Discussed Sentence Examples
We haven't discussed our trip.
You have thought much about what we discussed yesterday?
I've already discussed my plans with Mom, and she's going to watch Tammy.
We'd discussed this point among ourselves numerous times over the past months.
We'd discussed the possibility of conducting our business at other sites, should the need arise.
More than a week passed before the subject of Brandon Westlake was discussed in any detail.
I will not need to interfere, unless you reject all we've discussed when you leave.
She and I discussed Quinn joining Howie.
As the Guardian, he'd been her emotional support, and he'd imagined this look when she discussed how scared she was of what was going on outside the Peak.
Of all the things Katie discussed with Alex, why hadn't this subject ever come up?
AdvertisementWe discussed this and I told you I was going alone!
Betsy and I discussed who else to inform.
They discussed menus and decorating details for a while.
He drove the surrey to the old farmstead and they discussed how the house and outbuildings could be restored to make a dude ranch.
She normally clammed up when they discussed her father, and today was no different.
AdvertisementThere is more than one meaning of Prome discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
They had discussed choosing one surname many years back, but their names were the only connection that remained to their human lives, so decided against it.
The Constitutions are discussed in the article on the Jesuits.
He talked to them and discussed something trivial.
Although the issue was not discussed, it was far from out of her mind.
AdvertisementOther than the brief conversation about seeing him with Allen, they had not discussed him.
We delayed a decision until we'd discussed our shutting down with the others.
No one in the family ever discussed the details.
He had never discussed the death of his parents before.
And Professor Windisch has discussed the legends of the temptation in his Mara and Buddha, and those relating to the Buddha's birth in his Buddha's Geburt.
AdvertisementI discussed my proposal with Molly who with wisdom beyond her years, agreed.
Deidre recalled dealing with him many times before without remembering exactly what they'd discussed.
No part of her was ready to meet whatever creature they discussed.
When they arrived in Ouray there was a mutual understanding all that lay between them had not been discussed.
I promise, you will be consulted on every decision, but we haven't discussed a single detail yet.
Yet she couldn't remember anything of importance that they had discussed.
The family likes the stupid ones; they're too dumb to pull a double cross and if they overhear something, chances are they won't know what's being discussed.
Not then, and we've never discussed it.
For the better part of an hour they gazed down on the scene below and discussed her plans for the dude ranch.
There is more than one meaning of Annapolis discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Fribourg discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Lima discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Tarragona discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Brunswick discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The connexion in Roman law between the ideas of equity, nature, natural law and the law common to all nations, and the influence of the Stoical philosophy on their development, are fully discussed in the third chapter of the work we have referred to.
There is more than one meaning of Elis discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
He had no artistic appreciation of the subject he discussed, and he mistook cause for effect in asserting that the decline in public morality was due to the flagrant indecency of the stage.
There is more than one meaning of Oviedo discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There the Cartesian innovations had found a patron in Adrian Heerebord, and were openly discussed in theses and lectures.
The Chateau of the duc de Luynes, the translator of the Meditations, was the home of a Cartesian club, that discussed the questions of automatism and of the composition of the sun from filings and parings, and rivalled Port Royal in its vivisections.
This deed, however, was viewed with far different feelings in Paris and by the partisans of the League, the murderer being regarded as a martyr and extolled by Pope Sixtus V., while even his canonization was discussed.
At their conference all difficulties were discussed and settled, and an undertaking was given on both sides to put a stop to warlike preparations.
There is more than one meaning of Kermanshah discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Furtwangler and others, Aegina, Heiligtum der Aphaia (Munich, 1906), where earlier authorities are collected and discussed.
There is more than one meaning of Huesca discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Tamworth discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The council held eight meetings, at which many matters of intercolonial interest were discussed.
There is more than one meaning of Winnipeg discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
It was discussed in the 12th century whether this sacrament is indelible like baptism, or whether it can be repeated; and the latter view, that of Peter Lombard, prevailed.
There is more than one meaning of Arcadius discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Mysore discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The narrower term "orchestration" is applied to the instrumentation of orchestral music. Since the most obvious differences of timbre are in those of various instruments, the art which blends and contrasts timbre is most easily discussed as the treatment of instruments; but we must use this term with philosophic breadth and allow it to include voices.
A subject so vast and so incapable of classification cannot be discussed here, but its aesthetic principles may be illustrated by the extreme case of the trumpets and horns, which in classical times had no scale except that of the natural harmonic series.
There is more than one meaning of Louis Philippe discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
At a later date, 1891, Trowbridge discussed another method of effecting communication at a distance, viz., by means of magnetic induction between two separate and completely insulated circuits.
There is more than one meaning of Plutarch discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The characteristics of camels and their systematic position are discussed under the headings Tylopoda and Artiodactyla.
Their possible place in the earlier stratum of, Indo-European population is discussed under SABINI.
Such archaeological evidence as can be connected with the linguistic data will there be discussed.
The Piedmontese troops distinguished themselves in the field, gaining the sympathies of the French and English; and at the subsequent congress of Paris (1856), where Cavour himself was Sardinian representative, the Italian question was discussed, and the intolerable oppression of the Italian peoples by Austria and the despots ventilated.
In exchange for French assistance Piedmont would cede Savoy and perhaps Nice to France; and a marriage between Victor Emmanuels daughter Clothilde and Jerome Bonaparte, to which Napoleon attached great importance, although not made a definite condition, was also discussed.
In May the Roman stion was discussed in parliament.
The two governments frequently discussed the situation, but although they had agreed to a selfdenying ordinance whereby each bound itself not to occupy any part of Albanian territory, Austrias declarations and promises were hardly borne out by the activity of her agents in the Balkans.
Peter, Historicorum Romanorum Reliquiae (1870, 1906), and Historicorum Romanorum Fragmenta (1883); also articles ROME, History (ancient) ad fin., section "Authorities," and Liv y, where the use made of the annalists by the historian is discussed; Pauly-Wissowa, Realencyclopddie, art.
The third case gives a colony entirely composed of medusa-individuals, a possibility perhaps realized in the Siphonophora, which will be discussed in dealing with this group.
The whole theory is one most intimately connected with the question of the relation between polyp and medusa, to be discussed presently.
The phylogenetic position of this genus has been discussed above.
The general theories of Siphonophoran morphology are discussed below, but in enumerating the various types of appendages it is convenient to discuss their morphological interpretation, at the same time.
These are discussed under the headings Heredity; Mendelism; and Variation And Selection.
Concerning " felonious " clerks the great questions discussed were whether the courts Christian had exclusive jurisdiction or the king's court, or whether there was a concurrent jurisdiction.
