Disclosure Sentence Examples
In 1863, owing to the disclosure of some of its secrets, the organization took the name of Order of American Knights, and in 1864 this became the Sons of Liberty.
Does the company practice full disclosure of materials?
Armed with this he returns through the successive hells, compelling the disclosure of every secret, depriving the rulers of their power, and barring the doors of the several regions.
There is a general presumption in favor of disclosure.
However, there are certain types of data that are exempt from disclosure.
This issue is administrative - not obfuscated info or lack of product or issue disclosure.
Each lender is different, but federal law requires full disclosure of this information.
It was the cardinal Louis de Rohan, formerly ambassador at Vienna, whence he had been recalled in 1774, having incurred the queen's displeasure by revealing to the empress Maria Theresa the frivolous actions of her daughter, a disclosure which brought a maternal reprimand, and for having spoken lightly of Maria Theresa in a letter of which Marie Antoinette learned the contents.
Enhanced disclosure requirements are also listed for occasions when the true and fair override is adopted.
Read the entire terms and conditions disclosure before applying.
AdvertisementYou must agree that all information you provide about yourself in your initial application is subject to full and public disclosure.
The descriptions may require a summary of the contents of the retained material to assist the prosecutor to make an informed decision on disclosure.
Top of page disclosure requirements Capital commitments are to be disclosed in the notes to the accounts.
British pharmaceutical companies - which vigorously resist disclosure of safety data in the UK - regularly use the American Freedom of Information Act.
The British Public Interest Disclosure Act was passed in 1998 to protect whistle-blowers from dismissal and victimization.
AdvertisementDisclosure is the name of the game; emotional equilibrium being reached when everybody 's contribution is reciprocated by all others.
The refusal notice does not require the disclosure of information which itself would be exempt.
Making retrospection compulsory will inevitably lead to long delays caused by processing a very large number of disclosure checks at once.
Among other things, this obliges them to have a written policy on the correct handling and safekeeping of Disclosure information.
Here disclosure of the " without prejudice " negotiations would include disclosure of the undecided contentious point of quantum of damage.
AdvertisementPeople cannot understand English, but reject Somalian interpreters for fear of disclosure.
Yet the department 's own policy would prevent this happening, allowing the secondee to veto disclosure, even to Parliament.
I consider, therefore, that the information provided by the external experts can be withheld from disclosure under Exemption 14 of the Code.
Not all prepaid travel Visa cards come with so many fees, so be sure to look carefully at the disclosure before making your prepaid card purchase.
The mediator will also request financial disclosure and documentation during these first few joint sessions.
AdvertisementPure-Rest practices full disclosure of all of its materials, suppliers, and the companies that certify its products.
Attention to this debilitating illness increased with former President Ronald Reagan's disclosure that he suffered from Alzheimer's disease.
Potential authors must submit a statement of disclosure with their work that details any conflicts of interest or profit they received as a part of their research, as well as a statement that their work is completely original.
Full disclosure to potential buyers is made prior to purchase.
Ruggiero, Kenneth J., et al. "Is Disclosure of Childhood Rape Associated with Mental Health Outcome?
The next stage is "identity assumption," in which the person accepts their homosexuality but usually limits disclosure to others.
The final stage is "identity consolidation," also known as "coming out," in which disclosure may be expanded and the homosexual identity may be incorporated into social activities.
However, disclosure to family members may lead to pressure to change through psychological or religious "conversion" therapies, which the ASHA regards as ineffective.
Research shows inconsistencies regarding disclosure.
Soon after disclosure, parents often experience fear and guilt and may deny their child is gay or bisexual.
Some state laws require full disclosure in good faith of information pertaining to the child's health.
Full disclosure by the adoption agency facilitates the child's receiving appropriate intervention and treatment as needed.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) calls for the full or partial disclosure of many previously unreleased documents that are under the control of the United States government.
When downloading these applications, keep in mind your state's specific requirements regarding employment and full disclosure.
This form gives information on the private foundation and is subject to public disclosure.
