Discouraged Sentence Examples
I am not discouraged, nor am I afraid.
He hadn't discouraged the short telephone calls with Connie on his phone.
The spirit of the nation was in them and they fought to kill, not for the honour of their arms. The emperor was not discouraged, but on the contrary renewed his efforts to bring up every available man.
This can take a lot of time, so don't be discouraged.
Every day I find how little I know, but I do not feel discouraged since God has given me an eternity in which to learn more.
But the gossip, not discouraged by Terence, lived and throve; it crops up in Cicero and Quintilian, and the ascription of the plays to Scipio had the honour to be accepted by Montaigne and rejected by Diderot.
It is easy to get discouraged when trying to lose weight.
He probably couldn't be discouraged.
The natural indolence of the people has been fostered by the constant wars, which have discouraged peaceful occupations.
The French parlements, after the middle ages, discouraged them.
AdvertisementBismarck, however, was not discouraged.
After having separated the Piedmontese from the Austrians, whom he drove back into Tyrol, and repulsed offensive reprisals of Wurmser and Alvinzi on four occasions, he stopped short at the preliminary negotiations of Loben just at the moment when the Directory, discouraged by the problem of Italian reconstitution, was preparing the army of the Rhine to re-enter the field under the command of Hoche.
All other evenings are casual; though jeans and shorts are discouraged in most restaurants save for the buffet on the Lido Deck.
If none of these different hair piece styles tickle your fancy, don't get discouraged.
Don't get discouraged if you don't make it through an audition or casting call, there are always more opportunities waiting!
AdvertisementDon't get discouraged if no agencies call back right away; instead try entering some pageants or competitions.
In fact, tipping is generally discouraged.
If you've tried to cut back on sugary foods and drinks before, you may feel discouraged and revert back to your old habits again.
In fact, plastic surgery needs to be discouraged for BDD patients since the most likely outcome of such is that the person doesn't like the result and then goes on to pursue corrective surgery.
If your first dog doesn't turn out to be up to par, don't become discouraged.
AdvertisementOnly your vet can make a diagnosis about your dog's hearing, but don't be too discouraged if your dog has permanent hearing loss.
Some will find themselves ill-prepared to meet the needs of their new charge, become discouraged with the amount of care and training needed, and end up dropping the dog off at a shelter.
The White Stripes have been playing their songs a lot longer than you have so don't get discouraged if you can't shred like Jack on your first attempt.
It even began to transition into businesses where professional attire was not only not necessary, but also actively discouraged.
However, there is good stuff out there, so don't get discouraged.
AdvertisementHowever, that is certainly no reason to get discouraged because there are a myriad of boots that not only make you look your best, but also spice up your wardrobe nicely.
In the US, the sight of a topless woman is associated with sex and discouraged from public display.
In addition, they recommend that vitamin supplements containing beta carotene be "actively discouraged" because of the small but statistically significant increased risk of death.
Elective surgery is discouraged due to the high possibility of complications.
School adjustment can be a downhill slide for these children as teachers may get discouraged and peers may be angered by their behaviors.
Parents are discouraged from participating in activities or voicing opinions about policies or practices.
Children at this stage can be easily discouraged about creating art if they are overly criticized, teased by their peers, or become frustrated with art media or problems expressing what they see in their minds.
If the child has been discouraged by criticism or lack of enough art experience or exposure, the child may not continue to draw or partcipate in visual art activities.
For example, a child may be given a set of colored markers; but if they do not flow well or are dried up, the child can become discouraged because the tools do not function properly.
The AAP recommends that television and video viewing for children under age two be discouraged and severely limited.
Contact sports may be discouraged to reduce the risk of injury.
Learning theory focuses on the role of environmental factors in shaping the intelligence of children, especially on a child's ability to learn by having certain behaviors rewarded and others discouraged.
In some cases, children are actively discouraged from showing these feelings, which creates even more tension.
In fact, antibiotic use is discouraged for infants because bacteria could potentially release more toxin into a baby's system as they are killed.
Children with moderate or severe VWD may need to be discouraged from playing contact sports or participating in other activities where injury is likely.
Some children are more easily discouraged by difficulties than others.
Many adolescents still desire a tanned look but should be discouraged from as much sun exposure as possible.
In some cases, strong sniffing is also discouraged to reduce further stress on the delicate tissues of the nose.
Researchers have found environment to be more important than heredity in influencing creativity, and a child's creativity can be either strongly encouraged or discouraged by early experiences at home and in school.
On the other hand, Balanchine actively discouraged this as the dance itself was paramount, not the dancer.
