Discussing Sentence Examples
He seemed up to discussing it now.
No doubt, the family still sat around discussing how to fix her.
Mr. Fitzgerald used up his time discussing his deputy.
Can you believe he drug out that box of cancer sticks while we were discussing the sale of natural foods?
We were just discussing HQ.
It wasn't as if she was in the habit of discussing such things - especially with strangers.
The rest sat on, discussing the constitution, drawing up lists of damnable heresies and of incontrovertible articles of faith, producing plans for the reduction of the army and demanding - consolidating his rule and power.
When Howie ran dry, we began discussing reasonable explanations for what he was seeing.
We dined at a small Mexican restaurant and spent the meal discussing general topics.
They entered into deep conversation, discussing the pending bid item—a statue of a nymph waving a snake.
AdvertisementSarah and Connor were discussing whether or not to cancel Thanksgiving with his family when Jackson returned.
Why did she waste the breath discussing this matter with Katie?
Because he thought she and Josh were discussing their engagement, not Lori and Josh.
They alternated discussing what was happening in their lives while the other nodded, injecting a polite one word answer occasionally, just to properly pretend interest.
Dean introduced himself and told her he was interested in discussing Jeffrey Byrne.
AdvertisementBy the time he was on line, introductions were over and a male voice was discussing the search for Patsy Boyd and Martha.
There was no point in discussing the subject further.
Rhyn found he didn't need to respond; Giovanni was capable of discussing himself --and his Hannah --without any sign of stopping.
She suspected both meeting the clan heads and the announcement to be big deals for a people with such rigid traditions, but A'Ran looked as if he were discussing the whereabouts of her translator.
While he knew he'd have to speak to Corday sooner or later, he hoped to first learn the reason for his wife's reticence about discussing the ice park fall.
AdvertisementThere was no point in discussing that painful subject.
Instead of discussing this with Mums, she needed to sit down and discuss it with Alex.
This seems too simple, and I cannot yet dismiss the caution my great-uncle - -and his son, my cousin - -took when discussing the creature.
Without discussing it with me?
Howie, ever hyper about the security of our endeavors, forbid our even discussing any interim results by phone, thereby leaving us in the dark.
AdvertisementThe men spoke among themselves, swapping war stories and discussing the Tucson Sector's influx of vamps.
The Deans and Fred were torn between discussing Fitzgerald's blockbuster announcement and this conversation, which was becoming more interesting by the minute.
They talked a few more minutes and then ended the call without discussing the stabbing or Lori.
Her hands shook as she stood there discussing her own death with a creature that resembled the Grim Reaper.
It was one thing to covertly admire Alex, but quite another to stand here discussing him as though he were high dollar merchandise at a low bid auction... and why was Katie so concerned?
It was totally unprofessional – as it was right now discussing their problems with Sam.
It began with a long letter on love in all its aspects (February 1647), 1 a topic suggested by Chanut, who had been discussing it with the queen; and this was soon followed by another to Christina herself on the chief good.
The proposed order of subjects was entirely altered in view of the Colenso case, for which urgency was claimed; and most of the time was spent in discussing it.
After discussing the evolution of the different systems of cultivation, the nature of exchange and barter, money, and the functions of capital, he sets forth the theory of the impotunique, i.e.
Amid all the variation in their details, and the apparent confusion introduced by Napoleon's habit of suggesting alternatives and discussing probabilities, and in spite of the preparations ostensibly made for an expedition to Ireland, which was to have sailed from Brest and to have carried 30,000 troops commanded by Augereau, the real purpose of Napoleon was neither altered nor concealed.
As was seen when discussing the physical theory, the minute details of the object cause diffractions, and can only be examined if the objective can take up at least two consecutive diffraction spectra.
His expression was bland – his voice unemotional, as if he were discussing the weather.
We spent the next hour discussing potential rainy day activities.
They entered into deep conversation, discussing the pending bid item—a statue of a nymph waving a snake.
Instead of discussing the current calamity, as would be Fred's normal reaction, he grabbed his coat and left.
For the balance of the afternoon, Dean felt pangs of guilt for summarily deciding not to even consider seeking the position of sheriff without so much as discussing it with his wife.
It was totally unprofessional – as it was right now discussing their problems with Sam.
When discussing the atom bomb, mass destruction springs to mind.
In a good mood, he would have done his impressions of the Starkers discussing it in their rough west Country burr.
This conference looks at the different approaches to becoming network centric, and provides a forum for discussing funding, rationalization and convergence.
I really enjoyed discussing themes like post colonialism which I had never thought about before.
There may also be grounds for discussing the present standards of equipment and whether they need to be altered to cause less strenuous contortions.
Try to approach the subject like you would if you were discussing contraception - with honesty and without fear!
That is why I spend a good deal of time in The Fabric of the Cosmos discussing cosmology.
The Orthodox Church is discussing the possibility of restoring the order of women deacons, who once ministered in the early church.
We solved any disagreement by discussing with each other.
You are strongly discouraged from discussing likely marks for your work.
So it is worth discussing the complete history of your problem with the diving doc when you see them.
If you set out to discuss etymology, you are likely to find yourself also discussing semantics.