The question of the relation of Cicero's De inventione to the Rhetorica has been much discussed.
There is more than one meaning of Galway discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Hales (1727I 733) discussed the rotting of wounds, cankers, &c., but much had to be done with the microscope before any real progress was possible, and it is easily intelligible that until the theory of nutrition of the higher plants had been founded by the work of Ingenhouss, Priestley and De Saussure, the way was not even prepared for accurate knowledge of cryptogamic parasites and the diseases they induce.
Latitudinally the region subdivides naturally into several well- marked s,ih-rea-innc which most he hrieflir discussed.
The distribution of life is discussed in the various articles in this Encyclopaedia dealing with biological, botanical and zoological subjects.'
In this article (A) the general anatomy of birds is discussed, (B) fossil birds, (c) the geographical distribution.
There is more than one meaning of Rio De Janeiro discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Corrientes discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Paris discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Basel discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Prussia discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
This value, although considerably in excess of that previously found by different methods, was held by Airy, from the care and completeness with which the observations were carried out and discussed, to be "entitled to compete with the others on, at least, equal terms."
One of his most important works was the Elements de Philosophic published in 1759, in which he discussed the principles and methods of the different sciences.
Mining in Poland and Siberia are more fully discussed under those headings.'
There is more than one meaning of William James discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
This preferential and discriminating policy, combined with other causes which cannot here be discussed, resulted in 'the Granger legislation of.
The form of the torque curve, or crank effort curve, as it is sometimes called, is discussed in the article Steam Engine, and the torque curve corresponding to actual indicator diagrams taken from an express passenger engine travelling at a speed of 65 m.
Under the heading of Abiogenesis is discussed the series of steps by which the modern acceptance of biogenesis and rejection of abiogenesis has been brought about.
It is in the latter sense that it is here discussed.
How far totemism, or belief in deified animal ancestors, existed in prehistoric Israel, as evidenced by the tribal names Simeon (hyena, wolf), Caleb (dog), IIamor (ass), Rahel (ewe) and Leah (wild cow), as well as by the laws respecting clean and unclean animals, is too intricate and speculative a problem to be discussed here.
It was a characteristic of equal importance that Dr Lightfoot, like Dr Westcott, never discussed these subjects in the mere spirit of controversy.
There is more than one meaning of Aude discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The Eleusinia and Thesmophoria are discussed elsewhere, but brief mention may here be made of certain agrarian festivals held in honour of Demeter.
Questions received from various quarters were discussed and the final decision of the Kallah was signed by the Resh-Kallah or president of the general assembly, who was only second in rank to the Resh-Metibta, or president of the scholastic sessions.
In 1646 the king joined the Scottish army; and, after retiring with them to Newcastle, he sent for Henderson, and discussed with him the two systems of church government in a number of papers.
About forty years later (197) the question was discussed in a very different spirit between Victor, bisho p of Rome, and Polycrates, metropolitan of proconsular Asia.
Henceforward he was under suspicion at the university, and was excluded from the assemblies where the union was discussed.
For example, the priests are not to be chosen by the people; penitents are not to be present at ordinations (lest they should hear the failings of candidates discussed); bishops are to be appointed by the metropolitan and his suffragan; sub-deacons may not distribute the elements of the Eucharist; clerics are forbidden to leave a diocese without the bishop's permission.
There is more than one meaning of George Mackenzie discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The tortuous negotiations which preceded the struggle need not be discussed here, but in defence of Aberdeen it may be said that he hoped and strove for peace to the last.
Before Mirabeau's influence on foreign policy is discussed, his behaviour on several important points must be noticed.
When the preliminaries of peace came to be discussed at Versailles in February 1871, the cession of Alsace, together with what is called German Lorraine, was one of the earliest conditions laid down by Bismarck and accepted by Thiers.
Struve in 1848, and those relating to occultations of the Pleiades were discussed by Carl Linsser in 1864.
All the time, his mind full of public questions, he discussed eagerly with the many men of distinction who came to his father's house.
His little cottage was filled with books and newspapers; the beautiful country round it furnished him with a variety of walks; he read, wrote, discussed, walked, botanized.
There is more than one meaning of Vancouver discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The problem of the causes of the torsion of the Gastropod body has been much discussed.
Great diversity exists in the texture and functions of fore and hind-wings in different in sects; these differences are discussed in the descriptions of the various orders.
What the more essential of these conditions may be is a question on which very little light has been thrown, though it has been widely discussed.
He invented the wheel barometer, discussed the application of barometrical indications to meteorological forecasting, suggested a system of optical telegraphy, anticipated E.F.F.
There is more than one meaning of Athens discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The question of the real existence of incubi and succubi, whom the Romans identified with the fauns, was gravely discussed by the fathers of the church; and in 1484 Innocent III.
In 1844 an article by Mr Barnett in the Nineteenth Century discussed the question of university settlements.
But the point need not be discussed further here, since both percentage and absolute indices of unsteadiness have risen of late years.
Having discussed the possibility and necessity of miracles for the divine revelation, we must now consider i,whether there is sufficient historical evidence for their occurrence.
On the constitutional and 1 The bibliography of the Fourth Crusade is discussed in Klimke, Die Quellen zur Geschichte des vierten Kreuzzuges (Breslau, 1875).
There is more than one meaning of Orenburg discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Indies discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Acerra discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Taking Varro for his model, Fenestella was one of the chief representatives of the new style of historical writing which, in the place of the brilliant descriptive pictures of Livy, discussed curious and out-of-the-way incidents and customs of political and social life, including literary history.
There is more than one meaning of Galba discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Reformed Church discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Huelva discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Southampton discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
His great work The American Commonwealth, which appeared in 1888, was the first in which the institutions of the United States had been thoroughly discussed from the point of view of a historian and a constitutional lawyer, and it at once became a classic. His Studies in History and Jurisprudence (1901) and Studies in Contemporary Biography (1903) were republications of essays, and in 1897, after a visit to South Africa, he published a volume of Impressions of that country, which had considerable weight in Liberal circles when the Boer War was being discussed.
Additional evidence as to the structure of the molecule was discussed by Avogadro in 1811, and by Ampere in 1814.
This subject is discussed in section IV., Organic Chemistry.
Dumas went no further that thus epitomizing his observations; and the next development was made in 1836 by Auguste Laurent, who, having amplified and discussed the applicability of Dumas' views, promulgated his Nucleus Theory, which assumed the existence of " original nuclei or radicals " (radicaux or noyaux fondamentaux) composed of carbon and hydrogen, and " derived nuclei " (radicaux or noyaux derives) formed from the original nuclei by the substitution of hydrogen or the addition of other elements, and having properties closely related to the primary nuclei.
