embodiment in a genealogical classification.
Burke will always be read with delight and edification, because in the midst of discussions on the local and the accidental, he scatters apophthegms that take us into the regions of lasting wisdom.
In 1860 De Morgan endeavoured to render their contents better known by publishing a [[Syllabus]] of a Proposed System of Logic, from which may be obtained a good idea of his symbolic system, but the more readable and interesting discussions contained in the memoirs are of necessity omitted.
The most important of his works is the Saturnalia, containing an account of the discussions held at the house of Vettius Praetextatus (c. 325-385) during the holiday of the Saturnalia.
The church thus came to be more and more involved in discussions as to the number of days to be observed, especially in " Lent," as fast days, as to the hour at which a fast ought to terminate (whether at the 3rd or at the 9th hour), as to the rigour with which each fast ought to be observed (whether by abstinence from flesh merely, abstinentia, or by abstinence from lacticinia, xerophagia, or by literal jejunium), and as to the penalties by which the laws of fasting ought to be enforced.
But the teaching of the Bible is not systematic, and the authority of consciousness is vague; while the creeds into which Church tradition crystallizes emerge out of long theological discussions.
Disinterested discussions by experts for experts is medieval rather than primitive.
The term unitarius (said to have been introduced by Melius, in discussions of 1569-1571) makes its first documentary appearance in a decree of the Lecsfalva Diet (1600); it was not officially adopted by the Church till 1638.
It comprises an autobiographical narrative pieced together from various sources, a large collection of Flamsteed's letters, a revised and enlarged edition of the British Catalogue, besides authoritative and detailed introductory discussions.
But the historical origin of the questions at issue is to be sought rather in theology than in metaphysics, while the discovery made from time to time by men of science of the inapplicability of natural laws or modes of operation (which they have been accustomed to regard as of universal range and necessity) to the facts or assumed facts of human activity, is a constant source of fresh discussions of the problem.
The "theses" accepted by the general meetings of the association as the result of the discussions on the papers read indicate the theological position of its members.
Apart from the positive and permanent value of the higher unities which he succeeds in establishing, the light and suggestiveness of his discussions and treatment of the great points at issue in all the principal fields of human thought, unsatisfactory as many of his positions may be considered, make him one of the most helpful and instructive of modern thinkers.
Discussions of the syllogism will be found in all textbooks on Logic, and the more elaborate syllogistic forms are discussed in the article Logic.
Again and again the relations between the Spartans and the Achaean League formed the occasion of discussions in the Roman senate or of the despatch of Roman embassies to Greece, but no decisive intervention took place until a fresh dispute about the position of Sparta in the league led to a decision of the Romans that Sparta, Corinth, Argos, Arcadian Orchomenus and Heraclea on Oeta should be severed from it.
He was assiduous in his attendance, and, though frequently standing almost or quite alone, especially in the Erastian controversy, he exercised a material influence on the result of the discussions of the Assembly.
Thus they make no pretension of any but business discussions at their conferences, and much benefit to all concerned follows as a matter of course.
His chief contribution to the discussions during the later stages of the Gladstone and Rosebery ministries was in connexion with Mr Asquith's abortive Employers' Liability Bill, when he foreshadowed the method of dealing with this question afterwards carried out in the Compensation Act of 1897.
From the end of Mr Chamberlain's series of expository speeches on his scheme of tariff reform, onwards during the various fiscal debates and discussions of 1904, it is unnecessary to follow events in detail.
He took a prominent part in the discussions on the new Prussian constitution, always defending the power of the king.
They are incomplete, but contain very valuable discussions on particular points.
Later volumes of the Astronomical Journal contain discussions of the causes which may produce the annual fluctuation.
Kant is here able to resume, with fresh insight, his previous discussions regarding the synthetic character of mathematical propositions.
It was after this that he was instructed to present to Bismarck French demands for "compensation," and in August, after his return to Berlin, as a result of his discussions with Bismarck a draft treaty was drawn up, in which Prussia promised France her support in the annexation of Belgium.
He let the conversation digress into endless discussions about "character."
Subsequent discussions with him may result in modifications to the initial plan.
I would suggest you also browse the archive of our linux-cert mailing list to understand the discussions we've had to date.