Holding one of these sheets is usually discouraged when actually taking lessons (and certainly when actually dancing) but if you're using the web for a teacher, who's to know that you printed out the directions?
Increasingly, however, women are discouraged from using them, as the chemicals can be irritating.
Do not become discouraged if your child is struggling or bored.
On the other hand, don't be discouraged by these scams.
Don't get discouraged if you don't receive an immediate response.
Don't get discouraged if your model doesn't look right on the first try.
Don't get discouraged if your first star doesn't turn out exactly the way you'd like.
Once you begin your second trimester, exercises that require you to lay flat on your back are discouraged because this position can obstruct the flow of oxygen to your baby.
This will keep you from getting discouraged.
It wasn't until public bathing became more of a family event that beach nudity was generally discouraged in much of the world.
If you were getting discouraged because you thought all the swimsuits were solid in color or too understated for your taste, you may love the Toulouse Ruffle One Piece.
Don't feel discouraged if you're just not cut out for a bandeau body; many women decide that bandeau swimwear isn't the ideal style for them.
You may become discouraged after spending time looking for grants and either, not finding any that you qualify for or you don't end up being the recipient after you've applied.
Under the influence of Communism, practicality was emphasized and religious celebrations were discouraged.
It was only during the Protestant Reformation that the indulgences of the season were frowned on and discouraged.
Since the elite still wanted to have a good time, they developed costume parties that discouraged the use of masks and termed them "fancy dress" balls, so as to broadcast to everyone that these were fun, but socially acceptable, parties.
You aren't in competition with anyone other than yourself, so don't get discouraged if you don't immediately meet the goals you have set.
Should she not agree with you that you should be interested in boys, don't get discouraged.
Keep in mind that competition for these gigs is often quite fierce; don't be discouraged if your first applications aren't accepted.
Feeling proud or discouraged by this explanation of your particular brand of sexuality need not be an issue.
However, because of their perfectionist nature, they often become easily discouraged if things do not go the way they expected.
It will likely take you several months to start showing a profit; give yourself time to "learn the ropes" before you get discouraged.
If you're not quite to the level of mastering frugality just yet, don't get discouraged.
When a tattoo flash artist becomes discouraged enough to quit creating flash sets, a great source of designs is simply gone.
If you're new to the study of yoga and your studio is located 40 minutes from home in an area with minimal parking, you may become unnecessarily discouraged.
The first class especially is very overwhelming and it is easy to get discouraged.
Many people are discouraged from starting their own small businesses because of the rising cost of health care.
Remember that like any skill, learning to use a long arm quilting machine takes practice, so don't get discouraged if your first efforts come out looking less than spectacular.
This approach can help prevent you from getting discouraged.
Carbohydrates, such as breads and pasta, are strongly discouraged as part of any meal.
Highly processed products such as deli meats are discouraged.
Also, it is highly discouraged that any diet contribute less than 1200 calories per day.
Fatty meats, fried foods and cholesterol-filled products like eggs are often discouraged or limited.
It's easy to get discouraged, and you're just setting yourself up for defeat by not focusing on small steps.
Don't get discouraged if the weight doesn't instantly come off, however.
The meal plan is very limited, and because of the reduced calorie intake, strenuous exercise is discouraged as well.
However, that doesn't mean you should get discouraged.
Back in the 1950s, women were discouraged against weight training, for fear that it would build big, bulky muscles.
Don't be discouraged if you cannot keep it swinging at first.
That doesn't mean you have to be discouraged, however, because there are plenty of online stores that carry the brands of fantasy lingerie.
Don't be discouraged if you find more rayon then real silk.
Many women are immediately discouraged when they first purchase Spanx, finding they can't get the item over their knees, much less wherever it's supposed to finally rest.
Children should be supervised when wearing party hats, and inappropriate behavior should be discouraged.
Fred didn't disagree, a sure sign he too was discouraged.
The law student now had a secure job with the firm and any future episodes of embezzlement had been discouraged.
The faithful talking with tongues were taken by bystanders for drunken men, but intoxicated men do not talk in languages of which they are normally ignorant.2 Paul on the whole discouraged glossolaly.
Then, poor but not discouraged, he resolved to be a lawyer, and after reading Coke upon Littleton and the Virginia laws for a few weeks only, he strongly impressed one of his examiners, and was admitted to the bar at the age of twentyfour, on condition that he spend more time in study before beginning to practise.
The lack of mineral resources, especially of coal and iron, of a good harbour (until the improvement of Gulfport), and of an adequate supply of labour has discouraged most kinds of manufacturing.
Some of the clergy in country parishes were devoted workers, but special zeal was resented or discouraged.