From these nuclei an immense number of derivatives may be obtained, for the hydrogen atoms may be substituted by any of the radicals discussed in the preceding section on the classification of organic compounds.
The octahedral formula discussed by Julius Thomsen (Ber., 1886, 19, p. 2 944) consists of the six carbon atoms placed at the corners of a regular octahedron, and connected together by the full lines as shown in (I); a plane projection gives a hexagon with diagonals (II).
Specific Heat and Composition.-The nature and experimental determination of specific heats are discussed in the article Calorimetry; here will be discussed the relations existing between the heat capacities of elements and compounds.
In convocation, when the supremacy was discussed (11th of February 1531), he declared that acceptance would cause the clergy "to be hissed out of the society of God's holy Catholic Church"; and it was his influence that brought in the saving clause, quantum per legem Dei licet.
This theme is not formally discussed, as in a theological treatise, but is rather, as it were, celebrated in lofty eulogy and application.
There is more than one meaning of Cairo discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Cordoba discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Francis Palgrave discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Creon discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Zacatecas discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Philo discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Saturn discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Guibert discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Herod Agrippa discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
This problem of "the one and the many" has been discussed continuously by the philosophers.
Affairs of state were at first discussed at the imperial divan, where the great dignitaries were convened at appointed hours.
The Euphrates Valley (or Bagdad) railway scheme, which had previously been discussed, was brought forward prominently in 1899, and Russian proposals to undertake it were rejected.
She was in Paris when the news of Napoleon's landing arrived and at once fled to Coppet, but a singular story, much discussed, is current of her having approved Napoleon's return.
There is more than one meaning of Lucerne discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Bokhara discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
These transformations are fully discussed in the article Sugar.
There is more than one meaning of Buenos Aires discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Glarus discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Christopher Wordsworth discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Aristobulus discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Dover discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Granada discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Newcastle discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Arnobius discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Cicero's De Officiis abounds in the kind of question afterwards so warmly discussed by Dr Johnson and his friends.
The Anglican casuists are discussed in Whewell, Lectures on Moral Philosophy (London, 1862).
His dissatisfaction with Ptolemaic doctrines was of early date; and he returned from Italy, where so-called Pythagorean opinions were then freely discussed, in strong and irrevocable possession of the heliocentric theory.
As editor of the Omaha World-Herald he then championed the cause of bimetallism in the press as vigorously as he had in Congress and on the platform, his articles being widely quoted and discussed.
For stellar parallaxes see Star; the solar parallax is discussed below.
Up to about the middle of the 19th century it was supposed that transits of Venus across the disk of the sun afforded the most trustworthy method of making the determination in question; and when Encke in 1824 published his classic discussion of the transits of 1761 and 1769, it was supposed that we must wait until the transits of 1874 and 1882 had been observed and discussed before any further light would be thrown on the subject.
These four nations sent out well-equipped expeditions to various quarters of the globe, both in 1874 and 1882, to make the required observations; but when the results were discussed they were found to be extremely unsatisfactory.
These observations.were worked up and discussed by Gill with great elaboration in the Annals of the Cape Observatory, vols.
The subjects discussed in the remaining sections are sufficiently indicated by their respective headings.
The general character of curves of magnetization and of induction will be discussed later.
Tractive Force of a Magnet.-Closely connected with the results just discussed is the question what is the greatest tractive force that can be exerted by a magnet.
There is more than one meaning of Dardanelles discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Baku discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The history of international arbitration is dealt with in the article Peace, where treaties of general arbitration are discussed, both those which embrace all future differences thereafter to arise between the contracting parties, and also those more limited conventions which aim at the settlement of all future differences in regard to particular subjects, e.g.
They are separately discussed later.
To illustrate the comparative productiveness and relationship of these sources of national wealth and industry, the following official returns of export for the years 1905 and 1906 are arranged in the four general classes previously discussed, the values being in Brazilian gold milreis, worth 2s.
There is more than one meaning of Kerman discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Even the nature of the universals is no longer discussed from a purely logical or metaphysical point of view, but becomes connected with psychological questions.
On the other hand, the influence of this new material is everywhere evident in the wider range of questions which are discussed by the doctors of the period.
The question of universals, though fully discussed, no longer forms the centre of speculation.
But having failed, he allowed the paper, and also a second by Chevenix of the same tenor in 1805, to be read without avowing that it was he himself who had originally detected the metal, although he had an excellent opportunity of stating the fact in 1804 when he discussed the substance in the paper which announced the discovery of rhodium.
There is more than one meaning of Alexandria discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Quintus Hortensius discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The algebras discussed up to this point may be considered as independent in the sense that each of them deals with a class of symbols of quantity more or less homogeneous, and a set of operations applying to them all.
Whilst simple evidence of the fact of the transmission of an acquired character is wanting, the a priori arguments in its favour break down one after another when discussed.
There is more than one meaning of John Marshall discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
What the next step should be was freely discussed.
This proposal, which commended itself to Albert, had already been discussed by some of his relatives; but it was necessary to proceed cautiously, and he assured Pope Adrian VI.
His mathematical researches were also concerned with the theory of equations, but the question as to his priority on several points has been keenly discussed.
They are repelled by the dryness of much of the matter, the unsuitableness of many of the topics discussed for poetic treatment, the arbitrary assumption of premises, the entire failure to establish the connexion between the concrete phenomena which the author professes to explain and these assumptions, and the erroneousness of many of the doctrines which are stated with dogmatic confidence.
There is more than one meaning of Ekaterinoslav discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
This " barrage scheme " was discussed at considerable length, and its theoretical advantages were not universally admitted.
There is more than one meaning of Madrid discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Finally, under the heads of administration, mine valuation, mining education, accidents, hygiene and mining law, will be discussed matters having important bearing on mining operations.
Quarrying and ORE-Dressing, which may be considered as branches of mining, are also discussed in separate articles.
In the article on Mineral Deposits the distribution and mode of occurrence of the useful minerals and ores are fully discussed.
The possibility of hoisting and pumping from great depths has been discussed, and it remains now to consider the other conditions which will tend to limit mining operations in depth - namely, increase of temperature and increase of rock pressure.
There is more than one meaning of John Fortescue discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
It is indeed not credible that Hero wrote two separate treatises on the subject of the mechanical powers, which are fully discussed in the Mechanics, ii., iii.
These curves attracted much attention and were discussed by John Bernoulli, Leibnitz, Huygens, David Gregory and others.
