Discover Sentence Examples
I want to discover what I can do.
She woke in the morning to discover she was alone.
He is trying to discover something by looking at me!
She'd lost a family and a world, only to discover the other half of her soul in the man before her.
To discover and define those laws is the problem of history.
You might discover you bit off more than you could chew.
But on nearer approach we should discover our error.
Yet, look where she would, Dorothy could discover no bells at all in the great glass hall.
His thoughts represent a transitional movement, and it is difficult to discover in them anything like a systematic philosophy.
In some they are difficult to discover.
AdvertisementRobinson was unable to discover any certain traces of either name or ruins.
Pierre's insanity consisted in not waiting, as he used to do, to discover personal attributes which he termed "good qualities" in people before loving them; his heart was now overflowing with love, and by loving people without cause he discovered indubitable causes for loving them.
If we go to Mill to discover what it is, we find that " it is not pretended that the law of diminishing return was operative from the beginning of society; and though some political economists may have believed it to come into operation earlier than it does, it begins quite early enough to support the conclusions they founded on it."
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It was worse than the morning after he slept with human-Deidre and awoke to discover whom he spent the night with.
AdvertisementShe lay in his arms, afraid to answer the desire pounding at the door of her heart — afraid he would discover she was no longer the woman he married.
Discover cards start with a prefix of 6011.
His object in the Traite des verites premieres (1717), his best-known work, is to discover the ultimate principle of knowledge.
She chanced a look at his face only to discover that he was laughing.
In some cases the closest examination has failed to detect any distinction that may be called specific between the members of their avifauna; but in most it is possible to discover just sufficient difference to warrant a separation of the subjects.
AdvertisementNow, turning to the actual effects, we discover somewhat remarkable facts.
Variables of the Algol class are rendered difficult to discover by the incidental character of their fluctuations.
To understand Wundt is to discover what a mess modern psychology has made to metaphysics.
Mahomet himself, so far as we can discover, never wrote down anything.
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Carmen dressed in the nicest slacks that she owned and was relieved to discover that Alex and Katie were both dressed casually.
These four lines of inquiry have shown that the Crucifixion fell on Friday, Nisan 14 (rather than 15), in one of the six years 28-33 A.D.; and therefore, if it is possible to discover (i.) exactly which moon or month was reckoned each year as the moon or month of Nisan, and (ii.) exactly on what day that particular moon or month was reckoned as beginning, it will, of course, be possible to tell in which of these years Nisan 14 fell on a Friday.
Great fluency and ease of diction, considerable warmth of imagination and moral sentiment, and a sharp eye to discover any oddity of style or violation of the accepted canons of good taste, made his criticisms pungent and effective.
Through all history the spirit of God has breathed; everywhere we discover the traces of His revelation.
Alpheus Hyatt (1838-1902) was the first to discover (1866) that these changes in the form of the ammonite shell agreed closely with those which had been passed through in the ancestral history of the ammonites.
To understand noumenal idealism in Germany and the rise of metaphysical idealism in modern times is to discover that psychological is the origin of all metaphysical idealism.
In reply to Thomas Paine's Age of Reason, he published the Age of Revelation (1790); he also published a volume entitled A Star in the West, or a Humble Attempt to Discover the Long Lost Ten Tribes of Israel (1816), in which he endeavours to prove that the American Indians may be the ten lost tribes.
Viewing the contents of mind as matter of experience, he can discover among them only and im- one distinction, a distinction expressed by the terms. impressions and ideas.
I cannot discover any theory which gives me satisfaction on this head...
Notwithstanding the great development which he gave to his work and the almost unprecedented amount of discussion to which it gave rise, it remains a matter of some difficulty to discover what solid contribution he has made to our knowledge, nor is it easy to ascertain precisely what practical precepts, not already familiar, he founded on his theoretic principles.
During the dark ages, in the Byzantine East, as well as in the West, Hellenism had become little more than a dried and shrivelled tradition, although the closer study of Byzantine culture in latter years has seemed to discover more vitality than was once supposed.