What we were all discussing was the low regard advertising execs have for the average man.
See - reading this is like being in Paris... discussing existentialism with like-minded individuals in a Latin Quarter cafe.
Although I will mention such exotica as black holes and superstrings, I will spend little time discussing them.
Abu Muhammad ibn Abi Zayd gave a fatwa to kill a man who was listening to some people discussing what the Prophet looked like.
Faculties will be discussing the qualifications frameworks proposals at their next meetings.
The evening atmosphere is that of a dinner party, warm and convivial gatherings of guests and guides discussing the day's sightings.
I had an extremely interesting Evolution and Behavior supervision a couple of days ago, discussing the idea of genetic imprinting.
Recommendations Having looked at all stats and percentages and discussing the findings in-depth, we have produced the following recommendations.
The authors have a real knack for entertainingly discussing a subject.
When discussing Claude Monet's painting Impression, soleil levant, one art critic used the word Impression contemptuously in his article on the exhibition.
Much time and print is dedicated to discussing the relative merits of each method, but are we running before we can walk?
Life groups meet midweek in houses, discussing the current topics from the church meetings.
I have gone further into such minimalism in my article about discussing history.
Return to text We will be discussing Jones's notion of " reductive modernism " below.
Also offers a biography of Tolstoy, discussing the authors ' moral philosophy.
They should only be used after discussing any risks with your doctor or pharmacist antihistamine nasal sprays and eye drops should be avoided.
I will avoid discussing the nitty-gritty of the protocols and hardware, but instead explain how each bit fits into the overall picture.
At least nobody seems much interested in discussing such matters.
Surely we must accept that we are not discussing an instant panacea.
The remainder of the day saw the attendees work within small groups discussing issues pertinent to their own practice.
It also has a fun section where members can exchange expressions and slang by creating, playing and discussing phrasal Hangman word games.
Staff were calm and sometimes playful; there was no shouting and plenty of negotiating and discussing.
You can ask to be present and spend time in private discussing the pros and cons with your relative before they sign the form.
The group are discussing slug control, which could cause some conflict with rougher seedbeds.
People in football get extremely self-righteous when discussing the professional game.
Oh also, did anybody else think that Phil was rather tactless discussing David's old flame in front of Ruth.
Following on from the meeting discussing the return of radio telecommunications, a lot of discontent had spread through the Association.
As a result of meeting many tods and discussing these issues the Project Development Officers have identified a few main items as a introduction.
In January, students in Jackie Boyd's class at Law Primary School were discussing the devastating tsunami.
It is not a very readable piece, and becomes quite turgid when discussing interpretation.
But before discussing this matter, we must follow out the consequences of Lavater's intrusion into Mendelssohn's affairs.
Wise and generally melancholy reflections on human nature and political society are not infrequent in his writings, and they arise naturally and incidentally out of the subject he is discussing.
Discussing the theory of capillary attractions, Young' found that at a rough estimate " the extent of the cohesive force must be limited to about the 250-millionth of an inch " (=10 8 cms.), and then argues that " within similar limits of uncertainty we may obtain something like a conjectural estimate of the mutual distance of the particles of vapours, and even of the actual magnitude of the elementary atoms of liquids..
Whether it's discussing the shocking news you just heard when the television was turned on or sharing the best and worst parts of a day, Xanga allows for the sharing of every piece of a user, or at least as much as she's comfortable with.
Katie frowned. In the course of a day, Gabe had gone from emotional to unaffected when discussing Death. He was distracted, and she felt like she was talking to someone completely different. Blaming herself for taking his mind off of their survival, she fell silent and followed him. Briars and branches caught her pant legs, and she found herself slowing to push more and more of the jungle's flora out of the way. Gabe, too, began to struggle with the bramble, and she noticed the jungle no longer laid their path before him. Instead of clearing away to allow them passage, it stayed where it was, obstructing them.
For purposes of measurement the polar boundaries are taken to be the Arctic and Antarctic circles, although in discussing the configuration and circulation it is impossible to adhere strictly to these limits.
On the other hand, in discussing the ontological argument, Lotze commits himself to a moral a priori (below, ad fin.).
It is sometimes forgotten, when discussing questions of animal nutrition, that all the food materials of all living organisms are prepared originally from inorganic substances in exactly the same way, in exactly the same place, and by the same machinery, which is the chlorophyll apparatus of the vegetable kingdom.
Lyell, discussing the facts of zoological distribution, admits that the farther we go north.
She was educated at home, and later identified herself with the movement for the higher education of women, being also one of a group of women who about 1858 were discussing the question of women's suffrage at the Kensington Society.
His method was to travel over the country on foot and barefooted, in extreme poverty, simplicity and austerity, preaching and instructing in highways and villages and towns, and in the castles of the nobility, controverting and discussing with the heretics.
On the first day of this convention the opponents to the constitution, among whom were most of the delegates from the western counties, were ready to reject it without debate, but yielded to a proposal for discussing it clause by clause.
In this article we propose therefore to confine ourselves to discussing the character and subject-matter of the science, indicating its relation to other sciences, and explaining the methods by which economists reach their conclusions.