Eine Prophetenstimme aus der Gegenwart, in which, starting from texts in the Old Testament and assuming the tone of a prophet, he discussed topics of every kind.
The compounds formed in the first case, which may be either definite chemical compounds or solid solutions, are discussed under Alloys; in this place only combinations with non-metals are discussed, it being premised that the free metal takes part in the reaction.
There is more than one meaning of Samarkand discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
P. P. Boileau (1811-1891) discussed their results and added experiments of his own (Traite de la mesure des eaux courantes, Paris, 1854).
The determination of the O's and x's is a kinematical problem, solved as yet only for a few cases, such as those discussed above.
Questions of public law and administration are discussed in 217 clauses, while 197 concern the Church in one way or another, apart from purely ecclesiastical collections.
There is more than one meaning of Florence discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Marcus Porcius Cato discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Since this book is discussed separately we shall content ourselves here with indicating a few of the conclusions now generally accepted.
There is more than one meaning of Kildare discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Enfield discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The general principles of stereochemistry being discussed in Stereoisomerism (q.v.), we proceed to the synthesis of glucose and fructose and then to the derivation of their configurations.
The plane projection of molecular structures which differ stereochemically is discussed under Stereoisomerism; in this place it suffices to say that, since the terminal groups of the hexaldose molecule are different and four asymmetric carbon atoms are present, sixteen hexaldoses are possible; and for the hexahydric alcohols which they yield on reduction, and the tetrahydric dicarboxylic acids which they give on oxidation, only ten forms are possible.
Dinostratus, a Greek geometer and disciple of Plato, discussed the curve, and showed how it effected a mechanical solution of squaring the circle.
There is more than one meaning of Samson discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Whether this view is soundly based is discussed below; the fact remains, however, that a tapeworm is, with few and rare exceptions, not directly comparable at all points with a liver-fluke or indeed with any other organism.
There is more than one meaning of Priscus discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Tiflis discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
All matters affecting the community are discussed in the majlis or assembly, to which any tribesman has access; here, too, are brought the tribesmen's causes; both sides plead and judgment is given impartially, the loser is fined so many head of small cattle or camels, which he must pay or go into exile.
This evidence is confirmed by (a) the canon of Theodore of Edessa (800) allowing metropolitans of China, India and other distant lands to send their reports to the catholikos every six years; (b) the edict of Wu Tsung destroying Buddhist monasteries and ordering 300 foreign priests to return to the secular life that the customs of the empire might be uniform; (c) two 9th-century Arab travellers, one of whom, Ibn Wahhab, discussed the contents of the Bible with the emperor; (d) the discovery in 1725 of a Syrian MS. containing hymns and a portion of the Old Testament.
There is more than one meaning of Tarentum discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Surveys were completed in 1909 for an extension of the Oroya line from a point on its Cerro de Pasco branch eastward to the Ucayali, and another transandean line frequently discussed is projected from Paita across the Andes to Puerto Limon, on the Maranon-a distance of 410 m.
Leonardo also discussed the old Aristotelian problem of the rotundity of the sun's image after passing through an angular aperture, but not so successfully as Maurolycus.
He has fully discussed the optical theory of the dark chamber, with and without a lens, and its analogy to the eye.
There is more than one meaning of Russian discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Assuming that Yahweh was primitively a nature god, scholars in the 19th century discussed the question over what sphere of nature he originally presided.
There is more than one meaning of Soleure discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Amesbury discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The most important of them was his j3tos 7-Cis `EXXaSos (Life in Greece), in which the moral, political and social condition of the people was very fully discussed.
He was an ardent leader of the opposition to the Stamp Act, advocating even then a separation of the colonies from the mother country; and in the Continental Congress of 1774 he discussed the situation on the basis of inalienable rights and liberties, and urged an immediate attack on General Thomas Gage, that he might be defeated before receiving reinforcements.
There is more than one meaning of Maracaibo discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Hecataeus discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Hephaestion discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Neuchatel discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
As his share in the controversy, Martineau published five discourses, in which he discussed " the Bible as the great autobiography of human nature from its infancy to its perfection," " the Deity of Christ," " Vicarious Redemption," " Evil," and " Christianity without Priest and without Ritual."' He remained to the end a keen and vigilant apologist of the school in which he had been nursed.
It was not possible, however, that the theistic idea could be discussed in relation to nature only.
There is more than one meaning of Schaffhausen discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of William Ramsay discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Of foremost importance are the reactions termed the malonic acid and the aceto-acetic ester syntheses; these are discussed under their own headings.
Questions affecting the interests of the whole Fu come before the Fu-kwai, or prefectural assembly, made up of representatives from both Ku and Gun, and a prefectural council, of which „the governor is president; while matters concerning the city alone are discussed by a Shi-kwai, or municipal assembly, and administered by a municipal council, of which the Shicho or mayor is president.
There is more than one meaning of Ptolemy discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Stentor discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
This general case has been discussed at length because a careful study of it will much facilitate the comprehension of the similar but more complicated cases that occur in the examination of alloys.
The theoretical aspect is discussed in Leon Guillet's Etude theorique des alliages metalliques (2904).
There is more than one meaning of Manitoba discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The succeeding events which led to the Peloponnesian War and the final disruption of the league are discussed in other articles.
Only a few problems can be discussed of the many which are raised by the insufficient and conflicting evidence at our disposal.
There is more than one meaning of Salta discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Tipperary discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The mechanism of alcoholic fermentation is discussed in the article Fermentation, and the manufacture of alcohol from fermented liquors in.
The more general case is discussed in the article Energetics, and in the original memoirs of Willard Gibbs and others.
In its sixth chapter the question whether it is lawful to overthrow a tyrant is freely discussed and answered in the affirmative, a circumstance which brought much odium upon the Jesuits, especially after the assassination of Henry IV.
Gold dredging is treated by Captain C. C. Longridge in Gold Dredging, and hydraulic mining is discussed by the same author in his Hydraulic Mining.
The disciplinary question of clerical marriage is not of the same primary importance as the doctrinal questions involved in the restoration of the cup to the laity, or discussed in the subsequent article on the mass.
There is more than one meaning of Pomona discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Palestine discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
In it he collected with great fulness and discussed with marked moderation the arguments against Johannine authorship. This called forth a number of replies.
The relationship of the Hymenoptera to other orders of insects is discussed in the article Hexapoda, but it may be mentioned here that in structure the highest members of the order are remarkably specialized, and that in the perfection of their instincts they stand at the head of all insects and indeed of all invertebrate animals.
Acting on a principle quite different from any previously discussed is the capillary hydrometer or staktometer of Brewster, which is based upon the difference in the surface tension and density of pure water, and of mixtures of alcohol and water in varying proportions.