It is not always easy to discover, putting together the trustworthy evidence of Justinian's own laws and the angry complaints of Procopius, what was the nature and justification of the changes made in the civil administration.
It fell to Cimon's lot in 469 B.C. to discover the hero's grave at Scyrus and bring back his bones to Athens.
This problem he had attacked in 1774, and in subsequent years he made various attempts to discover the acid which, under the influence of his oxygen theory, he expected would be formed.
At last his superiors seemed to discover his real difficulties.
One of the purposes of the expedition was to discover whether the rate of combustion of a candle varies with the density of the atmosphere in which it is burnt, a question which was answered in the negative.
It was left for modern research to discover rules of harmony which the Romans obeyed unconsciously.
How does the whole process from sense to inference discover the real truth of judgments, which are true so far as they signify things known by sense, memory, experience and inference?
Moreover, the study of analogical and inductive inference is necessary to that of the syllogism itself, because they discover the premises of syllogism.
It is clear then that a man's metaphysics and psychology must colour his logic. It is accordingly necessary to the logician to know beforehand the general distinctions and principles of things in metaphysics, and the mental operations of sense, conception, memory and experience in psychology, so as to discover the processes of inference from experience about things in logic.
But in induction the given particulars are the evidence by which we discover the universal,, e.g.
It is of moment, then, to discover from his emphasis, whether by iteration or by fulness of scale, what objects he had in mind in writing.
He attacked Sir Isaac Newton's chronological system with success; but he himself lost not only time but money in an endeavour to discover the longitude.
Thomsen, to decipher these inscriptions, and to discover that they belonged to the Turkish Iron Age.
Watson carried out elaborate experiments to discover how far the electric discharge of the jar could be conveyed along metallic wires and was able to accomplish it for a distance of 2 m., making the important observation that the electricity appeared to be transmitted instantaneously.
In March 1626 he came to London, and when driving one day near Highgate, was taken with a desire to discover whether snow would act as an antiseptic. He stopped his carriage, got out at a cottage, purchased a fowl, and with his own hands assisted to stuff it with snow.
To discover exactly the characteristics and the object of natural philosophy it is necessary to examine the place it holds in the general scheme furnished in the Advancement or De Augmentis.
And this induction must be used not only to discover axioms, but also in the formation of notions."
Meanwhile other writers from the 4th century onwards claimed to discover them in Boeotia, west Acarnania (Leucas), and later again in Thessaly, Euboea, Megara, Lacedaemon and Messenia.
While ethnography was gathering up the facts from every part of the globe, psychology began to analyse the forms of belief, of action and emotion, to discover if possible the key to the multitudinous variety which history revealed.
Here he fell in love with a young girl who had been dumb from birth, and henceforth devoted himself to discover a method of imparting speech to deaf-mutes.
He taught, if he did not discover, the obliquity of the ecliptic, is said to have introduced into Greece the gnomon (for determining the solstices) and the sundial, and to have invented some kind of geographical map. But his reputation is due mainly to his work on nature, few words of which remain.
For here we continually discover traces of Iranian nationality.
This God he could not discover in the Old Testament; on the contrary, he saw there the revelation of a just, stern, jealous, wrathful and variable God, who requires from his servants blind obedience, fear and outward righteousness.
It is therefore very important to discover high tension at an early period.
Butler seems willing to rest satisfied with his opponents' admission that the being of God is proved by reason, but it would be hard to discover how, upon his own conception of the nature and limits of reason, such a proof could ever be given.
His editions of the Catalecta (1575), of Festus (1575), of Catullus, Tibullus and Propertius (1577), are the work of a man who not only writes books of instruction for learners, but is determined himself to discover the real meaning and force of his author.
It was left for Cleanthes to discover this motive cause in a conception familiar to Zeno, as to the Cynics before him, but restricted to the region of ethics - the conception of tension or effort.