These two bodies nominally formed the legislature, the Tribunate merely discussing the bills sent to it by an important body, the Council of State; while the Corps Legislatif, sitting in silence, heard them defended by councillors of state and criticized by members of the Tribunate; thereupon it passed or rejected such proposals by secret voting.
Discussing the thrice holy in Isaiah vi.
In these he seems suddenly to have cut adrift from every principle the truth of which he had himself so brilliantly demonstrated, and we find him discussing plans based on hypothesis, not knowledge, and on the importance of geographical points without reference to the enemy's field army.
In discussing marriage he refuses to use any but the plainest language.
Before discussing the changes made in the various Reformed Churches, due to the doctrinal developments of the 16th century, we may therefore give here a list of the vestments now worn by the various orders of clergy in the Roman Catholic Church and the Oriental Churches.
No purely astronomical enterprise was ever carried out on so Transits of P large a scale or at so great an expenditure of money and labour as was devoted to the observations of these transits, and for several years before their occurrence the astronomers of every leading nation were busy in discussing methods of observation and working out the multifarious details necessary to their successful application.
Prentice, the historian of the Anti-Corn-Law League, who was then editor of the Manchester Times, describes how, in the year 1835, he received for publication in his paper a series of admirably written letters, under the signature of "Libra," discussing commercial and economical questions with rare ability.
On the 14th Dr Wekerle, at the ministerial conference assembled at Vienna for the purpose of discussing the estimates to be laid before the delegations, announced that the dissensions among his colleagues made the continuance of the Coalition government impossible.
In 1856 a series of public meetings, summoned by Pretorius, was held at different districts in the Transvaal for the purpose of discussing and deciding whether the time had not arrived for substituting a strong central government in place of the petty district governments which had hitherto existed.
Instead of discussing grievances, as before the Johannesburg disarmament he had led the high commissioner to believe was his intention, he proceeded to request the withdrawal of the London Convention, because, among other things, " it is injurious to dignity of independent republic."
That it was proper to wear special garments (or at least to rearrange one's weekday clothes) on the Jewish sabbath was recognized in the Talmud, and Mahommedans, after discussing at length the most suitable raiment for prayer, favoured the use of a single simple garment (Bukhari, viii.).
But, without discussing the general philosophical position or historical importance of Bacon, it may safely be said that his direct influence can be little traced in medical writings of the first half of the r 7th century.
From a collection of the best experiments by previous workers he selected eighty-two (fifty-one on the velocity of water in conduit pipes, and thirty-one on its velocity in open canals); and, discussing these on physical and mechanical principles, he succeeded in drawing up general formulae, which afforded a simple expression for the velocity of running water.
He loved discussing the sense of single portions of the Bible with other scholars, and made many fine expositions of the text.
After discussing the structure of the eye he gives an experiment in which the appearance of the reversed images of outside objects on a piece of paper held in front of a small hole in a darkened room, with their forms and colours, is quite clearly described and explained with a diagram, as an illustration of the phenomena of vision.
The measures for the rehabilitation of the states that had seceded from the Union occupied the chief attention of Congress for several years, and Blaine bore a leading part in framing and discussing them.
Judas is conceived as cherishing the intention of discussing for the benefit of the Christian world (for no mere local church is addressed) the subject of " our common salvation " (the much desiderated authoritative definition of the orthodox faith), but diverted from this purpose by the growth of heresy.
This last consideration helps us in discussing the question of date.
After the consummation of the union the Greeks remained in Florence for several weeks, discussing matters such as the liturgy, the administration of the sacraments, and divorce; and they sailed from Venice to Constantinople in October.
In the Metaphysics (A 7, 1072 b 16), in discussing the occupation of God, he says " his pleasure is activity," or " his activity is pleasure," according to a difference of readings which makes no difference to the identification of pleasure and activity (b pyELa).
His interest in philosophy led him to take a prominent share in the foundation of a society for discussing the new doctrines, and is further shown by his Common Place Book, one of the most valuable autobiographical records in existence, which throws much light on the growth of his ideas, and enables us to understand the significance of his early writings.
Its width of view and its recognition of the claims of historical science and pure reason were thoroughly characteristic of Westcott's mode of discussing a theological question.
In 1881 Mr Blaine, then U.S. secretary of state, addressed an instruction to the ministers of the United States of America accredited to the various Central and South American nations, directing them to invite the governments of these countries to participate in a congress, to be held at Washington in 1882, " for the purpose of considering and discussing the methods of preventing war between the nations of America."
While discussing noses, he says that those with thick bulbous ends belong to persons who are insensitive, swinish; sharp-tipped belong to the irascible, those easily provoked, like dogs; rounded, large, obtuse noses to the magnanimous, the lion-like; slender hooked noses to the eagle-like, the noble but grasping; round-tipped retrousse noses to the luxurious, like barndoor fowl; noses with a very slight notch at the root belong to the impudent, the crow-like; while snub noses belong to persons of luxurious habits, whom he compares to deer; open nostrils are signs of passion, &c.
While it was discussing the subject, a conference of the European powers met in London, and by the protocol of May 28, 1852, settled that Frederick VII.