The whole family at Vailima became ill, and the final subjugation of his protege Mataafa, and the destruction of his party in Samoan politics, deeply distressed and discouraged Stevenson.
Against a weakened and discouraged.
Here for the first time the highlanders were under heavy fire of grape and roundshot, to which they could not reply, and though the right wing and centre, Camerons, Atholl men, Macleans, Clan Chattan, Appin Stewarts, under Lord George and Lochiel, fought with even more than their usual gallantry and resolution, the Macdonalds on the left, discouraged by the death of Keppoch, Scotus and other officers in the advance, never came to the shock.
Prominent scholars were summoned to it, mostly belonging to the Romantic School, such as Goerres, Schubert and Schelling, though others were not discouraged.
They were, however, not yet discouraged.
To pretend to an independent judgment in questions of faith or morals is for a Roman Catholic to commit treason against his Church; and even in the wide sphere of questions lying beyond the dogmas defined as de fide a too curious discussion is discouraged, if not condemned.
In 1866, discouraged by affairs in Germany, he moved to Winterthur, near Zurich, to become connected with the democratic newspaper, Winterthurer Landbote.
Joan succeeded in entering Orleans on the 29th of April 1429, and through the vigorous and unremitting sallies of the French the English gradually became so discouraged that on the 8th of May they raised the siege.
Despite the needs of civil war, it was not on castles that the builders energy was spent; the government discouraged fortresses in private hands, and the dwellings of the new nobility of Edward IV.
This propaganda was severely discouraged.
Partly from superiority to the narrowness of his age, and partly in the interest of his struggle with the Papacy, this Malleus ecclesiae Romanae drew to his court those savants whose pursuits were discouraged by the church, and especially students in the forbidden lore of the Arabians.
Its author, however, instead of being discouraged by this lack of success, continued his experiments, and in two years was able to turn out a product, the quality of which was not inferior to that yielded by the older methods.
Cowper discouraged the poetry, but loved the writer, and the two became great friends.
Much discouraged by his failure the bishop thought of resigning.
Education was neglected and discouraged, servility and treachery were developed, and in less than a century the people had become depraved and degraded to an almost incredible extent.
The schools were closed, the use of the Armenian language was discouraged, and attempts were made to Russify the Armenians and bring them within the pale of the Russian Church.
While the pair was discouraged at the lack of success of their efforts, both were relieved to be leaving the dank and intimidating enclosure and moved quickly down the tunnel.
Because drinking large amounts of alcohol can cause cardiomyopathy, drinking alcohol is sometimes discouraged.
Workers are actively discouraged from joining independent trade unions.
You are strongly discouraged from discussing likely marks for your work.
The use of these tissues should be firmly discouraged.
Despite this, there is widespread anecdotal evidence that disabled people are implicitly and explicitly discouraged from volunteering.
However, there is some reluctance in that sms isn't reliable in terms of delivery, thus discouraged in emergencies.
On the employment side, labor market reforms have discouraged labor hoarding.
The discouraged intellect may feel itself utterly incompetent to make anything at all of such concepts.
The use of the -b option is discouraged, since when it is used the unencrypted password appears on the command line.
There were no strange portents in the sky when Steve Redwood was born in 1943, a fact that discouraged him from the start.
In particular, the use of swear words or undue profanity is discouraged.
Many cemetery and funerary violinists local Guild branch owners and operators believe Music Memorialization is insignificant or perhaps should be discouraged.
Republicanism was now everywhere discouraged.
Timidity was fortified by pride, and even the success of my pen discouraged the trial of my voice."
The liberated slave, whatever the process by which he had obtained his freedom, became at once a full citizen, his former master, however, retaining the right of patronage, the abolition of which would probably have discouraged emancipation.
He discouraged the king's advances, showed reluctance to go to the palace, and seemed constrained when there.
Although the processes are primitive and improvements are discouraged, both by the policy of the government and by an indolence and suspiciousness of innovation natural to the people themselves, fine crops of cereals are yielded, especially in the large wheat-lands of Hauran.
So long as we felt his loving presence and knew that he took a watchful interest in our work, fraught with so many difficulties, we could not be discouraged.
I was sorely perplexed, and felt discouraged wasting much precious time, especially in algebra.
But I try hard not to be discouraged.
The men of that party, remembering Suvorov, said that what one had to do was not to reason, or stick pins into maps, but to fight, beat the enemy, keep him out of Russia, and not let the army get discouraged.
Be flexible and open-minded when the feedback starts coming in, and don't be discouraged by the negatives.
Don't be discouraged if your baby pushes it back out again with is tongue; this is just practice.