The energy and money devoted to hatching operations should be diverted to the serious attempt to discover a means of rearing on a large scale the just-hatched fry of the more sedentary species to a sturdy adolescence.
Soon the irresistible charm of a book which gratified the imagination of the reader with all the action and scenery of a fairy tale, which exercised his ingenuity by setting him to discover a multitude of curious analogies, which interested his feelings for human beings, frail like himself, and struggling with temptations from within and from without, which every moment drew a smile from him by some stroke of quaint yet simple pleasantry, and nevertheless left on his mind a sentiment of reverence for God and of sympathy for man, began to produce its effect.
Such mercy, as he was to discover, was misplaced.
With regard to the bacillary type, at first both organisms were considered to be identical, and the name bacillus dysenteriae was given to them; but later it was shown that these bacilli are different, both in regard to their cultural characteristics and also in that one (Shiga) gives out a soluble toxin, whilst the other has so far resisted all efforts to discover it.
He failed to discover in previous moral systems any necessary basis in thought, any completeness as regards the phenomena of moral action, any systematic arrangement of its parts and any clear and distinct treatment of specific moral acts and relations.
It is only necessary to trace carefully back the pedigree of most of the famous horses of early times to discover faults on the side of the dam-that is to say, the expression " dam's pedigree unknown," which evidently means of original or native blood.
A well-made horse wants dissecting in detail, and then if a good judge can discover no fault with any part, but finds each of good proportions, and the whole to harmonize without defect, deformity or deficiency, he has before him a well-shaped horse; and of two equally well-made and equitably proportioned horses the best bred one will be the best.
Some historians, in their zeal for rigid classification, have regarded the Fraticelli as a distinct sect, and have attempted to discover its dogmas and its founder.
If, however, we discover plantbearing strata interstratified with deposits containing marine fossils, we can fix the period to which the plants belong, and may be able to correlate them in distinct areas, even though the floras be unlike.
We here discover for the first time various living families and genera, but there is still a noticeable absence of many of our most prolific existing groups.
One of its practical aims is to obtain a wide and accurate knowledge of remedial substances in relation to their application in the treatment of disease, while another is to discover new or improved remedies.
Due attention to the relation between understanding and reason enables us to solve the antinomies and to discover their precise origin and significance.
A further ground for inferring a Hebrew original is to be found in the fact that paronomasiae not infrequently discover themselves in the course of retranslation into Hebrew.
Maybe he was buying trouble, but he longed to see her break from the past and discover Carmen.
He released her and searched her face as though trying to discover the reason for her lack of response.
Unable to quell the panic flying through her, she wasn't willing to test the waters to discover if demons were restricted from harming their mates like Immortals.
He suspected there was much more to past-Death's story but never expected to discover the human was alive and well in Hell.
He watched her stride to the door without following, heart heavy at what Kris.s lieutenant and his colleague of a few decades would soon discover.
We must discover a better way of taking Tiyan, from the inside.
Your history has never ceased to be marked by encounters between peoples who had to discover one another in conditions that were often conflictual.
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Secondly, many passages must be retranslated into Greek before we can discover the source of the various corruptions.
Naturalistic explanations of some of these are proposed, and a mythical theory is distinctly foreshadowed when Blount dwells on the inevitable tendency of men, especially long after the event, to discover miracles attendant on the birth and death of their heroes.
Some were content to argue their own ideas into Scripture, and those they disliked out of it; to one or two it seemed a satisfaction to discover difficulties in Scripture, to point to historical inaccuracies and moral defects.
Petty is much concerned to discover a fixed unit of value, and he thinks he has found it in the necessary sustenance of a man for a day.
Where his written authorities are not palpably inconsistent with each other or with probability he accepts and transcribes their record without any further inquiry, nor does he ever attempt to get behind this record in order to discover the original evidence on which it rested.