There is more than one meaning of David discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Aroused by the prophets Haggai and Zechariah the building was then resumed, and despite fresh attempts to hinder the work it was completed, consecrated and dedicated 1 References to I Esdras in this article are to the book discussed above as Ezra, Third Book Of.
He accepted the dignity at any rate without demur, and there seems little doubt that the question of assuming, or obtaining, this title had previously been discussed.
The atmosphere of these schools was strictly ecclesiastical and the questions discussed by the scholars were often puerile, but the greatness of the educational work of Charles will not be doubted when one considers the rude condition of Frankish society half a century before.
Historical tradition was already dim when the hypothetical and much discussed cantilenae, which may be taken to have formed the repository of the national legends from the 8th to the 10th century, were succeeded in the 11th and the early 12th centuries by the chansons de geste.
It is probable that the Bonn heliometer was in course of construction before these suggestions of Struve were published or discussed, since its construction resembles that of the Konigsberg and Pulkowa instruments.
The greater number of the methods discussed above have made no permanent contribution to the exegesis of Revelation; the method among them that has done most in this direction is the contemporary-historical.
In architecture especially she was well versed, and Philibert de l'Orme relates that she discussed with him the plan and decoration of her palace of the Tuileries.
The questions, what is the total amount of available coal in the coalfields of Great Britain and Ireland, and how long it may be expected to last, have frequently been discussed since the early part of the 19th century, and particular attention was directed to them after the publication of Stanley Jevons's book on The Coal Question in 1865.
It is true that Harnack has adduced arguments which cannot be discussed here to prove that Irenaeus was not born till about 140; 15 but against this we may quote the decision of Lipsius, who puts the date of his birth at 130, 16 while Lightfoot argues for 120.17 The fact that Irenaeus never quotes Polycarp does not count for much.
He is known to have written to the Public Ledger and Public Advertiser, as an advocate of the popular cause, on many occasions about and after the year 1763; he frequently attended debates in both Houses of Parliament, especially when American questions were being discussed; and between 1769 and 1771 he is also known to have been favourable to the scheme for the overthrow of the Grafton government and afterwards of that of Lord North, and for persuading or forcing Lord Chatham into power.
The propositions which had been extracted from the De Ecclesia were again brought up, and the relations between Wycliffe and Huss were discussed, the object of the prosecution being to fasten upon the latter the charge of having entirely adopted the doctrinal system of the former, including especially a denial of the doctrine of transubstantiation.
There is more than one meaning of Marlborough discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The most ancient philosophers whose speculations are known to us seem to have discussed the ideas of number and of continuous magnitude, of space and time, of matter and motion, with a native power of thought which has probably never been surpassed.
In the American Philosophical Society (founded 1743) scientific subjects were much discussed.
Even before the beginning of the agitation led by Ronge, another movement fundamentally distinct, though in some respects similar, had been originated at Schneiderriihl, Posen, under the guidance of Johann Czerski (1813-1893), also a priest, who had come into collision with the church authorities on the then much discussed question of mixed marriages, and also on that PRO r.
There is more than one meaning of Christchurch discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Talleyrand refused to clear himself of the charges made against him as his friends (especially Madame de Stael) urged him to do; and the incident probably told against his chances of admission into the Directory, which were discussed in the summer of 1798.
There is more than one meaning of Innocent Iii discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Bremen discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The different kinds of praefects are fully discussed in Mommsen, Romisches Staatsrecht (1887) vols.
Moreover, in the fascinating collection of popular satires and ephemeral pamphlets made by Schade, one is constantly impressed with the absence of religious fervour, and the highly secular nature of the matters discussed.
Moreover, it should be noted that Campeggio's diplomacy was really the beginning of an effective betterment of the old Church, such as had been discussed for two or three centuries.
A summary account is here given of the American aborigines, who are discussed in more detail under North American Indians.
There is more than one meaning of Zanzibar discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
When the Lambeth articles put forward as a basis of union were discussed, it was evident that all the free churches were agreed in accepting the three articles dealing with the Bible, the Creed and the Sacraments as a basis of discussion, and were also agreed in rejecting the fourth article, which put the historic episcopate on the same level as the other three.
There is more than one meaning of Londonderry discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Whether or not the sanction of parliament is necessary for the appointment is a question which has been much discussed.
There is more than one meaning of Syriac discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Eumenes discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Kharkov discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Seville discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
We may illustrate the first method by taking a case discussed by Helmholtz (Sensations of Tone, app. xvi.) where the two sources are reeds or pipes blown from the same wind-chest.
Mr Reitz had no sooner got into office than a meeting was arranged with Mr Kruger, president of the Transvaal, at which various terms of an agreement dealing with the railways, terms of a treaty of amity and commerce and what was called a political treaty, were discussed and decided upon.
There is more than one meaning of Lippe discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
No less than ten draft treaties were discussed in vain between August 1903 and February 1904, and finally negotiations were broken off on February 5th.1 Japan had already on the 4th decided to use force, and her military and naval preparations, unlike those of Russia, kept pace with her diplomacy.
There is more than one meaning of Free Church discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
According to Heron and Geminus they were discussed under the name spire by Perseus (c. 200-100 B.C.), their sections were termed spiral sections, and are probably the same as the hippopede of Eudoxus.
For many years one of the burning questions in the politics of ' The distinction between the Staatenbund and the Bundesstaat is discussed in the articles Confederation and Federal Government.
There is more than one meaning of Corinth discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Kars discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Whether the powerful position of this movement within the Roman Catholic Church be an advantage for that Church itself cannot be discussed here.
There is more than one meaning of Bombay discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The etymology of the word has been much discussed.
There is more than one meaning of Simbirsk discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
On July 2nd he died in a manner which has been much discussed, suspicions of suicide being circulated at the time by Grimm and others.'
There is more than one meaning of Nicholas Ii discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
So too it is the idea of sacrificing the firstborn to Yahweh that is discussed and rejected in Micah vi.
There is more than one meaning of Barcelona discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Edmonton discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Madras discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The general question of food values is discussed in the article Dietetics; see also Nutrition.
There is more than one meaning of Wallingford discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Mendoza discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Cassel discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
They are a series of dialogues, written first for pupils in the early Paris days as formulae of polite address, but afterwards expanded into lively conversations, in which many of the topics of the day are discussed.
The primitive character of Ares has been much discussed.
There is more than one meaning of Sterling discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The canonical election of bishops also continued to be discussed; but the old electors, i.e.