She explained the background to the AEBC liability group's work, including its current series of briefing discussions.
Ongoing discussions with users will be an important part of achieving the correct balance.
And indeed, the main topic of the more lively discussions was not bilateral.
The discussions, described as at a detailed stage, could see a new terminal being sited behind the proposed breakwater at the pier.
Formal manner in a PBS cartoon series discussions have led.
This follows discussions with key stakeholders who believe that public sector consultors are still hesitant in their dealings with these groups.
The saints are well and perfectly contented if men know how to content themselves and cease their useless discussions.
An advisor to Saudi crown prince Abdullah said discussions about targeting Saddam had already begun.
Bilateral discussions have taken place between him and faculty deans, who have been informed of the proposed capped salary figures for their faculty.
The discussions are immediately centered around the whys and wherefores of the imminent departure of myself and family as immigrants to the United States.
Open access publishing - Ben Toth has had preliminary discussions about establishing an NHS-wide research document depository.
Most discussions and evaluative reviews of VLEs to date have tended to concentrate on the features, technical details and pricing of different systems.
Some students report that discussions seem to be at an inappropriate level, thereby deterring them from participating.
Of the st least minimally dramatic discussions have led.
Out of their discussions developed the initial ideas of logical Positivism, or Logical empiricism.
He loved to participate in hair-splitting theological discussions and by the measure of his own erudition, he proceeded to gage Sri Ramakrishna.
Many of these discussions have been entered into precisely to avoid that eventuality.
These divisions have remained evident through the Panel's discussions.
Classroom based discussions and analysis can be incorporated or the process can be purely experiential depending what the group's aims are.
You will benefit from in-depth discussions based on innovative strategies developed to maximize exploitation, optimize business intelligence and deliver benefit across your business.
The teams were examined for their ability to bring instructional design, discourse facilitation, and direct instruction to the discussions.
Following lengthy discussions regarding the scope, method and implications of such a scheme, the initial groundwork and training began in August.
This novel idea was then taken forward in discussions with the Institutes.
Dr. Watson therefore instigated discussions between the two institutes at the end of May 1987.
Some articles have given rise to apparently interminable discussions on several Internet chat lists.
Discussions on the Commission's proposal have reached a new low of shamefulness with the current EU Presidency, Spain, proving particularly intransigent.
Discussions continued with people becoming very irate this lead to comments being personally directed at a Community Councilor.
From this point, discussions of the origin of the SXRB became tightly linked to models of the local ism.
Councilor Hussey emphasized the necessity to involve the league in any discussions regarding pitch allocations.
During this meeting there were several discussions on the organization of pediatric neurology in the UK.
For more in-depth discussions on the Series, we link to the alt.tv.prisoner newsgroup.
There's an active literary scene, there's been discussions and proposals for a standardized orthography.
The discussions which had taken place last week had been very painstaking.
Unfortunately the discussions failed to bring peace between the two factions.
Exercises were given which required intense physicality or acute mental focus or both, which acted as catalysts for such discussions.
There were talks about a formal coalition, but the scale of Labor's victory in 1997 rendered the discussions pointless.
Please do not post messages containing discussions on warez material, CD cracks, Keys or generators or indeed messages containing pornography.
He further suggests that this question is also relevant to discussions of dialectology and linguistic purism, among other areas of linguistics.
Annan called for an early resumption of talks, to avoid spinning out the discussions.
Discussions with that Developer failed to produce a mutually satisfactory conclusion.
Among his peers, he stood out for his intellectual agility and a calm self-assurance in the very midst of animated class discussions.
Then there are tutorial discussions in which we try to build self-esteem, to develop a positive attitude.
There will be a mixture of lectures, data analysis discussions and small-group seminars (where students present and discuss research papers ).
They recognized that some aspects of their discussions might cover commercially sensitive issues.
Some more recent discussions of structural similarity may be found equally enlightening.
So-called " edit wars " dominated the online discussions, biases were legitimized as " another point of view " and specialists openly sneered.
Body & Soul was welcoming, but the discussions about immigration status and access to treatment weren't relevant to me.
This will include open discussions, moderated by editors, with topics suggested by users and virtual letter pages for the journals.
It is hoped that the England Council will produce a succinct summary, based on the discussions that have occurred.