He favoured the embassy in every way, and when the body of Santa Justa could not be found, helped the envoys who were also aided by a vision seen by one of them in a dream, to discover the body of Saint Isidore, which was reverently carried away to Leon.
Again the Homeric Zeus is fully anthropomorphic; but in many domains of Greek religion we discover the traces of theriomorphism, when the deity was regarded as often incarnate in the form of an animal or the animal might itself be worshipped in its own right.
In Polynesia the coco-nut is spun like a teetotum to discover a thief.
To many persons it will appear paradoxical to ascribe the endowment of a soul to the inferior tribes in the creation, yet it is difficult to discover a valid argument that limits the possession of an immaterial principle to man.
James Bruce's main object was to discover the sources of the Nile, which he was convinced lay in Abyssinia.
But more extended exploration was conducted by two Franciscan friars, Francisco Atanasio Dominguez and Silvestre Velez de Escalante, who, on the 29th of July 1776, left Santa Fe with seven others to discover a direct route to Monterey on the coast of Alta, California.
But it is the office of philosophy, as a theory of knowledge, to submit such conceptions to a critical analysis, with a view to discover how far they can be thought out, or how far, when this is done, they refute themselves, and call for a different form of statement, if they are to be taken as a statement of the ultimate nature of the real.'
We may then say that psychology is occupied with the natural function of Intellection, seeking to discover its laws and distinguishing its various modes (perception, representative imagination, conception, &c.) according to the various circumstances in which the laws are found at work.
Every effort was used to discover, or rather to obtain legal evidence against, the author, whom, Walpole was assured, it would then have taken ten thousand men to apprehend.
According to Garnet's own opinion a priest cognizant of treason against the state " is bound to find all lawful means to discover it salvo sigillo confessionis."
The sloth, armadillo, opossum, skunk and a species of fox complete the list of the more common quadrupeds so far as known, though it is certain that a careful biological survey would discover many others.
Ascending the Zambezi, he, however, found no place free from the tsetse fly, and therefore resolved to discover a route to the interior from either the west or east coast.
The most trying time-distribution of which the author has had experience in the United Kingdom, or which he has been able to discover from a comparison of rainfalls upon nearly impermeable areas exceeding woo acres, is graphically represented by the thick irregular line in the left-hand half of fig.
Washington lamented deeply the death of Laurens, saying of him, "He had not a fault that I could discover, unless it were intrepidity bordering upon rashness."
The report ran " that it is the opinion of this committee that a reward be settled by parliament upon such person or persons as shall discover a more certain and practicable method of ascertaining the longitude than any yet in practice; and the said reward be proportioned to the degree Hof exactness to which the said method shall reach."
If we would discover that which is common to all things at all times, we must, he submitted, exclude the differences of things, whether simultaneous or successive.
It was first turned to account when the Flemings, who had scruples about opposing their liege lord the king of France, found it convenient to discover that, since Edward was the real king and not Philip, their allegiance was due in the same direction whither their commercial interests drew them.
The British traders had already pushed far into the Atlantic before Columbus discovered America; fired by the success of the great navigator they continued their adventures, hoping like him to discover a short north-west passage to Cathay and Japan.
With a charter from the king giving him leave to set up the English banner on all the lands he might discover, the Bristol Genoese trader John Cabot successfully passed the great sea in 1497, and discovered Newfoundland and its rich fishing stations.
This new method Baring tried to discover in altering the differential duties on timber and sugar, and substituting a fixed duty of 8s.
The pamphlet was disliked by Chatham on the one hand, on no reasonable grounds that we can discover; it was denounced by the extreme popular party of the Bill of Rights, on the other hand, for its moderation and conservatism.
There is reason to believe that Gunter was the first to discover (in 1622 or 1625) that the magnetic needle does not retain the same declination in the same place at all times.
C, One of the first post-oral From what has been said, it is pair of appendages or manapparent that we cannot, in attemptdibles; cl', el', the greatly ing to discover the affinities and enlarged claws.