While the Reichsrath, transferred to Kremsier, was discussing " fundamental rights " and the difficult question of how to reconcile the theoretical unity with the actual dualism of the empire, the knot was being cut by the sword on the plains of Hungary.
In January 1903 he addressed a Liberal meeting at Plymouth, and appeared to be attempting to concentrate Opposition criticism upon the points in the government policy which did not involve the Imperialist difference; and in discussing War Office reform he advocated the appointment of Lord Kitchener as secretary of state for war.
In discussing the small oscillations of a system about a configuration of stable equilibrium it is convenient so to choose the generalized co-ordinates qi, q2,..
At the close of the century the knowledge of Greece and Rome had been reappropriated and placed beyond the possibility of destruction; the chasm between the old and new world had been bridged; medieval modes of thinking and discussing had been superseded; the staple of education, the common culture which has brought all Europe into intellectual agreement, was already in existence.
This is due in part, no doubt, to national character; but in the main, probably, to religious and political freedom, and the habit of discussing philosophical questions with regard to their bearing upon matters of religious and political controversy.
John Wallis, discussing this fraction in his Arithmetica finitorum (1656), gives many of the elementary properties of the convergents to the general continued fraction, including the rule for their formation.
The author examines the passions, discussing the mode in which they are treated in ancient and modern drama, poetry and romance.
They refuted him easily on many specific points, but carefully abstained from discussing the real question, at issue, namely the propriety of free inquiry.
On constitutional matters he writes with an insight to be attained only by the study of political philosophy, discussing in a masterly fashion the dreams of idealists and the schemes of government proposed by statesmen.
The pope, travelling by way of Florence and discussing there the great new scheme of the Laurentian library, entertained the idea of giving the commission to Leonardo; but Michelangelo came in hot haste from Rome and succeeded in securing it for himself.
On this ground, in an account of taxation proper, one might avoid discussing altogether the question of irregular or illegitimate taxation.
Partly, perhaps, owing to a philosophical and legal training, he had not the gift of clear and simple narrative, and he is more successful in discussing the connexion between events than in describing the events themselves.
Instead of discussing all these questions separately, with the details necessary for an adequate presentation of the argument, we shall now sketch the history of the Echinoderms in accordance with the Pelmatozoic theory.
In other respects, the legislative achievements of the government were not great; and the time of parliament was largely occupied in devising rules for the conduct of its business, which the obstructive attitude of the Irish members made necessary, and in discussing the charges brought against the Nationalist party by The Times, of complicity in the Phoenix Park murders.
Milne-Edwards and Huxley had satisfied themselves with discussing and establishing, according to the data at their command, the number of somites in the Arthropod head, but had not considered the question of the nature of the prae-oral somites.
Six weeks were spent by the Assembly in discussing this document.
He who exercises this wisdom or knowledge has complete well-being; all else is indifferent to 1 There is a certain difficulty in discussing Aristotle's views on the subject of practical wisdom, and the relation of the intellect to moral action, since it is most probable that the only accounts that we have of these views are not part of the genuine writings of Aristotle.
This aspect, however, must necessarily be prominent in discussing Christianity, which cannot be adequately treated merely as a system of theological beliefs divinely revealed, and special observances divinely sanctioned; for it claims to regulate the whole man, in all departments of his existence.
In discussing this he distinguishes, with well-applied subtlety, between the pleasurableness of the benevolent emotions themselves, the sympathetic enjoyment of the happiness of others, and the pleasure arising from a consciousness of their love and esteem.
At the same time reports were reaching King Alexander that Russia was discussing with the leaders of the extreme Radicals the conditions under which a Russian grand-duke was to be proclaimed king of Servia.
Those relating to the moon and planets, corrected by Sir George Airy, 1840-1846, form part of the standard materials for discussing theories of movement in the solar system.
C. Haddon, discussing, in Nature (September 1899), a later paper by Dr Meyer in English on the same subject (The Distribution of the Negritos, Dresden, 1899), practically adopted Meyer's views, after an independent examination of numerous skulls.
Provisional works of improvement were begun almost immediately at the mouth of the Sulina branch of the Danube, but two years were spent in discussing the relative claims to adoption of the Kilia, the Sulina and the St George's mouths.
All this time he was no mere book-worm or recluse, but was haunting the salons of Mlle de Scudery and the studios of painters; nor did his scientific researches interfere with his classical studies, for during this time he was discussing with Bochart the origin of certain medals, and was learning Syriac and Arabic under the Jesuit Parvilliers.
An important work was his treatise on the old comedy, dealing with theatres and theatrical apparatus generally, and discussing the works of the principal comic poets themselves.
In discussing the question of the historiography of contemporary art, two factors seem particularly salient.
There is however no precedent of neutralization of any such area of the high sea, and international rivers, ocean canals and neutralized states are obviously no criterion in discussing a proposal to neutralize a strip of the ocean, which may be defined accurately enough on the map and which skilful navigators could approximately determine, but which might be violated without any practical means of detection by a belligerent commander whenever he misread, or it suited him to misread, his bearings.
The evangelical movement had produced philanthropists like Wilberforce and Granville Sharp, and the Eclectic Society, a group of clergy and laymen who fell to discussing the new missionary movements.