When your child grows discouraged or upset and you're frustrated, it's a lose-lose situation.
Kittens will try to climb to the top of your drapes and perch on the curtain rod if not discouraged.
Keep your eye on the prize, and don't allow yourself to get discouraged.
It may take a while before you find him so don't be discouraged if your initial search doesn't turn anything up.
It's not as easy to find these types of chairs as it used to be, but if you can't find any in traditional stores don't get discouraged.
When you read that global warming can only really be combated if government and industry step up, it's easy to become discouraged; but fortunately, there are many simple ways to save the environment on an individual basis.
In 1975, when Iman arrived in the United States from Africa to model, she was discouraged by the makeup application on her exotic skin.
If this article easily discouraged you, you may not be cut out for the modeling industry.
Don't be discouraged if your first search doesn't yield results.
Be prepared for plenty of mistakes and don't get discouraged.
Not to be discouraged, the editors starting publishing their work in fascicles, or bundles.
Also, don't become discouraged if one site rejects your photos.
Now that you have some new lunch box ideas, there is no need to get discouraged when it comes time to making lunches.
Instead of becoming discouraged because you can't afford your own radio or television commercial, guerilla marketing helps you think of less expensive promotional solutions that are just as effective.
It might take you a few days or even a couple of weeks or more to land one that's perfect for you, so don't become discouraged.
Give yourself time and don't be discouraged if you don't get the results you want as quickly as you want -you will feel and look the way you want in time.
Quitting smoking is a difficult task, but you shouldn't be discouraged by setbacks.
So, don't get discouraged and do your best to sound sincere and totally dedicated to a sober living community.
Don't be discouraged when you don't find the price you can afford with the first few quotes you receive.
Some discouraged children may change to a different art medium.
Because of the risk of toxic reactions to minerals and some vitamins, children should be discouraged from taking vitamin supplements unless there is clear evidence of increased need.
If your search for the perfect plus size maternity overalls has left you discouraged, consider buying a pair of plus size overalls in a size or two larger than you would usually wear when you are not pregnant.
Don't be discouraged if you don't find true love as soon as you join.
Here are some easy way to style your Nikes so you don't get discouraged!
The quickest way for new crochet enthusiasts to become discouraged and abandon their project is to begin without being well-informed.
If this is your first foray into doll making, choose a simple rag doll design that works up quickly so that you won't become discouraged.
The Church of Rome has discouraged these daring tactics in favour of the more cautious and probably more defensible positions of Aquinas.
Timidity was fortified by pride, and even the success of my pen discouraged the trial of my voice.
The tendencies of the tribe to independence wen crushed as their ancient popular assemblies were discouraged and the liberty of the freemen was curtailed owing to the exigencies of military service, while the power of the church was rarely directed to the highest ends.
Although checked, the dervishes were not discouraged, and continued to press upon the frontier in frequent raids, and thus in many bloody skirmishes the fighting qualities of the Egyptian troops were developed.
The cultivation of verse, which was greatly discouraged in the eighties, returned.
The Marrow was discouraged as verging on Antinomianism (1720); and in 1722 its protesting admirers were rebuked by the Assembly.
When he entered the House of Commons, he found himself a member of a small and discouraged minority, who had been soundly beaten at the general election, mainly on the issues of tariff reform, Chinese labour in the Transvaal, and religious education.
The Afghans, inured to bloodshed from childhood, are familiar with death, and audacious in attack, but easily discouraged by failure; excessively turbulent and unsubmissive to law or discipline; apparently frank and affable in manner, especially when they hope to gain some object, but capable of the grossest brutality when that hope ceases.
Discouraged by the official authorities, and ever liable to banishment or deportation, they not only devoted themselves with courage to their special work of evangelization, but were also the first to study the vernacular dialects spoken by the common people.
Thus, though the system of consuls was regularly established in France by the ordinance of 1661, in 1760 France had consuls only in the Levant, Barbary, Italy, Spain and Portugal, while she discouraged the establishment of foreign consuls in her own ports as tending to infringe her own jurisdiction.
Had the Catholic reaction not fatally discouraged the pursuit of the natural sciences in Italy, had Leonardo even left behind him any one with zeal and knowledge enough to extract from the mass of his MSS.
He discouraged plurality of livings, and consequent non-residence, established a school of divinity at Salisbury, and spent much time himself in preparing candidates for confirmation, and in the examination of those who wished to enter the priesthood.
The negotiations having failed, he marched to relieve the beleaguered garrison of Adigrat; but Menelek, discouraged by the heavy losses at Adowa, broke up his camp and returned southwards Abyssinto Shoa.