In the course of the Revolution we can discover no well-organized party, no governing mind.
Within the domain of consciousness introspective analysis is unable to discover those chains of necessary sequences which it is the province of science to investigate in the physical world.
It is frequently impossible to discover whether he wishes by an appeal to evolutionary principles to reinforce the sanctions and emphasize the absolute character of the traditional morality which in the main he accepts without question from the current opinions about conduct of his age, or whether he wishes to discredit and disprove the validity of that morality in order to substitute by the aid of the biological sciences a new ethical code.
Nothing could be farther from Green's teaching than the belief that constructive metaphysics could, unaided by the intuitions of the moral consciousness, discover laws for the regulation of conduct.
They observe omens, have magicians and rain-makers, and sometimes resort to ordeal to discover a crime.
There were so many irregularities and so much corruption connected with the bond issues of reconstruction days that it is impossible to discover their exact amount.
Once more, even if we discover the original meaning of a god's name, it does not follow that we can explain by aid of the significance of the name the myths about the god.
Thus, even when we discover an elemental meaning in a god's name, that meaning may be all unlike what the word suggests to civilized men.
She lay in his arms, afraid to answer the desire pounding at the door of her heart — afraid he would discover she was no longer the woman he married.
He suspected there was much more to Tiyan and its enticing warlord that he had yet to discover.
You would discover it while I raise an army able to push northward and southward with Tiyan as the base.
It was arrogant to believe that the Russians would discover it all.
The reporter was curious to discover how it would all tie up, but it didn't.
I was intrigued to discover that journals fell into two clear categories.
Due to his prodigious output, we will not have to wait long to discover whether he can regain his form.
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We didn't discover the Maori word for cabaret artistes.
As we explore Mikumi we will begin to discover a totally different avifauna from the one that has gone before.
I wonder what surprises we might discover on the guest list in God's heavenly banquet?
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Come and kiss the blarney, discover ancient relics, stunning countryside, fabulous people and great pubs!
For instance we can only discover the best ways of life by letting a thousand flowers bloom.
I was fortunate to discover it on my parents ' bookshelf long before it ever occurred to my teachers to assign it to me.
Determined to discover the truth she seeks the help of her former boyfriend, the aviation officer Joseph ' Sky Captain ' Sullivan.
Psychologists for the last 15 years have been trying to discover why the number 3 stimulates the human brain.
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Having searched all 17 of Tower Hamlet's wards we discover that native brits are a minority in no fewer than 12!
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Have spent ages now trying to discover what was causing a horrendous clunk from the rear of the car.
It comes as no surprise then to discover we love comedians like Jack Dee, who focus upon the mundane and miserable.
Yet we discover several long period comets every year.
Which of them is closest to the truth is something it is hardly conceivable that historical research could ever now discover.
I never discover which; they are not great conversationalists.
The radio crackled into life once more, only for us to discover they had still not turned up at camp.
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A doctor's wife is determined to discover how two medicine men are effecting miraculous cures.
Time to discover Arbanassi's famous attractively decorated houses which have been preserved for centuries.
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They soon discover they just did... ' For lots of lethal violence involving high-tech weaponry.
Everyone ends up getting very horribly drunk It all ends hilariously the morning after when they wake to discover the aftermath.
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Andrew always manages to discover a decent eatery to take me to, like The Marylebone Kitchen.
Ken and Kris discover poachers who are shooting elk with a crossbow to cut off the antlers.
They aim to discover practice that can be widely emulated.
However, we're now happily ensconced in what you will, I'm sure, discover is a Very Nice Hotel in Basingstoke.
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Along the way, we discover ancient sequoia trees, the largest living trees in the world.
As you begin your search, you'll discover that baby beds come in a variety of colors and styles, and this applies to round baby cribs as well.
While you'll soon discover that your newborn will take up a great deal of your time, it's important to understand that you baby needs the closeness of her mother and father.
You might just discover another person's junk can become your treasure!