Prominent Democrats and a committee of the Convention having appealed for his release, Lincoln wrote two long letters in reply discussing the constitutional question, and declaring that in his judgment the president as commander-in-chief in time of rebellion or invasion holds the power and responsibility of suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, but offering to release Vallandigham if the committee would sign a declaration that rebellion exists, that an army and navy are constitutional means to suppress it, and that each of them would use his personal power and influence to prosecute the war.
Bertold retorted that redress of grievances must precede supply, and Maximilian and the princes were soon discussing the proposals put forward by the sagacious elector.
The diet of Spires, which met in 1570, was mainly occupied in discussing measures for preventing the abuses caused by the enlistment by foreigners of German mercenary troops, but nothing was done to redress this grievance, as the estates were unwilling to accept proposals which placed more power in the emperors hands.
Asconius (p. 87), writing under Claudius, never quotes them, though, when discussing Cicero's projected defence of Catiline, he could hardly have failed to do so, if he had known them.
In discussing nutrition, not only is there little agreement on the nature of the solutions, there is often disagreement on the nature of the problems.
What would we say to Borlaug if we met him in a cornfield and ended up discussing the world's problems over a beer somewhere?
It would not take place because the commanders not merely all recognized the position to be impossible, but in their conversations were only discussing what would happen after its inevitable abandonment.
The day after her party the governor's wife came to see Malvintseva and, after discussing her plan with the aunt, remarked that though under present circumstances a formal betrothal was, of course, not to be thought of, all the same the young people might be brought together and could get to know one another.
As he joined me he started discussing the schisms of the churches in South Africa.
First, try discussing the matter with the offender directly in order to settle the matter informally.
Oh also, did anybody else think that Phil was rather tactless discussing David 's old flame in front of Ruth.
As a result of meeting many ToDs and discussing these issues the Project Development Officers have identified a few main items as a introduction.
In January, students in Jackie Boyd 's class at Law Primary School were discussing the devastating tsunami.
Logic cannot help the Smiths unravel who is who when discussing a family all of whose members are named Bobby Watson.
I saw him in council rooms, discussing weighty matters.
The subcommittee may also require the Chairperson to withdraw from the meeting whilst discussing an appeal against a Chairperson 's ruling.
The first step in your assessment involves sitting down with your spouse and discussing your family's philosophy.
He/she will be able to guide you in the right direction for a purchase after discussing where you're at as a skier.
Contact a real estate representative while discussing options with your potential lenders for the commercial property.
If you are still hesitant, consider discussing your decision with a financial advisor or banking representative to ease your apprehensions.
When discussing wireless capability you will hear about IEEE 802.11n.
I'd suggest discussing your plan for a natural food diet for your cat, and asking your vet to help you set a weekly menu that provides variety and sound nutrition for your pets.
Once you and your child find a book to read online, spend some time discussing the book.
Kids might also be able to gain some insight by discussing the characters they don't like.
Discussing the topic of children and divorce is guaranteed to bring up some strong emotions.
Getting together with your spouse and carefully discussing custody issues before putting anything down in writing will most likely spare your children additional pain that could stem from frequently reshuffling their custody.
In most cases, discussing the situation with the co-parent is the best route to go.
Discussing the effects of global warming on the earth can easily take up an entire book, but there are a few basics that demonstrate how changes in the earth's atmosphere are dramatically affecting life on this planet.
Kava kava is another herb commonly mentioned when discussing herbs that decrease or alleviate anxiety.
If you are new to homeopathic medicine, you may feel more comfortable discussing your concerns with others who have successfully used these preparations.
There are many websites dedicated to discussing homeopathy and homeopathic doctors that can serve as a resource in locating a homeopath in your area.
While of course everything doesn't have to match perfectly and roommates may want to put their own signature style into the room, discussing who can bring what to the dorm is certainly important.
Consider hiring a staging expert, taking a home staging course, or at least discussing some options with your real estate agent.
Although these mark-ups are an important part of income for interior designers, it is worth discussing in advance what mark-ups/commissions you will be charged before signing a contract.
It may come as a surprise to some that inexpensive mineral makeup is even worth discussing.
Improving communication can often make relationships more peaceful and less stressful, and discussing problems can defuse conflicts before they become a chronic source of stress in a relationship.
It's irresponsible to address the demand, "Give me the symptoms of stress" without discussing autoimmune diseases and sleep disturbance.
Never stop taking an anxiety medication without discussing it with your medical professional.
Teens begin to spend a great deal of their time with friends discussing innermost thoughts, wishes, and dreams.
When discussing changes in girls during puberty, the biggest issue is menstruation, also known as having your period.
When discussing B12, folic acid may also enter the conversation.
There's a scene in Steel Magnolias when all of the women are in Truvy's beauty shop discussing the groom's cake, a red velvet affair with gray icing in the shape of an armadillo.
In modern reality, many couples have begun discussing marriage long before the big question is asked.
Before discussing exactly where you want to go, you need to consider how much time you have for a honeymoon.
While dwarf bamboo varieties can be used as decorative houseplants, a plant commonly referred to when discussing bamboo plants and wedding favors is lucky bamboo.