In north German politics he interfered vigorously to protect his brotherin-law the Margrave Louis of Brandenburg against the lords of Mecklenburg and the dukes of Pomerania, with such success that the emperor, Charles IV., at the conference of Bautzen, was reconciled to the Brandenburger and allowed Valdemar an annual charge of 16,000 silver marks on the city of Lubeck (1349) Some years later Valdemar seriously thought of reviving the ancient claims of Denmark upon England, and entered into negotiations with the French king, John, who in his distress looked to this descendant of the ancient Vikings for help. A matrimonial alliance between the two crowns was even discussed, and Valdemar offered, for the huge sum of 600,000 gulden, to transport 12,000 men to England.
Further details respecting priestly offices and hereditary priesthoods and the relation of Aaronids to Zadokids will be found briefly discussed in Ency.
Maurice was promised some rights over the archbishopric of Magdeburg and the bishopric of Halberstadt; immunity, in part at least, for his subjects from the Tridentine decrees; and the question of transferring the electoral dignity was discussed.
But in 865 Louis and Charles meeting near Toul, renewed the peace of Coblenz, and doubtless discussed the possibility of dividing Lothair's kingdom.
The most striking addition which is here made to previous researches consists in the treatment of a planet supposed entirely fluid; the general equation for the form of a stratum is given for the first time and discussed.
There is more than one meaning of Iquitos discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
In 1870 appeared his Other Worlds than Ours, in which he discussed the question of the plurality of worlds in the light of.
There is more than one meaning of Bassein discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The momentous question was discussed at a meeting of the opponents of the Vatican decrees, and it was resolved to elect a bishop and ask the Dutch bishops to consecrate him.
At the latter of these two conferences, when Dollinger was seventysix years of age, he delivered a series of marvellous addresses in German and English, in which he discussed the state of theology on the continent, the reunion question, and the religious condition of the various countries of Europe in which the Roman Catholic Church held sway.
There is more than one meaning of Geneva discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Castellon discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of John Armstrong discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The metre is discussed first, each verse is scanned, and each word thoroughly and instructively examined.
Milton, in his Tractate on Education (1644), advances further on Bacon's lines, protesting against the length of time spent on instruction in language, denouncing merely verbal knowledge, and recommending the study of a large number of classical authors for the sake of their subject appointed to consider the studies and examinations of the university, their report of November 1904 on the Previous Examination was fully discussed, and the speeches published in the Reporter for December 17, 1904.
He discussed their properties and constructed tables for their evaluation.
Heinrich Eduard Heine has shown that the functions of higher orders may be considered as limiting values of the associated functions; this relation was discussed independently, in 1878, by Lord Rayleigh.
An account of the Bible as a whole involves so many aspects of interest, that, apart from the separate articles on its component books, the general questions of importance arising out of its present shape require to be discussed in separate, sections of this article.
Briefly, in conclusion, it remains to consider the relation of Archaeology to Criticism, partly because it is frequently asserted in the loose language just discussed that Archae- Archaeologys overthrown Criticism, or in par- ?' ?
The problem of its earlier history is so entangled with the similar questions raised by x that the two cannot well be discussed separately.
Discussed by Lagarde in his Ges.
It is best discussed by Rendel Harris's books, The Origin of the Leicester Codex (1887), The Origin of the Ferrar Group (1893), and The Ferrar Group (1900), all published at Cambridge; the text of fam.'
Afterwards, when the subject of the divorce of Josephine and the choice of a Russian or of an Austrian princess came to be discussed, Daru, on being consulted by Napoleon, is said boldly to have counselled his marriage with a French lady; and Napoleon, who admired his frankness and honesty, took the reply in good part.
The homiletic Midrashim are characterized by (a) a proem, an introduction based upon some biblical text (not from the lesson itself), which led up to (b) the exposition of the lesson, the first verse of which is more fully discussed than the rest.
There is more than one meaning of Montserrat discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Some differences of opinion arose in connexion with the report, and at a meeting of the commissioners on the 12th of April 1899, when part 5 of the draft report was to be considered, a proposal was made to substitute an alternative draft for Lord Peel's, and also a series of alternative drafts for the four sections already discussed.
Frontier questions are discussed fully in Col.
The rise and progress of the new school of prophecy, ' beginning with Amos and continued in the succession of canonical prophets, which broke through this religious stagnation, is Amos discussed in the article Hebrew Religion; for from Amos, and still more from Isaiah downwards, the Successors.
The claims of Byrgius are discussed in Kastner's Geschichte der Mathematik, ii.
Humboldt also discussed the Mexican doctrine of four ages of the world belonging to water, earth, air and fire, and ending respectively by deluge, earthquake, tempest and conflagration.
He was invited to approve the candidates proposed for state governorships; in all law cases affecting the Government or political matters the judges asked his opinion; he drafted bills, and discussed their text with individual members and committees of congress.
The problem as to their origin has been keenly discussed.
The difficult question of its legality is discussed in the article Vestments.
There is more than one meaning of Ithaca discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Stavropol discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Thus the sacrament which was intended to be a bond of peace, became a chief cause of dissension and bloodshed, and was often discussed as if it were a vulgar talisman.
This significance remains to be discussed; the cognate question of how far the development of the Eucharist was influenced by the pagan mysteries is discussed in the article Sacrament.
The geology, fauna and flora of Guatemala are discussed under Central America.
To-day they are covered with farms. The cause of the treelessness has been much discussed.
The financial bills are discussed, as fully as the pressure of work permits, in committee of the whole House.
Every case is discussed twice by the whole body, once to ascertain the view of the majority, which is then directed to be set forth in a written opinion; then again when the written opinion, prepared by one of the judges, is submitted for criticism and adoption by the court as its judgment.
There is more than one meaning of Bern discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Rome discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
De Spatii Sectione discussed the similar problem which requires the rectangle contained by the two intercepts to be equal to a given rectangle.
There is more than one meaning of Durango discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Bahia discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
In order to refer back to the Physics, the De Coelo, and the De Generatione, this work begins by stating that the first causes of all nature and all natural motion, the stars ordered according to celestial motion and the bodily elements with their transmutations, and generation and corruption have all been discussed; and by adding that there remains to complete this investigation, what previous investigators called meteorology.
It is probable that when, after Plato's death and the accession of Speusippus in 347, Aristotle with Xenocrates left Athens to visit his former pupil Hermias, the three discussed this moderate system of Ethics in which the two philosophers nearly agreed.
Thereupon it proceeds to a discourse on friendship, which in the Nicomachean and Eudemian Ethics is discussed in an earlier position, but breaks off unfinished.
There is more than one meaning of Arequipa discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The development of the latter is discussed in the article Communism.