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Once those creative juices begin to flow, you can create a ladybug nursery that will be filled with whimsy and wonder for your little one to discover.
The company's creator, Julie Clark, sought to create products that helped children discover humanities and the world.
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Read on to discover how to go about this whole business of buying beads.
Basically ornamental in nature, beading has its own logic of aesthetics which you will discover as you create more and more of bead items.
Read on to discover how to make your next skirt purchase a meaningful experience.
Read on to discover some basics about buying baseball cards.
Read on to discover what you need to keep in mind aside from the good looks of the shoes the next time you go dress shoe shopping.
If you discover that the actual tape in a used videotape you've purchased is leaking out of the cassette, do not place the cassette in your VCR.
The last thing you want is to return the rental car and discover a whole mess of hidden fees and surcharges.
You can also browse online to discover new products in their jewelry, fashion, beauty, health and fitness, home, kitchen and dining, electronics, crafts, toys and NFL departments.
Some items can only be found online, so using the website exclusively or in connecting with watching HSN is a great way to discover new products and save some money.
For example, you may have always used an eight pound ball but after trying many different balls you discover that a twelve pound ball enhances your performance greatly.
If your favorites were Shasta daisies and they were available all year, you might never discover the beauty of orchids.
You simply click through a questionnaire to discover your perfect fits and where to get them.
Compare prices of carpeting to other flooring options available for the same space--you might be surprised at what you discover.
You can compare prices from a variety of wholesale businesses and discover new products that would never be found in your local area.
If you are looking for an alarm clock for someone who sleeps very soundly, you'll be glad to discover that are a number of models from which to choose.
The best way to discover the perfect instrument is by playing it.
Cover inappropriate places with tinfoil if you discover kitty is using them for a litter box.
Kittens will play with just about anything, and they will discover all kinds of toys you never knew you had.
Simply hang this confection of fur, feathers and fleece from a door knob and watch your cat discover it.
Americans would soon discover this breed and become enamored of the unusual characteristics.
When searching for free online books for kids, you'll discover that there are two different options available.
Not only is this a good way to spend an afternoon with your child, but it also gives you an opportunity to discover new and exciting books that you might not have encountered in your local library or at the nearest bookstore.
What educators and library media specialists are beginning to discover is that comic books can encourage kids to read because they are reading something they love.
In each story the kids meet a character from their every day lives, and then are "forced" to follow clues to discover the potential true identity of this every day person.
Because those who steal identities do so in such secretive ways, it's sometimes difficult to discover that it has happened.
Unfortunately with this scam it takes several days for people to discover it.
It is then routed to the issuing bank (like Discover or Mastercard) to request verification.
Applications to accept Discover, American Express and Diner's Club cards typically cost $50 to $75 each in addition to the fees for setting up Visa and MasterCard.
Some online applications for a merchant account include Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
If the application online includes Visa and MasterCard, you will need to apply separately with Discover Card and American Express.
Applications for Discover Card and American Express are usually approved within a week.
Consider whether you wish to accept Discover Card and American Express transactions and find out whether this option is included on your merchant account application.
The Discover Student Card also offers a cash-back rewards program.
If you'd also like to accept Discover and American Express cards, additional applications may be required.
Some merchant account applications include your interest in Discover and American Express while others do not.
Small business owners can apply directly with Discover and American Express on their respective websites.
Discover Business Card - the Discover Card company is also competing for their share of this marketing niche. lists the many special offers featured with Discover Cards, including zero percent introductory interest rates for balance transfers.
Prepaid travel cards are additionally offered through MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, but many people make Visa their first choice.
This means the card can be used at Sam's Club in addition to other retailers and to pay for goods and services wherever Discover cards are accepted.
This card can be used wherever Discover is accepted.
Consider Discover gift cards for your father, coworker, child's teacher or any other hard-to-buy-for person in your life.
Gift cards allow the recipient to purchase whatever they want at any retailer that takes the Discover Card.