While dwarf bamboo varieties can be used as decorative houseplants, a plant commonly referred to when discussing bamboo plants and wedding favors is Lucky Bamboo.
These can all be telltale signs of lying, but they can also be a sign of a person discussing something that makes him or her uncomfortable.
We devote a lot of space on our site to discussing the people, places and processes behind our products.
She also provided her voice talents for the film Farce of the Penguins and is a public speaker, discussing her meth addiction and recovery.
Michael Lohan reportedly told E! that he and Lindsay will spend five days of one-on-one time discussing, among other things, the drug Vivitrol.
No Kevin Bacon biography would be complete without discussing the game "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon."
On an appearance on talk fest Regis and Kelly, Aniston was discussing a series of photos she took dressed up like Barbra Streisand.
When discussing which dog breed is the largest of all, "largest" could mean heaviest, tallest or longest.
Before discussing the vegetable garden, it's important to make sure you have a few basic things vegetables need to grow.
Bonnie's Wedding Center in Viroqua is a family-owned store whose good service is noted on several forums discussing dresses.
If you were to sit a youngster down and tell him or her that you are discussing issues related to safety, whether it is in the summer or for a different time of year, the child may be less than enthusiastic.
Membership is required, but members receive discounts on numerous products and have access to articles discussing health care, housing and retirement.
When it comes to discussing senior sex, older men might be uncomfortable, and they may be especially reluctant to discuss it with their partner, even if this is someone they've been having sex with for decades.
For those who are unaware of this symptom, the issue can be upsetting and perhaps one they are not comfortable discussing it with their partner, or even a physician.
Even if they do know how to bring up the topic, the parents may not feel comfortable discussing this kind of information.
If you have been discussing the move for a period of time, once it's actually time for the senior to go into a nursing home, the move will be made easier by all the preparation work that has been done.
After discussing your condition with your physician, the right solution will present itself.
Discussing this complementary approach with a physician can help determine whether this approach is appropriate or not.
There may be no need for any specific intervention but discussing the problem in therapy may help the patient work through the problem.
After discussing the options, you can determine an approach that works for you.
Treating sleep apnea is extremely important and discussing all of the available options is a great way to find a product that suits the patient.
A simple YouTube search will bring up professionals and patients discussing the process, pros, and cons in interviews.
Sign settlement waivers without carefully reading them and discussing them with an experienced attorney.
While it is possible to "cheat" during some of the exercises, those are not the cheats we are discussing today!
To clarify, there are several meanings that can arise when one is discussing a drop ship or drop shipping.
Learning about CMT and discussing it with teachers, classmates, friends, and family members may help normalize the disorder and create support for the child.
Children can also be encouraged to play the games with other children, because discussing strategies and problem solving in a group is a positive social activity.
At one time, well-meaning adults felt that it was in the child's best interests to avoid discussing death.
Use gender-neutral language in discussing romantic attachments.
Children may also feel distanced from the traumatic event by drawing it and talking about what is happening in the picture, as if discussing a character in a book or on television.
Sometimes this education includes discussing the disease with the childs teachers or the parents of their friends so that these adults will understand more about the emotional state of the child.
Teenagers, especially girls, spend a good deal of time discussing their innermost thoughts and feelings, trying to understand one another.
If the testes have not descended by the time the child is six months of age, the parent should call the doctor to begin discussing possible treatment options.
Though menstruation is no longer the taboo subject it once was, many parents still find that discussing the issue with their daughters can be uncomfortable.
In the early 2000s, masturbation has become more accepted for both males and females yet there is still a stigma about discussing it openly.
The more parents examine the subject, the more confident they will feel discussing it.
When discussing Chiari malformation and surgery with their child, parents should use words the child can understand.
Many doctors and children's hospitals have brochures to assist parents when discussing illness and surgery with their child.
The patient must be made to feel comfortable admitting to and then discussing the behavior.
Although this took place in March of 1867, Congress did not start discussing the monument until 1901.
Discussing hair care with others is a great way to learn about maintaining long hair and problems with long hair.
Although there is more than one extant hair salon entitled "Shear Movement", the majority of people discussing the Shear Movement hair salon are really talking about the salon located in Washington, DC.
Other ideas include discussing the trip, drawing a picture of the best part, writing about the trip or gathering questions the kids still have about the topic.
Cold calling can be an effective way to drum up interest in your service, but be prepared to have to make a number of calls before you find a company interested in discussing the matter further.
For the purpose of this article, we will be discussing the use of commercial mortgages for the purpose of buying property.
While discussing residential purchases, you are normally talking about a single-family houses, duplexes, townhouses, or condominiums.
When discussing mortgage terms, escrow generally refers to the account which holds the funds which are used to pay real estate taxes and homeowners insurance, or perhaps one but not the other.
It also lists tips for discussing possible issues with the new home with a real estate agent, which may result in a lowering of the sale price of a house.
Women and their partners should be discussing plans for the birth as well as newborn care techniques.
Decisions are made by the mother and the family, after discussing the issues.
As you consider joining a forum for discussing your pregnancy, think about the things you want to discuss the most.
Discussing pain techniques beforehand can help a mother who may be worried about pain to relax.
Right before labor, you're not going to feel much like discussing leave (really, you won't).