Such a series of lectures and discussions will, I believe, create a symbiosis with the resource provided by CAIN.
It therefore appears appropriate to organize a symposium were we can share information and have discussions on the various aspects of training birds.
Discussions about whether we can meet the targets of the National Strategy prompted me to write the attached discussion paper.
Tutors can be too tentative or not ' visible ' enough in discussions.
Discussions with the relevant trade unions are ongoing to bring this work to a conclusion.
To provide triangulation, a qualitative content analysis was performed on a sample of community discussions, again targeting known CoP traits.
As could be expected these discussions and agreed outcomes will continue to shape the work of MLA East of England in the next triennium.
The superb ensemble creates vivid, delightfully winning characters with sharp, witty attitudes; even their political discussions are full of pointed humor.
All we got was more waffle, along the lines of, " We will hold discussions with the industry.
Through discussions we have been able to draw a wish list of possibilities that would shape the new service.
The proposed form, first elaborated in the conciliary commission de fide, was the object of long public discussions from the 50th general congregation (May 13th, 1870) to the 85th (July 13th); the constitution as a whole was adopted at a public session, on the r 8th, of the 535 bishops present, two only replied " Non placet "; but about 50 had preferred not to be present.
In his ethical discussions (a full account of which is given under Ethics) Aquinas distinguishes theological from natural virtues and vices; the theological virtues are faith, hope and charity; the natural, justice, prudence and the like.
It was inevitable, therefore, that this question as to the exact status of the ruling elder should claim attention in the discussions of the Pan-Presbyterian Alliance.
Occasional recoveries were made of small quantities which led to repeated disputes and discussions, until eventually the king of the Netherlands ceded to Great Britain, for Lloyd's, half the remainder of the wreck.
Although the ritualistic discussions of the Brahmanas are for the most part of a dry and uninteresting nature to an even greater degree than is often the case with exegetic theological treatises, these works are nevertheless of considerable importance both as regards the history of Indian institutions and as "the oldest body of Indo-European prose, of a generally free, vigorous, simple form, affording valuable glimpses backwards at the primitive condition of unfettered Indo-European talk" (Whitney).
He still toiled on unofficially until, the objection of the senate having been met by the appointment of a new secretary of the treasury, his second nomination was approved, and he was able to proceed with direct negotiations, The English and American commissioners finally met at Ghent, and in the tedious and irritating discussions which ensued Gallatin took the leading part.
A provisional and afterwards a permanent regency, composed of three members, was now formed in Brazil, but scenes of disorder succeeded, and discussions and struggles between the republican party and the government, and a reactionary third party in favour of the restoration of Dom Pedro, occupied the succeeding years.
He assisted in the reforms of special pleading at Westminster, and had a recognized place with Brougham and Lyndhurst in legal discussions in the House of Lords.
While in Pretoria the high commissioner in the first instance addressed himself to inducing Johannesburg to lay down its arms. He telegraphed to the reform committee that Kruger had insisted " that Johannesburg must lay down arms unconditionally as a precedent to any discussions and consideration of grievances."
The discussions in the legislative council on the Chinese coolie question had been accompanied by a demand on the part of the Boers that such an important step should not be taken " without the constitutional approval of the white people of the Transvaal "; and after the importation of the coolies had begun, the agitation for the grant of representative institutions grew in volume.
These thoughtful and learned lectures established hi's reputation and did much to clear the ground for subsequent discussions on the subject.
The theological and philosophical discussions which thus appeared he later described as " the tentatives which gradually prepared the way for the more systematic expositions of the Types of Ethical i They stand as Lectures ii., v., vi., xi., xii.
In giving a model of the style in which human interest can best be imparted to abstract discussions, he used his great oratorical gift and art to persuade the world to accept the most hopeful opinions on human destiny and the principles of conduct most conducive to elevation and integrity of character.
Discussions between them on theological questions soon convinced Colet of Erasmus' worth, and he sought to persuade him to stay and teach at Oxford.