Discouraged by his failure to effect this, he returned to his diocese of Cambrai at the beginning of 1408.
Even his friend Malesherbes thought he was too rash, and was, moreover, himself discouraged and wished to resign.
The mother discouraged the affair, and, though Voltaire tried to avail himself of the mania for proselytizing which then distinguished France, his father stopped any idea of a match by procuring a lelire de cachet, which, however, he did not use.
North of the river, the Hudson's Bay Company discouraged settlement, believing that the final determination of the boundary controversy would make that stream the dividing line.
At night, discouraged on each wing by the fall of Count Keller and the fate of the 35th and 36th, the whole Russian force retired on Anping, with a loss of 2400, to the Japanese r000 men.
The practice of capturing them in pitfalls is discouraged as cruel and wasteful.
Cotton, the cultivation of which was discouraged by the Spanish government as a means of increasing the cultivation of tobacco, is a very small crop, except in the provinces of Ilocos Norte, and Ilocos Sur on the west coast of north Luzon; in 1902 there were in these provinces about 5525 acres of cotton.
Ibrahim displayed great energy and tenacity, sharing all the hardships of his army, and never allowing himself to be discouraged by failure.
The liberal school of thought of which Mohler was a prominent exponent was discouraged in official circles, while Protestants, on the other hand, complain that the author failed to grasp thoroughly the significance of the Reformation as a great movement in the spiritual history of mankind, while needlessly dwelling on the doctrinal shortcomings, inconsistencies and contradictions of its leaders.
This check completely discouraged the Spaniards and assured success to the Turks.
The tournament again, which for two centuries had been under the ban of the Church, was often almost as definitely discouraged by Edward III.
But the deadly climate discouraged the first efforts of the British government, and, after the parliamentary committee of 1865 had recommended a policy which would render possible the ultimate withdrawal of British official influence from the coast, the consulate of Lokoja was abandoned.
A fearful drought in 1862-1864 greatly depressed it, and especially discouraged cattle ranching.
The servants were a little discouraged, but soon they brought in a great tray containing two dozen nicely roasted quail on toast.
Hermon Husband (c. 1724-1795) was the chief agitator of measures for relief, but, since, as a Quaker, he discouraged violence, the cause was left without a recognized leader.
The employment of " witch doctors " for " smelling out " criminals or abatagati (usually translated " wizards," but meaning evildoers of any kind, such as poisoners), once common in Zululand, as in neighbouring countries, was discouraged by Cetywayo, who established " kraals of refuge " for the reception of persons rescued by him from condemnation as abatagati.
Discouraged by this failure in the pulpit, Savonarola now devoted himself to teaching in the convent, but his zeal for the salvation of the apathetic townsfolk was soon to stir him to fresh efforts.
Their aim was to reduce the fierce Red men to a state of childlike docility to priests, and they discouraged all colonization in their neighbourhood.
With the approach of the crisis in the relations between Great Britain and the American colonies he adopted a conservative course, and, while recognizing the justice of many of the colonial complaints, discouraged, radical action and advocated a compromise.
For some years his practice was so limited, and he became so much discouraged, that he seriously thought of turning his back on the law and entering the church.
By his firm maintenance of the corporation system, each industry remained in the hands of certain privileged bourgeois; in this way, too, improvement was greatly discouraged; while to the lower classes opportunities of advancement were closed.
From Corpus Christi, Mendoza sent out various bodies to explore the interior in the direction of Peru, but without much success, and at length, thoroughly discouraged and broken in health, he abandoned his enterprise, and returned to Spain in 1537.
When quite young he expressed a wish to become a minister of the gospel, but his aspirations were discouraged by the local clergyman.
But after Yoritomos death the land became once more an armed camp, in which the rival barons discouraged travel beyond the limits of their own domains.
Meanwhile the Basques and Bretons, asserting that they were being ruined by de Monts' privileges, got his patent revoked, and Champlain returned with the discouraged colonists to Europe.
Discouraged by the ill-success of his ministry, he withdrew to Rome until 993, when, in obediance to the command of the pope, he returned to his own people.
She gasped, discouraged to find herself somewhere else entirely.
Bismarck, knowing that nothing would more impede the consolidation of the empire than an outbreak of local patriotism, always so jealous of its rights, generally used his influence to avoid constitutional disputes, and discouraged the discussion of questions which would require an authoritative interpretation of the constitution.
His caution to her about the sharks hadn't discouraged her, though, as he had intended.
I was sorely perplexed, and felt quite discouraged, and wasted much precious time, especially in Algebra.
After a time I became discouraged, and told her I was afraid she could not make it stand, but that I would build it for her; but she did not approve of this plan.