When discussing home birth, it's important to keep in mind that a home birth does not refer to a woman who delivers her baby at home because she is unable to get to the hospital due to poor weather conditions or some other emergency.
However, care must be taken when discussing the safety of acne treatment for pregnant women.
When discussing the types of birth defects, it's important to keep in mind that not all birth defects are immediately detectible.
Women who have never been pregnant are more likely to experience expulsion of the device and it is important to consider this when discussing birth control options with your doctor.
Through discussing all of your concerns, history, and plans for the future, you and your doctor can decide if this may be the ideal form of contraception for you.
A critical component to this is discussing the option with your doctor, who can offer details in depth about methods for having your tubes tied.
Before discussing Joanna Krupa in a bikini, it's time review exactly who this stunning bikini babe is.
Age is also an important factor to consider when discussing the need for food supplements for vitamin B12 deficiency, since the body becomes less able to absorb certain vitamins and minerals with time.
FishOilBenefit.net is a site dedicated solely to discussing the benefits of fish oil supplements.
The HealthMaster's performance is reviewed on a number of websites devoted to as-seen-on-tv products and opinions vary quite severely when discussing this appliance.
In discussing the history of Mardi Gras costuming in New Orleans, some discussion of the people of the area is required.
As you are discussing each teenager dating rule, don't overlook teen chat rooms and online dating.
Although we are talking to each other, meeting each other, discussing this issue time and again, the spark is missing.
Well I care because the nature of what she was discussing could get her in trouble.
Conversations about intimate details of her marriage, erotic movies and discussing inappropriate topics on monitored phones during working hours are not only unprofessional but inappropriate.
By discussing this with him directly, he may respond embarrassed and deny his behaviors.
So naturally, I felt majorly betrayed and disgusted by this act, yet after discussing the situation with him further, I chose to stay and try to make it work.
Discussing others is fine especially if you work with the person or have mutual friends, however, don't allow it to take up most of your time together.
Part of defining what is the meaning of love is discussing being in love.
If one or both members of the couple do not feel comfortable discussing these topics together they may want to wait until they get to know each other better before getting physically intimate.
Men and women alike have sexual fantasies and are not always comfortable discussing them, even with a partner they have been intimate with for years.
While discussing this with your partner is the best way to know for sure, it may be frightening to bring this topic up in fear that your boyfriend may think you have more invested in the relationship than he does.
Poems discussing a person's sustaining love for another, celebrating a couple's happiness or paying tribute to the beloved's qualities are some of the many love poetry options.
If the job involves writing about weddings, for example, don't waste three paragraphs discussing your accomplishments in sports writing.
Many editors and business owners also frequent these forums, so be very careful when venting about a difficult client or discussing anything that could be considered a breach of confidentiality.
When discussing technical writer salaries, don't forget that you often have the power to negotiate a higher salary for yourself.
Many elements come into play when discussing astrological compatibility.
Second, people are sometimes wary of discussing a problem with a loved one.
Hiding overindulgences or not discussing finances can help for awhile.
A Scorpio male profile wouldn't be complete without discussing the wild and passionate nature of this whirlpool water sign.
Additionally, Aquarius and Libra will have a wonderful time discussing literature and hypothetical situations.
Avoid discussing the divorce or your feelings about your former partner with anyone when your children are in earshot.
If you find yourself upset or angry about something the nanny has done, allow yourself to calm down and even sleep on it before calmly discussing the situation.
Discussing expectations for completing chores, consequences and potential rewards can help make the transition to charting easier.
This may not be the most favorite choice among students, but they can conduct their own research and write a paper discussing what they have learned.
They help keep the focus on learning, since students can't waste class time discussing fashion trends and comparing outfits.
Movie Web offers a detailed review of Casablanca, discussing the importance of the film in relation to the overall history of film.
Before discussing types of psychic abilities, it is important to establish a definition of psychic ability.
During the hearing, another flight instructor stated he overheard the crew discussing being lost and offered assistance.
Forums for discussing deals and coupons.
Artsy types often hate the thought of discussing anything relating to personal finance, but there are plenty of creative ways to save money that can help you balance your budget without upping your anxiety level.
If English is not your native language and no Spanish application is available, you may be able to have someone fill out the application on your behalf or ask for the assistance of an interpreter when discussing your case.
In fact, many surveys reveal most adults wish their parents would have spent more time discussing smart money management with them when they were children.
There are two distinct aspects of open toe metallic heels that should be addressed from a fashion standpoint before discussing what these shoes can really do for a wardrobe.
Soapzone also provides a discussion board where fans can (for a fee) post, but read (for free) what other fans are discussing.
Keith Alexander kept a website discussing the process he went through to get a gorgeous, highly-detailed koi fish tattoo.
Planning ahead and discussing timeframes with the company may help you navigate the inconvenience of a wait time.
Rosary tattoos are powerful remembrances and tattoos are forever; in addition to discussing this type of tattoo with the artist, you can also discuss it with your priest or other spiritual advisor before proceeding.
When discussing France's monuments, it is hard to start anywhere but the capital city of Paris.
Studio business structures vary, but here are some general talking points when discussing your yoga teacher job.