Extra points can be earned by shopping through the Discover online mall as well, and in some cases you can earn as much 20% cash back for buying from partner websites.
Some cards are targeted specifically to give you cash back on purchases you make most frequently, such as the Discover Open Road Card, which maximizes cash back for gas and automobile-related purchases.
The Discover Card account management website takes the difficulty out of managing your account.
For interested parents, here is a bit of information about the system-how to set the card up, how to monitor it, and how to determine the balance of Current Discover cards.
Once you have access you can find out answers to almost every question you may have about your Discover card.
Sign up for mobile access to your Discover account and you will be able to check your balance and perform some other self-service tasks using your mobile telephone.
Whichever style of seating is used for breakfast nooks, you'll discover the best choice for yours.
Other noteworthy items are preserved inside Monticello, waiting for you to discover.
In addition to all of the accents you find in their many stores, expect to discover a bigger selection and catalog/internet only deals when you sign up for the Pottery Barn catalog.
Become a My Lancome member on the companies website and discover a world of beauty information.
To discover how to look a cover model, check out this resource from the experts at Lancome.
With so many options and types available, it is simple to discover one to meet your needs.
Another option, if you desire a sun kissed glow, is to discover a fake tan kit with tinted body glow, blusher, sparkle lipstick and brushes.
Discover the significance affects of balm on the delicate lip covering and you will quickly learn why so many have become addicted.
Ultimately, finding the perfect perfume is to discover your favorite scent.
Discover the perfect fragrance and others will be drawn to you and not even know why.
When researching dentists, you will quickly discover eight main types of dental physician specialties.
Free beauty product samples are a liberated way to try out a new look and to possibly discover a new favorite.
Being a makeup artist may seem like a frivolous job to some, but once you realize all these cosmetic pros do, you begin to discover it is truly is an art.
Take some time to discover this French company who has seriously made their mark in the worlds of both fashion and cosmetics.
If, unfortunately, you happen to discover a blemish come prom day, don't fret.
Hilary Duff makeup is a great enhancement to your beauty regime, and with her newest collection, you just may discover a more romantic and confident you!
From color optimization to eye contouring, you will discover the benefits of not only owning quality cosmetics, but knowing what to do with them as well.
If you know some of the favorite perfumes of the recipient or know their personality very well, you can glean enough information to discover new scents they'll love.
Read on for company history and my eye shadow review to discover why.
You are searching for the perfect gift for a friend or loved one who is looking to discover their "bad" side.
First, you'll need to discover which color is prominent in your iris.
Use our handy list to weed through the options, discover each product's unique benefits and determine which one will best suit your needs.
Approach it with an open mind and you'll discover hundreds (really!) of looks that may run the gamut from wildly over-the-top to simply winsome.
Sadly, I can't exactly measure these things (can any of us?), but I was thrilled to discover that 3D Extreme really delivers on its claims.
I was happy to discover that this is one of the few cream shadows that actually is creaseless.
Why not use these samples as a way to test out new scents and discover if they wear well on your skin?
Read on to discover the styles and the makeup that was the 1970's.
If you're new to this incredible line, you may want to discover some of the cult favorite products that have branded their name in the highly competitive cosmetic industry.
Instead of wasting time, money and product, discover your true skin tone and use this knowledge as power when you shop.
Visit your favorite makeup counter or peruse the cosmetics aisle at your local drug store to discover more great ideas and find inspiration for your best look yet.
With Vincent Longo, you will find bold colors that you would not normally consider wearing, but will discover to be fun and freeing.
While some women seem to take to flawless makeup application from the time they first discover lip gloss, others are constantly on the lookout for tips and advice.
How disappointing it is when we fall in love with a friend's lipstick color, buy our own, and then discover it is not right for us.
The site has tests to help you discover what it is you need in a relationship, why other relationships have failed and who on the site is the best match for you.
For instance, Discover Card offers special online card numbers that you can use to keep your actual account number private.