He has often discussed Hodson's character in talking to me, and it was to him a regret that a man possessing so many fine gifts should have been wanting in a moral quality which made him untrustworthy."
There is more than one meaning of Sivas discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Anthony Ashley Cooper discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Orense discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Baden discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Kostroma discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Alicante discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Hercules discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Brass discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Puebla discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
His motives in so doing have been much discussed by the critics; Vandamme's movements, it may be suggested, contributed to the French emperor's plan, which if carried out would open the Pirna road.
Hobson, in John Ruskin, Social Reformer (2nd ed., 1899), has elaborately discussed his social and economic teaching, and claims him as "the greatest social teacher of his age."
There is more than one meaning of Nicephorus discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Basil discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Rose discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
At the second International Conference of American States, which sat in the city of Mexico from the 22nd of October 1901 to the 31st of January 1902, the same subject was again discussed, and a scheme was finally adopted as a compromise which conferred authority on the government of Mexico to ascertain the views of the different governments.
When the subject came on for discussion at the conference the German military delegate stated his view that the question of effectives could not be discussed by itself, as there were many others to which it was in some measure subordinated, such, for instance, as the length of service, the number of cadres whether existing in peace or made ready for war, the amount of training received by reserves, the situation of the country itself, its railway system, and the number and position of its fortresses.
Its mode of operation is to work out the matters it deals with during the intervals between the sessions, in permanent commissions, among which the whole domain of international law is divided up. The commissions, under the direction of their rapporteurs or conveners, prepare reports and proposals, which are printed and distributed among the members some time before the plenary sittings at which they are to be discussed.
Bradley and Molyneux discussed several hypotheses in the hope of fixing the solution.
This subject is discussed in the articles Aether and Light.
There is more than one meaning of Ems discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Reconsideration of the subject led him afterwards to modify his views to some extent, and he has since more fully discussed the question.
The problem, which, in the opinion of the present writer, is the one of interest and has more or less definitely been in the minds of those who have discussed the subject, is whether the type of wave sent out by a molecule only depends on the internal energy of that molecule, or on other considerations such as the mode of excitement.
Experiments which will be discussed in § to seem to show that there is a difference in this respect between the impacts of similar and those of dissimilar molecules.
The objections raised from the Nonconformist point of view were numerous and varied, but they were thoroughly discussed between the first meeting on the 15th of April and the last on the 24th of July 1661; the bishops agreeing to meet the Puritan wishes on a few minor points but on none of fundamental importance.
There is more than one meaning of Settle discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Zrinyi discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Deva discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
He had specially prepared himself, as he thought, for "teaching imaginative men, and political men, and legal men, and scientific men who bear the world in hand"; and he did not attempt to win their attention to abstract and worn-out theological arguments, but discussed the opinions, the poetry, the politics, the manners and customs of the time, and this not with philosophical comprehensiveness, not in terms of warm eulogy or measured blame, but of severe satire varied by fierce denunciation, and with a specific minuteness which was concerned primarily with individuals.
It is divided into two parts, the first of which is purely historical, and devoted to an exposition of various philosophical systems; in the second, which comprises fourteen chapters of the entire work, the distinctive characters and value of these systems are compared and discussed.
There is more than one meaning of Hastings discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The extent to which these two attitudes have been combined or separated is discussed in the ensuing article which deals with the various schools of modern metaphysics in relation to the principles of the Aristotelian " first philosophy."
Then having discussed force as something thoroughly material, and laying special emphasis on resistance, he tells us that " the force of which we assert persistence is that Absolute Force of which we are indefinitely conscious as the necessary correlate of the force we know " (First Principles, § 62).
Afterwards in Nanna (1848) he discussed the supposed souls of plants, and in Zendavesta (1851) the supposed souls of the earth and the rest of the world.
On the 23rd of June the Confession, originally intended as the statement of Electoral Saxony alone, was discussed and signed by a number of other Protestant princes and cities, and read before the diet on the 25th of June.
The nature of this supremacy has been much discussed, but the true explanation seems to be furnished by that principle of personal allegiance which formed such an important element in Anglo-Saxon society.
The functions of the council have been much discussed, and it has been claimed that they had the right of electing and deposing kings.
From the considerations pointed out above we can hardly doubt that the village possessed a certain amount of corporate life, centred perhaps in an ale-house where its affairs were discussed by the inhabitants.
There is more than one meaning of New York discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Polycrates discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
His interest in this branch of inquiry dates back at least as far as 1874, when he discussed the "Latent Heat of Liquid Gases" before the British Association.
There is more than one meaning of Rio Grande Do Sul discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The name itself has been much discussed.
The general principles of law in the legal sense are discussed under Jurisprudence.
But such a pressure represents the equilibrium osmotic pressure discussed above.
There is more than one meaning of Leek discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The interpretation of such names as 'Abi-ba'al (father of Ba'al), Himilkath (brother of Milkath), Hiram (brother of the exalted one) is not altogether certain, and can hardly be discussed here.'
His works are chiefly reports of his disputations, such as that which appears in the Scisme Unmask't (Paris, 1658), in which the definition of a schism is discussed with two Romanist opponents.
Galen, in his work Ilepi Twv Tis LGuxiis nBWV, having discussed the nature and immortality of the soul, proceeds in ch.
The study of the physical characteristics of criminals is discussed at great length by Lombroso, L` Uomo delinguente (1897); Ferri, L'Omicidio (1895); von Baer, Der Verbrecher (1893); Laurent, Les Habitues des prisons (1890); and Havelock Ellis, The Criminal (1901).
The relative values of hand and machine work are often discussed.
There is more than one meaning of Smolensk discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Warsaw discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
These families are described and their affinities discussed in the articles Neuroptera and Hexapoda (qq.v.).
There is more than one meaning of China discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Few questions in historical geography have been more keenly discussed than that of the first discovery of Guinea by the navigators of modern Europe.
There is more than one meaning of Daphne discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Matters relating to daily life had to be discussed, and words and phrases were adopted from what was no doubt the popular language of an earlier period.
The question of survivorship, where two or more persons are shown to have perished by the same catastrophe, as in cases of shipwreck, has been much discussed.
The reasons for the belief in a life after death are discussed in the article Immortality.
The general relation between parent and filial organisms is discussed under Heredity and Embryology; many of the details of the cellular processes are dealt with under Cytology, and the modes of reproduction exhibited by different kinds of animals and plants are treated of in the various articles describing individual groups.
Finally, some of the special problems involved are discussed under the heading SEX.
Both of these will be discussed in more detail.