Multiple workshops on weekend days also make for a full yoga community; you might come for a prenatal teachers' workshop, but end up discussing a meditation workshop with one of the participants of that workshop.
Goals set forth in treatment plans can offer ideas as to which skills most need attention, and discussing goals and interests with family members, teachers, or therapists can be helpful as well.
Back in the spring of 2008, a colleague and I were discussing a third grade boy with Asperger's who was having difficulty making friends and who was preoccupied with trains.
The response to the study was so large because of media coverage discussing links between autism and the MMR vaccine as well as Wakefield's vocal campaign to warn parents of the possible dangers of the MMR vaccine.
You will sit down with the therapists and teachers prior to your child’s therapy and work out a treatment plan, discussing the skills your child needs to learn and any obstacles he needs to overcome.
If you are discussing an issue and not an event, the "where" is irrelevant.
Privacy is always an issue, so go with 5.8-GHz DSS or digital, because the last thing you want to worry about how much of your conversation is being overheard, especially when discussing proprietary subjects.
Discussing how we have a similar approach to creating advertisements further solidified my interest.
Discussing the person's ability to be flexible, competitive nature, ability to work as part of a team, and empathy are other good choices.
Enchanted Learning has a simple printable book that kids can decorate and assemble, discussing topics such as ways to get to school and your favorite school subjects.
Before discussing the risks of the diet, however, it is important to understand what the Atkins Diet is, and what it is not.
When you first meet with your hypnotist, you will spend a few minutes discussing your objectives.
When discussing a Pilates machine, what people are actually talking about is the Pilates reformer.
If you have to discuss for a half hour, try taking a walk and discussing while you walk.
There are many things to take into consideration when discussing the best exercise to flatten abs.
The old adage, "It's easier to say sorry than to ask forgiveness," seems true when discussing Eiffel Tower history facts.
While you are discussing your options, let the agent know you would like to arrange monthly installments if that is what works best for your budget.
Start by discussing your concerns with the customer service department.
If you're interested in expanding your company's health benefits to include this type of coverage, start discussing your needs with your insurance provider right away.
Next, try discussing the insurance possibilities with a travel agent if you used one to book your trip.
You may be aching for a change, but don't want to go through the embarrassment of discussing new positions, talking dirty and the like.
While it seems so obvious as to be not worth discussing, it is crucial to the health of your breasts that you have an adequate bra for exercising.
Let's start by discussing the yoga pants since there's a good chance you'll want to live in them once you try a pair on.
Outside of hanging out near the bar with a glass of red wine discussing work and children, there isn't much to look forward to.
Dinner party game ideas offer a great way to host a party that your friends, family members and neighbors will be discussing for years.
RealityTVSpoilers.net is a blog-style website devoted to everything from upcoming reality series episodes to discussing show headlines such as production delays and cast disputes.
Jesse took to YouTube to post videos discussing the split.
Glassman gave several interviews discussing the couple's relationship, issuing claims that Jon was emotionally abusive and cheated on her frequently.
Despite the name of the site, members are true fans of reality TV and spend hours discussing the shows.
In discussing the new superhero with his wife, she introduced the novel idea that these values should be portrayed by a female superhero.
Discussing the rules and positive aspects of social networking with your friends and family can also defray negative repercussions.
Before discussing fan pages, be sure that you have a Facebook account.
Sources for more information on Vichy uniforms can be found on forums such as UniformInsignia.net, where military uniform enthusiasts enjoy discussing and researching topics such as those uniforms of the Vichy police.
I've spent a lot of time discussing my past with my mother.
Betsy screamed, It's like if The Lord Jesus was standing here, writing a mother's day card to the Virgin Mary, you'd be sitting around on your asses discussing if it was really the month of May!
I could hear him discussing the vehicle with a woman in the outer room.
How did the man you were discussing before dinner get caught, do you know?
Sarah and Jackson spent the night becoming acquainted as well as discussing plans for escape.
On the fourth night they sat cross-legged together discussing their future, or lack thereof.
Instead, he spent a half-hour in her driveway, discussing the Norfolk trip and the search for her missing husband.
Are we finally discussing sex?
The other is division of labor, worth discussing in some detail as it is an almost miraculous process.
To build a case for the end of poverty, we begin by discussing scarcity.
A few evenings ago we were discussing the tariff.
The group about Mortemart immediately began discussing the murder of the Duc d'Enghien.
The governesses were discussing whether it was cheaper to live in Moscow or Odessa.
They were now discussing dreams.
His expression was bland – his voice unemotional, as if he were discussing the weather.
I flirted like a hooker and goaded him into discussing all those sordid confessions he'd be hearing.
Howie's total conversational contributions, if not discussing his flowers, were hovering entreaties if everyone had enough to eat or drink.
What about the three name fellow we were discussing before dinner?
She'd been on the verge of dying, discussing how her impending death forced her to decide whether she wanted to live or mourn.
The men gathered at the spot where she and Josh had seen the deer carcass and appeared to be discussing something.
But, while we were discussing plans for the winter, a suggestion which Dr. Hale had made long ago flashed across Teacher's mind--that I might take courses somewhat like those offered at Radcliffe, under the instruction of the professors in these courses.