Disconcerting Sentence Examples
Nothing could well be more disconcerting than such a revelation as this.
His capricious humour elevated and deposed them with the same disconcerting suddenness.
She heard disconcerting sounds of heavy weapons fire in the distance, and the forest smelled as if it were burning.
The transition might be a little disconcerting at first.
When you're used to wearing a certain type of underwear, trying new ones can be a bit disconcerting.
Maybe this is what he needed, especially after the disconcerting talk with Eden the prior day.
It's a little disconcerting.
He was, indeed, increasingly displaying a tendency to think and act for himself which, though never over-stepping the bounds of the constitution, was somewhat disconcerting to all parties.
He stated that he wished his deputies to respond to the threat of lethal violence with "disconcerting alacrity."
Returning from a break to find someone else sitting at your desk can be extremely disconcerting.
AdvertisementWhat I find even more disconcerting is that South African architects appeared to have shown a disinterest in the Indaba.
While cramping during early pregnancy can be very disconcerting, it is most often not cause for alarm.
That’s why, when his mask cracks and he shares his feelings of sadness and depression with you, it can feel incredibly disconcerting.
Even more disconcerting, while Dean knew a small number of those present, he didn't spot a one of Fred's supportive cronies.
This startling victory of the Social Democracy, though to a certain extent discounted by the dissensions between the two wings of the party which were revealed at the congress at Dresden in the same year, was in the highest degree disconcerting to the government; but in the actual manipulation of the Reichstag it facilitated the work of the chancellor by enabling him to unite the other groups more readily against the common enemy.
AdvertisementIn Lotze's pure logic it is the Herbartian element that tends to be disconcerting.
People who suffer from dry skin year round may find winter an especially disconcerting time of year for their facial skin, leading people to increase their application of moisturizer.
Busy, over stimulating MySpace pages are disconcerting and unappealing.
Snarling at each like dogs on a soup bone is just as disconcerting as keeping secrets.
It is slightly disconcerting to be greeted by the sight of soldiers coming toward us carrying rifles.
AdvertisementThese are disconcerting discoveries " given the principles expounded in the reform " .
It must be a trifle disconcerting for the rest of the cast, but such unusual informality was great fun for everyone else.
Such disconcerting thoughts help to make vivid the question of what, if anything, is unique about human beings.
Pierre was still afraid that this officer might inadvertently say something disconcerting to himself.
It 's as if my brain 's whacked up the reverb and I 'm left with a disconcerting echo.
AdvertisementIf your personalities are calm and serious, people may find silly vows disconcerting and not fitting with who you are as a couple.
Even as an adult, she found fame disconcerting and has chosen to devote her time to environmental activism.
He found it both amusing and a bit disconcerting that both Sidwell women's initial reaction was to castrate him.
However disconcerting such a revelation as this would have been to the theologians of an elder day, the Bible scholars of our own generation are able to regard it with entire composure.
At Bucharest, whither he advanced after some weeks' delay, it became plain that he could not rely on the Vlach peasantry to rise on behalf of the Greeks; even the disconcerting expedient of his Vlach ally Theodore Vladimiresco, who called on the peasants to present a petition to the sultan against Phanariot misrule, failed to stir the people from their apathy.
Alphonso was now shaking himself loose from the deadening influence of the reactionary court, and was beginning to display a disconcerting interest in affairs, information about which he was apt to seek at first hand., The resignation of the see of Valencia by Archbishop Nozaleda was a symptom of the new spirit.
Over the last 80 years they have attracted a wealth of theories, some of them rather disconcerting!
It's quite disconcerting being able to see the carpet.
Since traditional panties cannot be worn with low rise jeans, most girls opt to wear thongs, which for most parents is disconcerting to say the least.
They rely on coffee and tea to pick them up and it can be disconcerting the first time you wake feeling fresh, energized.
This is an especially disconcerting concern when it comes to older machines.
The fact that many emo styles change regularly can be disconcerting to people who don't understand the type of style.
However, his response was totally disconcerting and inappropriate.
The whittling away of its formal or organizing rubrics, as e.g., sameness into likeness, is disconcerting to science wherever the significance of the process is realized.
On the 19th of February 1906 the parliament was dissolved, without writs being issued for a new election, a fact accepted by the country with an equanimity highly disconcerting The agreement with the crown which had made this course possible included the postponement of the military questions that had evoked the crisis, and the acceptance of the principle of Universal Suffrage by the Coalition leaders, who announced that their main tasks would be to repair the mischief wrought by the " unconstitutional " Fejervary cabinet, and then to introduce a measure of franchise reform so wide that it would be possible to ascertain the will of the whole people on the questions at issue between themselves and the crown.