Thus in 1907 at the Centenary Conference in Shanghai, when many topics were discussed centring in the question of the native Chinese Church, a general declaration of faith and purpose was adopted, which, after setting out the things held in common, proceeded, " We frankly recognize that we differ as to methods of administration and of church government; that some among us differ from others as to the administration of baptism; and that there are some differences as to the statement of the doctrine of predestination, or the election of grsce.
At the same time he claimed the authorship of a letter, not signed by the Westchester farmer, which under the title An Alarm to the Legislature of the Province of New York (1775) discussed the power of this the only legal political body in the colony.
Maximilian himself was an "enlightened" prince of the 18th-century type, whose tolerant principles had already grievously offended his clerical subjects; Montgelas was a firm believer in drastic reform "from above," and, in 1803, had discussed with the rump of the old estates the question of reforms. But the revolutionary changes introduced by the constitution proclaimed on the 1st of May 1808 were due to the direct influence of Napoleon.
There is more than one meaning of Theodora discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The significance of these fusions will be discussed under the various groups.
Without entering into details, which it is the less necessary to do because the subject has been recently discussed with great fulness in works readily accessible, it may be said that for Locke as for Hume the problem of psychology was the exact description of the contents of the individual mind, and the determination of the conditions of the origin and development of conscious experience in the individual mind.
Not all of these points are discussed by Hume with the same fulness, and with regard to some of them it is difficult to state his conclusions.
For some time after this the question of pharmaceutical legislation was widely discussed.
As the excavations at Cnossus are discussed at length in the article Crete, it must suffice here briefly to enumerate the more important.
There is more than one meaning of Guanajuato discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Kashan discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The Danish antiquarian Rafn, in his monumental Antiquitates Ainericanae, published in 1837, and much discussed in America at that time, held for Rhode Island as Leif's landfall and the locality of Thorfinn's colony.
His Majesty expressed his displeasure, and summoned them before him in the councilchamber, where he insisted on his supreme prerogative, which, he said, ought not to be discussed in ordinary argument.
The conversation ranges from the dishes before the guests to literary matters of every description, including points of grammar and criticism; and they are expected to bring with them extracts from the poets, which are read aloud and discussed at table.
Africa and elsewhere is discussed below.
A small group had for some time discussed the means for obtaining for Conservative principles the su p port of the people.
There is more than one meaning of Pythagoras discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
This is discussed, from the biologist's point of view, in the article Zoology.
For the customs discussed above, see I.
This communication began to fail, or close up presumably in the Miocene period; and before the dawn of Pliocene times the Sarmatian Ocean was broken up or divided into sections, one of which was the Aralo-Caspian sea already discussed.
In 1900 the Hydrotechnical Congress of Russia discussed the plan of constructing a canal to connect the Caspian more directly with the Black Sea by cutting an artificial waterway about 22 ft.
There is more than one meaning of Kuopio discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
No sooner was this effected than the project of a legislative union between the British and Irish parliaments, which had been from time to time discussed since the beginning of the 18th century, was taken up in earnest by Pitt's government.
There is more than one meaning of Thomas Percy discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
In the Bible the philosophical-religious problem is nowhere discussed, but Christian ethics as set forth in the New Testament assumes throughout the freedom of the human will.
There is more than one meaning of John Newton discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The effect of the use of tea upon health has been much discussed.
The cycloid was a famous curve in those days; it had been discussed by Galileo, Descartes, Fermat, Roberval and Torricelli, who had in turn exhausted their skill upon it.
There is more than one meaning of Hanover discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Berhampur discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The date of the History of Moses has been discussed in many monographs.
In three years the many controversial questions were discussed and settled, and in October 1648 the treaty of Westphalia was signed and the Thirty Years War was at an end.
The principal coflsWu clauses of the constitution then began to be discussed.
The whole subject was as eagerly discussed throughout the country as in Frankfort.
After being discussed in the Reichstag, all three projects were referred to a special commission, which after a year reported to the diet, having completely remodelled the two latter laws.
The causes of the change in public opinion, of which this was to be the beginning, are too deep-seated to be discussed here.
In August of i88o a congress of Socialists was held at the castle of Wyden, in Switzerland, at which about eighty members of the party met, discussed their policy, and separated before the police knew anything of it.
The measure continued, however, to be discussed, and in 1900 the government proposed to incorporate with this bill (which was known as the Lex Heinze) the articles from the Umsturz- Vorlage subjecting art and ifterature to the control of the criminal law and police.
There is more than one meaning of Lugo discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
This was originally part of (3) [b], in connexion with which its origin and date are discussed.
The problems discussed under this fictitious guise are with rare exceptions fundamental problems for every age; and, whatever may be thought of the positions maintained, the discussions are hardly ever feeble or trivial.
There is more than one meaning of Manasseh discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
At the 25th session (4th December 1563) this committee of the council was reported to have completed its work, but as the subject did not seem (on account of the great number and variety of the books) to admit of being properly discussed by the council, the result of its labours was handed over to the pope (Pius IV.) to deal with as he should think proper.
But when his own trial was discussed in the privy council, Pitt sensibly held that Political Justice, the work on which the charge could best have been founded, was priced at three guineas, and could never do much harm among those who had not three shillings to spare.
Parliamentary activity was at once resumed; the AustroHungarian tariff contained in the Szell-Korber compact was adopted, the estimates were discussed and the commercial treaty with Germany ratified.
There is more than one meaning of Khiva discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Olbia discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Cadiz discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The details cannot here be discussed.
There is more than one meaning of Astrakhan discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Tabernacle discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The history of the currency reform in Egypt is interesting as affording a practical example of a system much discussed in connection with the currency question in India, namely, a gold standard without a gold coinage.
Fhnders Petrie has collected and discussed a series of facial types shown in prehiltoric and early Egyptian sculpture, Journal Anthropological Institute, 1901, 248.
In a long despatch penn, of the 6th of March he discussed the general situation, aDo and pointed out that although the force at his disposal military was amply sufficient for raising the siege of Khartum Situation at end of and defeating the mahch, the conditions were changed operatloas.
There is more than one meaning of Hamburg discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Oldenburg discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
The details of it cannot be discussed here.
There is more than one meaning of Jacksonville discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Wellington discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
In its general character, the meeting was but a Church congress on an enlarged scale, and the subjects discussed, e.g.
Its chemistry is discussed under Chlorine, and its manufacture under Alkali Manufacture.
There is more than one meaning of Poplar discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Portsmouth discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
She invented and discussed the curve known as the "witch of Agnesi" (q.v.) or versiera.
There is more than one meaning of Novgorod discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
There is more than one meaning of Marburg discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.