Here then we have the basis of a view in which there are not two media to be considered, but one medium, homogeneous in essence and differentiated as regards its parts only by the presence of nuclei of intrinsic strain or motion - in which the physical activities of matter are identified with those arising from the atmospheres of modified aether which thus belong to its atoms. As regards laws of general physical interactions, the atom is fully represented by the constitution of this atmosphere, and its nucleus may be left out of our discussions; but in the problems of biology great tracts of invariable correlations have to be dealt with, which seem hopelessly more complex than any known or humanly possible physical scheme.
Augustin Theiner, the librarian at the Vatican, then in disgrace with the pope for his outspoken Liberalism, kept his German friends well informed of the course of the discussions.
Not only so, but in his review of Cousin (" Philosophy of the Unconditioned," in Discussions, pp. 12-15), he made conception the test of knowledge, argued that " the mind can conceive, and consequently can know, only the limited, and the conditionally limited," that " to think is to condition," that all we know either of mind or matter is " the phenomenal," that " we can never in our highest generalizations rise above the finite," and concluded that we cannot conceive or know the unconditioned, yet must believe in its existence.
The original sources of our knowledge of the Essenes have been mentioned at the beginning of this paper; the best modern discussions of them are to be found in such works as Zeller's Philosophie der Griechen, vol.
Councils of war were summoned to consider how this exposed and distant province was to be defended, and for some months war was considered inevitable; but the danger was averted by the renewal of the Triple Alliance and the other decisive steps taken at this time by the German government (see Germany).1 Since this time the foreign policy of Austria-Hungary has been peaceful and unambitious; the close connexion with Germany has so far been maintained, though during the last few years it has been increasingly difficult to prevent the violent passions engendered by national enmity at home from reacting on the foreign policy of the monarchy; it would scarcely be possible to do so, were it not that discussions on foreign policy take place not in the parliaments but in the Delegations where the numbers are fewer and the passions cooler.
As the result of endless discussions between the representatives of the powers, the Porte and the pasha, the convention of Kutaya was signed on the i4th of May 1833, by which the sultan agreed to bestow on Mehemet All the pashaliks of Syria, Damascus, Aleppo and Itcheli, together with the district of Adana.
He at once began to take an independent part in the movements then agitating NewEngland, which between 1830 and 1850 was stirred by discussions pertaining to Unitarianism, transcendentalism, spiritualism, abolitionism and various schemes for communistic living.
Such differentiations and integrations of living bodies are the subject-matter of discussions on evolution; some will see in the play of circumambient media, natural or supernatural, on the simplest forms of living matter, sufficient explanation of the development of such matter into the highest forms of living organisms; others will regard the potency of such living matter so to develop as a mysterious and peculiar quality that must be added to the conception of life.
Why is civility so lacking in discussions about food, nutrition, and food policy?
During all these discussions Pfuel and his interpreter, Wolzogen (his "bridge" in court relations), were silent.
Discussions and questions of that kind, which are like the question of how to get the greatest gratification from one's dinner, did not then and do not now exist for those for whom the purpose of a dinner is the nourishment it affords; and the purpose of marriage is the family.
It's all nonsense, all rubbish--those discussions which lead to nothing and all those idiotic societies!
In the domain of jurisprudence, which consists of discussions of how a state and power might be arranged were it possible for all that to be arranged, it is all very clear; but when applied to history that definition of power needs explanation.
Jarvis are seeking discussions with TSSA regarding certain aspects of the regulations which can be varied by agreement.
I hope this proves to be a useful extension to their discussions, rather than just a rehash of old material !
A chance to examine afresh discussions on reparations for slavery.
These discussions are of course confidential and we simply cannot report on the progress of these until each negotiation has been completed.
This book provides discussion summaries and practical recommendations, emanating from the working group and round table discussions in separate chapters.
Rubrics tool The tool can be assigned to any gradable activity such as assignments, graded discussions and anything with a gradable column.
In recent discussions there was scant mention of these tools.
There will be a mixture of lectures, data analysis discussions and small-group seminars (where students present and discuss research papers).
In my MINIM discussions I have made it clear that I want more resources for slaughterhouse inspection, whether welfare or meat hygiene.
The smacking debate, was, as you can imagine, a topic which sparked some lively discussions.
Body & Soul was welcoming, but the discussions about immigration status and access to treatment were n't relevant to me.
Subsequent discussions with NIE may result in modifications to the initial plan.
It should be noted that these discussions come in suras revealed in Mecca which mainly dealt with the basic fundamentals of faith.