Finally, his relations with Guenevere are revealed to Arthur by the sons of King Lot, Gawain, however, taking no part in the disclosure.
Full disclosure, I think he was aiming for the … thing beside me.
Too many higher up the food chain of People Power seem reticent about making full disclosure.
He had then signed a certificate of disclosure that falsely asserted that all bank accounts had been declared.
Think disclosure and mutual back-scratching, and youâre half-way there.
Recently an investment merchant bank agreed to a substantial out of court settlement, following the disclosure that it was infringing copyright.
This document is then cross-checked with the data on the Police National Computer and a Disclosure Certificate issued.
The white paper promises to sweep away many of the legal restrictions which currently prohibit disclosure.
The Act's protection is automatically invoked when a qualifying disclosure is made in the way the Act describes.
Historically, the court has authorized disclosure beyond these restrictions and/or imposed additional restrictions in the exercise of its inherent jurisdiction.
They should be disclosed to complainants, subject only to the " substantial harm " test for withholding disclosure.
He cannot prevent the disclosure of information or award compensation for any breach of the Act.
Section 2 made the unauthorized disclosure of any information on any subject an offense.
The protected disclosure concerned alleged irregularities for a number of specific expense claims.
All nannies must be cleared by the criminal records bureau with an enhanced disclosure.
Might this be the catalyst for a full and frank disclosure of the paper's attitude to " editorial "?
Iowa and wisconsin a unique opportunity and customary hospital of inadvertent disclosure.
Richard W. Gibson pleaded guilty this week to wrongful disclosure of individually identifiable health information for economic gain.
Supreme Court Act 1981 and County Court Acts 1984 governed pre-action disclosure in respect of personal injury and wrongful death.
The Act also provides a power to extend the avoidance disclosure rules that currently apply to tax to NICs.
Where a provision confers absolute exemption, the public interest in disclosure need not be considered.
The disclosure requirement, therefore, appears inconsistent with the ASB's decision not to include the recycling provisions of IAS 21.
No such disclosure on a firm's notepaper is required due to the requirement to issue terms of business letters.
The main reason for this is that any disclosure of the invention may destroy novelty and hence render the invention non-patentable.
The result of the investigations, during which nearly five hundred witnesses were examined, was the disclosure of a system which in treachery and atrocity was little inferior to the old African slave trade.
Detailed disclosure about each diamond's features, including grades and certification.
Every gem is independently graded to ensure full disclosure of the diamond properties, however, and that grading report is supplied with the finished stone.
If you plan to request information from a government agency, it's important to be aware of what is subject to disclosure under the law and what is exempt from disclosure requirement.
Information determined to meet one of these exemptions is not subject to the disclosure requirements of the law.
Internal HR Policies/Practices - Information that pertains exclusively to a federal agency's internal personnel policies and procedures is exempt from the disclosure requirements of the Freedom of Information Act.
Legal Compliance - Information that is protected from disclosure under any other federal law is not subject to FOIA disclosure requirements.
Confidential commercial and financial information is also exempt from FOIA disclosure provisions, as well as any such data that are considered to represent privileged information.
The only hope for the couple is less control on Scorpio's part and more disclosure on the part of Aquarius.
While you might talk to an actual person, you may not realize that the psychic's advice or disclosure of your future is actually just a result of that person's ability to ask specific questions and listen closely to what you already know.
Be sure to get their full disclosure kit in writing before doing anything else.
Always request a full disclosure kit and read every word of it before committing to a franchise.
This civil code states that the rental agencies must provide a full disclosure to the renter of the specifications of the insurance, including any limitations or exceptions to the policy.
We should preclude the detailed disclosure in the notes, although the amounts involved should be included in any aggregate totals provided.
The disclosure, soon afterwards, of a conspiracy to resort to dynamite still further alienated the sympathies of the Liberal party from the Irish nation.
Both men felt the old man had probably killed him, but Westlake's brief disclosure was insufficient to pursue the matter and as both men were dead, there was little incentive to do so.