Pupils are a most important source of information and it is worth tape-recording these discussions if at all possible.
Elementary textbooks contain detailed discussions of the factors influencing power in a statistical test.
During the course of next week, the Prime Minister and Chancellor would have joint trilateral discussions with Ministers to discuss them.
Two more unexceptionable propositions follow, both highly relevant to our discussions.
All we got was more waffle, along the lines of, We will hold discussions with the industry.
People often do not contribute to discussions if they lack confidence.
The committiee's discussions always seem to be puerile in nature to me.
Equity discussions are often fraught with peril-people can easily get bent out of shape if they feel they're not going to get their fair share.
You've probably heard or been a part of similar discussions.
They're especially suitable for reading together and for spurring thoughtful discussions.
Discussions may include as why they feel the book won an award and whether they think the book deserved such an honor.
Many historical fiction books are well suited to discussions between parents and kids because they inspire questions about time period comparisons as well as past customs and characters.
They serve as excellent supplementary materials and great bouncing-off points for discussions about conditions during past times.
Division of personal property and alimony or palimony discussions may also take place.
Frank discussions peppered with appropriate displays of affection along with peer-based therapy can help teens cope with an ongoing divorce while equipping them to make their own personal relationships last the duration of their lives.
As soon as divorce or separation discussions begin, parents can take steps like the ones below to promote mental and emotional wellness in their children while giving them tools to cope with divorce.
It's important for both parents to make their disagreements a private affair and save those types of discussions for a time when they are away from the kids.
Start discussions with, "How can we…" or "Would you consider…" instead of issuing ultimatums.
When you speak with the other parent, keep discussions only on the child and her wellbeing.
Many people find that learning about co-parenting in a classroom environment with organized lessons gives more systematic results than engaging in general, informal discussions of the topic.
At one time, discussions of individualism and independence were limited to history and social studies classes, but in the past few decades, people started using the term to explain just about any behavior imaginable.
There are several ways to initiate these discussions.
Many discussions about the consequences of global warming degenerate into apocalyptic warnings, but this purpose of this article is not to scare you.
In much the same way you might sign up for a local community education or learning annex course, you can find online classes focusing on everything from book discussions to craft projects.
They can also join online groups and participate in chat discussions with other virtual pets on the site.
In addition to teen forums, articles, and discussions, the site also offers a parents' forum.
KidsCom.com - This site is designed for kids and teens, and it offers a variety of chats and discussions.
KidsCom also features weekly question discussions and has staff-monitored chat rooms.
It is always best to lurk first and read all the rules and policies before joining the discussions.
With frank discussions of sexuality, and storylines dealing with everything from school shootings to drug abuse, it's easy to see why commercials for the show have used the tagline, "It goes there."
Club meetings typically include show screenings, discussions of favorite series and movies, gaming and cultural activities.
But make sure to choose your battles (discussions!) carefully, or you guys will be fighting all the time.
Preparing them with vital knowledge without complicating things will get them thinking, and they will help guide you in what discussions should follow based upon their own curiosities and questions.
A guest can check out chat rooms without having to join as a member, but they rarely can actively participate in discussions.
You can also participate in the poetry contest, read the site's blog, jokes, and/or join the discussions in the poetry forums.
What if questions can get teens thinking and open up some important discussions that lead to insight on leading a Christian lifestyle.
You can also check out Google Groups and Yahoo Groups for e-mail based raw food diet discussions.
Addicts are then more open to free discussions without feeling cornered or belittled in any manner.
This treatment is conducted by a certified therapist who helps a client solve her problems through discussions and goal setting.
It may be helpful for loved ones to participate in therapy sessions at times, both to understand the disorder better and to discuss ways to respond when discussions turn to the BDD.
The exposure Sanjaya received while on the program made him a household name - discussions about his talent (or lack of) and ever-changing hairstyles made headlines every week.
No matter what their claim to fame, celebrities live in the public eye and are prone to discussions, praise, and criticism from the media as well as their fans.
You're organized enough to keep track of assignments, term papers, discussions, and other course details.
Health issues and study skills are popular topics, so you might find discussions of everything from safe sex to tips for studying for finals.
Online interactive features include class discussions with professors and fellow students.